The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, December 04, 1886, Image 1

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    The Oregon Scout.
NO, 23.
An independent weekly Journal, ovory
Saturday by
Publishers and 1'roprtotors.
A. K. .Tonic, I
Kdllor. f
t tt. Oil Ncr.r,
I foreman.
One copy, nno yrr $1 Ml
" f-lx months 1 on
" Tlireo months 'o
Invariably each In advance,,
if hy nny clinnee subscriptions aro not paid
till end t c:ir. two dollars w III be churned .
It 'lea of advertising nnulo known on nppll
rtt.lon. Correspondence from all parts of llic county
Address wll communication to A. K.Jones,
IMItor Oiojiont-cout, Union, Or.
I.oilsc Ilireetory.
Giuxn Iln.Mir. Vai.i kv I.oixu:. No. Wt. A. V.
ntid A. Jl. Meet1 on tho second and fourth
Fiitirdnys ot each niontli.
A. I.i:VV, Seerotnry.
I'miim l.oixiK, No. .TO. I. O. O V. Keirnlar
mi'ct.nirs on I rldHy evening-' of encli week at
llieir hull In rmou. All hietlueli In nood
Maiidinjr Invited to iitiend. Ilv order of
tin. Indue (J. a. THOMPSON, N. .
( HAS. 8 .MlI.I.Rlt. Secy.
Church Ulreetor).
M. 15. Huntm Dlrino tervleo every Sunday
nt II h. in nuilT i. in. Sunday kcIiooI at II p.
in. Pi nj er ineetliiir every Tniir-dny evening
ut( :!0. HKV. U. M. 1KW1.N, Puator.
1'nisnviEitiAN Cmrncii Itecular church
service every Sabbath mornlmr and evening.
1'in.ver ineoMiu; week on Wednesday
evening, t'abliatti n-liod evi ry S'nhlmth at
10 a. in. Nov. II. VmtNON Kick, Pastor.
St. John's Kpiscoi'ai. Ciiuitcn Service
every Sunday nt II o'clock n. in.
Kkv. W. it. Pohkm., Rector.
Count' Ollleeri"..
-ludcr O. P. roodall
Hiii-riff A. N. Hamilton
Clerk . . N,.
'Ireapurer c. Ilraiiuird
Fetiool Superintendent J. I.. Hiiidnian
Surveyor M. Aus;ln
Coroner S.Aluorson
Tonn Chrisman J. A. (tumble
State Eeimtor I,. II. ltlneliurt
i D. McCully K. K. Taylor
City Ofllcei'H.
Mayor T). n. noes
? A-,I!!!rso1 w- IteUlotnan
J.S. hlllott J. IJ. Tliomnuon
Jno. hennedy A. I.evv
Recorder M. V. Davis
Mnrsluu K. H. ates
Treasurer j, 1). Carroll
fitreot Commissioner I,. Caton
a'jtti:."m:y at law.
Collootlns' nnd probate prnetlco specialties
(JlJico, two doois south of Postoflico, Ur.ion.
Aliorncy at Law and Notary -Public.
Office, nno door south of J. P.. Eaton's storo
Union, Oickoii.
I. N. cuomwell. M. D.,
Physician and Surgeon
Ofllce. ono door south ot J. II. Raton's storo.
I'nioii, Oregon.
A. E. SCOT!'. M. D
11ns permanently located nt North Powdor,
"'..ti.iiu n nt u its , or mi cans.
M. liAKKK.
.. V. llAKCK
Attorneys and Counsellors at Law,
LaOhanuh, - - Oitr.ooN.
D. 15. HEES,
Notary Public
OFKICE-Stato Land Onico building
Union, Union County, Ore on.
Attorney tit I.iivr. Etoul B.'sialo
anil Collecting AkciiI.
Land Oflico liiisincss a Specialty.
Ofllco at Aldor, Union Co., Orefon.
JUK iuiidestv,
A'l'TOit.KYN AT I, AW.
iiMw,i!iiiPrartl''e i" r,,i""' 1!,lk(,r. (int,
umatiihv and Morrow Counties, also in tho
tT" (.'l1,rt of Oroson, the District.
atatcH. Bu'1KMle fourtH of the United
clal'ty"' C)mt,rutio Imoliitos u spe
OIUcm in tfuion and Cornucopia, Oregon.
It-iotwhit lin-iullr t Hfd t nittrrs, the uklnrof
ntfh. tn muy imttucf nonly a pre text for Orafc.
int. Iiul it frre lcolioiic lunuunu.and I. aiem. t rriutti loin :nfm a. to in iduii it
III not Ull Id curlnB HICK 1 1 1-:a Dac
J auy illteiue arl.lo. tlim a dLordertd itmick
Spriiiii Blossom
Ha vbig lcned the shingle mill belonging
to L. II. Riuclmrt. we me prepared to lur
nish a superior quality and mul.o ot shin
gles ut thu following rnto.s:
Delivered tit Union,
At tho Mills,
$3.25 PorM
$3.00 PorM
We respectfully solicit u slinre ot the
patronage. KOUI.NN .t KU llr.u I .
A. L. COBB, M. D.,
Having permanently lorntel in Alder,
Ciiioti eiiunty, Ori-sou, will be found ready
1 nttend t calls ri all the varum towns
ami settlements of the Wallowa valley.
Chronic ElixcitscN si Specially.
SWJ-.My motto is: "Live and lot live."
A. C. CRAIG, - - Proprietor.
(Union Depot, Oregon.)
Splendid accommodations for connner
rial men. Tables always supplied with the
best the market afford.
Cor, ain nnd I Sts., Union, Oregon.
sin:it.ii.vN a ni,i:v, i-rop.
Manufacturers nnd dealers in Soda
Water, Sarsnparilln, Oinuer Ale, Cream
hoilu anil Champaijiiii Lnler, byrups, etc
Orders promiitly hllutl.
G. ff.
M. D.
Union, Union County, Orogon.
Oflicoon A Htreet. liesidence tlireo doors
south of tho Court House.
Special nttention given to Surgical prnc
Mnin Street, Union, Oregon.
Plnns nnd Specifications for Dwellings,
Hams and Uridgcs lurnished l-'HUH Ol
CHAItGU. Bridge Building a Specialty
All kinds ot Cabinet Work neatly execu
ted. Kcpniring done on tdiort notice.
None but tho best workmen employed,
nnd satisraclion guaranteed.
Call and interview me.
Of well known varieties, suitable for th's
climate, tun iiho lunilsli foreign worts at
one-tliinl I Me price. asKeil liy eastern can
vnsscrs. I desire to sell trees at price
that peoplo can afford to bnv.
Cove, Oiegnn.
ul Van loncsssa
132-134 Tliiri W, Portland, Orrgoa
TS a regular gradunto in medicine; litis
-- been longer engaged in the special treat
ment of all Venereal, Sexual nnd Chronic
DiseiiBPH than any other physician in the
West, ns city papers uhow, and old resi
dents know; ; 1,0(10 reward for any case
which lie fails to euro, coming under his
trentnient. by following his directions.
DU. VAN is the most successful Catarrh,
Lung and Throat Doctor in America. He
will lull you your trouble without asking
von n Hinalo uestinu, and WARRANTS
PERM A N E N'T ( ' U 1 ! V. in th follow ingcas. s:
.NERVOUS DEIULITY, Sperinntorrlm'H,
Poininal Losses, Sexual Decay, Failing
Memory Weak Eyes, Stunted Develop
ment, " Lack of Energy, Impoverished
lllood, Pimples, Impediment to Man iage;
also lllood and Skin Diseases, Syphilis,
Eruptions, Hair Falling, Hone Pains, Swell
ings, Sore Throat, Ulceis, Effects of Mer
eur.v, Kidney and Illadder Troubles, Weak
Hack, Hunting Urine, Incontinence, G'onnr
hum, (ileet, Stricture, receives senrcliiug
treatment, prompt relief anil cure for li'e
NERVOUS Diseases (with or without
dreams), Diseased discharges cured prompt
ly without hindrance to business.
UOTH SEXES consult confidentially. It
in troublo call or write. Delays are dang
erous. Disenrcs of the Eye or Ear. Ulceration or
Catarrh, internal or external, Duafuess or
Paralysis, hinging or Roaring Noises,
Thickened Drum, etc., permanently cured.
LOST MANHOOD perfect I v restored.
removed without (he knife or caustic.
Medicine compounded and turn slied to
nil patients at ollice btrictly imreand vege
table. (lU.irautee of I'KitMA.NK.NT cures in
nil cases undertaken. Consultation free
ami htrictly coulidonliiil. All coi lespon
deuce promptly attended to; medicine sent
by express to any address free frnta expos
ure. Call or addross Private Dispensary,
No. lHL'-KM Third St.. Portland, Oreron.
Term strictly cli. Otlicu hours 8 a in,
to 6 p. m.
W. CAPPS, CV!. D..
SarECOii and HoiECopattiic Pliysiciau,
Will go to nnv part ot Eastern Oregon
w hen solicited, to pcitorm operations, ol
lor consultation.
.tletllctlien I'lli nlslied M Itlioilt lvtra
Ollice adjoining Jones llros.' Store.
Gko. WnionT,
W. T. WitintiT.
Docs a Gencrnl Ranking nusiness. Ruts
rihi sells exchange, and discounts com
luercial paper.
Collections carefully attended to, and
promptly reported.
c .tj
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CD hj
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"T7' can wive From $.10 to f I X) on iho
A Kt la. pirenute ot an Instrument by
nuyiuir iiiiouiii
W.T. WltlRUT, Agent Union, Oga
Laundry Queen.
The Best Washing Machine
in the World.
S. M. WAIT, Proprietor.
Ynlt Uros., Agents tor Union County.
This machine is without doubt the best
In existence, and gives entile satisfaction
wherever tried 'Puis machine is in atock
at. I. II. EATON'S STORE, where they can
lie Dongliv at any tune. Try the l.uuiuliy
k 6 fe k fe
Tonsorial Rooms
Two doors south of Jones Uros.' store,
Union, Oregon.
J. M. Johnson,
Hair cutting, ntinvlnc Mnd nhaniiiooln?
done neatly and in the best style.
Main Street, Union, Oregon.
Keep constantly on hand
Union, Orcjon.
Dam. Ciiandleii,
HriTing recently jmrchaseil this hotej
nnd refitted it throughout, I am prepared
to accommodate the hungry public in Hint.
china stylo. Cull and see mo. LaiiokSak
pu Rooits fur the uccomujoduli&u oi
oiuuiert'lul truvttcra.
Organs STSfl
I'liexrelteil ' "jjgy
Tho Pii'turos of Knlittiil.
Gold" in Smith in'n Magazine.
1 lo not know wlietlier rural Ens;
land grows niori' beautiful or wheth-r
it in that one is nioiv Mtriu'k with its
beauty every time one vet urns to it
from a newly settled land of promise,
with its raw look of recent rlearauce,
with its denuded fields, its atutnps, its
btiake fenees instead of hed;e rows
with ttees, its uiipii'tttresipio thottch
thrifty lookinu hometeatis, its hon
xon (ringed with the uautit trunks or
pines blackened hy the fotet tire, its
landscape which hy the absence of fin
ish shows thi no labor hits as yet
been spared foi any thing hut the ab
solutely useful. S'urely this English
union of the highest cultivation and
the produced hy the outlay
of vast wealth on a small area, witn
the sylvan character maintained by
the int crspersion ot parks and pleasure
grounds, thu reservation of which tho
same weadh litis permit t d, as well aa
by the hedue-iow trees; this conjunc
tion of all tho similar e idences of
present jirosperity with the gray
churdi towers and immemorial oaks
of the past; nnd the richness of this
landscape, presents a charming view
from almost any rising ground, having
nothing equal to them in their kind.
There must he many lands more ro
mantic, there can hardly he one so
lovely. In America the dwellings of
the people looks like structuies, and
are indicative only of piesent prosper
ity; here they look like growths, and
aro suggestive of a history, in Ameri
ca you see from the windows of t ho
railway carriaees at nearly equal dis
tances the nearly equal homesteads
of the agricultural democracy; for,
there bein no such thing as a country
gentleman, and little use of hired la
bor, there are no mansions and few
cottages. Here we have have the va
riety of hall, farm and cottage, which
is unquestionably more interesting,
though perhaps not economically so
wholesome. Yet one can not help
thinking that alifeoutwardly so beau
tiful must inwardly he pretty healthy,
if tho dillerent niembeis of the tural
community do their duty. There aro
(lowers thesymbols of cheerfulness, on
tho walls and in the garden of tho cot
tages as well as on tho walls and in the
gardenof thehall. Over this landscape
and life redical agrarian reformers pro
pose to drive the plow. If they are to
Have their way, one is glad to have
had one more look. If England in
general looks more lovely every time
one sees it. less lovely, it must bo con-1
fessed, every time one sees it, looks
manu. act tiring England, with its fir
mament of smoke, it's soil devoid of
verdure, its polluted streams, its build
ings anil chimneys .supreme m hideous
ness, its dreary lines of dingy cottages,
its soot and grime, its distractingdin,
its myriads spending their lives in the
monotonous toil in which they have
no more interest than tho other part
of the machinery, its employment of
women in factory labor, which must
lie hurtful both to home and to the
health of the race, make what factory
nUa you will.
Tho Russian Guards.
Tho Novoe Vremya publishes tho
following account of the war sorvicoof
the Russian Guards: "Created in 1001,
they received their baptism oi fire in
1 OO.j-0 during the two Azof cainnaigns ,
after which canietho following exploitH
in their order oi date: Narva, 1700;
capture of the fortress of Nienschanz,
lTO.'l; battle of Pultowfi, 1700; siege
ofViborg, 1710; battle of the J'ruth,
1711; siege of Stettin. 17 1L': of E ?en.
stadt, H'ango, 171.'); enptureof Ottilia-1
l.ff i 'mm....: li t '
nun, mi, uujH in u ui i iiuuiio ami iiat
tlo of Stawugans, with tho Swedes, '
17U0. After this a long interval claus
ed before thoguards reappeared in tho
field at Austerlit in 105. They were
present afterwards at Friedlatid in
1 HO i , Ilorodmo in 1812. llaiitzen.Culin
andLeipsioin lKKJ.and La FeieUiam-
penoisu and Paris in 1811. In 1 H2H
they fought in Turkev before Varna
and in the action of Hadji Hassan Ln
loin. In IS.'ll, during tho Polish war, 1
they took part in tho combats at S.i
manowo, Przetvn. Hudki. Ostrolenka.
and in tho assault on Warsaw. In
18(111 they served during thu Polish in
surrection, and their last activo ser
vice was during tho Ttirkbh war ol
1 877.8." i
When thu Uiirlh Will Stop Kb-
A problem which is attracting to its
study astronomers relates; to the earth
as a timekeeper. Wo measure time
by dividing either tho period during
which tho earth revolves around the
hum, or that in which it turns on its
axis, uy mo nrst inotnod wo meas
ure a year; by tho second a day. The
earth, accorduigtoson.oast-o.iomers,
is losing turn. 1 hrough
Aim H il 1 1 1'Mftf inn find tin. fi.i.ti.,i
sun's attraction and the friction, so
to sneak, of the tides, the earth
each year revolves more slowly on its
axis. '1 ho speculative question which
. 1 mi
inese astronomers are discussing is
whether in the end thu earth w ill stou
its revolution on its axis and will pro-
sent always the same face to tho sun.
When that event occurs there will be
perpetual day in one part of theeartli
ami perpetual night in another. Hut
there is no occasion for immediate
cause ol alarm. The rate at which
tho earth is supposed toloso timooiily
shortens tho year by half a second in
a century. There aro mor than ill,
000,000 seconds in a year. There
fore, if the earth over does ceaao to re
volve on its axis it tvill bu more than
six thousand million yeais before it
will fatop. Cooper's Journal.
New m 1. Sun.
It has often been said that some
where in thu world every person has
his double. Tho assertion is too
broad for acceptance, but it is certain
that there are doubles, and that tho
close similarity between peoplo has
led to many grave complications. It
is not yet ten years ago that a man
nanieii ii Irani weston, living in a
small town in Ontario, was hired by a
tinsmith to drive a peddler's wagon.
ne nuuie two trips ami started on a
third, but after he had gone two
days tho outfit was returned
by a fanner, who said that it
had been left in his barn
yard at night. As Weston was miss
ing, search was at once begun, and it
was finally shown that, ho had been
seen in company with two strangers
at a railway station, where all had
taken the train for bulfalo. As the
tinsmith had lest nothing ho did not
care to follow the case up. It was
pretty generally known that Weston
and his wife did not live agreeably,
and although she insisted that lie had
met with foul play, and wanted tho
search continued, it was soon drop
ped on the idea that he had run away
liom her. lie was little missed by
mo community, and wlicn the case
was called uu it was universally con
ceded that he would turn up safe when
he got ready.
One day, live months alter his dis
appearance, Weston returned. Ho
was first seen at the depot by threeor
tour citizens who had known him for
ten years. One of these, a Mr. Will
iams, saluted him with:
1 "Well, Hi, yuu aren't dead?"
"Oh, no."
"Come back to stay?"
"I guess so."
"Which wav have you been?"
"Out West.""
"I was talking with your wife yes
terday, and she said you had never
written a lino to her."
Weston grinned and scratched his
head, but made no reply. A Mr. Do
Manu then said:
"We spout four weeks looking for a
case of murder. Next time you're go
ing to step out you'd better let some
of us know it."
"Yes, I will," answered Weston, as
he staited up tho streut. It was aft
erwards remembered that ho acted
like a strange man in a strange place.
He inquired of a boy about hotels,
and the lad directed him to one, ami
"I saw your boy Fred, yesterday,
and he has got an awful boil on his
The landlord of the hotel saluted
him as Hi Weston, as did some of tho
guests, and the. fact of his engaging
board was not considered strange,
though his wiio lived only a milu
away. Perhaps he did not intend to
go back to her at all, or perhaps ho
wanted to get certain promises bo-
fore ho did go back. lie entered the
town at 10 o'clock, in tho forenoon,
i and it was S in the evening when his
son Fred., a boy of ten.antl his daugh
ter. Edith, a girl of seven, called at the
hotel ami urged him to conio home.
They kissed him, called him father,
and he seemed glad to see them. In tho
prosencoof tho landlord ho asked soma
I questions about tho:r mother which
seemed very strange at the time, but
wero at, once forgotten. 1 hi asked her
age how many children she had, how
long tho father had been gone, and
what vocation lie followed when at
home. He did not ask these questions
direct, Out yet in such a manner that
satisfactory answers were returned,
and in such a way astocausothelaud
lord to remark:
"Why, Hi, ono would think you
had forgotten your family and had
lost yourself."
j es," ho replied, as ho rose up to
ivitll thu child ri'li "ImK I've lieiui
go with the children, "but I've been
ijono quite a spell, you know.
Mrs. Weston was neither a smart
nor an educated woman, and had t'io
reputation of having a bitter tongue.
Several peoplo followed Hiram homo
to seo the fun, but then; was none.
Tho wifo mot and kissed him at the
door and had no reproaches. After
two or three days ho went to work
digging a well for a citizen, and for tho
next six months ho labored vory
Hteadily so much so that it was gen
erally remarked that Hiram Weston
had changed his tune. He seemed to
livo very happily with his family, and
his wife h father, mother and brothors
wero often at the house to speak in
his praise. At tho end of about six
m,. jlimm Wt,sto1 Htlirtt.(l oil one
.jny with his dinner pail, having been
. .
mouths a very serious thin occur
hired to repair a fence lor a suburban
(.......... a. in nni. ii,.,t
j,, Westorj ft,HO nimo j,, on t),C
tniil. ijinii0. and tho first thine
train from litillalo, and the first thing
wiieu he got oil tho cars lie asked after
his family.
"Why, I saw you lomo last even
ing," replied the citizen who had been
"Hut I have not been nearer home
than this for over eleven mouths!"
Ho was laughed at. He went straight
to his house, and, as ho entered it, his
wife asked:
"What's tho matter; and whero is
your dinner pail?"
Now. scol! if you will; but it Is n
matter of record and also of nowspa
per publication, that there were two
llirani Westona.
That is, thero wore I
two men so exactly alike in build,
height and general appearance, that
even wife and children were deceived.
For a time Mrs. Weston believed th
newcomer to be tho other Hiram
returning from his work, but hn
told her a story which opened her
eyes. He had gone olY with a couple
of sharpers, and, in return for some
"work" done in litillalo. ho had beL
sent to State prison for a year. Htr
was in prison when the other Wcstois
came to town, and had indeed beeir
discharged only the day previous to
his own arrival. It may bu staled
here that all his allegations were fouml
to be true. He was identified by ilvt
prison ollicials, and there was his; de
scription on the books. 'Ihedetectrvit
who arrested him and the judge whe
sentenced him further identilied hitix
Who, then, was the other Hiram
Weston? Although he left the hottmr
with his dinner pail to go to work lie
did not show up at the place, and Uus.
not since been heard from. lwr
people came to see and talk with tlie.
true Weston many peculiarities were
remembered, lie used more oath,
than the other; he had a habit of.
spitting as he talked; his voice vrtn
somewhat grulTcr; ho never stood for
two minutes without hitching tip fcu
trousers, sailor lashion, he acknowl
edged some sniail debts, which the
other totally repudiated. Tho chil
dren had no explanation to olTer, a
the true father had never exhibited)
any allcctiou for them. Tho strancer
had been mote kind, and no siw
picion of his identity had I.ct.-n
born. Tho wife was covered will
confusion, but she olTcrcd in explana
tion the fact that Weston had Ieew
absent live mouths. She had notteeti
many changes, but all for the better
Thu stranger was not a talkative man,,
while her husband was, but yho cot.
over this by thinking he had mot nitb
trouble while away. She used r.ome
tinies to be startled for a moment a.v
she looked at him, or as ho propound
ed some question which would hnvw
been asked by a stranger, but nw lor
denying that ho was her husband, bW
had never thought of it Ono day alt
er her father's family had been to thts
house, her mother said:
"Lucy, there is something quetr
about Hi. He's either got wiint,
troublo on his mind or else he's goirc;
insane. Didn't you hear him ask
when our barn burned, as if both oT
you were not sleeping in our hortra
that night and ho did not discover tlw
blae first?"
Who was the second Hiran Westonv
or the man who assumed the name?
The real ono was afoundlingfromNcw
York city. It was not improbable
that ho had a twin brother, and tlmi
the stranger was the one. It waa pos
sible, too, that tho strangor was nob
related to him, though his double.
Why he went away as ho did as a.
further mystery, for ho could no-t
liavo foreseen that anything wa
to happen. Hut for the evidence ir
black find white peoplo would har
believed him a ghost. The writer ha
no furl her theories to oiler. Ho hn
known Hiram Weston and family rrer
since the strange happenings, ami vis
ited them at I ho denot in ht. Thomas.
less than a month ago. The particu
lars herein given, strange as they ia--read,
were gathered from their owm
lips, and who can imagine they vioul3
invent such a story? I have sinipJr
suppressed the right name, as Western
is now a resident of another locality,
and in a placo to make gossip an un
pleasant thint,'.
Ccrcbro-Spinal MciiingitfK-
One of tho few facts wo know ii1hu&
tho causes of epidemic cerebra-spinaB
meningitis is that its ravages are most
ly confined to the colder portions ol
the year. Thus, of 8.1 epidemics- ob
served in Europe and tho- Lmtii
States, :i:i, prevailed in win-ter, il'Sias
winter and spring, 1 1 in spring. 1 iv
spring and summer, il in sumnKr, 5.
in summer and autumn, 1 in nutumrv
1 in autumn and winter, ( in autunnv
winter and spring, and 0 throuboert.
the year. These statistics show tba
iullucuco of cold in tho production' ot
this disease better than auy amount
of reasoning could do. It is prohald
that tho modification in tho ha Lit cS
living brought about by tho season
have something to do with its caus
ation. What relation tho peculiar
microbes, found in the diseased struc
ture after death, have to the hsa.isat
is unknown. Most authorities ousan
itary matters believe that un healthful
conditions of houses have more to tJoa
with outbreakes of corebro-iiruiB
meningitis than anything else lion
over this may be, reason tells ns that
in tho presence of such an epidemic all
sanitarv nrccautions should hf re
doubled, for there is no allection k no art
that Is more deadly m its itnmmi
atc ellects or more certain to mxi&
or destroy tho mind and body of Ulaa
who survives its fust violence.
The Carolinas tako the lead in tlia
number of well-to-do negroes. Nisctk
Carolina has twenty who uxu worlW
from $10,000 to $80,000- each, hm
South Carolina tho negroes own ff-OV-000,000
worth of property. Jt
Charleston fourteen men rvprMt
$200,000. Thomas II. Smalls uw&rtlt
$18,()00,and Charles C. Leal iota-uuirlU
$12,000. Tho family of Noiacttmt
truck farmers, aro worth StfiO.GOO.
In tho city savings banks thu ncgrowi
have $12-l,0a().:m on depmit. Oaa
man has oyer $5,000, Ifo rcrcntlir
bought a tio,ooo plantation
a ipiu.uuu plantation an
paid $7,000 in cash