TIib flreifl Scout. vkion. ni:nov svr. now 27, isfl. 1 o ai i-.i.tisi:us. Ihv HCCirr n Jliu-h t.-ir,irr Clrrn lull 11 thiiti itnv or In lltl Sm-tli.n a.f the Mute, mil Ik, t1iPiToii the ItKM a i i;m isiNi ,mkiiii;m. Thl n Trim .M.-Meiiietit. nn I n-n tlmll 11. 1 nil xt li t I iucNimnil lijr an, ilher in, cr. Ailverllsri h mIii ilo well ti nun,.- n in Ie nftlilK. NOTH'U. Our patrons will take notice that all Irpil ndtertisemcnts, such a' Notices of Final J' oof, Application fur I, mil, Kt enters' Notice", etc.. must lie m:d for when tie nflhlavit of publication h made. No denti tion will bo tnnde fr in this rule. Local and General. I'EcnjAK Hpeine.-h Mr.nions. Tin flouiinx mill of this i t y , tve are in formed, charge ?4 t bat ri 1 fur flour n( tin- mill, but )H r . 1 i -! 1 ir to the local jnen bants here for ? ! 7 ft and to the merchants of link, r Citv for K.0 per bainl. Whv tins di-'i tetioit i nude we do not know. 'ut ',vc do know r hat ji in n Kri'at duiiiniont to th- interests of 1 1 ( it town. The pi oj h- of lliixh rsll.v litiv their flour at the Cove, wh.le lln; Park. 15. crei k unci Powder liv. r I't-opK' bud it to iln ir in'i rest to po Mi r.ak. r City, a thev r.an buy th' Union llutir hi-i fifty renin per liarnl cln ii tr tlian flu -y cm at tlie mill wl i re it is manufactured. I I beinj: the ck e, tin- mill li n- in-dead of In itu n .idvanl . to In- 'own. is an incti I'ti' im-utcr tlian many Wi til 1 imagine. Mr 1'. H. Mil 'n,ol H i reek, cane into town tins week lor the pun os of buv in;., a load of flour and supplies, bnt f'lidiu the ab.io mention, d state of v. lot i is exit-tin.: hi- Vi ty jn.-:ly became rii 'ii-ted and pulled out for linker C y to buy lb tir nianufnetiiri d in Union, and p.itioni.e 'In- merchant b to. 'I In; owiir'u of the Union mdl . if they hate any inciest in 'he Weliaii of tin" citizens and lutein en men here. Will adjust these iii'-qiiiilitieh hcro..ftci and noti'oir r a premium lor people, to liKtionins rival towns. A Sampi.u. During the past week the following num. d pit-ions, have tent or eame into our olll -e and mb fcrihed for the. Scout. It is but a faniple of the w r it has been eVci-v Wetk for thu hint eighteen month-. It will be co next Week, and the n w ml inlini'tiin. Of course all this is of lio consequent'.! to th gen r.,1 ) ublic, but Wo mention it to shoW b W the Fcout i- beiiij; 'loieud on pet pi-.- wiio don t want it:" V, M.oiin, 0oe: Mis N. 0. .laeptr, f llmnierville . L U. Htintiir, Frcnio, Cul.forniu; Mi. A. Mitelielt. H.tkor (1it v ; Juk. S. Hruv 1on, Kljilnj S M. Jlurbaok Kll. nV bntj:, V. T. , Dr. I'm I. n. Union . .hlV rrFon l).4vih, Union; W. K. Uelni. K w Bridge; Kuneiie Chndlei Ni w Rridjio; Jamih Oatlon, Miltnit, tin ton, H. Hatt'R, Union; A. K iTer, Hili.i mervillui Km.i.KH IK A Uott .Adrian Sini'la tinner, Whs Worked in thle city awliil. during tile rtimmer, K"1 into a lit;b! 1 bi5t .SUinljy eVeliniK, in Uaker (Jity. Villi a man by the name of M.u Mt iliinji and wax kj i-evt-rely beat'-n that, ho dii-d a few hour .Jti-i w.inl FU'iniim w. arretted anil l.ieed in the county jail. 'I he coroner'.-) jury foun l that the di Ceared w.ts a littlve of Kentu ky, n i I abtm; Hi! Veai, and that, his death Wan miperindilccd by bloWu and beating on the faeo and n h0 at the handi of T.lart Fleming r5mitli w.ie under the influence ol liquor at the lime. RlJWAKD.S I Olt Muitl'KHBIM. Oov- nrnor Moody h.i i.-in d a pioi l.uua- tion, ofi' i inn 'l reward of ft()i) each itibjeet lo the Hppn-v.il of the 1'e.bli- tilru, for thr convicJioii of the itiurdir- rrh, nor. yet. up) leheil led, of 1). 1. Corker, in Valnhill county, llodciiek Grant, of WiiM'o county, and Thonno Ki i'0..1y, murdered In Portland. In tiw. 1:..itt ..i -ij.i. nf i.. . Illil- l M'lUIV t ,1-IILC III Vll-llll lllie in a very appropriate thinir to do, und will meet wi h the approval of th Inaji tity of the j lift ioedovi ii,4 jicoj L- ol the Statu. I'bAci:;: MtMNO Co.Tho Itevcill Paj't" that the Uaker Oit l'l.icer hllw Ug company hlie been duly incorpor tel tindir the law of Orcnoit, and Weather peilnittiil.', will soon lie ntak Inn extcneive iniprovunientx on theii CroulldH. The nun at Win I; on the Iniit- have been taking fitnn $2 ;u !j-ft (ach jier day fiom the uravii w'lth an tld-l'afhionei luekor. While from Ihe bedh ck ifl.ftO per pan baa been fre- qiieiiiiv uii.t ii I)hat!i 0K3xritEfitnhsY Aittiitnt.' At ft oeluij, 'IhuiMlay tilnrtiini the JSth illHt., e.v.i'reeident Arthur died Iioln the ell'.cte of Uriel's di.eae, Jiavin mi (Ic red with that tll.iladay for biany months', The remain Were in h md in the Ktlral cent itoi)' . ut Al liany, N. Y., tut the i!2d. I v K i ttfn. In tlii-i eilv, AVedneedav. Nov. 2'tli. 180, bv Hov'.I. It. Wait-on. Mr. .1. II. Cooper s'libl Mm. (J. A. Ilen i u, tiotli of L'nitiii. flof!.v.Nov. 20 b. tn lllu Wife of It III. I I lltl'lKlir..,! ., ,1. ill., lil. f nOUS NT.iv 00 1 ln ,, i-ji., nf V,fi U UllllhOll. H fli, li,. 1,1, p I'll ! A.iilrrn.cd rtiili All i'crnns know; II,' 1 1 ,,,,,, cil t'a til. fldlltl ll 111 If. ... j .(r 1..l.l I . .1. . .. '.Kiiiiiun IT1U picuri Settle iit'fhulilM nl on,.,. v.. ..... ...... - - - ... ...ivw, ,i c Hje hiiii' hlled to lain- moliey and InlUt mid Vrill vol led What in due u. Syruii i.f I'lifi. (ilrtiif.icliirel rnlv bv the Culifofnln Vie rmipO.,8 it FrancU- i Cal . is Niiiur.-s OvtU True I.aJi ilirc. This pleasant rHllfo'- iii ii mid iriii' rrmciiv iiuir n n in nr ..n lln.i,ni .. 41 ........ J - .I..II . ... in.. ,,i.,j ..i...iuc, , i nv. & . i . . . , . - , - - - - . - -. , iiriiv l ii.iw,, in pihmwii ,rini'.T,n , tit L'Ollllv Altai I'tTrw 1t l",m jlitiilillnn In.Hujiaz liuruncniv III IIIMIL'l 1 1 IMUMCII L'4 . UU 114. Kriof liulloUns. Fro? h new eider at Drakt'n. Freh eider at Jonee JJm's. Fine codt'ith at Drake's. Head Jones HroV. In liday ad. How about the Liti tiuy Focit ty? The Kimball organ." Have no etjual Drake's eiilmon bellif.Fe yor pound, liny the ct lebrated Kiuilmll piuno. I'erhecution will alwa react on ilk author". Thanksgiving day was grncrally nb corved in thie city. Mrs--. ICirkmfin. of Pendleton, is ve iling iriende in thi city. The dance given at Wiight's ball l.o-t 'I'huieday evening was en;oved bv all. Dr. llicger" wiitcs w to fend hi. ?coi!T to 30! Fast r.Oih. St., Nov Yotk. Ja.. Haines killed a l.iree black brar near his place o North Powder, a fi w days ago. Mr. P. S. Colt and Mis Lilah D co ley wcte nianied in linker City on the ISth. int. J. C Sumniers liu n turned from Hak"r (.'ity and is now engugid in the tin hop here. Quite a eiowd Wat in attendance nt 'he opening of the ekjting link hot Sat ni day ev- ning. Judge (b odi ll ic making ronMder inipiovem. il'. on his residence and groun Is in this citv. A t-ociid dance w.U be given at Wright's bill New Year's eve. Fur ther particulars next week. JJjn I'd in 11 won the ii' ck cluin and locket that Was rallied for at Wil eon's saloon l.i si, Wednesday. The Ladies' Aid oei(. ty will meet at tin-house of Mre. Hen.-on Ftiday af teinoon at 2 o dock, Dec. ;M. Mrs. Alice Mitch-U will take hd departurr in a few days for B.ike City to uttend the sistus' school. The Hags in thi. city have been Hy ing at half m.tM, this week, onaecoUui of the death of ex-Pmidcnt Arthur. The supper given by the ladies, on rii.inkeniviiig night, Was largely in tended an I Was a Very pi cut-ant all't;ir. Mr. II. M. Hitner, of Pendleton, made Us a pleasant call, this week, and rein Wed his snliFi ription for an other year. We have, had a regular seige of win ter Wv-a'hef for the part week or so. It ie not Very often that such is thu case at this lime of the yer. Subset iptioii" are taken for the West Shore, ami Various other periodical-, at Herman Waldeek's book ami variety store at Huniuurville. Henry Harvey, the murderer of iiut. Was killed last Sunday morn ing in Umatilla county, by a paity ot men wlio were attempting to arrett him. Dr. Prtideii ha opened on office mi the coiner of Main and A sheets, and is now ready to attend to profeje ioiial ci.lls. Hit card will appeal next Wi ek. An Indian Woman took the premium .n btlttcr at the Spokane fair. She i he wife, of Sabese, chief of the Ceeur I Alene Indians, and is very proud ol her di lom.i. Polly Wil-on.the keeper of a bagnio, who s I iot and killed John Piilehart, a Canyon City e;. loon keeper, laet month, w.ie tried for murder in the second legiee and ncp'ltlud. Owing to a large invoice of Chri-I-in-ts goods to be received next Wei k I eanliot avoid calling on all owiny over due accounts, to M'ttle at once. ilASPKIt (. Sf HVEWR. Scan onrifnl1 our advertising col umn" eai b week, as new ad's, are con eUnlly taking the lace of old olies. My doing Mivoti Will veiy often lind iiiroriiiailoil that W 11 be of value to on. The risidence occupied by Mrs. Sh' iin.in Was discovered to be tilt lite la-t Vediieeday morning, and it Was only by the iniM streiuiotls eflerts of a large number of citizens that the lite Was extinguished. It caught from tin stove pipe. Wo ('a u not. vouch for ollr paten or foniull adveriisoinen'si Oilr pa 'lone Will bear this in mind, and jttdgt i' r Ihenisi Ives. Vu have been run ning an ad. tif the "Tailtar Trealtiii'tit for icvcrai moutlls, which nlay ot may ntil be good, but as thu proprie tor's have becd loo Mow in their remit tance, We diop il lllie Week. We don't advertise or fend the paper tb pt'opb' for nothing. The citizens Id Elko, Nevada, (lie further bottle tif Ceo. II. l'.ollief and wife, hearing libit he Was incarcerated in ji.il here charged with (he crime rif mttrder, have Mgiled an urtn l' tcf'i fviug to the good character nf Mr. tin 1 Mrs. Holder whit there, and express ing Ihe bili-f that lie c'ful iot be enil' v. It i" signed by all the dainty ollk-iaH bankers, tin rehauis, attorney an I prominent cltlr.eils of the place. It was handed to Its for publication, Ibit on account (if Its length w. have flo: Ihe s i nee. The hack slri'ot neWs-jrlougei il -notmces LtW Johtl-on's Colored Cjoili- bitlntioii as a 't)tic Ilbrso show," olc, hilt the cmtee tif his spleen is Very apparent. Tlie ailVunrc iigc-ut nf" this exci lleut company, who is a threw I hthiucsM niaii, rjailiU into town, and Inking in thing- at a glance, he saW tlhtt th" onlv fjietlldm ihrou-gli iVhlcli ho could reat-h the people wu I lit1 Ft'bVT, tn lit? Cairte,- ttnsolieifwl. to oifr Idlice and plied! an udwfti-umuut if ut! prerented tltti Usual cofllpllmotu itrifii This cullsPd the abbTa men tinned fhut'l In dltuck th cbtup.iny liefUfn they ariidl. hut did tfht dutef the editor ffhin going to tno ftumagf r and fopggiiig fof tickdn whlt'h wore rofUscdJ jfu w'olidcr ho thinks the fetnipirijr N Ot Covo Cnllings. November 2ft. ISf fi. The ,T. W. Hill stock farm is offered for sale. It coiifiins 210 tines and is. considered a do-hablt place. Mr. J. Vateini:in wn in town this week. It i" hinted that a feminine, iiuninet i- the cause of hi viit. Mrs Annie Arnold and family have moved to Cove and nie oii tipxing lite pMi ont)ge. The ouny people aie at leiidliiir the school.-. I'rank Newell acciinipanieil by Frctl Minor iinived lhi week from Cu'u'r I d'Alene. Mrs. Newell U expected ! shortly. Fred will attend the boys j M'llOol. A number of cracks hot nearly till liny Weilneday tor treee, de. Sev eral will trv their -kill at the Iliirh vallev itiatche-. Thr i f i- talk of or igniii.i ig a idle club tor auiu-eiueiit tin- winter. Mr. Nae lind Miss Cnitnri who weio uiai'iied hi"t week, went to S io. I.ititt Co., their future home. M"inlay. Thev were Ihe icelpient of a lively serenade lie I heir nuiiier oils liiends i.efore tludr deparlme. II. .1. (Jeer has returned from Port I nn! whei e he di-po-ed ot id- hops for J-J 1-2 cents per pound. Iiei-ig 2 1-2 cent above the legular (piouitions at the time, on accoioit ot xupeii.n- ipi tl ity. the hop- ranking a- gtll-edge' or highest grade. The tpiilhy win ii reai iiirui ie to bop experts in Port land, who declare the products ot Mr. (b cr's nrd cannot be beaten in the world. They al.-o highly (.iiupli meiited hllu on his m-nniei of cm ing and presinu' the hops. Itisery pos sible that In a few years the ovp will be a hop center and one of the mo-t profitable, places for hop growers in the State. Turn your hack pi ran?, while I pil fer the' n iaiiyli,.W. U. Why. hullo, dad. F.1C. It i-n't polite to take the musical iti-trnimMits into the Innt-e when eeraiiading. -F. Il iJ -aid that Tnion ska'eis vi-iting thn Cove are sometimes so it. lout on having a big thu,! that I bey lorget to liquidate for their tinui-eni'Mit . It the Cnionius would behave in a le lioisttM-niis inantiner, more becoming gnntleuion, they would avoid lisk of sildden death hy drowuiuir in soup. (?o'e waiter If he will tirsi make known his request, I will present him with .1 supply of apples. S. Indian Valley IUmuh. Nov. 22. 1860. More mow and cool weather. The Sabbath scln ol of this vicinity an arranging for a ChiUlinas tree, A good time t xpeeted. Moore A GalloW.iy are going to have heir sawmill engine repaired in a few da's. JesM! A. Juekfoli mid wifo have moved into their m w residence. Samuel Parker is going to dedicate his new iisideuce by giving the jotnig people a dance, llilrrah for Sam. The people in this vicinity, us a gen eial thing, are very quiet. Prof. Dunagaii Iihk te-opened his singing class at Hakcl' school hoilK', Htttehering time has come and sev eral haVe already il.. lightered hogs which they Will keep foi spring mat kel. - Kev. N. Fvans, jiii'siiiing elder of iln; U. H. church, of Ibis distiict, is holding a prot'acted imeting In tllis v.tlley a grand thing fur this vicinity, it being inuch needed. TrcK. Indian Creole I'aVai'aiilin. Nov. 22, 10. The llaitist ehitfcll.of flldiatl ctei k, has partially disbanded and moved iheir nietnlien hip tti Elniu. The literary tociety for the wiiiter has not yet commenced. There is yet foitr w.'i Its of the thre inonths' termsehi 1 1 hi ing Itmgllt bv Pi Of. Wood, of iihodo I.-lalld. . On the 4th of November a family of -oVeii arrived near Kttinniet Vill -, ba ing eiossed all th Way fonu Iowa with w.unn and team, la ing six inouMis on the Way. It m.-kes Us think of pio neer days. Vo ate reiniiiihll of tllo fact. Ihal Eastern Oregon posefsCh a j;nod cli mate. Teriilie sttinils ate ililkiiiitaii i lailltro ot en pe, so lar, has not been recorded, and Is L'n n,l 1 1 1 h of our people is good. Vi ry 1 lv W nave a pMi-ped lor -onli.' Winter, hut a very ociiuiful bill has so I,. i bet il ottr hit UlisHllVKll. . u , i , I i iii , J it. Alkhis, ( hlcf of Polldi'i KaoXVIlle, Tciitii, writ s: "Mv family and 1 are boil -lbilarli's of viilr ill i.it cxl 'Heat nl lle.iiu!, Dr. Klir-'V.N'ew DiMo veiy iiiriMnstiiniitloni llaVlllg fniiti I It tn be all tint veil da! iii for ill il slut lot st fy lo Its vn'itle'i a y irieiids in wi. at I have ri't'oliniii'inlcd it jiraiee It at every nppon unity." Dr. Kin Now D'fl uover Pir ('iiiisiiiilitl(in Is mi rhiteed to elite Cotiglm, i UliN. liroiteli t:.. Astbln:l( riitlp anil evnry Itfr-ctinii of tlui Tlit'oalt ('In; t nail Lit uu Trial but lc Ih e at Ji T. U r.aht.s drug sti.rei IalrKo Ais. jliUO. A Itiillablo Ann tti. ffit rtiturprleei ptisli anil a tie.!rn t grit stilili tr ioJs a wlllglvtJtlietradchdtlSfiictiiJii, Ji Ti Wrght, tb(' tlrngd-t( lends nil Ooinpe tltlnli. Hit sells Dr. lh)s;uiko .1 i oiigb and l.lliis? s'yrni), lneallo Its the be.1t nie lalife oil l lie market for eotlgli". col s, bhnip nnd primary cniMiiiiptliiii. I'rit'i; CO tL-m.i and ?1. 0 e:iniilti trrr. I'r ij -r 'I rralin. MI f r C(irsr1i. that the rctd'-r' miWi!llyiliiilrrtiltitiw)iit Litesagood tiiurdi ami hung Syrup. r, t'HIis It ut )te will one of thu iiloM r(liubli now on llic iinifKot, Price. M) cents and ifl.-oO. Sample free, fold by J. T. Wright, Union, Oregon. John Wflulil in ailing drug's ut c6it. UianbefMes dlrct from Wbtcondrt lit Drskn'.i. L ..k Wilt for th? IfHiiifcnse toPk of hdlb' (1 ty fid o jii fo Ub rccoivW nt Jotf 3 uro s. -lore, Vnu tun e'al a luttid earvlMu knife, lliiSi iind ftfkel at Jo, Wrkht'tf for 60 centn. , A large jf3ortrunt Cn cCtlery jmt rccelvetlj L uis .f If , 'ri'i tedl - ve XbVered; I cur IMIe., itr no "pay rM n rUU li U Th se lie re llt'm puarantied to ffltd wHlt ..-nUtcllon. or iffl J&Jffilnrr' UrgH" l!i o Dn H v'Tr1' tvr filt Faior'lvoaX ko'M Cough mid Muig yrup, lhtn nlaklng It or fcUl 1 y ' uib-'lit. t nlon, Urtyoa. Ruinmorvillo Biftinffs. Yp rej'nrter ft ill lic.. A light in town Saturday. Hesu'.t, ? eatdi and costs. J. A. Hereford and wife, of Klgin, were in town on M. unlay. The merry jingle of the sleigh bill has been heaid dining the past feu days. Several parlies from Sutntnervill attended the ball at Klin last Fiiday night. Miss Winnie Wilkinson is winking in Ihe Farnii-ra' Mortgauo it Saving! bauk. Dr. W V. Hinehait and wife go be j low today on a visit of two weeks' dur ation. J. M. Olivtris peaching a very suc cessful iirtn of schoi 1 at Fair View tchoi l house, on the sand ridge. Supt. J. L. Hindnian was in town Satutdav. lie is t in hing the schoo' at Willow crock this wmb r. The mu-ic box la'Mcd i IT by Her man Widdei k was won by Neil Me. I.eod, wb thti w -!0 It cost' Neil f2..0 'o "set'ein up" to the crowd. Theie was a large crowd in at'nub ancn at the Ptcsbytctiaii cl.nich 1 .si Stindav. A vi rv intt r stitvg die,uir.-e was diliveicd by lb v. J. C. Will. rt. S. M t.'ninne has opened up a s. 1 on in the bull ling fortneil ocenpi d b 1,' J. Mv Wilhatns. Mr. Qniiuie iri an (Id hand at the hii.-int ss o ml en ni.v Mimii up to Mtit the taste 1 all who in dulge the craVsing of a clamorous ap petite. Thanksgivlnc will be jiropeily ob spiv, d at Stininiet vill . Ch'u k nsar' beginning to hide an I tuikey- roo.-. high. Jaik Patten will go a "ibhing" and the hoys will bury th town Mr". John Him bait who bar. b.M n siiU'eiing from drmisy for the pat 12 years, is Very l.w at n sen; writing and her death is momentarily ex pected. J. N. Hin.'hart it Son h tve pureha-cil an ngine to be Used as a helpi r in their mill during the low Water season, li i dailv expected ami it wdl be placed in their mill at once, and tin u lli. mill will bo kept running at Its full capac itp. il. 1). Hnckman and O. o. V. Huck man h.ivt! pittchiscd the interest of Thoniiis and Phatis Wado ill he Vic tor null-' at Suinuiei ille. Th y to gel her with Mrs. Henry Huhl now own the above named mills and un-Ier their able Mipeivision it will no doubt pioVe valtnitile ptopi-rty. The Clmt.iUgtla Literary and Selcn tilic. insoeiation is rapidly increasing in iiX luli- i s hip and Will no doubt pioVe of great advantage to those whoaitend its nicetnms. '1 Ik-regular meeting iJ luld mi ,vaturday evi uing of each week. Hooks haVe been ordered and will doubtless, bt here by the time of the next regular meeting. T'vo lircs ill ti Wli duiiug the past twoweikji. Mi'. F. H. Collins' hoilso took fire Juring the absence of hiuiM-li and wife, hut was extinguished by some boys before tluieh damage had heeil done, and on Monday nlortliilg last Ihe house occupied by N. H. Han is look fire and w.is cot discovered Until quite a large hole had been burned in the roof. With the assistance of the solid ci izens Mr. Harris succeed, d ill .xthiguisbing tin; llitnes. The dam age to thr bud ling Was about tWouiv ih.ll.ir-. In looking over (he columns of the Scot t lor the past live Wei 1, Ille eyes of the reading public h.ve fail, d to perci tve any items Irom .-tlinnlei villo. Dlillli lees some have iilfeired that the " Cr.iiilx ' ot our town had passed in bis eh' i ks but such ip lint tin- ca-e. iiu'e his trip K.ist he ir, "crankier'' h.iii ever, i iid shall iil leavor to keep a weather eye on thelookotit for iu-rtiA add tiansmit th-n.itie lo ill - Scut T ai llis caihest conveiiiciK-e. aisuriilg 'In- ditor Ilia' so long a mhicc ol time II. 11 not toon i lapse between coininit uieatiuiis, 1 rem. iiil its cVer a CltA.VK. ll'IOl- t'jt. Viul Hrc feeling delii!sspil. Votlr .ip st to is p,i if, ymt aro botliri'ml whli l(r;ubcliu, .Vim air tlgiMty, iioi'toiHj ilnd generally out Of sni'l-, iin.l w-uit to ll-Ucli ll)i. Ilrai r lip, liiit nut with stimuli'iits, ipf'teg tiii'illeini-j or oi ii'i-s, ty lea imve inr iii ' r iuihis verv lll:ti, ha. I whlskiy, :thd wh li stiintilui' j you I tlr an hour, lid thi'it Dave you in w re U'liulillon t Iiil It il'lore, Wh.it voil w-tni Is an alternative: tlhtt will pur fy your li.,i(iil siart lu-aitii iielltlit ol IjIvoi' and itl'luevs, rcKlore ollr vitality, and give r;! ndViM health and s'li'iiltu .Slli'h a itn-.ll-oiio' von will tin, I In -;ii!,-irlt! Uittern, and ohlv Ooontsa hoitlualJi Ti Wrlght'i dhij; Btdrd Union, Oregon, Iltil hi r boot.. ..R, ,6 al Wiuku.i, t'lUfl-ru Sllr, W niik" a soei-l dtv nf al' gr-u'ci of Pti dt'rWe.r f r I rt lies. Mi n , Illf, lit r Moo ml Po . These eiio 1 1 are wen made Mn I fell al) e, -n d in a Ine fi' in illita-s A i viir.cd a-, lo lace ln wailfs of all i la.sses df pur-c'liisei-s. Hi brieently kim-iiiciI seVe Jiltiborso null ! d ir at ell nlii: I rail's we are now nulling tlK-tn it I A Ibiu cunt of lijjh'l actu. e. As ibiAe giaf U cattoiit be lypliii'oil at t'o-iiM-r p ice, il He dd-orln llli-in slmu'd orddr tit an carle day: -i 1 1 1 1 j 1 1 o tent iftt a plieailou and order.! solicited. A . OlillftA KINO, 180 Firt Street, l'Ofdiln l. Oregon. l!in hl,-i.' a fit -n fill vi, Tub IJiWTHAirt'Klii thn world M Cut, 4. Am. . I ..... ,, . ..,. til. ....... tft oi uaii-s, ur s uiiti "! can iineinii, ruvcr .Sores, 'IVtlerj Chilpit-d Ilatalsj ( Itlllilalns,, orn, unit nllt-li'it i rtiptinti, iitfil pOMtlvc Ko.ii.Iii lo lluallli. Health n wealllu rVertltll itieaili Jtltlsp n dene . The Keyuotf Is Dr. jitfan kit's ( ouh und Lut'g Syrup, tftu best Collgh Srhip In the worhb lire Cough. ' olds. lMlns hi thoi hestill orieliltl, mid Primary on'Sinnp lion, one dose gits- relief In evert uje, Take nd ether, i'ilt'b'60 cents atld I. r-ujlipli-s free. SM by J. T Wrllil Uuloit, Oft'goa. Don't Ibrgit The I teat kouiD nnJ Idifust jilb-en at Druko'n cmli itoio; "Forest Dalo Fil)B." Pink Vau.kv, Nov. 19th. School began in Pry creek district nn the, 8th iust. lioin To the wife of Win lMwards, on the 10 h iust.. a daii-hter. wcieht 8 ' pounds. Snow Ml to the dethof !1 inches on the Ulh, Pine mi Hey 'a first snowstorm ' tif the seaMiti. Two of our rriHM 1 hoilsci now have names that in which Mr. Stttrgill is teach r is"Faiil w' and Mr-. Alice Denny teaches in Sunny "lb II." Mr. Cooper, of Oraiule Hondo the "Siut'cr" agen'---paiil our vail -v :i fly ing visit lecentK1, and he c.xerc'.-ed his "Singer" for our i ntertaiuincnt. The flour mill has been stop) pel for some time on account of low W iter. Some uneasiness has bet n f. 1' for fear of a scarcity of Hour. TI . mill is How i .lnninu, how -vi r, end it ihe went In r c. n'iune mil 1 for two or three weeks o:tr tlelir Will b. sti lied. Won! 1 th it Prof. Taio, or fonu: one riUidly enoalde of instructing in no.-ii would M.ut a s hu lof vocal inu-ic. in Pin . We think it would I t! w. II attend -d and a fiord the youim l i pb Miinetbiug better than so much daiicin .;. Thanksgiving will toii be here, and 1 lour-e a lance w.U hn in order, per il i's two or three of th in. Thanks fihi.ig! ltinakisus wi-h for winis ii tear i ut 'it C.t.iude Konde, if onlv for cue day, and iat a thank.-gi .s diiinei of iat Tuikev, Mpia-h pie.de, With 1. 1. lives, an I old time friends. DCLb. Antolot Ititnut, Tavlor Oi.H-u was up dining the M ck lei. king for siock. O'lberl (liioitx has been ill for the p st w t k. bin is very happy and hours a eluding countenance with the expee t.t:ii.n of Wedding bills in the near I'm ure. ToinliiiM n it Hl'ooko moved part of their I.. i ut hand of sheep oVi r to l.add canyon Monday. When is our i-ebool hou.-o to be moved? W want it near th-1 center of the district, and there is plenty of MioW to move U in, Why is it lb n Antilope has so many bach lots, all vi-od, moral, nice looking young men. Willi tood homes and doing th- ii own lioil.-ekeeping? Chris, look this Way, .l--Mse. Wro.VtlH. Ptiwder ivivor Pebblen. Mr. Jilslii- Wtighl uti l family haVe taVen a l -asilre trip to Indian cirrk. They wdl b,- .ono abulit. ten dayn. Mr. P'uih.ttn Wright has bin hotel al ihe W itiu Spring tUunin ; in good stli. It is the bei't lace 10 slop Ut on the Pine cu e); ro.nl. Hay is Filling te.idily on Powder river for seven dollars per toil. School in the Park Will eniullieilce oil the fiist da.V of December". The Entile Ditch Company iiiV pre i).'riug lo "Hive C'imji doWil to Ihe lower por'ion of Ihe ditch They are progro"-ing linele. Mr. F. P. Duncan, nf lltigeltli mid l'igoretk u Visit icOeil'lv. Vtiv POl-fbt. line x d.ir uii-ket at for $1.0). 1) K cu-lt store, W. Clpps, . 1). .-II fi nu and bullion pa'bie plivfit'ian. I'i'i, li Or rii i. rriiiiuiiaywjfywsftiisa-'wy-wfwrirjaaiirn-wiiyityff HtiW 'fO- DA V Administratrix. Sale The Immense stock of geiteial mer chandise of 'he iato A. D. Jauudcr.s is itoW being rl'i.-csi odt at Aduliuistra Itlxsal', The stock coil ist- of gro euies, i lothing, hoots and siloes, hate and caps, hardware, crocko-y, dress eoodtf, dotnesties, etc, v!il.'! at 5'd 5," ()()'J it will he si Id in sixtydays. The goods iW mid al, cost. Mit.s. Dhi.ia 11. SapkIihiib, Admiilislfatrl.Xi NOTICE All persons indebted to illd itrc rlotl- ed lo call ami settle whhid !I0 days, bV note or othi'l iVi-e, or I heir accoiluts U'dl b" laced in the hands of an attor ney for colli dlimi. F,n Kn.tli,iAlil). SHEEP. U'ailtt'd.-'Abotit 1,000 ewes, or ablillL the samo tltiiilher of l.iliibs, fof cash, CliAB M. HofUirro.v, 2t Hakcr City. so riCE. All lU'rions are hereby on il'ftill f'd-n buvitii; tlrtiei'd lailujr f r kItI Hi pr hi sorv note. hit -il FoletlarVO, 1H '. ut nlo aiiil exi'dittli to mo lie Itenj inllil Me-sler fur the sum df one luuidie j il id seveilty do; bit . :li tli s-iiiic His lK'ii lut aild iay'-in-lit then Of Clniitii'il. . Dalf I at Uillotl ihis 22.1 dae rf' No.veill her. !!. K tjUFKK'IT KOTiCli TO CRKDirORS, To Ai f, tri Wiu.M it si if iMJtcnitf : . . Niitlcu Is lienliv kIV-ii tifttt Millll-ew Jollllslotl, ill liii-lllie. union cinopy, iirer iron, tiafl, bv iltiod of a-simlO'eiit. diitid November Vi. IHw'.niitv excrtil -u an i n- cohh'il, a-Ai.Mii'd ilnd transfirred all bl prdpertV and ertiV'". ral ijnd ip.-onul, to nie tlib iioitcrslulisil. fur the but li (if til of hh Credlti' ii ml iHr and by virtue of the lavHof the Slito of Orc.ort hi stli'li frlse loinlo ilnd it'll lied., A I persons Inn In; c'ditih nirahifl' the Mid Matijiov Jobthttji an- r'jpnr d t) pfdiont Ilia sH lie; duly veri fied, lo inc. at Illy pliu-o o bn-iiio-M.. in Pdtoli. Unl. n rcJln.t v. Oregd i. tltli Ii the l.'fiie ri iliire.l hv InW. Mild all liCtiUIS I II - ! Unlet' I In said Jd'nsloli are e iiilietl to p.iv I In- a noiint of tllulr ludcbtbdiieis to lite ttltlioilt dol iv, . . i .,. , , lMvd at lliiion tljSfi3,l day of NdVeiubari A,,)"lSM jdllN Tf VllidllV. Altfileci NEW TO-DAY. rouMi. On the. enrs. bctwrrti Union and hi (fraud -,n O"kct-bnok (otiliiii'ng iiionpy. ; i lie owner ran linve me tue ny proving i piopertv and naylnL' for th! n iMrr. j ' KHV. .1. It WAToOV. i NOTICE FOIl PUIHMCATION. lavD Orricn at ' a Otn tiK, t)itrn- f. Novein'it r 17, 1M 0 Kotire ts hereby eivett tb it tlie f l!nwlnt tmniPil settler lui-ti'ed n .t'e.cof lil int n ti'in tn miike tin it pri.or in -upprt of lot i lnini, mi I that s n I p o f u ii) he made be fore tie- I!p' i-rand If. e, v. r at, f,a (Irande, Or gun. on J mil iry. Iss7 vi. : (' i K II. Mui!intt. D. S N't. fti 3 f.ir the HVl4' See. '21. Tp. 0 oitb.f ltd KW'M. lie names the f .1 ,o. in ' 1: ii-s(M to jinv b! dnnti'iuoiH ri-si'.ine.' itMOM, n ! ru't'v ilo)t nf. - fi ill bul l, vi: ;. fi. ir-h '1 K. n Hiblncton, .1. ."-until, T. i cder. al' o' U.ii-.n ()-. Ih.S :y HtNKiiAr.T. torftv Ui'iri-cer. Notice of Application for U. S. I'affiit. Survey No, .T Mln il : Il-trlef (1r;lnlt.l Ddel No.-eni'HT Ifi. lsl. f No' ire h bo' bv gun i that In otf.u-tnH of 'h"Ai'to '" mt;ri"s, app tve-l M tv 10, 1-72 'i Ti eO-.'irnn Onld M il u 't'iini 1 tv, if Louisville. Kcn'uekv. tl.inicb .lnsepli I lien, on a't r ley, wlins. ji i t -111 -u is -it H.i'.e:' Citv. lldcr mmiv, Oi"e o i. bra 'nail- -itipli'- I m f i' a -iit- nt fi-twe,-H Imadr.'d ai d ' a e dv-li e 'i oa ieet oa tin It ui'. ipnrt. 'n Ie. Its' e :ti "2" di fit W, " e a ne '.-ltu: . Ot feet N .'"i d". fd min. W.-ill I :a feel P, !.t it g Al "lio. Hf'otn I).. .v,.-i sh'f 'icr-oo iv th snrfaca ttr und M tret i" wi I'll. -Itn i e. in Or.ndu nrn'-iK'l' rYt, V i eon tv .Sfe-o'Mr-II i lid do.rrihe I by tie n Ilci C pi it, I e e.xitli (, f . I, sit I by t'le llcld n t-s o:l tile in tlit'iiltl i'(,( Itti-is'er.if I.iUi ids Land district, " n;o'i. ;h fobor .vt?- liedn 'In it s i i . t fro -i wld Ii til1! Spc t o- h -(wren ee . 27 in 1 34 Tp i's I. t'i II, bear- rt It le.r. I llliil. li. ti)'2fest d'st : tb. n i K "d- M mln V 1 . feet o ou imif. ul K . a then1- 8 4 it -t OJ ".ti W. uti ue: in a e-i't m rle-l No. rt; theeee H 2 di-s ,"1 mia !'. I ."J". n-. t in a, oust inaiki'd Nn. I Inn e N ftl tin - 0t id i. 13 i po-t enr N- I. ni.-irkid i'if. No 1 II, M. C. Snr. N i It T . e intabi' ir K..87 a-ri's aiiil fo, i, in -1 tae- I n of tlie N W li nd tin- ,sV ( a -e,-, 27, inTpcB-if ltmsd 6 IC Willaiaet'e .Mefl u hi. said 1 x'atl m bi in : reeo d d m Vol. D, paj.' 171 of tlm ncoriN o1' I'nion e mii'y. K tl Admin iu r ''l i'lll nits m Id laic K.t linartx lodj a the s,ait,i. Tin Oieui'-N Ooi.t) Mimxu Co., of bi n s die, Ky. IlyJosr.rn been. Afortley. yiinos! i.'ivd Me (Held. Win. Ilea, .o.'7 Notice; of Application for U. S, httcnt.- Survey No, 4. MIii!"k dblrlff (iramte.f Dated Not ember 15, lsdO. Notice in liereby K'it'Bn that in piir-ouitni or 'he Act nt i o ire-is, iiiM'r ive:l May i(t H71 We. 'I'he 0refrniU.dll MlioifJ 0nnv.iiiy ,.1 L nlUvi'le, Kv . throiwli Jineph T.'icci oil'1 alto ii V, whose tin-totllce' N IIAket' O.tV, Hake CO ur v. O'e'rt i, havi! made tip; Kin a' mi ui" n p I -nt fur tliirlCi'U hundred " "ear te, t ie the A'ta liuartz. telle. bea;Inif ' .2 de:. W lb.' fi oe belnc Tl feetS4J de,; K and i237 - t N 12 don. W from d;t; ei.vr. w aft 'her Oil, w'tli -urf: Co pMUttd I.' tt I ed h-l"tv.llt 'vidili.sttua'e in (iiaiuto Mini ) ' Di- riet. Union e.U itv, Statu of ' Iv on. Mill de crilm l bv the olncial plat, tic e ,l'i MKied, and bv the tiold no is on tile ill Ihe 0 ine of I lie It. t ttr of bi liiulid Land DbiHi-t. Ore on r .1 nt. V r.: Hi'wliuiini' at the NK On nee nost of tlr W'liituuli indie, niarki'ii Co N t, vf. M. (,' H tr. No. I tl I il l 'be If lai'e A. M. t . t'oh. N'i . 1 Hu tfiv No."?: thence N 4-! des. V II 0 eel to pint co . N ). 2; theneo .S 31 lit. 10 mot. li il.ri erf In nost i-ie. No. li tin. il kWI nun. B 1 0 f-et to poit imi-. Ni l; then eS 'j bv. til min, K !ci" t iio t ( 0 ". N i f) Hull e S 20 di-K'i l - Ii. F. 0 e-l to pud cor. Nl '1 tlicnen N 72 de,. 05 nun. W tl'. 12 feet l tltuN ,ein-r slal.U f lb Wnllni.ul mine ami s.to Bl feel to b'fii.N . I, tlie pliuv of be m'nn.nt,' ci Irainie- is S acres iind forming ;i nnrlioo lit the N , nl' S. 0 2S mill tbl N V U of , CO 27 in Tp i nl It t:i H V M, s 1 I In Ut on bemn r- d d II V il. D. pan I7.t of Hie r.-i or.tsnf I'll rtnciiioty Or -on. Alljubd it; ellli ua-it rt.i this Ie. w dtsnait lin.tri. mine oil the 0 Un i Pearl u a " on U. r N'K and At ice Wa'ke- o i the N W. Tur. Oiinoov (loi n Ml ino Co . of I.U lisvllle, li v. Hy Jo-men Luck, At'oitley. Witness: Fred Sbellield, Wm.Itu.i. it .'.'7 Change of Management I HaViiK leased thti nmTrrini BNNIAL HOTEL An I thoroii b'y Tlltted 1 lie a mi", It will b9 . o idiiet. d mi mi in irely thlbf .mtpl.m than hereto o p a dn.Jjii hi will he spared to make nn r in- iml'Ortitli'ei hi eimuelitiotl with lite lintel is an L'ic;aui BILLIARD PARLOR Win-re lliu Finest Urauds of LIQUOR arceoilsta'itly on hand Tin! Pat!mianl l.ic PublltJ U Siililltdili r t " New Store! NcW (Judtlal LOW 1111 Oissi Herman Waldeek, B U3IM Elt Vt LLE, OONi UKAbtJit IH Oclit'u Fiiruishiu. Goods, FanUy CJobitif, L'riickei-y, Ol.nMvart', THya mill ffutiullfti Pistols aiiil UiiiIh, MLtsicalliidtrdincilliijHta Cigara mill TtilJaHUOi UaiidiesalidNlll!", OifitfsbfAH tidduS A StJEolAi.fV, Baiiipicsrlf CJuiiCih, lioj'p'rtiltt MK httits tuitl Overcoat. m1m iif ptklliJfr Drcra tlolMig toitbtiuitly bit liiuiils KtibslJHlilltli.1 lahbtLflir' llil THJUJrt hilti i'cHudlcals Hi JHlblleiiefS fh