The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, November 13, 1886, Image 5

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Th Oregon Scout.
0KIOX OKKOON. SAT. NOV. 13. l.Vfl.
Hie SCO UT tint n Mm.'Ji Lfinjpr Olru
htdun tlinn nnr In this Serltoti
of tin- stm,. nnil In, tlierpfoi e the IlKS r
txn i:kti!5i,n mkuii m.
Thin Ik n True Stnt'iiipnt, nil I wo
(wmll nut nil wit tn lip qneuntim i j-ntiv
ntlicr .f r. Advertise, II1 lo well
to innkp a ii'ite . i till.
Our patron' will t ike notice that aU leg il
advertisements, such n Notices of Fi.inl
Proof, Application for Lund, IC cut irs'
Notices, etc., must lie paid for when tho
affidavit of publication i ni.'iile. No devia
tion will be undo from this rn'e.
Local and General.
Billy " Skts 'em Up " Now Tli
boys nt)v have the laiih mi Hilly Wil
son, of the Cornucopia saloon. ' Hdly
has a big black cut in the saloon that
he thinks a great deal of, aw! the oth
er !ii;lit si? he w.i going home, lie dis
covered the eat f lh.wing him, with its
fur turned tin wnmg way. an 1 evi
dently very sick from poi'soh. Hilly
took the cat liom and stayed up near
ly all night trvitu- to save its life hut
"without avail, and next morning the
remains were decentlv intei red. Hilly
came down town with a very solemn
visage, and entering the salt on mid to
the bartender: " Well, poor Ham
has i)assed in his cheeks. Some iiend
in human shape inbound him."
"How's that?" said the haikeeper.
"I say some liend poisoned Sammy
last night, mid he's dead now." "l);d
eh?" said the barkeeper. "He don't
look much like u corpse now," point
ing to Sam who Was Mttimr on a box
buck ( the stove. Hilly'b optics com
menced protru ling, for he had no
doubt he was looking at Sum's ghost,
but when it dawned on his mind that
lie had been d.ictoring the Wrong cat,
ho said to tho-e present: "Les
take juinethiug all 'round an say
uothin' more about it."
A.voTHKit Heport. The Sen
tinel gives currency to the report tlut
"Geo. II. Hobiernnd P.P. Tibbelts are
brothers, and that the litter's nam.
is Ed. Hobier." We have a letter in
our possession, dated Oct. '1111. . 1S"1,
written to '1 ibbets by his m hew, W.
D. fibbets a nierchunt. of Main-fid 1.
Mags., which shows.' eoncluriwli' that
there is no truth in the above rt-port.
IK., I... il.!. r. .1 1 i.. r .....
v write mis jor uie nencin oi no
betts, who, being penned between iinn
walls, we feel disposed to treat faiily.
and allow him every chance to vindi
cate himself if ho can. Whether the
parties accused of the minder of Skid'
are guilty or not guilty, the circula
tion of such report? as the above will
not convict ttieni It will require
L solid and facts to do that,
and we trust that nil the facts in the
case will oe elicited.
The above company will npptar at
"Wright's hall, Monday evening, Ni
vember If), 1 880. They are gmiiino
colored peo le mid they give a lirst
class performance. The programme
consists of songs, dances, farces, etc.,
which never fail to please. They conn
.here well endorsed by both press and
publio. '1 he Clinton, Iowa, dailv
JnigleFiivs: " The Lew J lnison Cd
ored combination played to a large
audience on Tuesday evening, and gave
one of the best performances given
here in many a day. They were cu-
cored in every act. ' The company is
composed of ladies and gonlleinenan 1
they are genial and social: anl as we
said before, thdr entertainment is well
worth seeing.
November 2nd. two toiuh eases named
Anderson and Wanl had a quarrel
Vbottt a room, concluding in a tlio'
being fired by Anderson at. Wanl, let
without eflcct. Last night about 10
o'clock they me' on the corner of two
of the principal streets of the town
and both began shooting at each other About six shots were
lired in all, both men being Wounded
in the head, Anderson quite set burly
and Ward slightly. Th-y were im
mediately arrested and uie nursing
their- wounds in iml.
Rapid l.vcKEisK The Oregonian
fays: "Immigration continue to
pour in a goodly stream. Arrivals bv
rail from the Kast average fifty per
day, and each steamer arriving brings
from 100 to tfOO. The imputation of
uregon ami Washington lus incioased j
about .'(0,000 by immigration fjotn ail I
MHirces (Hiring the oeasun.
Co.vtkact Lkt. The t'ouutv coilrt
has let the contract for bliililin.: tin
bridge across Grand RoikIj river at
the Wilhelm crossing, to A. A Rimi
Kiel, of this city, for UJiW. Mr.
umnid has already commenced tin
work, and it will not be many weeks
before it is completed.
Catti.h GRownits' CoNvn.vtio.v
Governor Moody has npj oiiitcd It. J.
Jiugerf, of this countv, a delegate to
represent the Stale of Orenou at. u cnil
mention to be held in Chicago on the
JCtli and 17th of ti,. pri-seilt mmlth
Under the auspiees of the Cuttle Grow
ers association of the United Stated,
Akotmer Fihk at La GrtAfiDK.
Laat Sunday moriling the round
Louse, machine diops, ami several eti
jeinca id La Grande tvero desfrbyed bv
firoi Tho losa wmh eousiilerHble. Ve
hwo not loarned bow the fire origb
MARrtlKD.--At Ihe reridertce of S. F.
tfusie, ou Clovef creek, Nor. 1C, 1880,
fr. Arthur ft. llUsic and iiite Effld
IJJUsfc, J. B. TliOfitson, J. P.fflclallug.
fl fRftfl in tfiA I
Thorn- atiiottt . daughtor !
Brief Bulletins.
Dwelling houses in demand.
John Wrieht is selling drugs at cot.
t!o to the Centennial for a yooil meal.
Lew Johnson's colored company Monday,
llest bargains in groceiioii at Jones llro's.
The bet b.ands of wines and liquors at
the Kentucky saloon.
I'M I'einilin d ued to live ou grass soup.
Look at him no. v.
A niunber of Indians were perambulat
ing the streets List Tuesday.
The ti t d valvation of t liable propertv in
Uiii ou county is 2,!)iM.l.
Winktuinan cost li:tUer couiry ?1(1,003
rntlier an expensive luxury.
Tlic crciund ha. been wl.Letied with snow
m verl times during the pa-t.week.
V. C.nps, M. I)., fcii'geon and homeo
pathic phyxicain. I'ni. n On son.
Ano'liT VfMin of the State Ii urance
eomp ,' at'airs i eiven In tlii- inue.
l'rid Nod tie ha l e -n en rnrcil f ir the
past, wpck or t-.v.i slaus'h'e ng h ig.
Ctirrcii. aidt nt mti-.t sjii'l thc"r letters in
I t'lite b reach heto on Widne-dav to inuire
j pula'cation
i The lu.n ri'i-.'of Y W S l li len. the mur
derer t.f t am hell will take place at Alhauv
Hecemlier :.t.'. .
Jo'tn McCa I r.-nne in from Wallowa lak
t lis week with a lar,;e a nount of led lislt.
1 hep so'd mjih;i .
A meeting . if the lire contpinv i cnllcti
for next Mnud v eveniiur. Ail thu mem
1 c s ..liou'.l be in attendance.
The railroad comp n- U h vlng n w
; ! put on t' e nnw slieds nciif this eit .
Cdtf a niMiiher of men are at work.
! You mn g;t a (,() ea-ving knife, fori-
and steel at ,(t. W i dit's tor 50 ecu's. A
Lruc as.o-tmnf of mt'erv Jut received.
Th-ved.l 'i.'eird l'el-rS. C 1
I Mi-Q 1. I.,.. In .1,..' I!.. I...-
w.ta.i j.. .I. ...F I HI
1 .1 -I.. 1
i.u i, un- luiirriiigi' in i k pat; me ism
T'ip "Chei" Jo'in" n".vsi a pr of I'-ioi.
i c unty tlic S' n ti ' ii 1- 'h i n r 'i'u."e I to
j 1 a ve.r. .Oh, lio.v ' brilliant! ' S me
I lirush.
We hetr th t Mr. Il.illeoo'c has, thi
thH week, sold his phn e near the m wnii'l
m t'ath m-Iiic creel: to O. Sw-tcklnine
( f rf 1,'tX)
Mr. K H. Miller U 'le? r'ch
I loan in the right 1 1 ice. I' mine host Mille.
i ea i t r in a hotel there is no neul o' aliw ! try n ; to.
The ladi"s (ite Soe'etv of the I r sh-t'r
an eh trch wt'l give a supper i n the evi n
ns of 'I hanl.sL'ising day. An eiijovnh'.
timi' is ep . ted.
I'an He'dleltian Iris nev(.(l his familv t
'he p''(ii he l)iuj.-ht of ?,I Merwin. Vr
M'nvin and family have mined to then
rLliche on l'o.vder io;r.
Mr. Hughes, of 15 k rC. v received a let
ter from Ids old tome in Y.ngl.iinl a few
d.iys t.g i, sa:iiur Hiat s ma- relative had
ti-d and left him .fVO).
ltis;i'' ut time for the k tit g fevi r t
e ill. T ii-re is im fo-tn of vie eiuat'oii
Ii e verd ns vet o jir- lit the i.n.iual r
. urn n e of this di.-eii o.
Mr. A. 1'". ?''iien. h' livi-i-yniMTi. ha
'ust 'ei eivol mi ilegam Co -cli lie U wi''
be tise.l m c.rryn- p . ii-'urs hetwein
thi rit.r anil .lie o .
Th siici-h! e'ection o 11 I ti e V u j nev i'
the 1 ;' s'.itive delf'titi. n ;r m .vm'tnu'ii-.
eon it,, luis h .,. . cu'led by Co,-. Mn.niv fo
Tuts lay. No . :.
Mcll He i ago. o'thi eitv, is i inv jxi
tr.ivelinga .. n for the West sho.. l!.- i
ilso m k n r .l:ctc!ie of s lies of intere
n this Mciion of tlu cm t y for tiait i x
e lent journal.
Why sutler with a lame hick, v" en voi
eiin git one of those celcb-iitcd titdie
I'orus Plnsters, for K", cents, at John T
Wri.'Iit's drug store V Trv one.
'I lie Or-dlM Clroti'-'e ml Ya tiin
Mail con e : h!s weeK iisking to exi h.'.n o
They a u o ece leiit i e.v p pr-s ii.d
,'ht' e them on oar list witu pie,, ur ,
Jake 0. an I Freeman Mine cam
down f o n I" n cmek 'I I.iiimI i. h..y r -Mir
evervthi .g rather quiet th o ii.ia Im
niut tlafc ing prospects fur iusimi iiine.
Silurday bst Shi rl f II iniitto-i s0,i .,
' ' ti o on Ma n stieet n mate an I i ol
vhieh helongid to a p. up r ho died i
.h.s ei.unty .some time a .o. Ta an ma1
vi re hid l'i by Jerry Mn-li r f..: ,'(.
lit r.'!o"tPi that a coti.iKi .v of Dpiivp
apitahsts htiiv ju t biu,'h: u U o
he het in es on I'lue "leek. Tai- v
put a a :h riin fm e o.i iiila.'ng opjiatii ti
he e, and we may expjet u .see soiuethin,
Win llazlet, an K g''-hman. who Inn
beta i ( o nit e'la-'o in. s one time, died in
his'it list TU-.'diy. Iff was hiined it
I e Union ce,.iciej u W'tiidxit y. teo
.1 its could lie leuriieil lie hud no teiative.
.ii this 0 itinti y.
Head the ndve'-'l .eiutit of Lew john
sen's t'od-'d c tunny which wiPn-p-i
t Wri' hl'K h il in t'd city next Mo.i lay
fvinaig '1 lie conij an i o i e. : highlv ipa
'iniin u led and nod uht A ii.:h treat is i7
-..ore .or tliot who -ittui .
The sili ml diree'o -s of this dj-trift havt
employeii i n ilher ti a 'her. uial I g fo ir
all. Hli iiild th-y pm . iv one flr n o
it wouUl he dilllcult fo a ea-iial ..s o
'ell which are the inot uiinicroiH, t;acher
or pupils.
Hx-CountV Clerk H. F. Wil-on nmt J. M
Co-roll, ot tlos city, have forum I a partner
ship for the ptl t'oseef n the ie I
tit-, ollettit: and i: sii"aii htiitiisi
'i lley h ive ope e 1 an utliee bn Miiu strc-e:
near tl e postolli e.
The Wilhitncttb frrmcrs are u it rea'iz'ti);
lie i pidfit o i tht'it wheat th's
year, fO
ceirs l.etil' the htg'es
'ill - tiroduetion 0' wnlit is nit ii
lucrative business in th s .St .te.ftittiie-
than tu.ii s'png What is leu.ily u ol llir
lioliir- pitrpi 8 -s.
A eoiii'iositor on a S ilein n. )- tnnn ifed
ti) depait fdoiu llr r i' ut with
his llfp, hut it :a it uino.v cseaiiu, II
neide it read: '"We wi h the wpdd.'d eoiitile
a I nt i n 1 1 s .pv carer on the je l h
whcll tl.U hive so sti II uidy cub
meticed "
The Havana I'-es? dMll has been proven
to he the best U ill in the market. It dotM
not chjghi trasiiv ood groumh an I grain
stands either drought or tVppftlng htltv-r
Ibauuhcn sown in anv other wavor bv
any other implement. I has been thor
oughly tried in the. vallev tli, past sliason
and is proiiouiicel "the boss."
Frank Mnun;f irino'lyof tliii cit v,i!i now
editor anil p-opr e orni the Hhhk "iid Va'
le.V, a newstiaper pulllsheil lit Moiritidn
Home Altur.ts county. Idalto. He sends
us hc first niunbir tiiidttr Ids ma n cement,
ajl I 'R th exchiiiicp. We cniupW with
pleasure, and wish him tmhouiltled silctfeis
in his new venture.
Jmnitle I.rt.vcll has been appolnled dpnu.v
h HhetilMIamiltnji and he is tiotV ;ri th-
allow i endcaviirhiK to cd'lcct the tlelin
oueiit taxes of sevend t ears i.gnt. lie Is
ii. cedinu'aliiijrahly. Shpritr II m I'td i is
a tp-m ncd to have the di-h'npjiht taxes
colli c ted and the Im-bioss of Ids ntllce t'sf
ntd on in a mf t systemntic morn r than
llcretnfd-e He Is provirtg Id b't tl.K rifeht in the right pVce.
Last Tteik I). J Corker; a lmfiiw r? riifr
chant ol Lufsyct wl.o .slept In a r o n In
the rear of hi store, wiii niur lereu fur hf-i
money. He w is k lled with n ax; and ottt
(qt in K most brutal manner. Murders ore
ifcconiin aUogether too frequent, of I itel
itit up ler tho eiis'Ing flnla of tlril.'s it
(annnt lie fcxpectcd that iiiatter.s whj im-
prdi'C. The finv Is h furpR mid ritniiihl Jf
!.b'l elas ar6 ifot terrorized by It to any
fl Mr'
Vrtjr ConltPnl.
Wc notice the following locals, or
more properly shaking, brilliants, in
last week's Sunlinel. Hrilliant No. 1 :
" If there is anybody whom wo ut
terly detest, it is a man who tries to
swindle the printer. He is worse than
the vilest, and as corruptible us an
Very goo.! indeed. Hrilliant No. 2:
"The Scoi'T. last week, attempts to
assail the character of John Knnis.
fortneily of La Grande. simply because
he left for California without paying
his subscription for the snide journal.
Such productions only receive the dis
gust of sensible people."
This brilliant lo.-es its lustre when
taken in connection with brilliant No
1. The com lu.-ion we arrive at after
perusing both is, that the man who
windl.'s the Sen'inil is "wotse than
the vilest." but if the Scott mentions
a man who refuses to pay his subscrip
'.ion it should "rcc-ive the disgust ot
etisible peoj le." The second condit
ion we atrivo at is that the fnol-killei
could certainly find work to do in the
vicinitv of the Penliml odiee.
Illle.l by ii ll.ii o '1 litef.
A dispatch from The Dalles of the
0th. inst. says that yesterday after
iiion Hoderiek Grant Was murdered
it Autilope by a hoise thiif whom he
fonn-l in po-tossion of a horse sti-L-n
rom Grant's brother, October 27th.
After Giaht llm hone the
man said he would no down to Diir
hin's with Mr. C unit and take him
out to Fossil and have th man ar
rested who traded the animal. After
irrivinj; at Durbin's, wliih' Mr. Grant
iv:is in the t-lu-i p coiral, til" man
(tempted to tun, and he took aftei on lion-chuck, beading hitn off
The man pnll.-d a pis' 1 and dri ll a
hot. at Gr..nt. The latter begun to
iiMiinunt, and Was in the act of step
ping down .loin the horse when tin
hief lir d atnah'-r hot, sliiking Gra.i'
n the mou'h and killing him instaiit
!v. Mr. Grant was a l.wge s lit-i
o-'ner anil a hi. bly respectul titien.
he iieighliolbood is greitly excited
ii-l bitntitu the nnnd'-ivr in every
lit'' etiiui. There i.- $500 u ward otl'
nd for his capture. Description
Five feet t ight inches tall, short biaif,
wu Wetks growth, red hair, uppei
tout teeth btoki-n, name not known
Mrs. Jtssie Mitdiillxt Cove, Nov
!rd . IFffi, aged yoat- and 27 days.
Mf. Mitchi it was borii in Pleasau1
.all. v,' Mill iHTiiah county, Oregon
i tober 7th. I'fi.i. She ilever con
nectcd ber.-df wi h any church as a
nember. hut bdi -ved in (hid and a
m ine sta(te of cxist-'iice. Her faith
was that of th'i Clnistian hi lief. Ou
-unday evening b lore she died, wlnl
oiiversing with triuids on nligiou
tlbjeCls, lu-r si-ter was asked to re
. eat the Lt'td Piayer, anil while sh
hesitted tlic d cea-t d calmly repeated
.f for her. She had jtt.-t rWurntd
mm the beautiful honi" of her chil l
K.od to lu-r own Iiome an l bn-ban I
Indeed, her last dnVs Were l'iisaiii
lay., Her 1 .st expressions w -re o'
lis- bruit' sun-bin ol thu caged birds.
nd tin. illy a lunging for a ehaligo oi
Mi" h i goa "o lit i- home of r"st
In t he hrai t I'd sim ,,f t; e. blest.
Hi re th lin hi ; h nls aie hi u-'erv clinic
T.ur; i h the fingcls i llime.
F. a.m. M.
.ii iu:i .n. -
At the rosid.-iice of the bride's par
U's, Giiartl, Kansas', cm Momlav Nov
1, 1-SSO, Miss .Mollie h. Wibon and
Fmnk H. C Dins, of Stinimervill
Jnit'ti lountv, Or., I!ev. J. F. Ton:
As will be seed by the above, Frank
liaii committed the act tint his friend.
nmgined he had in vi. n when he 1 -It
or, Immediaidi' i.Uer tin
ereiii'xiT the happy eoufde to k iheit
lenaitnre for Oregon, and saMy ar
it'ed at Sntnmervill a faw day ago.
wi! re they met With a henity re
eeption. We, in common wiih th ir
many fiieihls, wi. li Hp in immunity
rtini all the tempets of life's change
til sea, ami trust that nothing will
ver mar I he pi rfect ilainiony of a lonn
cries of prosperous', ja'aceilil, happy
vcu rsi.
T.ip 1. 1 ,.i U ii ii a
V'ooihees, dem., was re-'dec ti d dele
gale to congress from Washington
Tehitory. DnIJois, rp., ildale to
congress, fnnn niaho T,v. liaitlnt,
dem., was! d-cted gr vemr of Califor
nii. 'Ihe returns from most of the
M a ten that, hdd d ctii ns last Week,
will he li und on our scci nil page.
tVil-l Clieiij mil Ttr.
rivrvhntlT knows the vlrtu-s of wild Cltpr
rv tili'l Tur as a relief unit mire for anv ilffeii
tltuin of H Throat pad Luiiuh. comlif tii-d
with lliesi! two Ingredients are a feW simple,
healing remedies hi Ihe cnmri-Hnu or )n
Musartkn's eiigli aihl l.tinj; Syrup ninkliig
it jtil the Article vmi should always hive lit
the. house for ou-jliH, i ohU, 'rViiip and
llroncliltl-. I'rles fill ! emit" and I. Slntde
free; Sold by J. T. Vrlht, Wnloii) Oiegou.
Retnihihirt uncalled for nt thfe ITnloh host
otllce. the endhie Oct. 21. kH(i.
Alhcrson. Ml Vldla
M.-rry. Jniiles
CUise Witl
DoUf-hertv, H L
Duncan.-K L
Klrencr. A I
Hnwardi Pr B P
ir.. if ii o
Do!pb!n, Mrs F.lllei
Fldninn Joint
Harper Albert
J... iiiii, . it . ,
ohnstnll. Frank H Jfj.'ies, W M
I ...U.I..IS I L. I 111',. IS li
,Kuhcn,MIFrankieS N 'ppach.A
rarKer, vm ivurce, inos .n
Pndgell. Win .
WHley. Kmrv Wood HI!
Walsh. Mrs Kbotla
Vhtdr, KHindk 8.
PeFsonn calling for anr of Ihi nWJre, '
I)leM(o sav ' siilverllsi-it .'
0co. K. Hill. P. M.. Unldn.Or,
Ffnnk Bto's Implcmiut L'o.. at IslsniJ
tv. pav the highest market price lot
am. They keep grain 4tka to loup ut
stll tt fur
Covo CullinpR.
Nov. 12th., 1SSG.
.las. Mastcrson and wife, of Wallowa
valley, were in town visiting their
daughter who is attending Ascension
Win. ICocnig will soon commence
building a store, near hi, residence, for
n inruiMiie snoji. ue liitemis em
barking in the business himself.
A Cove lady was in town, this week,
and as she was feeling in good heal h,
stepped on the scales to ascrtain her
weight. It was found to be jut .110
It io said that owners of flocks of
geese in this place are com puled to I
tlit the eats of their fowls to prevent j
mistakes and keep them from being '
dn ven away.
Mis. Mairann will give a Thanks
Hiving kill in Wright's hall, Thur-day,
Nov. 25;h. The best, nitisi,: obtainable
in the valley will be ptesont, uL-o a
good nipper will bo prepared for the
Jas. 1! iii-sell has awarded the con
tract for building a dwi lling house, in
'be northern part of town, to Win
Kocnig, and wmk will be commenced
next Week. Rumors as to future
t bins, occupants, etc., a.iti rife.
O.I'. Jayio.w of the flouring mill,
l. uultti red te.'enty line hogs thi:
we. k. He uImi erected a comtnodiou
Mi.ioke bolls e and will make bacon on
an extrusive scale.
The concert given by the Episcopal
chonls Was w 11 attended. Mi's
Hrooks, of J). nver, music teacher in
Asceii'ioit jchoi 1, made her debut in
hi" lace. The young l.nly is possess
ed of a rv iweet voice of pure tone,
and has it under perfect control. Hoi
-I los Weie the gems of the evening,
itid etijoyid bv t vcryone. Hiss Hei
'llfiiian sang in her tisu.d pleasiiu
manner, id-o Prof's. Wurfd and Plan
.hctt. The recitations by several
voting ladies were interesting and ti hi
in a fluent conversational tyle. Th
-.'lercise-. dosul with a seme from 11
I'loviitore was very aflectin
ulid W. 11 em lied ou.
City Ntos,
November S, 1SS0.
the principal streets of
Neailv all
Ftigene are In in,,' graded.
Jimmy Kakin is reportetl to be in'
the valley hut hasn't thown up at Eu
gene yet.
The new Methodist Church just
oih 1 -ttd is a magnilicent structure.
It will bo dedicated in about two
we i ks.
Mr. McDonald, a young gentleman
from Summcrx lllo, attivi d in the city days since and entered the tini
v. rsity.
G. A. MeKlnlcy, the newly elected
pastor of the Piosbyterian church, was
inl,ll. ! List Sundii' .
At the regular annual meeting of
die cor oiation of the literaty socm-
i-s of the University of Oregon bdi
on tht' 5th inst., L. J. Davis, of Union
was dectod librarian for the entiling
year. Eluay.
We are informed that Mrs. Holder,
of North Powder, was arrested yesier
dtv bv lite I'. S. Posinl aiithoiiiies
lor tampering; wi'h the inails. opening
letters, etc.', and taken to Portland
where the matter will be investigated.
III I H-il.ut i si
W. D. Suit, Druggist, ltippus. Iml., testi
fies: ' I can iceoiiimeiid Kh itric Hitters a--iln
s.r best remedy. Hvcry bottle soli
Inn uivpii relief in every ear. Oil" uiiti
ouk si t h ntles. and was cured of IUniima
tis'it oi HI ,r.s' standing " Ah aham Ilaie
.IrusL'i.-t, ll,'l!vilH,Ohl,i, atll' ms-: '-The lies.
e h.'g me licittn I ha to i yer hanllcd in no
0 tiar-,' -.peiietice, is Klei-til.' Ki'ter-.'1
Tlionsaiuls o o hen have ieldeil Ihe r tes
tin o y, so th u the verdl. I is inianiniou
h it l.le.-tri Itinera do cure all diseases of
the L-iw-i, Kidneys or Mined. Onlv a half
dollar a bottle at J. T. Wthht's d ugstoie.
I'mli t-tvi-Ut,
We m ike a s'peeblly of :d' tfrin'o' nf Un
lerwe T I r I ft Ilea, All s s
mil 'o - s The i .... o Is are
rrt i. h 'I 'd in a line o' oi a
is to n cii 'he wants of nil .
Jnf nt-. Me
ui II mad- and
t'es h i var oil
lasses of pit
i: i Hers, n ivi a i-i-ceut'v sectiret seve il
ion I.ors o i ml - i ir at fo itito I rates wi
e nows. lling ih.mi l l-s thin cost o
tn II i:i etare. As tins - g. d'N iimnot In
r jMa'id .it 1o:nier pileps. i-oe deslr n
lii'in slioii d order at an earlv day.
i.iiiiplu, sent on iij plication 'ami order
o!. cited.
t)LI)H.t KIN'O,
180 First Ptreet, I'orthuld, Oiiijoii,
N Tl Id
Ali pers-iius iddi.-bted to me are noti
fied to cull and settle Within 30 days,
by note or nthd wise, Or tin ir accoutits
will be placed in the hands of an attor
ney for collection.
Ilnnl 'I linn
While inmiey Is e.t 'sp, wi-res and prlfes
low, eiietise slulllltl he cut dowil In p.yi-i't
houi'lii.ld, UeoiinniT, tlni watchword for
Mot It -rs, In; id oft doctor bills, by always
keeping In th" h"tlr a hot tie of Dr. M'tsaii
kn's "tlk'li and bung Syrup, Slops cough
iils;llilly, relletes eoilsumplloii, elircn C'roiiti
and null: In Mu- hrst In one n'eht. It li
jijt the feiiifdyf'ir hard tline. Prlcn Sll ct.
li(l il. siKtnpie irno. Moiu by J, j , Wnglit,
Lliloil, OieKon.
Hilverton. Or.
1 take plensuhi in testifying to tbn teiiit-
dhil proju rtlcs of tho Oukook KIonkv Tka.
I'd-hfe psst three Vcars I have been t'Ou-
hhsl tl h derangrinent df tho kidneys, dur
ing wlileli tlliie I have tried vi.i'1' in rclne-
dfc i without oblulblng f-Ief. I bought a
packme of the Om:oov Kid.nty Ti.A from
C. Hayes, u I from1 the !'.rt dose Lexnu
Id feel hotter and lim ha-ipv Id say that af
terusliife the packbre, J mn almost cnlhclv
cuieJ. SAML'ICL iOX.
Ililrblei.'li Aril. til ftn'vl),
Tilk ilKiiT SalVk In Uiii World for CiiM;
UruIirH, or n, Uleerm Salt hlieiiill. Ji'eVer
.S0h', Teller, ('Hupped Haiids, ( hllbUIns,,
Corlll, am) nil Skip rrbptloiis, and podllve-
IV CtireS Piles, or no nsv ri-Miili--il. It it
guaranteed to fdVe peFect s.iUsfaetloii, or
inoney refunded.. Prltja M Uwu per i'dx
! or nale ti- .I.T. Wright, I'nloii, Orogou-.
'Phtj if.iihbU organs hve no epiat
Elgin Echooa.
Our village is qnito lively of Lite.
Health good. Times getting nomo
better. ,
Mr. Giiggs has his dwelling about
Our bridge is Hearing completion,
j u u l)V;MIt,
Mr. 1). Chandler and family, of
Union, have just relumed to their ,
farm near Klein. j
Mrs. Hloodsworth has had quite an
addition put to her house, and i keeji- I
ing a few hoatders. i
Union county's popular teacher, Mr. j
Nevins, commenced a three months' ,
lei m of school heie List Monday. .
Win. Martin has returned from the
Kast where he has been wi'b n diove j
of horses. We are inform d that lie
disposid of them very aihantagei.ti.-ly. j
Mr. .1 D. Guil l's school has dosed.
Mr. Guild has given satisfaction as a
teacher. He is now bttsv with the
hold and stage line from Klin to La
Mr. Henry Chandler and lnidespent
a day witli Dr. .1. W. Snyder and wife,
of this'pltce, recetrly. 'I hey linked
very happy, and we wish Ihein un
bounded joy and success.
F.Lin is still improving. Mr. S.
Ji lnison is 1 tn 1 1 ling a mideneo on
Main street 1022 feet, with an ell
Several lots hae been soi l latdy and
'uiildings will be erected on them
.-non. j
A leccption party was given recent- j
lv at the Elgin hott 1. in honor of Miy
Emma Jones of he Cove. It was on
. he occasion of the close of her mn ic
school, and was a verv enjoyable atlair. ,
.Miss Jones is an excellent teacher and
nas mane inauv warm Irn ii'ls (tiirui
lier Slav
SSHiCirei Goiiiiti.
. o to
with h
M'ish her a t leasant tiin ami hope sin
will come back again next summer and
.each another school.
Ilitfli Valley IIjtppenlnjjfM.
The lirst sleighing of thu season
came on the Dili.
Over one liuudreed Jiogs have been
; utcliered here during the last ten
days, and tin' end is not yet.
Mr. K. (jurette has gonoi witli his
band of borsea to winter on Snake
Why don't the Union Hod and Gun
dub make a laid on the Hi;li vall.-y
farget-team? A twenty-live
la ef will be conteMtd for on the l.'llli.
at our school house.
The way to keep money is to earn
it faiily and honestly. Money so ob
tained is pretty certain to abide wi'h
the possessor, but money that is in
Imriteil or comes in any other way is
..lnnist certain to go as it came. The
young man who begins by saving u
p w dollars a month and thriftily in
creases Itli stole, stands a better
ehaiu'e of spending the left of his life
in allluenee than he Who in his haste
te become lich obtains money hy
dashing speculation:; or the devious
V ivs wbieii abound in the foggy re
gions between fair dealing and fraud.
I Julian Valley H ems.
Kino weather cool days and frosty
Horn 'i'o the wife of John Darr,
Oct. 27111.1110(0111111 giil. The fathoi
h'dares that he i Hot afraid of any
body now'.
J.A.Jackson dismissed his school
the 1st ins-t., for a Week's acalion.
The two schoi Is in the vallev have
lJf scholars enn lied. J. I). Guild'a '1(1, Je-se A. Jackson's li).
The sad o-milrr ui which ll is
caused much grief in the Olristiaiiseii
.' the Wandering of the father's
mind, caiishtg Imii to betaken fitmi his
home to the asylum, had hardly passed
in Ihe family was compelled to wit
uuts the sad death of Ihdr son and
biother Joseph Cluintiaiisen, Who
pasted quietly from tills earth on Sat
urday evening at 7 o clock, OH. !!0 h.
I'he ii mains were laid in IIp cemetery
oh Cricket Flat. Tim family has the
sympathy of all the surrounding vicin
ity. Tuck.
A focilil club was oigiuil.i'd hy the
the young; mull of Union this wtidk.
I X.-ltl-llll-l.t III 'I Xllt
Oreat pxcltenient has ben Cans'!!! In the
v'li Inity of Patls ,Te.x.. hy tho remarkable
ei fivcry of Mr. J. K. Cmley, who was so
'lelpless l e eoilld not turn in bed, or rid e
his head J everylio Iv Mold he wm living of
('oiMiiiiptlini. A trial bottled Dr.' Kl tg's
N"w di'Covi"f v.'as sent Id in . l-'iiidlnH te
'ief. he bought a largo bottle ami a box of
I)r King's S'l-w Life I'llls-by the time he
binl t 'kill tn bo.ei ef ft till tuolol
fles of th" Dlseoverv, he u' is well ami Ins
oilpeil in !c h tllirt' - IX pounds. Trial
bottles of this Great Discovery ftlr Con
sumption free at J. T. Wright's dnlg store
IsIiik ttsel'i
La GhANi i;, Nov. fl, lPf (I.
llncoived of lie State Imitralice Co.,
of Salem, Oregoll, the mimi of liveluni
drell and lifleeil doll i im (t'''), ill full
payment ami salisfactorv settlement of
Ins and (liilmigp. Said loss oL'cillilng
on Ur aboilt (Jctobcr 211, Wfi.
KoriKitB it Wii.i.iAMnuft.
Styrtip it I'ltS-
Mtihnf.lbttii'ed the Callfiifnln l'lj
S'vrtii Co., Han FnuicLejn. I'aL, is N'Mipe's
O.wn.-Triie Laki'lve. This pleaanl Pnllfor
iija Ihuld fruit rellieilv mav be b id of all
drliifelts, al IPIv cents or Oilf. dollar. It Is
the most pleaialit. proiiint, aild eiti-ctlve
rpiin ilv known to iJleaiise tliesyHtein; tntitl
Oil the Live. Kldnees. aiul H .wls gontly
yet. ihohiunlljy; to dispel Henda'dhes. Colds,
and Fevers.; frt cure L'onsUinplion, 111 llg'e.s
tlon. and klnilretl ills.
Ldok riii! hirlbli latt'osl nMirlmcnt
nf toVs. sterieophsi. piilnllit.'. dhllsi
tiilb't ciish. bOoks. toV iimR.wa.Miisi
CliriMmas ciiiiih mill npvelllt's. uver In
Iho vtlleV to Im recjMvcd ill thii UoVtS
lint u MorM shortlV. VoxVt lt
lite piamlhUtli tvnk Ihtlhtu (Uciilis III
Indian Creek Paragraphs,
November 4, 1S80.
The" weather continued dry and"
pleasant and hut little fall plowing, an
yet, is done.
T. J. Chandler and John Lambert
have purchased 1.000 head of sheet).
Thev piocurcd them in thi; Walla
Wnll.t country, paying $2.12 per
Henry Chandler surprised a brother
and sister, in this vicinity, by paying
them a visit and convincing them of
the fact that they have a new sitter-in-law.
A goodly number of the people in
these parts take a great liking to sheep.
We are look'uu for F. H. Collin to
return from Iv inas with a better half.
We notice quite a controversy goin
on in the Oregonini by two LynnuiV,
of Forest Grove, for prohibition,
:igaint T. T. Geu- and the Oretonian,
for high license. Strange, isn't it?
when both are' striving for the same,
thing less di tnikenness.
Htiy the n lebratetl Kimball pianos.
H ill
m 9
'I he F.inioil.
Pennine Colore,! i'eiiple.
too riiiNim:s! joo
I'verything Ne v i n I I'leitsbuf,
!tr ilutirs of'Mli'ili, t" n i.-iiik'i Mlimtrplsy
Ai'Missies. to V s
On ride at W
:k- i
,v it Si:
Di-uj S
'.'. I 1 1
Change of Afuiiavmcnt!
ise.l tl
All I tliorotl.,'li'y -cll'ted th s mi -, it ttl'l Im
o nhieted ,) ui en irelv d IT r pi i i than
leret" o p a d iiinn m wi I ie si..n. I t.i
mike nnr i.i-t otnfo t.n 'ii In colli' ctioit
with tie- Hotel is an e'eeaei..
Where 'he Fine t Mr mils of
aiee.iii t int y i i li.n.d
The rationale ol tile I'u'.lie is. ri d'tltod.
New Stoic!
New (Jtiodsi
Herman Waidock,
sum ai i: n v ill;;, oa N.
iiKAuni i.y-
Gent's Kuriiishing Goods,
Fancy Goods, Ciockeiy,
Glassware, Tot's nil I Nollotis,
Pisji Is and Guns,
Musical IiislriliilelMK,K(U,
Oigin'.s ait Tobaci t),
G.imllesiiiid Nuts,
On it If if ah Goons a Siri)t! iAif
Salnj 1-sftf Ot-nt-'s, lloys'ainl Voil'lm
Suits and OVeieoats, al o of Ladle'
DlDss (joildH citllstaii 1,' oil bni'l.
Slibsciiptiiiiis taken for all Pallor
ailtl Petiorlie.ils at publishers rates,
Kstablished In I !e-i'.s'.-b.liiid
IWjt. I Hi.
'I'he Union Kursery ('otiiiiiiiiy offer for
snlh fur full and sp 'iilx tradii of iiSii lilld
75,000 Priiit, Shade Trees anil
Sli rubbery,
At PPiees to Cori4eBl(tl
With the TlitieM.
. ti
ilavillK had twenty years' experience n
the, nursery business and fruit f rtiwlh tit
I'nloii epuntyi coiir-liidetliat .Ltvell till?
derstand what tile cliniiite of KSMtirn Ore
iron, Washbigtoii and Idaho Terllorli
moat need.
1 tvllllsslieclrcnlars soon, for free ilWttl
bUtloil) giving list uf varieties and pricej,
- -
Fbr fuHlibr lartlculam, address,
' II. dttifctf U, 1'ltOPRDiWK,
Uv)Ut UkAWa Oinity, UrfctftMl,