The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, November 06, 1886, Image 4

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1 Own s
ah Ml notnll
1 ry nn.T
i.rr. 'UTrrlfSel
hn A mil 'f thin,
Ourpatronj will take notice tjnjt $ leal
Advertisements, such
Proof, Application for
Notices, ctc.nitist be paid for wjien tli
i . . . . 1 S- )...!..
ni(luvlj 01 puiilieation s mane. 4ou,cvia
Hon will bj made from tjjls rule.
Tho Oresroulnii save tho I.'matlllii
JiidiniiH luiye (Jodijed at it 19 invent
The BCOUT hi ft MuM, hrtrr Clron
l)tl mltinn ihr Papffr In' tJilif Keptlsn
fif the Mnte. Pjiil Is," lliqrofor'llie4Jtl(tf r
Thl IS' " Trim Htnleitienl.
llic tnrniH or nuiupiiieiji nnipin.Qii oy :ih"h i; .wiiciiir. ihj ii;-.vj hh
the ggvonniient twij votlrn njo, mid llilnir jr mi; Jipucp the uljmiUjtP. lie
will allow flic hulk of tljplr nimrvntioii ''Jeslty for ijiiliouinod fiijtji. There
to be Hojd to while kiHIIoih,' It is i ) cijn he no doubt aliut it. loii;
iiiaiilfieeut bodv of iil), (otiiirsiig hmiuhI auif uninifiwcriihh,', iiud wc
VM.OOO nurcn. Afpr eBtahliHliiiiK tliii s'l'dl "t'ly with hrotljr Ovruft oj) ibis
IndiuuH jtj ey7)ty. inid roipryinif in; ( Jlijpqsjjon tho r)VH ciie Jyiijjc.
ni)le proportion of wqudimd piijTre I S??!!S!5fliS?5?5! '
Juml for tlu'ly uso, jho yufji liinjor. ei- j c f ,
timatcdiit l':,,000 turn, will ho sold c,f,e f , , t
,it uuetlon, 'Q will h .' JfJfVmj3 .5,f"'0.? .V.-' !'"!?
auld to i siiiifle bidder ( IQO of a'icu
idiior ( w of Hifiicui -
tural Ittiui and (i of wooi) land), fud
each buyer 11111,4 make uath' lnt .'hi
is puroh'uKjiiir JuiuIh for hjf vyn i;.e
and oocmcffipn, and n()t for, n- 011
dctoiiiit )f, or at the Hojjuiliitjon of
liny oilier, nud thai he bus i)ade ijo
contriicp whereby ihe title thwreto Khali
directly or iiiijirectly inure ti the ben
efit of 'aiitli:r, and heforo n paput
lmll be fhl!i(j fpr uuliinberci) unili
the piircljtiM!r wlmll make K:itifi('ii'.v
proof thai Ije Ipni rohjet) on tlje ix 1 1 1 1 jt
purchiiei a), least one ye;)r ijui fniH
rcducoi at i'.ifi 2j acres" lq eu jvii
tlon." 'l'his ' reKuialion us gupd
to prevent tho purcbaiie )f the nij by
f 'grabbersj" iinil (o pi;tect tho cqti 11
try froii tlp ey.i oj i;eefhitiyp and
monopoly Qwucivhjp.
Although thu Indians myp fijlly.
agreed to the consiil-L-rnble
time i)UKl pa.-o before it can
be carried jito effect. The hnpl in)t
all ho 6iiryoye(J and thitlei, aii life
jtidlaiiH ii))tit niMKc tijcir i?pjccii)ns
After that lljo jam) to. he sold ipuyt bp
Tho iijonoi' iiccrijji) from thp sub's
of tlieoo laipls will Ijo ij-cil to pHtiioljrfh
the liidiiiiis in Iheji' now Jjoifjcs , lp
inniutiiiiliii,' Hcnoq iiinonjr them, cp.
jjvery dollar of l to bn rcneryi'ij fi)'
tlipiil', and it " J 1 1 1)0 ocpuip)rd iiiKlcj
governnien't niiliiorjty. Thp tiijs
whieli they retajn in peyenilly wjjj not
be pnlontui) to lli' for twenty yi"i'
Mild are not to he taxed during that
Jtciioi). It I bopnij u twenty year.
touiakotho IndiuuH iudependnt. The,
Hi'liciuu of giiarduiiHliip u a vorvelub
orate one Mini contain inintito provin
J011 for overy einnroucy whjch is be
lieved to be'tt'illijii the bouiidi of nii?
This settlement favornbe for lP
interest) of the ut)jaiiR in all lliinp's
Hint would have been iccopcu long
ngo iiu fop tho effort-t of purlieu it)ter
qalcd in iuautiiinr thp reunryation
systcin, Stockmen who luivo inquired
cr.ttlu on tlu teeryation rungu liinlnr
lease, duiwhd U'lijln ipou who haye
been peruiittril to live on tho reserya
tion ,by viitiio of tho lights uf their
wives and children, vagabond hair
brced' who Ipivu preferred (lie pauper
reservation Hystcm with tH plenty to
lives of industry and iudependuiice.
uiid xpeculaioiM who have found profit
in mUcellniicoiis v:vs-ra these strove
with tho 7.ea of H)llsh juterest to de
feat the proposition to lurid; up tho
icservntion and through their cln-o
relntionhii with tho Indiana and su
perior in'elllgeneo wore ubo fir 11 onif
time to postpone its euustiuiiuatlou,
rnoscKiuiii) una cum pax
Tho I'Mioinan's Uncord, of flan
Fmuciseu, speaking of different com
panies btiyst
Tho Hutu of California has oiuiiit
ed lawn for thu protection of (is cit
tens airainst uuroliaiilo iiisiiraucp niiiiu
panics, Now (Julilornin miiisiliuins
thn most pi'otitabln portion of the Pu
eitlc Hold, and llicro is nut u single
coinpiiuy doing htisineKs in said tlcld
that would nut aciirclv eoutpelo for
biisiuesM hero If penuittml todoRo,
No coinpauv would tacklu" the
fraino rnngus of Idaho; tho railroad
towns of Montana; tho llouriug lallls
of Oregon, or thn hop kilns of Wash
iugtoii Territory and still decline bus
iness in Califonuia, If it had such
landing us would entitle it to do Inn
luoss here, TJiis being the cum tho
citizens of the Stale and Territories
named should beware of ceiiniu com
panies, (real and alleged) which, pro
hibited from doitiL' mildness In CMlffnr
uU, urn now ecudiug their agents to
very hook nud nor ot the North wont,
m 'offering polieios at halt price, and
with almost any concussion a-i to form,
iho only real essuuliiil seeming to bo u
piTiuluin of soinu sort.
For tho eoiivciilencn of oil" agents
we append a partial list of tho coin-
t anies referred to, and which arc pro
ibited from untoring the State uf Cal
ifornia: A(.'lo-At)icrlcau. I'ldlcd.) Fargo,
of fcjloux Falls, Dakota; Northwestern
Fire and Marino, of Portland, Or. ;
Home, of Seattle; Pelican, of New
Orleans; Pugct Sound, of Tacoiua,
(Failed); State liisiirauco Co., of
hulein, Or.
Ifotiragonts hoar of hiiv others ot
the amo sort altempting to do busi
ness in their section wo shall be pleased
to hour from them."
Tho rdltor of the Sentinel pridoa
Wmself very much 011 his "editorials' '
And wo are free to admit that ho can
anutdi the inwards out of any subject
to takes hold of about as doxtorouslr
m the uext man, ami sometime ho
Jhrowa r flood of light on tho subject
UI Is hi oo'wlldorjnjf. ForV
pM'nce, jn lli jrtjujiagr prrnk t TI16
o'l.igv Ijo eayq:
5 ' Pi? 5i'Jl'ln 0tojHIJc nj B15
ppl lcl)qv,Ql frmp RH.v jirocnhK oj rens;
iuijf injrjro'i any lujsuuiiv jirqoi,
bill glniplv hy'fHWh'. To ono :ni ifcm-
iluRtrafe. Jliti jnfalljbjliiy oj tlj? soifWs,
explain tli'i) uTmriiciei' of tlititiuht , tl-
pr'jvi? yJi of tfiiipjo 'pou&cious;
iitfss, , itli fit j til. t)$u. n hasij
of all lojisqii 'i;f imy iio'rc' uliHoluto
jpei 111 lint Ijjrht bJjton, but' his ji
meni cimviiifJes iih. 'Tlioro fiin I
It! "
he 110
! notice fjit cJJ lepl cljti I flnit the almost limitless jiimi
at Notices of Final jiiiiniijiyfjiiQRH 0 ijjiiii's iiilojlcotjitilily
r Land, Executors' I in nndea VoilItf to nloinij thu'liivMorics
h peculiarly jreiinjscrjhed ' the. ev
anesce; inflienres 0 jjiyisibh, forces
inr,(ijfjl)li! ;vifl) hn ipterimj emo
tions oj" jr.ic jmvuj'Jnosii us It were.
vlit;h, .(ijiihnlin for thp f ininitnicy,
puifiijs u doi idiioiin livcrjrwn of Moih
I pndcwiiNr if Jiiiniihp for Jiliu to nr-
nyu "t iijiy i)Uijj;i) ;jiid lij),iv. con'
' , - " r v: u . "r. :
1 pqijjs lis hu Hf)je afTe Hon of the or
: lieluhl) rliiK f)itfam? At ttiiic. nympKjmmj
ipillsMtlnn arc prripnl, latuleiicv, unfiv-
1 11 c'r" (' I"" itoiUHCii, vtu, A rmiijiuin hk
prmplratlnij, produci;),') ;) very dljaj;rrpalilA
itclilni; after ctiltl))": .vj-unn, I a coinin'Ui
.nl'cndiiiit. Hliijd, lllocdliiK. m)d Ilclilns
I'llen ylojd nt once to' (Iib ppiicalipn t I)r,
I)oaiik'ilCi Jllts Itipcdy. wlifoli ajd dlp.-clly
Upon thfi parts' yMiiclbH, nborl)ln IIb
'pinion, iiiuyiijf; 11m lnictiHe ii(;iin, ami
Address. Thu I)r
JJ(,saiiL() JlcJIcriic C nil-
"KnliVliv .1. 'I'.'lVllolif.
tany, ')(iiu, ly
Inloii. ffoi'ot).
win icr "kti
I,.fD OrncK at La fJiiAVDit. Onicqov,)
Oct. 23. 18815, f
Notice is liercliy given that thu following
nnniciotticr Iris lilfi I notice of intcn
tioi) to ipuku Ijiiul proof in suppurt of lib
claim, and iljat anjii prq if will be ninilc be
fore tlje Kp'lMcrand Itcccivcrat I.aUraijilo.
Ofcjpri, nn Uoconjbor 7. vir:
ljiiii Ci in,r,
lid No. ?W( for the HW NV, NW HI5.KW
W Sec. .Vi. Tn. It S IHOH. Me u iiu&n
(he following witnesf-'s to prove his coulin
uojs residsnce Upon, nnd cultivation of.
said land, viz: (Jharjex )lpkcnon, ffurvev
Kinder. If Irani 'K(iOr nnd James JJpford,
nil of Cflve, L'nioi) coujjty. Or.
IIkn'ry Iii.vniMitT,
oclSO w! Register.
IiD PvyPK aj hHUnn, Oukoo.v, )
Ocliilier lfl, mil,
Notice is hereby uiyi p that tho following
named settler Iiim filed notice of his inten
tion to ipake final iironf in support of his
claim, ((Hi) tut saiij proof will be nuijie be
fore c gihrraiu jtecoiverat l.a UrpJc,
Oregon, op November yi), If It I. viz:
(Srorc Mf 1 1 1 1 ilsoll
lid. '.Ml", fop the ' i SV! Sec. 8. iipd NW
NV!-4' See. 17. Ti. J H, If 10 IC VM.' lie
niinics tlie following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon, and cultiva
tion of. Kuid land, riz: II. Alexander H
aturgll.T. J. (iiind!er, T. A. Nelson, al of
Dunijijef vine, Oregon.
Hi:ltv'ii Alii-,
octU3,wQ, ItegiKtr
J.i.sp Ornci; at La OitANnn, Ohkoo..I
October 13, KMJ f
Notice ii bnruby given that the following-
iiameil settler lias IHrd notice of his Intel)
tion to malic final nroof in sunnort of his
claim, and that said pit) if will be made be
fore miu Kenisturaudltccnivcrttt l.a (iralide
Oregni), on Novem icr 2 1, ISSil. tu:
Ioixi l. IIiiiU ii.
I). S. No. CBW. for the SU. NAV'-,' and N1-
SVi,', Sec. I. Tp. S S. It -tuKWM. He
nanips the following witness lo proyc hs
cniitlnuous resiitei)ce upiiu, ainl cultivation
of, said laud, viz; Eugene Cliase, J a 1 1 j c
llavnes, James I,oe, and We ! Titiu, all
of Union, Oi'cfion.
HljtjrY Hi.nkiiakt,
octlOflH' itegister.
I, AND OrrtCJt AT .A OlUNtiK Ohmiov.I
October I t, I .(!. I
Notice. I a hereby g'vivi that the following
named settler has tiled untitle of her iuteu
tion. to make H113I proof In support of her
chdin, and that said nroof will be inndo he
fore the He ehteriind fteeelvert l.a Urandc,
Oregon on Novnuimr "a, is 0,vu,
.MniOHln Jann I.".VI,
lid. No. 2.W'. for (ho W, 8H and IH,' SV
Sic It Tn. 3 South H 10 IC VM Mho names
the followinc witnesses to nrnve her con
Millions rusiileivo upon, and cultlVMtlnn of,
said land, viz: O. V, lUnic, II J Patlsih-
erty, Ituudall Kubiusou, and John .Murphy.
all oi Love, uregon,
llKsnr Ki.ikiirt,
ootlft-fiw Hegl-tiir
I.AStiiOrrtoi at , GnAND. OrkoonI
September St. tW, f
Notlea is hereby clvnn that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his intra
tion to make llnul proof in 'upport of his
da in. sud that .i.dd nroof will be inude he
fore the lteistersud lieceiverat hiOrnnde,
Oregon, on Norembur 10, lel, vix;
llenjamlu Mnrlir,
Hil. No. UKO. for tho SW NW Bee M.flK
NK ami K! HE See 21. Tn.o-outh. It. 0 K.
VM, Ho nsiues the foltowlui; wituesHcs to
prore tils continuous rsiileiici upon, utnl
cultivation ot.nald land, vl: Williu Krasler,
Kdward IV A, I, by, Ullhe.-lOeroiu nud Win.
II. llull'inan, all uf Ttlucauet, buiun coun
ty, Or. Km eu a xt,
ocl2-0w Register.
AdtiihiistrutorH Notice.
plvrn that tlin uniler.
signed has beeliap)i'.iiits mliiilniitratrlr of
me esiuiuoi rtgusius 1, n iumiera ucccusett.
by the County Coift of Union county,.State
ot Oregon. All persons having claims
against s dd vstute are hereby notified to
present them to thu undersigned, at her
residence. In the city of Union. Oregon, or
to J. H. Orltes. hor attorney, nt till olHcc, In
ssld city of Uulon, properly sworn to, with
in six months from the dale of the publica
tion of tit 1 4 notice, or they will be poitponed
until all claims presented within that time
ure fully paid. All nrotu indebted to
auld eitatu are required tu make Immediate
settlement with me.
Dated nt Union, OrcKOti, this 25th day ot
October. IMO. '
affei K pl
Ever kpoyjj
pul) and Ejamine our Stppjt. It la tljo pnly Coniplcte Stpcjc ojf
It) ICgjatern OrcRoi;.
I.A'D QFftCli 4T Li OlUNOK, OlIKIKltf, I
Bi'P'eillli 1 , ippo. j
Kotlco is liorebv rivon that the follovrlns-
named nctt rrlm ldfl notice of Ills intcn
tloti to niaUo tin a I proof In Htipport of hi
cliini, flld that Huid in "of will Im iiiuile he
fore the HcjflHtcr an 1 Itecelvcr at I.atlrande,
Orepq)), on November 1 , 18SD, vizi
,; luililniii,
1). S. No. rtf-V), for the N3' NIC .R. NK am'
r o'v W'C. I. I p liH, n. 10 15 w y . IIP
paraen the following wlturMe to piqyo Ins
ooiiniiiioii.i residence upon, a (i cniiiiijion
of, sajd land, viz: iiunjainin it chc, iil
'erf (icrmix, ji Jwanl I'. AmIiIiv and y"m.
II. Iliill'inaii, all of Tulocas&et, Onion (.ijtin
if. Or.
He.nry Hinkiiaht.
cct 2 (iv Itcijlster.
Exociifor's Notice,
Notire is hereby given tUnt the n;;(er
slcni'd nave been a'ppoiiitod executors of the
wljl of Muf.v 0, KINworth, deecau'd. 1)V the
Connly" court of Union county, Oregon,
nnd all (ilaiijs ngiiiustthe ctute of deceased
must he prcHCjjled to It. Kakin, nt hii nlU'-'e
in Union, 'regojj, projicrly verified. ytliin
six mouths lM(f tjjedatc of this untie'?.
Union, Oregon, Hattik It. McUoNAi.p,
Sen. IS, KsS'J.f It HmVi.v,
veililWi. Hx 'uulors.
notiuk oy
.Survey Kq, 1. Hilling l)Istr'c,1 Oranite.l
Dated Heiitem'ier 17, ISVl
Nptipe is hereby jilven that. in pursuance
of thu Apt of Copg', appn v i iluv 10.
tS7- lye, The Oregon (ioh) .Minium
f'oinpnny. of Loijlsville. Kenttipky,' by
.luseih I.pee, ntto.rney, whose postotlice
Is Maker Citv. linker county. f)rcgoii.
havi made nppllcntlon for n patent for thir
teen hundred nnd seyentv linear feet mi
nu. the
and M
re' in.
atnin (jnniile Mniiiii; District. Union 1101111-
ty. State of Oregon, y dcscrib:i liy the
ollieial plat, hurcwith potted and by the field
notes on lib) in the fdlice of thu KeglMcr of
l.a Orandc Luml District. Oregon, as fol
lows, viz:
beginning nt a post from whic tho -c-liqn
corner jijtyeen senfions 27 anil i!,s. T ii
S, lt-t." 12; beas N i'l degrees .10 niimil. s vV
and 00.1 feet distance, miming thence S VI
degrees fi minutes, K feet to iiost cor
nor No. It; thence N ', degrees gl. W 1"70
feiit t.o post i.'onirr No. I!; thenep N 7- de
gress .ri nilnut"M, W KiO.SI feet to jiost for
ner Jjo. 4; thep-e 8 'Jfi degrees rfl. H 1 170
feet to nfist corner No. 1, Ihe plaec of heg'n
nh)i. ( I'ost No 1 beimr IH trked (.'. O. It. No.
l. W. M (' SVIt. No. 1. on NK faee) eon
taini nrr IS.S7 acres and forming a portion of
tlit NNV ounrtcr and Sy qinrter of section
27 and Nl'2 of .section 'M in township 0
south of Hai'! 15 K, Willamette Meridian,
said locution being recorded in volume
page of the records of Union eountv.
Adjoining claimants, on this lode, a Allen
.t fj.ix on the south.
i'MIC ORKOOJf (lol.ll ISflNl.NCJ f'o.'4rAv,
of Louisville, Kentucky, by Juscph l.uce,
Witness) William Ilea, Thos. II. Dunn.
Notlpa uf
Apitlin.-ttlnn to I
he i- 1,iiiI.
'urrlinan 11m-
U.S. LiKIOrrici, La (liuxnr. OitKoo.v.l
Sen. I'.. 1S80. I
Notice is hereby given that, in compliance
with the provisions of the Act of Congress
approved .luno 3, 187S, entitled "An act for
thn sale of Timber Lands in the States of
Callf.iruu, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing
ton Territorv."
Nr)i n Mltrriiy,
Whose post-ottii e address is' Union, Union
county. Or. eon, has this dav tiled In this
ottl.'ehis application to purchase the SI
ins nppni'aiinu 10 pun-nase me .T.'i
. SWV; N i:i4. NVV( 8E' and NKlf
, Sectlup No. 21. in l'ownshii N'o. -J.
Kant No. 40 Kat of the Wlllnmette
W'i, SfflJ
meridian. AH persons holding any adverse
claim thereto a 'e rciiuired to present the
sunn? st this ollicn within sixtv days from
the first pub ai.itionof th notice.
sep.lS.mlO. fleulter,
Nutloo of
Applleatl n to
liar l.mntl.
Turchsis llm
U. 8. LAKoOrrtes, Li Oiuniik.Okuook.)
OctobT 1. lSSt. (
Kottce Is hereby given that, in conipli
snce w 1th the provisions of the Ai t of (Jon
gross approved J tne 3. 178. entitled .n
Act for the nale of Timber Lai ds in the
Slates of California. Oregon, Ncrada mil
W ellington Territory," Oyius H. Prescott,
wh sp postotlice addro's is Tclocasct, Union
a n ily, Oregon, iius tins ilnv tiled tn Hits
oltl -e his nniiltcatiou to nim'liase the SWU
NKsf sec. No, St. in township No. 5 south,
rnnce No, It east, of Ih W meridian. All
persons holding any adverse il ihn-i th 'reto
are tetitrul to present tne same at this
olllee within sxtv ilaya from th.' lir t publi
cation ot t hii notice.
octOCw Uegister
LiNii Orrtcv at La, OmuoK.I
September 2.J. I MO, f
Notice Is hereby uiven that the followinc-
named settler has file 1 notice of his iule
tion to make Una' nroof In sui 11 irt of hs
claim, and that s I'd iiroof will he made be-
fore the Itegister uiid I. eivrrat La Oraude,
Oregon, un November 10 IS.Hl, vii:
M'HIU 1'iKsler.
Hd. No. 152. 'or the K, HK and KM NK
See. t.Tp.ti South. H 40 K. WM. Henun r!
tnu toiiKWing VMtnesses 10 prove nis coniin ,
uous residence uicot. suu cull'i.ition of
said Isud vn ile.J.inui Macbr Oilbert
(leroui. Rdwafl P Asbbv and Win II
cJlult'man, all of Teleuuiiet, Uniuii county
oct2-Cv l:-x-iter.
Ko 8als. 4040 acres ot laud, at) in one
Wvly. AU a bluak in Uuluu. by UU A
i lie yvuiuunu linaru lode, neanu'r kc.
same' being l.'If.O feet N. 2oJ M W.'.
feet ti. 1!.VM R from dicovcrv Iiaft J Ii
with surface '-round 000 feet in width.
if) lantern Oregon.
Farm For Sale!
Situatnd alinul ()iir injle frqjji North
I'owdor. coiifainjng 1G0 acres. Good
bous ', hi))ii and otln-r outbuildings.
KnquiiY of J. V. KIMBHKLL.
Ni)i th l'ojvdoi',
Oregon 'JR'y, (fe .ivi-
Trains arrive nnd
dailv. as fol'o v.s :
depart from Union
I'asseiiL'cr. No. (I, I.'vi
at 11 'Qui. 111.
Freight, No. Hi, L'vc
t iltiWi a. in.
ivKsr inu.ui,
pus4Ci)-.'er, No., L've
at 1 :U1 p. in.
I'Vi'ight. No. 'fc, L've
itt-t'COa. 10. '
.M.iki'.g clo-e conn, i-in)' 1 at Huntington
with trains of the Oregon Short bine IimP
road lor Aid, POINTS KAfS'f audhOUTH;
At C'liii'lllj with trainsforTlIKJUbbES
POMTb NI, Ae.j
At WaMula Ju-cti. n fflr WAJd.A WAL
I.A. DA Vl'ON., it- ; also with trains of the
Northern Pacific It .ilioad foi ALL POINTS
At I'or'land jy'th trains for all i:oints in
Ihe WlLbAir'.TTK VAM.KY, an.l nith
.-("anie's tor AMDlilA, nnd
all points
l'l'OKT Sorl), UltlTlpOl
and Ali HiA.
Leaving nt VJ Midu't.
as folbnes :
v'ng st. wh'f
i '0 a.m. r.4 follows :
8 ate, Thu
''olumbi'i Tuos
Oil" on, . un.
II Colunibia. Wed. " 13
lOloregon, Mon. . " js
21 Stnte.SMt .. " ii
2'l (.'oliinibin. Thur f 2S
Statj. Fri lay
lumbi.i.Thiir ifov" I
Oregon, Wed
Nov 3
Cora., Tiles. . " !l
T''gin Mon..,
.State, Thurs .
O cgiin. Tites
Col'ii, Sun.lav.
" s
I J3
" 18
1 23
o 2s
Orcg hi. iSiiu . ' I I
Col' , i-'iidav " 10
8t.iti, Weil .' , " 21
Oreitoti. Mon' " 2!ij
The 1 iiin'pan v "n;erve-i ihv rijjht 10 chi)lig
steamers or MiHng day-'.
0. II.
Tratlic lliinacer.
.Ma niger. I
J.MJ.I, HY IS, lien'l Jiass.A l ieKetA
11. I-. jlKAOON. Agent. Unlo 1
Pass. A Ticket Aft.
Xi.tlcf) of 4j ptlci.itlon U i'uiphtisp 'itm
lier L.tiol.
LaXD OPneK at la CittANiip, Oiikoov.-, I
Ocioher21, JfiWJ, I
Notice is hereby givfiii that, in com
pliancy will the jirovisioiis , f t)p Act
of Congress approve 1 Jiir l. 1H78, entitled
" An Act for the sale of timber lands in 1 1 ji
Stales of Calif-irnia. Oregon. Neyn.da and
Wasliington '('erritory." (labor Jeldncs,
whne postofiicc address 1 Pine VaH'J'
Union eountv. Oresron, has this dav filed in
this otlicc his appdeatinu to purchase the
IP;, HC'm'. HW. SH', niulSWW. NW'.
f.i'c. No 22 in Tp No, . ILiuec No. i Hast,
of the il'ainetto meridian, All persons
holding any ailvrsc clniin Ihere'o a'e ru
ipiircd to prp.-cut the Mime nt thi office
within sixty days from the li-st I'liblication
of this notice
op'iWrwO ItegLter.
Union, Oregon.
A TTO K N 12 Y- AT- L A AV
iVO t A j: y
7scension School,
Cove, - Oregon.
Third your berlns September 2nd., JSflfl
For prospectun giving f ill information, ad
dress, UKV, W, It. row
Jul. 7-tr.
Leighton Academy.jTAMAK TSMTMNT!
Ore. on.
Second year begins Sopteinber 2nd., 166(3.
For 1 rospectus, addicss:
Jul 17-tf. Principal.
tu stulnc quUIUrt are aaiurpuMtl, nnr
ouilailtuf twoboirr(anrothrrranit. riMlnw
roit aAui nv
(ttt6 knit AVaahlDKiau Tr. Iterotuuue
Mft4 l)al-r KBrUt
JI, Junt J?ece?ed P';?,?t frpxn tc at a Larce JtocJcpf ftl
nnd Winter
AIp ? fine Jine o Ladic?' JgffSgyB ;fd flp9t' Iv'nvCKEJ,
-M Will NOT
And invito everybody to co;))e
judge fpr tjicinet)vps. Ji
I Juyt Fpr vSiile, ,ori JIEA.SONABJ.E apd EA.fc-y TE.IIJM
ifrFor Further Pur-jcwJars, PU o
Mail) Street,
In)iiici)se Stook
Has just Hccnived an
I louse compare the fallowing prices
kmsM Pork,'
lluijk h'iiwi
Mrooms .
Wash Moardi
Guns, Kcvolvcrs,
L K,
' H
I -LU'J-L'gL 11 JJl1 J-"1l M-J-f:
iRinii i irr
FIBS HVI D n 111.
UL.I1 I- 1 II m
ounga id 10 ilda-iigeit. Mho liavc. by their indiscretions or excessive iiidul-'ence broicbt
uponilienise es pnntratii n debility, nervousand physical weakness n'rodu .of
oii.c of the milowing etle :s Nervousness, IMiilitv. Dimness of Dt-feetivc Me 11
. Pimples .111 the Pace. Aiersion to Society. Wan"t of Auil ition, .Melaucholv. Dvspep
111' lousiness. Loss of Power, Pain in the Hack, etc., etc. ; for all such dcraiige'nicntJ
a.inanenteure is guaranteed by the I'm? of Tamak Thi:.u mc.vt,
Tama r Ti f .-.tinont l'i eserllieil l.y lliu I.tmllng Ictans. lU ail Whnt They Sj 1
St. Louis, JIo., Feb. 11, 1SS0.
"For in ire than three years I have .ised
TamsK Tkf.tmks;t with the best results. I
retail now several cases of seminal weakness
and debility with all its evil c..nequenees
I have treated dining tho past year, which
live been cured by the u of the Tisr.AT
viat. and several of these cases wero in the
lM stages. The composition of the dlll'er
i'it medicines contninid in the Tiik iisikxt
I idii ate, and its ell'ccts jirove it to be a spc
1 lb restorative of nerve and scMtal power.
on are at liberty to 1 ge inv letter in anv
way that will conn Unite to your pleasure 'r
I rotlt There are so man v nearly worthless
proprietary medicines ol this lilnd on the
uarket (and every day is adding to their
lumber) that when one is found to bo re
TAMAlt TIIK TJIKNT is mid on Its merits. Fach puckage contains all medicines
necessary for nvtr one iiumhU's in une it with full and comp'efe instructions how to et
ervlse ilict. bathe etc. : price. T im rviKXT. perpuckage f2.00; Hires packages
sent 1 repaid and t cnrelv ealed on 1 . 1 oi of tirice.
' TAMAlt TltKATMKNT havii . . Usui so nireesifullv in private practice nnd In
the hospitals of St. Louis for the pas- - en virs. and knowing, as We do. its w onderrul
I c-rativc efl'is ts. we Mill give the following guarantee: With each order for 3 packnsuj
(8 month s treatment), enclosing &.. we will send our written guarantee to refund tne
I luoiie tt theTKKATMCMT does not effect a cure. Paiknges sent C. O. D. on receipt of JI,
I as .ecurity sgaiuat loss. Send monev bv expres, P. O. Monet Order, or registered let
ter at our risk. Addres ti L. IJLAliE A. CO., boU Propriettrs, B. W. Cor. Cth. an4
' Markst tfU., lit, LouU, Mo.
BE UNDBlSOi)!),.
iijd cxu)))ii)c gpods, learn prjcei pnd
JlY jajfil SELL FOIl C4.SU.
pj- Address, J- W, MITCHELL,
Tejoeastft, Uuiot) Cjoutjty, Oregon.
Upion, Oregpi),
of New Goods,
which ho will tell at a
with those of other fctores jo the county:
liny Fori' x ,
Manure Porks
linkc, and ilncbaiullns
7So. Hand Haw , . T5o,3$2.J0.
. 50c. Spades 75s
MX:, ri'iatlis S7Hc,
3.T',o, 'owdi-r SOo,
JI 00. Ilainincrs t0o,
Cftc ICuroka Wrlucr3 ?2.0,
Train 25c,
Towel Ilaaki 2c,
ling'e trees, ironed ... . JM.0O.
Neck Voku , $1.2o.
Tho Finest Assortment of
In the County,
The Celebrated
and Amunition.
(-1 I sv III F I ' I '
The great restora n nud tonic,
e.iiecijille 111.. 1, , ,,.1 i.w ,,t. n
ally valuable I think it the dutv of the pro
lession to make it known.
Ue.spectfnllc. . .
J. ,. HALL. M. I).
017 Walnut 8... it. Louis, llo.
Tai in Trkatmkxt is prescribed daily for
all forms of nervous d.oiility in both -ees
a wi II as fur checking the unnatural f rt
Josm-s ! ; ! , fi cause so much loss of n ity.
The mcdclues tire proni( t in m 1 o-. md
iieruiancutly restmc those weaken -I j .ir
ly iuiliscrctfnii. e.xcesses or overwork of l;ie
nlaiii A litirnliHr nf itli vsti'hms- Ii -i v ill-
carded all the hynophosphites, Ii.iin'an.
1 insphorus fonuttl;
be Tam.vb Tur.M
las ami
ATM kxt with the ie-
Ml - I s.
'I mi TREATMr.?iT is composed of medl
c'oes inrt agreeable to the taste and wef
n crated by the itwn.ich.
m Bh , . 1 IS"
f. Sa 1 1 I IS"
si si U