The Oregon Scout. '3 VOL. III. UNION, OREGON, SATURDAY, NO V EMBER 0, 1SS0. NO, 19. THE OREGON SCOUT. An Independent weekly journal, issued every Batunlny by JONES & CHANCEY, Publishers and Proprietor. A. K. Jones, l Editor. I f 11. Cuanckv, ( Foreman. nA-rr.soF sunsriupxioK: One copy, ono yrnr (ttO fix uioutbs 1 00 " Tlireo months ,5 Invitrinlily cnsli n wlvnnce. If by any chnncu subscriptions aro not paid till end of yenr. two dollar will bo charged. K-ritcs of advertising nindo known on nppli rntlon. Coricppondcnco from all parts of tho county solicited. Address ull communications to A. K. Jonra, I-dltor Orocon Scout, Union. Or. Lodge IMrcctory. CiiiANn Kosiin Vai.i r.v Loom:. No. W5. A. F. nnd A. M. Meets on tho second and fourth iotLidayg of cuch niontti. W.T. W1UGUT. V. M. A. LEW, Secretary. Union Lopok. No. in. I. O. O, V. Hefrttlnr nicctinirs on Friday evcnlnjrs of each week at iliclr hull in Union. All brethren in pood fltandlnir aro invited to atlond. order of the lodiio. O. A. THOMPSON, N. G. CI1AS. S JULLKH, Secy. Cliurcli Olreclory. M. R. Ciimtcii Dlvino forvlco cvcrvSunday nt II n. in andT p. m. Sunday school at a p. in. Prayer mcetiiur every Thursday ovenln t0:T0. Jtl'.V. U..M. I KW1N. Pastor. I'ltt-snvTFMAN Ciirncii Hcgruliir church -services every fabbath mornlnp and evmiinir. I'rayer meet ui if o ch week on Wednesday evening, bablmth tcliool eve ry Sabbath at JO a. in. Hov. H. Vkknon Hick, Pastor. Pt. John's Episcopai. Ciiuitctt Service every Sunday at 11 o'clock a. in. IIev. V. It. Powell, Rector. Count)' Officer. Judpo O. P. Hootlall Sheriff A. N. Hamilton Clerk . F. Nelll Treasurer H. C. Ilrahiar.1 School Superintendent J. L. Hiudman Survojor M. Austin Coroner S. Alboibon COMMISSIOKEUS. .Tonn Chn'sman J. A. Untnbio State Senator L. B. Klncliurt IIEI'BESENTATIVES. V. D. McCully E. E. Taylor City Oincrra, Mayor D. II. Kees COUNC1LMKV. S. A.Pursol W. O. llcidloman J.S. Elliott J. n. Thomiison .1 no. Kennedy A. Levy Itccorder M. F. Davis Marshal E. E. atos Treasurer J. u. Carroll Street Commissioner L. Euton I'KOFF.SSION.YL.. J. 11. CRITES, ATTORREV AT LAW. Collecting and prolmto practice spcclnltlcs Ollloe, two doors south of PoatoOlco, Union, Oregon. R. EAIvIX, Allorncy at Law aod Offlec. ono door south of J. U. Eaton's storo Union, OroBOii. I. N. CROMWELL, M. D., Physician and Surgeon Ofllce, ono door 60tith ot J. I). Eaton's storo, union, Oreon. A. E. SCOTT, M. D pxivsBCiAiv a:vi mi;ieh:oiv, Has pormnnently located at North Powder, wheroho willunswor all calls. M. Baker. J. i Bakkk. BAKER & BAKER, Attorneys and CoraQors at Law, A NO REAL ESTAiE AGENTS. LaGkandk, - - Ohkgox. D. B. REES, Notary Public -AND- Conveyancer. OFFICE-State Land Ofllco building, Union, Union County, Oregon. H. F. BURLEIGH, Attorney at I.niv, Keal INlate and OoIIcoUiij;- ArchI. Land Ollico Business a Specialty. Ofllco at Alder, Union Co., Oregon. JESSE ItAIIDKSTr, J. W. SIIKLTO.V SHELTON & HARDESTY, A'i"raerKVs at ilw. iTWi!i,I,ractIr0 Jn LTn'"n, Ilaker. Grant, umntiiia ami Morrow Counties, also in tho buprcme Court of Oregon, the District, b.IL und auI-enie Courts of the United states. Mining and Corporation busincsa a spe Ollicea in Union nnd Cornucopia, Oregon. lot whit tiniintllr oflfd nittr. tbe ttklnrof wMch. In iimuy Intiaiif c. U ouly pretext fur drink! tag. but It f rrr from lcoUolle itinuUnK, and rrn. - lum In lurrtulti lon Infant louduii u will not full Id turlnri-ilt-'lv 1 J ISA. nAt'li iS nd djt illac- riilojc frtm dUcrdercd tivNiftcjL SPRING Spj Blissi SHINGLES. . Having leased the f-hincle mill belonciiic to L. 11. Hinehni t, we are prepared to lui- nisli a superior quality ami make ol aliin gtes nt tlm following rules: Delivered at Union, At tho Mills, $3. 25 Per M $3.00 Per M We respectfully solicit n fihnre of the pntrotuice. noniNS ,o KOH1SHTS. A. L. COBB, M. D., PHYSICIAN ADD SURGEON. Having permanently located in Alder, I'liion county, On-con. will be found ready to ntlend to calls in nil the various towns and settlement.! of tho allowu valley. CIii-oiii Itj.-ao. ii Specialty. ja3Mv motto is: "Live and let live." A. C. CRAIG, - - Proprietor. (Union Depot, Oregon.) Splendid accommodations for commer cial men. Tables always supplied with the best tho market affords. TJS'llor and Cold Mi.nkrai, HatiisTS-S KENTUCKY LIQUOR STORI AJSi SOMA IMtTOKV. Cor, Main nnd I Sts., Union, Oregon. NIIUIC.IIAN A:lttl,i:v, I'roim. Manufacturers nnd dealers in Podn Water, SarHaparilla, Ginger Ale, Cream fiodn and Chiiiupngno Cider, Syrups, etc. Orders promptly lilted. G.W. M. D.. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Union, Union County, Oregon. OfTiccon A street. Residence three doors south oT tlie Court House. Special attention given to Surgical prac tice. W. R. JOHNSON, CONTRACTOR AMD BUILDER Main Street, Union, Oregon. Plans and Specifications for Dwellings, Hums and Uridges furnished FULL 01 CHARGE. Bridge Building; a Specialty Alt hinds of Cnbiuet Work nently execu ted. Repairing done on short notice. None but tho best workmen employed, and satisfaction guaranteed. Call nnd interview inc. FRUIT AND SHADE APPLE, PEAK. PLUM, PRUNE, PEACH APKICOT, CK All APPLE, C1IEKKY. SHRUBBERY AND SHADE TREES Of well known varieties, Httitnblc for thin climate. Can nUo funiinli foreign Hortn at one-third the prico asked by eastern can vassers. I desire to null trees at prices that people can allora to nuy. L. J. HOUSE, Cove, Oregon. Ur. Vm Wmmm 132-134 Ttird Mrcst, Portland, Oregon IS n regular grndunlo in medicine; lias been longer engaged in the special treat ment of alt Venereal, Sexual and Chronic Diseases than any other physician in tho West, as city papers show, and old resi dents know; $1,000 reward for any case which lie fails to cure, coming under 'his treatment, by following Ids directions. 1)K. VAN is tho most successful Catarrh, Lung and Throat Doctor in America, lie will tell you your trouble without asking von a single question, nnd WAKKANTsi PEKMANENTCUKE in the following cases; NERVOUS DE11IL1TY, Spermatorihiea, Seminal Losses, Hoxual Decay, Failing Memory. Weak Eyes, Stunted Develop ment, Lack of Energy, Impoverished lllood, Pimples, Impediment to Marriage; also lllood and Skin Diseases, Syphilis, Eruptions, Hair Falling, llono Pains, Swell ings, Soro Throat, Ulcers, Effects of .Mer cury, Kidney and Illadder Troubles, Weak Hack, Hunting Urino, Incontinence, Conor hu'it, Gleet, Stricture, receives searching treatment, prompt relief and cure for life, NERVOUS Diseases (with or without dreunis), DUeased discharges cured prompt ly without hindrance to husinesw. HOTH SEXES consult confidentially. If in trouble call or write. Delays are dung eroiis, Diseares of tho Eye or Enr, Ulceration or Catarrh, internal or external, Deafness or Paralysis, Singing or Roaring Noises, Thickened Drum, etc, permanently cured. LOST MANHOOD perfectly restored. CANCERS AND TUMORS permanently removed without tho knife or caustic. Medicine compounded and furnished to all patients at ollico strictly pureand vege table. Guarantee of tkuiunknt cures in all cases undertaken. Continuation free and strictly All correspon dence promptly attended to; medicine sent by exprertd to any nddrrs free from expos tire. Call or address Privato Dispensary. Nos. i:i'J-134 Third St.. Portland, Oregon. Tvrmg strictly cusli. Ollico hours 8 a in. to 8 p. m. w. capps, m. d:, SarECon and Homeopathic Physician U.MO.V, Oitr.cox. Will go to any part nf Eastern Oregon when solicited, to perform operations, of for consultation. Medicine I'm'iitlirl Without lii-tra Clin rgt. Ofllco adjoining .tones Hros.' Storo. Gj:o. WitionT, President. W. T. WittoiiT. Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of- UNIOX, OREGON. Does a General IJanking Kusiness. luyi Rtid sells exchange, and discounts com mercial paper. Collections carefully attended to, and promptly reported. 2 1 5 o - O.tJ -'3 o a tc c; . tL Tl '? O s a a 2 5 .S Z o to &2 tfi a a S v "3 O to .2 B S 53 E2 C3 H hi 0 3 o bj D o Q) m mm D r- E 3 CO J ess 3 CD in CD E c5 CD e m rt i M t-t M v - S.S a o cj OS rt g el ai O 0 5 rt - w a I a " V MASON & HAMLIN I'nexcelleil can Favo From $M to $liX) on tho jL Oil iiurrhuto of un Instrument by buying tlirnuixli W.T. WHIOIIT, Agent. Union, Ogn. Laundry Queen. The Best Washing Machine in the World. S. M. WAIT, Proprietor. Wait Bros., Agents for Union County. This mnchino is without doubt tiio best In existence, nnd gives entire satisfaction wherever tried. Tuis machine in in stock at. I. II. EATON'S STORE, whero ttioy can lie bought at any time. Try tho Laundry Queen. fe k k k k k k Tonsorial Rooms Two doors south of Jones Bros.' store, Union, Oregon. J. M. Johnson, Pnoi'itinTon. Hair cutting, shaving and shninpooing done neatly and in tho best stylo. CITY v MEAT v Main Street, Union, Oregon. IJenbon Uko.'b - - PnopjtiuTons. Keep connlnnlly on hand BEEF, PORK, VEAL. MUTTON SAD SAGE, HAMS, LAUD, ETC. IAL -: HOTEL Uulon, Oregon. DAN. ClUNDLElt, FjlOmiKTOB TTii'Ttncr rprintlv TitirrlinMPil llila linM nnd refitted it throughout, I am prepared t n firfntiiinnfliiflM flm limiivrv titltilli- In flraf. class style. Cull and see me, Lauok Sau- i-i. b noons tor tno occoinwouiiimu o; ommerclui travelers. mmwm OrcauB CASSIUS M. CLAY. Tho "Noted Kenturltlnti nmt Ills Only Altibition. Caseins M. Clay, ox-minister to Rus sia, who announces his intonlion of ro cnterin publti life without .saying how ho is going to do it, is now ono of tho handsomest old men in tho United States. He is over six feet tall, lias a large head, crowned with white hair, and a face still unwrinkled by time. Underneath his great eyebrow.1 his eyes sparkle as bright iy as they did.before tho war. Cr-ssius M. Clay has been a prominent liguro in Kentucky ove-r since lie began to preach the abolition of slavery over forty years ago. Ho was a great athlete then, and rather delighted in the fact that in his stump ing tours he carried his life in his hands. For a time lie carried no weapons but those nature had sriveu hint. Later ho carried a bowie knife, with which ho tits emboweled Silas Turner, ono of the famous Turner brothers, who, after threatening his life sometime, attacked him as ho was addressing a public meeting. After that ho always laid two pistols on the tablo before him when he rose to speak, but he was nov cr again attacked in tho same way. Ho was a democrat then and when the war broke out he naturally became a war democrat. After tho war ho became a republican. In tho last ten years ho became a democrat again, and in 18S1 he became a Blaine republican. I think he is now a democrat, but whether he. is or not. ho stands very littlo chancoof ever holding a public ollice again. Ho is very fond of public speaking, howov er, and probably means to stump Keii' tueky when ho talks about going back to public life. Since his retirement from public lifo Clay has been living nt his hospitable homestead near Richmond, in tho blue-grass country, where he has hundred acres of the best land in the world. His only companion is his nat ural son, born in Russia, now about 1G years old, and a very bright and ac complishcd boy, who has had tho best possible education. Clay is a sort of a King Lear. Mrs. Clay has not livod with her husband since his return from Russia, nor have any of her children She lives with her daughter Anna in Lexington, nnd her other children live on various pieces of Chry's estate given to them by him. Tlicy have had no connection witlt him sinco his wifo left him. They tell a touching story out in Kentucky about his being in Richmond one day when his daughter Anna, who had quite grown out of his recollection, passed him and somo young men with whom ho was talking on tho street. Clay was attracted by her beauty and her grace, ami remark ed upon them to tho young mon, add ing: "There is something very famil iar to mo about her face. Who is she?" j no young men nesitaieu lor a mo ment, but when ho repeated his ques tion, one of them said, "Wiry, Gen. Clay, that, was your own daughter, Anna." Wushinqton Capitol. Tho Owl. Softly thro' the evening feliadows Flits -the downy feathered owl; With his big eyes widely htarllig, Cries, "tu-w.t" this "ujo"-Ing fowl. Field mice hide their bonds In terror, Itabbtts ciouch In grasses dry; While to every busli nnd Wee, birds for protection ily. 'Nenth the beeches, owl, still flying, No loud v 'ilhtle uiuko thy wings. Noiseless h thy flight as evening Ah its shadows dark', it brings. Hut the owl Is not a hunting, For I asked him why he Hew, And with gentle, tender accents, Answered he, "to-icll: to-woo." -0. Lauron Jfuoiitr, in St. J.outs Jifayastne. Advantages of Education. Hon. Mark lUandford, of tho Georgia supremo court, hits a son who was re cently engaged in a stupendous ofTort to master Greek. Ono night tho young man was poring over his lesson, sorely perplexed anil in diro distress. In tho room was a negro boy, whosu business around tho plaeo was to curry and feed horso3, black boots, nnd do similar work. Tho negro listened for a while to the wails of tho young student, und thon Kaid: "Mnrse Rob, I can read that for you," 'You!" exclaimed tho j'oung man. "You're a fool; this is Greek." "Can't help it," replied tho negro. "I can read it." Tho book was handed to him, and tho negro read right along. When ho hud finished Judge IJlandford asked: "Whero in tho mischief did you Icarn to read Greek?" t "At tho Atlanta university," quietly responded tho negro. With all hts knowledge of Greek tho boy was only a tloer of chores a much lnoro commendable occupation, how ever, than loafing or stealing. Atlanta Constitution. LAFAYETTE'S GRAVE. An American's Visit to tho Noted I'reiiflmtmi's Tomb. A Paris correspondent of The liuffalo Courier writes: Having, after much questioning, ascertained, ami that toe of an American resident, that Lafay ette's tomb is in the ancient cemetcn of I'iepus, one of the fourteen ceme t erics within tho walls of Paris, I wai not much better oil', for I had no driven far with the eocher. whoso vein clo 1 had taken by the hour, before saw that he had no idea whero th place was. And no wonder; any thing more unlike tho entrance to t cemetery than Rue do Plepus 515, whiel after much blind driving wo drew uj before, just after passing tho Plaeo dt la Nation, could not be conceived. 1 looked like tho ordinary entrance to tin ordinary French house, with tho walh a trille higher perhaps. Our ring al tho great yellow-white door was an swered by the concierge, tho usual lit tlo old lady in tho usual fussy chenf lace cap. Tho site, which was origin ally that of an old St. Augustine mon astery, is now occupied by tho Convent of the Saero Cteur, whoso high build ings surround tho cemetery on thret sides. "Tho convent is a very fashionabl school," said tho concierge. "Manj pretty American girls aro cducatec here." Sho letl us down a long, shndj path, past a nourishing kitchen garden, whero the luscious red-ripe tomatoet looked as though they wore longing tc be served with their proper accom paniment, mayonnaise sauce, through three diflerout doors or gates, pinking four in all through which wo passed, into tho quaint old cemetery. It is f littlo oblong plot not larger than th ordinary city building lot, and tho af ternoon sun was beating down so fierce ly on its gravel walks that I wit! obliged, having left my parasol in th carriage, to make my stay brief. All tho French cemeteries are lacking in taste, but this one, without a blade of green grass to relievo its timo wort graynoss, is tho most nustcro spot ir all Paris. Tho burial lot of the La fay ettes is at tho lower end in a cornoi surrounded on two sides by a briclt wall and on tho other by un iron chain Tho inclosuro contains six or eight tombs, with the slabs lying Hat upon them. In tho foreground, connected by a stone cross, aro thoso of Lafayette and that faithful wife, the granddnugh tor of tho duke of Noaillus, who endur ed imprisonment for his sake, and who, while ho was a live years' captivo al 01 in lit., wrote imploring letters tc Georgo Washington urging him to use his influence to have her husband liber ated. I copied into my note-book the inscription on the slab over Lafayette' tomb, but it is so simple that it would be superfluous to repeat it here. It moro ly gives tho date of his birth, ami be neath tho motto, "Requieseatin pace." Two or tlireo of tho ugly bead wreaths which one sees in all the French ceme terics lay upon tho tomb, ami 1 was sorry indeed that 1 had not a few fresh flowers to lay in plaeo of these upon the grave of a patriot, who, in stead of resting in tho Pantheon, seems so utterly forgotten in Franco. Intor mants aro now prohibited in I'iepus cemetery, which contains the tombs ol sonlo of tho most aristocratic families of Franco, such as the Montmorenoys, the Grammonts, and thcNoailles. Next to the Lafeyottos lie the Remusats, but 1 was moro interested In peeping through nn iron-barred door closo bv the Lafayfctto slabs, where in a small inclosuro, tho green grass is growing over tho headless trunks of somo 1,5300 illustrious victims, guillotined nt the Rarriere du Trono during tho reign of terror nmf thrown together in this common grave, called Cetneticro des Guillotines. The "Benefit of Clergy." The meaning of tho phraso "benefit of tho clergy" is not perhaps very gen erally understood. The custom had its origin in those days of intellectual dark- urns when the state of letters was so low that anyone found guilty in a court of justice of u crime which was punish able with death if ho could prove him self nblo to read a verso in a Latin bible was pardoned us being a man of learn ing, and therefore likely to bo useful to tho state; but if he could not read he was sure to bo hanged "without bene fit of clergy." This privilege, It is said, was granted to all offenses, excepting high treason and sacrilege, till after tho year 153.W. At first it was extended not only to tho clergy, but to any person who could read, wht), however, had to vow that ho would enter into holy or ders, but with thedncreaso of learning this "benefit of clergy" was restricted by several acts of parliament, ttntl was fiunlly ubolshed only so late ns tho reign of Georgo W. 'Glasgow Herald. Where does a buck mvU? Hoiton Herald. THE SEVERN TUNNEL. This remarkable tunnel, which, with its connecting links and necessary de tails has cost the Great Western Ra ! way company about 112,090,000 ster ling, ami lias been in construction be tween thirteen and fourteen years, hai been opened for goods trallic. The passenger traffic will bo delayed a couple of months, owing to the heavj work on a portion of tho connecting lines on tho Gloucestershire side of the Severn. The tunnel, which was origi nally designed by Mr. Charles Richard son, C. K. (afterwards associated witlt Sir John llawkshaw as chief in stead f consulting engineer), wai commenced by tho Great Western Rail way company in March, 18751, they having obtained three acts of parlia ment in 1872. It was at first intended to be -1 miles in length, but this length was afterward reduced by 13 chains, and of this distance 2 miles aro beloi tho rapidly-flowing estuary of tho Sev ern, at a point half a mile below the new passage whero the passengers now cross from tholSristol and South Wales Union railway, on the Gloucestershire sitlo ol tho river, to Portskwct, on the Mon mouth sitle. From tho point tit which tlio tunnel Inn leaves the Bristol and South Wales Union line between Patch way and Pilning to Rogiott, tho junc tion station whero it joins tho South Wales section, the distance altogcthci is 7 miles 5 furlongs, including the dcop cuttings to tho tunnel entrance! on either side. The Great Western Railway company carried on the work themselves till 187D, and drove tho preliminary heading from either side of tho river to within 120 yards, when thoy tapped a land-spring on tho Monmouthshire side, and in lcsj than a day the whole workings were Hooded. It was then that Sir John llawkshaw was appointed chief engi neer, in conjunction with Mr. Richard son, ami Mr. T. A. Walker undertook tho contract, under tlie most discourag ing circumstances; and tlie works were not clear of water till November, 1880. The junction of the headings was made in September, 1881; tho level of the rails having been lowerod, at tho sug gestion of Sir Jo'hn llawkshaw, 15 feel in order to get moro thickness undet the river-bed. That this was absolute ly necessary was clear from tho facl that a hole 10 fect long was found in tho marl of tho river-bed at a depres sion known ns the Salmon pool; and tho river, coming through this, flooded tlie work on tho Gloucestershire side. This difficulty was surmounted by fill ing in the place with clay-pttddlo and olay-puddlo bags, ami the works were then pumped out. In October, 1883, the old spring on tho Monmouthshire sido was again tapped, anil in sueb volume that tlie water rushed in at the rate of 517,000 gallons per minuto. and rising at tho rate of four feet per hour, il Hooded a copsidernble section of the completed work. Divers had to be employed to descend the flooded worki ami shut ami iron door oOO feet frorc tho bottom of tho shaft, and again wote tho works pumped dry, by tho aid ol moro powerful pumps. During this process a tidal wave breaking in ovei tho marsh between Sunbrook and Caldeeott, on the Monmouthshire side, dosended the shaft, and flooded an other section of tho tunnel workt inland, but this was easily eleall with. Thus battling with unexampled difficulties tho cng'neers have tri umphed over disasters which constantlj threatened to swamp tho whole scheme and render all tho work futile. During the past twelvu months grunt atteutlou has been paid to tho increase of the pumping power, and duplicato sots o' pumps wh ch have now been crcctea are capable of discharging at the rati of 20,000,000 gallons of water per day. A new shaft 180 feet deep has been sunk on tho Monmouthshire sido for six ot tlie&o pumps, and thcro are in all eight 31-inch pumps, ono 37-inch, one 8G inch, two 30-iuch, nnd two 28-inch pumps. The tunnel is 2G feet wide and 20 feet high, anil has been oxcavatud through hard I'entiaul sandstone, and coal moasuros, tho conglomerate ovor- lying tho coal measures, and shale, red marl, and new red sandstone. In the mid-channel of tho river there Is a de pression br feet deep and 550 yard wide, known to minors as "tho shoots," where there is Co feet of water at low tide, and about, 9G fcot nt spring high tides, so that there is this depth ol water over tho tunnel bond. Tho tunnel has been lined with Staffordshire vitri-a fiod brick set in commit, nnd varyina from 2 fcot to 3 feet in thickness. At present nine trains will run per night each way. When tho connecting linei for tho passongor tralllo nro completed all litis tralllo from tno southwest ol England nnd Southampton will come through liristol ami tho fcovcrn tunnel to South Wales instead of round Gloucester, thus lessoning tho journal materially; and Clifton andHristol wiK bo brought within sixty miu,toi' r,d to Newport and Card ill'. Loudon A'cwa. 1