The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, October 30, 1886, Image 1

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NO, 18.
.An Independent weekly Journal, Issued every
stiturduy by
Publiehers uml Pioprictors.
A. K..Tf)M,l
IMMor. f
( II. Ciianct.v,
i Foreman.
Oik: copy, oti year ....ft f.0
M months ilil
" Throe months J"i
Invariably cash -n advance.
If by nny chance subscriptions urn not pnid
till end or jciir, two dollar will bo churned.
K-desof advertising maxio known on nppli
I'onc-spondoncc from k11 parts"!" theoounty
t llll'IICM.
Address nllcommiinlcntlons to A. IC Junes,
1'ditor Ori-ron f-eou t. Union, Or.
I.oilse IMivctory.
!iiani Itmni; V.w.' i:v Loi'CK, No. ."si, A. K.
ih1 A. M. Meets on the second unit tnurtli
Mttrilnye of each month.
W.T. WltlCiHT. W. M.
A. LKVY. Secretary.
Cmon ionm:. No. :tn. 1. 0. O P. Itrirutnr
tmetngson I'riday oveniutr of each weoknt
their hull in Union. Ail hiethrcn in uootl
riantllng rc invitoil to attend. Ily order of
Die loduo G. . THOMPSON, N. 0.
CHAS. S MI U.Kit, Secy.
Clmrcli Il rectory.
M. E. fiinncit Dlvino forvico every Sunday
fit II a. m nnd" p. in. Sunday school nt 11 p.
in. Piuytr uuolimr ovciy Tnur-diiy evening
utC:T0. iti;v. (i. M. IltWIN. Pastor.
PittsnvTUitiAK Oii'iicm Hcguhir church
wrvicii every .Sabbath niornltiir anil eveuinir.
Prayer meet inr e eh week on Wednesday
evening. Hhhnth felionl evt ry Sabbath at
JO a. in. Iluv. II. Kick, Pastor.
St. John's Episcopal Clinton Service
cvuiy Sundny ot 11 o'clock n. in.
Hkv. W. It. Powell. Hector.
County Officers.
O. P. r-oodnll
A. N. Hum Iton
. I'. Nelll
Tr asuror
School Superintendent
Hitrvuv or
Coioner C. Ilni'nnrl
.J. L. Ilindnuin
M. A i o In
S. Alhnison
commissi on nus.
Jonn Clirsmnn J. A. Hnmble
Statu Senator I,. II. Ulneliiirt
F. I). MuCnlly K. E. Taylor
City Oinccr.
Mayor I). B. Rocs
? A"!irf;el "e'dloman
J.H. EJIIott J. II Thom son
Jno. Kennedy , l,evy
lieeorder M. Uavts
"''"a1 E. E. ates
Treasurer j. ). cnnoll
Stieol Coinmlsttloner I,, tfaton
.1. 1. CHlTIiS,
ColtoctlnR and probate practice, ppcolaltlos
Olliee, two doois aoutli of PoitolJice, ULion,
11. EAKIN,
Allcrcey at law aofl NJary Fiililc.
Offlee. ono door south of J. II. Eaton's storo
Union, OrcKOii.
Physician and Surgeon
Oillce. ono door south ot J. II. Euton't, store,
T7n, on, Oregon.
Has pcnnanently Inoated nt North Powdor.
wherelii) will untwor all calls.
M. Kakeu. j. p. IAki;k.
Attorneys anfl Counsellors at Law,
La GitANUE, - - Okkgo.w
1). n. RICES,
OKFICE-Stnto hand Oflico buildin"-.
Union, Union Conniy, Otvon.
Allorno.v til Lull, Bt:il BCsiato
ami 'olI;ctinf;- AsomI.
Land Oflico Business a Specialty.
onice at Alder, Union Co., Orogon.
A'B' B.AiV.
Drnrilr.. 1., ir..:.. ti..i c l
f A.,r ;v- limn, ifiiM'i, wruiii.
I . V, nPr "rrur Countit-. also in the
fS t frt 0,',,on' 1)is,rict'
HtateH Sul,re'e Courts of the United
-i!tv"? ""d Cor,10rutio l"Mnort- a 8w
OIIuks in Union and Cornucopia, Oregon.
jiioi wmi uniia:T ri rn uiiir. the Uklntrof
valr . 'ii inn, ni.iiirn t( on! 1 nrrteit funirTnir.
Inc. iifi'-r ,r"" tlialK'Ur mu u .irm.
.r!.-j. in it.rru.i miu tnfn at lunuxluli. U
will cm fli in curiiiB 'K I I -3 A lA 'I I S
nil aiur UltesM! in.l'u (rim dltuiUcruU ti.-siack.
11 Blossnm
Having leased tin1 shingle mill belonging
tr L. I!. Kim-hurt, we mi pit-purcd to fur
nisi) n superior nihility n tut make of shin
gles ut the following rub-s.
Dolivored at TJniou,
At the, Mills,
We respect full) solicit
pntroniig". KOlJlNS
$3.25 Per M
$3.00 Per M
. share of till'
A. L. COBB, M. D.,
Having piTtii.ini ntly located in
Union fount v, Oregon, "ill ! found
to ul tend to culls in nil! he various town
and settlements of Hie Wallowa valley.
Cltroitic Jiriii's
fl".v motto is: " Liv
n ml let live."
A. C.
Depot, Ore.
Splendid accommodations for commer-
rial men. Tnb'ert nlw.iys miptilietl "ith the
best the nuirkrt iiffonlH.
iT-t'IIoT AM) t'ol.I) Ml.Nr.ltAL ItATIIS'tFV
Cor. Main anil I Si., - Union, Oregon
Kllt;it.Tl.l A ISAM5Y, I'ron.
ManufiictiirerB and dealers in Soda
Water. Snrrsiinarilln. (Jincer Ale, Cieain
Soda and tMiatnpai'iie ( ider, Syrups, etc
Orders promptly idled.
G. ff.
M. D.
Union, Union County, Oregon.
Oflicoon A slroet. Itesidencc three doors
roiiIIi of tlio Court House.
Special altent.on jjiven to Surgical prac
Ma in Street, Union, Oregon.
Plans and .Specifications for llwellincs
l?nrns and l?rid'CH luriiishcd 1'IUilC OF
Bridge Building a Specialty
All kinds of Cabinet Woik neatly execu
ted. Kepniring done on sliorl notice.
None but the
nnd satisfaction
best workmen employed,
gun. ranteed.
Call and interview me.
Of well known varieties,
climate. Can nl-o furins'i
oi e-l bird the. price nski-d
vassi rs. I desire to m II
suitable for this
roreiijii sorts at
by eastern can
trees at prices
that people can
iffurd to luiv.
L. J. KtH'SK,
Co e, Oi e.'on.
132-131 Tti.J Mrc.t, Portland, Cr.goa
IS a regular giaduylo in medicine; linn
been longer eiiu'iig1 d in the special I real -men
t of all Venereal, SexMial uml Chronic
Diseases than any other physician in tlio
West, a city papeis show, uml old resi
dents know; $l,ouu reward for any enso
which ho fails to cure, coming under his
tientment. by following his ditectious,
DK. VAN i the ini'st siu'ccssful Catnrih,
Luna and Throat Doctor in Aiuerici, lie
will tell you your trouble without asking
vnu a single ipiesnon, ami w.utl..M.l
I'KKM ANHN'TCUlti: in tli follow ingenue:
MiUVOUS DKDIl.n Y, poniiatini Iki'u,
Semiiial Losses, Si-xual Decay, Uuiling
.Memory, Weak Kyes, Stunt m Devel ip
mei.t. Lack of Iinergy, Impoverislieil
Itlood, I 'i in pleH. IiuiMiliiiiout to Mai i jiigi-;
iiUu lllood ami Skin Diseases, .Syphilis,
Eruptions, Hair I'.illiiig, Done Piling. .Swell
ing", Sore Throat, UIccih. Kff.-cls of Mer
cury, Kiilnev and Itlnlder Tr.nil.e, Went;
Duel;, HiiriiiiiL' Uilne, luroutiueiice. Honor
htea, Gleet, Stricture, recoiveH searcliing
tieiitnifnt. pioiupl relief uml cur. for lie.
NKUVOl'tj Diswnson (with or without
dreams), Di eased disehnrgesruted prompt
ly without liiniltnnce to business.
ItOTII SHXi:S consult coiill.leiitlnllv. If
In trouliht cull or write. Doltiyn are dune-
Dieare of the Hye or ICr. U'reralion or
t.itiirrli, interiiHl or ext.rniil, DiabifH or
I, Slicing or Konring Noieti.
Thul eiiwl Drum. etc.. permanently cuied.
L"-T MANHUOD perfectly re.torwl.
( VNi i'.KS AND TUMOIIS iienimnently
rimow-.l nitlioiit llle knifo or irtuslic.
M - J x-t no i-oiiip-'iiii'led and furii'shed to
all patient at office nt rift y piire.uid veg,
table, tiu.irnnt'e of i'KHli am t curra in
nil r.i-s nndei tnke.i. (onsultatioii free
nnd strittly ronhdi-ulial. All coneoion
ileiu prompt-h atladed to; iiiediclne nont
by expres. to any iuldr"B true from expos
ii iv. Call or n'Mri'iM Private DM,iHtniHrv,
Noh. 1:12-18 1 Th rd ML. Portland, Oryr'n.
Tmiw Mtrictly rab. OtUce hr'tira Ham.
to K p. m.
W. CAPPS, M. D.f
Saracoii anil Hoinconalliic Pliysiciar,
Will co to any part of K.istern Oregon
lien onlieited, to perforin ojienitions, or
for coiiNiiltatioii.
?IeIleliicN I'lirnUlied A Itliout
t.'lin rue.
Oillee adjolnins Jones llros." Store.
Oko. Wkioiit,
T. AVhiiiiit.
Does n General Hankin; Pusinesi. l'uyi
and sellti exelianue, and diseuunts com-
inereial paper.
Colleetions carefully
promptly reported.
attended to, .ami
c o
p a
a 9
V) -
rs to
C3 'u
5 n
2 &
,V o
3, "
a "
Organ a
I iiexcelteil
enn savo From f.V) to $1 0 on t tin
p i- 1 1 u o of an iiulriiuiuut by
buyimr tli. i.ui'li
W. T. WltlCIlT,
Agent Union, Ogn
Laundry Queen.
The Best Wash'ng rlachino
in the World.
S. M. WAIT, Proprietor.
Wait liroi., AgentH for Union County.
This machine is without doubt tlio best
in existence, ami g ves enl ii o sat isfa lion
wherever tried I .lis in ich no is ill stock
tit .1. It. KATON'S KTOKH. where I hoy can
be bouuhk at any lime. Try the Liiuiuliy
Tonsorial Rooms
Two doors
south or .Tones
Union, Oivgou.
Bros.' store,
J. M. Joii.nso.v, . PitopitiBTon,
Hair cutting, shaving uml shnmpoolng
uouu neiuiy una in uiu lesl stylo.
Main Klrcct, Union, Oregon.
IJunson Bao.'s
Kep constantly on lmnd
Union, Oregon.
Dan, Ciu.NDi.nii,
Ha ring recently purehned thU hnte
nnd rrfitted it throiigliout, 1 am propareti
to iiccomiiiodati, the hiniery public In Hist
china style. Cull nnd hiw me. Lahoi:
ri.t: Hoohh fur thu nccoiuiuodl.ou
ouiiiHulul travficru.
Tlio Benutic? of the Present metropolis
Pointed Out and a Glowing Picture
of Its Condition in tin Days
to Oouio Painted.
Premises of tho Good Tinio Ko Taxation
aud No Empty Olmrches Then- Tho
Gcspol to Change All Things.
A'vivV (u Vie A'djivij City Timts.
liiiooKi.i s, N. Y., Oct. 17. The eonprcga.
tluiiul ngln at the Tulieninele this iiiornlnir
Mii-.ledli Piof. llrowne, orgunlst, nnd Pnif.
A If, comet precentor. Six thousand olces
joined In .vinglnj; the ojH'nln bjinii, which
The niernlni; Unlit lreKlu -,
The darkness dKipiienm,
Vvt nunihcr of people could not get inside
the building. The multitudes of such persons
on oidmary Siibbatljs, mornliit; and night, are
luihslantly Increasing.
The Key. T. DeWitt Taluiage, D. D., tookfer
his subject "The Vletoi," and for bis text
Knchariah, chapter vlil, crn! &: "And the
ttieetsof the city fcbull be full ot boys and
jflili pbiNlng in the elieets thereof." He said:
Glitnp-ie of our cities redeemed. Now boys
ami gills who play in the streets inn such
ilsl.s that multitudes of them end hi ruin.
Hut in the coming time i-Ki),en of our cities
will be so moral that lads and lasses shall be
as safe in the public, thoroughfares as In the
Tot the pin'iwc of rousing; the people to tho
woiktobe done I have preached tonic ser
mons about tho dink shadows of the elly.
Pulpit and printing press for the most part In
our day are busy In discussing the condition
of the cities at this time, but would It not le
hrnlllifully encouraging to nil Christian work
cm ami to all who are tolling to make the
woild ii -tier, if we should this morning, for a
little whle, look forward to the time when
our clllei bbull bo revolutionized by the gos
pel of I he fott of God nnd all the daikuess of
sin ami trouble and ci line uml suffering shall
be gone fiom the sJcv?
rninr. takks in onii'h citv.
Every man I as pride in the elly of his nativ
ity or icsldence If it be a city distinguished
for any dignity or prowess. C:v:ir boasted of
h,s native Koine, Virgil of Mantua, Licurgus
of J-jartiu Demosthenes of Athens, Archi
medes of Syr.U'iise ami Paul of Tarsus. I
should have suspicion of ba-e-hearlcdncss In
a man who had no cmu'cuiI Interest hi the
city of his birth or residence -no exhilaration
at the evidence of Its piosperlty, or lis artistic,
embellishments, or lis sclenlille adviine uiciiL
I have noticed thai a man never likes a city
where he has not behaved well! Swaitoiit
did not like New York, nor did Parkiumi like
Huston, an I jn'ople who haven tree ride in
thepilsoii van never like that city that fur
nishes the vehicle. When 1 Uml Argot, and
Uliodes. and .Snivnia trvln" t.i m-rni. 1 1 , .....
Mlves tho birthplace of Homer I conclude
rgm away Homer behaved well. He
liked tlu'iu nnd they liked him. We must, nut
war on laudable cltv irlde. or with tlio Idea of
Liiildlnir ourselvi s up, at any time Iry lo pull
in hers down Ilnsluii must continue lo
pn'iit toils iMineiiil ball ami lo its common,
ii"d toils tipirior edueat omil ailvaut igcs.
Philadelphia must continue to txiiitt lo its In-
uepei. deuce hail, ami its mint, and iu (ilrard
co. lege.
II I should II ml a iiinn com nir from anv eltv.
Inning no pildo In Unit city, that city lining
been Hie p ace ol his, or now being
t'ie luce of Ids lesidcnce, I would ice! like
asking him i Iirlit awav: "What menu thine-
lav you bum dniiiL' theref What outrageous
thluj; liuvo von been guilly of that, you do not
like tb ii ace t"
sr.w voitK's'.ST oiii:ati;sm.
Newioklsn L'oiiil V e tv. it. Is on Imlh
p lies tlio r.vcr. the East river only the main
aiun oi iui LT'ai uiroiiiiiiiL' I re. e. or our
cliliuren, will live to ec two i r three brldL'cs
I aiming that river, and more and more as the
jear-s g u, we will he one; so when I suv In
my sermon .Now lork, 1 iiienii well on two mil
linns population, and everything iroiu Sou ten
IJUJ V i en ck lo (iowanus. hut which helm
om: coy, win ueip I lie oilier; IIUU Wllleli hlasU
one cu , will liliisl the oilier. Mi is a ir ant.
when It comes to the Hudson or the East
r.ver, list pa aim s It as casll as ton stei
urioss a llt'tire In a carpet, (iod's angel of
bless ng has iwo wlnirs. and one wine- hovers
over that city ana the other wing hovers over
in s cnv.
Iu Infancy our metrotxills was tint down bv
the bunks of the Hudson. It as lei hie r.s
.Moses in tho ark of bullrudie by the Nile
nnd, like , Mir am, there our fathers stool am
wnteliiNl It. 'Iho roval spirit of American
commerce came down to bathe. Shu took It
up Iu her arms nnd It waxed strong, and for
eign ships brought silver and gold to Its feet,
an i ii iius Firctcueii u.eii up into a great me
tropolis, looking up to the mountains and off
upon tne K'n, inu mightiest energy In Amen
can clvllUat on.
Lvcr.i city l influenced bv the character of
the men who fmimlid it, Ifomulus impressed
his life upon II me. Tho I' lgrlm Puttiers will
never relax tlic rgrasn from N.w Kim uml
William Pcun left it legacj of fair dealing and
inn-gnu- io t'uiiiiiiei una, ami you can now,
any day, on tho streets of iliut c tv, fee his
customs, his miinners, his morals, his hat, Ills
wile's bonnet, and bis meet uir house. Bo tho
Hollander, founding New York, left their hn-
jrttsion on an the loiiowing gcueratlous.
jij:utiks or tiik
What southern thoroughfare win ever sinlt
ten by iK'st.leuce "d our pbvs clans did not
tluow ilietmclveb on the wtcr lice f What for
eign nut ion was ever struck with famine and
our i liljis did not pit out laden w Hi bread
stiilM Wlitt national struggle aud our citi
zens did not .our their blood Into llm
lii lK-lies( What street of Damascus, or Jley
r -lit, or Minims has not resounded with llie
step of our in sslonarlcst What gallery
of srt, nnd our pulutcrs nave not l.uug In It
their ilcltiictsf Wbut ilepaitiiiiii.t of M'ieiiee
or literature and our bcholurs have not made
to it contributions!
I need not talk to vou of our public scliools,
wheio the children of the cordwaluer and tint
m chaiilc uud the glussbloner sit side by
tlilo with the favored sons of mill onalres
ai d nierchat princes. Nor need 1 tell vou of
the usyailns for the Insulin on these Islands,
where tlio-ie who out theuiselvcs mnoiig tho
tombs conic forth clothed in their right mind.
Nor HO: si I tell Mill of tint ua loins for llm
H ind, thedcuf anil the dumb uml Ihenrphaus,
tuo nidoivs. the out ust.
J tliMiik OimI for thu nlaee of our renlihinee.
nnd while tliei arc a thousand things that
ought to be corrected, and inani' wiougsthut
ougiii iu l o ovrthrown, while 1 thiuik (iol
for thu past, J oo! forwsnl this morning to u
gloilous future. I thick no ought and I lake
it lor grunted you nre all Intonntcd In thli
greut wink of i vingellbig the cities uud tuv
tig tin woiH -nc ouyht to toll wkh the sun-
light in oiu faci - We are on our inNerable
wa to linal letup. We nre nut following
the rider on the Mink', le.i.llng in down
to de-ith and daikne-s ami dismi, but the
tider mi the while Inn-e wi h Hie moon under
bl-t feet and the st.iis of luuven for his tiar.i.
Hall, coiiiiiieter, hail '
ltlllOllTKlt lHV-i Ttl I1IMK.
I know there are sorrows mid there an shin
and there are sufferings all around about lis;
lull its In some l.l'ter. i old whiter day, when
we nre threshing our arms mound us to keep
our thumbs fiom freelug, we think of the
warm spilngday that will after awhile conic;
or in the dark winter night we look up and
cc the northern lights, the windows of heav
en illuminated by some iri cat vii ton --just so
we Ii ok up from' t lie night of sulTcilng and
sorrow and wretchedness In ouriilles, and wo
see :t light streaming through from the other
side, and we know we are on the way to morn
ing nioie than that, on the wa t,i "u morn
lim without clouds."
Iwani jouto uuderl.tiul, all you who are
tolling for Christ, that the castles of slu are
all going lo be eaptincd. The vb'iory for
Chilst in these big towns Is going lo be so
complete that not a man on eailb, or an angel
In heaven, or a devil in hell will dNpulo It.
How do I know I 1 know just .i ccrtninlt as
(iod lues and that this Is ho! tiuth. The' old
Hlble N full of ll. If the nation Is to be saved,
of coin e, all the elites are to be saved. It
makes a great dllteieiiee with oii aud with
me whether we are tolling on ton aid a defeat
or toiling on towaid a virion.
Now In Ibis niunielpnl elcv.ill.Mi of which I
seak I have to remark there will be greater
linanclid prospciitv tliali our citl.'s have ever
ecu. t'oine people seem to have a moi bid Idea
of the millennium, and they think when the
better time comes to our cities uml the world,
jvople will give their tune up to psalm singing
and the lelaling of their ieligioii experience,
and as all social Hie will lie purihVd there will
lie no hilurllv. and as all business will b puri
lled llieie will be no enterprise. There Is no
giound for such an absurd anticipation.
i'homimn or Tin: ooop iimi:.
In the time of which I speak, w here now one
fortune is mad , there will he a hundred for
tunes made. We all know business prosperity
dcicnds Umiii coulldi nee between man and
man. Now when that lime comes of which 1
peak and all double dealing, all disiioncsty
and all fraud tit u gone out of commercial cir
cles, thorough coiilidenee uiu be established,
nnd thcie will be bettir business done, and
larger fortunes giilheicd and mightier suc
cesses achieved. The gieat business disasters
of this country have, come fiom tho work of
godless speculators and Infamous .-.lock gum
biers. 'I he gieat foo to business In New Yoik
and Brooklyn Is crime. When the tight shall
have I urled back the w rung and shall have
pm llled the commercial code, uml shall have,
thundered down fraudulent establishments,
and shall have nut Into the bands of honest
men the keys of business, blessed time for the
liarualn makers. I am not talklmr an ab
straction. I am not making a guess,
lug you (iod's eternal truth.
laut (di
in that day of which 1 si cak taxes will lu
ll meie nothing. Now, our business nieu are
taxed for everylh ng. City taxes, county
taxes, tate taxes, United tt iitt-s tuxes stamp
luxes, license luxes, manufacturing taxes
taxes, tuxes, taxes! Our business men have
to make a small fortune every year to pav
their taxes. What fastens on our great, In-
dustiles this awful loads Crime, Individual
nnd ollielal. We have to pav the board of
the villains w ho are lucai ccrated In our prisons.
Wo have to take care of the orphans of those
who plunged into their giuvc.s through beast
ly indulgence. Wo have to support the
municipal governments, which are vast ami
expensive Ju-tt hi proixirllou as the criminal
piocllvltles are vast and tremendous,
no i xatiox m:i:iii:h riu:.v.
Who supports the almshouses and pollen
stations and all the machinery of muiiepil
goveriimciitf The taxpa ers. Audltcllxou
icpulillcaiis anil uiu democrats, that, if you do
not let down the tuxes mid let the people up
we w in mi in a ik'w p.u n, ani -execs lve lux
ation, iinti rum, aiili-monopiil , iiiiti-abomlmi-
ti and you who have beeie fattening on
Hie public sisil.s and reckless of the public
virtue shall not, have so much as Hk-wages of
llfilrect 8MfCKT.
Hut Iu Hie glorious time, of which I speck
grievious laxa Ion will u 1 have censed. Tncio
will ho need ol supporting cniuliiids; them
will be no criminals. Virtue w. II have taken
the place of vice. There will be no onilum
as.ilums, lor pnieiits will be ablo lo leave a
competency to their children. Them will bo
no voting of huge sums of money for some
imii.lcipal Improvement, which money., he-
lore they get to tho Improvement, drop into
tho poctciH of those who voted iheiu. N'o
over and terminer kopt u:i at expeiiBu lo
t Iui leoplo. No Iiiipanelliig of Juries to try
tliett, uml arson, iiiunler, and slander.
nnd blackmail. Hotter factories; grander
iireiiiieciure; uner equipages, larger fortunes;
richer opulence; belter churches.
Iu that belter time nl-o ctunlii'' to these
cities tho churches of Christ will be more
numerous, and tliev will be larger, an 1 they
.-111 be more devoted to the chinches of .Jesus
lirlst, and ihey will aecoinp Ish greater liillu
ences lor giHitl. Now It Is of:eii the casti Hint
churches are cnv ous each other, and de
nominations e Hide wli. each other, and even
in. ulsters of C .rlst sometimes forget th bond
of brotherln od. Hut In the time of which 1
speak, while there will be Just as man differ
ences of opinion as there nre now, them will
be no acerbity, no hy,;crcritlcisui, no exclu
slveness, Tim cnniciiKs op tiik rmntK.
in our great cities thu ehurclit s are not. to
day large enough to hold more than a fourth
of the population, T, o churches that are
built comparatively lew of them aru fu ly oc
cupied. The average nttcmlaiiee Iu tlio
churches of the UiiIIlmI States to-day Is not
100. Now. In the glorious time of which I
speak, there nre going to bu vast churchos,
nun nicy are going to lie u thronged with
wornhlpers. O, what loiiblng songs tbev will
sliigl 0, what earnest sermon they will
preach! U what fervent nrmers i hev will
olferl Now, In our time, what is called a fash-
loimnie cuiircu is a place where a few people,
having attended very carefully to their toilet.
come and sit down tbev do not want lo bo
crowded, they like u who'lc scat to themselves
ami llien. II tliev Have ouv time left from
thinking of Ihelr store, uml from examining
the 8t c of the hut In front of them, they sit
and listen to a warranted lo hit no
man's sins, nnd listen to music w bleb Is rem
tiered by a choir warranted to sing tunes that
mmo . Klions And tlien. ill cr mi hour unit
ii half of liido'cnt yawning, they go home re
freshed. Every man Icels butter ufter he has
had a bleep!
Iu many nf the churches of Christ In our
day, the inutile is sluipy a uioekert'. i have
not a cultivated ear nor a cult valud vo cm.
yet no man (tin do my singing for me. I have
nothing lo sav against uriutlc music. The
two or live dollars I pay to hear any of the
great queens of song Is a good Investment.
Hut when the cp!c assemble In rcligioui
convocation, tun I the hiiiiu Is rent), and the
angels of (iod tep from their throne to catch
tho iiiihic on ihelr wn:g, no not let us drive
theiu nay y our I nlllferenee.
NO I'A i nimjuks Tiiunn,
I have preaelud In ehurchus whore vast
sums of money were employed to keep up the
music ami It wua as cxnulslle us uiw lu-aul
on earth lull thought ut the sumo time, for
an maucrs practical, l would prerer the
hearty, outbreaking sung of a backwoods
Methodist C.imp llieellllL'. Let one of Ihusu
starveling fuiicy songs sung In church get up
b.-fore (he throne of (itsl. how would It loo.. itinirt the great dovolgies of the re
deemed I Let the llnest operatic ulr thnt eier
went up from the church of Christ gut mmiv
hours llm sturt, It will lie caught and imsscil
h the hotnuiM of the Huhbuth school dill
then. I know a church where the choir did
all the niugl'iK uve one Chrlitluu untu who,
through s-i severance of the saints, went
iglu on, ulid afterward u committee wan np-i-iinicd
to wait on him and ask him If ln-
lU iild lint please to slop singing as be both
:rcd the choir.
Let those rfne lo tncf
Win, artel kuey uiir (lisl;
Hut chl...i. a ut Ilia In- neiil)- ktnj
SliuuliI rH-.k lle-ll Joy ntirwhl.
'I'mlse )e the Lord: let even thing with
.ireuth prnie the Lord." In the glorious time
.'ouiiug in our eiths, and iu the world, li"
amia will meet liosatina and hadeltil'ih, hal
hi that lluie also, of which I speak, all the
haunts of iulipilii. and crime, and squ ilor wi'l
he cleansed aud will be lllumlnaled. How is ft
lo li" done! You sav perhaps bv one Inlliienci .
I'm Imps I say bv another. I will tell ou what
is my idea, and I know that I am rlglil in it
rhe giv,pci of the Son of (io.l Is the only ugen
y that will ever secompllsh this.
Mit. i:csi mi's tiiowiNo l'ltrrrm:
Mr. Kcsler of I'.iigl.ind had a theory that if
the natural forces of w lud and tide ami miii
hlne and wave were light!) applied and right
ly developed, It would make this w hole earth a
paradise. In a Uiok ot great genius, and which
rushed from edition to edition, ho said: "Pel
low men, I promUe to show the means of rrea
ling a paritdlse within ten vear.s, where every
Ihlng desirable for human life may be had ly
PM-ry man in siicrabundance without labor
mil without pav -where the whole face of mi
lure shall I e changed into the most beaut fill
farms and mull nun In the most itni'-tilM
cent induces. In all iinag. liable rellncments of
luxury and iu the most delightful gardens
where be may accomplish w itlmut labor lit ono
year more than b lb -no could b." done In thou
sands of wars, ami may level a continent, sink
vallevs, create lakes, ilialn lakes and swamp
and inteisect the land ever) where with In an
1 11 ill can ds and roads for "trunsportlii r lienv,
loads of main thousand toils and for traveling
n. thousand miles in twenty-four hours.
"From Hie houses lobe tut It will be afforded
Hie most cultuied iews lo be fiine od. Fn m
the gall iilcs, from the roof, nnd f om the tur
rets may be seen gar leas as far ns the eve can
?ee, full of fruits and (lower, niTatiged In the
most beautiful order, with wu'ks, cobmndes,
aqueducts, canals. (Hinds, plains, amphitheat
ers, terraces, fountains sculptured works,
pavilions, gondolas, pi. ccs of spular amuse
ment to (Ire the c)e and fane). All this t bu
done bv urging the water, the wmd, and the
mnshliio to the r full development." He go.-s
on aud gives plates of the maehliu'rv by which
this work Is to be done, and bo says ho only
needs at the start a touuuinv iu vvb'ch the
duties shall be each, and a hundred or
two hundred thousand sba'l be raised jnst to
make u specimen communit y and then, this
Ixdiig formed, the world will soe Its practlcn
inllty, and very soon two or three million
dollars can bo obtained, anil In ten veins the
whole eaith will be eintmradlsed. Tlio plan la
not so prcposlcrous us some I have heard of.
rin: oosein.'s ohicat rowr.i:.
Hut I will take no stork iu (hut company.
1 do not believe that it w.ll ever bo tlono In
Unit, wav, by anv mechanical forco, or bv any
machinery that the human mind run put Into
play. Hi to be done by the goH'l of the
on of (Itsl the omnipotent machinery of tho
love and grace uud pardon nnd siilval'on.
That is to emparadlse the nations. Archl
uiedes dcstiovctln tl et of ship com'ng up
the InirlMir. You know how bu Old itt He
lifted a great sun glass, history tells u, and
when Hie licet of ships ctviui up the hurlior
of Syracus! be brought to bear this sun glass
and ho conveyed the sun's ravs upon those
ships. Now, the sulln are wings of llrr, the
masts full, the icssels sink. I my friend?,
by the sun glass of the gospel coiiwiglng the
ravs of the Sun of Klghlcotisness uhii the
sins, the wickedness of tho woild, we will
make them lilu.o mid expire.
In that day of which 1 speak, do you liellevn
there will be any midnight carousal! Will
there be anv kicking oil from tho marble s!es
of shivering mend cants! Wl.l there bo anv
unwashed, unfed, uncombed children! Will
Micro be any blasphemies In the street Will
there be any Inebriates stnsg ring pustf No.
No wine store. No lager la er saloons. No where th -v make th three Xs. No
h oo.lshot eye. No bloated cheek. No liistrn
incuts of ruin uud b struetlon. No llst
pouniled forch"iil. The grandchildren of that
woman whi goes down the street with a curse,
stoned bv the bovs that lollow her, w II bo the
reformers and philanthropists and tho Chris
tian men nnd the honest tuetehunla of New
Yotlc and Hiooklyu.
AM, WUONOS TO 111! ItlflllTliO.
Hut all them wrongs are goi.ig to be lighted.
I expect to live to see the day. I th nk I hear
hi the distance the rumbling of the ivlug'ii
fhaiiot. Not always In tlio minority Is thu
i'hurch of (Jod going to bu or aro good men
going to be. The streets are going to be Illicit
tvlth regenerated opulatioiis. Three hundred
and sixty bills rang In Mo'Covv when ono
priuccwit3 marr.ed; but when righteousness
ami peace kls each other In all the earth ten
thousand limes ten thousand bells slut 1 slriko
the jubilee. Poverty cnr.ched. Hunger led.
Crime purified Ignorance enlightened. AH
the cities saved, is not this a cause worth
ntiil; ng In I O, you thin!; sometimes It does
not ami nut to mtielif Yo-i toll on In your
.lllferctit sphere-i, MimcUiii "i with great ills
rourugemeut. People h.i.vo no fidlh unit snv:
"It does not amount to i.ny thin : ; um might
ts well null Unit." Whv. wh. :: MoscHbttvtclied
Ills huiul over the Kiel -e.i it d.d nut seem to
mean nn-iiidig es .e.n"v. ivupie came out
I suppise, uud said: Ab.i"'' fonie of them
round out w lint h ; wii ited 1 d ). lie wanted
the sen Darted. It did u I auin iut to any
thing Mils stretching out id hit l and over the
en. Hut niter a while the wind blew nil n'ght
from the cast and the wa ers were gal lit red
Into u glitterhu paUsaile on cither bi c. and
Iho billows reared ns CiolimlLtl buck on
Ihelr crystal bits. Wheel Into Hue. 0, Israeli
Maich, inarch! Pi-ail clashed under feet.
Flying spray giitheied Into rainbow arch cf
victory for 'the conquerors to inarch under.
Shout of hosts on (lie lcach answering the
diout of hosts ninltl sea. And when the lint
line of the Israel tea teach tho bench, tho
cymbals chip, nnd the shields clang, uud tint
waters rush over the pursuers, and the swift
lingered winds on the white k yHd the foam,
piny the grand march of Israel tlel vered and
the awful d rge of F.gvptlun overthrow.
So you and I go forth, uud all Uie ieop!o of
Rod go foith, and Ihey streich forth their
band over the sea, the boiling sea of cilme
ami sin uml wretchedness. "It don't amount
lo anything,' penp'e say. Don't It! (iod's
w.nds of help will after it while begin to blovr
A path wl I bo cleared for the arm. of Chris
Pun hmcllronee, it it I we whl be greeted to the
jtlur bench by Hie clappings o nil heaven's
;v nibal, whllo those w o purMtrd in and de
rided n mid tiled to destroy us will go down
under thu sea, and all that will Is) left of them
111 ho cast high uud dry upon the beach, thu
upllntcretl wheel of a cherlot, or thrust out
from the foam, the breathless nostril of a
riderless charger.
Cluuice For Long Lift'.
Mrs. MinkH (r tuliip). "A wtlch
oiico owned by Quoun Kllzubatlt iu iu
tho jiosKussIott of un English cloriry
01:111.' Dour mi'! What un interest
ing ruliu that must b., but I Htipposo it
hurilly Uiw' toKutliur by tli a limiv.' "
Mr. Minks. "Oli. no; it ouht to bo
in vucy uotnl ronil t nit."
"How could It bu?"
A woinun iiuvuc winds n wntcb, you
know.'' Ointtha World.
I'rlde 1 tho su'ilincr of character, bofause
It gocth be f oio u full. W'hlkhaU Ttmn.