The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, October 23, 1886, Image 5

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    Tlie Oregon Scout.
Thu STOUT a Mu-li Uirccr Circu
lation tlinu auv I'ai rr In UiU Section
f tlif sinlr, mill t. tlmrnr.iro tliu IIKS I'
Till I n Trim Stnt'-mrnl. rinrt
ahull nut nil wit to lit) liyam
other in r. Ail rrt Iscrs will do veil
to iniike n note c.f this,
Our patron will take notice all legal
advertisement's such us Notices of Final
Proof, Application for Unit). K.ecutur.s'
Hoticcs, etc.. must lip paid for when the
affidavit of publication U made. Noduvia-
tion will bo made from thi rule.
Local and CJcnoral,
Indian Waii Vktkkank. -The In
dian war veterans of tlx North l'acjfio
coast will meet in Portland on YVednes
day, Nov. 3d, fur the purpose of com
paring notes. On I lie evening of that
day an address will he delivered hy
Hon. Elwood Evan, of THcoina, W.
T., under the auspices of Multnomah
Camp No. 2. I. W. V., to the general
public, on the " Indian war of 1S55-0;
the authorities' and people of Oregon
mud Washington Territory vindicated ;"
for which a charge will he made for
admission, to meet expense ami pos
libly to assist the camp in carrying on
its laudable work. The lecture ioom
at Masonic temple has been secured
for that purpose. The oituensof Purt
iand are too will acquainted with Mr.
Evans to need to bo told that a lich
treat in in store for them and much to
interest the student of history.
Poisoni'D His Hkotiikkh.- On Wed
nesday morning of last week, Steiling
and Wallace Staggs, two young ranch
men living on Rock creek, (iilliani
county, fell very sick, and upon inves
tigation it wax found that their brother
Simon had placed strychnine in the
Hour. I'lenty of warm lard wived their
lives ami Simon was arrested and made
a eontVff-ion implicating his uncle
Pilaw Slaggs who planned the murder
with intent to get away with the prop
erty. At their preliminary examina
tion they were placed under $2,000
bonds to appear before the grand jury.
Eilas Stagga in well known throughout
this country, and especially in Walla
Walla, where he was given notice to
CoNTH act Lkt. The county court
has let tlie contract for building I lie
fence around the county jail, to Jo.
Nodine, for f2(it, payable in county
warrants. The fence is to bo 12 feet
high of If, inch plank, poslw f feet
apart and all secured limit v with bolt?.
Two barb wires are to be placed on the
fence one afoot above the top, and the
other a foot above that. Altogether
it it will be ii very good and substan
tial fence and an improvement that i
much needed. A space of In feet will
be left on all sides of the jail. Mr. No
dine has already commented the woik.
Pine Cijkkk Minks. A friend writ
ing from Cornucopia under date of the
17th, Fays : " The i'ine creek mines are
fast coming to the front. Fourteen
have been bonded within the lat-t four
days, hy a Loudon syndicate. The
new stamp mill owned hy a Portland
company, is running night and d.iy
with very satisfactory results.. There
is no doubt whatever as regard the
richness of the camp."
Rakn HritNKD. From parties just
over from Islam! City, we learn that
a barn belonging to F. M. ILirlimas,
near that place, was totally dcMinycd
hy lire last Monday night, together
with a large amount of hay, grain and
farm machinery. There was no in
eurance. The (ire was caused by a
colt kicking over an oil lamp in the
table yard.
I.m.mknsitv ok Hi'AOi:. Enraptured
young woman, gazing upward (to
young newspaper man) What a won
derful thing is space? Do you ever
contemplate its immensity? Young
newspaper man Indeed, I do. I have
a column of it to (ill every day. N. Y.
Makried. In this eitv, October IS,
1880, by J. If. Thomson, J. P., Mr.
John II. Childs and Miss Laura
Stevens, both of La Grande.
Eajrle Quills.
Don Carlos Iloyd, of linker, i? spend
ing a few days with friends in Kagle.
Beans are quoted at 22A on the
farms this year, and the demand is
H. G. Whitaker has added l.r bucks
nnd 5100 head of ewes to his already
large hand of theep.
There was at least 1000 tons of alfal
fa hay put up this season. At present
it is selling at from $5 to $7 per ton.
Eagle Moody had the misfortune to
break the fore-Ug of a fine (illy a few
days ago, while trying to break her to
If some enterprising gentleman
would t tart a general meichaudisc store
in this valley he would do well, and hy
helping himself could help the farmers
of this vicinity. Ah it is at picfent,
farmer loses u day every time he
vant8 groceries. It is ten inile to the
nearest etore.
The Eagle llonanza owners, Council
& Nolen, have their araetru running at
last. They are hard-working sober
young men, and deserve- a rich reward
for their perseverance. To say they
have a fortune within their' grasp
vould not bo exaggerating in the least.
iTheir faith in the ledge is strong and
5t id thought hy all who hare seen the
Jirospeets to be the best that has been
discovered in th Granite mountains
"frith in the Ust two years. May ucces
attend you boy.
aims' ni,iir 11
Brief Bulletins
The lights are. getting eno!,
I Several cases of diphtheria in linger.
Am thing you want ran lw found at
Levy s store.
I Furnished and unfurnished mhui to lot.
I Inquire at this olllcu.
Shilolt's cell bra ted rmnt hs fcir salr at
1 the C ve drug stare,
( Dr Drake has been sick and confined to.
his bed most of thu time fur ,he p.tst week
! We have on exhibition spine pictures of
, Chirlas MiCdure's Angora Keats. Look at
i them.
' A svsteiqatie horse stealing Industry n
i supposed to lie going " the Wallowa
; valley,
I Quite a number of our citiy..'n,. linve bcv'i
1 attending the l'ortlanil Mechanics' Fair
1 thi week.
I A. L. Saunders' store is still running in
I full blft. and better bairg lids are being
ollercd than ever.
The Fnioti Dramatic ennraany yill ylvc
another entertainment dining the Deeum
j Uer term of court.
I It is said that the a"plie.itian of a Lit of
j iiv, or even cold wattr, to. th lobe of the
j car will iUi liiccuughiu?.
j Pr. (Jlemvtiti was indicted by the I!akT
, coutitv jjrand jttrv lor man-daughter. Il is
trial will come oil" next week.
! Hr. Oomwell, Dr. Metiers nnd most af
! those wbo went from lie.-e to attcn, 1 the
Mei hatiiea' Fuir. have retimed,
i A Pen-heron stallion and a Jersey hull
j was brouRh' a few d.ivs aio from imithern
, Oregon, by (ieo, Marshall, ol I3if; ereek.
I The editor of the I'll ief tain w.iut-j to chnuee
j the uume of the tomi of J.'iatib to ,-'ouio,"
, I'ts so much more romantic, you know.
! .Married. Iu this city. S'unday, October
i 17th . Mr. Snuduskv FieULu 'and Slis.
, ConrtwriKht, I'ev. Irwin ollb iatin
i You i an pet 4 u'oo I oarviuu' knife, fork
and stft-l at Jo. rij;ht s for M cents. A
lare nsforiiui'iit of cutlery j:it received.
The hijjh 111 on ti t a i 1 1 s aruiiu 1 the vallej
has been whitened with sno several time's
luriivj; tlje past week. Winter is nujr at
The attention of our readers is called to
the iidvei'lt-ements for s.rab'd bids by i)g
('utility Court, which appears in aiiothi-r
Veiy few vecant houses ill t m, and
tiiere w ill hardly be iiecominii (.iti-ms for
he many people who will want to winter in
A nephew of I'nele Jeorge Atkinson
arrived in this city a few daws ajjo, from
Missisijipi. He tliinks of locating here
Frank Urn's Implement Co.. at Island
City, pav tlie highest market jirice for
crain. They krep grain sacks to or
si-11 to f.irm'er.s.
flnr sipi:i I. " H:milnrf's l!vn" M vi-rlttnti
I hv Jules Verne, is cniiclu'lt 1 in this issue.
Tliosc of our readers w h' iiled to read it
b is mis- b I a great deal.
Why sutler with a lame back, when vou
can get one of those celebrated Mitclie'l
Poms Plasters, for l.r cents, at Juliu T
Wiight"s drugstore? Trv one.
A word to the wise, etc. The party who
took the log chain from my wngon is
known, and had better return 'the same if
he would avoid trouble, J. M. llvYNia
Mrs. Hid well returned from her vuit to
relatives in Kana. lat V'edncdHy. She
was acooinpanied bv Mrs Kittle who comes
to j.tin her husband who lias been here for
ome time past.
D, W. Slichaii, justice of the pence at
Cornticopi.-i, lias resigned Ids position there
and moed to Ku aimervlllc. wber be will
encaae in the prai.tice of law. Nee lii.s card
in this issue.
(iuito a number of Pine wilier people
were ill this eily. this week. A iiioiir them
Messrs, sjtmvirt, Hunter, llonkins.
nnd Leep '1 h y repo t evervthlng moving
I nii-ely in that section.
I A new Democratic dailv has hneu started
1 in Po-tland by Sidney Dell nnd J. it. Fithl
I an. It Is a hriSht and )icy hert and we
I hope it will soon beeomn the principal or
j gall of tlie party iu the Mate.
1 Mr. Vs. Wood, of lioise Citv, Id'dio, bus
, been in tlii city for several da'vs past, visit
ing her bioUier. Mr. Win. Hilev. Tluv
1 had not seen each other for several rear's
and were unaware of eauh other's where
abouts till lutely.
I Mr Wilbur Davis, who has been runninir
his sawmill . 011 Pine errek, durius the .suui-
mer. rcturn-il to I nion for a few davs this
week. He report evervthbig moving aloii"
nicely, but he will proba! v s,ut down fo
the winter in a few wreUs.
The b, e. of the Sentinel .".Uude-, to tic
Mcoi-Tas ' the so'ed uewsfiaper." Isn'l
th-U refreshing, coming from sin-h a -ource
and in dew of all the facts? The b. e is
,.-ii..iiiiv uri-oiiiiug 111. -re orij?in:il everv
day. I lis brilliant thrustj,, dyzo
us to a certain extent.
Fred Wiukleinnn's trial was commenced
in linker this week. He withdrew bis plea
of n it u'ttilty of murder iu tlielirst d gree
; ri I was allowed to plead guiltv of mur-ler
111 the second degree. He will receive his
a ll'enee Moudnv. which cannot be less th.ili
iniirisonmetit for life.
The Havana l'res drill has been nroven
to be the best tl-ill iu the market. It does
not clog In trnsbv ors,j, ground, 1111 1 grain
stands either drought or freezing better
than when viwii in anv other wnv or bv
nny other Implement. U has been thor
oughly tried In the vnllev the past season
and is pronounced 'the boss."
An infant child of Mr. nnd Mr. Kittle,
while plavinc around the house Inst Thurs ho'd of some " llou.di on Hat."
and eat so of it which made it extremelv
sick. Dr. amps was nnt for, who applied
the proper remedies, anil probablv saved
the child's life Mothers diould innkc a
note of the fact that " Kough on l!ats"l.s
equally "rough" on babies.
Mr. J.N. I.O"kwood who, it will he re
membered, had his leg broken, on the Sntlil
ridge some fine ago. is able to be around on
erutlibe.s. and is cniivnssin; for the Picto
rial History of the World," a most excel
lent work, and als.. for the People's Farm
and Stock Kncvclonedia." He should be
eneourni.'ci 111 liu citorl.s nnd receive a lib
eral patronage f.oin 1 he people.
We t ere shown some apples, a few days
pgo. which were raised on tlie farm 'of
John Wilkinson in High vallev, Thev
were of the It. il" Ptii'inaiii vaiiety and
f. r size nnd quality it would he hard to
siirnass theiu. even in the mvjittrils of the
Willamette. Mr L. C. Washburn, the
insurance injent. was taking some ol them
down to show the '.veb-io.iters what (Otild
be done iu the fruit line in I'nion county.
i.i ii 'ui .
We are now oll'otinga very largo and
attractive assortment of ladies' ami
children's cloaks, ladies' jackets, diets
fabrics in thu latest designs, dres
trimmings, plushes, fancy velvots.ilrefcs
silks in black and all the lending colors,
and gloves in wool, tilk anil kid. Wo
are headquarter for these good and
the ackiiiiivl. dgi.d leaders in low prices.
Samples sent on application and or
ders fcolieitcd. Ou.s it Kino,
lfcG First St., Portland, Or.
Portland, Or.
I hereby certify that I have used the On
koos Km.vr.Y Tea and been greatly bene
tiled hy it. I hear reuoiuuiend it to the
Traveling Agt for Wheeler & Wilson Ml?
Co., CO Geary St 8. F.
Cove Cullings.
Octolior ?1, 1880.
M'ms Miy Williams received the nd
news of li?r inother'? douth in MU
sotir'i, hut week.
.lis, Pavnc and family, nlo Mra.
Seanviuis, are viitiug the Walla WuU
la fair this week.
Allien Kllsworlh has gone to Port
laud, and accepted a position as t encli
tic in the Sc. it t (ii annum- School.
A'ni. Mnkiti and tamily hnvo moved
to the Wnllown mid will devote their
untiio tiinu to dm sheep Inisiuoss.
.Ia. Illoom has assumed proni iutor
.lilp of G hh Templars hull, which is
ti popular rcort for billiard players.
Miss Katie 'Vhonias, of Klund City.
W spoiiiting thu winter iq iu Cove,
and iittetuliii an exctdltuit public
(Jeo, Hloom h:t rented Win. lla-
kin's fiiriii on the .Sand Itidtru. mid
will till the soil for u livlihood during )
! the next year.
Mrs, dulm Magatin and ehiidrcn !
have returned to Covo, and conteni
plate opening a hotel. Mr. iatrann 1
is working in the ALdua lloui ing mill. I
Mr. Firming and wife also Mis. '
May GwiHiiii, arrived this week, (rnni
lola. lviiias. They will exchange I
the 1 : 1 1 1 1 i of cyclone and grasshoppers
for a home in ths county, whura such j
occurrences are unktiiiwn. 1
At th" uxainiuation for teachors cor- I
tilicatus belore.l. L. Ilinduian, hut
Saturday at Ibis place, there were j
three applicants Mr-, Henry, Mis :
.Sanborn and W. I,. Fun ofoi All (
ubtninod lir-t grade certificates. j
Slime immeiiso (locks t,( snow or '
white geoio are reported on the bot
tom. It i s id ,s party of spurts from j
I'nion, last Sunday, poured shot into
their rank- all day' without killing a I
goose. Tim Cove gunners got IS'
geese and :!0 ducks. j
This county has received a substun- I
tin 1 iiieica-e 111 population bv an mi
iingraliHii ol
Diiiiville, Pa
twelve pcivons from
this week. W, (,'.
Wilson iiml tamily. nlo Hcndricksou
Bro's. are among the iquulier. The
Inner are brotlier of Mr-. II. A.
Thomas. All purchased otttlll in
Cove and sijiried (or Paradise valley,
with ti view tn hu-ititig,
1 vlilii c-
Yesterday our foii'inaq hearing tint
a certain manipulator of the paint
biitsh, in this city, had made dcioga
lory remarks concerning him, painted
his car ; oil with -inine colored ink we
have, apd miHil l out to punish the
nUeiiili-r. He met his man the first
thing, whereupon lie shuckwl himself
in about Ihe .pane of half a tceoud
and )uit iu a Jo. Darter with hi? tight,
then he put in a biother to Jo with
hi? h-ft, and w.i following with other
r. lations when the painter concluded
he didn't want to qct acquainted with
the Darter family, and took to hi?
heel" followed by i li-w Well directed
but ineU'ectunl kicks. The marshal
interposed at this junction and peace
being restored, the attention of ciowd
war' attracted by an old granger from
Cricket Flat, who said :
"Sav, who air tlieni fi llers, any
"Oh! Them? The one that run
away is a painter, and ihe other one
is foreman in the s'tioi.T printing
"You don't say? Wall I 11 ho darned
ef ho uint about as good a hand to
edit ever I rce. W liar's their shop?
Ten minutes later he added his
mi'iio to our subsei iption list, and we
now have at hast one reader who
has very advanced ideas concerning
I he newspaper business.
N. 15. All is serene at this time,
but if there in anybody in this vicinity
who wants any (ruck with us they
aie invited to call at once. The ilu ti
mutism has a giip on our left knee
which renders, us unfit for vigoioii.
cditurial labor, but we presume our
foreman is willing to "edit" a little
for us at any time. Drop in,
Indian Viilley Hums.
October 18th., IHfc'fl.
Mrs, 1). Alexander is tecoveiing
slowly after a severe spi 11 of sickness.
Elgin seems very lonely since the
removal of .Summers fc Hamilton's
The contractors are busy at woik on
the Fish Trap bridge.
W. H. Moore has recently purchased
a circular saw, for the purpose of saw
ing wood for the farmers iu this vicin
ity. Evan Jones, of Montana, has re
turned home after an absence of two
years, to spend the winter.
Albert Oines, Win. Gibson, W. II.
.Moore and son are preparing to start
for Powder river mountains for a two
or three weeks' hunt.
Moore fc Galloway are furnishing
some of tho finest heavy fir timbers for
the river hridce that' has ever oeeii
sawed out iu this vicinity.
Mariicd On Sunday evening nt -1
p. 111., Oct. 10th, at the home of the
bride's parents, Annie 1C, the accom
plished young daughter of J. E. Jones,
and Jesse A. Jackson, forineily of In
diana, !!ov. H. J. Johntou officiating.
Among the invited gnosis wore: Mr.
Thomas Wade, wife ami daughter ; D.
Alexander and wife, Jesse L. Hind
man nnd lady, Mrs. H. J. Johnson,
Louisa and Martha Jones, sisters of
the bride, .Maggie Galloway, una
Ghent, Emma ail Alta Darr, Chaihe
Moore Chm-lio Darr Andrew Chris- 1
.Mooil, ihaine warr, ri r r 1
Hansen, Edward ami Curtis. Alexander ,
and Evan Jones, brother of the bride, j
After tendering tho bride and groom
their best wishes, all we
ere eerve With
nn excellent supper. .-.irunu -mo
i 11. 1
Jackson will commence housekeeping
in their new residence iu a few days.
The Kimball organs have no equal,
JJuy the celebrated Kiuiball pianos.
"FoycHt Palo Fibs."
TiiiB Vallky, Oct. 17th.
Weather cloudy but mild; moreliko
spring than autumn.
Farmers are doing considerable fix
ing up on, their ranches preparatory
for winter.
E H. Clingan and .1010 Ajbersou.
of Cornucopia, are out on a hut',ltng
ami prospecting tl'ip. Oh, dcoiv-meat
1 and gold.
j iln-., whne home was burned
I recently, topk her departure for Idaho
j on the 10th. inst., wjiere she .vill vuit
hor people and remain until Mr. .Scott
cts his new home in good shape.
Miss Hay, a young lady artist of
I linker City, recently of Cornucopia, is
1 Mopping in the valley for a short tliue,
I taking ph.iUs. She exhibits some
j tine pictures us
specimens of hor
Married Uy Hie Rev. Ih.ylcs, Oct.
17th., at his lesidence, Miss Katie
Ibed to Dr. lv- l.cep, all of this valley.
I hesn estimable young people have a
host of fiieuds vlio join wishiqg
tliem long life, aud hwalth and happi
ness to enjoy it.
Services are now held alternately on
Sundays at the Leep aqd Pancake
fcIiooI houses, by thu Hev. Uoxles,
of the ChriMain deuominntion. This
gentleman is a pleasant speaker and
evinces iq his sermons, much thought
nnd an intimate acquaintance with
the Hible and History.
Our late sheriff. A. L. Saunders, and
Mr. Mil's Heard had many friends
hero who are pajned to hoar of their
death. In the short space of three
mouth? have tbiee good men of yoni
town (if wo include Mr. Skill' among
the dead, as no doubt all do) gone to
1 hat bourne from whence 110 travelei
tuilo a number of the citizens ol
1 Pine will visit I 1 Grande and Union
1 the coming wc.k, to piove up on tin-it
l.uul and al.-o to obtain supplies 01
winter, there being a growing tenden
cv among the peo le to go where
they can get the best bargains
Among those who go are II r. ICd.
Leep, Mr. .las. Leep, Mr. Hopkins.
Mi's. Leep aqd Mrs. Dawson. Ye Un
ionists treat them well or they will o
to Island City and La Grande.
fwo young men, well-knovfii iu this
valley, left here between two days, viz :
Oq tin night of the I lth inst. On the
nine night a single-tree belonging to
.Mr. Isaac Pancake, aho a device and
single tree belonging to J. H. Thiiy
oij, were taken from their wagons
The parties crossed Snake river eaily
on t li morning of tie lollp Con
Ma Mi Potter and Mr. Ed. Ga.ilord
aie in pursuit of them. If cauuht,
it may lie hoiuewhat interesting foi
tin 111.
Mr. Ed. Your correspondents cele
brate their leather wedding, to-day, h
going barefoot. Yourself and family
are invited over to spend the evening,
and be sure and biing some article ol
leather, such us shoes for the kids
lly the way, oqe week from to-day is
also your leather wedding. When w.
return the call, it strikes us that il
will Ink just as niany pairs of shoes
for your cherubs as for ours. How
ever, we wouldn't forget little Uoulah
We learn that there are about 100
scholars enrolled in the schools of tin
valli v. In Ihe ehool taught bv Mr
Wise, 21; on roll of Mr. .Sturgill, -10
on toll ot .Mrs. J. A. Uenney, heltci
known to teachers as Mjss. Allit
MeOoinas, .'ffi. Teachers here find
it hard lo combat the evils of party
going and dancing nil night long i1
being rather up-hill work to inslill
knowledge into ideepv heads filled
with the nieiuo'-y of "who I danced
with lust night," and "how many
times," and "what he said," "when tin
next one is to be," etc. It. would seem
that parents woul.i try to assist tench
era in subduing such warfare against
learning, hut tome of them appear to
help it along by making diinoes. foi
ihein. Where there is so little school
and so many young people, to speak
plainly, having plenty of good natural
onso to make line scholars, but grow
ing up in such gross ignorance, it is
truly surprising that the parent, do
not try lo see that everything else
gives place to school. Some send
their children one week and keep
thum out two, and no doubt when the
term is completed and such ones have
learned but little, they hlaiiiu it to
"No count" teachers. Scholars are
made by regular attendance aud hard,
earnest study, both at homo and iu
school no hallway woik about it.
The school law says: "Whenever
the unexciised absence of a scholar
amounts to seven days, he may be ex
pelled." Wonder why our teachers
don't try it on and see what effect it
would have? If it isn't a good law,
why do we have it in the school law?
lliieklen' Aril 1 1:1 Sii-vii,
Tin: Bust in the world for Cuts,
llruUos, -or , Fleers, Salt Itliciuii, Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, ( hllblallis,,
Corns, mid nll.Sk'n I ruptlnux, and positive
ly cures Pile, or no pay reiitilred. Ills
guiiraiileed to give perfect MtiMacli-m, or
money refunded. I'riui i' cents per box.
Fur kale l.y J.T. Wright, F11I011, Oiegon.
Ocoil Itusultt Iu lUery Cntr,
I I). A. Undford, wholesale paper dealer of
j Cliatta (ooga, Trim., writes thut he was so
1 rlously alllietrd with a severe cold that set-
lied 011 hi Inn?: had tried many rein dies
without benefit. Itelng Induced to trv Ur.
King's New Discovery for Consumption,
did so and was entirely cured by use of a
few boll Ii-. Hliice which time he has used
m,, 1,1, family forall t oughstind Cold, with
ihe bent results. This Is the experience of
J ' " "Y" "RVe. !",!r.ed
' .ij; Wright ", drug' More.'
Kutclo Cooper Shoji,
S.Il.Ayles, uinnufatiircr ofhulter
barrels and kegs, has hIwiivh on hand
a good HUpiily of the bust quality, and
will Hell them at reasonable prices.
Give him a call nt Ids t.liop, loutl of
the school house, Union.
Elgin Eohppa.
October JH, ISifG.
Ucaltli of the. community good.
Our village is very quiet at present.
Our blacksmiths are kepi quitu
Mr. Griggs creating tt dwollinj;
Mr. Mc Williams lus quite a nice
grocery store.
J. D. Guild is making soma addi
tions to his hotel.
Mr. Wesley Hamilton is pre.piiiiqg
to move to his farm oq Snake river.
Wo are still in need of a general
niou'handise store. Who will come?
Goeso aqd ducks are quite plenty
hero,ar,d thu hoys have fine limes shout
ing. Wo have an excellent district school,
with Mr- J D. Guild as toucher. Num
ber of children on school register forty
si.. Mr. Cowan, an old of this
valley, has returned after an absence
of a year or so in the llogue river
country. He thinks this the best place
to live.
Tho building committee for the First
llnptiM church of Elgin, will com.
nience in a few days to erect a neat
chapel, sj;e 2fi.vlU feet. Success to
Our bridge is progressing finely, nipl
is well under way. The stone abntt
incuts on west bank is of solid unison
rv, put up iu lilne mortar and cement.
It is Sx20 feet and solid from top to
bottom. The wooden pier in mid lie
of the river is of hewn Umbers 12xlft
inches, resting on solid rock founda
tion HO feet lone, HI feet high, 10 feel
wide, 7 feet iu tjio water with un ice
break 12 feet, all of which is filled
olidly with rock. Tiere is a pontoon
biidgo on ea Ii side of this pier for the
iccommodatiou (if the woikmcn. Tho
ahitttincnts and piers will stand until
-01110 green earthquake comes wloqg
and tackles it. The whole length of
'he bridge is 2fiS feet, the approaches
making 1M feet. All the timbers are
on the ground and the finest lot of
bridge timber I oversaw. Messrs. Gal
loway eV Co. certainly deserve ereilit
for lioir care iq selecting aqd sawing
ihe same. They are, evidently, expert
millmoii. Mr W. It. Johnson, the
contractor is the right Ulan iu the
right place, and understands his bqsi-nei-H
llioioughlv. He hipi about fifteen
hands employed.
High Valley HaI.
The masons have commenced work
on the foundation of Mr. Hathiway's
new house.
Tip shooting matches still go on.
Mxty-lwo dollars' worth of beef apd
bogs changed hands at tho last three
Mr. T.J Tolley, of Lebanon, is vis
iting relatives and friends tit the resi
dence of Mr. J. Davis.
Mr. Sain Kensou is not wedded to
old method?. He goes through High
valley from Union before breakfast,
iffer a load of wood.
Quito a confab was hold over skin
ning a beef on Sunday . This much
we venture to assert, dimply believing
he truth of leligion doesn't make you
'eligiotiH. You may appreciate right
ml yet not do right. I find from the
llible that wo are free from tho law.but
ail to tind unv place that says we are
'tee from the law with the exception of
hu ten eoiinnniidnients. Ohiist says,
"U this rock (Peler) I will build my
hurch, and whatsovor thou shalt hind
Ml earth shall be bound in heaven. If
ho told us to obey the coniinaiidinonts
4iven to Moses or teach I hem to our
children I fail to find it in the Hible.
I could find it iu church discipline,
however. Neither aie wo commanded
o remember the Sabbath day to keep
it holy or sanctify it, and so far as tho
lay being changed. 1 do not believe it
ver was. The Jews kept the Sabbath
because they were freed from Egyp-
ian bondage on that day. We were
never in bondage, except the bondage
of sin, and when Jesus gave himself
1 sacrifice for our siuu and burst the
bonds of death, we wore commanded
to assemble ourselves together on the
first day of Ihe week, or the Lord's
day, to commemorate his death and
"iifforings. The great atonement was
made for thu Gentile as well as the
Jew. The Sabbath was only a Jewish
day and the Gentiles were never in
structed to observe it. The Sabbath
was made for man and not man for the
Sabbath, Every day of the week is
kept by some nation for the Sabbath,
so who in right? Homo.
An I-ml to lliine Nnniliie.
fid ward Shepherd, of llarrlsburg. Ill, says:
"Having rece veil so much benefit from
Flectrlc Hitters, I feel II my duty to let suf
fering luuiiniiltv knowlt. Have had a run
nl g soro on my leg for eight years; my
doctors told m I would have to have the
bone scraped or leg iiiiqmtatt '. I used, in
stead, three but ties of Klcctl'Ic bitters ami
seven boxes Itiicklen's Arnica -alve, ami my
leg Is now Nutiml aud well." I'leclrlo hit
ters are sold at DO cent? a liotllu, ami Iluek
len's Arnica Salve nt "Be. per box by J. T.
Wrlgh , L'nlon, Urugon.
1VI1.I Cliinry unit Tar.
Everybody knows tho virtues of wild Cher
ry ami Tnr as a relief and euro for any affec
tions of thu Throat mid Liingn, combined
with these two Ingredients are a few simple:,
healing remedies In the composition or Dr.
liosiiiiko's ough and Lung Syrup making
It JuM the article you should always have In
Hid house for 1 ouglis, 1 olds. 1 roup and
llronclillls. Price M cents ami $1. Samples
free. Sold by J. T. Wright, Union, Oiegon.
Ilnrtl Time,
While money Is close, waeen and prices
low, expense should be cut down hi every
household. Huonoinv, the watchword for
Mothers, head off doctor hills, by always
keeping in the house a bottle of Dr. llosan
ko's ( ough and Lung Syrup, .Stops a cough
instantly, relieves consumption, cures Croup
uud palu In the (best hi one night, It ti
JUM Ihe remedy for hard times. Price 50 cti.
and il. Samples free, tiold by J. T. Wright,
Uuluu, Oiufuu.
Of The l"lr-l alli iinl P.iinU. nt l'nlon.
In tlm Slntp iif (Iivijiiii, n( ,a Close
of Uuslui'ss. ltd, 7, 1HHU.
ltl.Sl)l i.
Loans a.ud di-' iiunts f
57 012.0'i
I'. M. Ilomls tu secure liculullon
Other stocks, bonds nc.d mortgage s
Hue Iroin nuproed reserve agents
Dun fruu other Xatiomil Dunks
Due from .State D.uiks and bunkers
Ileal iistrite, furniture and fixtures
Current cpeiios, and taxes paid
Prviiiitnns paid
Cheeks uud other Items. .
Dills of other Hnnks
Id-gill tender note
Itudv-utplioil fund with U. S. Treas
urer 5 ht cent uf circulation)
&. 115.71!
.1 20! I f)L
2,!1 OS
g.:sm OH
Capital Mark paid In
isairphiH tund
l'ndl ided profits
National Dank nute.s outstanding
Individual deposits stihjcict to
Dcmnud certillcntes of deposit
Due to uilier National Hanks
Due ,ii ipite lispis mid Hankers
M'J' 210.79
3.0L'S 6s
lf 07..1t
1. -IOiV-'S
2. !llf).(Xl
Tot 1,
Stth or Oukoov. 1
County of I'nion.f "
1, W. T. Wright. Cashier of the above
named bjpik. do solenpily swear that the
nbue sluiement is true to tin best of my
knowledge and belief. W. T WHKillT,
Subscribed and sworn In before me this
Wl day ui' Oct., issii. ,1 M Cmuioli,,
Notarv Public for Oregon.
OF.OltOF. WHKllI T.i
11111,1, M. WiiltillTA Directors
W. T. WKKillT.l
Koiq.r. of A o p I l:s 1 1 on I'lii-cliata Tim.
li.r I. mill.
hMli OlTIOi: AT JA (t ItANlin, OlllIdON, 1
( loher ji, mo. I
Notice js hereby given thut, 111 com
pliance with the provisions i.f th. Act
of Congress approve 1 June!!. ls7s, entitled
' n Act for the ale of tiniln r be 1 in th
s'inti-.s of California, Oregon. Sr. da ami
Wn"htn'-toii Territory." Ilnlvor Jeldnes.
wlinse posiotlice ndilfcss is Pine Valley.
I'nion county, Oregon, has ibis day filed in
Ibis olllcu hi. application to piirohnse th
His, SK".; NW',. HIP , nndSWS NW1,
(sec No .'. 111 Tp No. 7. Itnnge No. 4 1 Hast,
of the Wilbpuette meridian. All is
hobling any ndversi iilnim thereto are re
quid to preseit the same at this otllca
within sixty days from the lirst publication
of this notice
llr.yitV i:i.i:iiAi.T,
O(r.i!.'i.w0 Kegister,
Sheriff's sale,
rty virtue of an otier o sslo issued out of
tle 'nonoralili' Circuit Court of tlio rit.iteof
Oregon, lor the county of Union, on a de
cree of foreclosure on 'the Ifjth day of Octo
ber. 1S.SI), iu favor of ,1. (1. 1'nwr'rs, Jainc
Odell and Walter Furnell, plaiutills, anil
against James 0. Furiuan and Jennie Fur
msu. defendants, for the ?um of Twrlv
Hundred and Two dollars J 1,-0'-. 00). roIJ
coin, unit Ninety two ni)d sixty one hun
dredths dollars, attorneys fees, 'and Forty
five and sixteen one hundredths dollars,
costs, together tritli ten per cent, per an
num, interest and accruing costs, I luvt
levied upon and will sell at Public Auction,
on Monday, the l!iM day of November, 1886,
st 'J o'clock p. m,, at the Court House dour,
iu I'nion count v and Stale of Oregon, all tha
right, title an 1 fnterest which the said James
O, Furmnii and Jennie Furiuan, defend
ants, had, on or 4H1T the .1th day of Octo
ber. 1 KSTI. in or to the following'deseribed
premises, to-vviti West '-j of the Northeast
and the West $ of the Houtheast of
Section 121 iu Township 8. South of Hangs
V2 Fast of the Willamette Meridian, hi Un
ion county, Oregon.
Terms iif vale: Cash to me in hand.
Dated st MheritTi ofllce this L'lst day of
Outohcr, 1SS!. A- S. HAMILTON,
Hheriirof l'nlon county, Orcjon,
Hy J. T.,
O'puty. n t21.wr5.
Dealer in Kvcry Variety of
We now have 011 hand a large assortment
of FHl'lT TAHLKI'S. which are acknovvl
edgeil to bp the. purest and healthiest con
fectionery iu the world,
Particular attention Is invited to my line of
Fishing Tackle,
Which are in grcut varlcty and very
reasonable iu prices,
In addition lo the above we cam in stock
nearly every article usually kept iu a flrsi
class drugstore, including
Sponges, Trusses,
Shoulder Hraces,
Brushes, Perfumery,
I'Mahlishcd hi
The Union Nursery Company olfcr for
sale for full and spring trade, of 1SSG and
75,000 Fruit, Shade Trees and
At Prices to Correspond
With the Times.
HavliiR had twenty years experience In
the nursery business and fruit growing id
L'nlon county. I conclude thut I well un
derstand what the climate of Kasteru OTo
gon, Washington and Idaho Territorioa
most need
I will Issue circulars soon, for free distri
bution, giving list ot varieties and prices.
For further particulars, address,
II. J. GEER,- 1'ltOPR! KTOR,
Core, Union Couuty, Ortct,
Drugs and C