The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, October 09, 1886, Image 7

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How llo rncltcit the T.nmlty of the
l'roscnt t znr AVhcti More Hoy
M'lic I'rlnovN rnmlly.
Mexaml r of Buttonbors is one of
'.ie hiimlsoiiiot men of h s timo, writes
London corre!,i)omU'iit of The New
Vurh Sun, and. if physical pnrfco
i lions worn still suflicicot to make a
ru'er, he would bo emphatically every
.licit a king. Nearly six foot in height,
lie carries li'melf not only with mnj
isty, but witli elegance and even grace,
and is as fur removed from ungainly
awkwardness a? from efleniinacy and
affectation. Although lie belonged to
the Prussian service and is of (iernian
origin, lie has none of the stillness sup
posed to bo the invariable attribute of
the soldiers of Emperor William. Ho
closely resembles his mother, the prin
cess of ISaltenberg, born countos of
Bossak-llaucke, whose father was min
ister of war and Voivode in Poland, and
who was justly famed as t ho loveliest
stud most fascinating of women. His
face is oval and strong. His mouth
parts witli a ready sinllo in slightly
ironical curves. His deep blue, well
opened eyes have a gentle, caressing
softness, but when he commands, dis
cusses, or rebels a light passes in them
like the Hash of steel, and the indomit
able will of the man stands revealed.
Tiie young hospador's workalSolia
was puroh military. The absence of a
presiding woman was vividly felt. The
Bulgar.ans ardently regretted that he
had no consort, and ho himself would
gladly have wedded had he been able
to foilow tlio inclination of his heart.
A romance of love had had its opening
chapters at Berlin, but the princess who
had enslaved his affections was too
closely allied to the imperial court, too
near the throne, to bo given to ono who
could at best oiler h msetf only as a
morganatic su tor. l'rinco Bismarck
evoked the bugbear of ctiipicttn and
policy, and the tender affair was allow
ed to proceed no further.
From li s cradle the young prince had
an over-woning anil) lion, and as a
child dri amcd of accomplishing great
tilings, of inak ng his mark in lMiropc
anil history, and of raising himself
above his compeers. A mute, inglori
ous life was odious to him, and ho pro
ferrcd the uiicerta'ntv and perils of ad
venture to tho princely oaso in wliieh he
was lapped. Ho never was narrow
minded or exclusive. L bond and well
read, he has traveled enough to I.hj freo
from nat.onal prejudices. Paris," he
once said, "lias sirango and unrivaled
fascinations which the stranger who
has oneo breathed its intoxicat ng
atmosphere can never forget. 1 was
there tw ee, and each time only for a
short time, but, lean thoroughly indorse
the truth of the words, 'Eaeh man in
this world has two fatherlands, his own
and Taris. "
The antagonism between tho prince
anil the czar is not of mo !ern birth or
later growth. 1 1 dates far back, from
the time when they were both children.
Tliov U'-e I lo meet every year at Darm
stadt. Tho Empress Mario of Uussia
was in the habit of annually revisiting
, the city of her birth to .-pond a few,
weeks with her brothers, Alexander of
llcsicniid the former Grand Duke Louis
111. Thov were so much bleed by the
czar Ah'xandur II. that, in order to bo
near them, he had fixed li s summer
residence at tho castle of Jugenlieiin,
ami never a led to suniiiion near Inm
tho two liitle Battcnberg boys, his
nephews. '
Prince Al xander was so partioiilarlv
a favorite of the emperor that the jeal
ous nvalry i f his own sous was thereby
excited. Thus were laid the seeds of
the onmit.- which has attracted so much
attention. One day at Jiigenlie m the
tho little Battcnberg boy, seated on the
czar's knee and toying with his orders,
asked the name of one particular star.
"It is the cross of St. George," an
swered his uncle, "a cross' you will
wear on your breast when you are a
Rtiss an general and have won your
lirst victory."
At those" words of his father's tho rw tz turned away, impatiently mut
tering so as to bo heard, "Of course, all
the g.iod things must Jig for Germans
'Aro you not a German yourself?"
risked tho dauntless littlo boy. Ger
man moo t iiows in vour veins, imperial
Tho iarvitz never qu to forgave or
wholly forgot the retort of the pamper
cit chili! whom in his heart lie consid
ered as an objectionable poor relation;
ind there never was then or hereafter
much lovo lost butween the cous.ns.
Alexander belongs to a family who.
n prono to misally. aro always foremost'
in war and adventurous undoriaking.
A brother of Ids mother ilistiiiL'ti.sliml
himself in 1S70 under tho orders of
uar.baMi. and later on for a brief peri
od commanded a brigade at Dijon,
'i'ho oung prince sorved in the Prus
sian guard, and was onuallv remarka
ble for his splendid physique mid daring
.noun;: men vwiu aro an pre-eminently
distinguished in both respects. Hut it
was not a garde du corps that ho Jor.rn
od th science of warfare or the arts of
diplomacy. Jle maib his lirst cam
paign when h i whs only -0 yours of
age, in 1877, during tho Tureo-Kussinn
war.and inured himself to tho si ralogy of
diplomacy in Bulgaria honi the hour of
his arrival at Solist, in his incessant
struggle with the advisers placed at his
side by the czar. He resisted all en
deavors, opun or insidious, to enforce
Kussitioation. to becomo a vassal, a
depondont, or a tool of Ids powerful
neighbor. IJ0 stoutly opposed the at
tacks and intrigues of his counselors,
and brought to bear against them tho
Mubborii nertia of eastern diplomacy.
His subjects vwro not oven at tho on
fet o.-isily pineal oil or unrosistin"ly led.
Tftiy greeted hi sovereignty with jeal
ous distrust. They baroly tolerated and
never quite condoned tho o.vpondituro
of $51000.000 lavished on tho construc
tion of the palace of Solia. Tho 15ii!"a
rians aro peasants at heart, with all tho
JanJ-ti'ler's practical thrift and wary
prudoneo. The uniform ty of type so
not rouble among them indicate a
great purity ot ruo with its concomit
ant character tie of exchisivenes and
conservatism They do not wonr tho
Turkish fez, but the nationnj piibttrn or
ro ii ml, sheepskin cap. 'J heir co'turuo
! ?a n itiirt with nnr. Inner elnnrpq. rtpll
jli anil gaudily cinbro dered. and loose
1 Mussulman trousers confined around
j tho waist and below the knee. Their
I land is riih and fertile, and nowhere is
thnvagr ater wcaltli of lloweis. Vines,
! roei, and iiomesrnuiatos intcrwinc
tli ir bloom. Like a large garden the
country spreads afar, the delight of the
botanist and the poet. Should a lasting
iitral tn tlinii! D:nll-
' ban province? a future of inexhaustible
plenty Is assure! tnem.
An r.Tmui)ln 'Hint Illustrates How
sy-tcmntlcally They AVortc.
'Are- you aware tiiat many men in
Brooklyn live wholly by their w.ts?"
asked an tip-town groc -r of a rook'yn
Eagle r?porter. "No? 1 could name
a dozen heads of families who for years
have not had a dollar which they could
call their own, but yet they live in
brown-stone houses and on tho best
tho land aifords. When I say that the
class of men 1 mention l.vo by their
wits I don't mean that they are gamb
lers or sharpers, as the term implies.
Thci' arc men who. having seen better
thus and become reduced, th nk that
tho world owes them a living and mean
to get it. 1 have reference to that class
who move yearly, if not oftencr, and
strike all tradesmen in their neighbor
hood for amounts ranging from $2 to
$;S00. Would you believe that a man
could support a fam ly of live for six
j ears wholly on credit? L know such
a case, and have reason lo regret my
acquaintance with tho individual to tho
tunc of i?-0'). About a year ago there
entered my store a gentleman, well
dressed, and seemingly respectable,
lie bought a small b 11 of goods, pay
ing ca-n, and continued to purchase
da ly for a week. Finally, one day he
said it was a bore to pay eaeh time,
and would 1 allow him to run a weekly
bill? 1 readily consented to this ar
rangement, and, strange to say, at the
end of the first week cv.Tvth ng was
seitleil promptly, lam now coming to
tho interest, ng part of mv story. On
send ng in a b ll for the groceries fur
nishe.l during the second week I was
asked if I could not let the account run
by tho month. Again I consented, to
oblige my custom sr. I leave m busi
ness al certain per oils of the month en
tirely in the hands of my clerk, and a
ho knew I had consented to run a
monthly account with my respectable
customer he thought nothing of the
fact that tint individual had in three
weeks ordered throe barrels of flour,
and other groceries in proportion. Al
the end of the month I presented my
bill of $200. but was put oil' Troiii time
to time. and. becoming tired, entered
suit to recover the amount.1'
"You received a vcr I or, of course?"
"Yes, but tins oxeeut on was return
ed unsatisli''d. My customer owned
nothing. 15. cry slick of furniture in
bis ch'gaiiily-apj)o"nlod house was in
the name of h s wife. Two weeks ago
1 had the pleasure of see ng two barrels
of my best flour, three or four barrels
of potatoes, and many other articles
which originally belonged to me loaded
on a truck in front of mr late custo
mer's hou-e. He had neglected to pay
the landlord four months rent and was
required to get out. On inquiry 1 learn
c I that the same aged and respectable
gentleman had lleeced other tradesmen
in the vicinity lor amounts sum -what
smaller than m no. On pursu ng the
investigation further I learned that my
late customer hud moved live times in
three years, and had left large bills in
each no ghborhood in which he had
Lveil. 1 have only mentioned the ease
to illustrate how systematically the
dcadbeat works."
"Is there no way in which trades
inch can avoid bjing beaten?" was
"Yes; but ono tho cash system. But
still it is impossible to make oven one
pae cash. Many of my old customers
would be highly indignant if the r hon
esty was questioned and I would loe
the larger part of my business. O. no:
the cash system is impracticable, lot
many reasons. Tiicro aro black lists,
but when dcadboats change thw.i
names what is a mini to do? 1 contend
that if a nun is thoroughly dishonest
ho will have ample opportunity to prac
tice his wiles."
"Aro not many honest customers
who pay obliged to sillier for tho short
comings of deadlicats?'1
"In a measure, yes. If everybody
paid I have no doubt but that grojor es
would be cheap r. Grocers must make
up their bad debts in some wav. and
the honest customer in tho end is oblig
ed to sullcr."
lis English, You Know!
To "bang" ta Is and "hog" munos:
that llios may torment tho horses.
To have coach teams without boar-ing-rcius;
Hint they may stumble and
fall more oas ly.
To have a whip with a lash; that il
may get fastened ill the harness and
trot the homos.
To r do in a high dog cart as heavy a
a night carl; that w th a m sstep of the
horse a fall may be greater.
To have the coachman wear littlo side
whiskers; that he may be "English, you
To have tho coachman when on the
box wailing hold his whip perpendicu
larly, grasp ng it in tho centre; that lie
may look thoroughly English.
Mo rido across country fox-chasing,
ovor ditches and hurdles; that tho rider
miry in this foolish way got injured for
To havo a robust young conchman
witli whiskers just sprouted; that he
may soon becomo ono of tho family.
Newark Sunday Call.
Not a Partisan.
"Isn't lie bountiful?1' said tho wife
of the politician, as she dandled her ba
by boy. who sin lod and kioked ovory
time she threw him up.
"He is," answered tlto proud father
as he watchod the piny of the little
fool, "but I'm afraid ho will never be a
good party man."
"W hy notP"
"Because ho' a kicker."
It is these things that cist a gloom
over the liappieht families. -uoslon
The tlnsllsli rut rtl ron A tiro ml.
Tlio Kngl uluiian on hi tnivoli is the
an 'inn battel the witty Parisian, bid
he Knlisli unman at lenst eeiMtis to In
initf rt mulch for tho nvtrngo l'renclimnn
Imly oT intf re.stin- iittpeitritni-o culled the
itlier tnoinin on u jeweler in Paris, ami
ittcr imn liMnitis n bracelet presented a 10
note in pnyinent, from which she receive' i
change, ninountin? to Hourly 5, nml went
iwny. Tlie l-'remh. thmuh they may lies
iic things English, have a liking for Eur
lisli bunk notes, especially when they have
iot hud to pity for them nttherurrentrate
of exchange. So the jeweler gaily stepped
aionivl to his banker to got his two hun
1 1 red anil fifty nnd odd francs. And when
ho arrived, tho banker pointed out that
the note was not a forgery, not even s
ilrnft on the Hunk of England, but nn order
iliited nearly fifty yeais back and signed by
one P. Duck, on an institution styled the
Hunk of Engraving, which entitled the
holder to soino pictures. It is difficult not
to admire theduringcoolncfrs of the woman
who could try such a successful experiment
in n biu' city, though one tuny share in the
horror of the French papers, and reiterate
their warning to shop-keepers to be oa
their guard against this daughter of Albion.
St. James' Gazette.
An Intelligent Juror.
There is an American story ot a juror in
a trial for murder in ono of the backwoods
settlements of tho far west. Great difficul
ty had been experienced in getting a jury;
eleven jurors had at last been sworn in,
nnd nnd there remained only ono man of
the panel. He was a small, lean, lank, fel
low, with a shrewd face and an uncouth do
men nor, nnd his apparel seemed to show
that never before, had ho been within sight
or sound of civilization. Ho wns asked tho
usual questions ns to whether ho had
formed any opinions about tho ense,
whether he had any prejudico ngainst tho
prisoner, or whether he wns conscientiously
opposed to capital punishment.
To nil these questions ho returned a le
ciiled negative. Tlio judge nnd tho counsel
lor the prosecution and for tho defense did
not any of them specially like the man's
manner, but it wns into end jurors were
scarce, and so ho was accepted. In accord
ance with an old form surviving si rnngoly
in out of the way places, ho was sot before
t lie alleged murderer and tho judge Baid:
"Juror, look upon the prisoner; prisoner,
look on tho juror." Who i this command
was given tlio little man leaned forward
and scanned thn culprit carefully from head
to foot for Homo moments; then he raised
his head .ind turned to tho judge and said
in a firm and solemn voice, "Yes, judge, 1
think ho is guilty. Saturday Iteviow.
njiihioir nintcii.
A young man of Ualtimoro went west
several yea is ago and corresponded regu
Inrly with an elderly lady friend in Wash
ington. About six mouths ago ho wrote
that ho'd get married now if he knew a
nice girl that would havo him.
"Tliero'sachuiKO for you, "said tho lady
laughingly, to bor nieco when sho received
the letter.
"Tell him to write, to me," snid the
young woman, also laughing.
Tlio aunt did so, tlio young mnn wrote,
the young woman answered the letter, and
tlio result of tho correspondence that fol
lowed was a wedding lust week between the
young folks, who, until a low days before,
hud never scon each other. Thoir fi lends
say that both havo dono woll. Phila
delphia I'ecord.
ATter tho most exhaustive practical teste
n hospitalo and elsewhere, the gold medal
and certificate of highest merit were award
ed to St. Jacobs Oil, as tho best-pum curiiiii
leinrdy, at tho Calcutta International Ex
Peter Ki-rn'i VIm Eel.
In tho summer of 18(58 Peter Kern, of
Washington township, Pennsylvania,
caught a small eel and put it in a well in hi
yard, where it still is. It is four feet long
and about five inches in diameter. It keeps
itself concealed nfc tho bottom, except at
irregular intervals, when it comes to the
top, and these nppearauces aro nlwnyn fol
lowed by lit it wit hiu a day or two. During
hnying nnd harvest and other critical
periods of farm work tho farmers for miles
around send every day to Kern's for Intel
ligeiue ol tlie oo!. It will havo no other
kind of fish in tho well, nnd ki ts all that
are put in. I'liilndolphia Record.
Prof. Groth, Droiddyn Hoard of Health,
says lied Slar Cough L'uro is free from opi
ates, and highly efficacious. 20 cunts.
I'lillu''lIilu' Wonder.
Philndelphians th'nk they havo added a
briichyurus rtibicuiidus ol Ilraxil to thoit
zoological gulden. Its face is as soft mi n
babv's and britiht red hi color, its teeth uri
of dazzling whiteness, and itluis Dundreary
whiskers, of which it is very vain, running
Its littlo hands through them constantly
Somehow this description suggests that
some watering-plnro dude short of funds is
playing a trlclt on tho Phihidelphiaus. Let
thorn tost tho brncliyurus' nerves by show
ing him an unpaid board bill. 'ilof ton
Whnt a hiindy thing an earthquake
wouiu lie In bpriiig-tinm to bhnka tlio
Common senso will indicate the certain
tendency ot a, neglected cold to the Lung;
prevent such a Uriidiintioii by using Di.
Hull's Cough Syrup for that cough. Price
i!5 cents.
N. N. Munroe, of Fnysttvilh?j N. C. bet
ter known as Wild Neill, committed suuidc
Hucklnghain'it Dyo for tho Whiskers pro
duces, in ono application, a permanent
We have used Ayer's Agtto Cure, and have
found it invaluable in malarial troubles.
A sturgeon recently c night near Snohoin.
hh, W. T., weighed .'00 pounds.
Piucki.y Ami Uittkub warm up and Invig
orate the stomach, improves mid strength
ens tho digestive organs, opens tho pores,
promotes perspiration, and equnhze tho
circulation. As a conectorol u disordered
system there is nothing to equal it.
"Lifo is really to dlsgustlnsly short,"
writes John UuhUii.
Genial Harroid Lawrence is now
bookkeeper for Kobert Dnnnbtio.
Wholesale Iron. Iliirliiicftnn. Iowa. I Ir
is ono of the boys ti at attended Elii
ott'flBusinetis College of Burlington, la
Ilenlsmin Thaxter, t!i oldest merchant
of Uoston, died at Abingdon, uged 1'J.
A Ilnril rate
' U Indeed, to always remain in poverty
id olncurity; be enterprising, render, and
void tliN. No matter in what part you
ro located, you s'lottld write to llaliett v
.., Portland Maine, and receive free, full
artietilars about work that you can do
mil live at home, at a pro lit of at least
o $-" nnd upwatds daily. Some have
tinted oer$o0in a day. All is new. Cap-
tal not required. You nre started free.
iCither sex. All nges. Hotter not delay.
The widow of Gen. Santa Anna died re
cently. One greasing with Frnzer Axle Grease will
'nst two weeks; all others two or three
Joys. Try it.
Tho youngost telegraph operator in Cali
forniums Miss Xellio Welch, eleven years.
Take o'ioof Carter's Utile Liver Pills
utter eating; it will relieve dyspepsia, uid
ligestinti, give tono and vigor to the sys
tem. They make one feci as though life
was worth living.
Meteors are fall shooters.
Again the Nebraska Stuto Pair awarded
tho lluainess College, Lincoln, Neb., the
premiums for business college work. Tho
display wns tho finest over made. Informa
tion sent free.
England will soon proclaim Egypt a
British possession.
l,ov rtent Heel PtlfTrrer Is tlie only Invention
Hint uiakos old hooU straight m i.atv.
President Cleveland is steadily gaining in
Any Ache or Tain KcllcveU ly Carter's
Smaut Yi:i:d ani 11i:i.i.aionxa Uackacii
Over SIS, 000.000 have been expended on
monuments in Massachusetts since 1S01.
The Ontnha Typo foundry can furnish
new newspaper outllts on short notice.
Prices same ns in Chicago and freight
nltcndy paid to Omaha.
Fend 40 names of young men nnd women
to Omaha Comniorciul College, 1 114 Fur
num street, and receive Collego Journal
tree one year.
Henry Waterson, now in Switzerland,
will sail for homo October !. '
6- r1,-,4-, Pays tor a Yntu's sub
O OPirCS senption to the Weekly
A.MiatirAN ItfitAl. IIomu. Koehoster, N. Y.,
wiTitofT premium "the Cheapest and Best
Weekly in tho World. "is pnges, -IS columns,
10 j ears old. For you havo
oxi: choice from over 150 different Cloth
bound D01.L.AU Voi.umks, :U)0 to 1)00 pp.,
and pnper one year, post-paid. Hook post
age, 15c. Extra. 50.000 books given nway.
Among them are: Law Without Lawyers;
Family Cyclopedia; Farm Cyclopedia;
Funnels' and Stockbreeders1 Guide; Com
mon Sonso in Poultry Yard; World Cyclo
pedia; Danelsou's (Medical) Counselor;
Hoys' 1'seful Pastimes; Five Years Heforu
the Mast; Peoples' Il'story of United
Slates; Universal History of all Nations;
Popular History Civil War (both sides).
Any onu book and paper, ono year, all
post-pnid, for 51.1T) only. Paper alone,
Ofic. Satisfaction guaranteed on books
and Weekly, or money refunded. Heferenco:
Hon. C. It. P.wtsoxs, Mayor Hochestor.
Sample papers, L'c. Itl'iiAi, Homo Co., Ltd.
Without Prein. 0.rc a year. Kochester.N.Y.
Carrol I). Wright is elected president of
tho Social Science nssocin 1 imi.
u i i 1 1 1 r , oa t a 1 : 1 1 : t a i, it e a v mj s s
Sufferers aro not genet ally a ware that
these diseases aro coatnuious, or that they
are due to the presence of living parasites
in tho lining membrane of thu nose and
eiistnchiun tubes. Microscopic research,
however, has proved this to he a fact, and
the result is that a simple remedy has been
formulated whereby catarrh, catarrhal
deafness, nnd hay fever are cured in from
one to three, simple applications, uiiido at
home. A pnmphlct explaining this nw
treatment is sent free on receipt of stump,
!v A . II. Dixon it Sun., .'Ilfi King Street
West, Toronto, Canada. Christian Stan
dard. Tho Puke of Newcastle will visit the Uni
ted States next month.
If nfllleted trlth b'010 Kyrs, uso Dr. Isnno
Thompson's I2jo Wster. DrilaKlsts soil II. -00
Mr. Glndstono is to stay six weeks in the
ISavnriau highlands.
The Omaha Typ- foundry can furnish
now newspaper outllts on short notice.
Prices sums as in Chicago and height
already paid to Oinuha.
Mold Kpra th ifftny I rnilurril from Ilbcuuiitlim, an4
It nil 1 ruM do to mdurt It Crippled, not aldt U
.IV , I ,.W I.A.lblrcl. at & Im.III. of ATTIT.n.
f'tlojlOS "n't I" le 1J " T K. CknOeH,
ii II1T1 Avenue, IllWaukre, Wli. Athlcpberoi li tbe ally
reel cure Tor Kliumaltrni erer rtlieeeerel. Aisyaururg.
Itit fr Alhlo)liori. Ifjuu cemot getlict hlui o not tir
nmeibluj rU, but enter at r iioe truin Ul. M e will lead II
ipreie peld on reoelpt of nrlre, $1,00 per bottle.
ATHLOPHOaOS CO,, 112 Wall Bt.,Nw York.
D nfurse and Nasal raiarrh
tirnna'iciit y cured U niei
fitted fur n't furina rtf .lrnw
tire ti-on SM y c cr v. T i-i rr r, n -
ArUHcliileyri W WOS Oly tf r JI f-i C
Inf e i te d. Addre si I ) r. 1 .11 rUV, Qmalia. Neli.
E-JrfWfilCr f'TlTPV. Itonk-keeplinr. Iluslnesi
nM?IICBK- -,,,i, iVnmsnahlp.Ar. Iimctlc. blioit
hniiil, e'e, tlMironifii tutichl by mull Clrculara
free. UllVA.M"S U(ll,l,i:(il', IJuirulo, N.V.
MmTfl renter K'rc, DonWc Parrel. 11 ceeh loadlne
It NNboiUuiiii, t7.r0. llepeuunn lilflrs, I a
U UlllJ In.tii. new miiili I, VO.u . Nli-kel I'lnteil
llevoheri f, I'l". W'rlle for llliisirnled
Catalogue. I'lIltcUV I. UN CO.,(lililosli, Wis
of i i.erw)' fur ImnliieM, In her loculity. t-alury 3U.
Iti'fureiu rs. K J Johnson, liini,r, 10 Hart-lay 8t,N V
terms & c'rcuUi adilpss Nai ional l't 11 Co. I'hlcuxo
Hit I ATll.oiHi: T lltl.Vt'AA di
Il.lH'ltM, l);inioi t. Ii.uu.
fi?, E S B !?Q lli.rphlrio Muhlt Ciireilllt til
i H tUi'UlJ i,tt j. brrilicNs, I.c.iaiiou. OUlo.
M- f'uied hv I'i nick's I.lver Pills. Price
r P Si k ilriiKulsis sell ilii-in. or hv mull of 1'KMCK, br. Joact'il, Mi.
iTiinmrs and Plrers cured without
mill or Kline ,, I mi lur i,iii'iiicb
r. !' II tiolley, .Mliinikcf. Wis
W. N. l.. Oniuha
atscviNi Ativans is so snr, ATiivntiiHi iMir
TOtrlonr hoIHrN ittT THiai'SAwsverMias
hniiil) ' rtlltiHeans areaposltlrs eura for
filek Headache, Conitlitlnu, and ludlgestlon.
nt AH. 'iney stimulate liioi.tTer anu act ireeiron iiim.ew
ele without rrlplnr. alekeulnr the fitr.niach, or ueakenlnr.
tne ijsiera. rnct atoc, per uonii. rer ssis oj
Kent rsTBulB uoUm
Drni'twasteyonrmoneTonafumorrubberceat ThePIRII URANnfiUOKEH
IsaUolutetf 'end vidraoor, and will keep you dry in the liardttt slonul
Aibtlarlha' t'lall B ItANU" IUCIIB and takana nllirr. Ir iir,l,.t,iiiirdoiJ
ia,nii ; ye'i" rinii,,ii. ,., . j . , ,, ,, , jtj niniirmn ni., ,,', on.
The return finin Arkntisns indicate a
legislature largely democratic.
Salvation Oil. the celeb in ted American
remedy, is guaranteed to cure rheumatism,
sore thwot, swelling, bruises, burn, and
frot-bites. Priie only twenty-live cents a
Of the 1,'i" counties in Georgia, 108 havo
absolute prohibition.
IIIMrr Alter lulling, ttypriln, I '"to.
llelioved by Cautkr's Litti.h Ltvr.u Piu.s.
If you have great talents industry will
improve them.
rioo'ii ltemedy for Cntnirh l crcc!lbte to mc tt
U not h liquid ur nmt. Ci:
Hob Ingersoll has decided not to lecture
this season.
"Hfitx and Scvt.os." If you aro so un
fortunate as to injure yourself in. this way,
wo can suggest a remedy that will soon re
lieve you of all pain and quickly heal tho
wound; it costs but twenty-five cents mill
Is pold by nil druggists. Ask for PumtY
Davis' Pain-Kii.i.kii.
Ten thousand public schools receive
financial support from tho government of
Mexico. '
For Cut3, Galls, Old Soros, Scratch
es, Thrush, ote., use Stowart'a Heal
ing Powder, 15 and 60 cents a box.
An niter-dinner speech "Check, sir."
Mi G'3
Minjr pf orlc luvc nfjlectf d ilifiht manlfcilnttoni
otuutnor tn tlio blood till the fuul mtt?r li be
come to powerful ni to came terrible acrufuloui
ioif, awful inCi'rinjr, nnd, fin ally, .11 the system
tec-omen drained of nil lt MreiiKth. death.
Some have neclootei dtstreii fter entlns, heart
burn, occasional henduclir, tni other etrlr lymp
loms of djeprpsliv, till tilts painful dtieat has be
come Incurable, and the victim barely tuitalni a
inerrable existence.
Othris neslect thnt tired feellnc, raln In the
luck, wenknesi, languor, till eeneral debility and
kidney or Ilier illra-o heroines Qrmly Used upon
them and there If no hope of rccoien.
Be nhi In time: llooil'i Sarsapurllla nlll cure,
when In the 0er of medicine, scrofula, salt rheum,
bolls, pimples, djspcpiln, heiidaehr, bllloiuucis, ca
tarrh, ihtumatism, that tired ff ollnir, and any dis
cane or affection caused by linpuro blood or Ion- sUto
of the stem.
He sure to get "the peat lar medicine,"
Hood's SarsapariHa
Boldly fOl rtniFKlsla. Jhslifortj. l'repnred only
b C. I. HOOD ii CO., Apolhectino', LoncM, Mnis,
(OO Doses One Dollar
Tho best nml surest Itctneily for Cnro of!
all illftrasea caused by any ilr-rangemrnt orj
tho Liver, Kidneys, Stomach and Itowch. J
Dyspepsia, Sick Heailnche, Constipation, I
nillnnd Complaints anil .Miliaria of all kinds I
yield rcnuiiy to 1110 ncuciicciii luuucuccui
aft fl
It Is pleasant lo tho taste, tones np tlto
system, restores ami preserves health.
I It Is purely Vegetable, nnd cannot fall to
provo beneficial, both to old anil 3-011115.
As a lllootl Purlllcr it Is superior to nil
others. Sold every where at 81.00 a bottle.
tsatiril tjejil. mill Murcli,
. rncli ye nr. Ut.3 po);e,
bzx.lV:j tiivlirN,ivllli over
0-,GOO llluatrutloiis a
Mliolo I'lcture OulUrv.
ti I VICS AVlinlrtnle Pi lcrn
dtrrct tn canuurvs on nil fcooila for
ieraonl or fumll)- tttr. TrlU liotv to
order, anil Bl-e exact cot of ri rry
tiling you use, rat, drink, ivenr, or
livo fun witli. 'fhfse INVAI.UAIII.E
HOOICS eontnlu liiformullon plcuneil
from the imirkils of (lie tvorlil. AVe
will mull a copy I'KKH to nny ml
ilreaa iijujii rerrlpt of 10 eta. to tlrfrnjr
expense of iiiiilllntr. I.rt us htar from
yon, ltmprctfuHy,
L'27 iV U'JU Wctliusli Avenue. Clilcuno, 111.
-buy Ti-ian
Cuarantood Striotly Pure.
Hoot Lead Made.
Uscflriy U.S.aoy. and Lcailng RaUroads
Agent, Ouinlin nml Lincoln.
j'At'i:, jia.vds, 'i:i:t,
an.) ell Ihelr linwr'rll(jDl, iDcloillnr 'ecl,)(
IHTelojHimt-m, huperltuiiui llRlr, llirln tlerkl,
Mole., iter!,, Molli, rrrtkle., Kelt bu, Atbe,
Uleik lle.'ti, Sreri, 1111',, anil Ihelr IrevinMUL
nr. .inuu Li unrnniii v.
IV . IWIHt, Albjej.A. 1. JulVit lilv. beaillUcUrwot.
Boat I.'oukIi Hymn. Tuslei kooiI, Use
in nine, hoki y nruiiKista.
t bsee a p tiUva remedy lurtue eiee ulieea., bylisu.
fftoujendi ercsael o( tbe wnret kind and of tnnf standlof
atto been cured. Indeed, si etronr Is mr f.ith In I'S efllcaey.
that I will e.nd TWO KOITLUJ Kllflf, loe wllh VAL,
UAULK TntiTISH eu IMe d .., Id enTiufTerer. OI,e t.
press end f, 0, sddieie. 1)0.1; A. bUiCUli, lit I'esll St., II. Y.
rMtrvmnmnv iMf mmnr n mus.
(Ztn ns u Unr. Samples worth 11.50 Fttni!
9J Lines not tinder the horse's fret Wriio
JlREtvtrr.nBAricTTltiiN IIoluik Co., IIolly,Mloli
as Hieiasrni,' AtsivtNTVl IT'S iust thi iami.
THeaS'SAWiiu THivSTiilKiieurTMieiB.uitetur.
Ulllniisorss,! I'ht) orlrlnnl l'hotofrapb, pan.
DOSE) ONE el site, of this picture lent an re
celpteflOo In stamps. Atldretf.
, r ... , ...
,ujb air.nren,
tit. Luulli Mo,
an urujjms
1 F Rwaioiplcoa!
ILi It Ercr Made.
1 a zti 1
Thl. medicine, combining Iron with pitr
TCdetaWa tinun, quickiy and comrtelcly
I'ures l)T,riln, IiMllaratlon, Ventiiir
Iiiipuro ltlnnil,.llnliiriu,t hllURiiilFcvera,
Bind NrttrnUln. . ...
It Is an unfallinp remedy for Dtsestscs of th
Klilnnya nml l.lvrr. ...
It Sj Invaluable for I)l.e-"i peculiar to
Women, nml nil who lend m ntnry lives.
ltdocsnot lniui the teeth, cmifc headache.OT
produce coiitipntion o'i'r mfiKcines da.
It enriches and purifies thelilood.stlmltlatei
the appetite, aids the F.wtmllalicu of food, re
lieves Heartburn and liekhlng, tnd ttrencth
ens the muscles and nerves. .....
For Intermittent Fevers, Lassitude, Lack ot
Energy. Ac, It has no coual.
JWr- The Renulne has nbovo trade mark and
crossed red lines on wrapper. Take no other.
Hi .. Known cuiairiL x.. iiiLTiauos. aa
ely's CatarrH
TO ANY MAW j"' i?.
n.UAvcrurrjV.ii r, .
sunVrlns from
A. V.. NnWMAN,
llnil., Ml.h
A rirllel'' ! nniillc 1 litt i en h nns tl ard ta aarree
nlde tn u-e. frii o i 'i hy ni 'l o' it dniRKlsta,
Send for rlreuliir. KI.Y llHOTHEiiS. 0rujls(J
Hest malcrlnl.perfci-ttu, equals any fa orfuenoe.
every pair ivn: r.mteil. TaWr nono unless stamped
JUUtiin and I.aeB. IIoj-h nalt
lor Ilia l'. imu:iii r,n
W-J.tM) Shoe, haine sty Its a XVf ,
the. Kiou&hoe. If you eannot ,p j
net thesn shoes trom ueui- axi
ers, send address on postul
rnru lo "
lirockton, Mass
rmm S.IM It
5 Ton Wncon SfHM'ii
Iron let-trr, Hi' ft leirinii, Xr&w
lavru lleain rt Him Hox for
meiitUn V pmfr ml idirm
Rffrrl.'eS ale, orfl-et prlroIUC
juru: lit UIMUHMIPK
Leading rios. : 14, 048, 130, 135, 333, 161.
For Salo by all Stntionors.
Worka: Catadeu, H, J. 2G Jdhn St., New York.
Willi or without I'ntent Index.
. , IAS
Authority' in the Gov't I'rinttng Olllce.and wfflsi
tho If. 8. Supremo Oitirl, nnl I r'cninmcndsd bjt
tho Btuto Siiti'tn of tiehools In .'10 htntes.
In iiilditlnn to vnrloin useful tables the
Issue of this work eomprlscs
U) L
Ul () 118,000 Words, 3000 Engravlnei.
ta LI
15,(100 Titles, (Just milled) and
nearly 10,000 Noted I'cisons,
It Is an Invaluablo com pan Ion In every School
and at every Fireside.
.! C. MERMIAM t CO., l'uh'rt, K).r(ng(leld, Maaa.
' 5-aic.'
I'liriilHlit-d on NIioi'l IVolIco I-Vona
OiiiuIiu tt C'lslcito IVlccat.
Omaha, Neb., 12th and Howard.
Btem winder livjri unwalfillahle.
who will L-tt 8 suhscritr fer the best 1,0 ennu-a - year
Uikcll la uliv uue
rinilteWOria. HAiniu niuir, www iirmatum
Address AUIUUULIURiu I nucuie.wiu.
rJE-OPIUM llnklt l-aliile.Uy
rured lit IliiniH. Tratim,r.t
em on trial and SO l'AV aiL-aj
until vou aro henedled. 'i'erai li.
I ItcwcUjr Co,, LuFuyeltc, luO.
r i
'TO ft