The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, October 09, 1886, Image 5

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, Tie Oropn Scout.
Tlin SCOUT lins n Murlt I.nrccr Clrrti
Intlnti tliiin nny ai or In M Section
ttt lli mnte, (uitl I. t1wrfort) tho ISUMT
TIiIh In n Trito StatrniPUt. nail m
plmll not nil' r It to tip qiKclimieil lijnii.v
other in or. Advertise! s will lo uull
to mnkn a iiotn t this.
Local and Cioneyal,
ThkCraio Family Rkukiok. From
the Diiily Gale City, published in Keo
kuk, Iowa, we lua.rn that the thirty
fourth anniversary of the wedding of
Mr. and Mrs. James Green, of Fort
Madison, was celebrated by a happy
reunion of all the different branches of
the Craig family, who arc iij the west.
The reunion took place at Fort Madi
con on the 18th inst. Those present
on that occasion were Mr. and Mrs.
Judge A. C. Cr.iit;, of Union, Or. ; Mr.
nd Mrs. Enos Craijt, of St. Jofcph,
Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. John II. Craig, of
Keokuk, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Homer
A. Craig and daughter, of Oakland,
Cal.; Mrs. Ellen liurroiifclis, of Butte
City, Mont.; Mr. John E. Craig and
eon. of Iveokuk, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs.
T). H. Oraii; and daughter, of Keokuk,
Iowa; Mi? Bertha and Majors Hugh
and Theodore Craig, of Keokuk, Iowa;
Mm. W. G. Albright and two daught
r, of Cedar Rapids, Iowa; Mrs. (.
W. Winans and daughter, of Junction
City, Kas.; Mr. Geo. Green, of Fort
Madison, and Dr. Seth Craig and wife,
of Wymore, Neb. A family picnic w
held "at- Farmington, Friday, which wan
an event of much pleasure and enjoy
ment. The picnic was held at the res
idence of Mrs. Geo. King, of Farming
ton. During the afternoon, about forty
of the old friends of the family visited
the company at Mrs. King's, and con
gratulations were extended in a neat
perok by Seth . Craig. A well
written article by one of the ladies,
containing pen-picture of the different
members of the Craig family was rend,
in which Judge A. 0. Craig, of this
oily, U handled scientifically. Wo
would like to give the entiro article
but space forbids.
Vacant icuo!,AHSim,s. The. fol
lowing extract from a letter just re
ceived by Judge Goodall, from Prof.
Johnson, of the State University at
Eugene, explains itself: "Mr. L. J.
David ix the only student from your
county now attending the university
n a scholarship. Messs. Collins and
Oliver will not return this year; hence
their scholarships are vacant in ac
1 cordance with a by-law of the regents.
Miss Cora A. Sanuns forfeited hers
during the past year. Your county is,
therefore, entitled to three scholarships
in the university. I shall be greatly
obliged if you will fill up the quota to
which Union county is entitled. I
kave just matured an arrangement
with the O. It, ti N. Co.. by which
Eastern Oregon students will pay full
fare to Portland, on coming to the uni
versity, and one-fifth fare from Port
land home. All our students get a re
duction of one-third from Portland to
Fugeue and return on presentation of
juy certificate." Theso scholarships
should be filled, and any young lady
or gentleman of the county deshoua of
obtaining an education should give it
their attention.
Finn at Baceh City. Last Tuesday
morning, about li :30 o'clock, u fire
wa discovered in tho rear of Mans
field's billiard hall, on Main street,
Baker City. There being no engine or
apparatus for extinguishing the fire,
the entire block was destroyed, ltjck
ily, it was perfectly calm at the time,
or the whole business portion of the
town would havo went. The Jossiid are
us follows: J. T. Wilson, !f2,()00; Mrs.
S. II. Small, $l,200r Mr. Boreman,
?2,000; Louis Mansfield, $1,000; Rod
gers & Heydo, $100; O. P. If. McCord,
$1,800; Mitchell, .$500; J. II. Me
Donald, $6,000, insurance $2,000;
Weller & llenrv, $2,000; Oscar Tre
Yalle, $500; A. B. Elmer, $2,000; J.
M. Lachner, $5,000; Robert Pobst,
$1,500. The only person carrying an
5naurancewasJ.!I. McDonald, i'he
insurance companies, considering the
risk, would not insure for less than 12
per cent.
Not a Truk Bii.i.. As we supposed
they would, the grand jury refused to
indict the City Marshal, E. E. Gates,
Jfor shooting at Mumford and Feebler
while attempting to make their arrest,
for violating a city ordinance a few
weeks since. While the people of
Union are a jolly whole-souled set, and
like to have people from any section
come in and enjoy themselves in a rea
sonable way, they object to anything
approaching ruffianism. While the
present marshal is in office it is safe to
say that there willbe nothing of tho
kind without swift justice overtaking
the offender. Parties who fcul that
they have a call to paint eome town
red color, will do well not to select
"Union as the scene of their artistic
perform a nces.
The City Council. The council
met, last Wednesday evening, hut
transacted no business of special im
portance, other than accepting the
assessment made by the recorder, levy
ing a 5-niill tax, and ordering tho mar
shal to proceed at once to collect the
same. We were imabln to learn the
eyct amount of the taxable property
ofthe city, as tho rolls had not been
figured up by the rworder at that
Born. In this city. Oct. flth, to the
wife of Marshall Woodard, n ton.
j,000 IlKWAItL.
Tho County Court of Union c6unty
will pay $5,000 for the recovery of tho
dead body of Willis Skiff.
, O. P. Goodall, County Judge.
Brief Bullctiua,
Drummer tmtnerou.
County Court next week,
Veather coo) anil plensnit,
Circuit Court adjourns to-dnj
Choice groceries at Jones Pro's.
Tho Uulon ohools arc progressing finely .
Several refreshing showers during tho
past few dnvs.
JtidRe CrnipnnJ, wKp returned from the
east, yesterday. unfurnished, rooms tr, let.
Inquire at this olliee.
New and rich strikes continue lu be made
in the Pine Creek district.
Quite u number fr mi this pity will attend
the Portland Mechanics' Fair.
.lame Hell is ill the Cove engaged in
painting Mr. Mitchell's residence.
There will be a special term of the Circuit
Court In tU(s county, eommencinu Dictm
ber i:itli ne.U.
Charley Kclsny Rot some lyo Pi one of hii
optic a' few days ago which caused hint
considerable pain.
Levy rnrMe more poods than any two
stores" in Union county. Drop in and look
at his immense display.
What has become of our petition for
daily mail route from SummcrTillc to Corn
ucopia? Stir the matter un.
A Portland pentieman wishes to oan
money on easv terms. For further partic
ulars apply at the Cove drug store.
Lit Thursday. H. C. Jarmtt. ex-county
rlerk of Grant county, was shot and killed
by Frank poster, at John iy City
Mr. Henry Fowler, one of the first dis
coverers of the Pine Creek mines, was in
tovn during the week and called on us.
Fred Winklrman, the murderer, was
take- to linker City, last Wednesday. Wc
have not been able" to learn when his trial
wi take place.
The Amateur Dramatic company played
last nijjht to a very fair aUlitMiee. We hj,ve
not time to notice the merits of the play in
tlltS HSUC.
Frank Pro's Implement Co.. at Island
City, pav the highest market price for
ra'in They keep grain sacks to loan or
sell to farmers.
The funeral of two prominent citizens oc
curriii'., in one day, a they .d!ij this week,
has a tendency to cast a gloom over the
entire community.
This week a man by the name of K. Pet-tlir-'ill
was gathered in hv the marshal, on
a charge, of drunk and disorderly, and con
tributed $5 to the city.
Tie grand jury have had the Skiff mur
der case under advisement for several days
past, but at the time we go to press have not
reports;! on the same.
Why Miller with a lame back, when you
can get one of those celebrated Mitchell
Porus Plasters, for 1.0 cents, at John T.
Wright's drugstore? 'Trv one.
Wonder if anybody attended the "hos
trot." The sooner that instltutoiij
the better it will be for the county, (live
us something credit able, or nothing.
War has broken out between the sheep
and cattle men on upper Willow creek. Toe
cattle men have ordered the sheep men to
leave and a lot of litigation is expected.
The taxable property of Grant eountv for
the rear 1S80. is $2,L07,SeO. which at the
present levy of 10 mills for county purposes,
will give a revenue to tho county of $'27,578.
iff. Josi;ih Davis showed us some apples
and pears that wtre grown on his place, in
High valley, that for ilavor and size beat
anything we have ever seen on the coast.
The Dramatic entertainment which was
to have come o(t' Tuesday evening, was
postponed on account .t the dentil of A. I..
Saunders, which took dace a short time
Nothing further, os. yet, has been done in
the iujunc'.ion suit against the J'inr Creek
Koad Commissioners, but there, is no doubt
that the contractors will he made to build
tho rojd according to agreement.
Tho postiitllcu special delivery system i
now in force in every pistoflico"i( tho Unii
ed States. If you "want a letter delivered
without delay, tlx a 10-cent delivery stamp
to it and the matter Will be attended to.
John Wright, Fcrd IPoch and Jack Hep
burn, who returned from (he Pine Creek
mines last week, have numerous specini 'ii
of quartz that are literally loaded with gold
the sight of which will'mak an ordinary
man's eves bule out like warts on a toad
No less than twenty-five new subscriber
have added themselves to our list duping
this term of court. Jf this thing continuei
much longer, (t will become so that th
man who does not take the Scour will be
looked upon ai an oddltv. if not with
actual suspicion. Subscribe und fall in lne
with the great majority.
The Havana Press drill has been proven
to he the best drill in the market. It does
not clog In trashy or sod ground, mid grain
stands nithur drought or freezing better
than when sown In any othpr way or by
any other implement. It has been thor
oughly tried inthevallev the past season,
anil is' pronounced "the boss."
Quite a ripple of excitement was caused
last Monday by a runaway team attached
to a wagon loaded with lumber, dashing
down Main street at the top of their speed.
There was no driver aboard, anJ the h irses
had it their own way. They turned down
C street and were finally (Uptured, but very
little damage being done. The team be
longed to Win. Hutchinson.
Key. Watson returned from his trip Kast,
a few days nw. He come back by the way
of the Canadian Pacillc railroad 'and Uuf
his absence had an opportunity to look at
an immense arci of country" and investi
gate the resources of the same. He gives it
as hi opinion that Grande Jtoude valley is
tha best of all, and says that he would
rather live here than any place he has seen.
Through the seductive persuasions of his
lnwycrt, the trial of nencett hav been
postponed till the 12th. day of December.
There were perhaps twenty witnesses in
this case, in attendance, who were In
structed to apply at the clerk's otllce fo
their fees, and tc i appear again on the 12th
of December. Thus is the people's money
squandered and justice retarded. There is
no renmn why the cabe should not have
been tried this 'term.
A fnw days ago a travevellng " athlete,"
or bummer, too lazy too work arrived in
town nuil announced his intention of giving
a grand out-door exhibition at .0 o'clock p
in. He stretched a rope across the street
with a trapeze attached to it and after ex
tended preparations, which attracted a
larjfc crowd, and excited their curiosity, he
took up a collection, and commenced the
performance by balhiucing himself with a
long polo and walking out on the rope.
Then he nt down on the trapeze and
writhed uround a little while. Then he
skun a cat," as the small bov would ex
press it. which concluded the entertain
ment. Such fellows should bo arrested as
vagabonds and put to work,
Itecently we have il roped from our adver
tising columns the ad's of two or three of
our "patrons." Not because they request
ed or ileiir. d U3 to do it, hut because they
are altogether to slou nn their payments.
This is a busy rushiiu world, and we have
no time, space or munoy to vate oil dead
heads. Our ml vci tiling columns are valu
able, and the patronage of those who think
o'herwise, and are not prepared to pay for
what they gel. is not wanted. Our numer
ous readers throughout the country will do
well to peruse our advirtUinge jlumiiseach
week, and they may rest assured that the
same are pleased there by live eiierjetle bus
imwi men, who have nomc'hliig to say, and
pay what thev o. If It were otherwise
tholr nd's would not appear in the Super.
Buy the celebrated Kimball piuuo.
Fntnl Accident.
Oft Tuesday ajtnrnoon last, an (,cel
dent occurred in North Union, which
resulted in tho death of -Miles B. Heard,
an od and much respected cttizen pr
this place. It seems that Mr. Heard
had been out riding in his buggy, and
when returning attempted to drive
across a ditch near his rcidcne itnd
one heel dropping into it before the
other, he was precipitated with, great
violence to the ground. Tli team inn
away but were nipt tired soon .if tor,
having demolished the bugcy to a con
siderable extent. Mr. Heard way picked
up in an insensible cuiid'.'.ii:,i and cni
tied pito the house. Dr. Uapps was
sent for but was unablo to afford the
siibrer but Utile n livf, as the spine
had, boon injured, e.iUMiig paralysis.
He was conscious to a certain extent
at times, and lingered along through
the night until near morning when
death came to his nlief. Mr. Heard
was an old man and pcibaps, would
pot haye livod a gn at many yenjs, but
it Js a souroo of pnfottp,il sorrow q hjs
friends that he fliouhl be tabm in this
manner and not ho permitted to live
out the full measure of his years. Mr.
Heard was a member of tho Maronic
lodge nf this city, under whose auspices
he was interred in the Union cemetery
on Thursday last, at o'clock a. m.,
with impressive ceienionies. The fun
eral was attended by a large number of
friends and relatives of iliodeccu.sod.
Ilnl.tU ! A. I.. Muiihdcr.
Tho most painful duty we have been
callcji, upon to peform for ninny a
day, is to chronicle the death of A. Ij.
Saunders, ex-Sheriff of Union county,
and one of the most prominent mer
chants and business men of the city.
He was taken sick some two weeks
ago, with billions fever which devel
oped intra a complication of diseases:
apd despite the untiring efforts of the
best physicians, he rapidly giew worse,
and died on the evening o the fitlp
iii6t. The news of his death will fall
heavily upon his friends throughout
the entire country. 'J'othe people nf
this city and vicinsty, who knew hiip
best, mid loved him for his upright
ways and kind apd honest heart, his
deatlj comes as a grejit calamity, and
leaves a vacuum in our focial and bus
iness ciicles that cannot bo tilled.
Mr. Maunders was a member of the .
O. 0. F., of Baker City, but hU funeral
took place under the niainigenient of
the Odd Fellows of this city, at 2
o'clock 1 M., last Thursday, and
with tho impressive and touching cere
monies of that order, ho was lai;) to in the Union cemetery, surioumj:
ed by a host of grief stricken friends.
Cnuuit Court rroedeillnsjs.
.1 l Dawson vs V A Foster Judg
ment for ptl' for ,f 1)8-1 .f )S.
llorsopool fe 1'almer va A C'aylor
continued for the term.
D Haea vs V l Lessey Dissmisscd
at pills cost.
Frank Bros vs Hobt Young Judg
ment for pjffs for SJ5-183.
K J Smith va K Hayes and Willis
Fkill" Dismissed without prejudice.
J 1 Case t On vs F W Haskell and
John Shaw. Dismissed at pill's cost.
Daniel Ohaplh vs Matije Garrett
Dismissed without prejudice.
James Hall vs (Ico .Miller Judg
ment for pllf for .$(587.
XV T Oarioll vs Willis Skiff Dis
missed without prejudice.
Sarah E, Wood vs J L Wood C I
Finn appointed referee. Divorce
Hcxter it May et al vs F A Foster
et al Default entered.
David Henry vs VY H Holmes et al
Continued for tho term.
Jjaura Elgin vs Jacob Elgin De
fault entered and A Muachan appoint
ed referee. Divorce granted.
Heig Haer vs Clara Baer Default
entered und It Eakin appointed ref
J 0 Power.' vs James 0 Furmaiii
Default and decree of foniclosure.
John Mormon vs J S Hunter Do
fault and decree of foreclosure.
Chesley Shelton vs D Chandler et al
Decree f foreclosure.
A Gangloffvs It W Deal et al De
cree of foreclosure.
The 1st National bank of Union vg
Chas V Hinkley confirmation of sale.
h Haer va J Baker Confirmation
of sale.
J H Crites v Cassio A Crites A
Meaclian appointed referee.
State of Oregon vs li M Alexander
Continued for the term.
W J Knodgrass vh A O Porter ot al
Judgment for plff for .$222.2(1.
Slate of Oregon vs Win. Bennett
Continued until Dee. 12, 1886.
State of Oregon vs J D Shirley;
charged with larceny Jury returned
a v.erdict of not guiltv.
State vs I N Baer Not a true hill.
Stale vs Chaa Holmts Not a true
State vs Ed E Catee Not a true
State vs Ambrose Morgan Verdict
of guilty of assault and buttory.
A Captain' 1'urtuiiutn Discovery.
Capt. Coleman, nelir. Weymouth, plying
between Atlantic CPy and N. V., had been
troubled with a cough so th t he was unable
to sleep, nnd was induced to try Dr. Klnk
New DNcovc v for Consumption It not
only gave him instant re lef, but allayed tho
extreme soreness In his breast. Ills children
were hnllu ly affected and asli gledohe had
th same happy effect. Dr. King's New Dis
covery Is ii' w the ntundard remedy In the
Co ennui household uid on bo rd the schoo
ner. Free Trial Uott'es of this Standard
Keuiody at J. T. right's drug 4lorc,
sirup ut VlC4.
Manufactured only by the California Fig
Svrup Co.. Han Francisco, Cal., is Nature's
Own True Laxative. This pleasant Califor
nia liquid fruit remedy may he had of all
druggists, at fifty cents or one dollar. It is
the mod pleaant, prompt, and effective
remedy known to cleanse the system j toaut
on the I.lvor, Kidneys, and Dowels gently
yet thoroughly ; to dUuel Headachei, Colds,
ami Fevers; to cure Consumption, Indiges
tion, and kindred ill.
SmnmcjrvJlio SifUngs.
Hel;ha-W started below tu
The most of our rilfcens took in tho I
county fir this week
J. II. Hinehart v;i return from XV.
T., about Oct. 12th.
Many of our citizens nro in, Union
weeV on buspicss.
John Allen started below on Tuej-
ilav to visit his old home in Eugeni
Hemnin Wnldeck h(is opened a varl
c'y nore on Main tired south pf the
The skating rink attracte large
cyowda an Thursday and Saturday
Uov. J. C. Wdlcrt preached, morning
and evening at tho Prorbyterjan church
lust Sunday.
Married, at Summerville, Oct. Jld,
Mr. Stephens and Misji .
A.J. Patten and Jacob Hearing will
start to Portland the 5th to attend the
Mechanics' fair.
Several parties from Walla Walla
Walla passed through town Sunday, on
their way to the fair.
Chas. Hallgarth is purchasing about
SSfi head of young cattle in tjiis and
the Wallowa valleys.
A. T. Ambrose, (special agent of the
Citizens' Mutual Life Insurance Asso
ciation, will be in Suminervillo the
coming week.
The danco gotten up by the ladies nf
our jitilo burg, hut ?riday evening,
was well attended, and everybody i
attendance went home happy.
The party who w ''(to Mr. Davidson n
letter, under date of Oct. 1st, had bet
ter "lay low," as that gentleman ja
swearing vengeance against the guilty
parly, whoever that may be.
Tis said that. II-. C. lMnehnrt is tho
most graceful skater in town, but after
witnesMpg tome of hs exhibitions of
skill we are incljncd jo think the boys
and gills are "chuffing " him.
Henna u Waldoek received a tole
gr.un from his brother in San Francis
co Tuesday morning, calling him jo
that place ipiipediately. He started
the same day, to be gone about two
.Messrs. Crane and Truesdall received
by Monday's express f0 pairs of tho
new improved Hcnjey tkates. The
owners iive a free skate to all on (on
day afternoon. The new skates are
daisies and don't you forgot it.
Town has been lively foj the past
two weeks. Money appearu to bo
plenty and everybody happy. Thp
proprietors of tho mills are taking jp
liom JIO to 50 loads pf wheal per day,
paying casi for the sapieat La Grapile
Sptnniorville him been blessed with
a real live "slicep-herder," for the. past
week. On Friday he was put aboard
the Ju Grnpilo stage but was back in
town the same evening drunk and
happy, hut minus tho filthy lucre
whereivitli to pay hi way to Peiplle-,
I. A. Hoekowitz has rented the store
building just north of the Fanners'
bank, owned by J. II, Hinehart and
soil, lie wil move with lis fanijly to
Summerville in about two weeks and
engage in tho general merchandise
business. Summerville has a good
trade apd Mr. Hoskowilz will, no
doubt secure his iare of the same.
Prof Tod Hinehart has seen the par
ents of pupils aipl requested them to
keep their children from the rink dur
ing the school week. This is a move
in tho right direction by the principal
of our school, and it would bu well for
parents to act favorably on Mr. Kino
hart's suggestion, is tho tendency of
Ihe skating rink is to destroy the inter
est, manifested toward education.
At a meeting held at tho Farmers'
Mortgago and Savings bank on Wed
nesday evening, Sept. 2'Jth, the advisi
bilify of building a hall and the estab
lishment of a public library in our
town was carefully considered. N, B.
Harris was elected president nnd F. H.
Colli us secretary. After a thorough
discussion of tho question it was re
solved that a joint stock corporation bo
formed, with a capital stook of ijW.OOO,
the par value of each share $f. Tho
name of said corporation to be known
as the "Home Amusement and Library
Association. On motion, N, H. Harris,
Frank B. Collins and N. C. McLeod
were appointed as a committee to draft
by-laws governing the association. II.
C. Kinehart, K. L. and N.
B. Harris committee on articles of in
corporation, F. B. Collins and Chas.
Chattcn were appointed as committee
to procure posters to advertise a mass
meeting to bo held on October 4th. It
was suggested that notes of responsible
parties be taken in payment for sharca
of stock in tho association. Suggested
that an entertainment bo given in the
near future the proceeds to be donated
to the association. On motion ad
journed. CitANK.
Kemidning uncalled for ut the Union poit
otllce, tho month ending Kept. 30, 1SS0.
llelshaw. Frank K Ilarton, F.hnor II
f'alne, J M
Fellows, Mrs Florence (2)
Lucas, (1 F
McPail, Miss Macclc (2)
N'eUon. John C
.Smith, Mrs M
siuillli Miss .viuggie
Huttoti, L A
Halnders. J W
Scldt-I, Henry 12)
Huyder. Tom
Vandyke, J O
.smith. A I
.Sutton. Thos A
Smith. Mr
Sutton, J V
Vietar, Frank
Vermillion, Miss L
Wait. J C
Young, 1 W
Young Frunkie
I'ersom calling for ny of th nbore,
please tay '-advertised.
Quo. F. Hall. P. M.. Union, Or,
Portluud. Or.
I hereby certify that I have used the On
r.ox Kiujckv Tka and been greatly bene
llted by It. I heartily recommend It to tho
public. ClfAlOIK SUAnP, Ju.
Travrlliur Agt for Wheeler & V'lUou Mf
Co,, 20 Oeury St., a. h
Covo CulliiiKS.
October 7th., ISSfl.
Justice Woi'stcll, of L,ut Vralrlo.
tv.ia ttt tmvfi lliiQ iVf'nL- Mffr.ii n tium
0f supplies.
Mrs. George Fellows and Mrs. j
Linn Stuart arrived, from W'anbe'ek, ;
uwii, Sunday. j
The Frost v school will open Mon- '
dav 18th. Miss. Sarah tdinstnaii litis ,
been engaged as tendinc. i
J The many friends of L. U. Hajgcrly
i n5ceinbled n', that gentleman's now
, dwelling last 1'ridny evening and iu !
dulgtd in u Miciul tjuncu. ,
I Good Cowlus lm returned front
i Cquir d'Aene and reports tpne good ,
and plenty of pioney in circulation 1
anioiiir all1 classes.
j Mi"os Adti N'nhon and Lo'tlso Mcy- !
I er. after a vsit at Mr. Crossuunn's,
I returned to their hquios in Walk 1
j Walla, Inst iVeducsday
i d L. HpKmau, school sqpirntcu-
j dent, will be in Cove Quturil.-iy . Kith
! iifst., to interview teachers desiring a ,
jp ivute cxamiu ition for curt i Ilea tes, ,
A. J. M.urii bus niovnd inlu tqwn. 1
mid h;u occupied I he boiio vacated I
by Mr. Goody, for the purposo of j
placing hU ehihhen in good icliunls. ,
The Scout Is ii much demand, and
tho subscription list is constantly in -r
creiising. showing that the editor's
offortij to niako it a lrs cliiss local !
pupa) , ip o appreciated .
Died. October Olh. llnth lcno- I
dv, beloved wife of Kenedy. I
The (leccused letives n liusbaml nnd' a
family of small children to mourn hnr :
loss. She. had been suffering tor i
sonic tiuio past with an affection of ,
the Iuiil's. The orrow strickmi fain-
ily htive j.he sincoe, sympathy of tho ;
conpnuuity in their bcieavcinent.
Martin Siuisdorfer was seen driving
into town last iNjonday in company i
with a yery hiquisopie young buly.
Tho cpuplo lyiUl the iissj,(iinco of .Jas
per G. Stevens, J, 1'., yvorp soon
Hindu oio, Mss Mjiry Arnol(, of In
dianapolis, huciipuiig the yifo if Um !
popular stone mason . Mi. Siormlur- j
for. Mr. !'u friends onngrntuliito
him on his rare good fortune in cap? ,
luring so fap-a daughter of hve.
Who was the taiy whu cjjhihptcd
mortal terror in the presence of i;
cow, Saturday oynningj1 1 don't
like to lnl, hut as 1 have to, it hap
pened (his way, While walking
along wjth piy mind on higher things,
came to a ropo which, unfortunate
ly, was tied in a loop. Accidentally
stepning on it, I, alas too lute, no
ticed u calf attached (o the other ond.
of tho lino. The bovine acted in a
very rude nianuc:, much to Ihe di
cdiullture of my personal habiliment.
M. I filled il noose, thin week, so
large that I coqld not carry it without
cutting off its ho'id. nm wings. Jo.
.1. L. Sullivan has been sent for to
ueet the (,'uvo alblnles. If he and I
bad been alone, one of us would ye
received a stygian optic, G, Orders
received and booked for Christ nppj
watermelons, Jl. JotlUowu
on the tablet of your mcupiry. that
when he nm 1 meet, ho is my meat,
-rV, A victim of a uunp'raoy to
bluokina'il. F,
HijjU Valloy Hash.
Fanners through threshing. Wo
have medium crops.
Stock hunters and wood haulers are
busy now.
Mr. J. W. Minnick is opt of luck.
Hjs inothur-in-law took his wife away
from him and now he is a desolate
Two brothers of Mr- Verd Draper ar
lived here with their families from
Iowa a few days ago. They come to
stay. Wo welcome all actual settlers.
The storm king has reecutlp made
desperate efforts to squeeze a little
moisture out of tho passing clouds for
our benefit, but with little success so
Mr. Wm. Wilkinson rides in a new
hack, but made a fatal mistake by not
getting a scabbard with it.
The action of Judge Goodall in the
Pino creek road business, anil the de
cision of lion. Judge Ison, in the in
junction suit are highly commended
by the people of this seel ion.
Small hands of loet sheep are roam
ing over the timber range east of the
valloy. Fine game for hungry coy
ottes. Mr. Seymour Corpe, our dashing
young school teacher, took a load of
hut young lady pupils to the Covo on
the 2d inst., to have them practice their
vooal organs. Ho pronounced it a
North Powder Bullets.
October ft, 1380.
Weather cool and cloudy.
Joseph Carroll is having his old
blacksmith shop remodled.
Hall, Marshall it Co., successors to
Jas. Welch, is doing a thriving busi
ness at this point, in the way of ship
ping lumber.
Detective Wood and others of Union,
with tho assistauco of tho citizens of
North Powder, made a thorough search
for the missing body of Willis Skiff, to
day. Tho search was fruitless.
?,r),0X) ItKWAUD,
The vain mini says with shallow mind,
"I'll win my gold and wear it;"
The L-encroui man, with nature kind,
'I II win my gold and share it."
Tho prodigal on pleasure bent,
" I II win my old and spend It;"
The fool, with aimless life content,
" I'll win my gold and end It."
The cambler says, in recklrtss quest,
' I'll win my gold and lose It;"
The wise man. heedful what is best,
" I'll win iny gold and use it."
A reward Is offered for the dead,
And a murderer tries tollnd it:
Just so he tukes them any mail's head
The reward will come behind It,
Tho llubles Cry fur It,
And the old folks laugh when they tint! that
the pleasant California liquid fruit remedy
Hyrup of Fiiis, Is more easily taken nnd
more lHiiiuflclal in its action that bitter
nauseous medioiuos. It strengthens tho
Liver. Klduuvs. Stomach and Dowels, whllo
it arouses them to a healthy activity. For
I salo by
Woodard, wholesale ugunU, 1'ortlund, Or.
un (irucL'isis, mien iieitsuu x
Toloeaaat Taitlings.
School coupuenros In P.vlo oanvou,
October 18th. , with Miss da Davis ,
of Union , us toanhor
Wo vyorp visited, tho foro part ot
tho wool;, by t rcfreshjnu; littlq
Two of Aiitolppe'o (hushing young;
nion paid Iv Qraqtlo it fjying ylsit on
.John" Humes, of Oovo, is oroctins
a housu oq his nowly localod pro
omptin.ii in Proytor canyon.
Lust Wednesday morniiq; thp cast
boqnd freight train Killed two horse
in Wtq, Blakosloe's pasturo, m An
tolopx, Mr. John Kooyps, of this plncc, re
turned from I in nalia, the flVst pf tho
work, lie repurts- thp ran if o burno4
off in that section, n well lis here.
'Miss Delia Arnold, formerly ot
Union, and for the past year u pupil
of the Ascension schoul jn (Joyo. i
vs'tiing at her grandmother's, Mrs.
Mr. .1. H. Yowell Informs its that
bis brother is on his way hero, fron
Ml-soui'l. lie comes with the inten
tion ot locili'tig permanently in Grand
Hondo or vicinity,
'Mi'- dn. Mitchell, nf Thiof vallo.y,
passed tliroqgh here, Jasl Friday,
with a hutpl of thoroughbred bucks,
which ho desires to sell at the Fair,
if possible; but the scarcity of money
ju that place will render the sale very
doubtful, Hohatio.
Fanning nil .11 nclianlcy.
Have niopny apd doctor bills, llr.licvoyout
Mothers, 'leJ and Sisters by a tlincly pur
chase of Or, Ilo-auko's CoukIi and Lung
Syrup. hcM known re.uuidy fip'Ooti ?hs Cold
Oioup .-nut llroiiehlal iilfe.olioiis, Helleve
C'ldhlreii of C-oup in one nlpJit ! ni.iy sar
you hundreds of dollars. Price 51) cents anil
Jd.OO. Samples free, Sod ljy J. T. Yrl!it
Union, Urooi).
lti'liuus Hit V.nilh.
Mrs. Pho'bft Chesley, Poteisoi), Clay coun
ty, Iowa, tells the foil nvlng rriparkakle sto
ry, the truth of which Is vouched for by tho
residents of the town: "lani 7H years old.
jinvo ee;i troubled with Kid ey eoiunlalnc
and lameni'sh for many year ; could not
die.s myself wl limit help. Sow 1 am fit
from all pabi a ( serene, and ai able to
do all my ow n housework. 1 owe ny thanks
to Kleetrle Hitters for having renewed my
youth, and removeil eomnletelv .ill dUeasij
and pain." Try a bottl , only tfltt. at J. T,
Wright's drug store, Union, Oregoip
l'roirr 'I I nilinont fr Cuiigli.
That the reader may fully ipulopstaud what
eons-itipns a good '!oi)gh and Lipig Svrup,
we will sav that Tataild Wild ( lierfy fs tho
basis of t li p hut remedies ypt dlscoyered,
Th se Ingredients with several others eipiallj
as eflloaiiloiis, epttif largely lipo lr, Uosan,
ko's Cough and Ltuuf Syrup, thus making It
nne of the most, reliable now on the market.
Price, 00 cents and .f 1,0Q. Samples free, sold
by J, Wright, Union, Oregon,
s' ' t
Xntice is hereby jjlveu that tho Adminis
trator of the estate o J, J. Crowder, de
ceased, will present his accounts of said es
tate for liual settlement, to the County Court
of Union county, Oregon, on Monday, Nov,
1, lSiO. Any one wishing to interpose obt
jcetions to said fjii!I settlement will appear
and du so at that time.
Ily P. A. Maiiaity.
Attorney in fact.
Wo nov have on hand a large assortment
of FltUIT TAHblJTS, which are aeknowl.
edged to be the purest and healthiest c.on
fectionery hi the w(irli.
Particular attention is invited to my line of
Fishing Tackle,
Whiell re in great variety and very
reasonable in prices,
In addition to the ahovo we carry in stock
nearly every article usually kopt in n first
class drug store, including
Sponges, Trusses,
Shoulder Hraces,
Brushes, Perfumery,
Union, Oregon.
Established lit
The Union Nursery Company offer for
sale for fall and spring trade of 18W and
75,000 Fruit, Shade Trees and
At Trices to Corrospoud
With the Times.
Having had twenty years' experience In
thy nursery business and fruit Browing In
Union county, I conclude that I well un
derstand what the climate of F.nstcru Ore
gon, Washington and Idaho Territories
most need.
I will Issue circulars soon, for free distri
bution, clvlng list of varieties and prices.
For further particulars, address,
Cove, Union County, Oregmi,
Dealer in Kvcry Variety of
hn d Sisals,