The Oregon VOL. III. UNION, OREGON, S ATI RD AY, OCTOBER 2, 1880. NO. 14. ft THE OREGON SCOUT. An Independent weekly Journal, issued every Saturday by JONES & CHANCEY, Publishers and Proprietors. A. If. .Tone., (. Killtor. ( 1 11. ntANcr.r, Koreiimii. ItvTRSOr' smsCKIPTION: Otio copy, one your ft tn " " Six months 1 ( " " Three months M Invariably cash In advance. If by any chance subscriptions mo not iId till end or two dollars will lo o!iHriod . Hut os of n(lertisiii(r ntHilo known en npp'i cntinn. Oorrc?ivondonec from all parts of the county solicited. Address til! communications to A. K. Jones, Bdllor Orcu-on M-out, Union. Or. Lodge DlriM'iitry. OllAM RONttE VAI.LKY I.UIH1K, No. .V?. A. V. mill .A. M. Meets on the second nnd tourth Saturdays of ouch month. (. 1MJi:i.i.. W.M. C. r. Davis, Secretary. Union I.oikjk. No. :i!. I. O. O. I-Iten-u'nr meotiiiF's on rrldny evenlitjrs of cueh week at their hull in Union. .All hiethren In flood standing ro invited to intend. Ily order of the lodiro. S. W. I.ono, N. G. 0. A. TilOMrsov, Socj-. Cliurcli lliicctoi-y. M. K. CttfHcit Divlno Ferviee every Sundny nt II a. in and 7 p. in. Sunday school nt ; p. in. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening UttliliO. Khv. Waiso.n. Pastor. PmMiYTjmiAN Clinton Hegiilnr ehurch services every Sabbath morning mid evening. I'rnyer meeting oaeh week on Wednesday Availing, bnlihatli school eviry Suhluith lit 10 ii, in. Kev. H. Vkiinon Kick, Vastor. St. John's Krisroiwr, Ciirncii Sorvieo every Sunday nt II o'clock a. ni. Hev. W. It. Powixr,, Hector. 'oonty Ofllccr.. Jtitlpo . A. C. Crnlg Sheriff A. 1 1. Saunders Clerk It. I". Wilson Treasurer A. K. Ilenson School Superintendent J. I. Hindman Surveyor H. Slmonls Coroner U. II. Lewis COMMISSIONI'.ltS. (loo. .Aeklos Jno. Stanley Stuto Scnntor U Ii. Uinehart tEiMi; K. T. Dick 15. I" Taylor ltj Oll'ccl'H-. MI. II. Iiees cohncii,mi:v. Mayor.. S. A.I'ursol W. I), lle'dleniau J.S. Elliott J. II. Thnmi-son Jno. Kennedy.'. . Levy Hecorder M. F. Davis Marshal H. 15. ntes Treasurer J. I). Carroll Street Commissioner I.. llaton Departure of Train. Kccrular east hound trains lonvo at H::Mn. in. West bound trains lonvo at 1:20 p. in. 'KOI'I'SSIONAI.. J. II. CIMTES, ATTmervHY at Collecting and probate practice specialties Oilier, two doois south of l'ostollice, Union, Oregon. II. EAKIX, Attorney at Lay and Notary Public. Ofllco, one door south of J. It. Katon's storo Union, Grogon. I. X. CKO.MWELL, M. I)., Physician and Surgeon Office, one door south ot J. II. I'ntonV store, Union, Oregon. A. K. SCOTT. M. 1)., Has iicrmnnontly located at North Powder, where lid will answer uli calls. C. A. HOXHAM RESIDENT DENTIST, UXIOX, OKKCON. Dentistry in nil it branches. All op ra tions warrunli-il. (.fold Filling n sp-e .ilty. Oilice Corner A anil Main Streets. Al. Haki:k. J. F. Hakim:. HAKER & IJAKKH, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, .INI) REAL ESTA1E AGENTS. La G has m:, Oltl.GON. D. 15. liEUS, Notary Public -AND- Conveyancer. . OFFICE Stato Lund Ollico building Union, Union County, Oregon. H. F. HUKLKIOII, .ttlortn-v al I,iih, E5.ji ntl .'Ilc''lii AKt!lll. Land Otiioe IJtisluo.s a Spueiulty. OlHee at AWar. Union Co., Orogon. JKiiV. HA1IIIEHTV. J.'w. BIIBI.TON SHELTON & HARDEST!. A'lTOK.MSYN AT l4.yy. Will practice in ruion, Uiukcr. Grant Umatilla and Morrow t'ouiitit. ulWo ia the Supreme Court uf Oregon, the District, I'iicuit ml lllwlle Court t.t iIim UaiUxi Stat-. Jliuinj i."riu h i., m kij. liuMy. OitictH in Union t'ur.'.'ucopi.i, Oiegon HINGLES. Ha vinir Ion soil the hincle bcloiitsinq to h. II. Itineiinrt, we are prcpari'il to (in n!h n superior quality anil make ot ulun glen at the following rated: Daliverod at Union, At the Mills, $3.25 Per K $3.00 Par M Wo resport fii'lv solicit n nIi.-U'" of tlio p!ilroi.aKe. ' IlOlll N'S - Hi IHKI.'TS. A. L. CODB, WI. D., PHYSICIAN SURGEOk Hnvinc p.-riiinni'iitly locale.! in Abler Union county, tirecou, ill lie fouiul rc.i.iv to attemJ to chIIm in all the varioim tom and KuttloiiientH ot the Wallowa alley. fl"jfisai; t:.'ll: Spn'iallJ. pO"Mv motto is: '"Live and let OT HOTEL A. C. CRAIG, - - Proprietor. (Union Depot, Oregon.) Pplendid ncooimjiodaliom for comnie--cial men. Tables always supplied witii the liest the market n fiords. TiS-Hor AND I'ol.I) MlNKItAl. I?ATtlS'i- KiTUCKY LIQUOR STORE (ir. Main and I Sts.. - Union, Oregon. NCli:i!.lAN A Itt.5:V, 1'iop., MiitiufnctiircrM and dealers in Soil.i Water, S'.irsnparilln, 'tinner Ale. (, Soda and Cliainpaaiie Cider, Syrup. ' Drtlera promptly tilled. G. W. BIGGEi, M: D PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Union, Union County, Oregon. Olliceoi; A direct. Residence tlireeilooin south ol the Court House. Special attention (jien to Sui-pcat prae tice. W. R. JOHNSON, COMTRACTOR AND BII'LDER Main Ptreet, Union, Oregon. Plans nnd Speciticalions Tor DweliiiiKH. Barns nnd HriiUeH furnished VllKK Of C1IA1KJK. Bridge Building a Specialty- All lands of Cabinet Work neatly execu ted. Itepairin done on uhort notice. Xone but tho best workmen emjiloyeil, and satisfaction guaranteed. Call and Interview me. FfJU!T AND SHADE mtri vamm fcyjj1.rJ--J! mgauiij Exuv API'LK, PKAIt. I'J.UM, I'lU'XK, VV..V II Al'IUCOT, CUAllAlMM.i:, ClIKKKY. SHRUBBERY AND SHADE TMS OI well known varieties, suilabk- for tbis cliinale. Can also furnish foreign sorts at one-third tlio price asked by eastern can vassers. I desire to Hell trees at prices that people tain alfuru to Imv. .. J. HOUSE. Co e, Oi eon. Sr. Van .ioneisear 132-134 TMrfl Mrost, Portland, Orfp? 13 a reeulnr Rraduale in medicine; bus been lander ensured in tho special t rea t meut of all Venereal, Sexual and Chronic DiHeiihcti than any other physician in the Vur,t. as city papairi bIiow, and old reni dents know," $1,001) reard for any case which lie fail to cure, t-omiiiK ifniler his treatuiPiit. by following his directions. DH. VAN U the mot succe.sfiil ( atarrh, Luna and Throat Hoi tor in America. lf will tell you x1" trouble it hunt nskiiii you a siiitfle (iie.ti()ii, and WAltliAN'l'.S i'HUMANUNTCUniC in the lollowiuccnses: NKHVOUS HEHILITV. Spernmtoi rluefi, Peiniual Lowsck, tiexual Decay. Faibiu Muinorv, Weak Eyes, Stunted Develop, went. Luck ol Energy. Impovern.h.d lllood, 1'imples, Impediment to Mart-ince, aUo Hloud and Skin Diea4ei, Syplniis, Eruplionii, Hair Falling, Hone l'ain. Swell ing, Sore Throat, Ulvein, KffectH of Mei .lire. Kidney and Hladder T oubles, Weak Hack, Hunting Urine, Incontinence, tioiiui -. IKua, tileet, Mrtctiire, reieiven hearcnni.' ti.Mitment. tiromitl relief and cure for lite. NKItVOUH Dienses (with or without dreainu, I "i.eawed din liarBen cured prompt )y without hindrance to buine. H0TII tEXES consult conildeiitlally. 1J in trouble call or write. Delay ar dung uroua. Dinearits of the Eye or Ear, Ulceration or Catarrh, internal or asternal, Deafnemi or ParalyiH, Sinsiuj; or Iti.-uring Noie Tldckened Drum, etc., permanently cured l.OST MANHOOl) perfectly ivstor.xl. CANCKIW AND TUMORS permanently removed without lli knife or caustic. Medicine eompouiidod and furililjed to all patientH at ...lice t rictiy pure and vege table, (iuurantee id rKMAM.M curen in all caes undertaken. Consultation free and strictly I jutklential. All eorieion dene promptly attamlwl to; medicine sent by express to any addmw free from epoa ur. CJI or address PHviiU HinjiWBury Now. 132-134 Third St.. Portland, Oreson, Terms strictly cash. Ollite liours 8 a. to. to 6 p. nu W. CAPPS, Rfl. D.T Snroeou anil Doincopatliic Pliysiciau. I'MON, O'.iKCOX. Will so to any part of Eastern Oregon when solicited, to pet fortui operations, or for consultation. Itlcilli'llio.N I'll rill .lied At Ithollt :iiu rc. iCvtm OiUce adjoining Junes Bros.' Store. Geo. Whioht, President. W. T. Wutaut, Cashier. UXIOX, OREGON. Does n General Dankin; llusines. Huya nnd sells exchange, and discounts com mercial paper. Collections carefully promptly reported. attended to, and o 22 5 o . o bi) 0 it w O a s o 2 to n to a a rt 'u " CD o a tt.2-i a '5 3 S M S3 r-1 3 c J c a C o M . a j: rr w u 5 a a 2 MASON & HAMLIN OrrrflUS 2C6ROT7IfflJ3y5w9 VvES'SZt A.MJ Pin n us ate I'lie.vcolIeU Mi l . "J7" enn snvo from $:0 to $tiO on tho jL Oil purehaso of an instrument by buying tlnouph W. T. WltKdir, Agent, Union, Ogn Laundry Queen. The Best Washing rVIachine in the World. S. M. WAIT, Proprietor. Wait Ilros., Agents for Union County. This machine is without doubt the liest in existence, nnd given entire satisfaction wherever tried. This machine is in stock at. I. II. EATON'S STOKE, where they run be liouulu at any lime. Try the Laundry tiucen. a a Tonsorial Rooms Two doors south of Jones Union, Oregon. Ilros.' store. J. M. Johshox, Pitoi'iiiiiioit. Hair cutting, slmvins and shampooing done noatly und in the best stylo. CITY v MEAT -:- MAM Main Street, Union, Oregon. Dknbox Htto.'s - - Pitoiuttirroius. Keep constantly on hand BBBF. POKE, VEAL. MUTTON SAU SAGE, HAMS, LAKD, ETC. CENTENNIAL -:- HOTEL, Union, Oregon. Di.V. ClUNULElt, PltOI'ItlHTOB Haling recently purchased this hotel and refitted it throughout, 1 nm prepared to accommodate the hungry public in first class style. Call and see me. Lajioi: Sam- j'Lt Kooms lor tho uccoiuuiodation ol owtncrciul trnvcli-rs. ferSfe 1 mm ; V IHmon X. rtV)n)oi AiXtil rxni:u siiaikvs. DISADVANTAGES MET WITH IN LIFE. The Rev. Dr. Tnlrnasre Talks of Personal Miovtunes. of Education and AttractiTe ronn? nud Features Sometimes Deeply Lamented. i in to tte A'n .nit i'ily Timr. Hkooki.yn, N. Y., Sept. U. -The Rev. T. lh'Aitt Tslmtjre, D. 1)., preached In the I'., o.Jvu tabcrnsele thin mominjr ou the imb- "HisHilvantaKcs "f fome people." The iH'ii.njr liuuu was: Illow ye the ttumpet! Blow Tlit- jtlailly lulnnn uiundl .- nil the nnilou know, To eitrth'n remotest sound. After expounding appropriate paMuices of fenpture Dr. TalntnRe took his text from (ienesis, xiil.. 30: "All there thlnjrs are naalnst tin .'' and preached the follow Inc jeinioii: Father Jacob, you are wrong! You think jour son ,loeph is dead, but he Is prime min ister to Ucypt, und has the keyt, of the Brest corn crib. You think that clrciltustHiiees are nil adverse, but they will turn out well. In all jour life you never inaile a greater lnietake than when youi-sid: "All IheM? things nre agiuuM me." A (,'reat multitude of people urc under scoiiiiiij; dimdvuntaes, ntnl 1 will to-day, in the snarthlcst Anglo Saxon that 1 can man age, ti cut their cases; nut us a iiiiim counts out eif-ht or ten drops of a prescript Ion, and stirs them In half a glns of water; but n when a mtu has by mistake taken a large iinic.iiiit of Mryoliulne, or Paris green, or bclla diiaini, vial the patient Is walked rupldly ri mid li.e room, and shaken up, and pounded until he gets wide nwnke. Many of ou have taken a large drnuuht of the poison of dis- eourngeiripnt, and 1 ci-ie out by order Dllue Physician to .otue you out lethargy. wniotiTEti down in a namii. 1'lrnt Manv people are under the of the of this illsiid- vaiitai;' of an unfortunate name given them by parents who thought they were doing a good thing. Snnict lines at the bajitisui ot children, w bile I have held up one hand in prujer 1 have held up the other hand in Hiniu.'niont that patents should liue weighted the bul.e with Mich a dissonant and repulshe Iiomeiielature. 1 have not to much wondered that tome children should ci-y out at tlio christening font as that others witii such nailing face should take a title that, will be the buideii of their lifetime. Ii in outrageous to iilllict children with an iiude-irable name heiauso it happened to be postered by a patent or a rich uncle ft out n liom favors are expected, or some prominent manor the day who ni.o nil his lite In dgraee. It is no ex cuse, because thej nie Script urc names, to cull a child Jclioinkllii or Tiglalh I'ileser. At this veiy altar 1 baptised one by the name llulhblieha. Why, under ull the chcttmam bleiil lieuven any parent should want to give ton child the mime of tlmlloosc and infauions c ruit'tre of Scripture t ines I cannot linagine. I iiave olten felt at the altar, when n.iiues weie announeed to me, like snj insr, as did Hi v I ir. lilclnirils of Morrlstown, N. J., i.i n u i liild was handed him for sprliiiiling nun i lie name given: "Hadn't you better call met lung oisof ' , 11-1 N'l'V Of (IDOlll.Y KVMHs. Ieii.-e ii it upon thut babe a niiuie sitgges- lhpp.mcy oruie. " - M- "it -h assault a llipp.uiev or uieanneos. 1 here Is no e- ii ml buttery ou the ciadhi opulent with names mii- iiinl simeestive in juountug. hitch lin. meanlliif the gracious gilt ol (imi ; ' i II ni . , iiieaniug the chief of a household; ' i lud, nieniiitig goo 1 counselor; or Josh 1 i nu ailing (iod, our salvation ; or Nicholas, n. mug victory ol I lie people; or Ainhiosc, mi- limit. Inimoriiil; or Andrew, meaning man- : oi' H-ther. uiCHnlug u star; or Abig.dl, ini'iini; mv futher's jov ; or Anna, ineuniinr i;i.iee;or ictoriii, mean. ng victory ; orltosalie, nu lining bo .utiful as a ro-e; or .M.ngarel, ni.iiiing a pearl; or Ida, meaning liod-like; or Clina, mi ailing illustrious; or Amelia, iiieaniug busy; or ibrtlia, moaning beautiful; and hundreds of other names jiM as good, tb are a help rather than a hindrance. Ilia Hometimrs the groat hindrance In life Is i oi in the given name but in the family name. While loglehiluie ale willing to lift 'bitch In culms there are families that keep a name which mortgages nil the generations with a gieat disadvantage. You say: "I wonder if lie is any relation to so and so, mentioning some family celebrated for ci line or decep tion." it is n wonder to me that in all such families sonic spirited voiing iiiun does not rise, faying to his brothers ami sistois: "If you waul to keep tills nuisance or scaiida!f.a tlou of a name I will keep It no longer than until by the quickest courts) of the hoy I can slough oil this giuigicne." LONoiimtiMi nisAbrmts or nami:h. When tlio general assembly of the Presby terian church of the United Mint on met In tills building In IbTil Iwo estlmuble men of the sweetest dlss).ltion Ktojip'jil nt the same house, nnd one had Hie misnomer of being Mr. Sour, and the other the misnomer of be ing Mr. I'ickle. And your city directory lias hundred, of names, the meie pronunciation of which ha b.on a lifelong obitacle. If joii have stalled life under n name w hleh, either throu'.'h ridiculous orthography or vleiuiis suggestion, hag been an ineiimberntiee, re solve Unit tile next generation khall not be so weighted. ' I, II . . K.,,naut.liii, 1 ..tin,.,... .. ,.n Ik la nil in lliciiiuiiu I iiu!ii: n IIHIlJt:. L-Util of Tarsus became Paul the apostle. Iladas sah "the injrtlo" became Kstlu-r "the star." We have lii'Amcrici, and 1 siiph)M! it is so In all countries, names which ought to he abol ished, and can lie. and will be alsillshcd for tho reatoti Unit I hey are a libel and a blunder. Hut if for any reason you are submerged i 'ther by a given iiiiuie or by a family nuinu that J oil must hear, (iod will help win to over cnine'the outrage bv a life ooiiseerated to the good and useful. You may piase the curse from tlit name. Von insv somewhat change, the sign. Ilcnuce. If once it stoisi for mean ness, von can make It kt.inl for generosity. If once It Mood for, ou tan tiuikn It stand for huiiilllly If it once stood for fruuil, you can make It stand for holiest). If once It stood for wickedness, )ou can make It stand for oiiritj. 'I here have been multitudes of In stances where men and women have magnifi cently e niqiicrcd the disasters of the name inflicted upon tin m. pvitim; wiiii sows mi-jiiiiii. ,e.oud Again: Mauv sopln lulsir under the misfortune of in o:.,, h i - physical equlpuieuu We are by our (n ui'.r ecouoiiiioally blltlt that we i-aiiuol alTo i He- obliteration of any physical laeull - want our two ines, our two car our : l,.in,l, our two feet, our eight lingers ,u. I thuuilis. Yet what timltilu.lo-. of 1 1 1. I i. , hut one ec, or but one fisit. The nidi! ur. i u-ujIUo of life have been quadrut-1 I , .ittuktl, sextupled, live ei ni ii In our time b, our civil war. and a1 ilo- iamb mi i iiih .i r-4t miililtude tliat i,i. in in i .in ii ii in I . i an llglilin.' the Liatlln of tiia with l aif or lets than hull n.e needed ;i'n i a' armament. T do not wonder nt tin .i.tth.'-of -oldie! dining the war, who w hit told that lie iiiu-l bavi-in hand uinHitn!ed -aid; "Doctor, can't you --avo it .'" and whet told that it was lm'osihlc, said, with tenr rolliug down his checks; "Well, then, good bye, old hand: I hate to part with jou. Yet have done me a good sen ice for nmnv years but it seems you must u-o l, nod-bye.1' A celebrated surgeon told mo of scene it the clinical department of one of the New York hospitals, ' when a ln' man with u wounded leg tas brought In before the Mil dents to be oerated on. The surgeon wa pointing out this and that to the students an. handling the wounded leg. and was aboiil ti i roeoed to nniputation, when the poor man leapt from the table und hobbled to the door, BiidHuld: "Uen'.letnen, 1 am -.ony todl-..iii-isiliit )ou, but. by the help of Hod. I will dit with mv. logon!' What a leirible los Is tin loss of our phj slcal factilt les '. rtlYStCA't. AIIMKM'S mm irei. , The way the battle of Croc j- was dee ded against the I'rench was by the 'Welshmen kill ing the French horses, and that brought thelt riders to the grottud. And when von eripph this Iswly, which Ismoreb tli.-amuul on which the soul rides, yott may lotueliiucs defeat thi soul. Yet how many suffer from this physical tak Ingulf.' tiood'eheor, mv l-iother! UisI wll make it up to voti som.-how. 'the grace, tin svmpathy of Cosl will lie more to von than anything you have lost, li'dud allow part ol jour resources to be cut olf in one place, lit w 111 add It on somewhere else. As Augustus, the emperor, took off a day from Februnrv. making 11 the shortest month In the jenr, and added It to August, the mouth named aftct himself, so advantages taken from one part ol your tint uru will be added on to another. Hut it is amnxing how much of the world'1 work has been done by men of subtracted phj slcal organisation. ' S. S. Preston, the great nr.itor of the southwest, went limping all his life, but there w as no loot put dow u upon any plattorm of his day that resounded so far as his club font, lli-ethoyen was sr deaf that ho could Hot henr the cia-h of the orchestra rendering his oratories. Thomas Carl) le, the ibspeptic mai tj r, w as ulycti the commission to drive cant mit of the world's lltoratiuo. Kev. Thomas Stockton of Phila delphia, with ouo lung, lalsed his audience? nearer heaven than most ministers can raise them w ith two lungs. In the banks, tho in surancc companies, the commercial establish incuts, the reformatory associations, the eliurelie-, there are tens of thousands of men and women to-day doubled up ol' i In nllsni.- or subject to neuralgias, or with only frag inputs of limbs, the lost of w hieh thev left at Chattanooga or South Mountain, or the wll derness, and they are worth more to the world, and more to the church, and more to (iod than lhoe of us who have never so much as had a llngcr jolnt stillenod by a felon, t sinci nu: t-u t'l.nns'i.rrr. Tut to use all the faculties that lenialn, and ohatge ou all oppo-lng circumstances with tin determin.itioli ol' ilohu of llohcmla. who wit totally blind, and yet at a battle cried out : "I pray and beseech mi to lead me so lar Into the light that I may strike one good blow with tlii? sword of mine." Do not think so much ol what faculties vott have lost as of what faeul ties lemaiii. You have enough left to make yourself felt in three worlds, while jou' help the earth, ami hnlk hell, and win heaven. Arise fiom jour discouragement, o ,,, m women of depleted or cilppled physical facul ties, and see what, by tlio peelal help of (iod, you ean uccninpiisii. I he skilled horseman stood around Mucenh alus, unable to mount or manage him. so wild was the steed. Hut Alexander noticed that tin- sight of his ow n shadow seeiiicd to disturb thu horse. N Alexander ciiilched liim by Hie brl die, ami turned nts Head nwiij trom the shad ow, and toward the sun, and the horse sagita lotion was gout-, and Alexander mounted bin and nidi-oil, to the astonishment of all vh stood b). And what viui people need Is to have your sight turned away from the shadows ol joureaiiy lot oyer which jou have so limy poniiereii, aim your Head turned toward the sun-the glorious sun of gospel eousolatlon u mi inrisiiau nope ana spiritual triumph. l'itoMisi;s or Tin ui:si nitijiTiov. And then remember that, all physical dlsad vantages will alter awhile vanish. Let thosi w lio have been rheumatism -d out of a loot, or cataractod .nit ol an eye, or by the perpetual roar of our oities thundered out of an ear, look forward to the day when tills old tone men I. house of llesh will come down and a bet ter one shall bo huilied. The res'irrtetion morning will provide you with a bi tter outfit, l.Ither the unstrung, worn out, blunted and crippled organs will be so reeoiisliueled thai jou will noi know them, or an entire new set ol eyes, ami ears and feel will be given you lust what It means bv corruption imltliig ou incoriuptiou wo do mil know, save that it will lie glory luetlnble; no limping in henvi-n, m straining of the oveslght to see things a little way oil; no putting of tho hand lu ll ml tin oar to double tho capacity of the tympanum but faculties perfect, all the kevs of the m siriimeiii auiiuou tor Hie sweep oi tne tlugers otcostiicv. Hut until that day of restiinpti hi comes ii i us near oacn outers uurdciis, and . o lulim the laws or Christ. Another lonn of disadvantage under w hleh many labor is lack of eaily education. There will be no excubo lor igiiorauco ill the next generation. 1-rec schools and illimitable op IMirtllllitV llf cdllCHtillll will imikfi ii'iii ii-ii iii i crime. I believe in compulsory education, ami those parents who neglect to put their chll (lion under educational advantages have hut one right left, and that Is the penitentiary nui mere ant muiiiiiiues or men and women In mld-llfe wlio have had no mill v Free school hud not vet been established, and vast multitude, hail little or no schools at ull. They led It whim us Christian men they come to speak or pruv In re ligious assembllci or pub lic occasions, patriotic or political, or c luca tloual. They are relent bceuuse they do not teel eomj) dent. Tney owe nothing to HnglMi grammar, or geography, or belies letteis. They would not know a tiurtlcinle from u tiro- noun if they met It several tunes a ilsv. Sl l'fl.UMO I.Af'li i ik i:itt CVTION. Many of the most siicio.sful meiehants ol America and men in high political places can notwilte an accurate letter ou any tliei:. They are completely deisiudcut upon dor, ami deputies, and stenographer to miiku things right. I knew a literary man who In other jours In Washington made his fortune by writing speeches for congressmen, or fix ing them up for the l.'mnjrrnionn1 Uevjrtt after they wore delivered. The millionaire Illiteracy of this country Is bujotid measure ment. Now. siip-iose u man finds himself In mid life without education what Is he lodof Do the best he can. The moat directive lavinitn In u former pastoral cburge that I over heard iMuk on religious themes could, within live minutes of exhortation, break ull the laws of KnglMi grammar and If hn left mi v law nu fractured lie would complete the work lingual devastation ill the prayer with which he fol low d It. Hut I would rather naye him ray for me. If I wore slok or lu trouble, than nny (Jhristlun man J know of, and In that church nil the people preferred him in exliurtution and prayer to all others. Wht f Ii -cause he was to thoroughly pious and liud such siwer with OihI he was Irresistible; and us he wen I ou in his prujer sinners repented and raiiitt shouted for Joy, and tin- hireavcd ncenn-d lr get back their dea l In i.-lestlai coiiipaiiiou ship. Ami when he hud atomied pravm-f, ami as sism us I could wipe out of my ryes enough tears to mo Hie i loiug In inn, I ended the meeting fearful that some loug winded pruyei meetiug bore would pull us down from the seventh heaven. (lllAIU ATIN'O in rllitisi's bl'lloOl,. Not a word have I to savsgiiiiist ei urucy of sp-ech or line oloeiitloii or high mental culture. (Kt nil these n I call llitldlsav to ll'i( of sir school hojb' t and Igu rant eiNilma-1 ' r an I no ou- 'loi'lu iitv, von m.iv have -n much i -join - ml .old so touch of In tv. u i . d.u life vnil w ill I c li.Uii'ler ! . . iitiv wliowcii through the clime i Mild or Yah-or Oxford, vet in-v-i i i in the selnsil nf Christ. When v, the" of In iiven no oie will a.s'v you can i ar-e th t,. - . ' i i , wlletlu-r von Ii ive loin in-I an- i which is the liegiiin n. o. i i ;i ; noi i you know how to -i,u. i i ',, i r you have lived a -i,u i i r n i . Mount ion" Is hltthi i i 1 i m tl'aui- Itttt what oilier nmli . I. - ictv .i other diss .Wantage! n t 'in - man whose husiwud t I, ; . -n and nhilc tin- wife pravs lldn- i the husband swears them oi . a Christian man who I tr. tod,, for Hod and the church, at, ii- him back and avs on the .r. I prayer-meet iug, where he y.ivo to- m lhrit: "What a fool ou made o: i -hnie hereafter voti will keen still ' i lie wottlu be benevolent and give l he crltlcles ti tin for not giving Idi . itiut do justice, and publlelv than v 1 ( never proKised at home to g'Ve a - " any cause of humanity or religion ton or 'partner in the domestic tlrm i;- i And when it seemed U-vond tin ,i i faith in God was necessary, site bit ' (mirths the talth. Hut I know mm , I 1 liov contrlbuU- to charitable obj' 1 1 -that the wife shall II ml it out. U I . crlug curse such a woman luiisi In . ., man ! iiis1)Vant.m;ei or maw mm-s Then there arc others under tin- n advautauo of Miverty. Who ouli' things ehcatieslf You suv tho-c tin- in n 1 il s . t have little means. Hut thev nnv more. t- oily coal bv the ton; thev buy it liv the biakrt You buy tlotir by the barrel; they buy it bv 'he isiuud. You get apparel i heap beeaiiM ,011 pay cash; they pay dear because t n-- liavi to get trusted. And the llible was r glit tvl. 11 it said: 'The dcstruetiun of the sior is 'htir poverty." Then there are those who made a met m lu early life, and that overshadows all Hut, d.i . "Do jou not know that that man w.isouci lu prison!" Is whispered. "Or. "Do v -u know tliat that man once attempted sun id.- Or, "Do you know that Unit man om. uh-umiii cdf" Or, "Do voti know that that 11.11 was once discharged for dishonesty'" Pet haps there w ns only one wrong deed In th- mans life, and that one act haunts the stiii-vrpi nt half century of his existence. Olhi-rs have unfortunate prodoin nam of some mental faculty, ami their 1.1 hucss throws them into wild enterprises or their tiepldatlou makes them dcihnc iral, oppor tunitv, or there Is n veiy of inelanehoi, lu their disposition that detents them, or Ihcv have an emlowiueiit of over mirth that causes the Impiesslcmof Insincerity. Others have a mighty obstacle in the r per somil appearance, for vi hleh thev nre not re sponsible. They forget that God fashioned their features, and their complexion and their stature, the si.e of their nose, and mouth, and hand, and loot, and gave them tiie gait and the policial appearance , and thev forget t Ii tit much of the worlds best wotk and the church's lest woik has Iron done by homely tieoplo; and that Paul thu Apostle Is said to have been humtiLiackcd and Ills eyesight weakened bv opthalmia, while many of the. finest in appearance have passed tlielr time before fluttering glassut, or In studying killing attitudes, and in ills playing the richness of wardrobes -not on rlhlion, or vest, or sack, or gloves, or button or shoestring of which they have had bnilin enough to earn for theiusi Ives. -MVNV li:oll.H IIOKX WltONll Others had wiong proclivities from tho start. They weie born wrong, ami that sticks to 0110 oven alter lie is born again, They havo natural crankiness that Is iiTo y-'iir- old It cume oyer with their givut gratidlatlicis from Scotland, or Wale.-, or Fiance. It was born on I he Paul; of tin Thames, ot' tin ( Ivdc or the Tiber or the Ithliie, and has survived all the plague and epidemics of many gctier atlous, and is si ill living to-day ou the hanks ol tho Hudson, or the Andro'eoggm, or the Suvuuuali, or the La l'lalu. And when ,1 man ti It-s to slop IhU evil ancestral proilVi. he is like a man on a rock In the molds ot uf rat Iiolillug ou with a grip Irom wfiielt tin- Mvltt curiums are trjuig to sweep him Into the uhvss hcjoml. (), lids world is an overburden"'! uoi an overworked world! It Is 1111 uwlullj ired world, Il Is u dreadfully uufortunut woild Scientists are trying to Und out the an- .f these cartliLuaiics in all lit in Is, cs Vludii and traus-Ai iiiutic. Som niv lid .oil - ene any tliat. 1 have taken the diiigiu.s. s ,,f Is the matter with the earth. U Ii.m uunv burdens on it and so many fires iwiUu I . it lias u fit. It can not siaml sucli itciu u once and such a diameter. Some ue v ito axl or StnuulHill or Vesuvius will no. -i iie thou all will be at peace lor the vv r.ii Hut what about the moral woes of tin- tv li, that have locked all nations, and foi six tlitit saud j cars bcieuce propo-us uotlnug but knowledge, and many people that know tin luo.t are most tiiieoiufoi ted! ItUl.lUK t'Olt AM. WOII9. In tlio way of practical relief for nil dlsn I vantages and ull uo.-s the only voice that Is woi tli listening to on Ibis subject is the o c of Christianity, which is the voice or j (iod. Whether I have iiu utiuiioil the pirtieu lar dlsndvanlagos under wSwC'YOU labir 01 not. I distinctly declare, - In tbd'numu of my (iod, that there Is a wujptdltyi.ld u w y up tor all of voti. Yott can not l-aofly wor- oil tlmn that Chr stlitu voting woman In the I'wtibrrton mlils when they fell some venr' ago, ami from miner tno laiien limners Mm w hcaiil slug iug: "1 am going hdane to die no more " I'akogood courage 'from that Hilile." nil of whose promises me for I hose in bad nredti n nietit. There ure better duvs for you. cither ou earth or In hcuveii. I put my hand under lour ehlll and lift jour fuce into the li -M ot tho coining dawn. Have (iod 011 v. ur und then 011 have for icM-rve tr-sips all t In untiles of heaven, the smallest ei.m ,1111. of which Is 'JO.O.k) eliai'luts und the smtilcst Out tallon 1-4. (KIJ, the lightnings of heuveu their drawn sword. ti iiiieieiit warrior uw an ovcrnowcrni! host come dow 11 ilium In suiull compun of armed men, and, mounting Ids horse wall u bamirul or sand, lie throw it in the air, cry lug: "Let their faces lie covered with con 11 siou." Ami both armies heard Ids voice and history snvs It seemed us though the dust, thrown hi the ulr hud Iweome so iiiuiiv an-'i ls of siis)i'iiulurul dellver.iuee, and the weak nverc.iiue the mighty, mid the immense host. tell imcj;, unit the small lorce maictied on Huve faith lu God, und though till the allied fore s of discouragement seem to come ugu'tist you 111 battle array, and their laugh of dell uncc ami contempt resound through ull tho valleys ami mountains, voti might by faith lu God and luisii tiiuuto pruver ilck up a hand fill of the very dust of your buinHluHoii and tlir .tv it Into thu alrlilftd it shall lii eome 101. gels of victory overall the armies of earth and hell. The voices of your adversaries human ami satuuie, shall he eoverc I with confusion, while ou shall be uotoulv eiitirpteror, through that graeo which has so olten made tlio fallen helmet of 1111 ovcrtlti'on 11 antagonist the foot stool of a Christian vn ton. A iiiun who xvtis iliouglit to boti an oun-!j)uttoi' tisku I for whisky in nu Olnoy villo, H. I., siiioon tlio otlior diiv . Uli, yes: I II ivi' yon sotno lino wlilsky," sjuid tlto bnrtoiidui', na ho hit tho innii butvveou tlio tnu.s, lav mr litiu 011 tlio Hour. Tlio iiiun inivor sitid a word, but tho (act Hint lm Iisih iiuttlo no coiiipliilnt tonkas tlio bartuiitlor oortnlit Hint lie wits right in hU dlu-i)ojlH oi thu oaso.