The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, September 25, 1886, Image 5

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    " TiiTOnoii Scanty
uNiiiy. i;i ( on - v i s;;.'. it;.
TO iH l.KTtSlilt.1.
Tin. SrilCT it !n-Vi !..irs-f Clr'ii-
Intlmi thliii Hiir I'niir In Oil Seetinn
of the slut!., rit, Is, ihortiforo Ui nur
This N 'It-no -ttnU-me'itt. (Oil Y
hull tint nll.w II t I iiosll(iniil tij any
ullier IH lr. .,,lT'l-tlrtCtii Mill tin WI'll
mulve tinlii iff til In.
Local ami (Jomra!.
TltK AllDUTIONfsT. The- f jlUvinj?
iroin the Woton Leader in mi near our
wMitiments th:it we oiler it .1- oeiii
our idea: "The people of Pilot Hock
invited " Ir." F,. M. Clements to make
hitnsrlt acaree mul In- did o. He Hu n
located noiiiL'wIii'ti in Union county,
.iiid hi wife died under such suspicious
e.irciiiiitdonco.s that a cotone; ' inrpicsl
vms held over her remains to di.M'ovor
if jj--ilsl tlic raiihO of her death. Thu
ire id lot was not against him, but the
rontiinont of the oominliuitv wan that
it wad n viiM" of " not proven. " Ho
).M;txk himself teccntly to Hunting
ton, near the Idiilio line, where the
death of u vomit; girl is laid to his
charge, and fur which he is now in jail
nl. Haker Cit . Tim icniaiu.s of the
child weio fount! an reports -ay, in
trunk, and the woman tw.-it v-fotti
hours dead in her room. The Idunte.-t
moral must he ptagRered by
events of this character. The abor
tionist is not wanted. Their vile pres
ence is manifested hy their vile deed.-.
Who knows how many ciscs of con
cealed huinoeido and infanticide haw
taken place, at the hand of thcsie nud
ioa' harpies. The practice of inedi. im
in Oregon in wholly unprotected. Am
man or woman who is suilLueutly de
void of decency and hardened enough
in crime, can plant himself or her.-el
down in any community in Oregon
and under tli broad plea of practiein,
medicine, engMge in the concealed
criminal ami diabolical practice o.
aboition. N'ay, it u not only true thai
they can do so, hut they are doing h
uvon day. Herod L'.headcd inbuilt
under plea of averting i mnpetitor.- foi
his throne. Immoral quack murdei
lor the paltry love of gold, apsoeistcd
with whatever other evil advantage
they can combine with it. It is to b
hoped that, the next Legislature will
throw Ttue safeguard aiouud the de
cent practice of medicim the nio.
humane and coinnieudaldo axoealion
iu society.
Tiik City Hru.i''. We undei
Uand that the contract, for fitting ii
the city jail, hook and ladder budding
mid council chamber was let to W. K
Johueeu by the commit te appointee
for; thai Mr. Johnson
made his pieparatious to commene-"
the work and fulfill Ida contract, lur
was ordered to d -.d-t my the mayor. 1
this be true, which we have no 1011011
to doubt, the committee are certain!'
not doing tint which they were 01
doied to ilo by the council, nor doin.
ti.taet ju-itioe to the city. The city i
now j laying 7i per month rent for ..
council chamber while they have .
building which with little repair coul
he used by the conned and save th
city .f 3 each month. In this matte,
ihn nia or certiiinl.i exceeded bin an
thority, in onhiing the woik slopped
and the conunitttc have no riht n
countenance -ni order made by an.
one unk's;i by an officer aruied with ai.
injunction. We hope thi: nutter nuv
he settled without injury to any on.
hut as to the woik and the in. inner in
which it should be dune, it ia .oleW in
the hands of the committee, and it i
due to thu tax-payers of the city tha.
they order the contractor to piocicn
with the work without further delay
A I'liiilistic 3i. I). JVndlutoti ha.
a pugili.-t in the shape of oik- Or. Itur,
It seems that he lus knocked oil
everything that haa come be lore him
Ids last achievement btin' that o
knocking out .1. li. Wager, the 10. O
man, in one round. Our fighting edi
tor is nomenhat over-au.viou:) to ai
range u match with this " tenor," an i
will meet him any tune ami give him
a receipt tor one year'n subscription
the ScofT providing he payo in ad
vance. Impkuvim;, Hank Vaughn, win
Was recently shut at Centendle, ho
had an oiciaiion performed on Lis
crippled arm and is much improved
I'o.hihly he will not ao n again he si
ulixiuus to matte a man dance .it tin
point of his pi.-tol. That man
never yet been " so bad ,' but that In
found some man who wa.- not afraid ot
him when he had an equal t-h r.
Don't delay it another ilav, but call
mul pay your oer'diiu Cove drug
More account .
The L'idd Ca'iyoii hool will com
inencu next Monday, witti Aj is iicsie
Miirrnv ns teacher.
Mis. M. Titus mul diiughtci',
Mr. Alice O'Brien, of I'.'ujfime City,
arrived I ere ye-ienlay mi a visit to
lolalivcs i;im1 tiiumU.
Geo. Amos N I i.vinvr Ids lusidence
10-pnintod and thing-. (Ixeil up geiicr
idly. UurlilKi.S .Uil im ill vo,
Tiik Must;hi tho worltJ or Tat-,
Jtrtth-e, Nor s, IMwtk, Salt tloin, Keer
here., 'IViter, CJmiv Ijn4, ( hiUdalii-,,
i'rii, anil all. Sk n i nijlon-, and immHIvi--lyeiin-
I'lle-, or uo lemjiwl. It U
guaranteed U ge iierfoet "athfuetlon, r
ivmey refmin !. I'rici i efni- irt hot.
1- wile jy J. T. Wrlifht. L'uJuu, Orettu.
Ah i:inl kuUttltMiM
For oils, talis. piiU. ami nil kind u(bitir,
iimumuU" nied; inei I- tee i MitreeuUle
liquid fruit rei'.ivi.. . Svru(i f 1 lice
i.uiineiuie.l In IcmiIiiik I'h) -lri:i. iJanu
lie : urei only li. the 'abrriilu Pig Kyrup
t'o . sn Fiuueim-o. t ul. For al bv ufi
..-uirt-n mii ! Htiuliu A WoodurU,
vUolenale tg-uu, l'lrtUnu. Oregon.
The Kimball oia hare uu oiiual
Brief liulIotiJis.
L'lty tat i aKtiut !'!. look riV
t.'ire::!' mjit i;iitir;;t- M.k't.,
Mm, David ftH, (if Ktfict.uai, U
,'l the ilj .
linliei liii. liffti w'h u; pi; -d with alt-r.
'icy tld. f,wK.
TkI lllneli.irt.trf .''ummprfilU, paid tn. i
H Ui t!d veeK.
Mavor Heenoand wife returned (.am the
' xtatc l-'sir on Thb1m.t.
- Ill Mrtretnrk. of Sm:nirvllle. w9 n
toivii iht-iiiK the Wuek,
' Furnished or unfurninliad t'Ootm to U-t.
j Kii-juheat tlU iitllec.
' A. L. si-tuiiilgr Inn lwi-n -i)tncwlut undf r
the wen ther f ir the p-ixt few dny.
A. Mesulian. the t-unmiervillo niturttHV.
paitl tn inn a visit UaruiK the neek,
Mrs. L. H. Ixon ipent severnl tlay last
wi-ok iu rtiioa, visiting i and rela
tive. WenVnnnledi!e eall from E, t,. Keklev.
J the ilghtiiw editor, at iireieiit. of the Ua-
j A reward of rils olflrtHt for the rei or
j rry of Wilht .'skitri b:'v. Sw alvoriiae
, ni' lit.
j Jimmy Jnliumti. our lutrlwr. Iiai boen
I troubled for a f.'.w days with a nwelliiif; in
' the .our of hh liiiaitli.
The Uiiinit publie si ljool npoitcd on Moti-
i lav with an attendance ol H)3. wljieh svill
! he greatly lucrctxed -xt week.
A I.uvy fetuniftl from ,-nn Kranei-uo on
Wednesday, ilin ihiujl'h,r l.i lie remaiueij
.ni 1 Kill star during this winter.
Win. Ilnrpcr. of .icr t'itj . was In town
during tlir week, Iimkitur fur an absconding
limiii: 1 fiviin Uiikor fintity.
T. P. liaird, -sr.. returned fr.mi bhilm
Mollduv last, where lie ha- buett loi.Iumr
ifl-r his horse- in that locality.
Widt .tlilniry, who h;n hesn worktm; n
hr.ikein in uu t'ie Hl'ot une lirutieli, h viit
.n; relatives and friends tit tin jilaoe
I'liion eou.ty has a delin r.ieiit l:iv !it of
ilmiit $10. (). It is t 1 he h"P''d our ti
hei llt' 111 begin to cither them in.
Quito a iiumlier of the North IVwder pee
lo were In I'lii-m ihirin:; th - week, to eon-'tteti-e
of the arrc-t of Mr, Mobiur of
We noliee this week the following viiilor
' -oni Iihind oity and vieinuy 1! S, Ilallee.
'ins. (iooiluiiueh. M. A. I fan risen and O
I lvir!,)iMtnck.
I The gftiuiine (ire ol gold whMi h an Indi
iiiiini oi ini) nenen iomk, nas open ni-i'ov-.-red
by J'l-nf. Clayton in the Co.t it Allen
nine at t'ornueopia.
(in- Hiitehiii"on. this seafi'i !hre"heil
'ivei :I7(00 liiishcli of i;rain in this valley
rithin .'!' days. lie i sports the e.'.iin wl
lie I alth aiRh the ave.-ace is llht.
'I. W. II'rjM retun.od from Portland on
Monday last. lie attended ttie Stale Fair a
ny days anil reports a good crowd in at
endai ec mid some j;ood racing.
I'nion for the jiast week has presented
uile a lively ii)tiearaiue. ami tliepr-di.-i
in of -otue that ' it is dead." is refuted In
h-' luiilii -ss it duet e ith day.
Why sutler with a I'liim ba'-k. when ou
in fTfl one il those celebrated Miteheh
'era- I'hislcrs. for 15 ei-nts. at John T
V'right'i drus -store'' Trv one
Out at the depot it is ipiiie lively at pre
nt- tc-iiii" unhimliiis jjrain and otr- Cein .
.uled. 1 r.-i 11 Itro. are shipping trout twi
three cnr-!o.ids of barley a day.
I. J. Il'.'olh has e-eeted u hmi-r for Ihr
tepingof the eoiinty p ior. he h iviim t i -out'
ict at the sum of ' 7 per head. Thi
.'eludes grinding (heir li eth.
.Inline. I. (' Mowlaiid cii.ue up tnun l'..rt
.in I on Tue.l,iy last and b the i;iu-t of V.
'. Wiiijht, our worthy townsman ami ea.-h
t of the First '"'iUiunal hank of I'
Mr.Jobii WllkiiKon. of Hiu'b valley, left
n taole sonir- enormous o rein mil.
pU which were raised on !iis farm. The
e Immense. ll;gh valley is;,.t;nl th
District Altornev 1( ). '' bus heen
i town duiinu' th" week .itlending to the
'eniiuatioii o! liohi-r h oiIit. idi'iw'
villi ihe murder of Willis hkitl'. at North
'o i di't'.
MeFarren 'i (Jardner have moved tbei
) -welei shop to the room net door to ,ii-s
orhin's m ) inery store on .Main street
here they will tic glad to m?et any and all
f thei' eu-tomers.
It is said that County Clerk N'eill hcni.;h
(J worth of beans at too -,re's Ml '..
".uii'.e. We douht tli ep at. :f. we no.1
ni i to be a prsiceah'u in in tin 1 has no oe
isnm to prepare o-r w .1'
'1'. !1. Foter. an o!d resident of thi city
.oved down thi nek from hi s ranch ne.r
Sijr creek and will reina'n during the white
nd take tic benellts of our. school. We an
;lad to have him again among us.
J !i my Nmline was thrown from a horsi
"i atui'day l.tst, landing into ;i si ike -i m
'.iered fence, reieivin simiih ev re I j n - -
n the hand and sfd". lie, however, is
i utile to he around the streets.
.. fj. Cvmdny caiuc down from Poivde
.er on l'ueidav, wlmre he litis been work-
In a pise er mine fo- a fev vveek. Tli
line I' jih-n.: a mile below the tunnel, Hi
f )K"-ts tiuding u very good prospect.
Hon. II. li. Mhltr. .state senator from
'"sephlne t nunty. h is been in towiiduriue
lie week on business conu.'cteil with hi
idi and door fautorv at (j' rant's I'ass. i
hi otnte.
l'x-County Clerk I. N. K-utnders, of Mult
lom.ih -oiuity, was in the eilv this week
e 'ire pleased to s;n- that Mr. tiauiider
us beeoine citizen of Fast-rn Oregon
i i.-imiii; loeiuru on .Mirtn I'owder. in tin
j nunty.
j A eurositv in the potato line has h.-en
e'i at this odlee by Frank John -ioii. It is .
: ir.;? potato gio vn in Hie h'll rith a vim
I :hou three leet in leuuth, with well
' fo. iin'd potatoes er iwiiig thereon upon tin
j : of the ground.
I T. Williamson, ex-deputy shurifl' o'
I lis enmity came down from' (oriuieoiiin
i.i Vt'e Ine-'dav. He takes Ills old poslllo
I l-r A. N. Hamilton our proent sheriil"
NI W li imsoii is mi ab'eaiid etlieient o'll
er and his many friends are gin I to see him
.1.1.. i'ltehford, an ihl ac'iUHiutiitK'e of th
;l,i!! hros.. bus taken a position on th-S'-i
ri a foioiiittil. in pluce of Mr. I haueee
one of the tiropi'ietors, Idle he h.i tak e.
' hi- old trade, Mot! of tinner, in Jo.
W.-ih:'n tin ilmp, lo help him out "in e
in h."
County orders to the a in irit of $tj.atl.i
hive buen preneutiiid thi week bv W. T
WriKht to 'In- County 'lVunrir for puv
nieut, In iu-io-dau:t Wit!) the advert! e
ineut of the Treaeurer. The- orders luv.
Iieoii on dex.sit .it the FI' t N il;on d Imuk
of Portland. Anyone wishing to " h ild
up " the 'jVeaorr vlmuid Uo o at
ncc, as this draw will lue ii iu toiuewhat
.f a dilapitati'd eouditioo.
Iliere are 71 week'y. three enibwkl
..'.I three monthly nwptter iu Onioi.
No won ier some of the editor w tut a lew
runny aeks lo nuiku uudeth.rts for the
iitiiiK winter. Before tli "ifntle iiring"
u rie4 those pathetic Words, " liivn ni
three wains of eo-o motber, ' will be
up irO'ii notiiv a pi irter, and i i the mean- :
time the popular -on tf will b. "Kh.dlwe
gather ut the rhe'? ' Tb Urst on the li( .
to tnrt the mng i the e;!lerloo A 'k-sI
svldch witrblrs: "Deihi'iui nts. there MUT !
be u ettUoneiit this f'!. W must hiv ' Is dUf m. If V U MWe Us Collie to lU'-'
center. We have "It d long and patiently. !
In f-iet. too long. We iu.n ever.vowl woo 1
owes us. We euii't ma iiewpjmr wide I
out monwv." In aiiutiivr pari of t)t aame ,
paptT ia to be found mi article entitled j
"Life or Death." Moit proUibly death. i
N'iwiWator 1
Tpr. wii-Li-s kmc:' Mvs.Ti.n.
fhe S ptsnl Vurdeiers Mas- rretlml.
Iiarr K.nmlrili.ii.
Peine timp ngr nunc of Die friends of
Vi9 Skill", who mi nnsterioiislv di-up-
! peand in July last, thinking the man
Had hem niurdeiesl, accordingly look
flc to nii'-ivel iiit nivsterj and hriug
th f"'t tit light. It. t'. Wood, of
1 Piirtl.ind, U.-if einjdoycd and put to
fotk to look the matter up. Mr. Wmxl.
' after a few w ek investigation, thoi, ht
lit li.-td evidenct t'littngh to watt it
an nrrt'sf. and accordingly w.urHittc
Were ts-ftted hir J.ifji Ondfrcy. (lertrgi
, liohhrand Dr. H. V. TtMuts. ' (ImUiry
Wii.s arrcsleii on Friday near Au
burn, in linker county, bv Wood, Con
. stable Cates and Deputy SherilT ltkcr
On Sttnil.iy niht Holder was atrefttd
' at North Powder by Wotid .m i t-'iitrs.
i mid Tibbito anciled nl Pendleton by
, the Sheriil' nt that place. AH particf
Wero lodged ;u jail, and the e-xainimi-!
t'ort commenced on Tuerday before
' JusticB Thomson and Jinigu (loixhill.
1 sitting together.
The counsel for the State being Shel
, ton A- Hardest., f. H. Crawf.M M
, Ihikei aud M. D. Clid.srd, the oMiict
attornoy; the dpfci.-c being represent
j ed by '.l.i-, II. Slater, If. V. lerael and
, John I!, (.'rites.
I As we go to press, three witnesses
! have been swrn, to wit: H. 1.
! Drake, A. ('. Huntngton and Mi.-r
' Miller. Tho testimony of Drako and
Huntington is nothing nuro than ha-
heretnfora been told, that is thai
j .kitl' w.i.s al North Powder on that
.night; that he went there to bus
wheat for tho I'nion mills; that Hun-
iiKtou "aw him about i or D o'clock
, hat nigli'.and also saw Dr. Tihbels,
I one of the (h fendautH.
The tcstimonr of the giil, who w.u
, waiting on the table at tin- hotel, i-
hat she vrns aciiininteii with skill'
j .tinl that he eat .-upper tit the hotel
j night, and rei'iic.-tod her to call
i him for the o o'clock train next ninrn
i ing. A'anit 'J o'clock, Mw. Unhid
wife of the defendant, came into tin
lining room ami told her to go lo tin
-Hue and get n dollars worth of sugar
she (old her there was plenty of iiugai
.11 the hniiee. .Mrs. Holder told her to
.'o. She stni led, taw Skill' sitting on
he porch with Tibbets. Was gon.
ibout ten minute iuid came hack
Ski IT was gone, and Tihbets was stand
ing iu the door of the hotel. Dobiei
.vas down on the porch, near when
-kill" was i-itling, scmbbiug up tin
porch, and digging dirt out of th.
racks, of the lloor. The next morn
ng she saw bl..od, or romething look
iiig so, upon the porch where Hobiei
was at work. '1 jhhet was stitndin
ni the door. Tlie next' morning, tin
h fondant, Godfrey, being a.s;cd
nr where Skill' was, "said; "He i
where the dogs will not bite him.''
Mis.s .Miller, as we go to press, ii still
i pou the -stand, uudcrsoiug cross ex--tininaliou.
and as the evidence ii he
og reduced to wiitiug, it is proeredin;..
rery slow and we can not be able t
,ivc the full text of the testimony no:
-.tpn-fs iin intelligent upiniuu 't this
i vxlinlo ' .xi r I .
In the matter of the estate of John
Munis, deceased. Objection'' Hridgei
ilurns to tho final account of the ox
clitoi fled, and hearing set for Oct.
Final account of It. Ackley, admin
,1-trator of the estutr of J. J. Orowdci
li-ccitsi d, iiled, aecopted and ailininis
lator discharged.
W. H. Hull'inaii, administnttor o.
he piirtner.ship property of J. It. -Mc-''iimi,
defeased, ordered to sell certain
j.or.-onal property thereof.
Sarah V. Green and Edward Ashht
ippoiuted administrators of tho estati
if V. H. (irceu, ileoeat't'il, And AI. J.
Dully, Ii. A. Iilaehcr and A. La Hull
ippoiuted appraiser of said estate.
A six months term of school will
I'oinmenee nt Cuvu on Monthly, Ith ol
October, with Prof. A. d. lia'ckctt u.
principal and .Mr. Klizu Henry a-isai-tuut.
The people ot thu (Jove Ilia)
onsrniulato llieuiselvu In securing
-ueh worthv teachers.
We are in receipt ol a letter from
Dick I'eebler and Dyke .Muuil'ord. jus
tifying their conduct hi Union at (he
tiiiio of the thootfitg. but have not
-pace to insert h ihi, i-uo.
When you go to or eouie from the
Cove, litle with John Klliott. See hi
id in this is-ue.
Thelluvtii.ti C. ess drill lias been oroven
o he the best d ill hi the market. It doe
't elojj;in trasiiv or.-od ground, an 1 j;raiii
tands either drought or freexilif( belle
than when sown in ituv other way or h
ny other implement. It has been thor
uglily tiled lotlievalle the past seu.on
Hid is pronounced "thcbos.s."
(.'aril or IIiiuiLn.
.Mr. I'ud bh. A. Af. Phy wish to re
urn their heartfelt thank'b to the man
kind frien Is who gnvo sympathy inn1
iriUunee in lln ir sad hour of'ulllie
;ion. They will never he forgotten.
lie. ii In to ll.i iltli,
Ileullh U wealth. Wealth tneaits hidup' ii
denu . The Keynote U Dr. Ilm-ttukoM oujli
uud l.ui'g -Sy flip, Hie bukt CMigh .Svrup In
t be world, ores Cough-, olds. Pain In
the lientfll oiieli'iNuiid I'rhnury iiiiiiunp
llon. une done relief In even ea-e.
Tal e no other. nrieeiV) eenU anil I. immplc
live. tssild In J. T. W'rilii, 1,'nloii, Ureifvn.
XV mlorrU Cui.
W. D. llo.vt .t ( o , Wh .le.nle mi itetail
Dran-'i-ti of Ilatie, Uu., uy: We have
leu Kudhui Dr. Kina'n S'e Iheo very.
K;e: tiie liiiter und II i -kleu's ArulC4 ialve
fo.-iw. year. Have never bundled rome
die tltMt ell 'is well, or ni c nuehttliiv jrd
-atUluetiou. There have Ix-en ieue Mouder
tui i arcs "If.-i t d hy t'u-e medic. m-s In this
city. Several c v. p'o lo.inredcomiuuip
lion have been entirely cured hy ill" use o:
a lett Ik41I" of Dr Kmi's Net ijia uerv,
a It, -n in cointc lion with iCleelrle Uit'vrs
W . u.i-ntee Uieni nlwaya. Jso d by J. T.
Wrigiit, diUiafis) I'niou. Oreion,
Huy the uelebratud ICimball piunofi.
I.'ovt CtilHnrfl.
Heptemher 2.1. I .".
Mi.-s h'a.-hel Mdhr w.i edlcd lt
I'nion as n wit.iieH m tlv skit)' ea-n,
Newl.tnd ud Aldrich hve Rone to
Wajhiugum 'iVnitury looking for t
gixnl location hh faimorB.
JJjs 'lac te Ilwtglit. lftgiter of
H. V. D wight of La OranuVi t'titoml
the As'Usiti,i m'JiooI, tlijs Weec.
The i o n- null cmnniencwl grinding,
this Wee! , and thr. fatnitie uf the
iiivdfnl, w;.j.-h has born, prevailiuc,
IS p!l.St.l.
" J. ('. Honey Ji.isj opeitoil n hunher
yaiil ii ar (In drug aton?, and will keep
on hand an as-orum-nt to l.J all hill.i
Cnniing in.
l'ighty-hair tlaVH, lotlay, dinco ruin
liaa f.illt-n in tho Cnvo. It has the
appears in c now of the much wished
for dainptjeci.
Mr- J. M. l'hy and family luvu gone
on a trip to Pine valley,
l'hey pro!ally will ' Xt- ml their travel
ing to Jlaker county before returning.
Considerable wheat is being hauled
;o the Cove mill. Merchants report a
orisk trade, and we have not the. least
prosperous community in the valley,
by any means,
Geo. !'" Hows is building a neat
eotttige north of the Kpiscopal church
He expects his wife and daughter from
Wanhct 1;, low.i in a few days, u ml
hope- to have a bran new house ready
ior them
Tin members of the two .-choJ
faled the hoary mountain heights ol
Ml. Fanny, last Saturday, that i- tin
tiravt'-t and stroiitzest among liein
The girls, especially, p:onl them--elvet
po-eesM'd of wonderful eiidur
iuce,een if .-oipewhat fatigued on
their return.
While hauling wood from tin
mountains last Friday, Win. lvile
was- painfully hurl, by his load over
turning in descending a grade. II
was tliKUvu some distance, the wood
covering him, and lay insensible foi
nearly an hour. Hegaining his onos
ne with gieat dilliculty reached home
Ik-sides i-eere bruises and cubs ibou
the head, which Were sewn up, he re
ceived a deep wound in the thigh
Anyone vi-iting thecem oi the ut ei
lent cannot undeslaud how he cann
nt alive.
named the el ill' Madeline.,
of the parlies who iueetided
D. Ji, but we weio tired when th
die tt-unster came lur in-- lli"giil
i'he man with the slightest compan
ions tnost favti"tl, Saturday. J
ll was a mistake, for 1 did not th rerv.
o have my -eat movcil. H. On om
l.ut hunt, 1 was the champion, even l
V. did get a .'ick F. I him
.Uncovered that 1 am x good horn
doctor. H. llewarc of my dug.
Chailie. Departed jn (he mleut houi
if daikuiHs. ,M. Don't be mirprisei
if we join hands and fortunes soon.
"Fonsst D;ile Fibs."
P.'UK Vai.I.uv, Sept. I'Jth.
tenia .scarce.
Weather clear and warm.
Parties in search of amusement fun!
it in goiu down on Snake river aftei
Dance at hotel in Pine Valley P. O.
Pity hut that town had a name), on
Friday evening last.
Several of our citieus contemplati
viriting Union and Island City in tie
oext few week, to buy their wintei
The school in disliicl Xo. 'M (tin
Pancake.lteeil-.Mill-.McNutt, etc., tlit-
ricl), commenced on the Llth inst.
di. J. A. Denney teacher.
lCx-Sheiilf Hon Koger.j and family
John Williamson, Sam Williamson ami
laiinly, Mrs. Seeiest (sisterof .Mr. Hog-
is) and daughter, paid Coruucopi..
nitl Pino Valley a visit during the
As we did not see the recent weddin.
:u Pine iu the Carrie It. Dole's items,
ive will just state that Dr. Geo. O'Cou
nor ami Miss Lydia Shoeiiiaker wen
united in the holy bonds of matrimony
iy Dr. Loop, J. P., the (Jth inst., at tin
residence of Mr. Curtis, of this valley.
Joy attend them.
" Dki.i.."
k-liulu (Uiufjv Sliup.
S. H. Avles, inaniifiilurtii' ofbtHter
barrrds uud keg. has always on hand
i j-'ood -upply ol the best tpmlily, und
will sell them til reasonable, prices,
(iiveliima call at hi- -bop, oil ll ol
lln; school limine. Union.
Ai live, l iKhlin; and Itolluliln.
J, T. Wiight ejii always be relied upon to
arry iu stock the und hest kiniiIn.
nd sustain the reput.i'ion of IjuIiik uctlve.
.ttslii ig and relhthle hv nnoiniiioiidiint ,'ir
iele-i with well estub'idied merit and siu-h
.is are m j oi lur I lining the uifeney for the
c'ehrati d Dr. King's New Discovery for
i' illiuiii.tiou, i obis and coiuhs, will sell il
ilia poitivejuai'.iiit-e. It will urcly -ure
ill y uiidcery till'-. tli ii of throat, lungs oi
bent, and hi order lo pi ove our t lalm. we
ask you to call and an a Trial Untile Free.
Slll if I'lKI.
.Manufactured only by thu California Fig
Syrup Co.. Nan Francisco, Cad., is Hature'e
Own True Laxative. This pieaaul Calllor-
da Il-juiU fruit remedy iimy be h td of all
drtlKKUU, at fifty eeuu or one dollar. It U
'he most pleasant, prompt, uil I eHes'tlve
eiiieiiy known to cleanse the kvatein ; to act
on the Liver, Kidneys, and Itwweh gently
yet th iroodily ; to Jl pel llraouehe. Cold,
and l yver; ti iuri'1 oiiuni)iliuii, Iudlgea
Mull, and kindred ills.
For eulti prise, puli and a Ueelruinget
ueh vood a will give tin trade aatUfMllon,
J. T. U'rlirlit, die (IriiKgUt, lead all eouiie
Htlon. Ilo Mil Dr. Iloaiiko's oiigb nud
Liuig ajpin, hesuuiae it the heat ln .lellM)
on uie niarKtti ior eougus, eoi nruun turn
primary oun.uinpilou,
Prtoe 60 cents and
j. y aampius lrcn.
,uur.iirr il 1 o
St'i em'-er 'Jl, ISSli,
Mr. Jai.i-'.'i l' rrj st:rl'd t Harney
Valley last ek
Jiiciib Colliiiis retiirnetl from Walla
Walla on Frjdiy.
A. N. ILiti'ihon and wif . rf t!rtirn,
pt ut Sunday in our town.
Mr. Wtn. V.. Jlinehart receiviulft tine
otiH'H t( glassware l:tt iwck.
Dr. J. W. Stritngo, tf lViidleton. i
in town, " ttxinx Up" the teeth of our
Chat ley Hughe, now handles the
ribbons on (he stuge. routo torn Klgin
to La Gratlde.
The "social" i'ivon at Mr. Ji -cph
rrue.-tlall s on Saturday evening was
wt M tit tended.
Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Dougherty, of
the lower Wallowa, :iM visiting at Mr.
Jacob Collins.
T. S. Paul and family are nt Weston
attending the conference of ti- f-uutl -ern
M. K. church.
Tho funeral sermon of the kite Or
lande Legote Was largely attcndetl tit
the IVshrtori.m church list Sunday.
Tie baud has ag'1" commenced
practice. The places of those who
have, moved away luting supplied With
in w recruits.
A. J. Patten starlet! to lite Wallowa
on Monday lo serve stibpu'u.ns on those
who have Iu'iu; selected as jurors for
'he coming icrm of court.
Mr. Jacob Hug, living in Hits hill
thovc Siinimerville, wdl clear about
l'tKl tin Ida vineyard, iu addition to
ihl- he will put up about fiUd gallon
ot wine.
Mf. Wm. Wood and Mrs. Anderson
wire married at La Grande last Suttir
ia. On Tuesday evening they wen
rented to an old-l'asiiotietl "cluvaree."
Mr. W(id eatne to the center alter the
iiu.-ic CO I'-'d been protracted about
.ileeu minutes, and the crowd hied
way to tin- cpy to Till up on candy,
nuts and lager beer.
Tho plplie school bewail Monday,
villi Piot. I honias Him hart as pi iiici
! al and Miss Anna Mi wart as af.sist
.nt l'he .school building has been ic
, uiivd, the loom above, purchased from
lie A- F. it A.M., has In en supplied
villi scuts, etc., and cM'tythuig points
o a .-uccc'slul term id school the coni
ng winter. We sincerely tru.-t
lie directoi and patrons of 1 1 10 school
vrill give Mr. Mint hart Hit ir hearty co
peiatiou ami encourage the scholars
y Msiting the n houl room at tlitl'eivnt of time during tin- winter.
Sever..! of the SiinimerYille boy.t
Veto out seit'liudiug last Til.-d.t
nubt. Their imi'ic miut liae been
ppleciatetl, as Ihcy Welti loyally 1 11 by ,Mi. and .Mrs. ("hailcs Pat
en and also bv Air. and Airs. S. L. Me
!Ienc, The hoy ate so much cake
nd siiiokd so many cigars that some
t them Wtie Unable to atttiltl lo
icen next day. With Ci..l'.o as leader,
.sM.sleil by 1 1. O. h'liii'halt With the
oinet.'lod Huii'ha't and .id; Patten
s Miigera and F. It. Collins as
i.nor singer, and 1 1 it small boys of the
own with a few torn throuu in to
uh veil the occasion, who dare say that
,ininiriu!lf c.iii I j induce a scienad
og club eipul lo a Cortland choir?
I he Item 1 cporlcd l.i.-t week iu re
,aid lo the biiruuig ol window trainer.
n.lon,;lug to Win. K, Km. hail, piovis
0 bo a mistake. 1 hey nccidc ut.ilh
alight lire while ln-in hauled from
ia (iraude, by a cignr stub being
mown tn the bottom of the wagon, i-
ii:ng tho hay and eettiug lire to the
vindow sa-di. At the tune they were
inloaded Mr. Liiichnrt did not notice
nut they weio damaged, and naturally
upposed upon seeing them moili
ng that some niircreaiit had
d to burn him out. Ckank.
Pendleton, Oregon.
Huriiij; used the Or.t(-ov Kiiinky Tm for
o.ic of n.y suns, vrho-n uiitnry urfui were
..jtlied ity taking tururiitim, I cheerfully
1 I'.il v to its hmefieul i-ll'ei ts. and lueolu
.end tin) to the iiiihdr,
Ayont. lor Wells, Frgo Ato,
.Survey No. . Mining District. Orauitu.i
Dated SJeniemher 17, lfWI.f
Ko'ice is hmehv tivrii thtit in iiur.siun''r
if the Ant of Congiei. iipprevsd May 10,
: IV7J. we, Th-! (Jrefoii Hold Mining
I ompuiiy. of Louisville. Keulueky, hy
I Jo.ieph Lire, atiorney, whose postotllce
is linuer ( itv. iiiiKer county, iircguti,
ittvii innds application for a patent for thlr
esn hundred and eventv linear feet on
the Wliitninii OnnrU lode, b.-arui ; gold, lbs
ame hriiu; l.'lV) feet .V. .'.')' ftl '.V , and :0
eel rf, liV 51 ICfrom discovery slt.t.t thereon,
.villi siirfticr xround CI 0 feel' iu v idih, sim
ile in Oranite .Mnihix Di-liiet. I I ion coun
:.v. stile of Oregon, nud dtwi ril? I hy th"
'tlleiul plat, In r-iih posted, and ' .v the held
llolrs o i liltf iu the oilier of the UegUtur of
l.i liruiidn I. oi l 'Mstriel Oregon, s tol
niws. viz :
lleinniiix at ' poU flout whii'h ihe 1 ,' re
'iou ( oi ne" butweuu leeiiuiis -'7 and 2.S, '1' il
Is II i: K; hoars N M dogreen 8') iiiiiiutes W
uud (!)J feel iM-tuiic". rumnug thence S "2
de;reM ft luuuites, K !". I fen to pot cor
ner No ; ihf.'uo N 2i diixrees .'il. V .,7l
feet to post i- .me r No :,, Mteii -e K 7- de
Hiers a in 1 1 1 1 ui-s. IV 3o t : -t to jiohI cor
ner No. I; llulire S decrees 51. K ITO
fset to ism c iriliT No. I, the place of huxhi
idutc. ( 1'ie.i No. I beiu la tried C. (I. It. No.
1. W. M C SVK. No. t, on NK ftii'(-) icon
taliiiusr H. h; m-res end foriuin it portion of
the NV o'li. rn r snd SV ipisrier of section
'!' and NK 1 , uf Kelion 'Ji in to inshin l
sunt i uf i:aiig 10 1". il'amrtl'j Meridian.
aid location iieiui recorded hi volume
Care of die records of I'ninn eoutitv.
Adloiiuiig elaiiimuts, on ihU lode, n Alien
it C uu the south.
'I lit 0'l. m ii MtXlNO I'OMIUNV,
of Uui!orills, Keiuiiclcy. hy Joseph Luce,
Wiu.e.t: William Kua, Tho 11. Dunn.
S5()(3 HE WARD!
1 will pay IftOO rewurd for tho re
covery of the InaJy uf Willia Hkill.
Union, Oic'koii, Sept. 21, J SbO.
15 Slirophiri'tlowii liuiksl
decend-'iif' of Iuifxuttd Ewes and
Hticka. Tlfne Ducks cm lie seer, at,
my ranch.
For further particulars eivpiire nd
Ulii oinceorof j. Q. SHI I! LEY.
IihI lpt'ihi iuid i'linscijorH
Leaves I ri.'i. c . , -t 't. rn io- o, I r".
' ill Ms f -,!;; ( k ( '. I "1 I'll r li
l .i' e ft 1 ,1,1s i: n' .1 I" v 1 ( ",'1 -os
.1 ,s I.I I I'll I I'ropr
faiited, Iiiisliaisly!
j II(MSF. TEAMS, with liuavy, irons
I Wagons, to haul luinbni' nl North
i l'nu dec, liegoii.
I Vitj;ts Ior l)it,.
j Apply to MA1LSH M,L. HA1.L& Co,
ni yMyl-kyiifflsi
Who Wanis It?
TWILNTY A CUES, situated Hire's
fitmih- of a mile north of lhiml City,
Well fenend, iiomfortuhbi house, smajl
-table und a MKAUl (J (HJCHAHH
of about Ono hundred apple, pear,
plilin and cherry Ireei. Small fruil-i
iu abundance, curi'iniU both rod and
while, Two Linda uf raspberries,
strawboriiiis, oodierrici, rhubarb,
etc, (jood pring und riimiiu;; water
on the place,
Will fcoll willilu llio uoxt ninety
days, eluuip,
Impiiie. on tho premise., or of O,
Slinfei' livii m los ht'low Island City,
on tin north side of tho river.
A (tood Uur'.'ain, Secure, it whil
you can, ()r.ivr.u Sn.vrr.K.
O. F. P. ELL.
I'nion. Oregon.
Fa if Stock!"
We have inst letiirned from New York
and oilier Eastern markets tvilli an eleeunt
and carefully rii.lceted stock nf Fureign an 4
Dvy Otnnln ;uid flontM' Fur
tiinliiii!j: i!tos.
.samples .rut on application and older
O Ll.cs A KIN'ti.
W First Street. Portland. Oregon
ICsNhlislieJ Iu
iy: .
& V Sv W
r a t 1 u r t i v 1 1 1 1 1 uu rr.
The Union Nursery Coiilpiiliv ofTer for
I H'i!iv for full rul soring traifi. ot ISXli ntlil
75,000 Fin it. Shade Trees ami
At Iri5 lo Corrortpond
With tho Tiiiion.
Having hud twenty years' etperlence hi
the nursery busjne'is and fruit rrowinii hi
I'nion county. I conclude that I well un
deiMtaml rhut Ihe climate of Eastern Ore
uoii, W.tsiiii;toii and Idaho Torrltorlcl
most need.
I will Issue circulars t-oon, for free dlstrb
hiitiou, kIvIic; list of varieties ami prices,
For further p irtleuhirs,,
II. .1. (iEEU, Puoiininoft,
(Jovu, l.'nion 1 ouuty, Oregon,
H"ih r in F.ieiy irieiy of
m as
We 1 ens haic on h ind a lart assortment
o Fltl'IT TAP.I.Ki'S. which rc ackunwl.
c lcil to he 'he pii i- t .n. d he.dlhlust ttm
I. tio'u-r in lb'.- world.
1 I trti.'Ular Hiuaiioii is luvlu d to my line of
j Fishing Tackle.,
Whivh ore in ieut varley and very
itukouabW In prluas,
Iu addition to the above wo curry In xtock
nearly every article luualty kept hi u Drat
elua drug .-it. re, including
Sponges, Trusses,
Shoulder Braces,
liruslies, Perfumery,