The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, September 25, 1886, Image 1

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The Oregon Scout.
NO, 13.
An Independent weekly Journal. Issued ovory
Saturday by
l'ubllf liers mill Proprietors.
A. K. .Tone?, I
Kdltor. f
j II. Clt VNCKV,
I Foreman.
One copy, one year ft Ml
" Six months H
" " Three months
Invariably ch1i In h1vhiicc.
If by any chance subscriptions nro tivlt "aid
till end ol year, two dollars will bo oliiirircd.
Kates or advertising made known cit appli
cation. Correspondence from All part." of the county
Address all communications to A. K.Jones,
Kdltor Oregon Scout, fnloii.tlr.
Lniltie Olroclory.
OitAKit Homih, V.u.i.nv Loom:. No. M. A. V.
and A. l. Meets on tlio second and fourth
Saturdays of each inontli.
O. P. lli.r.i.. V. M.
C. 13. Davis, Secretary.
Union Iaipm:, No. :n. I. O. O. F.-ltcsruInr
nicotines on I- rlday evening of each wi'i'ltat
their hall in I'nloii. All brethren in tiood
Mumling are invited to attend. Hy order of
the lodjie. S. W., N. O.
fl. A. Tiiomi'SOv. Secy.
Cliurcli IHtcctory.
M. 12. Cttnitrii lJlvino service every Sunday
at 11 a. m and 7 p. ni. Sunday school at it p.
in. l'uiyer iiii ctlnjr every Thursday ovenlnjr
at (1:30. lU:v. W itmis, Pastor.
PitmiYTEWAN Curnni Hegulur church
services every Sabbath morning mid cvcnluir.
1'rayer nieetltnr each week on Wednesday
evening. Sabbath school every Sabbath at
10 u. in. Hev. II. Vi:itNON Kick, Pastor.
St. John's Kriscoi'ti. Ciiuhch Servico
every Sunday at 11 o'clock a. in.
Hev. W. H. Pownr.t,, Hector.
Cow illy Olllccis.
Judjro A. C. Crali?
Sherltf A. I.. Saunders
Clerk II. r. Wilson
Treasurer A. F. Ilensoii
School SiiDcrintendent J. I. Illndiiian
Surveyor.' I'.. Mmonls
Coroner 15. II. Lewis
(loo. Acklcs Jno. Stanley
State Senator 1.. H. Itlnehart
F. T. Olck Iv. Taylor
Uy )(!leeiH.
Mayor D. II. Hoes
S. A.Pursol W. O. lte'dletnnu
J.S. KUIott I. IS. Thomiison
Jno. Kennedy A. Levy
Heeorder M. F. Davis
Marshal Ik 11. ' ates
'i'reasurcr. .
J. I). Carroll
Stieot Commissioner 1.. Hilton
Hcpnrture of Train.
Heirular east bound trains leave atH::t0a.
ni. West bound trains leavo at 4:20 p. in.
J. 11. CKITES.
A'rTOKrvHV A'i' i,aiv.
Collecting and probate praetico specialties
Olliee, two doors south of Postolllce, I'r.lon,
Attorney at Law and Mary Public.
Oflice, ouo loor south of J. II. Katon's store
l.'nion, Oregon.
I. N. CKOIUWKIJ,, M. ).,
Physician and Surgeon
Odlce. one door south ot J. II. Hilton's store,
Union, Oregon.
A. K. SCOTT. M. 1)..
Ha iH?rmanenilv located at North Powder,
where no williiuswur all calls.
Dentistry in nil its brandies. All opera
tion warranted. Ciohl Filling a aper ally.
Oflice Corner A and .Main Streets
M. Ha k Kit.
.1. l' 15ki:h.
Attorneys and Counsellors at Law,
A Nil
J.aC.HANDK, - - OitHGON.
D. 15. REES,
Notary Public
OKKICE-Stnto Land Ollico building,
Union, Union County. Orufron.
Attorney u( I.inr, Eti-nl I'stale
nnrt ;IIiM'tIiiK' .ti-nt.
Land Onieo lltisinoss a Specialty.
Olnco at Aldor. Union Co., Grojron.
Will practice in Union, ) laker, Grant,
Umatilla, and Morrow Counties, aln in tilt
Supreme Court of Oregon, tit DUHriet,
Citvuit and Supreme Court of the United
S Ultra.
Mining ami Corporation liiudMMrs u spe
cUlty. Ofllctm in Union and CoriMicopia, Oregon.
JI:i vitiR leaspd the sliinple mill tieloimins
to j. 1. Kini'hart, we are prepared to lur
nirdi a superior qunlity ami tnnke ol hin
jjles at the follow ing rates:
Dolivorod at Union,
At the Mills,
$3.2C Por 51
$3.00 Tor 31
We respect lull v solicit a whan- "f Hir
tuitioiuige. 'UOI'.INS.V UoltKHTS.
A. L. COBB, M. D.,
Ilnving )ormnni'iilly loeate.l in Alder.
Union eoiinty, Hreson, will lie found ready
to attend to calls in all the arioun towiit
and Bettlenienls of the Wullown valley.
Cliroiirt- BM.raos :i MjKM-inUy.
PO'Mv motto is: ''Live and let live."
A. C. CRAIG, - - Proprietor.
(Union Depot, Oregon.)
Splendid accommodations for coinnier-
cial men. Tallies always supiuieu im un
best the market affords.
SO-IIoT AMI Col.l) MtNKItAt. llATUS'St
t or, Main and I Sts , Union, Oregon
siiiat.iiAN A-iei.r:, rrop.
Manufacturers and dealers in Soda
Water, Sarsnpnrilln, (iiejjer All-, ream
Soda and Cliainpasne Luler, Syrups, eic
Onlei-H jiromptly lilled.
Union, Union County, Oregon.
Olliceoe Ahtreet. Residence three doors
south ol the. I (Mil l House.
Special attention siven to Surgical pnu
Main Street, Union, Oregon.
IMnns and Specifications for Dwellings
llarns and liridn'es furnished FllEK Ol
Bridge Building a Specialty
All kinds of Cabinet Work neatly execu
ted. Repairing done on short notice.
None but the best workmen employed,
and satisfaction guaranteed.
Call and interview me.
APltlCOT. CKAltAl'l'Li:, ( IIEKRY.
Of well known vnrieties, suiUiblelor this
climate. Can also furnish foreign sorts at
one-third the price asked by eastern can
vassers. 1 desire to sell trees at prices
that people can alford to huv.
L. .1. HOUSE,
Cove, Oregon
132-134 Third Mreet, Portland, Oregon
"TS a regular graduate in medicine: lia
J- been longer engaged in the special treat
ment of all Venereal, Sexual and lironic
Diseases than any other physician in the
Wemt, as city pas?rn show, and old resi
dentH know:" SI, 000 reward for any cast
which lie fails to cure, coining under his
treatment, by following ins directions.
1)1. VAN is the uiiiht siu-ceful atarili,
I.ninr and Throat Do tor in America. 11m
wi 11 toll you vour trouble without asking
" .; .1 WMIMMV'IV
VOU a hlllKlw iui-ntniu, tin,, .1 (..,..-. j
PEltMANENTClHlH in the folloHiiigeHses:
NKItVOUS DEHIL1TY, Spermatorrhoea,
Seininal Losses, Sexuul Decny, Ending
Memory. Weak Eyes, Stunted Develop
ment. Lack of Energy. Impoverished
illood, PimploH, Impediment to Martiage;
also Illood and Skin Disease, Syphilis,
Eruptions, Hair Palling, Hone Pains. Swell
ings, Sore Throat, Ulcers, Effects of Mer
cury, Kidney anil madder i jounies, weal;
Hack, Hurning Urine, Incontinence, Gonur
lima, Gleet, Stricture, receives searihin,'
troatuient, prnmpl relief and cure for life.
NEItVOL'S Diseases (nitii or without
dreamv), Diseased discliargus cm edprouiit
ly without hindrance to biibinei.
DOTH SEXES consult confidentially. If
in trouble call or write. Ddlays are dung
orous. I)ieflKe of tlio Eye or Ear, Ulceration or
Catarrh, internal or external, DufneiM or
Paralysis, Singing or ItoHiing Noises,
Thickened Drum, etc., iieruianeiitly cuied.
LOST MANHOOD peifectly re-torel.
CANCKRS AND TUMOItS jieruianently
reuioveil without the knife or caustic.
Medicine compounded and Jurn liel to
nil patients at o.lice Btrict'y port-ami vege
table. Guarantee of i-kiimakcxt curex in
nil canes undertaken. Consultation free
and strictly tjulideiitiul. All correspon
dence promptly itttendel to; inetlicine sent
by express to nny add res free from expos,
ure. Cull or address Private Dininsry
N'os. 132-134 Tlilni St., Portland, Orgon,
Terms strictly cash. Odlce hours 8 a, tn.
to 8 p. in.
W. CAPFS, Fvl. D.,
Saraeon and Homeopathic Pliysiciar.
Will go to any part ot Eastern Oregon
when solicited, to perform operations, or
for consultation.
."Medicine I'lirnUlied Itliuul lCxtru
Olllce adjoining .Jones llro.' Store.
Geo. Wtttnttr,
W. T. WnmiiT,
Does a General Hanking Uusiness. Uitys
and sells exchange, and discounts com
mercial paper.
Collections carefully ntleuded to, and
promptly reported.
c 2
O 2
r , 0
c o
f .
2 S
.2 t:
o 2
rs to
c 5
22 H
g 3 2
U 3-
rr. w zj
S rt
I nexeelleil
V7" can save from $.0 to $1 0 on tlm
JL df U. piir -lmee ot an iiitriiment ty
miymir turouvii
U'.T. UttHJtDT, ARcnt Union, 0Sn
Laundry Queen.
The Eest Washing Machine
in the World.
S. M. WAIT, Proprietor.
Wnit llros.. Agents for Union County.
This machine is without doubt the best
in existence, and gives cut ito Mil infnct ion
wherever tried Tnis nindiine is in stock
at. I. 11. BATON'S STOKK. wheio thoy can
be bought, at any time. Try the Laundiy
A r 7--
Tonsorial Rooms
Two doors south of Jones ISros.' store.
Union, Oregon.
J. M. Joii.vhox,
Hair cutting, shaving nud Hhainjiooing
uono neaiiy aim in tlio Deal style.
Main Street, Union, Oregon.
IJlINSO.N llKO.'s - PllOI'lliHIOItS.
Keeji constantly on hand
Union, Oregon.
ITn-rln? ruATitlv iiiirfliaatMl tlifH lintnt
and retlttd it throughout, I am prepared
io necoinuiodiuo uio Hungry puniic in iirst
class style. Call and see me. Laicok Sam-i-i.k
Koomm lor the accommodation oi
oinmercial travelers.
Orcaiia V ,h-ason Lwatnhn I'M,
The Rev. Dr. Talmage Points Out
the Evils of Seeking to Stand
in Too High Places and tho
Falls Sure to Follow.
Tho Sphr of Life of Each Person Tired
by the Lord - Sympathy for
.Npe .r It if A'diUin Vil'j Time.
Hi:'om.vx, N. V., Sept. VI Tiw l!cv. T.
IVUitt Tuinuige, 1). 1)., preached iu the
HioiUxn tabernaele to-day. Ills tabernacle
v a-repainted and rciiphoistcred and olher
wim' improved during the vacation 1h it ended
last Similar, when the vast thronjfa frreetrd
the return of their pastor and responded llhcr
alh tn Ids appeal on behalf of the sutlerers by
the enrthi,iake at Charleston.
Dr. Tannage'' a Mibject to-day a: "Cist
Out but Itchcued." and hi text. Genesis Mi.,
10: ''And God opened her eyes and pIip saw a
well of water; and i-he went and tilled the
hot lie lth water and .tve Uio hid drink."
I'he preacher ald:
Morning bleak upon l!ceiheba. There Is
mi early stir In the lioue of old Abraham.
There lias been trouble anion); the domestics.
Hauar, an asistaut In the household, and her
son, a hrisk lad of 10 years, have become Im
pudent and Insolent, and, the mistress
of the household, puts her foot down very
hard and pais that they will have to leave the
pre tn Nc. They arc packing up now. Abra
ham, knowing that the journey before his
servant and her son will be very lung and
across desolate places, In the kindness of his
heait sets about putting up some bread and a
bottle with Mater in it. It Is avert plain lunch
that Abraham provides, but I warrant you
there would have been enough of It had they
not lost their way.
iiui.iu as tint t.oxo jih uxi-.v.
' God be with 3011!" said old Abiaham, as bo
cave the lunch to Hagar, and a good many
charges as to how she should conduct the
journey. Islunael, the boy, I suppose, hounded
aw at In the morning light. Hoys s like
a change. 1' oor Ishiiiael! He has no idea of
(he disasters that are ahead of him. llagar
gives one long, lingering look on the familiar
place where she hud spent so many happy
dav, each scene associated vvllh the pride and
jo of her heart, toung Islunael.
I'lie scorching' noon comes on. The air Is
stilllmg and moves across the desert with In
stiifcralile sull'oeatlon. Islunael, the lov, be
gins io complain and lies down, but llagar
rotise him up, sating nothing about her own
weannessor the sweltering heat; for mot hem
can cndiue anything. Trudge- tiudgn
trudge. Croslng the dead level ot the desert,
how wearily and slowly the miles slip! A tam
arind thai seemed hour.- ago to stand oidj just
a little alie:id inviting Ihe travelers lo'eome
und. r its shadow, now U as far oil as ever, or
seemingly so. Might drops upon the desert mat
the traveleis are pillow less. Islunael, very
Heart, I suppo-c, Instant iv falls asleep, lla
gar - us I lie shadows ol night In gin to lap over
each oth r- llagar hugs her ttenrv boy to her
bosom and thinks of the fact tlia't it Is her
fault that thev ure in the desert. A star looks
uit and 1 ver fallimrtear It kisses with a spar
kle. A wing of wind comes over the hot earth
and lilt-the locks fioiu the fevered brow of
tin- boy. Jliiunr sleeps fit I nil v, ami in her
iii'.ani-. lintels oyer the ' tvearv day,
and half wakes her son bv crying out
111 her seep: "Islunael! Islunael 1"
i.ovi in Tin: ii:-i:in's wastes.
And so tliev no on, day alter day and night
after night, lo they have lost their way. No
pith In the shifting sand; nosign In tin-burn-in
k. The suck empty of the flour, the
wait 1 g fiom the bottle. What shall she
d.. a-, she imtx herfiuntiug Islunael under a
s tinted shrub of the aiiil pmnt, she scr- the
Mood-shot eve, and fe-ls the hot hand, and
tiauhrs ihe iilood buihtuii,- from the cracked
! igU", and there is a shriek iu tho desert of
l'e, rh ba: "We shall die ! We shall die!"
Nitv. no mother was rvi r made strong enough
to hear her son cry In vain for a drink. Here
tofore she had cheered tier boy by promising
a speedy end of the jiairnet, nud even smiled
upon him when he felt desperately eiillogh.
Mow there Is nolhliitr to do but i.laee linn mi
ller a shrub and let him die. She had thuuirht
that she would sit theie and watch until Him
snliit of her boy would go awav forever, and
then sho would bieathe out her own life on Ids
silent heart; but as the buy begins to duty his
tongue In gon of Ihlrsl. and sti tingle in ,11a
loition, and hegs his mother to slav him. she
can not endure the spectacle. rt!:e puts him
uuiier a smiin, and goes oir 11 bow-shot, mid
le.'lns to ween until all the 1len1.1i
mug, anil licr cry strikes clear through the
heavens; and an iiiurel of d'od come nut in n
cloud, and looks iiown ihhi llin iiipalllng
gnei anu cries; -jiiigar, wnal alleth tliecl"
niie iooks up aim sue sees the angel pointing
to a well of water, where she libit th hntil,.
lor iuu inu. 1111111K lion; i lian! tiod 1
i ivniNu t.Mi iii:i:rii, i:h.
First I leaill fiom tins ill ieutttl scene in lm
fit st place u sinl thing it is when people
do not know their plac, and get toopunid lor
their bunlni'sii. Hagar was an iissl-diuit In lliat
noiisenoiu. ntu sue wanted to 111 In lit Klu.
ridiculed and Jeered until her sou, Islimaul,
got the Mime I licks, hhc ilaslied out lu-r own
happinei-H, and llirew Sarah Into a great fret;
and If she had stated much longer In that
household she would have me-et calm Abra
ham's toulllbriuui. .My fl lends, one half of the
trouble 111 the world to-day come fiointhe fact
that 1 eople do not know their place, or II 11 ill n
their place will not stay iu it. H hen wo come
Into the woil I there U always a pluceieady for
us. A i-larc toady for Abraham. A nlaee for
Surah. A place for A j'laeoforUhuiaul.
A place for )ou and a jiluce for me. Our first
duty l to Ibid our sphere; our second is to
keep It. We limy be borne Iu a sphere far oil
from the one for (bid dually intends us.
HittuB V. was liorn on the low ground and was
a swineherd; (iod called him up to wave a
wepter. 1'eigUMiii " ni li e- r'.v days In look
ing after slice) ; (iod called him up to 1 io! af
ter star and be a sti -i.i. ,d mux tiielloeka
of light on the hllliddf of heaven. Hogarth
began by engraving jwtvtt-r pots; (iod rained
him lo stsnd In the eucliaiittsl loalm of a
Painter. 'J he shofiiiultt-i ' I eneh hel l 11 ihihi.
field for a little while, but (iud raf d him to
sit In the i lia'r of a phdo-onher and Christian
scholar. The soap Uiller of laiuduii could not
keep bis son in that busiuesii, for (iod bud de-
bided that JUtt'lev was to be one of the great
est antioiioineia of Kuglauil.
On the other baud tie may tie iKirn In n
sphere a little higher than that for which (iod
Intend! up. We m y tm born In a castle, and
nay iu a oosliy ct'intervaiory, and fe-tt h'gii
jretl triiiiUiii. sod 1 tittle lor iold fish In in tl-
(lejul joiid and ho fi miliar with princes ; yet
(iud niuy liettfi- liHtt- liltett in fora CMria'iiter'a
thop, or t'cutist's foreepa. or 11 weaver' (but
tle a bbn '.i-uili loie. The great thing
UtokiU out jutt the siherefor vtuali Clod
intended u. and then to occupy that sphere,
and occupy it forever Here is a man (i d
fashioned tn make .1 plow; there is a limn (iod
fashioned to tnnke a The man
who makes the plow l just as honorable as
the mail who makes the constitution. There
is a woman who was made to fashion a robe,
and tonder is one intendr.l to he a queen aud
wear It. It seems to tne that In the one case
as in the other (iinl appoints the sphere, and
the needle Is Just as icspeetable In Ids sight
as the scepter. I do 11. t know but that the
world would long ago hate been saved If some
of the men out of the iiiiinstrv were in it. and
some of those who are In It were out of It. I
really think that one half the world ma v be
divided into two quarters -whose who nave
not found I heir sphere, and tho-ewho, having
found it. are tun willing to May there, llow
tn.inv aie struggling for a position a little
higher than that which! iod Intended them!
The bondswoman wants to be mistress, llagcr
keeps crowding Surah The small wheel of a
tvalch which lieautlfully weal ireadintr its
golden pathway wants to'be th,- balance wheel,
and the sparrow w it It chagrin drops Into the
brook because It gati not, like the eagle, cut a
circle under the sun.
otiiniso TttK i.oito's wt.mtns.
In the laud's ami) we all want to be briga
dier generals. The sloop sats: "More mast,
tunic tonnage, uiore canvas. (), that I were a
topsail Mhooiler or a full rigged brig or a
Ciinard steamer.'' And so the world Is lilled
with cries of discontent, lieeause we aie not
willing to stay Iu the place where (iod put
us and intended us to be. My friends, be not
too proud to do anything (iud tells von to do.
l'or a lack of the light disposition in this re
spect the world is' strewn with wandering
11.1 gars and Ishmaels. (iod has giten each
one ot us a work to do. You entry n MMittle
of coal up that daik alley. You "dlsirilmte
that Christian tract. You git e idll,iMXI to the
mbsionai.t cause. Y0.1 for lifteea tears sit
with chrnti e rheumatism, the
bc.uttj of Chrlstalu submission. Whatever
(iod calls ton to, whether It win liKsing or
htl..a, whether to wall; under triiimphul a.'eli
orbit the sot out of the d.teh. whether it lie to
preach on a pcnticost or tell some wanderer
of the street ol the nicie.t of the Christ, or of
-Mary .Magdalene, whether it be to weave a
gal limd tor a laughing child on a spring
uioiiiing and call her a .May queen, or to comb
qui the Mingled locks of s'wuif of the street,
and cut up one of her old dreses to lit her
out for the sauctuarv--do It, and do it right
away. Whether it be a crown or joke, do not
lidget. Everlasting Illinois upon those who do
th"irwori. and do their it hole work, ami are
contented Iu the sphere In which (iud has put
them, while there is wandering, and ede. and
desolation, and wi dcrucss lor discontented
11 agar and Islunael.
11 vo tit in tin:
Second Again I Hud Iu this oilcntal scene
a lesson of stmpathv with woman when she
goes forth trudging" In the desert. What a
great change It was for this llagar! There
was the tent and all the surroundings of Abra
ham's house, beautiful and hmii'laiit. no
doubt. Mow she Is going out Into the hot
sands of th- desert. (), what a change it was!
And iu our day we olieii see the wheel of lor
tune turn. Here Is some one who lived In the
vert bright home of In r father. She had ev
erything possible lo administer to her happi
ness plenty at the table, music iu the draw
ing 100.11 welcome at I lie door. She Is led
forth into life hy some one who can not ap
preciate her. A dissipated soul comes and
takes her out In t le desert. Cruelties libit
out all the lights of that home ciiele. Harsh
wonts wear out her sphlts. The high hopes
that shone out oter the marriage altar while
the ling was being set and the vows given and
the benediction pioiioitueed have all faded
with the orange blossoms, and there she is to
day broken hcaitcd, thinking of past joys
and present di-solatlou and coining anguish,
llagar In the vt ililerncss !
Here is a beautiful home. You can not think
of anything thai can be added to It. l'or years
there has not been the -suggestion of a single
trouble, llilghl and happ,' children till tlio
house w ith lauirhtf r and song. Hooks to read,
pictures to look at. lounges to rest on, cup of
domestic Joy full and running over. Ibirk
nlL'ht drops; pillow hot; pulses flutter; eves
close, ami the foot whose well known steps "on
the door sill brought the whole household out
at eventide crying, "fathcr'a coming," will
never sound on the door-sill again. A long,
deep gi lef ploughed through all that bright
ness of domestic lilc. raradise. lost; tyldoy
hood; llagar In the wilderness!
ttottnN wnit iiAiin t.tvr.s.
How often is It we see the weak arm of wo
man conserltiled for this battle with the lough
world! Who Is she going down the street iu
the early light of the inoinlng, pale with ex
hausting work, not half slept out Willi the
slumbers of last night, tragedies of siiirerlng
written all over her face, her lustreless evus
look m tr far ahead, as though for the com tig of
some ouier uoniiiei ner parents called her
Mary, or llertlm, or Arties, 011 the day when
they held her up to the lout and the Christian
minister sprinkled 011 the infant's face the
washings of a holy baptism. Her name is
changed now. I hear it hi the shullle of the
worn out shoes. I see It hi the llgure of the
faded calico. I find ft In the lineaments of tlio
woe begone countenance. Not .Mury, nor Her
nia, nor ; ''lies, ma llagar in 1110 wilderness.
May (iod have mercy 11 1011 woman In her tolls,
ner struggles, ner nariisiiips, tier desolation,
ami may me gieai Heart 01 divine sympathy
1 iiiru -tgiiiu 1 nun 111 nils oriental scene
the fact that every mother leads fotth tie
inendoiis destinies. Yon sat : "That Isn't an
unusual scene a mother leading her child bv
the hand." Who is it that she Is leadiugl
Jshmael, ton say. Who is Ishmaelf A great
nation Is to he founded, a nation so strong
that it Is to stand for thousands of tears
against all the armies of the world. Kgypt
anil Asstria uiuiiucr against, it, mil 111 vain.
(iiiulus brings up his army, and hi army Is
Mill 1 1 I'll. Ah-xatiiicr deeiiles uisiu a campaign,
brings up his hosts aud dies, l'or a long
while that nation tuoiioii the learning of
the world. It Is the nation of the Arabs. Who
founded ft? Islunael, Ihe ad that llagar led
Into the wilderness. She had no Idea she was
leading forth such destinies. Meillier does
liny mother. 1 oil pass along the street and
see pass boys and gills who will yet make the
carta quauc wuii i.'ieir iniiueiiee
uiiicvr iii:stinii;s run
ho is that boy ut Sutton l'ool, rjyniotith.
hiiglnud, bare footed, wading down Into the
slush aud slime until his hare foot conies uixm
a piece of glass and he lifts It, bleeding and
iialn struck f That wound In the foot ilecldes
that he be sedentary Iu his life, decides that
I... 1... .. u,,,,l riM.nt I I... .1 , ...
tu iiu t otiit.t-iii.. 1 iiu, , WMin, i,jr lliu IIISS 111
the foot decide.-; that he shall be .lohu Kllto,
who shall provide the best religious encyclo
pedia the world has ever had provided, and,
with his other writings as well, throwing a
light upon the word ot (iod such as lias coma
from 110 other man Iu thlseenturv. O mother,
mother, that little hand that 'wanders over
your face may yet he lifted to hurl thitmler-
iKilts ot war or drop tieiiedlctlous That little
voice may blaspheme (iod III the grogshop or
cry "Coward!" to the lord's hosts as they go
out lor their last victory.
.tiy III 111(1 llll lllornlllL' leans tlilrlv ve.'irs
ahead aud I see a merchant prime of Mew
York. One stroke of his lien briiiirM 11 shin 0111
of Canton. A no-her strode of his mii brlus:s
a ship lulo Madias, lie Is mighty In all the
llioiiev markets of the world. Who U lief He
slU this iiioridug beside oii In the tabernaele.
.Mymiliil leant tlurlv tears forward from lln.s
time and I Had iiivself iu a relief association.
A treat multitude of Christian women have
met together for a generous purtKwe. There
Is one woman In that crowd who seems to
have the confidence of all the others and thev
all look up ui her for her counsel anil for her
irator tvno is slief This afternoon you
will Ibid her In lb Sabhjth school while tho
teacher tells her of unit Clillst who clothed
the naked and fed the huugry and healed the '
slek. Mt mini leans forw lrd thirtv tears
fiom now mid I Ibid in.-ed 111 all Afiu.lU
juimle and there is a niissiouaiy of ihe rms
addressluu the iiatlw s and their du-kv coun
tenances are irradiated with thcrlad lidnr.'-r.f
great o, and alvat Ion. Who is he.' linl V'd
.not hear Ids voice tins morning in me urst
, song of the sprv Ice f
Mv mind leans forward thirK tears fn ui
now and I Hint mtself looking through the
j tv ickets of a prison. I see a face r,tn 1 d w it li
I overt crime. His 1 bin on his open palm. Ins
eloow on his knee a picture of despair As
I open the wicket he starts and 1 hear his
chain clank. The jail keeper tells me ho
has been there now three times fust for
theft, then lor arson, now for iiiuid r He
steps upon the trapdoor, the lope is tastcintl
to Ids neck, the plank falls, his Imh sw Mgs
Into the air, his soul swing off Into 1
Who Is he, and tt here is be! 'Ibis alii 1 aoon
hoisting kite oil the ctt coiiiuiotis. M . tier,
ton are this morning hooting a tin one or
forging a chain; ton are kindling a M.,r or
digging a dungeon."
A gisid lnan tears ago a Christian iimiI r
sat teaching lessons of religion to In r . I) 1 ,
and he drank In those lessons. Sin nevtr
knew that l.ainphler would come foiih and
establish the Fulton street prater me t u ai.d
bv one meeting revolutionize the devotion of
the whole earth, and thrill the Illinois
with his Christian influence, lainiplutr s nd
that It was his mother who brought him to Je
sus Christ. She net or had mi idea that she
was leading forth such destinies. lint oh,
when 1 see a mother reckless of her Influence,
rattling ,m toward destruction, gar. an I' d for
the sacrifice with uiiseeinlv mirth and godless
ness, dancing on down to perdit.on, taking
tier children Iu the same direction, preparing
them for a life of frivolitv, a death of shame,
and eternity of disaster lean not hell) but
say: "There they go; there they go. llagar
nn'd Islunael !" 1 tell you, there are w ilder
deserts than Hecrshcba In many of tho
tashlonable circles of this dav. Ihssipatcd
parents leading dissipated children. Avara
clous parents leading avaraeioiis childien.
Thet go through evert street, up evert dark
alley, in every cellar," along every highway,
llagar and Islunael ! ami while I prououtu'ce
their names, it seems like the moaning of tho
death wind: "llagar ami Islunael!"
roi'NTtiss roii am. rimtsTV or.s.
Fourth 1 learn one more lesson fiom this
oriental scene, and that Is that every wilder
ness lias a well in it. Hagar and Islunael gave
up to die. I lagar's heart sank within herns
she heard her child crving: "Water! water I
water!" "Ah," she says, "my darling, tliero
Is 110 water. This Is 'a desert." And then
(Jod's angel said from the cloud: 'What
alleth thee, llagar!" Aud she looked up and
saw him pointing to a well of water, where
she lilled the bottle for the lad. blessed bo
(iod that there Is Iu every wilderness a well, If
you only know how to find It fountains for
all these thirsty souls I Ills morning. On that
last day, on that great day of the feast, .lesus
stood nud cried: "If any man thirst let him
come to Mn aud drink." All these other
fountains ton llnd are mere mirages of tho
desert, l'.iineelsus, you know, spent his Hum
iu trying to llnd out the ebxlr of life a liquid
which If taken would keep one perpetually
voung iu this world, ami would change the uged
liael; again lo youth. Of course he was disap
point 'd; he found not the elixir. Hut here I
tell you this morning of the elixir of everlast
lug life bursting from the "Kock of Age',"
and that drinking that water you shall never
get old, and you will never be sick, and jou
will never die" "l lo, every one that thlrstcth,
come ye to the waters," Ah, here Is a man
who says: "I have been looking for that
fountain a great while, hut can't llnd It."
And here is some one rise it ho says; "I be
lieve all ton say, but 1 have been trudging,
along In Ihe wl'hletiiess and can't llnd tho
fountain." Do von know the reason I 1 will
tell you. You never looked iu the right direc
tion. SI'lTI.VIN'o AM. NERDS.
"()," ton say, "I have looked evenwheje.
I hate looked 1101 Hi, south, east and west, and
1 haven't found the fountain." Win, ton
are not looking iu the right direction at a'l.
Look up where llagar looked. She iieti r
would have found the fountain at all, but
when slut heaid the voice of the augel she
looked up, and she saw the linger pointing to
the supply. And (), soul, if to-day, with one
earnest. Intense prayer .ton would unit look
up lo Christ, He would point ton down io the
supply In the wilderness, "book unto m all
ye ends of the earth and be ye saved; for 1 am
(iod, and there Is none else." Look! Look
as Hagar look.
Yes, there Is a well for every desert of be
reavement. Looking over the audience this
morning I notice an unusual number of signs
of mourning ami woe. Have ton found con
solntloiit 0, man I ereft ! O, woman beteftt
have you found cumulation f Heatse after
hearse. We step from one grave hillock to
another grave hdioik. Wo follow coipes
ourselves soon to be like them. The world is
Iu mourning for Its dead. Kvery heart has
become the sepulchre of some burled j(
Hut sing ye to (Iod; every wilderness has 1
well In it, and I come to that well to-day auc
1 begin todiaw water fiom that well. It vol
have lived In the country .toil have soinet mei
taken hold of the rope o'f the old well-stv ep.
and jou know limy the bucket came up drip
ping u'lth bright, cool wi Icr Audi lay hole
of the rojie of Ood's lueicy this morning and 1
begin to draw on that gospel well-sweep, und
1 see the buckets coining up.
'The old astrologers used to cheat the
tile tin.
wuii me men inai iney could tell mail the po-
slliou of the stars what would occur iu the
Iitltire, and If a cluster of stars stood In one
relation, why, that would Iv a prophecy of
evil; If a cluster of slats stood In another re
lation, that would be a prophecy of good.
What stitierstltlon! Hut here is a new astrol
ogy Iu which 1 put all mv faith. Hv looking
up to the star of .Jacob, the morning star of
the redeemer. I eiia make this lironliecv in
legard to those who put their trust iu (iod.
--.) 11 tilings worii logeinerior good to those
who love (iod." Do ton love hiiuf Have win
seen the nyctauthes! It Is a beautiful llinvr,
out h gives very mite iragraneo until alter
sunset. Then It pours Its r.chiu-s on the air.
And this grace of Ihe go-pel that I commend
to to i this morning, while It may be vcrv
sweet during the day of prosperity, It jwura
forth Its richest aroma after sutiiloivu. Ami
It will be sundown with you aud mo after
awhile. When you come to go out of this
world, will it be n desert march or will It be
drinking nt a fountain f
A Christian Hindoo was i t-in; aud li s
heathen comrades came around him aud tried
to comfort him by reading some of the n.-iL't.-i
of their theology ; but he waved bis hand 114
much as lo sav; "I don't want to hear It."
'Then they called In u heathen priest, and ha
said: "If you will unit recite the jN'umlra, It
will deliver you from hell," Ho waved Ida
hand as much ns to say : "I don't want to
hear that." Then tliev saldt "Call on Jul'.
geruaut." He shook Ids head as mtieh as to
say; "I can't do that." Then they thought
purhap ho was too weary to s;ieak, and they
said: "Now, If you can't say 'Juggernaut,
think of him." lie shook his head again, aj
much as to sav: '-No, no. nol" Then they
Dent down to his billow, and thev said: ''In
what will you trust!" Ills face lighted 11
with the very glories of the celestial sphere, a 11
he cried out, rallying all his dying energies
"Jesus." O. come this morning to the fouu
aln I I will tell you tho whole story In two 0
tlireo sentences, l'urdou for all sin. Com for
for all trouble. Light for all darkness. Am.
every trlldcrnas has a well In It,
A .Methodist livmu commends those whom
It lava "foiiL'ht to wlu tho nrlze.' Dru. tliL.
hold the truly good to the approval of the con
temporaneoui prize fighter of tho rlui;I C7m,
UnU VrittlHtl.