The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, September 04, 1886, Image 8

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    How the Old Man Lost His
An old man carrying a corpulent
satchel disembarked from the steamer
City of Cleveland ono morning this
week and started on his way up town.
At llio corner of Water strcot a young
man in glasses rushed up to him, soiz
ed him by the arm nnd exclaimed:
"Ah. mv dear Sir. Dumpkins. What
nn unexpected meeting!"
Very unexpected, very," said tho
old man. wearily. "But my namo ts
Sagsby, John K. Sagsby, of Uucyrus,
"A thousand pardons," said tho
stranccr. very much mortified. "You
are tho very pictnre of him. What
misfortuno to bo so ncar-sljhtadl"
"Don't mention it," replied tho old
man, adding to himself as tho specta
clcd gentleman disappeared around
the corner, "Samo old game."
At tho cornor of Water and Superior
Btrcets a clerical looking gentleman,
with sido whiskers, grasped his hand
warmly and exclaimed:
"Is it possible? My old friend Sags
by of Uucyrus. It must bo."
"Tho very same," replied tho old
man, "and you why you aro Sam Jim
son, euro as guns," nnd tho old man.
setting down his satchel, slapped him
on tho back with a cordiality which
loosened his back teeth.
T T flin- tcf ifntt r9 fmiMi "
A- VI MM r J Ui ViUlll
stammered tho sidc-whiskcrcd gontlo
man. "And how is dear old Uucyrus
getting on?"
"Bully," replied tho old man, taking
tho other s arm with a grip that mado
him wince. "And just to think that
you aro Sam Jimson that used to como
and sec my sister Maria years and yoara
"And Mario, how is sho doing?"
asked tho stranger eagerly. "Tell mo
of tho companion of ray boyhood
"Dead," replied tho old man in a
choking voice. "Dead and gone."
"Dead?" cried tho other, taking out
his handkerchief and swabbing his
eyes. "No, no. It cannot be. Maria
dead? How inexpressibly sad. Cut
down in her blooming womanhood like
a tondor flower. Pardon my oxcess of
grief. Whon did tho bsuI ovont tako
I "Let mo boo," said tho old man,
tightening his grip on tho other's arm.
"That was in tho spring of 'C2. Sho
was 'just 2 years and S months old tho
day sho died. Cholera infantum was
what did it. Cut down, as you re
marked, in her blooming womanhood
liko atendor ft "
"I I guess I'll havo to lcavo you
now," said tho gcnlloman of tho sido
whiskers, struggling to got away. "I
'havo an appointmont across tho river."
"So havo I," said tho old man, "and
on tho way we'll talk about that S2. 1
loaned you whon youcamo up to Cleve
land? Haven't got it with you? Well,
porhaps that pollcoiuan across tho
strcot yonder will lend it to you. Sup
pose wo "
But just at (this point tho clerical
looking gontlomau slipped out of his
coat, galloped off down Superior street,
turned under tho Viaduct and d'.-ip-noared.
"Cur' lis," nnittorod tho old in. -.
going through tho coat to seo if them
was any chnngo in tho poekuts. "This
is tho third time, and thoy always lonvo
mo just whon tho conversation is at tho
most interesting point. Guess they'll
loavo mo nlono after this. Hello!
Whoro's my satchel? Wlmro's my
But It was gono. Tho young man in
spectacles had not boon Idlo.-t-CVei-e-land
Was St Patrick a Gorman.
Karl Blind, in an interesting essay in
tho Nette Frcie l'rcsse, denies that tho
ancient "Fonior" wore Irishmen in tiiu
present senso of tho word. "Tho old
Fenian horoos," ho says, "as wo soo
them in tho poems that have como
down to us in Celtic language, aro evi
dently no Colts or Colt-Ibornhuis. They
aro described as goldundiairod, red
ohceked, bluo-eyed and whito-sklnned.
4Thoy boor QUA of driiikjngj
horns." Ho contomU that no othnog.
raphor will doubt that tho men so de
scribed can have boon any other raco
'except tho Gorman. Tho truo "Fenians"
wore, consequently, Teutons lot us
say "Saxons" who forced their way
Into Ireland and tilled it with their
fame at souw pro-historlo date! But
this conclusion does not rest on the
ethnographical typo of tho Fenians
nlono; thero aro philological evidences
to Us probability. Words plainly Gor
man such us "fetehon" for instance
aro found embedded in the midst of the
Ccltio toxts. "St. Patrick himself,"
nays Horr Blind, "was not an Irishman
by birth.-St. James's Uatcttc.
Sho was
"Ma can't sou you," said a Cass
aveniiQ girl of 10 as a peddler ascended
the front steps.
"In sho ut homo?"
"Yes, sir, but sho U very busy."
"Will you ask her to stop to tho
"No, sir, She's up stairs trying on
her bathing suit before tho big mirror.
When sho gets it on sho is going to
pose. If sho looks statuosipuo wo'ro
goiug to tho soa-shoro. If sho just
scim to bo coumiou wo'ro going out
In tho country to Undo William'.
I'Jwmmj go nwny and don't disturb tho
pose." Dtiroit Frte I'ress.
tto Is Presented with n Sword of
Honor by mi Knvoy from
Queen Victoria.
Capt. Harrison Smith, paymaster, K.
W., was sent by hor majesty's govern
ment to tho king of Abyssinia to pre-
icnt to him a letter nnd sword of honor
Irom her majesty the fjueen. On April
10, says tho captain, wo arrived sud-
lenly in sight of tho king s camp and
Lake Ashnngi. As wo nenred camp wo
n'cro met by tho soldier whom I had
lent on. Tho king requested mo to
jomo at once to him. Tho soldier add
id that tho king had threatened to pun
ish him should ho fall to bring nio into
:ainp that evening; but ho begged nio
o wait a few minutes, till an escort of
two hundred men should nrrlvo to ac-
iompany me. Tho ollicor commanding
the escort informed mo that they had
icon ordered to couduot mo directly to
he king.
1 was obliged to chango clothes on
flic road, unpack tho letters from hor
najesty and Lord S. nnd the swords
lor tho king and his son. These pro
iccdings entertained tho soldiers great
ly. Tho soldiers took up a sort of
formation in tho center of which I and
tho persons who were instructed to car
ry tho presents .rode. Thus wo crossed
plain, and then climbed tho hill on
iviiich tho king is building a new palace.
Ihcro I was the beholden of many hun-
Ireds, Laving dismounted and walked
to the door of tho cokcl-roofcd building
n which his majesty was seated.
About to enter I was abruptly stop
ped, becatiso at tho last moment the
Icing had sent for a chair, which had
lot yet arrived. Tho chair was brought
ind placed with its back against the
polo which supports the roof in tho
jontcr, and exactly facing tho king.
s usual ho was seated on an angcrib
t'a sort of bedstead), supported on ei
ther sido by a largo cushion. On my
sntcring ho extended his arm to its full
cngth, and received mo in tho most
:ordial manner, with his shauima near
ly down to his waist,
At first I thought ho was beckoning
me to a chair, to which his outstretched
hand was pointing, but I soon porcciv-
d his moaning, and having taken his
Band and bowed, Iprosentcd hor niajes-
:y's letter, enveloped in an imposing em
broidered cover which I had brought
Irom Cairo, and which appropriately
liad a gold lion resembling tho king's
ical worked in tho center. Then 1 1
aid before tho kincr tho sword in its
nso with tho lid opened, and afterward
the sword for his son, Raa Aria Solas
lic. At tho conclusion of tho brief an
aouncoincnt with which I accoinpan-
cd encli presentation tho king bowed
ind expressed thanks. Ho thon said ho
and ordered a camp to bo prepared for
aic, and that 1 must go and rest. I
found a large, but very thin tout piteh
d, and furnished with an angcrib cov
ered with a carpet and having tho two
usual cushions. Otlior carpets were
aid on tho ground, and for somo timo
I sat in state till my escort was niarch-
d off, and I was loft only with the
nuall guard.
In tho ovening presents of goods,
consisting of a cow, bread, ghco, tedgo
(liquor mado from honoy), rod popper,
tin-wood, and firoplaccs, and a spoon
for my use arrived, and wore continued
ri-gularly during my stay.
On April 15 tho king came. Ho want
ed to know why duties wore imposed.
I replied that his merchants had never
requested that thoy (tho duties) might
be remitted.
On tho 19th I called on tho king at 7
A. M. Tailed aud wrote an addition to
the letter for tho queen. Thon was
takon out and arrayed with shirt and
trousers. I do not moan that at the
timo 1 wrote noither of these useful ar
ticles, blui theso wore special garments
of honor. 1 was asol prosontod with a
lion's mane, tho king's own mare, a
horse, a mule, twenty-ouo spoars, and
a shield. At 11:20 got on the march,
and continued till 5:40, whon wo roach
our old camp near Bobbah. London
Katy Did.
Kty did I I am surprised
To ticar such a till tip; of her I
Never her own love disguised I
Never made the last demur I
No I lie kissed her lluger-tlps,
I.Ike a kulffht who'd favor won;
Then lie kissed her on her Hps
Katy I Katy! And what then I
Katr did? l'ray tell It all
If joti Mill, and I will heart
Well, at first I heard him colt
Her his "love" and "Katj dear."
And she said: "My dearest John,
Do you not know it Is a sin I"
And then well, she kUscd him on
Ills lips ouce and ouco again,
Katy did 1 How dreadful I Aud
Ytm beheld It nil, you say I
Yeslie held her by the haud,
And they came this very way I
lu a leafy bower above
I.Ike a thtel the while 1 hid,
Hut 1 heard him tay "My lovel"
And she ktsted him Katy did.
1tlm A. MuhvUU.
Why Ho Know.
"So, Unclo Jack you don't much be
lieve in tho idea that mon aro called to
"Wall, sah do Lawd inout call somo
niggers tor preach, but it sorter 'peers
tor mo dnt whar do Lawd calls ono old
man Laziness culls or dozen. Nino nig
ger preaches outen ten is do laeies'
pussens iu do worl'."
"How do yon know, Unclo Jack?"
Cmo l'so cr preacher mcrso'f, ah."
Jrkatuaw IVavtUr,
A Singular Adventure.
A gentleman stopping at n summer
boarding-houso near tins place for tho
season had a singular and unpleasant
ndventuro yesterday afternoon while
out driving, writes a Kocklnnd Lake,
N. Y., correspondent of the New Vo'rk
Times. Ho had been to Nyack, about
four miles distant, and returned by
what is known as tho old Rockland
Lako road, a highway partly abandon
cd now by travelers between tho places
named. Whilo driving down ono of
tho rough hills with which tho road
abounds tho tiro ono of tho wheels of
his buggy broko, and lie at onco stop
ped his horse so as to make tcmparary
repairs that might last until ho reach
cd his destination. Ho led tho horse to
ono sido of tho road, closo to an old
stone fence, so that approaching vehi
cles from either direction might pass,
tho road being very narrow at that
point. After working for a very short
time ho succeeded in fastening tho tiro
temporarily in placo with a strap, aud
jumped in the buggy to drive on. Just
after ho had taken his scat lie was sure
ho felt something moving under tho
blanket which was on the cushion, and
ho put Ills hand down to raise up ono
sido of it when ho touched tho cold and
clammy body of a snake. Ho jumped
up instantly and grasped tho whip, do
tennined to kill the reptile. Ho then
had an opportunity to got a good view
of tho snake, and found it was a largo
and poisonous copperhead, which had
doubtless crawled into tho wagon from
tho stone fence where tho man had stop
ped to fix his broken tiro. Ho struck
at tho venomous reptile, and the snako
at tho samo time sprang toward him,
but ho was knocked asido by tho blow
from tho whip, and landed in tho bot
tom of tho buggy atniost at tho man's
feet. The man jumped at onco to tho
ground, nnd picking up a largo stono
stopped up Into tho buggy from the
other side. Tho snake, apparently very
angry, dartod his forked tongue at the
man, but a hard blow from tho stono
prevented his further lighting, and tho
man finished him in short order. Tho
man, although not at all cowardly,
was considerably shocked by his ad
venture, and ho says ho will never for
get it llo throw the snake out of his
wngon, and after ho had told hi a
friends of his light, somo boys wont
aftor tho dead reptilo and exhibited it
in the village.
Advantages of Staying in Town.
Assuredly ono of tho advantages of
staying In town lies in tho fact that
you havo not to como back. If tho act
of starting is doprcssing, that of re
turning is equally so. And it in so, not
only becatiso the process of unpacking
is about as tedious as its contrary, but
because ono is no sooner in ono's fav
orito chair than one realizes how futilo
has been ono's absenco from it. Thoso
who stny at homo have at least this
satisfaction that thoy havo no regrets
that thoy havo been pursuing the oven
tenor of their way. Thoy have been
enjoying themselves after their own
fnshlon. But, on tho other hand, how
transient is tho impression mado upon
tho holiday-taker! Thero is nothing
more doleful in the annual flight from
homo than tho rapidity with which it
loaves tho memory. No sooner has
ono set ono's foot within ono's own
doorway than ono drops at onco into
tho old habits both of act and thought.
Tho interval sinco wo loft appears a
droani. Wo can scarcoly believo wo
havo beon nwny. It seems only yes
torday sinco wo set out on our pilgrim
age. And now nil is ovor. It is a sail
reflection. It may bo said: "At least
wo havo had a change, aud will bo the
bettor for it." And physically, wo
may, though that is by no means cor
tain. But mentally not much. It is
both singular nnd molnncholy that when
wo resume our ordinary courso of life
it should bo with so little recollection
of the immediate past so small a
senso of permanent refreshment.
London Qlobc.
Tho Widow.
Tho othor day n very dainty young
woman in black, with n mourning veil
not too mourning, just about mourn
ing onough so draped as to sot off hor
shapoly head and neck to advantage,
entered a largo stationary store on
Washington street and said sweetly to
a clerk behind tho counter:
"Do you havo nil kinds of mourning
"Yes'm; wo have the cards, and can
got thorn engraved for you."
"Oh, I don't want the kind thoy get
engraved I want playing cards, you
"Mourning playing cards!"
"Why, yes, don't you think thoy
would bo real nico and tasty?"
Tho clerk was obllgod to confoss that
tho trade hadn't yet roaohod tho point
of supplying playing canfs with mourn
ing bordors for bereaved lovors of
whist and draw poker, and tho lady
loft the store visibly disappointed.
Boston Record.
In a Bad Fix.
Fashionable Lady Don't you think,
doctor, that my husband ought to send
me to somo fashionablo watering placo
for my health?
Doctor Why, madnm, you havo a
phenomenally robust physique.
Fashlounblo Lady I knew there was
something tho matter with mo. Where
havo 1 to go to got rid of it Long
Branch or Saratoga? Tezas SifUg
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies. A tnnrvel ot
purity, strength nnu wholesomcness. Moro
economical than tho ordinnr.v kinds, and
ennnot bo sold in competition with the
multituuo ol low test, Btiort weight nlum
or phosphate powders, bold only in cans.
Royal Uakino Powdkk Co., 10G Wall St.,
N. Y.
E. MILLER, Proprietor.
Havinc fitted up tho Centennial Hotel
Bnr-room, and removed my stock of
Wines, Liquors & Cigars
to that place, I am better prepared than
ever to entertain nnu regalo my customers
I keep none but the best ol
Kantcrn Liquor, Milwaukee Walla
Walla, and Union Ileer.
Also, tlie Finest Brands of Cigars.
Liny aid Feed
0rro6im Cknte.vnul, Hotkl.
Ifarlne furnished this old nnd popular
hostelry with amnio room, plenty of feed,
good hostlers nnd new buggies, is better
prepared than over to accommodate cus
tomers. My terms are reasonable.
Adam Cuossmax, Proprietor.
Has now on bund nnd for Bale the best of
Paid for Hides nnd Pelts.
Situated four mileH went of Union depot
on south sido of the 0. R. it N. Co.'s rail
In Comfortnblo Kooiiih.
Honlth for tho Sick, and Rest for tho
Especially ndapted for tho Jtollef of Wo
men, is under tho Himervimon ol one wlio
as had thirty Venn' experience.
S. P. NEWHARI), Proprietor.
Best Havana Filled
Five Cent Cigar. 5
Jones Bros., agents, Union.
A Positive Cure.
MEN, .voiinc, mitldle-iiged nnd old,
lusle or married, nnd nil who suiter with
Nervous Debility, Spermatorrhea, Seminal
LosHes, bfxuul Decuy, 1-nlmtg .Memory,
Weak Eyes, stunted development, lack ol
energy, impovcriBiieu utoou, pimplex, im
pediments to marriage; also blood aud skin
diseases, Byphllis, eruptions, hair fulling,
bone pniuf, Hweituigs, soro tnroat, ulcers,
fectH ol morcury, kidney and bladder
roubles, weak buck, burning urine, incon
tinence, conorrlm-'ii, gleet, stricture, recoive
searching treatment, prompt, relief nnd
cure lor nio.
lioTii bKXKS consult confidentially. If in
trouble, cull or write. Ddlnyd nro danger
ous. Call nt once: 25 years experience. Terms
Cash. Olllco hours 8 a. in. to S p. in.
132-1 at Third St. Portland, Oregon
And Eruptions of tho Skin. Dvs
pbpsla. bick Headache, and all
1COOKS13 CIIOMM. nrrriLO. wHIrn-
ue niru opiiac mouoiu ii-r iijiprp.ia, injur
tun .nil Sick llf xlnctir. and liata fuuiul li lo ei d-
nilrsblr si . seull. Apcrlrni and llio! TurlSer. 1
soaaUcr ll unmuaKd. "Von aj at lUitrtr to usa nj
Pricf, 60o Trial SUa, 10c
Sold tov all IDrucrerists
Factory, Kaciiie, Wis. Branch, Fortlaufl, Orep.
Buckboards, Road Carts, Spring Wagons, Etc.
192-194 Front St., Portland, Oregon.
Pianos & Organs
E. M.FURMAN, Agent.
Main Street, Union, Oregon.
Keen constantly on hand a lanro supply of Parlor and Bed Room Sols, Red
ding, Desks, Oflico Furniture, etc.
Upholstering Done
Lounges, Mattresses, and all Kinds of
ago solicited.
Dealers in
Groceries, Tobaccos and Gigars.
Variety and
Watches, Clocks and Jewelry.
Musical Instruments, Picture Frames, Bird Cages, Uaby Carriages, Etc.
Candies, Nuts and Fruits, Schsol Rooks, Stationery, Periodicals, Novels,
Etc., of Every description.
Orders from all parts of tho country
Jones Bros., -Ajp-fcisi:.
All Kinfls of PMoraMc fork Done in a Superior
New Soenery and Accessories Just Received.
All Work Warranted
of nnd Dealers In
uroi'H of
in the Best Style.
Furniture mado to order. Your pntron-
Fancy Goods,
promptly attended to.
to Give Satisfaction.