The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, September 04, 1886, Image 5

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    Tie Orspn Scout
Brief JJuIIqMiih.
For fine clothing, go to A. Levy's. .
Horn. Aug. 31, lB.t, to the wife of Y.. II.
Tratt, u son. the "notice to tux-payers." which
will be found in this issue.
Buy your boots und fchom of Vincont. He
keep? none but the very Ix-st.
The Wallowa gives hulic.itiona of boing a
good country for hop giowing.
Firemen's nicotine next Monday evening.
All members should be ptesetit.
Five hundred sheets of S'leky Fly Paper
Jnst received at Cove drug stare.
Born. In this city, Bp. 1ft.. 1SSJ, to the
wife of J. U. Tutlle. n daughter.
W. Cnpp. M. D.. Surgeon and Homeo
pathic l'hysicinn. Union. Oregon.
Levy has the best assortment of dross
goocUi at the lowest prices ever known.
J. It. F.aton will nay the highest market
price 'or barley. Head his ml. in thU issue.
Henry Hughes shook hands with a throili
iug mai'liuie last week, and is now minus
line fore linger.
A daughter and a niece of Mrs. Rush
Drake, of tbis city, arrived here from the
east, lust Tuesday.
Marion Irwin has been cngticod this week
cnlsoniiuiug and plastering the store and
residence of A. Levy.
Street Commissioner Kiton has laid sev
eral new crosswalk- this week a w rk t'
was very much needed.
Mr. A. Levy it in Han Francisco, buying
goods to complete bis already large stock.
Head his now ad. fn this Nmic.
Young Fisher, wl o has been In jail,
charged with seductiot, fettled the matter
yesterday, by marrying the girl.
Will. MeO'itnas took his departure for
Chicago, last Monday. Ho wl'l in ull'proba
bilitv not return for several years.
If you don't want to b- bothered with
flics," go to Jos. Writ'lit'sund no', oneof thoe
patent Hy tiaps. 1 hey'll fetch 'em.
State fair will cnminencc one week from
next Monday. There will not bn very much
of a rush from this section of the country.
A. N. Hamilton, county sheriff, adver
tised his farm for sub in th'1 Scoi'T. lie
Milt: Sale to a man from Tennostc, for
Judge Craig and family will take their
departure to-morrow for Fort Madi-on,
Iowa, for a few weeks visit to relatives an. I
Jo. and John Wright returii"d from their
mines in the Fine creek district a few davs
Ago. They are highly pleased with the
The contract for buihllnc the new Presby
terian church at La Orandc, was awarded
to F. K. Ucmingtou. It is to he completed
by Dec. 1st.
H.v county clerk Blunders, of Multnomah
County has invested In land on Powder
river, and will duvoto his time hereafter to
stock raising.
Dr. Snyder andfaniilv. of Elgin, paid l'n-
Qur thinks are due to Mr. Win. Heel;, of
IJ.iglo Vi v. fop samples of sweet potatoes
t n wl mil. .I, r .t.A.I nn l.Iu .... 'PI.,. -
...... ..,,-..- i UN 1113 1.11.11. 1 IM IMlkllt'.l
was of imnn ne sue. proving coi-.i-lu-duiv
that Knglc Valley is peui'iirir adapted to
the cuiture of tbl- esculent He has iti
about :) nilN tlp yeHr. which .ire doing
line. Mr. Beck cent thorn down by Joa.
Wright. Jo. delivered the potato, hut' could
not produce tle onion on account of having
devoured it for breakfast the ni'irning bp
foio arriving in town, having m short flf
grub. Ie described the onion as being
about the siso of his head.
Post-master McDowell, of .Sutnnicrvillp.
Informs us that the Union papers for the
WnlltiKa. ptss throimh that oflke rcgulat-ly
every Monday. If tbev do not reach Jo
senh till the bitter part of the week, as thp
Chieftain says, the fault is evidently at
some place beyond thttt.
Suinmorville Sii'lin?s.
August 31st., 1SS0,
Watermelons plenty.
A plentiful supply of sinoko in the
ion a visit t lils week. Tliev were (hcgit'Ms
of Mr. and Mrs. Dan. Chandler, of the Cen
tennial hotel.
Frank Bro's Implement Co,, at Is'and
City, pav the highest market price for
grain. They keep grain sack to loan or
sell to farmers.
Mr. and Mrs. Adler. of Walla Walla, ac
companied by Mr. Km bier, arrived in this
city a few days ago. Tnoy ure nuw rustica
ting in the mountains.
The rates for delegates to the grand en
campment of Knight Templars at St. Louis
September UI. will be $3'.50 from Portland
to St. Louis and ictuin.
J. N. Mitchell, of Antelope, has an adver
tisement in another column. He has some
very line Spanish Merino bucks for sale, on
reasonable and easy terms.
Married. At the residence of Kelson
Hurray, in High Valley, Sep. 1st., LSsti, .Mr.
K. A. (iugiiou and Miss Kiimta Le Sage, J.
II. Thomson, .1. P. ollleiating.
A few days ago the sparks from the west
bound passenger train set a fence en lire in
Antelope Vatlcv, belonging to Tomlillsou &
Brooke, and 3'0 mils weie destroyed.
Wm. Kfner directs ns to .send his Scout
to Kilensburg, W. T. He writes that be ba
been sick ever since he went there. We re
met this, and advise him to conic hack to
A large number of Polled Angus nnd
(lalowuy bulls, from .Missouri, were on ex
hibition iii this city during the week, Char
ley Houghton had thein in charge, and
Mild quite a number,
The Maker City Sage Brush has been
enlarged to n 5 column folio, making it
nearly double its former size. Wo are glad
to note tin evidence of its prosperity, ami
wish it continued success.
Dr. Clomeuts. formerly of .Huuiiiiorvillp.
was arrested in Huntington a few (lavs ago,
Jorcnusing the death af a girl atthaf place,
by producing abortion. The jnoplo of
Huntington are greatly exiitru over the
A large band of IniPa is have been catch
ing full out ( f th Wallowa iako and drying
them for winter use. They have .several
hundred ponies with them. Their princi
pal passtinic is running hor-e races and
skinning the average Joseph yout.i out of
hi.s nickles.
We are informed that Marshall. Ha'l it
Co., the saw mill men ot N rtli Powder,
have contracted with the Union Pacific
Itailroad conipanv. to furnMi them with
3,200 000 feet of lumber. Also to tarnish
1,001,000 feet to other parties, whose names
we did uot learn.
W. It. Johnson, th b-iJge conflict ir.
IiBH a number of models for bridges of dill'
erent kinds, and is better prepared fo- this
kind of work than any miu in the country.
He will put in a bid lor building the Elgin
bridge and it the contract it awarded him
the people may look for some excellent
Last Wednesday n pnrtv. consisting of
Thonip. Carroll, Wm. Ilutrman, Dunham
Wiiuht and O. A. Thninnson wore sent out
by Judge Ooodall to go over the Pine creek
road, in order to get their opinions as to
whether the road has been built acuorlin;
to contract. The party is expected back
The Havana Pres drill has been proven
to be the best d ill in the market. It does
not clog in trashy or sod ground, anl grain
stands either drought or freezing bettor
than when sown in any other way or by
any other implement. It ha been thor
oughly tried in the valley the past sea. on,
and is pronounced "thebois."
Mr. A. T. Ambrose special agent for the
western Department of the Citizen's Mu
tual Life In-urunee Association, of Now
lork. h!ch has its olllce at Sunimerville,
in this county, made us a pleasant call du
ring the week. He established an uueney
in this city, appointing J. It. Crites local
agent, and Dr I. N. Cromwell medical in
spector. The nssLH-iiitiiiii Is im,l,nilitpcllv
guu(i aim iciwinieone. superior in m
respects to others of a similar character.
Sheriff Hamilton a few davs ago having
received iuteligouco that J. W. Fisher, who
was arrested oometiine ago in Iioina Ci;v.
mm charce of Aduetion, jiryferwl by 'a
young Indy of the Cove, uml who afterward
got away from the authorities in some
manner, was at Denver, Col., got out rmU
hit ion papers tnd telegruphed to the sherlll
to arrest liiui, und immediately started for
Denver to secure his mun. which he did
und returned to this city Wednesday laU
nnd lodged the prisoner iu the couuty Juil.
Sliiiw & McLcod, the Pine oreok
mad cmitriicturs, eatno in on Frjilay.
They vi'port their wotk completed.
Thomas Ljiughliu ciunc to Suinmor
villf on Friday and will nmko the
muik' lieadtjuarlcrs for u few weeks.
.Mr. K. 1L CollitiH made Uyo tripx to
Union, last week, on litines.i eon
nceted with the Farmer's Mortgage
and SiivingK Hjnk.
The last day of Mimmer u here.
Willi to-inornny tlje Fall hegino and
ere we are mvare of its preacpee, old
winter will bo upon us.
A Foeial hop was KVt'ij at the lintel,
list Tliursdiiy evening, in honor of .Mr.
A. T. Atnhtose wild 1ms been visitjng
iu the town for seven)! days.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Collins tiro in
tlio Wallowa, tip; former on htisi
Hess and the latter on a visit to her
daughter, Mrs. Uobert D.iugherty, of
A. T. Amhros-e left for a trip to
Baker City and Boise City, Idaho, last
Saturday. Mr- A. will no doubt make
Ihings "boom" for the Citizen's Mutu
al Life Insurance A-'tociation.
Mr. H. 1. Davis was out calling on
Sunday. Tis said he was searclijnj;
for a party who had bread for sale.
.Tin too bad. Letn, to have a job put
up on a fellow in that kind of stvlo.
Itti't it, Lein?
Mr. H. McDonald, living one and
one half miles above Sunimerville,
brought some of the finest peaches
ever ,'rowu in Oregon, into town a few I
days ago. Who says Grande Uonde
can't produce fruit.
Mr. .1. II. Uiuehart will start on a
tour throughout Washington Terri
tory, on Thursday, in the interest of
the mortgage department of the Fann
er's Mortgage und Savings Hank.
Tho above named Bank has made
arrangements with Kasteru capitalists
to place out an unlimited amount of
capital on well improved farms.
ThoMj desiring money will find It. to
their advantage to cull on or nddrce.s
the Farmer's Mortgage and Saving
At tho fchool meeting held lust
Friday, it was decided to purehaati the
hall owned by Hiram Lodge, No. f7,
A. F. and A. M., (he price paid being
ffioO. This will give ample room for
all pupils who may attend, and will
no doubt be the uushatory step towards
inaugurating a bueeecsful .school sys
tem at this place. The directors havo
cecured the jci vices of Mr. Thomas
Hinohart, as Principal, and Miss Em
ma Stewart as assistant. With such
teachers we can but predict a 6tiituets
f nl term of icliool the coming winter.
Last Sunday while Mr. and Mrs, H.
D. Withers were returning from a viit
to Mr. Kudolph Hugg's, one of the
lines, in Mime unaccountable- way, (for
Harney is a most s-killful and experi
enced driver) got under the tail of one
of the horses. This frightened tjio
animals and they gave a lunge to one
side, breaking the tongue out of the
buggy and throwing Mr. Ilubers out
of the vehicle. The horses then ran
for about three-fourths of a mile before
they could be stopped. Mrs. Ilubers
escaped injury as did Mr. Ilubers,
with the exception of a Might bruise
on the leg caused by the wheel pass
ing over it. One of the horses whb
cjuite severely injuied, and it will take
about .$20 to repair the damage to the
buggy. Harney intends driving oxen
the next time he goes out riding.
CpvMoj)ia Cropping,
August SOih., 1S8G.
Tto town has an addition in tlio
way of a now general mercjinndise
The Whitman Co. have about sixty
inen employed in und uboijt their
Dispute over ledges are qnjto fre
quent, consequently the lawyers are
doing a gtni.1 business.
We noticed our County Jndgn on
tho etreet the other day. lfo had
been looking over the new rood.
Henry (Jrcen, of Union, ha been
very tick, hut I think he will toon
leeover. Dr. Woods is in attendance.
TJie caiqp looks quiet as everybody
is at work, except on Saturday even
ings ami Sunday when it assumes a
fcoiieyhat livjier appearance.
The Whitman Co. are working their
placer el.ijm which is just above town.
The surface wash is paying fpr tie
wotk done in trying to reach bedrock, j
Tnl man and C'o.s. mill has arrived
and tlp'y lptve a full force of men at ,
work, bitildintr, making roads, uliojt- I
ping wood and getting out ore frvipi
minus they have leased.
There is a yreat deal of work, being- '
done on the ledges at present. Every
body owning mines are developing '
according to tieir means, levoral con-trav-tjng
to furnish the new mill with
oi e.
All of the available ground around
the canip has, and i being located as
placer ground. The ground js all
heavily timbered and will soon be ;
valuable for the timber if not for tho
placers. 1
Hacon is selling hero, retail, nt 121
cts., Hour $7 per huml, potatoes '
cts. per pound. The camp is bring '
constantly stipjlicd with fruit fioiq
Or.nule Konde, and with mi loqs from
Eagle valley and Snake river.
Cornucopia, still continues to im-
prove in the way of binding, There
is nothing in the way ot a boprn, but j
a steady improvement as though the i
peopb meant to make jt their home
for some time. They have good rea- j
,-ons to have confidence in the camp. J
Mr. M. F. llolbrook was in town,
yesterday, with some rock to have
assaied, from a ledge on the linnaha,
in which he has an interest. The
ledge shows thirty feet of solid quartz,
a sample of which assayed lv,2(i.'.J2 per
ton, goiu anu silver, wiuen is not bo
Ope of the richest strikes in camp
wis bought a short time ago by the
Whitman Co. The ledire is situated
just above Cornucopia, and slpiws up ! '"'rmani-e.s giveq by Manager ol. The
.-,,..(..,.,. r ,i r ...... i i i I Her desires to particularly impress upon
""""n' ,C, M" fi1 imuei.ii wiwai , ,i,e pul.lic ih'- fact that real racing will
Ore, seven feet of which assays from take place in his hippodrome, mid on n
two totlnee hundred dollars per ton. fnck largo enough to pc-initof the same
If it shows tin to be a true IlmIuu when mrlt "'".P1'1' ilS "''" 'l"." regu nr pw
further developed, it will bo the, big
gest thing in camp.
September 2nd., ISSfi.
Messrs. .It idd und Hyton (leer went
tp Wala Walla, thjs week, on u bust
ness uipl pleasure tf'P-
Query : What hucainn of the dense-
I FinoKc, wcunesuay liigntT Jt coin
plett y vunuhed without vind or rain.
Dr. J. J. McDonald and family
started for Detroit, Tuesday. They
will visit Miq k-wood, (Jauiuiu, before
Mrs. Ltatie Could ntpl Fannie
Creightoti, (if St. Paul, llinu., are at
.laino llendersholV, vjsitiqg fiicnds
nqtl relatives in Cove.
Hop picking and otping com
menced at (leer's hop yard, Monday.
Tip1 gathering will be done by China
men. The viijl will ho very' fair.
Mark Ellsworth has gone to Idl
ings, Montana, where ho will reside
-v;ith his brother-in-law. Mr. Ellis, and
roam the ranges pn licet bionchos.
The Episcopal schools opened, Wed-nei-day,
with u fair attendance. IU v.
Thos. Smith, of Haker City, was (.res
ent and delivered the opening address.
Mr. Adler, of Walla Walla, accom
panied by several tumrods of Union
and Cove, bagged a considerable
amount of game on the bottom, Wed
nesday. M.ithew Mitchell, while ut work with
a horse power, caught his hnpd iu the
gearing, tearing oil the end of a digit.
I t was a ipinow escape from puiro se
rious injury.
L. H. llcltncs has returned frpin
Fort FotterniAn, Wyoming. He did
not dispose of his entire lot of lior.-es,
but 1, ft ficorgo and Eugeno Holmes
in charge of them.
Nixt; will about end tliretliing
for this year piohably the eatliesi
date li.ii v. sti.ig was ever com leted in
Cove. The yiild is fair, it) spile of an
unfaviirable seuspn.
Miss. Hrooks, of Denver, who has
been engaged to lake charge of the
niUfie department in Ascension sciool,
lias arrived. She enjoys the reputa
tion of being highly proficient a a
musician and instructress.
.i . n ,wp 'uj i lT!L"!!'ry'''''l!j!jll!l. iL -"L. ' '" J-..'im
i '
Creator of the Kowpst Forms of Aronlc HntcrtainmentsI
Ay winn as tiih i kivihwui
rv. i: is o i
Al I'KAK IN A I, I, TIll'IK AsT 1 Ml lit.
NOTE. The Aii iug' incnts or the American Showmen's Pooled League will
Prevent any other Circus from visiting Oregon this season- (Editor.)
('tiampiou Uidcr. Acrobats. Vau'tcr. Contirtionists, jrd-Air Meteors, Strong Men,
ltoer, lencers. Wrestlers, (iladlators,, higglers and High Wire. IVt formers from ev
ery rioted ecus ati'l A niplnt hci I re "f l'jiirnp Imoosiin; l ougi-cs.sof Colcbra'cd Kits
sian llicvclists. I'nicvcli-its and Holler HkatcrsMatcli'cs Collections of S r.mge
Curios' from the 1nidof the Montc.unui- The Tallest (limits, the Smallest Dwaifs
Most I'hantoin-like of Living Skeletons, and tho Most Mysterious of other Hu
licin I'le'itonienu l'nrivaled .School of Mdupatcd Klenbants. N'oblo Stallions,
Clown P.lcphants. Ponies, (ioats, Uonkcvs and Zel nviiicible Arabian
Athletes, and Jaiunese Jugglers and Wie-tlei-s .'fl c:mes of Lartb's Unr
est Xoobigic.i) Wealth Nature's Most 0 iprjcious I'roduttioli. A Two
Headed Cow-- Kepr liu-tion of the Roman Hiopodrotne -Vividlv Re
al'stic Reoreseiit itioii of Life 1m Mexico and the "Wild We-t," in
trixluciiig Dr. W. F. C i'vcr. ''Lvil spirit of the l'l ilns," and 100
noted Scouts, C boys, Indians and Va pteros.-
w, av. colics xmv
Suijie rt-st'li K NottllicH In il'or,. fqi-
Sihow t'liuin u lliu I lly,
Prominent anione; the ncwiy ac'iuired
special features of Cole's Kevv Cofssal fcfhows.
which appear iu l.adr.iudo Saturday. Sep.
1. is the most elaborate and best equipped
Roman hippodrome, so the best judges say,
that was ever presented in this country
Several other shows have attempted to
produce this popular and historical form oi
Jiiiuseiucnt, but its only complete nud
perieci representation to hp scon it t the
ltecl !tn fllio,,tli)K.
Last Tuesday nij;ht, someone pass
ing hlong the street near Mrs. Drake's
retidciiee in this city, fired five shots,
presumably at the (log in the yard.
One bullet was buried in the window
cu'inj;. Had it passed through tho
glass, it might have killed some of the
inmates of the house. Tho culprit,
whoever he is, should be ferreted out
and severely punished. The law re
garding misdemeanors of this kind, is
as follows :
Any person who shall maliciously or
wantonly kill, wound, disfigure or in
jura any animal the property of anoth
er upon conviction thereof
shall be punished by imprisonment iu
in tho penotentiary, etc.
Any person who shall maliciously or
wantonly break the Lss in, or deface
any building not his own, upon con
viction thereof shall be punished by
imprisonment in the county jail not
less than three months or more than a
year, or by fine not Ima than $10 or
more than $500
Messrs. .John and Jos. Wright left
on the 25lh. for Union. Tluiy have
been working their assesstnents on
some claims bought of Cofinberry
IWs. One claim which they pur
chased an interest in is very rich,
with four feet of solid ore, wlnc-h they
are at work on and have ijo doubt but
that it will show up to be a bonanza
when further developed.
Wo were shown some rock out of
the Norway mine, which is owned by
Smith and Stein. The rock is some
of the best we have feci) in camp, and
what makes it s:o vultiublo is because
it is free milling. They have a good
body of ore, and have an arastra
erected on the ground which they are
running with good results. Tlio mine
is situated three miles north of Cornu
copia, on 1'ine creek.
! wrier
course. Ihe horses used in these
have b"en selected with the mostcon.suinatc
care, an 1 cotupo"c two si ore ol llcct-footed
ICnu'lisli and Kentucky thoroughbreds
Other adjuncts of the hippdromc are pro
fessional jockeys and drivers, historica 1
con cut costumes, climiots, etc, Another
.strikiiiK novelty of this management win
be th-i prescntfttii i oi'Dr. W. F. Carver's
"Wild West" exhibition, in which more
noted In. haps, cowboys, nnd scouts will be
introduced than were ever before- seen in
one combination. The prures.pie L "id of
the Montczumas will ho represented by a
land of vnniuuroN and other Mexican ce
lebrities. A rare and costly collection oi
curios from Old Mexico is one of l)ie (liiei
objects of interest in the museum depart
mc-nt ut this exhibition, b. ientists, antiou
ariaiii, and studiously iucliiibd people iu
general unite hi pronouncing these troplne
nnd relics of our sister republic to be oi
inlinite educational uluo 'Ihe menagerie
department of Cole's New Colossal Shows
has been extensively replenished by ivccilt
importations of wild l easts from the great
animal depots of Hamburg and Live) pool
The new .oologhal acquisitions have ne
cessitated the construction of inniiv addi
tional cages, which has swollen the number
to upwards of (ifty. The illustrious Sam
son, the most formidable beast alive, still
continues the icntral iigiire of the Mam
moth Herd of L'leph. :lts,
A Captain's Ki r tin. ill o Discovery.
Capt, Coleman, -elir. Weymouth, plying
between Atlantic Cl'y ami N, V., had been
troubled with a cough so th t be wan unable
to sloun, ami was induced to try r, Kink's
New Dim'ovc y or I oiiMiiupt'bni. H not
only gave him instant ro. iff, but allayed the
extreme soreness in his breast. His children
were wimlla ly affected and a si gledoso bad
th same hippy nlfect. Dr. King's New Dis
covery Is i . w Did standard remedy hi the
Co email household mil on ho rd the schoo
ner. Free Trial llott es of tiii Standard
Remedy at J . T. U right's drug -Uorc,
liui lilei.'K rni('u .Sit vn,
Tim the world for Cuts,
ISruikus, or s, Fleers, Halt Rheum, Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped HandN, ( hllblalns,,
Corns, nud all.Sk'n . rttptlonx, ami positive
ly cures Pile, or no pay required. It In
guaranteed to give perfect satlsfautlon, or
money refunded. I'rle.t i"j cents ner liov.
got For sale iy J.T. Wright, t'nlon, Oregon.
I I I ,
' j Ji II l lo Hr.ilili,
Kt,t" I In-lit ll I. tvi-nltli U'....m. w-... l.t.A..n-..
Stupendous RcvivalHippodrome Carnivals
Heroic, Soiil-iStiiriiig;
Snuggles Hetwcen
00 Il imiLos o' Cirrus, Avith XJOO Metoorie .I'eri'ormers.
:i( iMinnli'K oi' Tliontre -50 Actors ami Specialists.
:5) lIinulcs ol' lliio(lroutu Jiuces,
A till l'r frckl in) Joekuj-l
nml 4i I lior ni.lili !.
0 3UnutuH (' 4-V'ill AVcst,'
Willi 1)1.
Carter nnd l(l( Sits lUts,
Indian and 1 nqioir. .
;l 31 hint es lor the Museum,
IJO lUiiurtes i'or (lie Menagerie,
With 100(1 MlUKllotH
Animate and Iniiiiiinati) Curio,
AVIIIi fit O HpiTliitciig, Oroatust
(iatlitu Iiik since . nil' Ark.
:5 l-y i I ours oi' Solid, Unapproachable Entertainment.
UnIo Cuopor Siliui.
S. 11. Avles, inituufnHircr ofhultcr
hancN ami kegs, has ahvjivs on hand
many ! gnoil supply of tho best quality, and
win sun iiiein at reasonable, prices.
Give him a call nt his shop, eautl of
the school house, Union.
Itiver Pebbles,
August 31st., 1S8H.
Threshing has commenced in this
vicinity. Crops yield butter than was
Powder River has organized a base
ball club. L . ok out Union, you will
get u challenge soon.
A young gentleman, nephew of Mr.
Jos. Graham, recently arrived here on
a visit to his uncle. Name not known
to reporter.
Messrs. Houghton, Erwin nnd
Keating recently returned fioin a trip
to the Fine creek lakes. They caught
quite a number of lish. Mr. Kiwin
had the misfortune to lose one of his
best mares on tho trip.
It is all became the sorreh arc
ter traveler-) than Uluch, that 1
left.- H. Oli, cxcu?c mo MUs, I
forgotten I had u parln-r for this
I.' 'in.,. i. ...
77-;.' r' ' . ; i m jV i ,7 ! ,lt, ''" ,-"t' I " iioKinko'st ougi,
,', n II li Ir, I " 'l ',r,t,Uy l Lurg Syrup, the best Cough Syrup In
man. U 1 did not havu a partner the world. . lira Coughs, ( olds, l'alni In
for tho fiance, but I did not till Mr. ! "'u hciftill oncliltiHiimll'rliiiaryt oimunp
iUtter so, M- 1 (latter myself that
for a man of my size, I can move
around as light us anyone N. Take
your positions boys. F. It is loo
much trouble to take the gills. They
will lie there, and we can catch on
for supper. Cow Hoy.
I'emlleton, Oregon.
Having used the Oueoo.h Kid.sev Tea f ir
one of my suns, whoie urinary organs were
injured bv taking turnentine. I cheerfully
certify to'its beneficial etliict. and recom
mend tho same to the public.
Ageut. fur Weill, Forgo i Co,
ItfllotrN Her Voinh,
Mrs. I'hrebo Cbesley, Peterson, Clay coun
ty, Iowa, tells the foil wing reinarkaklo sto
ry, the truth of which Is vouched forbythe
residents of the town: "lam'.'lycars old,
have ecu troubled with Kid ny complaint
Bii.l laineiichs for many year; could not
dres myxelf wi bout help. N'ow I urn free
from all pal a ilsorenen, and am able to
do all my own housework. I owe uy thanks
to Klectrie Hitters lor having renewed mv
youth, and removed completely all'o
and pain." Try a bottl , only 50c. at J. T,
u right's drug .store, union, Oregon. ,
A ltullnliln Arllnlo.
For cnterprlac, pusli mid a desire to get
such guoda ax will give the trade sntlsf action,
J. T. Wright, the druggist, leads all compe
tition. He selli Dr. lioatmko'n Cough and
Lung Syrup, because Its the best inedciuo
on the market for coughs, colJs, croup mid
primary consumption, l'rlco 50 cents aud
$1.10 rjamplus tree.
Buy the celebrated Kimball piuno.
non. uiie (inso e ves re lor m nverv ease.
Tako no other. erlcooQ cents and 1. Samples
li ce. Sold by J, T, Wright, Union, Oregon.
An EIj,-lliit SlllRtltuto
KoroIN, salts, pills, nnd all kinds of bitter,
nauseous- medicines is the very agrreablo
liquid f-uit remedy. Syrup of Mgs. Itec
oi ended by leading I'hvslciuns. Munu-
factured only by the California Fig Hvrup
Co., San Francisco. Cal. Kor sale by all
druggiUi. .Snell Heitshu & Woodard,
wholesale agents, Portland. Oregon.
(,'Uic for I'lluit.
Piles nro freipiently preceded by a cne
' of weight In the back, lolnn and lower part
of the abdomen, causing the patient to sup
posit hu has someaffe linn of liui kidneys or
tiehrhb ring organ. At lime, symptom of
Indigestion are present, ibtulency, uneasy,
lies of the stomach, etc. A moisture lllc
perspiration, producing a very disagreeable
. itching after getting warm, I a common
I attendant, llllnd, Weeding, and Itching
I Pile yield at once to the application of Dr.
I llosauko, I'llo Itemedy, which act directly
' upon the part effected, absorbing the
, Tumor, allaying the Intense Itching, mid
1 effecting n permanent cure. J'rlce.W cunts,
I Address, Tho Dr. lioeanko Medicine C.nn
pany, l'Jquu, O. hold by J, T. Wright,
umuu, "rerun-
WJiy sufl'cr with u luine back, when vou
can get one -of those cckbrnted Mitchell
I'oru Plasters, for 16 cents, ut John T.
Vi right's drug store 7 Try one,
Positively Your Iast Opportunities to see the Wizard Jlilieman,
O0 WVatri'ii 0d(li-ttlcs In Silni tlini; I letiuns of front lin-J, lfo! HcnllMthi In rvrry Dotal)
SAMSON, the Tallest and Heaviest lilephant this side of the Orient!
V view betore Cheering: A
I Admission
Times Ihe Most Mnpiillcont , Speetactiliii' Street Parado
been Iu Any Age or Country, passing- in Oraml Uu-
Multitudes at 10 A.M. Daily.
To (he Entire ( i Children, under Kfn
Combined Shows, f,J- Nine Years of Ana, fJ wu'
Heseived Cushioned Opera Chairs at the Usual blight Advance.
Two Exhibitions Daily.
Doors Open at i and
7 P. M. I
I Have For Hale, on IlEASONADLE and EASY TEHMS,
&&Fov Kurther I'ar'iculars, Call on or Address, J. N. MITCHELL,
Hep.'l-tf. Teloca.-et, Union County, Oregon.
Fali Stock!
Wehnveiust returned from New York
and other L.istern market' with an elegant
and carefully selected stock of Korcign and
Dry Goodn and GciUh' Fur
niHlilnKT GoodH.
Samples sent on uj plication and order'
IWi First Street, Portland, Oregon.
Farmers Read This.
1 will pay tho HI OH EST MAIHCET
ISfflrain sackij for snlo
J. D. EATON, Union, Or.
Koa Balk, 1060 acres of laud, nil in one
body. AUo a block In Union, by Uell &
Notice is hereby eivcu to tho tas-tmycrs
of dilou couuty, ih it the II inrd of Kqunll
.atlon will meet tin the Hist Monday, tho
Itb day of Oerob. r, 1' 8 i. at the court house
in t'nion, and wilt continur" to sit from day
to day for oiio-week, to make corrections
of mihtaktwrinaile by tlio assessor in his
iiN&eshiilcjits. " Those feeling ugriuved at
their assessment are uotilb-d to ntipear nnd
make complaint nt that time, railing to
do .so. utter tluit time, tbero will bu no re-
lijite muduoii tinir usscssuicnt whatever,
P Dated this 30th day of August. IHfitf.
jf J. 11. .Met l IJIU.,
Asstsifftrof Pnioii Cirttnty, Oregon.
Syrup uf I'lKi.
Miinufuctured only by tho California Fig
Syrup Co., San Francisco, Cal., is Nature's
Own True Laxative, This pleasant Califor
nia liquid fruit remedy may be had of all
druggists, ut fifty cents or one dollar. It is
the most pleasant, prompt, and effective,
remedy known to cleanse tho system; to act
on the Liver. Kidneys, und bowels gently
yet thoroughly i to dispel Heudauhw, L'ehla,
und Fevers; to cure Consumption, iHuig
tion, and kindred ilia,