The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, August 28, 1886, Image 1

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NO, 9.
An independent weekly Journal, Issued every
Saturday by
l'ubliehcrs and Proprietors.
A. K. .Tones, )
Editor. I
j 11. ClIANCKV,
t Foreman.
One copy, ono year St SO
" " M.v months HJ
" " Threo mouths
Invarialily cash In advance.
If by any chance subscriptions aro not paid
till end of your, two dollars will be ohnnrcd.
Kates of advertising tuado known on appli
cation. ,
Correspondence from all parts of the county
solicited. ,
Addrcfs nil communications to A. Iv. Jones,
Editor Oregon Scout, Union, Or.
Iiorise Directory.
Guano ltoxm: Vai.U'.v Lonou, No. M. A. P.
and A. M. Meets on tho second and fourth
Saturdays of each month. xiULt., V. M.
0. V.. Davis, Secrotnry.
Union Loom:, No. B9. I. O. O. V. Regular
meetings' on Friday evenings of each week at
theh' hall in Union. All biothrcn In Hood
standing uro invited to attend. Uy order of
tho lodge. S. W. l.ONO, Im. G.
0. A. Thompson, Secy.
CImrcli nircrlory.
M. E. Oilmen Dlvino Fcrvlco evervSnnday
at 11 a. m and 7 i. nt. Sunday school at II p.
in. 1'rayer meeting every Thursday evening
atil:oO. Kkv. Watson, l'astor.
I'iifsiivteiuan Ciirncii Itegulur church
services every Sabbath morning ami evening.
I'rayer mcetlnir each weok on Wednesday
evening. Sabbath school every Sabbath at
10 a. m. Kev. 11. Veknon Kick, l'astor.
St. John's Episcopal Ciiuuch Scrvlco
every Sunday ot 11 o'clock a. in.
Kkv. W. K. Powell. Kcctor.
County Ofliccrn.
Judgo A. C. Craig
Sheriff A. 1.. Saunders
Clerk II. K Wilson
Treasurer A. P. Benson
Bchnol Superintendent J. h. Htndiuan
Surveyor 12. Simon s
Coroner E. II. Lewis
Geo. Acklos Jno. Stanley
Btato Sonator L. U. Kinuhurt
P. T. Dick .. E. E. Taylor
City OHIccrw.
Mayor D. B. "cos
P. A.T'ursol W. I). Heidlcinan
3.S. Elliott 1. K. Thompson
,lno. Kennedy A. Levy
Itceorder M. Davis
Marshal K. E. ' ntes
Treasurer J. D. Carroll
Street Commissioner Ij. Eaton
Departure of Trains.
Regular east bound trains leavo atf:oOa.
m. West bound trains leavo at 4:20 p. m.
a'I'Toss.-vb:' at law.
Collecting and probato practleo spcclnltlos
Olllce, two doors south of Postollico, Uniou,
Attorney at Law ai NGtary Pule.
Ofllco, ono door south of J. II. Eaton's storo
Union, Oregon.
Physician and Surgeon
Oflieo, ono door south ot .1. U. Eaton's store,
Union, Oregon.
A. E. SCOTT, W. D.,
Has permanently located at North Fowdor,
whoroho will answer all calls.
Attoruejs anil Counsellors at Law,
La Gkandi:, - - Okkoon.
1J. B. BEES,
Notary Public
OFFICE State Land Olllco building,
' Union, Union County, Oregon.
Altornny nt tLnir, lEenl I.'nlnto
iiml Ollcc'tiiiK' Agent
Land Oflieo UusIimws a Specialty.
Office at Alder, Union Co., Oregon.
Will practice in Union, Baker, Grant,
Umatilla nnd Morrow Counties. iibo in the
Suiiremw Court ot Oregon, tlu District,
Circuit mid Supreme Courts ot tho United
MluiHg nnd Corporation burinoss a epo-
uh'lty. . ,
Offices iu Uuion nnd Cornucopia, Oregon.
Having loaned tho shlnjjlo mill belonjin?
to L. I?. Kinehnrt, we tire prepared to fur
nish a superior quality nnd nuiko o! shin
gles at the following rates:
TJoliverod at Union,
At tho Mills,
$3.25 For M
$3.00 Per M
Vt'c respectfully solicit n share of tiio
patronage. 'UOIUXS A KOHKUTS.
A. L. COBB, M. D.,
Having perninnently locntcd in Alder,
Union count v. Oregon, will be found ready
to ntterid to mils in nil tho various towns
and settlements ot tho Wullowa valley.
Chronic UMnonsos HpofiiiK y.
2-G-My motto is: "Livo and lot live."
C. CRAIG, - - Proprietor.
(I'nion Depot, Oregon.)
Splendid accommodations for conimcr
cinl men. Tables always supplied with tho
bcHt tho niiirkct affords.
5JlO-Iot and Cold Minhual IlATiis-tSa
Cor, Main and I Sis., - Union, Oregon.
SUIilOI.VN AltlLEV, l'roim.
Manufacturers nnd dealers in Soda
Water, Sarsnpurilla, GiaRcr Ale, Crown
Soda and Oiainpngno Oder, Syrups, etc.
Orders promptly filled.
G. W.
M. L
Union, Union County, Oregon.
OfTicoon A street. Residence three doors
south of the Court House.
Special attention given to Surgical prac
tice. W. R.JOHNSON,
Main Street, Union, Oregon.
rians nnd Specifications for Dwellings.
Darns nnd Bridges furnished Kit KB 01'
Bridge Building a Specialty-
All kinds ot Cabinet Work neatly execu
ted. Itcpairiug dono on short notice.
Xono but tho best workmen employed,
nnd (satisfaction guaranteed.
Call nnd interview mo.
Of woll known varieties, miilnlilo tor thin
climate. Can also furnish foreign sorhi at
one-third the price asked by eastern can
vassers. 1 desire to sell trees at prices
that people can afford to buy.
Ij, ,1. KOI SI'.,
Cove, Oregon.
Br. Van jflonctecar
132-134 TbM tet, Portland, Oregon
IS a regular gradualo in modicino; has
lieon longer engaged in the special treat
ment of nil Venereal, Sexual and Chronic
Diseases thnn any other physician in tho
West, ns city papers show, and old resi
dents know; S1.U00 reward for any ens
which ho fails to euro, coming under his
treatment. ly louowim; inn mim i .
K HUMAN H N T I ' I' It K in the follow ingcases:
NKHVOUS 1H5IJIL1TY. peririatorrliu a,
Seminal Looses, Sexual Decay. I-niling
Memory. Weak Eyes, Stunted Develop,
inont, Lack of Energy. Impoverished
Ulood. Dimples, Impediment to Marriage;
also Wood nnd Skin Diseases, Syphilis.
Eruptions, Hair Kalling, Jlono I'atna. bwell
ings Sore Throat, Ulcers, Effects of Mer
cury, Kidney and Wadder Troubles, enk
Hack, Durning Urine, Incnntinonco. Oonor
limn, Gleet, Stricture, receives searching
treatment, prompt relict nnd euro for life.
NEUVOUS (with or without
d ren ms ) , Di -en sed d i sch a rges cu red prompt
ly without hlndrnnco to busincsn.
DOTH SEXES consult conlldentinllv. II
in trouble call or write. Dolnys nre dang
erous. Dibenecs of tho Kyo or Ear, Ulcorntion ot
Cntnrrh, internal or external, Donfness or
I'nrnlysis, Singing or Iloaring Noisos.
Thickened Drum, etc., permanently cured.
LOST MANHOOD perfectly restored.
removed without the Vnifo or caustic.
Medicine compounded nnd furnished to
nil patients nt ofllco strictly puronnd vege
table. Ouarnnteo ol pkhma.nknt cures in
nil cases undertnken. Constitution free
nnd strictly conildontial. All correspon
dence promptly nttendml to; medicine sent
by express to nny address free from expos
ure. Call or address Privnto Dispensary
Nos. 132-134 Third St., Portland, Orwgon.
Terms strictly cueh. Oltlce Jiours 8 n. m.
to S p. nt.
Dlt VAN is tlie moBi succossiiii v avuii'i.
Lull"' nnd Throat Doctor in America. Ho
will tell you your trouble without asking
-in mioAtinn. ii nd AUltA-Nlo
w. capps, m. D.,
Sargeoii and flomcopallilc Pliysiciar.
Will go to any part of Eastern Oregon
when solicited, to perform operations, or
for consultation.
iTleillfliiCH I'll III lulled Without i:tin
Cliu rue.
Oflieo adjoining .Jones Uros.' Store.
Gko. WmniiT,
W. T. WittotiT,
Does a General Hanking Dusiness. Buys
nnd sells exchange, and discounts com
mercial paper.
Collections carefully attended to, and
promptly reported.
c "3
S o
o .ti
o s
s a
2 s
.5 t
2.S ,
rt 2
a S rt
if o o
2 eJ -
s s
9 a
a pi
"W cnn puvo Kroin VO to ?IiO on tho
jL Oil pun-liaso of an Instrument by
buyini. tliroutrh
W. T. U'KHJUT, Agent, Union, Oga
JAMES PAYNE, Proprietor.
Having procured tho services ot Mr. M.
A. Sickles, a eheeso maker who has had
many years' experiuico in the largest fac
tories of Wisconsin, I fool confident that j
can supply my patrons with a quality sec
ond to none on the market.
pif Orders promptly Idled. Address,
Jami:s Payni:, Cove, Union County. Ore.
Tonsorial Rooms
Two doois south of Jones Bros.' btoro
Union, Oregon.
J. M. Johnson,
Hair cutting, shaving and shampooing
dono neatly and iu the best stylo.
CITY -:- MEAT -:
Mnin Street, Union, Oregon.
Benson Bno.'s. Piioi-iiiktohh.
Keep constantly on hand
Union, Oregon.
Dan. Ciianiilhii,
Having recently pttrebnsed this hotel
nnd refitted It throughout, 1 inn prepared
to uocommodate the hungry public in first
elnss style. Cull nnd e me. Lakuk Sam
ri.K Rooms (or thu accommodation ot
onimo rciul travelers.
Manj- of tho Souls Most Dosira
blo to Be Found Among tho
Non-Church-Goors, the In
fidels and the seem
ingly Lost.
Saving tho
Shipwreckctl on
tlia Sea of
Special lottif 7i"tnjii City Timet.
Tun Hamptons, Aiur. !". The Icv. Dr. T.
DeWItt Talmntre's text to day was John x, 10,
"Other sheep I have, which are not of this
fold." lie sid: Tliero Is uo monopoly In re
ligion. The grace ot (?wl i. not a little prop
erty that we may fence oil nnd have all to our
selves. It is not a king's park st which we
look through a barred gateway, wishing that
we might go In nud see the deer and tho
statuary, and pluck tho Mowers and the fruit
In t lie royal conservatory. No; it is the
Father's orelinrd, ami everywhere there nre
bars that we may let down and gates that wc
may swing open.
In my boyhood, next to tho country school
house, there was an orchard of apples, owned
by a very lame man, who, although there were
apples In the place perpetually -decaying and
by scores and scores of bushels, nover would
allow any of us to touch the fruit. One day,
in the sinfulness of a nature inherited from
our firct parents, who were ruined by the
same temptation, some of us Invaded that
orchard; but soon retreated, for the man came
alter us at a speed reckless of making his
lameness wore, and cried out; "Hoys, drop
those apples, or I'll set the dog on you!"
CltlltSTIANlTr roil ALL MUX,
Well, my friends, there aro Christian men
who have tho church under, severe guard.
There Is fruit in this orchard for thu whole
world, but they have a rough and unsympa
thetic way of accosting outsiders, a though
they had. no business here, though the Lord
wants them all to come and take tho largest
imdtherlpest fruit on the premises. Have
you an Idea that becnuso you were baptized
at thirteen months of age,' and because you
have all your life been under hallowed In
fluences, Hint therefore you have a right to
one whole side of the Lord's table, spreading
yourself out and taking itn tho entire room
J tell you no. You will hare to haul in your
tlhows, for I liall to-day place on either side
of you those whom you never expected to hit
tlicic; for, as Christ said to tho Jews long
ago, bo He says to you uml to inn; "Other
sheep I have, which are not of this fold."
MacDonald, the Scotchman, lias four or five
dozen iiead of sheep. Some of them are
browsing on the heather, some of them are
lying down under the trees, tome of them aro
in his yard; thoy nro scattered around in
eight or ten different plnces. Cameron, his
neighbor, comes over and says: "I see von
hnve thirty sheep; I have Just counted them."
"No," nayi MacDonald, 'I have a great mammon-
sheep than that Some are here anil
ionic aro elsewhere. They aro scattered all
nround about. 1 have four or live thousand
in my flocks. Othur Micep I have, which are
uot in this fold."
So Christ says to ui: Hero U a knot of
Christians and there Is n knot of Christians,
but they make up a small part ot the flock.
Hero Is the Episcopal fold, the Methodist fold,
the Lutheran fold, the Comrreiratloiiul fold.
the I'resbj terhui fold, the liaptist and the
rciio-napwsi mm mo only ilinerenee be
tween these last two being the mode of sheep
washing; and so they am scatteicd all over,
anil we come with our statistics, and suv there
nre so many thousand of the Lord's sheep; but
Christ rcsiionds; "No, no; you have not seen
more thnn one out of a thousand of my lloek.
They are scattered all over the earth, and
'other sheep I have which aro not of thW
101(1.' "
Christ in my text was protihesvimr the eon
version ot the (Jentiles with as much confi-
flcuce as though tliey were ulieady converted,
and ho is to dav. in the words of in v text.
prophesying tho coming of a great multitude
of outsiders that you never supposed would
come in, saying to you and baying to tun :
"Other sheep 1 have, which are not ot this
First In the first plnce I remark that the
heavenly shepherd will llud inniiv of his bheep
among the nou -church goers. There aie con
gregations w here they aro ail Christians, and
tliey seem to be completely finished, and they
remind one of the bkeleton leaves which by
chemical preparation have had all thu green
ncn nr.d vcrduro taken oil of them aid uro
left cold and white and delicate, iiothlug
wanting but a glass caso to put over them.
The minister of ChrUt has nothing to do
with such Christian) but to come once u week,
and with an ostrich feather dust oil the accu
mulation ot the labt six days, leaving them
bright mid crystalline as before. Hut the oth
er kind of a church is an armoiy with perpetu
al sound of drum and fife, gatlirriug icertilts
for the Lord of hosts. We say to every appli
cant: "Do you want to be on God' side, the
safe and happy slduf If so, come iu thu armory
and get equipped. Here M a bath In whtcii to
cet cleansed. Here are thu baudals to put up
on your feet Here Is a helmet for your brow.
Hero is a breast platu for your heart. Here Is
a tword for your rlsrht arm, anil yonder is the
battle field. Acipiit ynurselvcb like men."
There are some here who 'y: "I stopped
going to chuica ten or twenty years ago."
My brother, is It not strnugu that you cliould
le the tlrat man I should taU to to-day' I
know all your case; I know It very well. You
have not been accustomed to coino Into a re
ligion assembly, but I have a surprising an
ftouneemvnt to make to von. You are going
to become ono of thu Lord's sheep. "01"
you y, "It is hnoslllo; you don't know how
jar I am from uuvthiug of that kind." I
know all about it. I have wandered up and
down the world, and I understand your cas.
J hare a still more startling uuuouucemeut to
make In regard to you. You are not only
going to become one of the Lord's sheet), but
jou will become oue to-day. You will go
from this service to talk with some one about
your soul. People of Uod. pray for that maul
"Other kheeu I hare, which are uot of this
Vben the Atlantic went Ui pieces on Mars
Rock ami tho people clambered up on the
leach, why did not that heroic minister ot
the Gospel of whom we have all read, sit
down and take care of thosu men on the
beteh, wrapping them Iu tlanut-ls, kindling
ire for thrm, seeing that they got plenty of
food? Ah, he knew that there were others
who would do that! He says; "Yonder are
men and women freezing Iu the rigging of
that wreck. Iloys, launch the boat!" And
now I see the oar-blades lend under the
strong pull, hut beforo they reached the
rigging a women wo frozen and dead. She
was washed off. ooor thlnirl Hut he tars:
j "There Is a man to tare," and he crlriout:
"Hold on Aro mluulei longer and I will tare
vou. Ste.iilvl Steailrl filvn me vnnr '
hand. Leap' Into the life lo.t. Thank (iod,
he Is saved 1" So there are those here to
day who are safe on the shore of God's
inrrey, but I see there are mhiic who are
ireezlng in the rigging or sin, and sur
rounded bv perilous storms. l'ull awav,
my lads! Let us reach them. Alas, one Is
washed off and gone! There Is one more to
he saved. Let us tmsh out for that one.
"Clutch the rope. O dying man! Clutch It
as with a dcath-irrlii. Steady now on the
Mlpperv places. Steady! There! Saved!
Saved (" Just as 1 thought. For Christ has
declared that there are some still In the
breakers who shall come ashore. "Other
sheep t have which are not of tins fold.''
ri.ntisn in tiik woitt.n's ska.
Christ commands his ministers to be fisher
men, and when I go tWhlng I do not want to
go among other cliurehei. " but into tho wide
world; not sitting along a small creek where
eight or ten other iersons are sitting With
hook and line, hut, like the llsherinen of New
foundland, (ailing oil and dioppliu; net away
outside, forty or fifty miles from (hore. Yes,
there are non-church goers hem who will come
In. Next Sabbath they will again tie In the
religious service. They aro this moment be
ing swept into Christian associations. Their
voice will ho heard in public prayer. They
will die in peace, their lied surrounded by
Christian sympathies, and be carried out by
devout men to lie buried, and on their grave
be chiseled the words: "l'reelous In the bight
of the Lord Is the death of His saints." And
on resin rectlon dar you uill get up with tho
dear children you have already buried, and
with your Christian parents who have already
won the palm. And all that grand anil
glorious history bcrlns now. "Other sheep I
have which are not of this fold."
Second I remark again: The heavenly
shepherd Is going to find a great many of his
sheep among those who are positive rejectors
ot Christianity. I do not know how you caino
to reject Christianity. It niny have been
through bearing ineodoie ParKcr preach, or
through reading Kenan's "Life of Jesus," or
throuirh the Infidel talk of some young man
in your store. It may have been through tho
trickery ot some professed Christian man who
disgusted you with religion. I do not ask vou
how you became so; but you frankly tell me
tint you no reject ii.
You do not bellevo that Christ Is a divine
being, although you admit that He was a very
good man. ou do not believe that the lllble
was inspired of God, although you think that
there are homo very fine things iu It. You be
lieve that the Scriptural description of lvicn
was only an allegory. There are fifty things
mat t nenevo mai you no not
believe. And yet you arc an accommo
dating mail. livervnouy mat Knows you
says that of you. If 1 thould ask you to do a
kindness for me, or If any one else should ask
ol you a Kindness, you would do it. xsow 1
have a kindness to ask of you to-day. It Is
something that will cost you nothing and will
five me irreat delight 1 want vou hv cxnorl-
meut. to try the power of Christ's religion. If
I should come to you, and you were very sick,
and doctors had given vou un and said there
was no chalice for you, and 1 should take out a
little bottle and say: "Here is a mcdlelro
that will euro you; ft lias cured fifty people,
and it will cure you," you would say: "I nave
no confidence In It." 1 would say: "Won't
you take It to oblige mef" ""Well," you
would say, "If It's any J.iceoinmodatlon to you
I'll take It." My friend, will jou he Jilht as
accommodating in matters of religion
ltr.i.viNo on Tin: divinr i-iivsiuian.
There are some of you who have found nut
that this world can not satisfy your soul.
You are like the man who told me after the
servleo was over: "I have tried this world
and I found It an Insufficient portion. Tell
me of fomcthliig better." You liuve come to
that. You are sick for the need of dlvlnu
medicament. Now I come and tell you of a
physician who will cure you, who has cured
hifudrcds ami hundred who were, sick as
you arc. "Oh," you say. "I have no confi
dence In Illinl" Hut will you not try Himf
Accommodate me In this matter; oblige inu in
this matter; just try Hint. lam very certain
He will cure you. You reply: "I have no
special confidence In Hun; but if you ask mu
as a matter ot accommodation, introduce
Him." So 1 introduce- Hlm-Christ, the
physician who has cured more blind eyes, and
liualcd inoro ghastly wounds, and hound up
more broken hearts, than all tho doctors slnco
the time of Ksculnplus,
That divine physician Is here. Are you not
ready to try lllin? Will you not, ns a pure
matter of experiment, state your case Inifore
lllranow! Hold nothing back fiom Him. If
you can not pray, It you do not know how to
pray any oilier way, say: "O Lord Jrsus
Christ, tills is a strange thing for mu to dol I
know nothing about the formulas of religion.
These Christian people have been talking so
long about what Thou canst do for me, 1 am
ready to do wnaievcr i noil coininamiesi me io
do. I am ready to take whatever Thou com
niandest me to take. If there bo any power In
religion, as these people eay, let ma have tho
advantage of It"
following nniHT mi'.n's l'linrRrTS.
you try that experiment? I do not, nt
tills point of my discourse, say that tliero is
anything In religion; hut I simply say, try it
try it Do not take my counsel or the counsel
of nny clergyman, If you despise clergymen,
l'crhaps we may ho talking professionally;
perhaps we may bo prejudiced iu tho matter;
perhaps wo may be hypocritical iu the utter
ances; perhaps our advice is not worth taking.
Then take the counsel of bourn very restieeta
hie lariuen as John Milton, tho poet; at Will
iam "Wllberforcc, the statesman; as Isaac
Newton, the astronomer; as Itobcrt Hojie,
tho philosopher; ns Locke, tho metaphysi
cian. They never preached or pretended to
in-each; nud yet putting down, one his tele
scope and another Ills parliamentary scroll,
ami another his electrician's wire, theV all de
clare the adupjedness of Christ's religion to
the wants and trouble of the world. If you
will not take tho recommendation of ministers
of the goseI, then take the lecommetiilatlon
of hlglily respectable laymen. 0, men skepti
cal and struck through with unrest I would
sou not like to have nunc of the peace which
broods over our souls to-day 1 know all
aluiut your doubts. I have been through them
all. I have gono through all tho curriculum.
I have doubted w hether there Is a God, whether
Chrlkt is God. 1 have doubted whether tho
lilble wm true. 1 have doubted the Immortal
ity of the soul. 1 hare doubted my own ex
istence. Ihavo doubted everything; and yet,
out of that hot dcocrt of doubt, I hnve como
Into the broad, luxuriant, siiushlny laud of
Gospel hope, nnd peace, and comfort: so I
hare confidence In preaching to you ami ask
ilia; you to come in.
No I'KAcri rou Tint iNrinnr-
Howercr often you may have spoken
against the lilblr, or however much you
may hare caricatured religion, step ashore
from that rocking and tumultuous fca.
if you go nway adhering to your infideli
ties, iou will uot sleep ono wink to-night
You do not want tour children to coum up
with your skepticism. Yon can uot afford
to die In that midnight darkness, can you?
If you do not bellevo In anything elsu you
bfllere In love a father's love, u mother's
lore, a wife's lore, a child's love. Thru Jet
me trll you that God loves you inoro than
them all. O, you must come In. You will
come In. The great heart of Christ aches
to hare you come In, and Jesus this very
moment whether you tit or stand looks
Into your eyes and says: "Other thcop 1
hare, which are not of this fold."
Third Again I remark, that the heavenly
shepherd Is going to find a great many Miccp
among thoe who have been Cung ot evil
habit It makts mo mad to see Christian
people give up a prodigal as Intl. Thero are
those lio talk as though the grace ot God
were a chain of forty or titty Hubs, and after
they had run out there was nothing to touch
a very bad case. If they were hunting and
go. oil ttie tracx ol me ueer tliey would looc
inng.-r among the banks nnd the bushes for
the lost gam- than they have been looking for
that Imt soul. People' tell us that If n mart
has dcl.rliiiii tremens twice he can not be
reclaimed, that after n woman has fallen front
her Intciiritv rhe can not be restored. The
lllble has distinctly intimated that the Lord
Almighty Is icady to pardon four hundred
nnd ninety times; "that is seventy tunes seven.
noli s mi:i:cy to Tin: i.owkst.
Theie ate men before the tlironeof God who
have wallowed in every kind of sin; but, saved
tiy ttie grace ot .lesus and wnsued in ill
blood, they stand there radiant now. There?
aie thor-e "who plumrcd In the Very lowest heli
ot abomliiutou, who for the tenth time have
been lilted up, and llualiy. liy ttie grace o
God, they btand In Heaven gloriously rescued,
by ttie grace promised to the chief of sluners
1 want to tell you that Goil loves to take hold
of a very bad case. When the chinch cast
you oil, and when the cliihroom casts you off,
and when boeiety casts you oil, when busuics
associates easts you olf, and when father
easts jou oil, and when mother casts you oil,
and when everybody easts you off, your first
cry for help will send the eternal God clean
down to the ditch of your buffering and
shame. The Good Templars can uot save,
you, although they are a grand institu
tion. The ' Sons of Temperance can
not save vou, although they aie mighty for
good. Signing the teniperancu pledge can
not save you nltlioug 1 bellevo in it. Nothing
but the grace ot the Eternal God can save you,
and that will it you will throw yourself on ta
it. A man said to mc: "I'tiicss God helps
me I can not be delivered. 1 have tried ev
erything, sir; but now I have got into the hab
it of prayer, and when I cotno to a drinking;
saloon 1 pray that God will take me safely
past, and 1 pray until I am past He docs
help me." For every man given to strong
drink thero are scores of traps set, and no ono
hut the everywhere present God can see that
man through.
O, thev talk about the catacombs of Na
ples, and the catacombs of Koine, and tha
catacombs of Egypt the burial places under
the city where the dust ot u great multitude,
lie; but I tell you New York has its catacombs,
Nashville has its catacombs, nnd New Orleans
Its catacombs, and Ilostou its catacombs, and
l'hlladelphla Its catacombs, and every town,
and city neighborhood its catacombs. They
arc the underground restaurants, full ot dead
men's bones and all uucleaullness. Youdc
man, you know it God help you 1 There fit
no need ot going into the nrt gallery to see la
skillful bculpturo that wonderful representa
tion of u mail and ids sous wound around
with serpeuts. Thero aro families represented'
in tills audience that nre wrapped In the mar
tyrdom of frang and scale and venom a living,
Laocoon of ghastlincss and horror. Whatira
you to do? Do not put your trust in bromide,
of jKitasslum, or in Jamaica ginger,,
or anything else that apothecaries
can mix', l'ut your trust only In the Eternal
God, mid He will see you through. Some of
you do not have temptation every day. It Is .
periodic temptation that comes every nLc,
weeks, or every three months, when It seeme
as If the powers of daikuess kiudlo around
vour tonirue the fires of tho pltl It is well
enough at such a time, as some ot you do, to,
seek medical counsel; but your first and most
importunate cry must hu to God. If tiia,
fiends will drag you to tho slaujhtcr, nuke
them do it on your knees. Oh, Godl now tliat
the paroxysms of thirst is coming again upo
that man, help him. Fling back into tho pit.
of hell the lleud that assaults his soul thlcl
moment 01 my heart aches to see men got
ou in this fearful struggle without Christ
There, are here those whoso hands so trem
ble from dissipation that they cau hardly hold,,
a hook, and yet I have to tell you that they,
will preach the gospel, and ou communion day
carry around the consecrated bread, accept-,
hie to everybody, becausoof their holy life audi
their consecrated behavior. The Lord is go-,
lug U) save you. Your home has got to be no-,
built Your physical health has got to be re
stored. Your worldly business has got to he
reconstructed. Tho church of God is going ta
rejoice over your dlsciplcshlp. "Other sheep
I have, which are not ot this fold."
Whilu 1 have hope for all prodigals there
are some pcopla for whom 1 am uot so hope
ful. I mean those who have been church-goers
all their life, who have maintained out
ward morality, but who, notwithstanding?
twenty, thirty, forty years of Christian ad-
vantages, havo never yielded their heart taJ
Christ. They aro gospel hardened. A er-
mon has uo moro effect uikju them than the
shining ot thu moon upon thu city pavement
As Christ says: "Tho publicans and harlots
will go Into tho kingdom of God beforo them.''
They have resisted all the Importunities of Di
vine mercy, and have gono, during these thir
ty yearf, through most powerful earthquakes
of religious ieellug, and thuy aro further
away from God than ever. After awhile ther
will lie down sick, and eoiiic day it will bo told
that they are dead. No liupol Hut I turn U
outsiders with a hopo that thrills through my
body and soul. ' Other bheep I have, whlcfc
arc not of this fold.
You am not gospel hardened. You havo not
heard many scrmous during the Inst few
years. Asjou came into a religious meeting;
to-day everything was novel, and all the
set vices aro suggestive of your early daj's.
How sweet thu opening hymn sounded in vour
ears, and how blessed it is In this place.
Everything guggestlvo of heaven. You do not
weep, but thu shower Is not far off. Yon
sigh, mid jou have noticed that there hi
always a blgh lit the wind before tho rain fulli.
There are tlioso hero who would give anything
if they could find relief in tears. They say:
"O, my wasted life! O, tho bitter pastl O.
the graves over which I havo stumbled!
Whltlicr shall I Jly? Alas for the
futurol Everything Is dark so dark,
so dark I (iod help mol God pity
inol" Thank tho Lord for that
last utterance. You have bcgttu to pray,
and when a man begins to petition that scu
ull heaven firing this way, nnd God steps
lu and beats back the hounds of temptation.
Into tho kennel, uud around about the poor
wounded soul puts tho covert of Ills par
doning meicj'. Hark! I hear something
full. What was that? It Is tho bars of the
fence around tho sheepfold. Thu shepherd
lets them down, and the hunted sheep oC
the mountain bound In; soma ot them, their
fleece torn with tho brambles; some at
them, their feet lamu with tho dogs, but
bounding In. Thank Godl "Other sheep L
have, which uro not of this fold."
JIow It Happened.
An old citlzon of this county, who
was Justicu of tho Ponco for ono term
about twenty yours ngo, was asked th
other day If ho niatlo n success us a law
"Woll, sotno folks think I didn't,
ho replied.
"For what reason?"
"liocnuso out of twcnhjljght ense
nppoalcd to tho Circuit 0iu't twouty
Boveu' woro rovorscd on ih."'
How did you acooilnffor that?"
"Why. Hint tho Circuit, Judges mad
twonty-soven gravo errors, and let
on tho twenty-eighth to convince ma
that thoy had nothing against me per
sonally! Detroit Free iVeaa.
The Seltntifie American calls aUUo to
the fact that tobacco blludaM Is bMuhag a.
common uilUctloa.