The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, August 14, 1886, Image 5

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    Tta Drop Scout.
r.Viox. oiti:t,o sat. a. u. i.Mt.
Tin- SCO! 'I' lino n Much I.iirccr Clrc.i
Talinii llinu :inv l'. it I" Oils Section
f tin- Mate, ami W. therefore tin lli:T
ADVCKTISINt; M l; 1)1 1 M.
This Is n True Statement, nnil iv
f1iiill nut nlln 11 to In- iuetlcnieil hy any
iliier iiaiirr. erilsei s Mill ilu wvll
iniiki' n note iif this.
Local and (Jonoral.
AN'OTiir.'t oiiiumIuv ev
A .
mine Inst, about S o'clock, smoke wn
M'Cii issuiiit: from I'arndl's blacksmith
shop, k'UM'ii by Frank .lnlm.ui. whirl
is situated on the cor. of (' and Main
-trout.-, in the most mpulou- rtion
nf tlit.' town. Tin door was forced open
ami (lie wan irlioVt the forgo was fotuu
to he a shoot of Haines, ii-arliinj? to the
roof. I ho alarm was given and in If
man two minutes the lire company
ami at least" one hundred and fif tv
citizens, nianv of tin iu with bucket
f water, weie on t lie Mint, and as thev
did not come to lunk at the lire, but
put it out, it i- needless to sav thev
jut it. extinguished in a jifly. The
nre, wim-li liud boon carelessly lett in
the force, had extended out throne;!
the coal and ignited the wall. Had it
not enuuht till later :n th" night
doubtless it would have got beyond
control before being discovered, and
the whole town would have been con
.-umed. This is another warning of
what we inav expect at anv time, and
should not go unheeded. Certainly
this place has sullieient wealth and
population to allbrd a lire engine, and
all "necessary appliances f(Jr fighting
lire, and we believe it is the dntv of
the city council to seo that the want h
immediately supplied bv taxing the
property of the citv for the purpose
A good engine can be bought on tin
installment plan, and a two mill tax
for two or three years would pav for
it, and the taxation would hardly be
felt by property holders. The result
would hi) greallv reduced insurance
rates, anil increased value of property
in every part of the town, on account
of the feeling of greater security which
would be engendered. It is to be
hoped the council will look at thii
matter in a business like manner, and
at once, take some action in regard to
the matter.
JJun.N'ixc; or Kari.k Chuck lluiuni:.
Last Sunday the new bridge crossing
Kagle creek, on the road from this city
to Pine creek, was totally destroyed bv
fire. From parties who arrived on the
pot while the bridge was still on fire
we learn that it caught from torest
fires which were burning in close prox
unity. This we believe is the general
impression, although koine who havi
come over the road since, seem to
think it was the work of an ineendi
ary. It was a splendid structure, cost
ing almost $1,200, and a much better
bridge than is actually needed at that
place. A new bridge, sullicient for all
purposes, can probably be put in foi
three or four hundred dollars. The
commissioners had a conference here
last Wednesday, to take steps towards
putting up a new bridge, and doubt
less it will be done without delay.
I ravel over that road is not impeded
although it is rather rough fording at
that place now.
Work Si'spkniikd. Mr. Carroll
chairman oi the roan commissioners,
of this end of the Fine creek road
informs Us that work has been sus
ponded, although the road is not I'm
ished as completely as he intended to
linish it, and in several places it could
he unproved. Willis hkill, the treas
urer of the commissioner, had .$180
of road money m his possesion when
lie disappeared. 1 hat money with as
much more would have made a mag-
nuicent road from here to uoose creek.
-Messrs. Carroll and Efner deserve the
thanks of the community for the
able and faithful manner in which
they have conducted this work.
Wai.i.owa Minim. The Chieftain
say: "A. M. Hall and .1. L. Hacker
have sold their interest in the .Silver
Aerie mine to 1). McCully and K". .J.
.Martin. Work is still being pushed
m the Fine Leaf mine. It is now
down forty feet and will bo sunk sixty
feet during the summer and fall.
Work has been comiiu'nced on the
Silver Aerie and a shaft will be sunk
on it one hundred feet or more, this
fall. K. J. Martin has the contract."
Too ThanhI'Ahkxt. The linker Sage
llrush in speaking of the burning of
the Fagle creek bridge says: "This is
the bridge that was built last fall, and
its burning will make it Very bad trav
eling for wagons going iiitoPine from
Union. There Is ho use talking, Jla
kor i& the only outlet for the Pino
creek mines." Profound logic, that.
It is very easy to see whore the collar
galls. What is the use of kicking
against the inevitable, Shop?
Installation ok Oitickks. hodge
1. 0. O. F., of this city, recently
installed the following officers, to serve
during the ensuing term : U. A.
Thompson, X. ti ; Jus. (laloway, V.
Q C. 13. Miller, It. S; J. H. Crites,
P. S; J, U. Thompson, Treasurer;
S. V. AleFunvn, Warden; A. Levy,
Conductor; (.J, W. Aiucb, 1. U; Win,
Roth, U. K. N. (J ; (i. 11. Miller, L. ,S.
N G ; A. M. Huiuoii, U. rt. V. U! A.
J. Goodbrod, 1.. H. V. U.
1Ikl.ii Witiioct Da II,.- Isaac lliatt,
formerly of Union county, who shot
and killed J. O. Pierco, near Dilley,
last week, had an examination before
Justice Collins at llillshoro, Wednes
day. The court found thut crime of
murder had been committed as
charged, and held the dofendatlt to
answer before the. grand jury without
Boun. In tin's city, August l'Jtlb,
I860, to the wife of John McCanu, a
Jirief Bulletins.
Harvesting hat commenced.
K-uil our lieu advertisement".
School will commence next month.
Mr. Sherman has been very sick for sev
eral clays,
A lire company has Ieon organized at
linker City.
Uev. Irwin will preach at the M. F. church
Several commimicAtions arrived too late
for thii issue.
The sidewalks in many places through
out the city need roiKdritig.
Immigrants, traveling in wagons, pass
through' town occasionally.
Cole's circus will probably be exhibited in
this city before many weeks.
Mr. A. Levy nml daughter, Lillic, nro vis
iting friends in Sail Francisco.
('. Vincent lias received a now lot of boots
and shoes. Call and sec them.
Levy, the merchant, received this week
a large safe for use in his store
A number of Indians visited Union
during the fore part of the week.
Fruit of various kinds can be raised
abundantly in the Wallowa valley.
Lodge No. !)7, I. O. O. F., of Joseph,
has ben christened Silver bake Lodge.
Nick Ficklin got considerably used up in
trying to ride a wild horse. last Sunday.
A full account of the death of Samuel .1.
Tildon will be found eUcwherc in this
The lings of this city were placed at half
mast on receipt of the news of the death of
Your t'ovedrin: store account i-over due
and awaiting your early attention. Come
Ir. llouham. the dentist is now rcody for
work. OHiee comer A and Matn streets.
Read his card.
It was quite an oversight in the cniuitv
commissioners not having the Kagle creek
bridge insured.
Cage llakcr was over from La (irande
this week, Hying around .it a lively rate,
on legal business.
No trace has as yet been found of the
missing man, Willis Skill'. Search for him
has been discontinued.
Tom. Foster recently bought of the Hutch
inson liro's. 300 head of fat steers, which
he will ship to Chicago.
The proprietors of the Argus have not
decided whether they will resume publica
tion of the paper or not.
The co-partnership heretofore existing
between O. F. bell and .1. K. Tuttle has
been dissolved. See notice.
Mr. Thomas Parker, deputyclerk moved
his family to this city last Tuesday. We
are glad to have them'amongus.
Dennett is! the only prisoner conlincd in
the county jail. Wmldeman is kept in the
old jail and Is improving slowly.
In the Upper John Day large numbers of
sheep have died recently, supposed to have
been caused by eating some poisonous weed.
As we have but very limited means for
putting out tires, the" ditches throughout
the town should be kept full of water at all
Dan. .Moore came down from Cornucopia
last Monday. He reports everything in a
nourishing condition in the Pine creek dis
trict. Hank Vaughn was shot by W. If. Falli-
well, at Oentcrville, Umatilla county, last
.Monday. He is lying in a dangerous con
Mr. Henry Foster of
Pine Valley, call
on us tins week lie
California before many
elit of his health.
thinks, of visiting
mouths or toe ucn
Thoinp Carroll returned from Klleusburg.
. r., last Mommy, wiutner lie Had neen
to deliver a band ot work horses to Smith
it Hale, the railroad contractors.
I lie iiaker Sage UruMi savs: "We are
informed that some of the business men
who were burnt out in La tlrande, think of
starting in business in this city."
No farmer, who consults his own inter
ests will fail to call on Frank Hro's. Im
plement Co., of Island City, when in need
of farm machinery, or fixtures of any kind
John llli.c, JohnSiiray. (eo. Stafford and
Tom Ficklin, who have been putting up
hayforCjiun Warren, in the Powder river
valley, returned xuesuav. 1 ney put up
ueariv l&o tens.
We hear that the wind work of a libel suit
against the Sentinel is in progress, Just so.
e nave Heard, beiore now, ot a person
slicing lor "ins character slid getting it
in u manner he did not relish.
The secretary of the interior has reques
ted the department ofiustice to dismiss all
contests to determine the character of hinds
heretofore approved and certified by the
tate of Oregon as swamp lands.
Uev. It. II. Iloyles, of Pine Valley, should
not he confounded with Major (icneral''
or "i.oionei itoyies ot toe salvation Army
that pussed through this country recently,
lie is altogether ol a clillereut stripe.
We are in receipt of the premium list of
tne eastern uregou Agricultural Associa
tion at Pendleton, also a comolimcnturv
ticket to their third anual fair which begins
September tilth, and ends October -'nd.
The Sentinel is the "boss." Ileforc
election it received money from the Dem
ocratic candidates, and after election it
gets its work in on Republican ollicials.
l Here must ite something rotten over about
the county seat. (Oanettc.
Merchants of this citv receiving goods
from the east say (hat the O. It. A N. Co.
charge ?1.!'0 from Huntington to Haker,
which is -10 cents more than is charged
from Portland to Haker. How is that for
highway robbery ?--8age l)ruh.
Four boys and one girl, the children of
Mrs. Urookf, of Notinghain, Knglaud, who
lied recently, arrived in this city the fore
part of this week to meet their uncle. Mr.
J. II. Smith, tin; railroad Contractor, who
will have the cure nl them hereafter.
Three Italians passed through here the
fore part of the week, having with them
two performing bears. Tlley made the
hears go througu many maneuvers in front
of the Centennial hotel, which furnished a
great deal of uiuUseutcnt for the spectators.
John Randall of the Cove, Was hct week
at the Instance of a man by the name of
Jennings, brought before Judge OOodall,
on u charge of adultery with Jenniug.s
wife. Randall waived examination and
was bound over to await the action of the
grand jury.
A Chinaniati, confined ill the Grant
'ounty iail, committed suicide last week
by Imaging himself. He left a letter
stating that he was burn of respeetuble
parents, and was not used to being eon
lined in prison, and nrefered to die. It is
o tv that the most ol our white criminals
are hot equally as sensitive.
Mrs. llariew. si-ter-indaW of Mrs. K. H.
Lewi of this city, who has been hero sev
eral weeks on a visit, hud tho misfortune to
lose her llltwii'iiiontbs-old bov. It bad
been sick for suveiul d.ivs utld in suite of
all that could bo done, died Sunday morn
iiik about lu ociock. iiic rciinuns were
shipped by express to TaCOinu, for burial,
There is no town in the State Whore citi
ens, both mule and female, rospond to thu
alarm of lire so ouicklv and etllcadlously as
.. . i- !- li',.-. i i. ...1.....: .. it.k
nicy oo in i limn, iicie ii uuinniw iiic
town woubl have been destroyed long lw- !
fur this. The rapidity nitli which the cMI-
ze!n asseinucu last V cilnesdiif . evening
andoitUgUishcd the fire, su pleased Thoi'ip
Carroll that beset up the Uigurs to tMr wllHle
Omnty Court Truer tllnr.
j Mieheal Keeley admitted as a coun
ty charge.
I Uonds of K. C. llrainard, countr
I treasurer, approved.
I Ordered that the county clerk make
' a copy of the delinuent tax list, and
; deliver the same to A. a. Hamilton
sheriff, with a warrant on said delin
iptent list directing the said sheriff to
collect the delinipient taxes named in
t said list forthwith. And the clerk
was further ordered to describe all
1 lands and real estate, as the same is
described in the assessment roll bv
i legal subdivisions.
Ordered that sealed bids he received
! for the delivery of thirty cords of wood
, in the court houso yard.
Ordered that bids be received for
the construction of abuttments for th
j ?f, Trap bridge
Ordered that sealed bids be received
lor the eonstiuctton ot a iirulge across
Grande Hondo river, at the "Fish
Trap" crossing of said stream
Ordered that the tax as huretofor
as!esed cm the mortgage of K. J
McWilliams and wif. to A. P. Hotal
ing Co., be remitted; and the taxes
heretofore assessed to A. P. Hotaling
Co. on the mortgage from M. W. Las
lev and wife to said company, be
collected by the sherilf.
Peter O snulivnn unpointed to su
perintend the repairing of the bridge
across Wallowa river, at, or near .lacl
son Graham's place, said repairs to be
of the following character, to wit : the
putting in of now stringers in sail
bridge if deemed necessary bv said
superintendent, and to cover said
bridge with new plank three inchu
thick and fourteen feet long, railing
to bo placed on each side of said
bridge in a good and substantial man
ne.r. The driftwood that has aceuinii
luted against the piers of the bridge
to be removed, and also repairs to hi
put on the road leading from said
bridge up Minam hill, to the amount
of $200.00. Superintendent ordered
to report at next term of court.
Henry Uogers appointed supervisor
of road district. iSo. z.i.
County road petitioned for bv W
A. Shipn et. al ordered established
and llenrv Miller, road supervisor, in
strticted to open said road.
Ordered that all road supervisors of
road districts in and for Union county
bo and are forbidden to contract foi
lumber or other material for the use
of roads or bridges in their districts
for the use ot the county, Without an
order from this court to ,e!o so.
Ordered that the compensation foi
all necessary care of the jail by the
sheriff when there are one or more
prisoners confined therein, shall be at
the late ol is-iu per month, out no
fees shall bo allowed when there arc
no prisoners conlincd in the jail.
0. A. Thompson appointed Justice
of the Peace of Union precinct, to (ill
the vacancy caused by the disappear
ance of Willis Skill'.
Eatfle QuillN.
Nun Ilnindi:, August 7, ISSfi.
The Ht'OirT is always a welcome
Everything rather ouiet in this
see'ion of the county.
Horn. At New Dlidge, July UK,
to the wife of in. Deck, a ten pound
All those Who can, have gone to the
hills, not far away, unci are enjoying
themselves picking huckleberries, anil
The resident)! of Kagle and Pint
valleys are blest With good health,
Dr. O.Conner savs there are hut two
cases of sickness in this section.
OUf farmers lire prospering this
year. A guod crop of hay, and an
average crop of wh'.'ut will be raised.
Fruit crop fair, nlid vegetables in
Our mines are looming up. Messrs
Xoland it Council Have struck a bon
rttlzlt. Uieir mini! is situated Hear
Paddy.s Paradise, close to Kagle creek.
The ore is free inillinK and needs but
little blasting to get it out. The most
of it can be got out with a pick.
There is a decomposed spaco of eight
inches, which thev scrape out and
wash, getting from t cents to 2.50
to tlie pan. The extension of this
mine is orVtied MV Messrs. Tober,
Smith and Logan. 'I hero has already
been five locations made in this group
of mines. The claidls are owned by
moli of moderate means, living in
K'igle valley, anil what is Wanted more
than anything' else, in capital to htllld
nliils and develop the mines. Several
paying placer claim:- are located in
that vicinity.
Wi Canns. M. 1L aurceon and Ilonieo-
plithie Phygiciuu, Union, Oregon.
Fok Hai.k A Tiltoii k McFnrlaild
fife, almost as good as iinW. 'pply
at the store of A. Levy".
Why stiller with a lame back, when you
can' get one of those celebrated Mitchell
J'orus Piasters, for If) et'ilts, at John T.
Wright's drugstore? Try (me,
L0KT.---No's 12 slid :I3, class 1),
city warrants. Finder will W suitably
rewarded by retilrning them to me.
Ma ii ion F. Davips. .
Active, r'lmhhtf anil ItelUbli'i
Ji T. Wright ran always be relied upon to
carry in stock the purbst ami best goods,
anil sustain the reputation of being active,
pushing ulid reliable, bv reeomiliciidillg ar
tit'les with well established merit and nilch
Us ai. popular. Having the agency for tho
celebrated Dr. King s New DisrOvcYy for
consumption, colds am' roughx, will .ell it
on a JloSlUve guarantee. It will snroly euro
allv and every affection Of throat, huifci or
cllen- and in order to prove onr ciuiiii, wo
attt you to call andgrt a Trial Motile Fre.
tingle t'oopwf tittup,
fii i). Aylcs, hMiiiifaMiici of build
bUITcli anil kcg, has always on hitfhl
a pod supply of the bdst quality, nihl
Will sell tfie'in at reasonable1 prlcoS;
GWblilinii call tit hia fthop South t
tlld School hductj Unltfll;
Sununorville Sifting.
Mr. S. L. McKenxic is building an
addition to his drug store.
The pnrty given al tho hall on
Tuesday night, was well attended.
The Sunnnei ville Milling Co. are
building a shake in front of their mill.
Wonder how II. C K. enjoyed that
bath in the mill pond, a few days ago.
F. D. Collins, who was in Walla
Walla on Monday, returned to (irande
Konde on Tuesday's train.
Several of the Suinincrville boys
went to La (irande, on Thursday, to
view the ashes of the burned city.
Mr. A. T. Ambrose, of Yoncalla,
Douglass county, will propably visit at
Mr. F. D. Collins' the pioscnt week.
Mr. N. II. llairis has just come in
and reported that he succeeded in
beating Mcl'oil. the barber, out of
another "shave."
Jacob Collins started out on a two
weeks trip through Union and Daker
counties, in the interest of the Farm
ers Mortgage and Savings Hank.
.1. O. Smith, who has been absent
from the valley almost a year, return
ed last week, and is now at work on
the new flouring mill at Island City.
The Tice boys were out on the river
one day last week, and succeeded in
killing about sixty ducks. They also
caught a barrel of fish out of the
"Pis said there was war in the Cam)
of the huckleberry party, mention of
which was made last week. The
chasm Was finally bridged over and
all differences healed.
Some fruit peddlers from tho Walla
Walla country were in town, last
week, and Dr. W. K. Kinehart has
had several professional calls as a con
sequence. The worst cases were N. D.
Harris and ye correspondent.
Mr. David Sean, county clerk of
Folk county, together with Dr. Lough
ary, of the same county, visited Mr.
.Jacob Collins, last week. They were
much pleased with the appearance of
the valley. They were so unfortunate
as to lose their valises and contents, by
the burning of the (iolden Hule hotel
at La (irande. Mr. Sears played a
practical joke on Mr. A. N. Hamilton,
the present sherilf, with whom he
was intimately accipiainlcd in Iowa,
several years ago. Having heard that
the sherilf was in La (irande, he made
a call upon him, and found him busi
ly engaged in taking an inventory of
an attached hardware slock. Seeing
that Hamilton did not recognize him,
lie concluded to have a little fun at
the sheriff's expense. Choking down
Fomcwlmt, he informed the shcrifl
that he had a few tlayrf lefore bor
rowed(?) a man's horse, and as yet
had failed to return it, and having
heard that tho man to whom tho ani
mal belonged was contemplating his
arrect, he had concluded to give him
self tip to the slieriif, and had called
for this purpose. Hamilton was non
plussed, and scarcely knew What to do
in the matter, and sat for some time
deeply eni'agcd in wondering what he
had best do. Air. Sears finally asked
him what he intended doing with him
for the night. Well, Well, well, said
Hamilton, a man who is honest
enough to give himself up, I guess
will not run away. Well, said Air.
Sears, "I might give yotl my name if
that would prove any guarantee to my
coming back tomorrow morning.
"Well what is your name," .laid the
sherilf. "David Sears," replied the
supposed horse-borrower. "D rn yotti
soul, said Hamilton, "don't sav any
thing about this sell," and jumped
nearly out of his skin m trving to
gni6p the hand of his old friend whom
he had not seen for twelve years
DaVo promised to sav nothing about
it and they adjourned to the corner
saloon to take a smile at "Dock's"
Notice to tli I'nlillei
Wc specially remiesl the neonle of Union
olf'l vicinity, who are ii"ing water from
Catherine creek for irrigating.or watering
stock, to kindl v close the ( i ATMS AT 1 1 FA I)
OUT11F DITCH US. where they leave the
efcik, every morning and open tllein at
nigiit, or allow us to. In Ihls way we can
run thf mill, mid vutt rnn UnVo velifil wafer
too need, nights.' UNION MILLING CO.
H'oiHlrrful Cures!
Vf. I). Hoyt.tCo., Wholesale and Itetail
Druggists of Koine, On., says' i Wc have
been selling Dr. Kings New Discovery.
Klcctric Hitters and Iluehlcn's Arnica Salve
for two years. Have never handled reme
dies that sell as well, or give stich universal
satisfaction. There have b'con slnile wonder
ful cures elfectedby these medicines in this
city..Sevcial cases of proilouuced consump
tion have been entirely cured by tile use of
a few bottles of Dr. Kind's Ncu discovery,
taken in connection with Klcctric Hitter's.
We guarantee them always. Sold by J, T.
VV right, druggist, I moil. Oreu'on.
A Kellnble Article.
For enterprise, push illld a desire to get
such goods as will give the trade satisfaction,
L T. Wright, the driigghl, leads all compe
tition! He sClls Dr. IlifSUtiko's Ciltlgh and
Luin Sv nip, because Its the best tiieillciun
on this market for coughs. Colds, ei'oiin and
primitive eonsiiinptlon. I'l'Iee M Cents and
bOO .Samples free.
Itiithleii'n A rn It'll Hulvi!,
Tin: HiihT Swat, in the world for Cuts,
Ilrul'ies. fiores, Ulcors, Salt llheutll, Fever
Soros. Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Corns.
and all Skin Krtiptions. utld positively cures
rue, or no pay rcuuireu. u is guaranteed
to give perfect satisfaction, or money re
funded. Pnco L'ft cents per box. For sale
byJ.T. Wright, the druggist, Union, Or.
Portland, Oregon,
llavlngtri-il the effecfts of the COilCentra-
ted extract of Oiikiium Kiim:v Tea, we
cheerfully bear wltut' to Its bcnoliclul
agency hi affections of tile ill'.'etitlvc' organ.
It Is shniilci safe and Mll'rii Is eusl v taken.
and rcston'h(ullhy vitality to the organs It
Is intended to operate Upon with .asMi red
sucieeH. sj. J, MoCOItMICK,
LdltoT Catholic .Sentinel,
, '
VliK Wl(.ri thSO ftfr,.d ttt luml till i,i
body. AU'j a block hi Union, bv itvll &
The Kiihball onjuiu have no cljuul;
Cove Callings.
August 1'.', 18S6.
, Allan Ellsworth left, Monday, for
Idaho where he goes to look alloc hi
cattle possessions.
A splendid, nicklc plate over all,
Mi-inch hicvele, bran new. can be hail
very cheap at the drug store.
Mi. J. O. Smith charmed Coveilo
by his presence, this week. He is
becoming a pedestrian of rare ability.
The continued hot spell has caused
l considerable sickness. Mrs. ', ,
j Foster is improving after a dangerous
Win. Koonig has jnnvhoecd two
lots in McDaiiicl's addition, and pur
poses erecting a very tine dwelling.
Scveial others contemplate building in
the neat future.
11. A. Thoina and wife, promi
nent citizens of Paradise, in this
county, have been in town for several
days.' They express themselves as
much pleased with their new home.
Mrs. Ed Stevens, who resides near
Arlington, has been visiting' relatives
at M. W. and Fred Mitchell's. Ac
companied by Miss Lillic Mitchell,
Mrs. Stevens returned homo, Friday.
Some one tiring a gun in town, this
week, the shot slru k u hoy of Marion
Irwin's with sullicient force to knock
him down. Such promiscou shoot
ing is dangerous, and should be
Died. In Cove, Wednesday. Au
gust llth, at the residence of James
Dlooin, Mrs. P. F. i hrisinan. Tho
deceased Was sick hut a few
before her death. Sho was
about sixtv-two. Funeral took
on Thursday at 11 o'clock.
The Professors of the Episcopal
schools, .situated ill Cove, report
prospects for a full attendance of stu
dents for th" coining year are very
good. The people at large will reo
oguizo the many advantages offered to
young people desiring a thorough ed
ucation. 1 le was a pretty good hoy to drive
tho rake, till I found him asleep in bis
scat, and the horse quietly feeding.
Lyin. It isn't always snfo to change
apparel, even out on the bottom with
no one in five miles. Judd. 1 won
der where I was when the hoys were
looking tor me, Sunday night. Ch.ts.
I win rejoiced to know that no one
was looking when the paint bucket
and I fell off the scaffold. W. K.
Drop a silent tear for me. Did you
hear that my girl had gone away.
Jo. Come aside a minute, I want to
ask you it Jno. is really going to gel
married. C. t never was so sur
prised in all my life, as when she gave
me a negative.' Y. Cheer up, V,
such is life in the far West. J.
Denth of Mm. W, A. .Mor
(if Dlljlon, W. T.
Mr. Morris hired a Miss Mary Lynch, of
McMinville, to come up to lJayton mid
keep house for him and liis children. She
worked for him one year and then he mar
ried her. They were married six weeks,
and then her mysterious death came -Mav
Kith, claimed by husband, relatives anil
doctors, poison, self-administered. And
now, prool bus to be given of any evidence
whatever that .she took this poison by her
own hands, as the only bottle of poison of
any kind that was found in the house was
found locked up in the trunk where she
had put it to keep it from the children. The
trunk was locked and keys in a .econd
room from where she died, She Was so
sick that day. from some cause, that sire
was not up or about, and her husband
claims the poison was Wrapped just as he
gave it to her to ptit away. Dr. Kenedy
had beei doctoring her just previous toiler
death, said she told him and others that
she Would rather take strychnine than to
bear a child. Wc found no other person to
say that she said this, and when she was
exhumed (he surgical doctors said she was
not pregnant, and if she had said sucli it
seems like her husband vvotlld llltVe heard
her talk of such, She had the mumps and
was quite sick for a week. Washing had to
be done, and soap made, and she did both
with her iaws tied on. She never rns well
any more, but sewed up to the day of her
death, to get readj togo on a visit" to .Mc
Minville. and hud scut down to the store
the day before for samples to pick a dress
from, which shows that she did not Contem
plate self-destruction, or talked in sucli a
way as It is claimed, A lady friend Was in
about four o'clock, ahd no' other person
was With her nor 1'llltdrcn, and she was
iniite sick in bed. Iter friend stayed a .short
time and went liuuie, hut returned about
eight o'clock and asked Mrs. Morris how
she was, who replied she felt better. Mr.
Joe JI orris uhd wife were there and this
friend did not stay long. Thev' stayed
awhile longi'r1 and went to her bedside, but
us she Was asleep they did not arouse her.
Her htlshand Cave Iter !l powder before he
went to bed, (claiming it to be calomel) and
in a short time she Was mi sick he ran to
tho house of a near neighbor, ami when the
laily I'aino, she vv'as In sjiasins. Some oth
ers were there, She continued o have
spasms. Firs I laiiv's husband ran in and
said, "My Olid, what is the matter?" His
wifeaid. "Mo for Dr. Patted, or any one."
He started On the rlln and had got it's far as
the bridge, about a hundred vanN distant,
when W. A, Morris .ailed him bad:. When
Ids brother Joe caiiichu askeil him if he
shOuld'scml for Dr, Kenedy, Ho said Vcs,
She Was '.iiniligspasniH all this time. When
the doctor Came seeul to be t'oilfiised or
something .eemcd to be the matter. They
said he seemed not to del what lie might
havodone. Slie called for Water, the lady
askl'd the Anf.Uif it she should give noi
some, the doctor said yds. When she at
tempted to give her ."(01111' it brought 011
sparfms. The doctor wits asked afcaln if she
could have wtttrri He said yes. and again
she went into a spaslli. Now', this is anled,
il lib knew silt' had strychnine from the
moilient he entered the house, why did lie
say she could llarc witter instead or adiiiiu
isteiing some antidote? S e Would like In
knoW how and V. ho he eot the information
fnliit, in twenty miuliles after Ills arrival,
that sho had secletely H'lf-adulluistired
this iolson. This Is on Ids iivvl written
statdincnt. Ami now. after beiiie taken
tut it Is claimed trvi;liulue vvils fotind hi
I...H -I.... .....I... U' III ,.'..)l lt,.ll, 1, 1. ....
administered uy btr own hand, until other
fivfllnltr'fi irlv-l'tl til lirlK'n .IlllWitnl , 1,1.
other singular tiling hi this case Is! After
Having a written stateitlnn.t, tilltde bv hi'r
hlisbnlld. relatives, and friends ptlufed in
two or more paper., of Da.Vtoiii lint one rlf
her relatives received or knew Mif Cause of
her death until it mouth afterward, when
clue of her brothers wits passing thriiligh
atidjiol hold of dnC of the pullers. One nf
his lelutiu's vvrute ID her fuihor that the"
doctor silid she dli'U nf Mvi'r and kiditev
complaint. When he receiviul till) papers
end true cause ol her ciea'h lie was lear
illly sliucKi'd, and went hu'Hiditttfilt and
had her uken up, but Is mu ntll!'.d with
the derision that I hi strychitine w.iis In her
stniiiiich, uiIiusm her htib(ind or doctor run
gWf1 some evidence, she took Willi her uV.11
hailds. And now, We will leave thf icader
wliJj their tliijiigliti in tills tilse.
1 i'.n mm 11
I': pflper. iilease eollv.l
F11I..11, (inyOili AUgi l(lh IbtfVr
Dentistry in all its branches. All
operations warranted. Cold Filling
Olllce 1 orner A and Main Streets.
Oregon E'y. & Navi
gation Company.
Trains arrive and
daily, as follows :
depart from I'nion
KAST IIOUNll. corxi),
Passenger,, L've
at 1 :0." p. in.
Freight, No. 15, L ve
at ,H:00 a. in.
Passenger. No. ti, L've
at 11 :iva. in.
Freight. No. 111. L've
at UaCi a. in.
Making close connection at Huntington
witli trains of the Oregon Short Line itail
At I'nmtilla with trains for THF DALLKS
POUT LA NO., V:e.;
At Wallula Junction for WALLA WAI
LA. DAYTON, ,V.c; also with trains of thr.
Northern Pacilic Kailnmd for ALL POINTS
At Portland with trains for alt points in
the WILLAMFTTI VALLFV. and witli
steamers for ASTOIM A. and all points 011
Pl'iiKT SOPND, 111! ITItsll eOf.FMHI A,
rnot roKTi.Ni. I
Leaving at 111 Midn't.,
as follows : j
rnoM svx nt.vscisco
L'v'ng Spear st. wh f
at 10a. in. a follows
State. Wed Aug.
Orceon. Sat
llOregon, Tues, Aug
roiuniina, rri. ,,
Columbia, Tues. ..
State. Fri
Oregon, Mini
Columbia, Thur. .,
State, Tues .,
Oregon, Sun ,,
Instate. Mini.
1:011. Thur
IbCnlumhia. Sun, ,,
instate. Wed.
-M Oregon. Mod ,,
JO Columbia, Sat ,,
. 4 Slate, Fri Sep,
l-olumhm. tat. Sep.
The company rcse
steamers or Miilimr
rves the right to change
C. II.
Manager. 1 Tratllc Manager
.IXO J. HYKNF. (ien'l Pass. ,t Ticket Agt.
II. L, DF.ACOX. Agent. Pnlon.
Short Horn Cattle
As It is necessary to make sonis change in
my business, 1 will sell a very lino one-vear-old
short Horn Hull, and twenty-live 'head
of Cows, Heifers and Calves,
My cattle are all Thoroughbred Register
ed Short -horns, of the bet strain of blood.
1 have the best herd of Short horns in the
state, and this Is the best opportunity ever
offered to persons wishing to improve their
cattle, as they can buy better cattle for les
money, of me, than from any Importer. I
will sell my herd without "reserve, Time
given if desired. I must sell, so come and
see inv stock, or address me at Union, Or.
Jul.l7-tf. O. P. OOODALL,
Dealer In Fvery Variety of
We now have on baud a large assortment
of Fill" IT TAI1LFTS, which are acknowl
edged to he the purest ami healthiest eon
lectiouery in the world.
Particular attention is invited to my line of
Fishing Tackle,
Which are in great variety and very
reasonable in prices,
lu addition to the above we carrv In slock
nearly every article usually kept hi a llrst
class drug store, including
Sponges Trusses,
Shoulder Braces,
Hruslies, Perfumery,
The BEST Washing
Machine in the W ovld!
S. M. WAIT, PnoiMtlKToit.
Watt Hro's. Agents for Union cotiniy.
This machine is without doubt the best hi
existence, ami gives FNTlitF satisfaction
wherever tried.
rMachinesin stock ttt J. II. KATOKM
S'lOKF. where they can be bought at any
Ascension School,
Cove, . - Orrjreil.
Third vear begins .Mepteinber inil., lr-M'.
For prospectus giving full Information, ad
dress. HF.V, W. II. POWFLL,
Jtil.Fi-tf. Principal,
Leighton Academy,
Second jrar begins September ilnih, IKn'.
For prospect u.i, address I
JtllV, W. th POWKI.L,
Jul lT-ir. Principal.
Jh'tWccn Uuioit and Cormtcopla.
A. J. Vixt ilNf, Proprietor.
"Km Ml or M
ditck. Vhlffill hits put tin a statfii linn )ir.
Iwcen thin citv tniil Cni'ii iropsa, over Urn
ubw Pine criicK load, and will make regular
ll'lim, leaving l liliitl Mimclavs. Wcdiuisduvn
and Frlditysiit U a, lib, it'tilniiiig on Turn
days, Tlnirxhlys ibid Saturdays.
I'our.tiorHi. t'OnCiint ('imt'lis,
r!hlj,'c'!i htopdhl'itrkWrlKlit'it Hot Sulphur
Hprhit llahn Creek MeadoW. ItoKeiit, K
gle .Mlulni)'' Dlstlk'lt Paddy's Paradise, Plnsi
Valley Uud uoriltlfoplK.
Thd tMllUt! lllp Will be jtiitilo hi iUy tlm,
KrrlWlj WlIVt With "JuVlk.''
imp ui Cknls,