The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, August 07, 1886, Image 4

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    Tie Oregon Scout
UIOX. Oltl'.OON. NAT. At 0. 7th 1RSC.
Ai'itoi'As (o (lio question now boinff
discussed by tlio county coniniisioncr
r'rai,(1injr tins best metlmd of taking
t'iwo of tlio county poor, nud the ucU
visuhility of establishing a county poor
' farm, would it not lie n uooi
Sheriff's Sale.
I Whereas by irliKMif an o.ceutlui unit
: order nf nc," isticd nut nf llu Circuit court
of the M tie nf O'egmi, fur riiiuii county,
on the Till, dm if July, A. I. I Ml. upon ii
idou for i . n il on the 1st. iluv of June, lvti, in f.,vor
' dioi.i in .1.11, .mi(Mifi ivlili Hu. inn- ! f the I'iist National H.ttik nf t nlou, mul
The SCOUT linn a Murli I.riixcr Clrcti ' pllssionors of Other (M'UlllU'K
Intlnn tlimi nnv I'ajtcr In tills HitIIiiii
.f tlio siintp, itml l, ltii-ri-rr tin Hl'.S V
Thin Is n Tm Statement, inn! we
hull tint all, w it to tic (iuitiMioil by nliy
iitln-r tinjirr. Ailvcrllci uill ili mcII
to msiloi n n lit 3 ,r tills.
Clltll i 1,1 ,ff I Jisi .thiioiihi J.mi ifl I j.H'M. HUM
1 I n.ri... i.' iiiiiL-i,,v wiiiw si-or
whoro ' Kl. Itelnlllnrd mill I. A. HiAknwitz. coin
Tun farmers in extensive districts in
Illinois have made an agreement to
sow no wheat for throe yearn. They
want to starve tlio cinch hug out. It
is our opinion, however, that (lie
farmers will got hadly 4 'cinched' ' in
tlio operation.
Tin: Legislature of California lias
been asked to make ti.e Did and -llh of
August legal holidays on account of
the Grand Army. That' rigl t. If
there is anything tlio average Ameri
can citizen is yearning for at present
it is more holidays.
ANAiMJHisTrf are being expelled from
all the trades' unions and societies in
(lie United States, and the Knights of
Labor tire them out with hut verv lit
tie ceremony. Utmost workmen will
not aililiato with anything so danger
ous and un-American.
Tiiniti: is responsible talk in Penn
sylvania, of putting General Master
Workman Powderly in Congress. Wo
hope it will ho done. His presence
there supported by practical students
of the labor question, like himself,
would have a wonderfully wholesome
farms of this kind aro bring conducted 1 '''". bug that out of the real estate dc
l , . . r , , ! scribed in siiiil decree itml order nf Nile, ami
! and ascertain their views on the sub- ' hereinafter decrihcd, I make tin' um if
i ject. A Umatilla exchange snvs: 1 A i ''JUJ'J.'',,1,i ,'7-7,7 l'4 f '"r'f-.! -'"'iV
, , . ., ? , ! anil fail. tli in favor "f Deft.. iMts fskiU,
I year ago, before the county farm was j m .,ii.:(s in f.,Vor of lcft ICd. Itemilhtrd.
disposed of, L'inat ilia's paupers cost I '',',"-'f"1,v1 1 wl,J dl 8t I!"!'1.1'' 'n' ,' "!'
I . ', , ..-., , , r ' Hi" ilpl. ilay of August, ISHti. at 12 o clock
i the county about s.000 u year." e ( , M. at thecourt liotw door in ITnloii. IH-
judge from this brief item tiiat the ex- I j"' f'unty Oregon, nil the right, tit to ami
? , , interest which toe vinl t'lturlex J'. llinklcv
portenco of tlio Lmatilla counly an- ) ,, ,. yMu ,;1V f ,inHry,,-,. or
' Ihorities, has not proved favorable to afterward m)ulted in or to the said hind.
I,,, ' . , . ,. , ,. town; Tim VU "f the S'W", of Sec. ;t2,
this method of taking two of the ,. lUv Vt. of tfuSWi, of Sc-c at in To. ,r.
Soitth nf filing" !0 KWM. ami in Cninii
county poor
Is tiik Koriiin for .Inly , a orank by
the iianio of J . II. Seelyo di-cusscs at
considerable length, the question:
"Should the State teach religion?"
That such an idea should he deemed
worthy of sober discussion in the
nineteenth century proves conclusive
ly that, the Slate's endeavor to teach
ruinmon 'ense through the medium of
the public school lias not been an suc
cessful us could be wished.
"It i Just us well," says the Hos
ton Globe, 44 to call things by their
right nauioi. The buttle of the law
yer senators. (Mitchell of Oregon
prominent among them,) against the
licck bill is a hatlle for b"ibery and
in ibe-taktng. When subsidized rail
roads employ the services of members
of Congress, they simply buy the voles
ot the members retained. Unlv that
and nothing more. ' '
x nunw in wwnwomw ill r i mhB, hiiuti
county, 0;-ci;iiii. Intrcf ln'r w ltli the lintirovc
tiiiMitt' mill iiiui teiialieet. thereunto be
louin;, Term of khIc: Ca-b in limit).
Dated l Micriir urtlci thl 17th. dav of
.i 1 1 1 v . iswi. a. n. Hamilton:
HyJ. KTrrri.E. Sheriil'
Deputy, jnl.J-wti.
In the Circuit court of tint state of Oregon
for Union county, .hours C. Powers,
hones Oilell unci t' alter Kerual'l. plulti
lllfs, vs. .Iitines C. Vurinaii, Jainile Kur
iii;iii,,lolin Kunii in, Mary ' ''tinnaii, S.
A. Ileilucr, S. Otteiihelint'r, !. DiirkliLlin
er and I.utlier I'hicc, tlefentlciiiH.
'I'n .laincs C. Kiirninn, .Taimio I'Mirninn,
.luliii l''iiriiiiui, Mary, I I'lirinan, A. ileil
tier, S. Otteiilieliuer, S. Durkiieiiiier and
I. lit her Phieitlefeiithiiits:
In tint niiiiio of the statu of Oregnii, you
tire hereby reiiilreil to iippnar hi above en
titled court a n! siiswiir tlio complaint tiled
ugnhist you In the above entitled suit by the
lirst tiny of tlio uexl tel'in of the above enti
tled court, aft or tlio complete publication of
this ktuiiu mis for six uoiisee.iiiivn weeks in
the OliKtio.N HctniT, viz. bv the l!7th -uiy ol
September, A. I). ISWt; ami If you fall to so
aiicar itiitl answer, pla ntiffs will ask the
court for Judgement apilnst del'eudanis
nines C. I'urimiii and .lannln I iinnaii for
tic stun of .f.C'lUK), with interest thercn
from the tilth tiny of Oetoh r ISSI1, at the
rateof 10 per cent per annum and tlio furth
er sum of .f I12S.00, attorney's lees In this suit,
ami costs ami disbursements. Ami for the
decree of the court ,nr tlio sale of the follow
tlij; iliHcrlht'tl real estate, to the extent ol
tint Intel est hud therein bv defendants or
elthnrof thein on the lit (lay of October,
ISS'I, or aflerwiiril ueipilred bv thein or cith
er of thein: West U; of norlheast iiiarler,
mid the west half of'ipiarterol'
section H, townshin S, south o range I-,
east of the tlb'inctto meridian, n ,d In
Cnloii county, Orego t. And Hint the pro
cecils tlu.reof be applied In payment ol ihe
claim above described a it tiiat defu iihints,
dailies C. Kiirman and ,la iiilo I'nruiiiii a il
all persons elalmli ijr uiitler tluiin by moit
gii(?c, Urn, tleetl or pledge, incluillns the do
loiidants, In this suit, be forever barred a tl
foreclosed tif the equity of redemption
therein. And Unit plaliitllfs have Judge
ment ntraliisl dc fcmlnuts, .Inines C. Kuriaaii
ami .lauiili) l'Yrniaii for any dellclency ol
said claim remaining unpaid' thereafter".
This Kiunmoiis Is published by order of
lion, blithe It, Ison, IiiiIjjk of said district,
made on '.he -Ith tin v of August, tstt.
Att'y for I'Pffs.
Notice of Final SctikMiicnt.
W. W. IIakrii, State Dairy Com
niissioner is going after the milkmen
who feed theireows on brewers waste.
Ilis arguments are calculated to show
that mill; produced from such food is
unhealthy. This m'ay be all true
enough, hut, the cows will undoubted
ly object to this unwarranted etfort to
force prohibition upon Ihein.
An extunsive deposit of tin oro has
been discovered in the lllack Mills;
the only one in the Western Hemis
phere that amounts to anything.
This body of oro is said to cover an
area of 701) square miles, and can be
converted into murohuntilo tin by a
process divided into four steps, and
requiring the aid of four persons.
While the tin found in iVules requires
to go through u process of ono-hun-tlrod
stops and requiring the aid of 100
persons. The importance of tlio llud
can bo better understood when wo call
to mind llio fact that America imports
S:JO,IX0.00) worth of tin per minimi.
Chicago will he the milling center of
this industry.
Tiik treasury department at Wash
ington lias issued the following circtt
lar in rognid to mutilated coin: The
superintendents of the United States'
mints at Philadelphia, San lVaucisct)
and Xew Orleans will pay for mulilat
ed and uucurrout United Slates silver
coin, when presented in sums of
and upward, at tlio current price ax
iixed from time to time by this bureau
to bo paid for silver contained in. and
parted from, gold deposits -that is
reckoned per Troy ounce of UOO line.
.Payments will thus lie madu for de
posits of mutilated coin al the mint
rates for standard silver current on the
dato on which such deposits are receiv
Tin: Chinese newspapers convoy the
information that the government at
I'ekin lias issued orders to all subordi
nates throughout the empire to dis
courage as fur as possible, the smok
ing of and use of opium in any form
among Hie people under their Jurisdic
tion. The government views with
alarm the rapid growth of the opium
habit among its subjects ami will take
ntcps to prohibit the importation of
tlio drug, These papers also publish
tlio full text of the doe rec lately pro
mulgated from l'ckiu that no student
will hereafter bo allowed to graduate
or pass examination in tliu deyress
who are addicted to the opium smok
ing habit,
root Kim Hwmvmiiiiiwxngia
It will not bo a great whilo before
Portland, heretofore the metropolis of
the Northwest, will have bur claim
contested by Tacomu on I'ttgot
Hound. Already the rumble of the
coining contest is hoard. The Taeo
3i)u papers freely acknowledxe thai the
Columbia liver bar is the most danger
tins place on the coast, and a man al
most takes hi life in his own hands,
-when he atttUApts to cross it. The
Portland papers retaliate by naming ,
tlio wrecks that have occiiied in dm 1
Straits of Ktiua, and giving it at their
opinion Hint It is not as sate a it might
lie. Portland, however, is situated
in as uuiavorauio a position as it in tiP tnii ilnyor rVtu. iss
iiossiblo to bo, niiil whatever Undo or JL'.H""! lJ,.,,"'w,:,.lil',1 J J;""u ,
1 4 ... , , , i , , Tlio III! SJA, ol s. . Nl, mid NWV,
prestngo it enjoys i due solely to the , ofSYVt mid V'i s , ..f sw, -pp.
jnanuvoilng of her Utibluu-n men, and ' 4S,U',, Vf 'V!"""' ,Kn '' ,'" V""
, , , , tii lountj ., loje ihci- with (he liu-
Jias been brought about by artillitlal pnivummiu uud iipi.urt.n.m. .s tinnunio
means, Tacoina. on the contrary, hclonitiiig.
lias every natural advantage. In a Trm 'fsnlo; uvb tn ii.i..,
iwrultir (tetlu between nit and nature . JmlM?f5wn rl I V m iVtci1' u(
ill very jirobablo that nature, in the J Tm,A " AM I ON.
lony run, will i.-otiio out on top, Deputy. Jul.'.u-wt!,
In the County Court, of the state nf Oregon,
for L'alon conn v.
In the matter of ihe lo-t Will niiil Testa
ment of John Hums, deceased,
Notice Is hereby given that the undersign
ed executor of the last Will ami Test'Miicnt
of.lohn Hun s, deceased, has tiled and pre
sented for .settlement hi said court, his limit
iieeoiintof hU iidmlnlslratlon of sidtl ostalt',
,ui(l (hut Tuesday, the 7th day of September,
A. D. isstt, being a ilay of a regular term, to
wit, S pteiiiberterin, IKStl, of saltl court, at
10 o'ulnek A. .M., of that day, at the court
room of saltl court, in the' court house, hi
the ultv of t'nloii, In Mini enmity ami state,
has been appointed by the court as the time
and plnce lor thescltleinent of said aeeoiuil
ami for hearing niiil objections to the same
Dated Augu.t Ith l&ti.
W. T. WltHHIT.
O. I lti:i,l Kxe ntor of lust Will ,1c
Att'y fur ICx'or, of John lluins, deceased.
In the Circuit court of the State of Oregon,
for Hnion county, John It. Crltcs, pluin
lifi', vs 'itssic'A., Defendant.
To Cassic A, t'ritos, the above named dc-
feiuhint :
In the intnip of the Stiitc of Drcifoil, you
arc hereby rc.piircl to uppuur -mul answer
tltecoinpl'dlut (Hod itgainit you in the abovi
entitled suit ami in the iibovcentltled court,
on or before the 27th. day of fcicpteinbcr,
ISS i. thusnnie being thelir-it tlay of a regu
lar term of the above entitled court, coin
nioiicing noU after the expiration of six
uei.'ks from t lie ilalo of the Hist imblicatitui
of this Mimnioiis. and if you fail so to an
swer, for want thereof the plaiiitill' will ajt
ply to the court for (he relief dcmand"d in
the complaint, to wt : A decieo disolvlng
ihe lionili of uiati liiiony now existing be
tween plaiiitill ,'tml ilcfeiidaut, ami for gen
eral relict. You will further take notice
that ties Mtmimius is jul!i -hfil by order. of
Ihe IJ )ii. M. b. Oluistcad, judge of the
abov" entitled eotiit.
Matlc at Chanibcrs, and dated this 10th.
dav of .lime, lsAi O. C. ISKKAb
Jul.l7-0. Atty.for I'lir.
Main Stivit, l'uinn, Ortp-n,
Has just I'lciivtd .hi IlnmiiiM' Js'nek of Ntw (joihIs, which he will sell at a
HUM, .t TI'TTLK. .
Searchers of Record?, Convey
ancers, Real Estate and
l'ul"ii, Oregon.
Itctuni- pit inpt'y made on all collection.
IIaHig an abstract nf (he records In our
otllei-, abstracts tif Ltle prepared with tlis
liaten. I barges moderate.
Farm For Sale!
i'lciifc compan tin following prices with tho.-e of otin r stores in tin
Etmn s&i
gjjl i0 so-tiii's
Pour lined Jitiy Porks
., Manure Porks
Pork. Pake, ami Hoc handles
Tftc. J land Maws
. . . ,W. .Sades.. .'. .
flrio. Snaths
.Wsc PoHttcr
?t.(. Hainmcrs
'.'.V'. Hurckii Wringers
Steel Traps
Towel Pucks ...
Single tree-, ironed
Ntt k Vokcs ,
ei unity :
L "iC.
. .s7e.
. . SO.'.
Situated about one mile from North
Powder, containing Kit) acres. (.Jood
hotis , barn and other outbuildings.
Knquirt ol .J. W. KIMHHKLL.
Xortii Powder.
5 Eiiciisra-XjiE S
I laving leacd the shingle mill belonging
to b It. Itiuehart, we are prepared to fur
nish ti superior quality and make of .shin
nies at the following rates:
Delivered at Union, $3.25 l)Gr M"
At the Mill, S3.00 per M.
The I'inest .Wnrtiiicltt of
W'f re.-net
t!ull solicit a shine of
j i U i JL
In the County.
Thu Cclebralett
Guns, Ecvoh'-ers, and Ainunition.
Tn the ("ircutt court of the State of Oregon,
for Union county. Laura Klgin, plaiutth",
vs Jacob Klglndrfcnriniit.
To Jacob Klgin, the above named defen
dant! In the name of Hie Sato of Oregon, you
are hereby required to appear and answer
tin; complaint iilcd ngaiiist you in the above
entitled suit and court, on or before t tif 171 h .
lay of September, hssii, the same being the
lirst tlay of a regular term of the above en
titled court, commencing next after the ex
piration of six weeks from the date of the
ilrst publication of this summons', and it
vou tail so to answer, for want thereof the
plaiutitr will apply to the court for the re-
ief demanded in the conqiltilnt. to wit : A
decree disoh big th" bonds of matrimony
now existing between plaintitt' and defen-
lanl, ami awarding the care and custody
l' the minor child. Flossy Klgin to plain
tiff, for general relief mid'for costs ami dis
bursements of this suit. You will further
take notice that this summons is published
by order of the Hon, L. 15. Ison, judge of
the above entitled court,
.Made at Chambers, and dated this l.'Sth,
lay of July, JSHi.
jiil,17-wti. Atty, for I'liV.
fl Will Pat? ?f1!! !fi fiflfflfl fa ffwlfiw k
&m ayy y mm w mtim w Mmify
7m tpr VimSiS) &X'Wa 'HSr,"33f-r
The VEST Washing
MacJinie In the World!
S. M. WAIT, PitoiMtiKToit.
.Wait nro". Agent" for Union county.
This ni tchluc Is without doubt the best in
cxi-tcnei, .'11111 fjive JJNTIl'U batisfaetion
wherever tried.
ZJf Machines in stock at .1. It. BATON'S
M'OlJIv win re tbcv can be bought at any
tin t' ti:y thk i'..vrxDi:v oi kkn.
k k b b k h
4 Ul
Stage Line-
Has a Mammoth Stock of Dry Goods
No Odds and Ends from Rundown
Stocks, but
lJi twciii I'liion ami Cornucopia,
A . .1. Vivci.-t, Proprietor.
iiiui gn 1 ai t im in
: Crsos or M
Dissolution Notice.
Xotiiie is lictcby given that the eo-part-ner-hip
heretofore existing between the un
dersigned, under the tlrm uaiuuof llowlaml
,t I.lovd, has this diiv been disolvetl by
mutual consent. The business will hereaf
ter he conducted by Howl. mil mul Wilson.
All niiini'V iltle llli' s.'iiil llrm of Itoivbinil
,t I.IomI will be payable tn 1!. 11. I.lovd, at
he oliiceof J. M. Carroll, ill I'nioii, Onoli.
or to N. ilouland, at bis lihicc of business.
All ai'itiuntH settled within ,'in thivs,
will bi-nhiceil in tin hands ol an attornev
Newest and
Best Ms in tto MM.
.lack. Vincent lias nut on a stage line be
tween this rlty ami Corn eojisa, over-Hie
new Pine creek road, and will make regular
trips, leaving I'nlon M days. ethic tla s
ami Kriila.'.v at (I a, in., returning oil Tuos
tlujs, Tliurstlavs ami iNilurday.s.
l'nlir lint s ("one i d Cnaclics.
Stages stop at Park. Wright's Hot Sulphur
Springs, Palm Creek Meadmv, IJogelii, Ii
gle Ml d ug DNtrlct, Paddx's Paradise, Pbt
Valley ami Cornucopia.
The entire trip will be made In day time.
Kvcrvliody Utiles Willi ".Im-ii."
Wool, Hides
and Grain Bought
Ascension School,
lor . i.llecltoii.
I'nioii. Oretron, I
July 10. jssi!. 1
It. II. I.I.tiYD.
iul LM-ml.
Dealer in Kvery Variety of
Mn ill Ikmk
We now have on band a large assortment
of It I IT TxIII.Kl'S. which are acknowl
tlgcd to be the purest and healthiest etyi
fectiouery in the world.
Short Horn Cattle
As It Is necessary to make soin change In
my business, l will sell a very line ono-year-old
snort Horn Pull, ami twenty-live head
of Cows, Heifers unit Calves,
Mv cuttle are all T lorouglibrt'd Register
ed Short-horns, of the best strain o blood.
I littve tint best I ie I'd of Short horns 111 the
state, anil this Is the best opportunity eve
offered to ttersoiis wishl gtn luiprovc Hielr
cuttle, us they em buy better cattle for Iw
ui'tiiey, ol me, limn from hii luioitcr. I
w II eil mv Unril wit out reserve, Time
if lyeii ir desintd. I iniisl sell, o come uml
see lav slock', or iitldrcKii meat I'nlon, Or.
Jul.IT-tf. O. P. (JOODAI.I.,
Sheriff's sale.
Wbcreiis bv virtue of an exei'Utltin Mini
order of side, lusucd nut of the Circuit court
of the State of Oregon, fur PliltMl county,
on the mil day of July. A. D, U&'X Upon 11
judgement and decnv of mild court ren
der! on tbe .Mth. day of M iv, PH, in fit
orof I., liner, and again I John linker and
M nig .trvt Hiker bis wile, coinintiiHling uie
that out nf Hie teal i-siute ilceribt d ill said
1I1 ertH' nd urdi r of sulc mid hcrclnHl'lcr de
HcrtlKtl 1 nuke the sum of ftil Hi mid cost
and disbursements. Therefore I will sell ut
public outer , on the 2 Ird. div of AtU'ilst,
18 W, at 'j o'l liK-k ' M nt th.'' court houe
door iu l iuon, I'nii.u ...univ ti. :..n, all
the right. tiiWund int. t-t wl.i. Ii the suid I
John 11 ikir uud Mart; i;i 1 Hiker li;i.l mi,
Particular attention Is invited to my line of
Fishing Tackle,
Which tire iu great variety anil very
reasonable in prices.
In addition to tlio about we carry in stock
nearly every article usually kept iu a (lrt
class ding sure, Including
Sponges, Trusses,
Shoulder Unices,
Brushes, Perfumery,
.NOT1CK r0I5 l'rni.ICATlON.
I.ANO Or.Klt'l. AT 1, (JlUNKK, OH tltN, I
.Inly SO, 1,'Ni. (
Notice is hereby gheu thai the lollow'm;
named seller has filed notice of It's luliii.
ttoti to m like rluttl proof Iu support of bis
clulin. and t list said proof will be matlc be
fore Ucgtster au.l Heectvcr ut l a (irainlc,
OlVKOlt, oil ftepteiultor SI, 188(1,
SilllllUol Mlllttl,
Ibl. No. SStl. for the SW NU NV SK Nti
SAV mulSK NW Sec STottuslilpO Stnith It II
KW'M. He iihihcs the following ltumti'
to prove his cnnHnuoiis ii'.ltleneeup.iii, a d
euitlvmton or, xaid land. vU : .lo.eoh Vnft.
tlttvautor, John Vtt onler, Itlohmtl South,
Mitl Abium VhiuIim miter, all ot I'ntuu, Or.
llKMIV Ul.StillAKI,
Jul.8l-0. lU-nlster.
l.VM OrriCS AT l.A (2ttXtK, Okkoox.i
July . tk j
Notice i hereby given thul tlio fuSlawing
iinm.d di'ei ha nktl uotice of her inten
tion t hi tki Uiml iniuif in support of Iter
l.iin,. mid thut snul jir.xif will Iv uotde Ixf
lore Krinstcr mid Uvcfiverat Im UmmJe,
iircgon. on Aun dU, KM, vis:
Aioumbk diiiiii l.uyil.
lid. No. tut- the W, SK mid K sV
Sc. 11 To. .n.S,.utb It 10 I.W M Mic li.iin,.. 1
thv following w ltnesMs t prove bur euii
tluuuiu riidetice niton, miuI i liivtiuu ot,
suid Uml, vU: O. V. Ilarmyi, 11. I.. Daufh
erty. Itamlall Ituhinson, anil John 'Mttr
phy, till uf Cvvu, Qiioii.
jul.tO-uO-rgx. ItvijUtcr.
nui Ini mm -a )i
n 1
mi. I tonic,
fin men
youngautl niitldle-aged, who have, by their intliscri tjons ,,r execsh eluibilgeiiec, hrmigbt
upon tlieiuselvcs nervous prostration, debility, nenoiisand phy-ical te.ikues, producing
son. o of the following cU'ects : Nervousness, Debility. Dimness of sight. DefcctUe Mem
ory. Pimples on the Pace, Aversion to Society. Want of Ambition. Melaiieholv. Dvsjiep
sia. Ililllo'ismcss, Loss of Power, Paiiin the Muck, etc. , etc. ; for all such tlcrangc'nieiits
a perinmicnt cure is guaranteed by the I'se of TtMis Tin: xtm knt.
Xiiiutii' Trent luent ri-cMM-lbed by the l.cnilllli; lli. slii:tns, Iteail Wtint TlicySny!
.St. Louis, .Mo., I'eb. 10, l.vsi. ally valuable I think it the duly of tin pro
... . . I fusion to make it known.
I' or more than three years I have used j liespcctfullv
(Kor (ibis,)
Coe, - - Oregcn.
Third year begins M'ptcmber Sntl., Ks'M!.
For prospectus giving full information, .ad
dress l(i:v. W. it. POWKI.I.,
ul.l7-tf. Principal.
Leiu'hton Academy,
Ore .oil.
srcnul vear bogln September Slid
For i ro-pcrtus, iiddrcss;
ltKV. W. it. POWKI.I.,'
Jul 17-tf. Principal.
Tam.M! Tui:t.mi:xt with the best results, 1
recall now several easesof seminal weakness
anil debility with all ils evil coitieipiuucos
I have treated during tlio past year, which
have been cured by the use of the Tiikat
munt, and .several of theso cases wore lit the
last stages. The composition of the diU'er
ent inetlicines contained in the Thuumkvt
indicato, mid its elteets prove it to lie a spe
eitlc restorative of nerve ami sexual power.
You aro at liberty to ihc my letter in any
way that willcoiitrlbute to your pleasure i"r
prolit. There tire so manviiearlv worthhs.
prnprietury incdieines ot this kind on the
V.. II A 1. 1.. M. D."
017 Walnut St., m. Louis, Mo,
Tammi Tiii:tmk.t is prescribed daily for
all foriu.s of nervous d'.'bilil in bulb see
as wi ll as for checking tic unnatural secret
losses which cause so much loss of vitality.
The medicines are prompt iu action, mi, 1
permanently restore thrtie we.iUene.l h t ..1
ly indiscretion, cxeesse- or mcrwork of the
brain. A number of physicians have dis
carded nil the hypopliosphitcs, Haniiaiui
phosphorus formulas ami InvnriuMv p e
scribe T.VM Ml TltriTV.KXT with the best results.
I AMU! rilKATMKNT Is eollllloseil of -1 1-
market (and every tin v Is adding to their I cines most aaa-ecible to the tnt.. nn.l w,.n
number) that when one Is found to bo re- 1 tolerated by the stomach,
TAMA 1! TKKATMK.NT is s,,ld on its merits. Kacli package contuiiis all mmlii ines
necessary for over one month's treatment, with full am! complete instructions bmy to ex
orcise, diet, bathe, etc.; priiv, Tam viiTi'Kmmen't, pet-package JfS.0'); three luickages ?5.t o;
sent prepaid ami siitarely sealed on receipt uf prlc.o.
'1 AM A it TltKATM KNT hinitig been usi d so siiccessfully in private practice nud in
the hospitals of St. Louis for the pst fifteen years, and knowing, as we do, it wouilerrul
curative etlects, ue will give the ft Mowing guarantee: Willi each order for .'1 packages
(ft month's treatment), enclosing $.V. we will send our written guarantee tn refund Tiic
money il the Tut: tmk.nt docs not cllcct a euro. Packages sent C. t ). D. on receipt of t.
us sccuritv iiu'ttiiist loss. Semi moiiev bv 1 prcss, p. o. M,,in v tJi.lcr o- n 'istered let
ter, at our risk. Adtlross; K J,. MLAKi: X CO., Sole Propriilcrs. s. W Cor 0th ami
Mar kct Sts., St. Louis-, Mo.
126 First St., PORTLAND, OB.
No charges for filling orders.
f. a jfc a J A A y
tv V V V V
Having rented, the oltl Maud formerly occupied by 1. A. lhktiwitx,
1 lmvo PKKMAN'EXTLY LOCATED nud' opened up a
New, Full and Complete Assortment of
twy on
"Our Darling" .
Tor ale by .Tones Pro's. ole iigcnts, lu.
Ion, Oregon.'
jul.lT-tf. IlOKX A-CO. .'
Earn) For Sale.
11 s6mm mi immmm
m Mmm i mum em
mi mwua Mil iiiPijiiii
C'lHitainiii'.' .".-.'0 acres of good land, situ
tttetl one iii;ii'tcr of a mile Last of siiiiimer
vllle, all under teiice. There Is an ordinary
tlwelling house nu It, ami a goutl burn anil
outbuildings, it has a good well, and is
itdtlltloiudly supplied witli water I, v ,1 stream
which Hows tlirotigh It. About niic-half of
the land is midercultlvatlon. Will sell It for
Si 050 per acre. ;.
which will include r,e following farm im--)
pb mints; one mower, 1 rnke, :: JnenMng,,'
plows, l harrow, 1 roller, I econd hr.iul,'
wa-cn ami huriie, oiii-hidf interest in one
hcul r, in.i-ioiails, lit'ono silnlc, :C .toils'
ot I, i , imi . it Ii. 1 tiling- too numerous ft
u I. ili w id c!.,vu. U is .1
HOOTS tint! SHOES, HATS mul CAPS, etc. vi'v.
New (iotnU tv Coiwuntly Arriviujr, autl all Dejwrtmetit tf tin- Sti.rc
M"3 in. .ition, A
jm .'...! bar.., .
J-'f p ,1,111,1 1
r nli''on c ill .it ibis ntlii-i.
will U kept Kl'I.L mul COMl'LHTE,
'Bll Tf ATlh!ff 2 OS lyT T v
And invite ovetylody to eonie am e.snniine soihI. leru pric. and
judg for tlwmetlvtw. 1 lU'Y and EI.I, FOR CASH.
My motto U:
-A.- -Hi. S.XJ2sTIDiDS, Proprietor,
IU wciritis qualltlr ore unturpasstxl. actualir
mitlaitlnj; IwoIhjimi f nnyol!ierlran.l. ttealrota
aal OU. lilsT Till: (i EN tOw
vou bu: nv
Orcgou nud Wimblnittaii Tur, Merchaut
uud Ui'ulcr b'cnvrullj".