'I LITTLE LADIES' WALK. flUNK n. STIUUFFEIt IK OOOD iiousnrsncrixo. There were cricket In the bushe?, And plow worm? In the pro, Ami the crows nmonp the J) ue trees Were holding nolsv mn, And the harebells were n-rlnglag To greet the little lass. From the topmost rail n squirrel Winked nt her with one eve; She .atighcd to see a peacock With "nancy strut go by, And then an ugly hop-toad Made her run away and cry. She toddled home unsteady, With dilapidated look; One shoo was In the brambles, Ttie other In the brook; Her parasol was minus The little wary crook. Her hair was all a tannic. There were blisters on her noe, Her face was stained with berries, And rumpled were her clothes. Ami through her draggled stockings Peeped out her pink white toes. Poor thing I She Is so "dreadful sleepy" The "Sand man" he went past; She wants some "milk an' cookies" To break the hour's fast And of the "jollv fun"' she had We'll never hear the last 1 A LOYEJt'S QUARTETTE. "Well, if you can't get your own con cur, Mrs. Decry, I suppose you can't," aid Mr. Perrin. his reproachful gaze Ixuil upon the lly pronienailinir the wiil iw's plum) wrist. "I hail hoped on rc Icction that you would come to consid t my proposal favorabiy, but it seems on think vou couldn't be happy with ue." "I couldn't bo happy with IJoxann," csponded tho lady impetuously: then, shocking herself, she Hushed like tho roodbino at tho window, and in her urn gazed down upon tho itinerating iy- "Oh, if you refuse me on account of is tor, Mrs. Decry, 1 really can't take no' for an answer," cried her suitor rith an encouraged air. Tho widow's gaze never swerved rom tho insect, now dialling its sti 11 .ned legs upon her thumb. "You'd have no trouble in getting on rith sister, I'll wager," perued tho gcr wooer. "You rarely seo an eveu-r-tempered woman." "Yes, that's just it, Mr. Pcrrin; Hox .na's too perfect," broke forth tho lady, irushing away the lly with startling en irgy. "It would fidget me to deatli to ive with her. She's a chosen vessel, md I'm only common clay." The widow Deery, common clay, in Iced! Mr. 1'orrin would have divined hn contrary unaided by the ollicious unbeam which daited out at that in tant to point out her manifold attrae ious. IJeing deeply in love, lie took ad antago of his opportunity to ,pay a landsome compliment and to renew is suit. For ono intoxicating moment his air listener wavered, but the moment assed. "Hush, please, Mr. Pcrrin! Don't say my more about it!" cried she, witli a oss of her bewitching brown curls. "I night care for you" the tremor in her oico was very nearly his undoing "1 night care for you, but 1 could not ireatho witli ltoxana. Think how my ittlo boy would worry her! She wouldn't peak an unkind word, but every tinio io left sticky linger-prints on a 'door 1 lionlil feel that she wished that lie and lis mother had staid away." "I might" Mr. Pcrrin paused, hocked at his base impulse. Had ho dually been about to remark that lie night provido sister witli another mine? sister, who but for devotion to lis interests, might now be matronizing home of her own? Dear, faithful Soxana! Could he ever requite her for hose weary years of watchfulness be ide the couch of his helpless, dying rife? Tho full measure of tho sacri ice lie had known at the time, but now uid no doubt that for Climena's sako aid his she had discarded Joel Kuiy. Co, no; sister should never be requested o vacate the dwelling over which she lad-ruled so long and so well! And to Jr. Perrin's credit be it slated, that in ho ardor of his passion for the little nilow lie closed ins lips on tho disloyal rords that perchance m ght have won ier, and strode forth from her cottage .rejected lover. Mr. Perrin's feet had traversed tho neadow and ascended the slope of tho tast.iro adjoining ere his mind had aught up with them. Then ho inur nured half audibly: "I wonder wheth r Kirby did call this afternoon? When saw his team coming over tho ridge, t struck mo I might as well steal off hroiigh tho orchard. Considering he's o the neighborhood looking up old rionds, he can't civilly pass by ltoxana; nd I wouldn't bo "a hindrance in use. " His soliloquy merged into a low rhistlo of satisfaction. Ho had cached tho bars opposite his own gate, .ud at tho gate, his fore-feet deep in a ioIIow pawod by their impatience, tood Mr. Kirby's gay sorrel. At tho spectacle Mr. Perrin's heart lounded within h.ni and ho grasped tho upmost ra 1 for support. Should lie pail tho forgotten liorao away to tho table, or should ho by so doing ap car to take too much for granted? (o desired to bo hospitable, he desired o be exceedingly hospitable, but ho mist not convey tho impression that ho ms ovor-zealous for a brother-in-law, ml thus annoy ltoxana. Sister was so tstidious! hi unprecedented excitement the lia litually easy-going man debated with in ti himself regarding tho course of con Met befitting this exceptional occasion, ml firmllv iinl rith tho probablo wooing in no pnrticu-1 nr. rtiiuiumgjy no crept quietly .round to tho porch door with a sur .iptitious glance- at tho sitting-room indow in passing, a brisk liro of Jiips rovonled to him his rather prim l ondo sister heated in a low rocker be ure tho hearth, and Joel Kirby leaniii"1 gainst the mantel near Iter, volubly iscoursing. "They've opened tho ball without no, 1 (juess," iniiheil the skulking host iss facetiously, as lie hitched his chair long to tho kitckon stovo to laaza his feet in the oven. "Seeing that it's the iirst visit, 1 must say that Joel stays it out well. Unqiiostion-bh he meaiA business. What's to prevent"? lie's a first-rate fellow and' II make a kind husband. If I wasn't sure of that 1 wouldn't consent to Ins having ltox ana. I should hate in have him take her out to Cal.forn a. I hope it is true that he has bought back tho old home stead. Well, well, wouldn't 1 like to be a little mouse in tho sitting-room wall about this time?" Could ho have had his wish a most astonished little mouse would tho wor thy man havo presented. "You aro tho most morbidly con scientious person, ltoxy, that 1 know of," Mr. Kirby was saying with a frown that scored his forehead with horizontal lines like tho stall" in written music. "If 1 could only convince you that it was your duty to become my wife, 1 should stand some chance of getting you; but unluckily for me, you've cher ished tho notion that you must keep house for your brother until you " "Brother needs me," murmured Miss ltoxana, tears swelling in her eyes of "baby blue." "And don't I need you? Haven't I somo rights? During your stricken sister's illness I consented to waivo these, but now slio is gone and I want vou." "Don't Joel, don't." "1 tell you 1 do, and I can't help it," cried Mr. Kirby with grim humor. "When I couldn't move you by letter 1 resolved I'd come and speak for myself. You used to say vou loved me, lloxv. Can't you" "You know plenty of other ladies, Joel, younger and more pleasing," fal tered Miss ltoxana, nervously smooth ing tho palo gild.ng of hair that framed her temples in a gothic arch. "They arc nothing to me," replied the gentleman curtly, as if he esteemed the fact a matter of regret. Assured of tho favor of moro than ono pretty girl of his acquaintance, was it not a little hard that the full current of his being must needs bo set toward this unresponsive woman of thirty? It had been ever thus witli Joel Kirby from his perverse childhood, when, if lie wanted cake, no human power could induce him to nibble gingerbread. "No, ltoxy, there's only one woman in the world for me," he continued in a softer tone. "Your brother is of a dif ferent temperament. Has it never oc curred to you that ho may marry again?" "Brother marry! Oh, no, indeed, he'll never marry never!'1'' cried Miss ltoxana, grounded and rooted in tho belief that her brother's heart was en tombed with tho dead Climena. "No, ho could not take another wife, and you sec ho has only me. I couldn't be so cruel as to leave him." To all Mr. Kirby's subsequent plead ings sho made this same reply, but it soothed his chafing spirit not a littlo that sho made it with faltering, and that she parted from himself witli tears. As tho sound of his rapid wheels died away in tho distance she hastily dried her oyes and hurried into tho kitchen to seo about tho belated supper. Mr. Porrin still gloating over castles in Spain, looked up with the roguish pur pose of addressing her as "Mrs. Kir by," but dismayed at her troubled countenance, remarked instead that tho "days were getting shorter" a fact that she had observed before. He felt as if lie had received a blow. For him there was, there could be, but ono interpretation of his sister's un wonted emotion. Site loved Kirby, and Kirby no longer cared for her. Poor girl, she dreamed that a man's ulleetions were like granite boulders, incapable of change, and she was awakening with a shock. Hapless ltoxana! Sho too had her trials. Keenly sympathetic, tho magnanimous brother concealed his own disappointment as best ho could, and lavished upon his sorrowful sister an ex cess of tenderness. "You have the knack of spoiling mo for other folks' cooking, littlo woman, that's tho truth," said he at tea-time, ostentatiously heaping his plato with cream toast. "How should 1 ever got along without you?" "That'll make her feel that I ap preciate her if Joel doesn't, he mused benevolently; while sho, on her side of tho tabic, was thinking, "It's just as 1 suspected; it would kill brother to lose me." "Oh, you'd manage somehow. May bo you'd marry," sho ventured timidly, almost hearing the fluttering of tho lost Climena's wings. "Poll! poll! sister, nothing seems less likely," answered hor brother, in a voice so sad that Miss ltoxana eluded herself for having oponod her old wound afresh. But she had done it for Joel's sako. Sho owed it to Joel to make sure that there could bo no mis understanding. Tho October days with thoir noonday patches of stinshiiio and their heavy borders of twilight caino and went. In a spasm of hope that tho charming wid ow might yet consent to sharo the do mestic scepter witli his sister, Mr. Pcr rin made a second proposal, only to ro ceivo a second decided, though Matter ing refusal. Mr. Kirby repeated his call upon Miss ltoxana, anil departed, cursing fate, and by no means loving Mr. Pcrrin, whom ho supposed perfectly acquainted with tho relations between himself and ltoxana. Overtaking Mr. Pcrrin ono day walking homo from tho nost-oilice, Mr. Kirby with inward re luctance asked him to ride. With oqual reluctance Mr. Perrin accepted, reflect ing, "If I ain't civil ho'll tako it that I'm mad bocauso ho doosn't renew his oiler to ltoxana, and 1 wont humor him." "Heavy frost last night," growlod Mr. Kirby. "Very," nssontod tho othor, con scious of an inward chill. "Winter is upon us. Shall you spend it in Maine?" "My plans aro uncertain," snarlod Mr. Kirby; adding, mentally, "Thanks to you, sir," "Of courso you can choose your own climate. Thoro's tho advantage of having plonty of monoy aud no family ties." "No family tios! Whoso fault was it that ho had no family ties?" mused tlio irate bachelor, making rapid paces over his long board as if ho would mes merize the pain in hi breast. "Might not ltoxana havo boon his wife years ago but for the necessities of this bullish brother?" "Though 1'vo lately hoard it hinted, fool, that you are thinking of marry ing." Mr. Perrin blundered on. in li s embarrassment aing the very tiling he had resolved nut to say. Mr. Kirby snapped ids whip, aiul translixed his companion with a glance so frigid that poor Mr. Perrin shivered as if he was impaled on an icicle. "Your cousin is a lino girl, Joel an uncommonly line girl. 1 I congratu late vou," he stammered, wishing it would do to got out and walk. "You aro too kind. Perrin too kind by half," sneered Mr. Kirby, letting go the reins of his anger, "l on ve robbed mo of one bride, sir. and now vou want to make amends, do you, by choosing me another? "Vhv, Kirbv, what aro vou raving about? When have I injured you - matrimonially or otherwise? cried Air. Perrin in a tone of injured innocence. "You're laboring under some strange delusion." "Do you protend it's a delusion of mine that but lor you ltoxana woitiu ue my wife?" "Oh, he's twitting mo on old scores," mused Mr. Perrin, aggrieved. "He blames me for letting sister give up her prospects in life for Climena's sake, bister would do it and sho never told mo there was anything between her and Joel. " lien a man s in a tight place, Joel, he's apt to realize his own needs better than the needs of his brethren, 1 suppose," ho said aloud after a moment's pause. "But I'm sorry if you bear mo a grudge." "Tight place! Do you call yourself in a tight place, Perrin a strong, hearty fellow like you? You ought to to be independent of your sister. You ought to hire a housekeeper and let ltoxi'iia go." "Let ltoxana go! Where?" inter roaated the befogged Mr. Perrin. "Wherever she prefers to live. I should let her decide that after we wcro married." replied Mr. Kirby, impatient ly. "The main point is to get her away from you. She says you say you couldn't live without her!" "Yes, I ('( say it I did say it; but I take it all back, cried Mr. Perrin. fair ly blinking in the light that suddenly illuminated his darkened mind. "1 see things clearer than 1 did, JooL 1 won't stand airy longer between you and ltox ana." "Your hand on it?" 'My hand on it, Joel. I shall bo glad proud, that is to give sisler to you; and if you aro going on up to the house you can tell her I said so.'' "Thank you, Perrin thank you. And if I've spoken sharply I beg your par don," cried Mr. Kirby, smiling like a Santa Clans. "Oh. it's all right. Everything is all right," replied Mr. Perrin, too happy to keep it to liunscK. "Drop me here Kirby, please; I have an engagement to make. And make it to-day 1 shall and I will. Clod willing," ho added beneath his breath, as ho dismounted before the iloor of tho widow Deery. The Art of Conversation. The line art of conversation is liltlo cultivated. Yet how much of positive value it lends to life! Of all tho means by which one can give pleasure to an other this is the very best; yet, althotigli it would seem to bo within tho roach af every one, there are few of us. in deed, who have ever taken part in a "eally gootl conversation. This lvaliu of conversation would seem to be pre eminently the woman's kingdom, and history tells of women who, by means of this rare art, havo inlluonced whole periods and social states. Such aw.de lower is not accorded to every woman: in its "highest expression conversation is a gift rather than an art; but any woman may aspire to putting at ease every ono who approaches her. and dill'using an atmosphere of bright and graceful thought around. To bring out tho best thoughts of one's inter locutor is, perhaps, the highest touch of this dainty art; and, indeed, there is something almost divine in it when it reaches this stage, for to redeem from tho commonplace and to inspire with loftier mood is a godlike rather than a human work. Such an art is worth cultivating; but how? There is no text-book of conver sation, no method of talking prescribe. I in tho schools. It is ono of tho things that must bj learned by doing it. Yet wo set down as a fundamental rule that, to converse well, three things are necessary; tho Iirst is sympathy,' and tho second is sympathy, "and tho third is sympathy. To go out of one's self, to meet thoso with whom ono talks, not half wav, but clear upon their own ground; to lift tho veil from their best thought this is tho secret of good con versation. It is talking, as Bacon tells us, which makes the ready man; but not all talking makes tho ready con versationalist. Not monologue, nor talk in which tho center of interest is in tho talker. There must bo tho clash of counter-interest, tho friction of mind and mind, tlioshuttlecock play of words thrown quickly to ami fro. Anthony irollope lavs down as a rule for novelists that cnnversn'ou should bo broken into short soutenco-; that no ono utterance should bo allowed mre than a certain number of linos. Th rule holds good beyond tho limits of the novel; short sentences, unincumbered bv parenthesis or explanatory clauses. are absolutely essential to conversation It is not politeness, but the nature of things, which forbids the speak, r to monopolize conversation. Conversa tion ceases tho moment talk becomes a monologue. A great man now and then, Iiko Coleridge, might bo per mitted to do all the talking; but that is not conversation which ho doe-i, but something quite dillerent, however val uable. Jliiilreil Correct.; her Brother. "Why, James, what is tho inattor?" asked tho lllgh School girl, as her brother caino in with his eve blackened. "O, had a fight with a couplo of kids: but I'll get at 'em ono at a time and tako it out of their hides, seo if I don't," replied Jim. "U, James, uon t nay "taKo it out oi thoir hides,' that is vile slang. Say, ex tract it from their epidermis."--Ma burgh Chronicle-Telegraph. liotVloiiiil ICIIiinrtle prevents some doctors from ndvertislnc tlieir loll, but e are bound by no such i ittv nt .i:mt rn!i"t ind think that if wo ilinkr a disi-.ivery that in id lioiielit to our fellow k, we omjlit to spread the fact to tho whtilo li ml. I lu-reioio ue catisv to 1)0 pull- ( lished tliriui.'liiii.t the In ml th fift that Dr. It. V. Pierce's "Golden Medicnl Dis covery" is the best known remedy for con- sumption (scrofula of the lung) and kindred diseases. Send 10 conts in stamps for Dr. Pierce's complete treatise on con sumption, with uiiHiirpiiNScd means of pelf treatment. Address, World's Dispensary Medical Association, GGU Main Street, Hut fulo, X. V. Pntti's full nnmo Is now Adeln, Junnn Mnrin Gulla Patti Xicullni. Unlike other cnthnrtirs, Dr. Pierco's "Pellets" do not render the bowels costive niter operation, but. on the contrary, establish a permanently healthy action, lluixo k.vtihi:l,y VKdKTAiit.v:, no particular care is required while uaini; them, lly ill-Heists. The youthful Ktnperor of China la seri ously ill with consumption. Secret, involuntary drains upon tho system promptly cured. Largo book Rhine particulars. 10 cent it in stamps. Address, World's Dispensary Medical As sociation, (!t)!t Main Street, Ibilfalo, N. Y. Inquisitivcness id tho creation of indo lence. ItlllloiiMif k, IM..hio", Nullum, ICtc, Aro relieved by Ca mint's Little Liveii 1'ills. The lending baggage smasher nltro- glycerine. a .hos t i,nii:ii.i. oi'nat! Tin: Voltaic 1Ii:i.t Co., Marshall, Mich, olfer to send their Celebrated Voltaic Hults nnd Klectiic Appliances on thirty days' trial to any man nfllicted with Nervous De bility, Loss of Vitality, Manhood, ifcc. Il lustrated pamphlet in- si:ii.i:: i:.nvi:loimj with lull particulars, mailed free. Write them nt once. Mrs. Hie;;, of Cliicajo, wnnts n dlvorco, In order Hint seme other man may hug her. IMsn'i lli mrdj lorCatarrn ! agreeable to uae. It ti not liquid or a inull. ivc- When finished. Tmcdo l'ark will have coat l'iurie loullnrd fully $800,000. Don't fail to f.ee the Hattli: or Gkttts Jirmi when you visit Om ha. Special rates to excursion pnrties. D.II.Whoclor,Jr, Sec'y Tho nto hour law the noon uhistlo. J. Ti. Edwards, who took a courso nt Elliott's Business College, Burling ton, In., is now book-keeper for tho Merchants National Bank of Burling ton. "Shoo lly!" Is tho favorite song among housekeepers. Hall's llnir Itcnewcr is cooling to tho sculp and cures all itching eruptions. Tor ague, bilious, intermittent, break bone, and Hwump fevers, use Ayer'a Ague Cure. Tho days are putting in their work on tho shortening process. Send -10 names of young men and women to Omaha Commercial College. 11 Id Knr nam St., and receive College Journal frco one year. You can get turtlo eggs for fifteen cents n, dozen at Savannah. Old pill boxes are spread over the land by tho thousands niter having been emp tied by Kufleiing humanity. What a mass oi sickening, disguiting mediciuo tho poor stomach has to contend with. Too much strong medicine. Prickly Ash Hitters is rapidly and surely taking tho placo of all this class of drugs, and is curing nil the ills nrisim; from a disoidered condition of tho liver, kidneys, stomiuh and bowels. A poetical nddress to tho globo begins, "Hull on, 0 ball." The success of students- who recoivoa prac tical business education at tho Lincoln It lis iness College is remarkable. Business houses in thoHtato are supplied by them. Sunstroke may occur in the sliudc. For Cuts, Galls, Old Bores, Bcratch bs, Thrush, otc, uso Stewart's Heal ing Powder, 15 and 50 conts a box. Ignorance too olten mistakes conceit for dignity. If Hlllletrd with Soro Hyes, uso Dr. Isnno Thompson s KjuWutcr. DniKghits soil II. o Tho Boston Pilot thinks Unit Bright's diseaso is envy of Mr. Gludstono. Tho Oiuiiha Typ foundry can furnish new newspaper outllts on short notice. Prices sumo us in Chicago aud freight already paid to Omaha. Motto for coal denlcrs and to weigh it." 'Learn to labor So thoroughly Identtned witli Ilooi'i Sarparlll, la not n catch line only, Lul li ulnolutely Irue of thli preparation; and It la aa aoaolutcly Iruu that It can lionratly be applied i nly to Hoo l'j Earaaparllla. which la the very beat tonic medicine and blood purifier. Now, reader, prove It. Tako a bottle homo nnd meamre lta contents. Tou will And It to hold 110 tcaapoonfula. Nuirrcal the directions and yoim 111 find that the nverase loe for pjraona of dlfterent agea la lesa than a tcaipoonful. Thu economy and atrength are peculiar to IIoo l'a Bar aapirllla. "1 have been In poor health aerrr tl yeara, aufTerlnt from Inllseulon, rcailcttneta In the night, and In tho mornlns I would get up with a very tired feeling, Afier tak iu only a part of the first buttle of HoJ a Bartapirtila I could rcU well all night and feel re freshed when I woke up. I muat auy Ilia- ilood'a Kama: adlla la all li la ri'cginincndrd to !e " II aa. II. I). Wixans.SW KailMiisjn. St., Jackson, Mich. Hood's Sarsaparilla I by all druggla'a. tit all for 5. Prepared o .'. I. 11000 li CO.. Apothccarlea, Lowell, 11 100 Doses Ono Dollar tTlfvsM Any mltllto twllT, ATaiviMTfim thiy si MciasTiii,- ai muni irin i"ii TO tTIl ON! 0WTMI'aTltT TIHl'lWyHIltM SWItU TMtyaTltimiSUSTMIOte.tHDOttlf. ' Smith's miallesns are poaltlra onr for Jiillnnsptii. i'ha original Photograph, uau Rlck Headache, OonitlHtlo. nU ImllKestion. DOSE : ONE el slza, of lb picture lent . ou ra BEAN. They atimnlils the Urer and act freely on theUo w celpt oflOo In sUmpe. Addrest, ela without griping-, alckeulnjf the Stomach, or wjake bIii It ILK I1ICANB, the system. Price 25c. per Bottl. Far sale by all Drugltts. St. Louis, Mo. ssWl pish I Nona frnalft vntm nn't ,,( vniirtnnncrnn lUiBfxa wuq in IWH TRAP MIKKi II IblDlllieir K'lcr Sim mwi raw,, nu n ill crp ju uty III m ! Ask lor tlia1 lull IHtANO" sucaaa and take mi oihsr, If joursto ,,,!, -ri.ii aKtmi' . and lorilff rlrr iviif ilslnifim to A J. TOWKIt.ai Blmmonatit, jlostonMass ' JJvtirytlilntr ptrtat'iilnsr to a Thoroiich nualnrae Kitueatlon Ivtirj tliliic ptrtat'iilnsr to n Thoroiich fluslnrsa Kitucutlou Annul Duslotaa Practice, Peutaaaatitp, Ilbak-keepior. tic. Kor sDecimtaiof l'tniusaabip sad Collsn 'nt&al, adaicia ilATUUUM A UAlLUV, Omalia, Nab. Ti'i von t iiii v f u...t,.r. iMi.ii r. IX TII15 COI'XTUV A i.i. sr.mncit. The tunn who taket his lamily into tb country for the suuuni'i' should remember that ho vt ill save Iin eluldien a ici' ileal of pain nnd hiim If n law amount nt money in doetois' bills if he is thoughtful enough to carry a supply of I'kkiiy Davis' Pain Kll.l.mt. The medicine is a standard speeilie for all raxes of mi nip, colic, cholera morbus, diarrhien, or dysentery. Tho pest of the period the mosquito. If you once trj Carter's Littlo Liver Pills for sick headache, biliousness or constipa tion you will never bo without them. Tliej aro purely vegetable. Small and en9y to take. All druggists sell them. Tho rsi'ronds nre prolific breeders ol strikes nnd labor wars. For tlio Itlooil, Nerve And Complexion, use Caktuu's Iuon Pills. A young mother in Ohio bit olf hcrchild'a nose in a dream. Ltos' Patent Heel Sttffcncr tatho onty Invention that makra old boots atra Ktit as new. The latest comet is traveling nt tho rat of 1)08,000 miles nn hour. THE BEST TONIC. This medicine, combining Iron with pure ycRetablo tonic, oulekly and completely I'urm IvKirplii, imllKt'ntlun, enluims, Impure Itlooil, .11 nlarln,( hills anil l''eror, stuil NrtirnlKlit. . . Itlsnn iiiilulllnc remedy for Diseases of th Kidney nml Liver. It Is lnvnlunlilo for Pl.cnes perultnr to Women, an. nil who lend sout'iitnry lives. It doe not i Hire the teeth, cause bendachc.or produce, consllpntlon oirr Iron medicines ilo. It enriches and purities the blood, stimulates tho nppettte, aids the assimilation of food, re lieves Heartburn and belching, and strength ens the muscle and nerves. For Intermittent fevers. Lassitude, I-aclc of Energy, tc.. It ha no equal. S3- The genuine hns nbovo trade mark and crossed rd Unta on wrapper. Take no other. iu....i,K. mtiwji cumictL CO., ntl.Tinoni. hd IT ISA PURELY VEGETABLE PREPARATION '"WAff lCil RARrf '""noire PRICKLY prICKlYASH 5ENNA-MANDRAKE-BUCHU ANO OTHER CqUAUyttrlCIEMTHWCOIES It ha i stood the Tost of Ytarg. in uurmp an Diseases or tno SLUOU, LIVER, STOM ACH, KIDNEYS.BOW EIS.&c. It Purifies tho Blood, Invigorates and BITTERS uioantos tae oysicm. DYSFEPSIA.CONSTI PATION, JAUNDICE, SICKHEADACHE, BIL IOUS COMPLAINTS, Ac disappear atonco undor its boneflclal influence. It is purely a Medicine as its cathartic proper ties forbids its uso as a beverage. It is pleas ant to tno tasto, and as oHsllv taken by child CURES A1LDISEASESQFTHE LIVER KIDNEYS STOMACH AND BOWELS. ren, as adults. AILDRUGGISTS PRICKLY ASH BITTERS CO Solo 1'roprlotora, fiT.Louia aud Kan bah Oxtt PRICElDOILAR ..ELY'S.. .Catarrh CRbAMbALM Clonuses the Head. Allay, lull a iu niatioii. Iicnls-tlio Sores. Restores the Senses of Taste, Smell, HcarliiL'. A quick Hellerl & rositiro cnro.HAY-FEVER A partlclo Is applied tnti each roitrll and la ngrrca ble tn use. l'rli'ii ) eta In- mall or nt ilriiin-'lais. Send for circular. KI.Y IlltOTllLItS, ilruKl!lta.O'CBO,N V "DRAW CUT" BUTOHEItS' MACIIINE8. Choppers, Hunduiid 1'owcr, StnfTers, Lard Presses. Warranted thorough' made, andtbe U&tJT IN liaU. 31 UltHAY I icon ironies, ISurllncton, I on it. FltEt TO V.A.JI. TI.. Color.d tiarrstlnr l Its 014 BiaTinn la I'kll.J.lpnl. la Wblcb At flnl lil(t In N. Ani.rtrt mtt TrIb1 and fealj. Alts Islfs lllustrtt4 C.U!o(ua f M..oiile beet. s.d rt.di with botl.Di prlc.a, A1.4 nfr.r of fir.l tlstf U.lB.uto Y. A. M. ItKiinivu A 1 11 . lu.sls fultUibsrs sad l&ufMturfrl,T4! Ltre4wsj,Nit Ysrtt llnblt, Qnlekly and TalntM. ly cured at home. Corrraps-iidenca sullelted and r (rial of cure ssal lioneatlnrestlRators. Tint IIumambi Itcua-DT CourAXT, Lafajreltc. ln- DAVENPORT BUSINESS COLLEGE skml) Von catai.oul'k Tj llUXUAJi da JI.lWKsi. J)uynport, Iowa. 65 A MONTH fVr'iPU'i Yoiinif Mm or Ijidiis in inch count VAY, ZlJiUMSK 4 CO, Olilcaso, Jit. W. N. U., Omaha .12 0-30. BRg5g jjf 1 IzUzl IHI 1 1 U PFrv's'sBi XX ii OPIUM I iflKFR LIUIbH ?cr Mafic. I a rum or rubber tosL ThnFIfill IlItA VI) BUCirr.Ii ardctt storm wiur atArrkeencr doei unit tn a lfontha. Monti Vineg-as Bitters IttliCKrcnt IMoinl I'urtfJernndLlfe-gWnr Prluclpie; a lienll- l'liratur nnd Tonic; aperfea llcnovtor nnd luvi."iri .'r of tho syctcm. Sit VInii;nr Uittcria there Is vitality but no alcohollccr ml rul poison. Illsotifs offlto Mtiii,of Trhnfprer narna or nature, aro literally- duff up and cnrrleit out of tho system In n short time by tlie use of the Blttera. Vliirirnr i:itoriAllavfererislinesa. Isp" Itcves, and In 'ta'c eures lilieuniatlaui, KeuratKlat, Uout, and similar imluful diseases. VliifRar Hitler cures Constipation and prevents Diarrhaa. SenT before hns a mdllclrjo been com pounded posscsslnc tho power ot YisnaAn Bit tkih to hrnl tho el k. Setitl for either of our valuable refercticai hooka for indies, fornrniers, for nierchantg. pur Medical Treatise on 1'lsenses, or our Catechism ou Inte niiienmce and Toliacco, w htch last should Ikj tcmI by every child and youth In tho land. Aitf tivo of the aliovo books mailed froo on receipt of four cents for registration fees. j U.1I. McDonald Drnj Co., 632 WahlngtonSL,IT.Ya EXHAUSTED VITALITY. ILI.USTH.VTKD SAJ1PLE I'llKE. KHOW THYSELF. A Orf at Mf.l'eil Wi rk on Manhnod. Vsryoui anst riDBlcal H'1'lllij. Premature Iiccllra In Man. XX' nautti'd Vtlallly, Ap ,tr , and the untold miseries rem tine from indtrretlun or excrases, 300 paicea. lubttsnilally li uiul In Kilt, inutlln. Contains mora than Yii Intaluablu prrscrlptlont, einbractne eyerf rrcetsble reiiieity In the phnrinaeirpla for all acuta and rlironlc UUeaies. It la en.phaitcallr a book for evrrr man, Price only tl bj mall poatpald, conceals In plain wrapper II. LUST It ATI YK S A M Vl.r. ritKR TO AU fount and mtdule ntrA men for the nrit ninety dija, Brnd now, or cut ilila out, at ynn mnj never sse t again Addieaa Dn, W li. PAllKt.U, 1 Uulllnch aU, liiptin. K II. Or Parker can be cnnndrnttally consults on all illar af a (if man, bla specialties ASK FOR TIIH L. DOUGLAS llent materlM, perfect flt, equali any 15 nr$6hot3i. every pair warrHiitrd. Ink en one nnlcsa stamped " . 1. woiiKins is w mioo. arranicu." iodhtcii. lillUOn ft.lt 1 l.UCO. llOVrt llIC ST.. 4 1.. IV I k.'.iiiylnul mn ill Jit IMMihiiin nA. K.nn Nluin. isitiiip mt u WV liio fiw Mioe. xi yuu cnunui KCh HIVPK Simrs ss was. i.toi- i n soml ofldras on notttal f.l tr W 1.. Don rrl im- .vV.f XX 3D PAYSthoFREICHl 5 Ton WnKon Hcnlr Iroa Lcvrri. Htrcl lifRrlBKi. tmm Tut llefcui and Urtm Kot far $60. CTfrriu V Dicntlnn thl rApfr satid tMbtrfM JONES OF DlNGHAMTOH. HIXillA.HTOsN, N. Ym ZINC COLLAR PAD. most relubls nn.l iiam bla l'AI) for Ntirv iircli hwrr or iuuIm Wcuther or wear haa nl effect nn their curaUfl firupei tie. Our oops with tras maJM thf in n'lf adJURtlng. W Nnllcll 11 Irlnl. K- rravlA by all Rartdlprr Jobbir . Aik your liarnras maker for Mirm y.INO CO I-l.Alt XA1I COM llucbnnnn. Mich. No? It I m ruMM 8CND STAMP TO Tree fl.n.GHDTTEMDEH &B0. '""AW "c m VJ"" T0C9 I"1' NEW ENGLAND CONSERVATORY 0F MUSIC Boston, Mass. THE LARGEST and BEST EQUIPPED tnlhs WORLD 100 liilruiloM,'.iMMinlciitilat ytsr Tlior. ougli Instriirtloti In Vucslanil InatriiTiicutal Aluslo rianosnj Oman Tunlnr, tin ArU, Oratory, Literature, French, tier, man and Italian LaniuaKea, Kn frllslt llran. hri.nyinnaallrs. etc. Tulllnii,! Tin $llt hoard and rmilti wlthbteam II stan4 Klertrlo Llrht, $Ut.i$7ftif rtrrm. Pnll Torm beglnl Sp. IfinbfrD, lHMl. For Illustrated Calendar, villi lull lnfi.rinalKi aildrcia. K. TOUlUin;. Dir., riauklla &i DOS-IDN, Alsa ESTERBB00KS11 tS SW B sVTrrcrmonnetA Leading Nos. : 14, 048, 130, 135, 333, 161. For Salo by all Stationers. THE ESTERBROOK STEEL PEN CO., Works : Caindcu, N. J. 20 John St., New Yoria CUKES WHERE All ELSE FAIIS. But ()iutli Hyrun. Ttntmcooil. TJae lime. r.tnii i aVavwil r uns ' iSalHiwl i CONSUMPTION I bars a soalllvs ranittlr lurlfe. alMiva ulit.i't trllaa tlssisoda sfraa.a of tits wont klu4 aud of lour susdlaf tavt t-t.n curtd. IqIc.J, a air iur la my UUli In lis 9&tLcrt ib. 1 1 win i.nd tiyu norri.i.5 rr.KK, io.n..r wiia a tal. UAUI.IC TKKITI'K on this dli.n.,!. any aulT.rsr. CllycKa. rr.i sad r. O. sddian. UK. T. A. SWCVU, 111 riscl BU,fUXJ FACE. HANDS, FEET. I aod all their ImirlKtlos., locluJIni yadal. i.Ttioiiti.ul, MiiMinuou iiair, niria suaraa, Mslai. Warn. MolV Fr.rtl... II. I hus. Aca.. vfTl Ulack II.. Hi. Aran. I'Hlloir and tb.lr ImlaMad. Wi-Z.'i r JOHN H, WOODBURY, . OV N. IWISI. ill,,.,, .. V. fc.tVH 1.10. tanJIUclubook. W i fk Dafnen and Natal Catsrrti I" V Lt" h I M pennanentlr rured. Olaaaaa as mmm BasrauM nt tied far all forma of defso. .ncWeNOSE & THROAT Inserted. Addreil Dr. 1M TKY, Omatia, Neb, A P"ltlT nre. No Kairj KoPlsaler. No rain. Vt O, l'r"c UsrtUslltsirn.lffwa, Ilardv'a Kye llalin cures SORE EYES Atdruritlsiaur by inatlKo tv. Jtl'ENICK, bt. JUC'.MO, LIST OF DISEASES ALWAYS CURABLE DV U3INO MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT. 07 muis FLESH. Rbeumallam, Hurt) a undHcutda, Htlngannd Itltea, Cuta nnd Urulaca, Hprnlna AiHlltehea, iCoutraclrdSIuiclea, BtllT Joints, HacUucbe, Eruptions, l'roat lilies, of xmuivu Scratchea, - Sorea nnd Galta Spavin, Cracka, Scretr Worm, Grala, Foot Kot, Hoof JUI liBiuencaa, Bwlnur, I'ouatIeraV; Hprulua, Htralaa, Sore Feet, StliTneaa, nnd all eitenml illaenjai, ard erery hurt oraoeUatvt. For geuend uso in f amUjr, (table and atoek-yard, tt It TIIU 1IE8T OF ALT. LINIMENTS asm