The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, July 31, 1886, Image 5

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    m Oraa Scon
;;yioN. okegon j-at. jul3l ism.
to aivkutisi:k.h.
Thfi SCOUT ht n Much, l.nrRer CItcii
Intinn tlmii miy IVxprr In Oil Hvctlitn
of tlio State, uud U, tliuruforc U 1IKST
Thl in a Trnei Stntomrut, anil up
hall not allow It in lie ijuwMluticil liyntiy
oUior pnper. AUvcrlisi-i k will ilo well
in innkn n note of tills,
Local and General,
Hei'aptukk or S.u niierh. W. V. Sau
drs, the escaped murderer, anil Jamison,
his accomplice, were captured lastj-Nilurday
atO A. M by 1 1. llojtan. I). U Monteitli,
J. 0. Starr and J. A. lli'hirdun. on Howe
creek, in the lower PerpetiiH mountain,
rtbout tweutv-llvc miles smith of A ken and
eighteen mites north of Florence, near the
boundary line between Henton and Lane
counties. Monteitli and Uichardsou have
been upon hi trail at times ever since he
. rscancd, but never had an opportunity of
aienini; mm, Last Monday tliey vvert
joined by .Starr, w ho lives in Alsea v.nllev
and who Is perfectly acquainted with the
country throush which thev were travelim:
launders has been havinc a hard time of it
On the 17th he bought a boat and started
down the Alsea river, hut was overturnrd
and lost evervthimr except Ins kuh. He
then went to a" Mr. Mitchell's and staved
until 9 A. M. Monduv. where he professed
to be a miner and was goine; down to the
bench to Irv a now minim; machine, lues
day he was at Alsea and IwiURht a pair of
blankets, morphine and tobacco. Thurs
day night he and his pal took two of Mr.
Mntllth's lior.sos ami rode uown tiie iieacl
four miles and examined a trail, mid back
before morning. This the oillccrs learned
and supposing thev would take the trail
laid In ambush near where it led Into the
mountains. All day rnday and Friday
niclit thev waited, and enrlv Saturday
morning tliey were gratified to'see t lie meii
coming, Jamison about L'uo yards in ail
vance. As saumiers came up the men
raised from their ambush and commanded
"Halt!" As he turned his head he looked
into the m usuries of three loaded guns and
ipneKiy obeyed tJie summon to throw- up
Ins hands, letting a Winchester rule, which
he had unoii his shoulder, fall to the crounri,
After securing him the otlicers went down
the trail and soon caught Jamison, who had
started a lire and was preparing for break
last. 1 here can he no douut tins tune us
to the inrientity of the man caught being
SlIALl, wk iiavo a I'ook Farm? The
county commissioners have under consid
eration the advisability of establishing a
poor farm, and making an entire change
in the methods now adopted in disposing
Di tne county poor, nereioiore the coun
ty court has advertised for bids and let the
contract for kerpinir the paupers to the
lowest bidder, which is not a sensible and
satisfactory way by any means. If there
happens to be a greater number of paupers
than usual, the contractor is loser, and is
very liable not to irivo those under his care
the attention thev need, while on the other
1 1 !e .1. t. ' . .. I. I.... e . ..
muni ii mere inippcus in ue oui lew pan
pers, the county is paying an exorbitant
price for the care of them Certainly a
Letter way can be devised, and it is to be
hoped that the commissioners will llml it.
:inil put it into ell'eet at once. They desire
to make .some move in the matter, very
-non, as the present contract for keeping
tin; county poor expires in September, and
if any change is made, the new order ol
things should go into ell'eet Immediately
thereafter. They hesitate somewhat in the
matter, not knowing the sentiments of the
people in regard to it, although well con
vinced in their own minds of the desira
bility of a change. An expression of tin
opinions of interested residents of the
county, through the papers, would proba
bly not be amiss at this time, and any such
will be given the free use uf our columns
to ventilate the subject.
Tin: Coi'nty TitUAsuitKi!, The article in
the Sentinel last week, concerning K. C
Hruinard, treasurer-elect of this county, is
not correct, and has a tendency to injure
.Mr. liraimird in the minds of those who
read it. The facts are llrainarri was Inform
ed by Judge t'raig that he would be requir
ed to give fi'O.OOO bonds, the same as the
present treasurer, and he got the bonds and
presented them for approval, but the new
i.'onunis-iioners having taken their seats,
concluded to raise the bonds of the treas
urer to if3J,0o0 as there was that much cash
m hand in the treasury, which was correct
enough, and directed Mr. llrainarri to get
bonds to that amount, liefore Mr, Drain
ard had time to do so thecoma adjourned,
and that is the reason he is not now atten
ding to the duties of the olllce. His bonds
men are the best men, financially, in the
countv, and he could give bonds as easib
for $100,000 as for$.'W,0O0. lie will nodoub'i
insist on having his salary for his entire
term of olliee.and will probably get it.
It Costs too Miwh. "Can't nflbrri to ad
vertise) it co-it too much." So! so! Why
don't you put your goods into a shed or
back street because it ciMs something for
a nice store in the business part of the town ;
use old lry goods boxes because you can't
nllbrd to put in nice attractive counters:
iut up no sign because signs cost some
thing; spend nothing to advertise your bus
iness because it costs too much? Then
Krowl about hard times because people go
to those who do advertise instead of spend
ing time to hunt you up, Jfo wonder you
can't afford to advertise when you don't let
people know where you are and what you
have to sell. And then your trade is so
Miiull that when ou do have a customer
you aro compelled to put a larger margin
on what he wants or you "can t atlord to
live." Don't envy your enterprising neigh
bors who advertise when you see their
Mores full of customers while yours is emp
ty, but wake up and go and do likewise.
Hk Wants it Ston-ki). One of our young
subscribers in I'nion has reouusied us to
M-ratch his name oil' our list, presumably
because we failed to make a note of his re
cent absence from the city, Tho fact of the
matter is we had not mi-sed him and did
not know he was gone. Had we known it,
the startling inteligenco would have bctfi
heralded far anil wide at once, for we al
ways gatheron. with avidity, to anything
tha't is of interest to the general public,
l.uektlv. however, the time is long imod
when the loss of one or a hundred subscri
ber would affect u in the k ast. We will
Cm m ii Iiki.ij.. A dispatch speaks of a
"novel" suit brought in hongsport, Inri.,
ugainst a church for ringing its chimes to
the detriment of an invalid in a neighbor
ing house. Such a suit Is not novel. The
contest between chimes uml the public has
heen going on for soinu years.
In most large eitien the public has won.
"Kxcepting in rural districts, it i unfair,
both to the people in health and to the sick,
to disturb the peaci of Sunday bv clanging
hells. The bells an- only poetical and
.musical when heard at a distance. States
man. Kkd Fi-ll. The Chieltain suy; "The
rod tlsh are still coining up 'the Wallowa,
jlver to the lake in great schools. It is no
uncommon thing to see a nernn with GO or
u 100 of these fish whfcli he had speared
in a few hours while standing on some
bridge or log over the river.'
Vegetables In s,bvindauccl
HtipkleberrieK sixty cents a gaUu,
Farmers ambvisy In the hay field.
School will commence in September,
Pendleton had. aJW.tW fire a (ew ijnvs
l'ut up at tho Centennial hotel, while vis
iting t'nlon,
Cole's circus i exhibiting in Washington
Territory, no,w,
Preyed red fish are jolcJat WiiUowu lake
for five umts each.
Recorder Davis is engngwl in pikinj; the
assessment of the city.
A Presbyterian church building. l to be
erected in :ev I,a tirande,
IIukIikvs men should nil ye rtiso If they ex
pect people to patronize theni.
Mr. O. W. Tarr, of the IMoific iJhrMlan
Advocate, oalled on us yesiunlay,
The Cornucopia stage is generally loaded
uu ji.Ts.seugci'.", going aim coining
Don't be pestered with Hies, but get
some mire kill paper at Cave drug store.
Hall Urn's, of Xurth IMvvdor, have re
ceived the machinery for their new saw
Urcir.v. Kellogg have sold their sac:c line
r"i Uaker to Pine Creek, to Jolnj Clark,
of Sparta,
Jack Deiup.sfy, the pugilist, and Miss
Mary Hrariy were married in Fast Portland
last Tuesday.
The court house desks and counters are
being re-arranved to suit the convenience
of the new otlluials,
We understand a new bakery is to be es
tablished in the building funiie'rly occupied
by Sheelc, on Main street.
It reminds us of old timus, to sms Jack
Vincent arrive and riopart for Cornucopia
with hislirey fuur-in-haud,
Mis-s Cora l'cabody. a musio teacher, was
in this city, during the week, trying to or
ganize a class. She did not succeed.
At a recent meeting of the school bo'ird.
Ceo. K. Owen, editor of the gScntinc.l, was
elected principal for the ensuing year.
a Medora. Dakota
naner we learn
inai nss mi iv uooiiaii. ol union county.
s Kitty Oo
is visiting friends and relatives in that city.
The Northern Pacific will soon put on ex
press trains, and reduce the time of run
between Portland and St, Paul, thirty
"Fairview" is tho name of a new mining
listrict, organised recently, at the head of
Powder and John Day rivers, Wils Gray
is recorder.
The opening of the new road makes Un
ion the supply point for an immense mill
ing region. Already its bonolleial effects
are being felt.
This dry weather everybody hhould use
the greatest precnutlon. and guard against
lire. The tire wardens should not fail to
make their regular tour of inspection.
The retiring democratic county treasurer
places an advertisement for a number of
outstanding county orders, in an obscure
republican sheet, published at ha ( ramie.
it win pay you to remember, when you
want any kind of farm machinery, that you
an gei ii encapcr oi erauK nro s. imple
ment Co. Island City, than of- any other
Mr. A. hevy and daughter, hillic, will
start in a few days for a visit to San Fnin
iseo. Mr. Levy will return in a few weeks,
but hillio will probably loinain there for
some time,
Tin excitement over the Indian senrn in
the Ualipsel county, W. T., has abated and
ne seiners nave returned to their homes.
As usual, they were frightened out of their
wits at nothing,
Dr. C, A. Honham. dentist, arrived In this
ity recently, from California. Ilo has
located permanently, and will he pre
pared in a few days to attend to all those de
siring work in ids line.
The Shoshone baseball club stunned .-it
l.a (irande last Monduv. u-bile mi tlnlr w.w
to Portland, to give the La Oraiirie club a
ire.ssing down. It Is need hiss to sav Un
dressing was administered,
Anyone desirous of nurohasim an excel
lent new SUM Durand oriran at a liberal dis
count for cawh, will consult their own inter-
st by ui'iiiirlng at i ns olllce. A l-ihh!
horse will bo received as cash,
The Idaho Conference of the M. U. Church
convened in this city last Wednesday, since
which tunc a very interesting nesof meet-
nirs have been in progress. To-morrow
'II ifobahl.v be tho last day of the eon-
Any one knowing tho present address or
whereabouts of one Henry Kvan will confer
i lavor on nis aged mother It thev will write
o Mrs. Aniisitasia Hvan. West Keokuk.
Lee county. Iowa. Oregon and California
papers please copy.
lieidlcmaii ct Dickson are makinifan ox.
tensive addition to their saddle and har-
icss shoo, which will give them much more
room to display their goods. Wo are glad
o note this evidence of their iirnsnnr iv
Mr. Oat rainier is doing the carpenter work.
Aw was chronicled in these columns Inst
week, Mr', and Mrs. Chas. Heard had the
misfortune to lose one of their twin ebil-
Iron. This week the other one also sick.
"tied and died, and was buried Wednesday.
They h ave the sympathy of the commu
George Slimier returned, this week, from
Cornucopia, where he has been for several
moiiiiis. lie says it is verv dull there.
dthough there can bo no doubt of the
extreme riehncs of the mines. What is
needed more than anything eNe is capital
to iieveiop me unus aireauy mane.
Dr. Capps received this week from Chi
cago, one of Mcintosh's combined galvanic
and faradic batteries. It is complete in ev
ery respect, being supplied with all the la
test improvements and appliances. A bat
tery of this kind is almost indispensable in
tne treatment or many inherent uisaases.
Numerous transactions in real estate arc
being made in this city. I'nion is the most
healthful and beautiful place to live in to
be found anywhere in I'astern Oregon. It
enjoys a vigorous anil healthy financial
s'anding and offers inducements to capi
talists and business men not to be found
elsewhere, Come and see us, there is room
for all.
The Lt (irande Argus says: ' The city
government-is in somewhat "of a dilapida
ted condition at present. It is very dillleult
to obtain a quorum to transact urgent busi
ness. The marshal has been relieved of his
salary, and the recorder elected a Justice of
tho Peace. Treasurer Xeill. now county
clerk, has removed to Union, so his olllce is
vacant. There U a legal question whether
or not the city has either a marshal, recor
der orclty attorney, as neither of them have
qualilieri this term."
A petition is being circulatod for signa
tures, asking the' city couui il to pas an
ordinance to prevent cattle from running
at large in the streets of the city, which
will be presented at the next meeting.
While there tan he no doubt that cattle
running In the streets are a nuisance, there
may possibly be some excuse oirered for it
hv those owning animals in a town of this
nfze. The council will, no doubt, look
at the question from all points, before
legislating upon it. and their conclusion
will probably bv correct.
.M terlu I)lsiprirancQt
Ifisl Saturday Mr. Willi Skiff, a, well
kuo,vn re-blent o) this city tip to Jforth
I'owdar, for tha yurposa of hujilig wheat,
hit gu illnj? to return next day, Sevtl days
parsed mid as lm did not rcttri, hiu family
became alarinoij and his ou word- up to
North Powder, Wednesday evening to see
vh&,t was tliu ear,ie of Ids delay. He learned
thil IU father l;r,d. tvken supper at tho ho
tel on Saturday evening, anil aftctvard-
about half past claht o'clock was sc?n nit
ting on the porch, after which, time no one
had keen, no trace of hjm co,u.ld be
loiimt, i ins irmtn his menus very ;no.iy,
as it Xtii feared that ho might luvye been
nuirdsrcd. ThmMlay, Mr, Haton and Mr.
Draku went uii to renrw the soiirch, but
without nieefsH, Friday, soinu tlft,een or
twenty of our elvieii went up, and assisted
by this people of North Powder inadoathor-
rough k,va,rvh fortlie body, in the mirroun
dlnguountry, and in the river, but pot the
siightott trace of the misting man f-oild hi
found. (I Is a great mystery and is attrac
ting innuh attention. The idea that he
might run off is not entertained by Hio-
who kn,aV him. jp had not been very wel
for several days, and was much harrassed
with buslnehs cares, and it may have abhera-
ted his mind to Mich an extent as to unusc
him to wander off to the mountains, bit;
his U not prolmblu, AVe are in hopes till'
mystery vylll soon he explained Ijy t tie up-
pearauuo uf Mr. Skiff, lie Is a man tltl-
coiiimunity can III afford to loso,
i ue ragc irus fcavs: "He liavt
in uiir ofVici u Mieeimon of rock
uppari'ntJy r'l'h, or leading to .some
. I l t i . . i
iiiing licii. it wan turned up tv n
blabt iluiinir tiU. oonstrtiL'tion of tin
Pino creek road. The liolil is open
and some one .should follow this "iloaf
and tee vfhethiT or not there is mill
ion in it."
Joseph Pierce, living ttyQ miles south
east of I'orest tiiove, in Kane county
was shot and killed on tho 27th inst.
by Isaac Umtt. IIi,att wasi formerly n
resident of Union county. lie gave
lnniselt up to the authorities.
uur Mimincrviilc corresiionuent com
plains because t(ie I nion papers do no
arrive mere tin Mommy. When the new
mail route from Suminerville. to Cornuco
pia is established, that annoyance will hi
over with. The Summervilfo people vvll
then receive the Union papers only a few
hours after they arc issued,
The Union chickens now disnlav then
sagacity by rousting high. During the riav-
fime it is very apparent they aie Keeping a
-narn lumuuii lor trounie aniiai . All thi
no doubt is caused by the preaching and
singing w the jiast week,
Arthur, the little son of L. I!. Iliuehnrt
was handling some iovvder near the lire
i lew days ago, when it cxplivlud, singinj.
hi his evciiroAvs and tiurning its tace eon-
liderably. Powder is a dangerims arlicli
tor tioys lo loot with.
All steel a.v'.N for $1 at Jo. Wright's hard
ware store, It looks rather suspicious, bir
.10. says ne came ny tnein honestly, and i
bound to sell them'at the above ivriee. Hi
is selling all guods in his lipe at the same
vv nv suiicr wiui a lame nac i. when von
"an get one of those celebrated Mitchell
I, 1,1.. ....... t r ,1. , r.
i uiiii i iiitici.-, nir ii) ceuis, ai jonn i-
Wright s drug storey Try one.
An Immense amount of new goods jti"t
received direct fruiu the hast, at Saunders'
Trices lower than ever. Look at (hem.
The cheapest place to get Mason's fruit
jars is a( Jos, Wright s tin shop..
W. Capps, M. 1).. Surgeon mid Homeo
patliiu Physician, Union. Oregon.
One ouart fruit oans ?1.L'5 per dozen at
i.. ii'..:.. I.,-., ii.. ..i
ii iiiii -i iiit mi,,ji.
roil .s-Aix. -iumj acres ot land, all m one
body. Also a block in Union, by Pell A
Ucad This.
C. Vincent has just received a sjilendii
lot of boots, shoes, etc., which he will ssl
at a groat reduction on former prices. He
means what he savs. Trv linn.
ICukId Cooper Simp.
S. 15. Avlos, in.'inufatiirer ofbulter
barrels and kogs, has ahvnvs on baud
a good supply of the best quality, and
win sell tnein at reasoniuilo prices,
Give linn a call 'it his shop, soutl of
the school lioitso, Union.
Its I)i-llcuey of flavor
And the clllcieney of iU action have ren
dered the famous California liquid fruit
remedy, Syrup of Figs, iiiiiuensly popular.
It cleanses and tones up the clogged and fe
verKh system, ami dispels llcadach s, Colds,
and Fevers. For salo bv all druggists.
Snell Heit-hu.t Wood ii rd wholesale agents,
rortiauit, Oregon,
Portland, Oregon.
Having tried tho offecU of the concentra
ted extract ot onr.oo.s Kio.MiV Tea, we
cheerfully bear witness to Its bniiellelal
agency in affections of the digestive organs.
It Is simple, safe and sure; Is easily taken.
and restores healthy vita lit v to tho organs It
is intended to operate upon with assured
success, JnccuitJiii. lv.,
hditor Catholic. Sentinel,
Wild Cliurry nuil Tar.
Everybody knows the virtue of wild Cher
ry and Tar as a relief and euro for any affec
tions ot the Throat and Lung, combined
with these two Ingredients are a few simple,
healing remedies hi the composition or Dr.
Itosauko's Cough und Lung Sv-t-un making
u just uie article you siiouid always nuve in
the house for Coughs, Colds, ('roup and
nroiiciuiiK, rncu mi cents and 11. samples
iree. boiu uy j. y. vvright, t'nioii, Oregon.
While (iiinilH,
We arc now offering a largo assortment of
newest stylos of lace checks, stripes, figured
and plain lawu, Jaconets masallas, cambrics
and nlotict. tinted null-. India Unmix and
battlstes; plain and embroidered suites,
wnri) einnruiuene on hvviss, nansooK, cam
bric and riinilty fancy colored embroideries
and laces adapieu to mo present season.
New linen, cotton and silk laces. Mall or
ders receive the mort careful attention,
Sumplcs sent to Intending buyers.
ISfJ First Street, Portland, Oregon.
Cure tor I'llo.
Piles are frequently preceded by a fceiifco
of weight In the back, loins and lower part
of the abdomen, causing the patient to aim-
pose he has some affection of the kidneys or
netgliporing organs, av limes, symptoms oi
lnd gcstlon arc present, liatuieticv. uneasy-
lies of tho stomach, etc. A moisture like
perspiration, producing a very disagreeable
Itehliig after getting warm, U a common
attendant. Itllnd, Ulecdliig. and Itching
Piles yield at once to the application of Dr.
Hosanko.s Pile Itemed)', which act directly
upon the parts effected, absorbing the
i Tumor-, allaying the luteiuu Itching, and
effecting a permanent cure. Price, 00 cents,
Addrcmi, The Dr, lionanko Medicine Com-
. nany, Plqua, O. Bold by J, T. Wright,
Uuiou, Oregon.
July's1,, 1S80.
Mr. and Mw, Dr. J. J. McDtmahl
slarteil ortvtvo week's visit UKcue
tJity, last I uesday.
Messrs. Haekolt ,fc Wilinol have
i?one to Aider, anil will begin I ho erec-
tiou oi a UHiauai resilience at once
for A. O. Sinitl.
('has. Dijncan hau polil out '
ing po?t-osisioiis at Spavtu, report s.vp
in consideration of the neat of
fifty thousand dollars.
Frank l-elloy disposed of liis llie
pan of sortell horses to Jno. KlVott,
his week, ujso (.lood Cowlos sold Ids
team to A. IJensou.
News luic leaelied here that 'm.
Minor, a former resident of Cove, met
with an ueeident recently, in which
one of his legs vvtts broken.
After cloning a tprin of school in the
Park, Win, Forrester has thrown aside
he birch nipl picked up the hand saw.
He will work ou 4. (J. Smith's residence
it Alder.
Lovers of fire arms are examining
omt beautiful .Pj-cahbre v jnchestei
md Spencer six-cartridge repeating
hot gun, received, at the drug storv
bis week.
Frank Newell haa the champion
patch of oats, 1 hey average about
ix feet tall and will yield, of the Wel
omo variety, about one hundred bush
els to ihe acre.
As a successful deer hunter, pain
White takes the bake shop, lie made
lie phenoininal shot of killing a largo
nick, ISO yards, with a 32 calibre Ilal
lard on the first trial, this week.
While riding horseback through the
Park, to meet the Gov. Moody party
md accompany them over the new
road, Dnnjiam Wright was confronted
y an immense cougar in the road.
The animal seemed to be in the act of
pringing UP0" horso and rider,
ut changed )us mind as it pisto.) ball
was sent in tiat direction.
Wild beasts of the forest are on the
increase. A very large cinnamon bear
was seen bv Sam lUirroughs, in a huck
leberry patch above town, Sunday. As
Mr. H s. family was present and his
u'liinshjp seemed something 1ch ele
vated than the Harthohli HtiUue, us Jie
'at tip, it was concluded not to slangh
er the animal then and there.
Ob, yes, vou can occupy a place on
the fence and see us elide by.- Mark.
I'he joke, of it was, I hadn't more than
ot out of the hornet's nest, 'till she
,n. into it. Ham. As is the condition
if the cart when we return, so am I to
iay fur its use. M. Our celestial
oinpanioiiH must migrate. rJ. Seo
n g as it is you, an industrious, enter
prising young man, my charges lor
;rof(!ssioiial servicps will only ho $5,09.
J. Heaving dogs pays. Why, he
nude about $-10. out of bis puppies.
II. Wherever you stop, wherever vou
tray, a spotted pup js always in the
way. I'. I en my iiitoliinir hay. but
be doctor rays I am subject to heart
lisease. Win, Dog gone if 1 haven't
Had the phthisic. Judd.
Trout Creek Nibbles,
Everybody haying,
Crops ripening fast.
Health generally good.
Vegetables very fine.
Weather very changeable,
lied fish in great abundance,
Huckleberries rather scarce.
Hear numerous along the streams.
News from tho mines extremely flut
Prospectors will find an easy trail
from Joseph to Cornucopia.
Miss Gtihvy has taught a very good
chool on Trout creek. Her term is
nearly out,
I'he (Junkers are rolling into Alder
roni j mluum and lowu, God heln
hem to come.
There is to bo a wedding on Trout
reck soon, O. D. Akin will doubtless
be called upon to officiate.
Kdgnr Katniiies is running the iiost-
oll'ice at Alder, in place of Mrs. A. II.
kin who is on ii visit to Wilhiniinette
J ho feeling iigains.t Ilonnott, the
murderer of Legoro, in intense in this
ection, I.egore was formerly a resi-
lent of tho Wallowa.
Akin it Vandcrvert aro said to bo
lown twenty-live feet on one of their
ledges, which is widening and getting
richer tho deeper they go,
Lost and Paradise prairies are set
tling up fast; many very enterprising
men having located there. Crops in
those places aro said to bo good, tho
fanners there being troubled hut very
little with squirrels.
F. I). McCully. our member to tho
legislature, oncotiraged our neighbors
in the beliof that if elected lie would
endeavor to get an appropriation for
the wagon road from Alder to Lewis
ton. Hope he will do it.
J. H. .Mullen sowed a small piece of
ground, this spring, to millet, the
results proving conclusively that
much more and better hay can ho
grown per acre in mulct than any
other kind of hay ever tiied in this
Cut. BitAiiv.
Hyrup ot VlKi.
Manufactured only by tho California Fig
Syrup Co., San Francisco, Cal., Is Nature's
Own True Laxative. This pleasant Califor
nia linulri fruit remcriv may be had of all
druggists, at fifty cents or one dollar. It In
the most pleasant, prompt, and cllcctlve
remedy known to cleanse the system: to act
on the Liver, Kidneys, and Uovvels gently
yet thoroughly ; to dispel Headaches, Colds,
and Fevers; to cure ( oiisumptioii, Indigos-
nun, auu Kiuurct! ins.
for Sale.
An excellent place adjoining this city for
sale at a bargain. It contains it) acres of
splendid laud, good dwelling house and
outbuildings, and the best orchard In tho
country, lor further information apply
at this olUce.
flint itmvii iiiYflMUa,Mflv
Tm Pino Ojcek Koad Commission
ers and tl j'nrty that ;mpompauied
Gov. Moody in, his veoout trip over
the road, returned to tl(is city last
Monday morning. Tho Governor did
not return with them on aeppunt of
havpg to visit Ihiker City. We have
been unable to lea,rn what lm, and the
road export he had with him, think
of Urn road, but there seonis to be
quite c.onllieliug opinions jield in
regard to the same, by the parties that
went fioin hcie, sqino of them claim
ing that the road, taken all in till, is a
very good and creditable pipe" of
work, while others say that it is ery
far from being good, and has not been
built in accordance with the contract
tho contractors, seemingly, having
made no efi'ort to keep oi the line of
survey, on which, in no place the
grade would have been more than
twelvo font to the hundred, but have
left the Hirvey a considerable distance
in many places, which 1ms caused
abrupt pilches and steep hills in the
road, rendering it impracticable for
heavily loaded teams. The road is
not yet completed, however, and one
cannot give a eprreet opinion as to
what it, will be until the work is done.
We understand that the contractors
are working bai l; this way now, am
will "finish up" as thev come. What
condition these finishing luuehcn will
leave, the road in, remains lo be seen
I ho coiiiiinssioners, with reniarkabl
absence of mind, when making tin
contract, failed tospucify tlpit turnout.-
should be made, mid eorseiuentlv
none have been built. Hefnje the road
can be called a good one, or complete
in any, these turnouts will havi
to be built, which will necessitate the
expenditure of some more money, and
as the .fa, WU left in tpe fund, after let
ting the contract, has doubtless been
used up, the wherewith to thoroughly
complete the road will have to be rained
in some manner. Probably if the n
port of the governor is favorable, the
Portland Hoard of Trade vyill donate
the icquired amount. We don't know
whether the governor inspected the
books of tJie commissioners, and iuves
tigated each item of expenditure recor
ded therein, or not. Ilo should have
done so.
From the Oregonian wo take the
following: "Governor Moody return
ed yesterday from his trip to the Tine
creek district, ami vas scon by an
Oregonian reporter at tho Ht. Olmrles.
He had been invited to view the new
road from Goose creek to Pine creek
for the building of which tho legisla
ture appropriated -lo.uou, anil con
cerning the expenditure of which
there has been soiuo criticism. Gov
ernor .Mooiiv drove over the roiui,
which is twenty-eight miles in length,
and is of the opinion that the money
has been liiiuciously expended. To
buid a load that length, with all ex
cept a few miles of it on grades, and
with considerable rock work to bo done
and one quite expensive bridge to
build, he thinks would use up the ap
propriation. The road is through and
the workmen mo now coming back
over it and putting on tu mushing
touches. The tournouts uro still to be
built, which vyill require furthur ex
peuiiiture. I no governors visit was
unollicial, he having no control over
tho expenditure of the appropriation,
which was plaoed in the hands of the
commissioners by tho legislature.
Pile commissioners will make their re
port in a few davs. Gov, Moody visit
ed the mines at Pine creek mid
brought away many samples of ore.
Ho says ho is no mining export and
has no idea of the richuosv of the
mines, (hie shaft is down 15(1 feet,
and a considerable amount of rock
has been taken on, of difl'oront leads
and in waiting fur the mill which is
soon expected. Messrs. Tolniau and
Mckorchor have two concentrators
coming Iroin ban prancisco, anil
other machinery will be ready for
putting up about the 1st of the month.
Then we shall expect to seo gold
bricks coining down from Pine creek
by tho cartload."
Joseph JottiiitfM.
.Inly JJ-1, 188G.
Weather superb,
Money is plentiful and everybody
Auothor valuable mineral find is re
ported Ibis week.
Tho woods echo with tho sound of
tho huckleberry hunters,
We Iiavo ii good puck trail over to
Cornucopia now, which Is being trav
eled daily.
A tax will bo levied in this school
district to rim a six mouths school this
coming winter,
A severe storm destroyed many gar
dens on 1 1 1 1 ii ft 1 1 ii , lately, .lack John
son lost -?o00 worth of peaches.
Mr. Alexander, of Pendleton, or
ganized a lodge of I, O. O. I'. at this
jiluco yesterday, of twenty members.
Visitors to the lako and valley too
Humorous to mention at least ii'huu
drcd of them from all parts of the
Tho First Presbyterian church buil
ding is progressing finely. It will bo
a very nice structure whon completed.
Tho Wallowa Union Sunday School
Convention hold a rory successful sess
ion nt Joftoph, last Thursday, and
Friday. It was largely attended mid
great interest manifested.
Ilant TIiiuk.
While money I clone, wage and prlee
low, expenies should be cut down in every
hoiuehold. P.coiinmy, the vfiitchword for
.Mothers, head off doctor b It, by nlwayn
keeping hi the lioiuw a hottloof Dr. Ilosan
ko's Cough and Lung Syrup. Stop a cough
iiiktuiitlv. relieves comminution. curo Croiiu
mid pain In the ( best In one night. It Is
just the remedy for hard time. Price M ct.
amUL .Samples free. Sold by J. T. Wright,
L'nluii, Oregon.
The Kimball organs have no equal.
jHitminuvvHlo Siftlnjjs.
N. U Harris paid F-ta Grande
(lying vst, Sunday,
Joseph TrUL'sdall aud family re
turned from tip- lrk, P.n Wednesday,
! Wander what that "sliavvl racket"
is that the boys have oi Jack Patten?
Mr. Walker, of the firn of Stayer ii:
Walker, Portland, Oregon, w,ivs in
toyn on Friday,
fsevora of (ho Sinnincrville boys
will tak.o in tlm "Jolly Pathfinders"
entertainment at l,a Grande, Yednes
day evening,
Farmers aro almost through haying
a this end of the valley. Tho yield
has been muel better than was antici
pated before haying commenced.
Wudor what kiipl of a "racket"
tltose two young "blonds" were on,
Wednesday evening. Thought I was
pursued by highwaymen.-,!!. C. H.
Wiliu Me Williams returned from
Wyoming last Saturday. His "best"
girl thinks he has improved wonder
fully in appearance since she last saw
Miss Stevenson's sohool al Suinincr
ville closed on Friday, with a picnio
in the moutains. Miss jStevenson has
taught a good school and deserves
Sutninervillo does not receive thr
Union papers until Monday. There
should he some change made in the
departure of mails from La Grande,
by which tips inconvenience could hn
The boys who pulled Harvey Hine
hart's buggy down town and placed
it on the platform in front of the
brewery, one night last week, did not
enjoy tho joljo so much as might havo
been expected. In fact they look and
act quite sheepish when questioned
about it,
10. S. Crane is a natural born(?)
mountaineer Hravo ovei to rash
nessCO, the boys say that while
alone in the mountains he ate his
meals vyhilo seated upon his hoist.
Crane says he had no ropo along,
with which to tio his horse, but that's
too tlun, you know.
Tho huckleberry party that re.
turned on Wednesday, succeeded in
getting about twelve gallons of berries,
H. I). Hubers shot at a large bear and
was compelled to take to a tree bv
being pursued by the infuriated brute
Harney says the not time ho hunt
bear, (bey must be at the tin-shop,
"Tod" Hinehart is now called the
"Hold Injun." "Tod" is always found
espousing the cause of justice and will
not permit the weak and defenseless to
be run over and bullied, even though
it be an Indian. Mis experience at
the Warm Springs should be, of itself,
enough to place his namo among
those who may well bo called "Pro
lectors of the human race."
Tho party who were mentioned ai
being lost in the mountains last woek,
found their way in to Suminerville,
Tuesday evening. They subsisted sole
ly upon fish tho last three days of tho
trip. Tliey were found, by K. S,
Crane, on the north fork of tho Uma
tilla river, Monday evening, almost
completely exhausted from fatigue.
The boys had a rough time of it.
judging from their appearance and
account of the trip,
Vavk Pickings,
July 1)8, 18aii.
lluokluborrlusi aro trump,
Govornor Moody passed through
tho Fark last week,
Mary South has gono to Union,
where she will reside during; tho aiiiti-
Mr. .Ton Truonlalo aitd family, of
Sununorvilln, vvero visilitur frioucU
and relatives in tho Park, last wook,
Mnj. South mid Abo. Vundovaiitei
wont to La Grande, this wook and
inado final proof in support of their
The Park public school elosod last
Friday uftor a successful session of
three months, the pupils showing
much interest in thnir studies. For
the host deportment tho following wore
it warded prizes: A elfiss, Martha
South. H class, Hdwiird Martin; for
host ntleiidaiice, l.illle South, not be
ing absent or Into during a day of the
three months school. Ilocca Martin.
George South, Mary South, Frank
South, Martha South and Joseph
South woro absent only ono day or
part of n day. Ait rcvoir
W, Ij. iMuiitr.sriut, Teachor,
Tolocasot Tattlings.
July 28th, 1886.
K, II. Marr, agent for tho "Champi
on hay ricker, will start lor iiloberly,
Missouri, in a few days.
Mis. J. It. Haines, of this place, has
been quite ill for several weeks past,
but at present writing is improving.
J. E. Vowell informs ustliat he can
oaeilv stack thirtv-fivo tons of hay in
ono day, with tho "Champion."
Some thoughtless person set fire to
tho range in I'ylo canyon, last week.
and destroyed most all the grass.
Hubert Uassette, of Teloeaset, re
turned from Wingville, last week,
where ho has been engaged for two
months past in a washing machine
Homo of tho grain in Antelopb val
ley is too short to be cut with a hind
er, and is being mowed for hay. It is
doubtful whether seed will bu raised
or not.
John llarnes, of Covo, hns recontly
located a pro-emption, about two
miles north of here. Mr. H. nays hr,
will move to his place thin fall. We
welcome nil actual se,ttlew.
Miss Ollie Prescott is still mifTering
severely with inllamation of th eyw,
and despito tho skillful aid rwiulwC
by Dr. Cromwell, of Union, it M
feared she will lose the sight of om of