The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, July 24, 1886, Image 7

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I have just been reading James Whit
comb Hiley's respond to "The Old
Man" at the annual dinner of the In
dianapolis Literary Club, and his refer
ence to Methuselah lias awakened in
' my mind many recollections and ronii-
niscences of that grand old man. Wo
1 first meet Methuselah in the capacity of
a son. At tho agj of sixty-live Enoch
arose one night and telephoned his
family physician to come over and as
sist him in meeting Methuselah. Day
at last dawned on Knoeh's happy home,
and its first red rays lit up the still red
der surface of tho little stranger. For
three hundred years Enoch and Methu
selah jogged along together in the ca
pacity of father and son. Then Enoch
was suddenly cut down. It was at this
time that little Methuselah first realized
what it was to be an orphan. He could
not at first realize that his father was
dead. Ho could not understand why
Enoch, with no inherited disease,
should bo shuffled out at tho age of
three hundred and sixtv-livo years.
But tho doctor said to Methuselah, "My
son, you are indeed fatherless. 1 have
done all i could, but it is useless. 1
had told Enoch many a tinio that if he
went in swimming beforo tho ieo was
out of tho creek, it would finally down
him. but ho thought lie knew better
than I did. He was a headstrong man,
Enoch was. Ho sneered at mo and al
luded to me as a fresh young gosling,
because he was 300 years older than I
was. ilo has received the reward of
the wilful, and verily the doom of tho
smart Aleck is his."
Methuselah now cast about him for
some occupation which would take up
his attention and assuage his wild, pas
sionato grief over the loss of his father.
Ho entered into tho walks of men and
learned their ways. It was at this time
that ho learned tho pernicious habit of
using tobacco. We cannot wonder at
it when wo remember that lie wa now
fatherless. lie was at the mercy of tho
coarse, rough world. Possibly lie learn
ed to use tobacco when lie went away
to attend business college after the
doath of his father. Ho that as-it may,
tho noxious weed certainly hastened his
death, for COO years after this we find
him a corpse!
Doath is ever a surprise, even at the
ond of a long illness and after a ripe old
age. To those who aro near, it seems
abrupt; so to his grandchildren, some
of whom survived him, his children
having died of old age, tho death of
Methusalch came like a thunderbolt
from a clear sky.
Methuselah succeeded in cording up
inoio of a record, such as it was, than
any other man of whom history informs
us. Tune, tho tomb-builder and ama
teur mower, caino and leaned over tho
front yard and looked at Methushlah,
and ran his thumb over the jagged edge
of his scythe, and went away whistling
a low refrain, lie kept up this refrain
business for nearly ten centuries, while
Methuselah continued to stand out
amid tho general wreck of men and na
tions. Even as the young strong mower go
ing forth with his mower for to mow
spareth the tall and dignified drab hor
net's nest and passoth by on the other
side, so Time, with his Watcrbury
hourglass and his overworked hay
knife over his shoulder, and his long
Mormon whiskers, and his high, sleek
dome of though!, with its gray lam
brequin of hair around the base of it,
mowed all around Mothuicla and then
passed on.
Methuselah decorated the graves. of
tlioso who perished in a dozen dillerent
wars, lie did not enlist himself, for
over 900 years of his life lie was ex
empt, lie would go to tho enlisting
placo and oiler his services, and tho
officer would toll him to go homo and
encourage his grandchildren to go.
Then Methuselah would sit around
Noah's front steps and smoke and cri
tise tho conduct of tho war, also tho
conduct of the enemy.
It is said of Methuselah that ho never
was tho same man after his son Lainech
died. He was greatly attached to La
niech. and when ho woko up ono night
to find his sou purple in tho face with
membraneous croup, ho could hardly
roal.zo that ho might lose him. The
idea of losing a boy who had just
rounded the glorious morn of his 777th
year, had never occurred to him. Hut
death loves a shining mark, and he gar
nered lit l lo Lammie and left Methuse
lah to moan and mourn on for a couplo
of more centuries without him.
Methuselah finally got so that ho
couldn't sleep any after four o'clock in
tho morning, and lie didn't ee how
any one else could. Tho older lie got.
and tho less valuable his tinio became,
tho earlier he would rise, so that ho
could got an early start. As tho con
turies filed slowly by, and Methuselah
got whero all ho liad'to do was to shuf
!le into liis loose-littingclothes, and rest
his gums on tho top of a sleok-headed
cano and mutter up tho chimney, and
thou groan and extricate himself from
his clothes again and retire. Ho rose
earlier and earlier in the morning, and
muttered more and moro about tho
young folks sleoiing away iv) l est of
tlio day, anil sa'ui ho Iiail no doubt hut
that .sleeping and snoring till breakfast
tinio helped to carry oft' Lain. Hut one
day old rat hor Tinio caino along with
a now scythe, and ho drew the whot
stono across it a few times, and rolled
tho slcovos of h'n red llannol undergar
ment up over his warty elbows, and
Mr. Methuselah passed on to that un
discovered country with a ripo exper
ience and a long, clean record.
Wo can almost fancy how tho physi
cians, who hail disagreed about his case-
all the way through, came and insisted
' on a post mortem examination to prove
which was right and what was really
tho matter with him. Wo can imagine
how peoplo went by shaking their heads
and regretting that Methuselah should
havo tampered with tobacco when ho
know that it atlectod his heart.
Hut ho is gou. Uo lived to sco his
own promissory notes rise, llourish. no-
iiirn interest, pine away at last, and
lmally outlaw. Ho acquired u largo i
farm in tho very hoart of tho comity
boat, and refused to move or to plot it
and oull it Methuselah's addition. JIo !
camu out in spring regularly for 9(Kj
yearn after ho got too old to work out
hid poll tux on the road, and put in his i
time telling the rising generation how
to make a good road. Meantime other
old people, who were almo-t UK) war
i ng' luowd -iw.-tv and went wet
uli-rc I. lev w.tiM atir.u-t -ft tout .mi a
coii.iiiaiid re-p.-et. There was nciunll
no in getting old around avium'
Mt'tiiUM-hih i:h nllil beiliir oidere
about and scolded and kept in tho back
ground ny nun.
oo, when at last he d cd, people
sighed and said: "Well, it win better
for him to d:o before ho got childish
It was best that he should die at a time
when ho knew all. Wo can't ho!i
imiiKing wnat an acouisition
Methuselah will be on the everirreeii
shore when he gets there, with all hi
ripe experience and his habits of earlv
And tho next morning after the fun
oral iVletliuselah s family did not ret
, ..... . j . . . .
out oi ueu tin nearly nine o clock
Bill Kije, in Boston Globe.
Nervous Cough.
r , , . .
jnc may nave a nam, dry, and vio
lent cough, and yet the hums, bronchial
tubes and larynx bo in a perfectly nor
mal condition.
bays Flint: "In most of the eases of
this kind which I have seen, the cough
has had a peculiar barking tone, am
the pitch lias been low, showing that
the glottis was dilated at tho instant of
coughing. In some cases, however, tho
tone is shrill and the quality of the
sound croupal, showing spasm of the
glottis. In a ease recently under ob
sorvauon, tne eougn consisted ot a mii-
rle. short, hoarse bark, often repeated
several limes a minute, it is some
times in paroxysms, having a reseni
bianco to those of whooping cough.
ino peculiar sound ot the eou-rli. to
gether with its frequent recurrence, and
sometimes its violence, renders it dis
tressing to those whoso sympaties aro
excited, and annoying to others. "
It is mostly confined to females of
hysterical tendencies. It may be in
duced by voluntary irritation. A school
for girls was oneo broken up by it
Ihe slightest changes of temperature
excite it, as do also penetrating odors.
It is constantly attended by sneezing
and snuffling.
Shadewald, who has recently given it
special attention, found it could bn pro
duced oy gentlv touching a certain
point within the nostrils. 'J his point is
the termination ot one of tho filaments
of the trigeminal (or trifacial) nerve.
and it is to its irritation that Sliadewald
regards this cough as due. Hence he
calls it the trigeminal cough.
It bears a striking resemblance to
nervous asthma, and tho latter is now
thought to be the most pronounced form
of trigeminal cough, with its seat with
in tho nostrils. Haniilications of the tri
geminal go to the pharynx (tho bael
part of the mouth,) and also to a por
tion of the ear, ami hence this cough
may sometimes bo duo to trigeminal ir
ritation of these parts; but it is most
frequently met with from irritation ot
tlie nerve within tho nostrils.
Ul course, no treatment directed to
tho throat or lungs will be of any avail,
and its persistance against all ordinary
remedies may cause the gravest fears.
Hut the peculiar barking (one of tho
cough and a certain nervous character
of the patient may suggest its real na
ture. The medical attendant should at onco
suspect its trigeminal origin, if lie fa. Is
to find any organic explanation of it.
All treatment should b.' directed to the
nasal nerve, and the main object should
bo to lessen its undue exc lability.
Galvanism is warmly recommended.
Cauterization is often utVectual, and so,
for a time, is a slight bleeding of the
parts. The copious secretion to which
iodide of potassium, administered inter
nally, gives rise is helpful, by washing
out tho irritating particles. In lighter
cases, this and the inhaling of vapor
aro often sufficient. youth's Compan
ion. The Harp of This Century.
The harj) was so much us.'d in the
earlier half of this century that one of
the great music publishers of Loudon
told me, when ho took tho business
from his f.itln r. the most valuable part
of their stock was Hoxa's harp music.
However, the inexorable tyrant fashion
lias driven it out of the scion, and very
nearly out of the concert-room, to be
replaced by that other universal tyrant
the piano, "which in ills turn will proba
bly havo to give way to some other fav
orite of tho capricious goddess. The
guitar, which now occupies us as bjing
ono of the preferred instruments of
raganini, is, in my humble idea, of tho
most ancient origin. Wo find in thai
oldest of all records, tho Old Testament,
Jubal, "tho father of all those who
made music," was tho inventor of an
instrument called kinuor or kinra.
This instrument, called in Arab kisra
or kitra, 1 have seen engraved on two
Jewish coins in the Hritish inns inn,
and thorn it resembles an iiistruiiiJiit in
olden times in use with a South Afri
can tribe (tho Berbers.) Niebuhr,
the famous llornian decipherer of
hieroglyphs, describes it in his jour
ney tlirough Syr' a. However that
may no, uio Aruoi having made uiai
kitra their portable musical companion,
tho Moors brought it to Spain, and
there it was called kittara. If you com
pare to this what you might call a gui
tar, to bo played lying horizontally on
tho table, and which is called in Ger
man cittar or zither, and i you take
tho old harp, which is, so to say, a per
pendicular guitar for those harps had
neither tho power nor tho tone of our
Erard's doublo-actlon harps and if you
look at one of those ancient instr.i
nients, tho Dalway harp, exhibited in
South Kensington in 187-', inscribed
"Ego sum Hogina Cithuraruiu" (tho
same word), 1021 in fact, if you take
tho whole family of these pinohed-string
instruments together, the guitar does,
1 vonturo to suppose, really come from
tho Syrian kinra (Srian and Hebrew
aio not very dillbrent from each other),
so that tho guitar seems to bo ono of
tho most anoiout instrumonts known.
Of courso modern fines have improved
and perfected It, and its first con-in.
tho modern harp, the instrument whioli
roncerd Gwalia (John Thomas, th
harpist to tho qtiuon) plays, is slighlh
dillerent from tiio ono in which King
David composed tho mtuio to his im
mortal psalms. Temple Uw-
The Indian Sun Drro.
i lie wiiu iiiii;i' sun dtinee. wii c'.
W.t 1 eld for the Lt-4 fin ditn;ig June,
lK.'i. with its liatb :i-ll a.i I cruel i
tlict o:is, is one id the I Mm ical p.irt
that will newr ag.i n bo rep.' ii d. The
writer was pr en at that un danoe,
ami i nc only scenes that will again
greei ins or anv other eves aiv views
that were taken on the spot, and which
but for the iron will of tho Indian
agent, would never havo been taken
so superstitious were the Indians
against it.
Prior to the completion of the sun
dance c rele, when three davs are taken
to feasting on dog soup, giving awav
ponies, cattle and everything else that
giws evidence that the "heart is good.'
mo einets, siib-eluels and head men
meet in council in some woodland
where tlicy select twelve virgins who
are to do the honor of cutting the polo,
A number of vomit? Indians are an
pointed to make search for a good polo
lor the occasion (which has. however,
been selected a long time before; but
they must go tlirough certain pre ton
sions so as to make themselves appear
proper), and finally, after considerable
iieiay. mo twelve virgins each take an
axe, and give the polo one cut, the
young bucks finishing tho job. Tho
crossing of a stream is sunerstitiouslv
forbidden, and when the young Indians
are ready they march in triumph to tho
place selected tor its "planting. no
tore them rush a thousand young
braves on pomes, who lire oil rules and
revolvers until outside the limits of tho
encampment, which together with their
yells, would drive oil' any evil spirits
that might bo hanging around; and
that is their part in t he play. The polo
is raised and green brush is placed in
circle about it. wliilo tho polo itself is
gorgeously decorated with strips of
calico in all the brilliant hues, winch
havo been placed there as offerings from
some dusky maiden or old squaw.
1 ho sun dance among these wild iieo
pie is a barbarous religion with them.
During the year an Indian has prayed
to the Great Spirit for fortune in hunt
ing, restoration of health or some other
wish, for which he promises, if the
prayer is granted, to make some sacri
fice or dance at the annual sun dance.
which was usually held during the
month of Juno. It is composed of
fasting and feasting combined, tho
ones who have made vows fasting for
several nays, ami those are lo "see
inoiu through leasting on delicious
young dogs made into soup. Mothers
who have asked tho Great Spirit for
some favor bring their babes and young
luldren to be "gouged in the ears
with anything but sharp knives by tho
medicine men (who are on hand m
great numbers), the girls receiving two
inflictions in each ear and the boys one.
for which tho medicine man receives a
pony or two. onion have thoir arms,
shoulders or taces cut as thev may
have promised at the time. Groups of
men and women dance with upturned
taces to the burning sun, looting con
tinuously a whistle made of an ante
lope's bone. All these are preliminary
to the most barbarous and painful
task ot being brave. I he young
men who have fixed thoir hearts
upon this torture bv going
through tlio ordeal of being cut
in the two breasts and a sinew passed
through the wounds, are tied to a rone
itlachcd to the stationary sun dance
pole, which they endeavor to break out
bV continuous dancing and jerking.
Their faces aro lifted to the scorching
June sun while they blow on the ante
lope bone whistle. To contribute to
heir success, some near friend or rela
tive throws out sticks to tlio surround-
ng crowds, and a scramble is mad. to
secure then), as each stick enfitles the
holder lo a pony. Invoking the Great
Spirit for success is general by tho
inedie'ne inon, while groups of dancers
with whistles and bauds of nearly naked
wild men, painted in all colors, yellow,
green, red, blue, black, whit t or pur
ple, in whole, in part or combinations,
with the designs of hands, horse shoo
prints, horses. Indians, etc., go through
mournful singing to tho beats of a dozen
great drums, making the conglomera
tion of noises anything but what a band
leader would term "harmony." On
the occasion to which this article refers
but one out of the three succeeded in
breaking the llcsh from the breasts
and ho proved tho meanest as well as
bravest the others fainting; and some
of tho few whites present beoaine faint
thorns 'lvos during tlio progress of this
horrible torture.
At the close of this festival, lasting
about eight days, tho Indians returned
to thoir homes to find themselves eitli -r
richer or poorer than when they left;
but a large store-house of rations fur-
lished by tho government supplied
their wants lo at least a limited extent.
On thoir return homo they found what
iw crops they had put in before lhey
loft had either got behind tho growth
the weeds or eaton bv stray stock,
rims the progressive Indian failed to
irogrcss, and tho government did a
most sensible act when it abolished tho
inn dance, which every Indian was
ompelled to attend or bo held in dis-
raco by tho loaders. trenjhton (At'tV.)
i oncer.
A Harvest Song,
llol ye reapers, merry reaper I
Through the Ileitis a-MiiKlm; fro,
And the summer wind hi wIiIsimts,
Heuds the wild flowers to and fro.
List! The son); of (scythe and sickle,
Mingled with tho reaper's plaint,
While the mapple, wise and tickle,
Scolds and bcolds In language ipinlnt
Now the bearded jrraln f falling,
fiolrlen grain with beaded head;
Hark I Von meadow-lark I calling;:
'Spare my babe their trundle hod."
llol ye reapers! Harvest grand J
HIiil' and toll this summer day;
There Is plenty la our laud,
I'caiT and plenty lioldeth 6way,
(Jay Davldioii, i Chicago Time.
A church at fJroat Harrington, Mo.,
tvas recently Riven a 100,000 parson
a'o and 3d,000 on;an by a lady, but
the congruation dom not relish the
idea of raising the pastor's salary so
that ho can maintain the palace par
sonage. The organ is of peculiar con
struction in tho power of making com
binations. It is continually getting out
of repair, and there is no available or
ganist who can got any butter effects
from tho organ than from ono costing
11,000 or thereabouts.
Old I.ovp Letter.
Old love letters nro much like cold soup.
A love letter tluit telegraphs a delightful
limit) to the tip crula ot the fingers and
toes, nmlii" the lien it thump fast and even
n-HMiiit up the stoinueh when first written,
it renil ixfter the tlx nic which in.-ptred It hud
Jiol, possesses all the tlntnesfl, gtalones
and nruueiithic quality that aro in a porkv
leiin broth that hnshiid in tlio icfrlsorntor
iince yesterday. Soup has this nlviintnie
it can be warmed over, while lovo loiters
cannot. Lew iatun (Mo.) Journal.
Ot.n pill boxes nro spread over tho land
by the tlioiisntids after Imvini been emp
tied by Miffering humanity. What a mass
of sickening, (lisKiisting iiieilichio tlio poor
stomach has to contend with. Too much
itrong medicine. Prickly Ash Hitters is
apUllyimd surely taking tho placo ot all
this class of ilniL-s, ami is curing all the ills
Arising from a disoi tiered condition ot the
liver, kidneys, stoinnch and bonols.
A nomination in
In tho bush.
tho hnnd is worth two
Hotter results aro tlorheri from Hall's
Hair Henowor than from any similar pre
paration. If yon suffer with chills and lover, tako
Aycr's Augue Cure. It will cure you.
Drinking pure fresh country milk helps
a boy to glow.
Mind Tim Hahiks. Colds in tho Ilend
and Smithes develop Into a Catarrh whic
ruins the health. Use Kly's Cream Halm
a pleasant and eato remedy which will
surely prevent and euro. It is not n limiid
or a Btititf, but is easily applied with the
finger. All druggists havo it. 50 cts. Hy
mail CO cts. Send for circular. Lly Uroa.
Owego, X. Y.
a as HEiiN o. k. Evrn SINCE.
Mr.ssus. Ki.y linos., Gentlemen: My boy
(a years old) was recently taken with cold
wlilcii deemed hnally to settle in Ins lieail
His nose was stopped up tor days and
nights so that it was difllcult for him to
breathe and sleep. I called a physician who
prescribed, but did him no good. Finally
I went to the drug store and cot a bottle
oi your Cream lialin. It seemed to vrorl
like magic. Tho boy's noso "vas clear in
two days, ami ho has been 0. K.ever since
K. J. Hazard, Now York City, Jan. 27
The tashionnblo sandwich is cut trinn
gular, ami has all bread crust removed.
The Omaha Typj foundry can furnish
new newsnnner outfits on short notice,
Prices samo ns in Chicago and freight
ulrcaily paid to Omaha.
The cheapest method ot raising fowls is
to nil tliem oil the roost at night.
Tho iimn who takes his family into tho
country for tho summer Hlioilld remember
that lie ill save his children ugieatdeal
ot pain and himself a largo amount of
money in doctors' bills If he is thoughtful
enough to carry a supply of l'uituv Davis
Pain Kii.lku. Tho medicine is a standard
specific for all cases of cramps, colic,
cholera morbus, diarihroa, or dysuiitory,
A liberty polo is not the proper thing for
beans to run oik
Tin: Voltaic 1!i:i.t Co., Marshall, Mich
offer to send their Celebrated Voltaic Hixth
and Kleetric Appliances on thirty days'
trial to any man afflicted with Nervous Do
bility, Loss of Vitality, Manhood, etc. 11
lustratcd pamphlet in himlkd i:.n vi:i.oim
with full particulars, mailed free. Write
them at onco.
Mice in tho money-drawer aro protty suro
to niako a inns.
If all of our bovs nnd girls could
tako a courso at Elliott's Business Col
lego, Ilurlington. Ia it would bo far
better than a dowry of a thousand
It is better to live
on a little, than to
outlivo a great deal.
NcrvoiiMieiN unit UyHe.iu Cured
Hy CAUTiut's I.ittl Niutvul'ii.i.s. Twenty
live cents.
A man is not eligible to tho Presidency
until no Is tw irly-live years oi ago.
Be morcIAil to dumb anlmnls. Heal
allopon sores and cuts with Stewart's
Healing Powder, 16 aud 50 cents a box.
Our Yo Semito Valley is hardh knowd in
Don't fail to sco tho Battli: op Gi:ttyh
iiciio when you visit Om ha. Special rates
loexcuision parlies. lJ.ii. Wheeler, Jr, See y
Is not a rabbit's tail a Iiaro brush?
71ion Uaby wm tk, ore her Calorla,
VHieu she was a Child, she cried for Cmtorla,
Vllen she bocamo libs, eho clung to Candida,
t?tn ho had Children, alio gavo thorn Castoria,
Shouldn't organists tako out a Hcoiiho to
Tho Business College at Lincoln. Nob., has
tho best penmen in tho west. Tlio business
and short-hand courses aro complete Bond
tor specimen penmanship it Collude Journal.
California strawberries nro so big that
they plug them to sen if thoy aro ripo.
If sick hcadacho is misery, what aro Car
ter's LittloLiverl'ills if they will positively
euro it? Peoplo who havo used them speak
frankly of their worth. Thoy aro small
and easy to take.
No man
is no great u fool
thinks himself smart.
Tiir habit of runntnir over hoita or ilir.ej corrected
with Ioou'i I'alent Heel Stlfleiicri.
Jug not that yo bo not jugged.
You Fee!
All tired oat, almoit proitrated. without appetite,
nervoui, dcpreiied and dripondentT Hood'i Sana
parlllawlllglrejous'reng'tliand vigor, rentoreand
iharpen jour appetite, build up jrour ncrruua ijitem
and clear jour mind.
Do you have plmplei and botli breaking out on
your body, icrof uloui aorea or bunebca, or other In
dications of Impure bloodT Hood'i Bariaparllla will
rfmire every rettlge of Impurity and vitalize and
earlcntbe blood.
Do you have headache, lod'geitlon, heartburn
dtcrcii after eating, falotneii, or oilier aymptom
fdyipepila? Hood's Bariaparllta will toneupthe
dlgeaitve organi, rcmore every dliagreeabte rmp
tom, and completely cure you.
Do you have paint In the back and the disagree
ing evidences of difficulties with tne kidneys or
liver? Hood's Sarsaparllla rouses tbcsj organs to
their proper duties and enables them to resist the at
tack of disease. Giro It a trial.
Hood's Sarsaparllla
fold by all druggists. Hi stz for IV Prepare! ooty by
a I. HOOD h CO., Apothecaries, Lowell. Mux
IOO Doses One Dollar.
Iltea'" lrtl-raK.
t,tro In tlio I'nrl Sowera
Is poiible, (or n short time to tho robust,
but the majority id ivllned persons would
preler ininiedirtti' death tn en-denre in
thelr'cvklntfiitinnsphetv. nun h mure
lfVdtuiu to lie In one's ell a uvivi M:vr.n.
Hut thw is iiitiuilly th" eiisti itli those in
whom th- imit tivity of Ihe liver drives the
le'uso matter of I he tmdy totscape through
the hiiiss, breath. Ihe pores, kidneys and
bladder. It i astonishing that life re
mains in surh a dwelling. Dr. Pierce's
"Golden Medieal Discovery" restores nor.
mal purity to the system and renews the
whole being.
Are dogs who insert teeth practical den
tists? Th rii Aiviij Trii"i-ie"i
nnd employ our radical, new method, guar
anteed to permanently cure tho worst eases
ot rupture, Send 10 cents in stamps for
reference!), pamphlet and terms. World's
Dispensary Medical Association, CO'J Main
St., lhitfalo, X. Y.
Fonivlni one's enemies is like a draught
of water to the patched soul.
"Her face so fair, as flesh it seemed not,
Hut heavenly portrait of brij-htani'crs hue,
Clear as the sly, without a blame or blot,
Through goodly mixture of complexions due
And in her cheeks the vermeil rod did show."
This is tho poet's description of a woman
whoso physical system was in a perfectly
Bound ami healthy state, with every func
tion acting properly, aud is tho enviable
condition of its fair patrons produced by
Dr. Pierre's "Favorite Prescription." Any
Pearls must bo constantly worn, or they
will crumble.
CARBOLISALVE cures ltchtnpi and Irrt
j tatuius of tho Skin and .Sculp, Poisons,
Piles and Ulcers. Cmct htm.innd SrttMsu'ttA
out a Scar. Si and 60 eta. at Druggists.
Our Saxon grandmothers called garters
AVeaUly Women ivllli l'ale,
Colorless taces need Cautiui's lito.v I'll.I-s.
Client) window
glass is a snare nnd iv
a months' Ireitmen' fnrSOc
Cut anil. Suld by tlriiKKlst.
riso'i Ilcmedy for
A chaste woman is rarely ever chased.
The Omaha Typo foundry can furnish
new newspaper outfits on short notice.
Prices same as in Chicago ami freight
already paid to Omaha.
It in
tho enrly caucus that catches tho
Browns Iron
Theqnf-tlonhsi probably Ixwn nked thousand's
of tlniM."Hnw onti Itrown'a Iron Ilittrra euro every
thing!"' Wtill, it ibomi't, llut it di5curnanTiUnr
for which a reputable plmlcian would prone ri be I UO a
rhyatclans recofnlro Iron ai the bent rtwturatlfe
Rnt known to tun profawlan. and Itmulry of any
jediig choiniciil llrinwill anlialautlatu thauaxrUon
that ther aro more imipuratlona of Iron thru of any
ether aubtanco usau In mmilclne ThK allows oou
elosltely that Iron is acknonledid to ba tu mcnt
Important factor In aucceMf ul medical practice. It Is,
howoTur. aroniukablo fact, that prior to tho ilUoot
cry of IIItOWN'S IIMIN IHTTHHSuop;rfct.
ly eatlsfactory Iron combination had ever bnen found.
headache, or produce conrtlpatlon nil oilier Iron
medicine do. IIItOWN'S IKON ItlTTKKH
cures ImlifteNtlnn, Illlloiianrsi, Wenbiiesa,
Dysprpala, illiiliirlii, (Uillls nnil revers,
Tired KrrlliiB.ISeiirrul Debility, l'aln In the
Klite, llnekor T,liiiba,I1eui1neIinandNeiiriU
Kill for all theae allinonts Iron la prescribed dally,
minnt. laikeallothfr thorough romlicfneti. It act
slowly. Whm taken hy inn tin first nyniptom of
benefit U rime wad enwRT. Th nut then Iinoom
flrraer. tho digMtlinimprnvM, tha bowels nro net It.
In women the effect in usually tnom rapid nnd marked.
The ejes begin at one to brighten; the ikln clour
np: healthy color ronton to the rherknt nervousness
disappears; functional dernngnmentji become reuu
1st. and if a, nursing mother, abundant sustenance
Is supplied for the child. Itemmbr nrowna Iron
Uiltrm lithe ON r.V iron itiRdtcino that Is not In
jurious, Vhytici'int ami Jtrw'ht reovimenl it,
Tho Genuine haa Trade Mark and rrMwd red linea
oawrapper. TAICI2 NO OTIIKlt.
aud orHtn Eo.'jA.u.YuriciEWTRrii'nits
It haa stood tho Test of Yoara,
in curing an Diseases or tno
ELU01), IuVEIv, BT0JI-
ELS, Ac. Itl'uriflcs tho
Blood, Invigorates and
Cleanses tho System.
dir. appear at onco under
it3 bcneQclul influence.
It is purely a Mcdlcino
as its cathartlo propor
tics forbids its use as a
boverngo. Itioplcas
nntto tne tasto, and ns
easily taken by child
ren as adulttu
Bole 1'roprletort,
St.Louib aud IUnbaj, Citt
K'uriilHliod on Nliori IVotlcu I'rom
OllUlllil lit C'lilcuo 1iIc:m.
Omaha, Neb., 12th and Howard.
and Morplilne IIullt Cun-d In 10 to
laaJI-jarta. Dr. Kaxab,
DUIiaya. '-Ultrri" 1UJU imiiriu. i -uixi
i, viutnoy,!
IIAtVKS. l)uveuiur(, lutvu.
Y. N. U., Oinulia
3i u--at).
m Best
wrs 41 lul l , w
TkaKIinilUANOEUrKtUI, warraaUd wmrproef, a4 r.l k-l !' 'r '
U htrteat aturm, T it nw roillltL KIJI Kdl It a r"'' ' " ""t ;f4,"f
1j Si Intel C'aUlo( fife. A. 1 iwr, iitrfiw,. him.
jitwareeiiinnaneai. jitweaf" -
Ph ysieians, Afitt !sfcrt, Afissiomrics, Man
agcrs of Factories, Work-thops, Planta
tions, Nurses in Hospitals, in short,
everybody everywhere tvho has
' ever given it a trial,
BITES, &c.
Prices, 25c, 60c. and $1.00 per Bottle.
For Salb by all Medicine Dealers.
CQ"Boware of Iinltntlons.-tas
A RperlaiUt for Flavrn Yenra Pnt,
rta treatnl Dropny andlta complications with the.
rnnut wonderful lurccm; uar-a vegetable rnnedlea,
rntlrf Ijr liannlf . Ilrmovei all lympiomi of ilropif
lu elelit to twenty day a.
Cnret patlcuta pronounced hopelca by the be it of
From tlie flnt do-r thf aymptomi rapidly dla
prar, and In Irn daya at least two thlrdi ut the ayinp
tomi are reinoTod.
Some mar cry Immtiui; without knowlns anythlnf
about It. H'meinhcr II doc nit coat you anything
torrallte the merits of my tn-atment for youritlf
I am eonatan'lv curln caiei of lon-jitnniinB.caiiea
that hare been tuppela nitmher of time, aid lhi
Eatlent drcl.iied unaliln to live n wolc. (lire fall
latory of cam Namn r, h iw Inns aiTllcted, hor
badly awolen an I where, ta tmwel oilre, hntre leia
Iiurited and dripped water. Send for free pamphlet,
containing tettlmonlalx, queitlont, etc
1 0 ilrt.ra tronttiipnt 'iirnlalieil free hy mall.
Kpllepiy Ota positively cured,
liordartrlal. tond cents In stamp, topar postaje.
II. II OllKKN, , I).,
65 Jonea Avenue, Atlanta, (la.
A fln-at Medloil AVirlc on Manhnoil. Kerrnni ami
riiyalciil Dchltliy, l'rrmatiirc Decline In Man,,
tie., and tha untold mlierlei
rem tint from In llat-rrtlnn or evcceioij ail) paitea,
luhatunilHlly In und In Kilt, nuilln Contain! mora
than W lnaluuio pn-Hcrlpilons, emhraclnR erery
rccctahle remedy In tho pharnnu-rcptnfor ail acuta
and chronic ilUcane. It la en.phnllcally a b.iolc for
every man. fries only II hy mail postpaid, concealed
In plain wrapper.
rount and mldula nitrd men for the nexttilncty daya.
Bend now. or cut this mil, a yon limy never sei It
iCln. Address Dn. W II. l'AlCKr.IC, 4 Uulflnch Bt,
N. II. Dr. Purler cm he confldrntlally consulted
n all dlseasen of mail, hla ipeclaltlca
iTLtJa-.-.11,"s MDlNE.VIi. ,ut
SJi o rit (r ,, nil'"
when 1 iiT turn i tit nut main t
ft time nnil than Iirto I hem return o irn In. I mw.m a radi
cal euro. I barn inHilu the Olmo of FtTa, Ll'ILBIVT
or FAlaMNO HICKNKSin .lro-lntitf etuty. Iwarrtntny
reroeilr to cur the wont cus liecumo thri bt
fallad ! no renion tor not notv ri'f Wing n euro. i?tnd at
onco for a treatlao anil a 1'rne Uotlle of my InfaUlblo
reintiU. OIt Kip rem and l'ust Oillce. ll cou jo
Qotbluc for a trial, siul I will euro you.
Aditrea Dr. 11. (1, HOOT, 113 ivarl St., Now York.
ri.-o'i Ttemedy fbr Catarrh la the
Beat, Kualeat to Uae, and Clieapeet.
Alao good for Cold In the ITead,
Headache, Hay Fever, Ac M cenla.
I eA i
I fUrrninn A(h. Cure nrrer mils to flvtQ
Blbrttt.1 itteDi tSvcU ture wbero all olbrri fall. At
w tiHiHtdiut rtutfitx in wont casti. iniurei ooaVB
ttrlal tonvinr tkt meat tktptital I'rlee AO rt. u4
.00, of Druufiti Arty mill Vltl.V. UxK
Efti C" fi PI J afnf 11 and VAnal ru
I IU KH.Gll CUedfor all forma or Uel o
Vrr.ncVr.NOSE & throat
Inserted. Address Dr. IM I'lIV, Omaha. Knh.
nabll, qulrklr and rnfalete.
ly cured at home. Correspondenca
solicited and Jrtt trial of cute seat
honest Investigators. Tiiallituaxa
ltaKaurfOMi-awr. Lafayette, lot
Ilrtlllt Cnroillu 10
No n iy till OaraO.
Srarunm. I.euiuou, uul.
Vnlcnllutt tiros, Jauetvllle, Wla.
tarn cood
Ilurna nndHcalila,
Cute and Ilrulaca,
Sliralna A: Hlttclica,
Contrneted Muaclca
Uroat Illtei.
Hcratctiea. I
Borea and Galls.
Spa-fls, Cracka.
Screw Worm, Grab.
Foot Kol, Hoof All.
Hwlnny, Foanetara,
Sprain, Htralaa.
Sort? l'eet(
nnd all external dliaates, arid arery hart or amrldirrsl.
for general uae In family, stable and a took yard, U U
w an ba m m w ley
uorivtOfttODiDra lot