The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, July 17, 1886, Image 7

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Some Cnrlous 1'acts nml Holies of Iter
l'nst History Tobacco n f'ttr
rcncy In Colonial Days.
Tobacco in Virginia is imlissoliililv
connected with tlio Powhatan pip , suvs
The Baltimore Sun. licnco carrying us
bark to King Powhatan ami his In
dians. It is doubtless for tins reason
that the principal tobacco store in Rich
nonri displays to-day in its show-case
two of the chiefs teeth, decorated with
ribbons and duly inscribed: "Jaw
tooth, and front tooth from the mouth
of King Powhatan." Their size is one
and one-quarter inches long, one inch
wide; one inch long, one-half inch wido
respectively. The owner of this stock
of dentistry, having been questioned as
to its genuineness, quickly replied:
"The identical spot where they were
found can bo seen anv day on the
W'icococomico, or Nine-Mile road, not
far from the battle-held of Seven Pines,
and I know the man who picked 'em
up. I admit they look rather large,
but it is said the king rarely used his
club when his teeth were on edge, and
I suppose they got so big from long
practice on his enemies." Powhatan,
for the rest, has always been largely a
favorite, and hundreds of urchins con
tinue to bo dubbed on iirst coming into
the world with the old savago chief
tain's name. Citizens smoko the "Pow
hatan" openly about tlio streets of
Richmond, and arc apparently proud
of the act when so flagrantly caught
Tennyson, lord and poet, says ho has
tried many pipes, but ho never yet
found one to equal the genuine red arti
cle exported from the Old Dominion.
In the early days tobacco was exclu
sively the' currency used. Even as late
as tho timo of Jcfl'orson wo iind by the
records lately exhumed from files of
yollow parchments long stored away in
n country house garret, that that gen
tlemen, according to' a letter of ac
knowledgment from one Fitzgerald,
purchased with tobacco a copy of his
friend's, tho eighteenth century phil
osopher's "Encyclopedia" a work
which iu its original influences set him
to thinking about tho "Rights of Man,"
ultimately leading him up to writing
the Declaration of Independence. Iu
tho older days still tho" tithes of the
colonial parsons were paid in tobacco,
sheriffs' fees were charged in tobacco,
goods were engaged indifferently "in
cash or tobacco, wives freshly import
ed from old England wore purchased,
not on tho auction block, however, as
stated by sonic writers, in tobacco
that is, tho expenso of their voyage
was defrayed by tho yielding up of a
certain amount of tho weed. The mar
riage portion of a young lady of fortune
was considered to be about 50.000
pounds of tobacco, at from 7 to 8 cents
por pound. There that is not a mat
tor of dollars, to bo sure. In 1780 a
hogshead of prune tobacco fetched in
Richmond 75, low quality 30. In
1775 tho export ot tobacco
from the colonv was 101.828.C17
pounds: in 1875it was 233,901,91!)
pounds, and tho trafltc in tlio article
yielded S20.000.000. considered a hand
some revenue. Tho state pays $6,000
000 in tobacco taxes to tho federal
treasury. The principal tobacco mar
ket centers of tho state are Richmond.
Petersburg, Danville, and Lynchburg,
eacli putting up the weed in its various
forms in largo factories worked by ne
groes. Tho cake or plug tobacco is tlio
chief manufacture the stand-by of tho
trade and is inclosed in boxes of but
tonwood from Maino that tree being
preferred from the fact that its timber
is free from taste anil and odor, so that
it cannot afl'ect tho contents. Tho
sweetened steins removed from tho
leaf tobacco before it is made into cakes
are shipped to Germany, where they
are used in the manufacture of snuff
for elderly people in Franco, Spain, and
Italy, where alone it is now fashiona
ble for such elderly folks "to snuft,"
the people of all other countries chiefly
using the weed for chewing or smok
ing. The Italian priests invariably
"snuff." Franco and Italy arc largo
purchasers of tobacco in tho Richmond
market that is to say, tho govern
ments of those countries, which hold
tobacco as u monopoly.
The Virginia Historical society at
Richmond, in charge of that woll-postod
gentleman, Secretary Brock, has a col
lection of precious relics and curious
bric-a-braa Tho maeo of tho speaker
of tho Iiousl of burgessos. tho same bo
fore which Henry impeached George
III., stands ilrst on tho list. Then
comes a specimen brick that is, a
brick bearing this inscription: "This
brick was taken from the ruins of tho
liouso in which Pocahontas lived as
tlio wife of John Rolf, at Varina, in
the county of Henrico; brought to
Richmond. April 15. 1850, by Richard
Randolph," ono of her descendants.
It is a very good brick; its genuineness
is undisputed, and a suflicient number
like it would rear an excellent house.
Somo Indian bread, petrified, docs not
strike tho beholder as very appetiz ng.
Tho colonial paper currency on shelves
looks for all tho world like bank of
England notes of to-day, such is tho
similarity of style, print, and paper.
England keeps up tho colonial stylo in
many respects she has not changed it
so rapidly sis Virginia found it incum
bent ami profitable to do. A French
bronze tablot bears the inscription:
"This tablet was placed as a mark of
tho domain of King Louis XV., on tho
river Oyo Ohio, as a memorial of tho
taking possession of the territory from
tho savages in the king's name in 1719."
A nugget of iron is surrounded with
more than usual interest as being a
memorial from Falling creek, on James
river, soven miles below Richmond, the
site of the first iron furnaco iu America,
founded and operated by Archibald
Cary, known as "Old Ironsides," from
his porsovering attempt in starting this
first furnace in tho now world, tho pre
cursor of tho thousands that now deck
tho land. Tho iron nugget was somo of
"Old Ironsides'" make all honor to
him as the father of such a potential
great industrial branch! Thero aro
relics of Washington, LaJayeUo, etc.,
antl tho collection is extremely valuable
and interesting to the historical stud
ent, esiMJcially tho archives and tho
uniquo set of printed pamphlets. Jts
souvenirs of tho late war aro plentiful.
Iu these archived are religiously pro-
served land patents, state papers, public
and private correspondence of i-niiii' .t
men, niisccll mcous manucr.pts. shott
ing t'i cu toin-' and maimers of tin
p oplo from the fir.-t setil m-nt. To,
the mod.-rn reader, the inherited d--ccntrities
tii quaintness of .-Hie an. I
language of these manuscripts is rather
puzzlitig; but they may bo said to dis
play considerable" polish, if compared
with those of the stono age of the an
cient Saxon tonguo before it had beeu
smoothed down bv the Norman ele
ment and by elegant writers. A
marked peculiarity of the epistolary
intercourse is found in tho way gentle
men of the past vied with each
other in the exchango of polito conde
scensions, actually practicing in letters
of the most trilling import all the defer
ential pantomime of court etiquette. "I
have the honor to bo your most obedi
ent, humblo servant," was by no means
equivalent to saying "I'll whitewash
you," or "I'll black your shoes;" it
was only court style. In many of tho
documents aro also to be discovered
traces of tho broad distinction in social
life which, oven to a very lato period,
continued to exorcise an important in
fluence upon tho inhabitants an influ
ence which impressed its efl'ects more
upon Virginians than upon the people
of any of the older commonwealths.
The force of example was chiefly instru
mental in forming those manners of de
corum, subordination and respect for
authority which was formerly and yet
to a perceptible degree is so characteris
tic of tho Virginia people. Thus, when
tho executive council of the colonial era
was in full operation, cacli individual
member who dispensed its patronago
was commissioned "colonel" by royal
authority; and from that dav to this
everybody who has had the disposition
of anj bit of patronago under the state
government has been called more or
loss "colonel," sometimes "general,"
sometimes "major," but always dubbed
with a military title. Of course, the
lato war left over a largo nunibor of
genuine military titles, and they are all
the more handy for use.
Scliool-Tcnchcrs with Glnss Eyc3.
"A glass eye is a grand improve
ment, so far as looks aro concerned."
said a mild-voiced man from Webster,
N. H., "but it is a positive detriment
to a school-teacher. A school-teacher
and a glass eye should for over remain
strangers. I know what I'm talking
about, for I've got a glass optic, and I
tried to teach school with it in my left
eye, but 1 failed, and my failure was
duo entirely to that darned old sight
less makeshift for a real eye.
"My oyo was put out whilo at Dart
mouth college. As soon as possible af
ter the accident I had a glass oyo litted
and wore it for tlio first time on com
mencement day, when 1 received my
sheepskin. As soon as 1 graduated I
got a district school near Keone and
began teaching the next fall. Tlio
school had scholars big and little, who
were just beginning their A 15 G s, and
those who were finishing off. Among
the latter class were two or three girls
pretty well up in their teens. One of
them was as pretty as a picture.
"Knowing that the boys needed more
constant watching than tho girls, 1
transferred the former to the right side
of tlio room and gave the girls desks on
tho left side. Tins change excited mhiio
comment, as from timo immemorial
the reverse order had been observed.
1 could see that tlio change was not a
popular measure, however. 1 gave no
reason for the move. Everything went
along without apparent friction or in
cident until the second Friday of my
first month. At that tune I received a
note from tho school directors asking
mo to attend a meeting of that body on
the following day.
"I went to tho meeting expecting
somo trouble on account of my changes
in tho school-room. Tho meeting had
not fairly opened before the senior
director, with much stammering, in
formed mo that the pretty young girl,
the oldest in tho school, calling her by
name, had informed tho directors that
I never took my left oyo oil of hor from
tho beginning " of tho school until it
closeil at recess, noon, and night. I ox
plained that the accusation was with
out foundation, and taking tlio glass
shell from the socket, placed it on the
table. They immediately saw the in
justice of the accusation, but at the
same timo as long as I wore a glass eo
its effect on the girl pupils would be the
same as if it was real. In other words,
I had either to go without the oyo or
givo up tho school. 1 did tho latter
and started out on the road." St. J'aul
Sam Jones on Lapdog Husbands.
"There is many a woman in trouble
just because she thinks her husband is
getting into scrapes. I am glad I
married a woman who is not afraid
that her husband can't take care of
liimsolf. If I was in somo of you
women's places, and mv husband could
not take care of himself. 1 would tie a
string around his n'eck like a dog, and
go with him everywhere ho went.
Laughter. You can get your hus
band killed, cut up in any style, shape,
or form have him brought homo in
sections, mangled horribly, simply by
borrowing trouble. Now, you young
ladies present, don't many a man who
can't tako care of himself. Don't do
hko your ma did. Considerable merri
ment. Women aro not the only ones
who borrow trouble. Just think of a
man with whiskers running tho trouble
Life's Baseball Vocabulary.
A favorite pitcher Tho beer jug.
A baso hit Slugged by a footpad.
Not out A prisoner at the Tombs.
A good strike The car drivers.
The champion catcher Tho belloof
Jlio homo strotch loung America
under the maternal slipper.
A heavy batter Restaurant wheat
High ball Tho Chairty.
A bad score The liquor dealer's
Homo ran Small boy chased by the
Short Mop Brake on aTweuty-thlrd
street bobtail car.
Query How many baseball league;
make a mile? Life.
Tlio firnnd Old Slntc KciteMnn IIcrolf.
"That's somctlilnu Hko it," ejaculated a
long-lmirr-tl niiMengcr, InyiiiR down u iiowh
paper, with a smile, ot satisfaction on hi
stubby face. 'That's aonicthiiii: liko it
Toat's great. That's liko old llnirs. It
docs my heart good. Oil, I tell you the
old state is still here, and I know she'd re
deem herself. I knew she'd get back to her
milk somo day and protect her reputation
God bless the old stato ot Miesoury she's
covered herself with glory. Here, stranger,
take a pull at my bottle, will yc? drink to
tho health o' tho grand old stato what's
redeemed herself."
"Certainly," replied tho stranger, reach
ing out tor tho bottle "certainly, my
friend; hero's lookin' at yo. But what has
the grand old stato ot Missouri dono to
redeem herself?"
'What has she donoT Why, sir, sho has
had two ot her infernal newspaper editors
shot in ono week. Isn't that glory enough
to Inst her all summer?" Giicago Herald
How to Avoid I'reiiintnro Old Asc.
The following advico is given by Dr. Ben-
iamia Ward Richardson:
To subsist .on light but nutritious diet,
with milk as tho standard food, but varied
accordldg to the season.
To tako food in moderate quantity, four
times in tho dny, including a light meal bo-
fore going to bed.
To tlotho warmly but lightly, so as that
tho body may in all seasons maintain its
iqunl temperature.
To keep tho body in fair exercise, a!ul tho
mind activo and cheerful.
To maintain an interest in what is going
on in tho world, nnd to tako part in rens.
onablo labors and pleasures, as though old
ago wero not present.
To tako plenty ot sleop during sleeping
hours. To spend nino hours in bed at tho
least, and to tako caru during cold weather
that tho temperaturo of tho bedroom is
ninintnincd at sixty degrees Fahrenheit.
To avoid passion, excltomcnt, luxury.
nimle a Itfatcli of IC.
Here's a littlo bit of tun from tho Now
York Sun: Visitor (at Castlo Garden)
"Aro all those immigrants Norwegians?"
Ofllcial "No. sir. A few of them nre
Swedcnborgians." This recalls a story told
by a Troy clergyman. A certain man who
was a follower of Swedcnborg had for a
wife a very excellent lady of orthodox
church nlliliations. Sho cnino to tho min
ister ono day in great tribulation owing to
the discovery that her husband's religious
views were a littlo off-color, from her own
point of view. Sho cited her own fidelity
to her creed and then ejaculated: "To
think that I have gono and married a Spit
icnborgl" Troy Times.
By One of tlio "Conipn."
A convenient articlo for tho kitchen is a
stout tin box, in which may bo kept tho
stove-polish and brushes and cloths used
about the stovo. A two-quart pitcher with
a metal top something to net as a boy'
cott against mosquitos and flies who hap
pen to miss the last car is also a handy
thing in tho kitclion. H can bo taken out
the back way, nnd, by shinning through
alleys, you can get back and enjoy your
beer without any of tho neighbors catching
on. St. Louis Critic.
Kalinins City Get Another IIIe Slice.
Kansas City Times Juno 16.
With the increase in tho price of real
estato, the bourn in buildings and tho gen
eral prosperity of the city taken into con
sideration, it is no wonder that sho should
get more than her shuro of tho Louisiana
Stato Lottery drawing this month. Tho
drawing came oft yesterday and ticket
18,145 drew tho capital prize of 5150,000.
There was nothing surprising in the fact
that a lady in this city was so fortunalo
as to have a fifth ticket. Somo ono here
was bound to have part of tho ticket, for
it has been demonstrated that money can
not get away from Kansas City, this SHO,
000 making about $80,000 drawn by resi
dents of this city sinco January 1.
Mrs. Anna M. Cross is tho lucky posses
sor of the slip of paper which by yester
day's turn of the wheel entitlesher to $U0,
000. She is a widow aged about 5J5, and
sho has lived hero for about threo years.
For tho past year and a half Mrs. CroH
has been employed as book-keeper, and
each month has invested part ot her earn
ings in tickets. This is tho first prizo bIio
lias won and tho nows of hor good fortune
almost overpowered her. Together with
her daughter sho boards at Whlta
ker's hotel. For tho present at least Mrs.
Cross will continue to keep books, and
when she receives tho monoy sho has sensi
bly concluded to invest it in real estate.
A snail travels seventy inches in an hour.
Tho Omaha Typ.i foundry can furnish
new newspaper outfits on short notice.
Prices same as in Chicago and freight
already paid to Omaha.
Josh Billings always reckoned "rum and
tanBy" among the lost arts.
To represent tho "Mutunl Reserve Fund
Lifo Association of New York." The larg
est, strongest, and most prosperous Insur
nnco Company on the Globe, ago and secur
ity considered 1,400 members in No
brnska, between $5,000,000 and $0,000,
000 insurance. Liberal Commissions paid
to active, energetic agents. No others
If you wish nn agency or to Insure your
life in a good Company, address B. If.
Itobison, General 'Manager, Omaha, Ne
braska. The woman movement street corner
Consented Liver I Frequent in the
Spring, and is relieved by Cauteii'b Little
LlVElt 1'lLLS.
It will requiro moro than nlno tailors to
make a man ot the avcrago dude.
As a hair dressing, Hall's Hair Renewer
has no equal. Askyour druggist for it.
Tho only warranted cure for chills and
fever is Ayer's Ague Curo.
The Misses Austin, ot Louisiana, havo a
$450,000 claim against the United Slates.
heavily timbered land in Morgan county,
Mo. Will sell cheap for cash or trade for
Omnba, city property. Address for par
ticulars, Wt'bUra Newspaper Union, Dea
Moines, Iowa.
Ballet tramps are invariably whlrldly
minded. 4
Don't fail to see the Battle op Gkttts
nuna when you visit Om Jia. Special rates
to excursion parties. D.H.Wheeler, Jr, Sec'jr
The question of to morrow What shall
we have for breakfast?
The Omaha Type foundry can furnish
new newspuper outfits on short notice.
Prices same ns in Chicago and freight
already paid to Omaha.
(1500 Not Called For.
It scorns strnngo that it is necessary to
ncrsiiado men that you can cure their ilia
on sin ly otfcriiii! a premium to tho man
who fails to recoivo lu'tielit. And yet Dr.
Sage undoubtedly cureil thousands ot cases
ot obstinate catarrh with his "Catarrh
Remedy," who would never have applied
lo him, it it had not been for his offer ot
the nbove sum for an Incurable case. Who
is tho next bidder for curo or cash?
To find the newest books out go to a cir
culating library.
A Wonderful Freak of Nature
Is oomctimo exhibited in our public cxliibb
tiotn. When we gnzo upon somo of tho
peculiar freaks dame nature occasionally
indulges in, our minds revert back to tho
creation ot man, "who is so fearfully and
wonderfully made." The niystcties of his
nature havo been unraveled by Dr. R. V.
Pierce, of Buffalo, and through his knowl
edge of those mysteries ho has been able to
prepnro his "Golden Medical Discovery,"
which is a specific for all blood taints, poi
sons nnd humors, such ns scrofula, pimple,
blotches, erruptions, swellings, tumors, ul
cers hud kindred affections. By druggists.
A water proof garment The coat of tho
toper's stomach.
A Roitnuzn Mluo
of health is to bo found in Dr. R. V. Pierco's
"Favorito Preset iplion," to the merits of
which, ns a remedy for femulo weakness and
kind roil affections, thousands testify.
A railroad is not going very well when it
pnsses a dividend.
No 0nc In rio'a Cure for Consumption. Curei
where other remedies (nil. 23c
Tho friend who stickoth faster than a
brother P. O. Verty.
Our young friend Frnnk Warner,
who just graduated from EMott's Busi
ness College, Burlington, Iowa, has so
cured a fine position in Burlington.
A promising writer Tho man who draws
up a noto.
Tho man who takes his family into tho
country tor tho summer should roinember
that ho will savo his child rou a great deal
of pain and himself a largo amount ot
money in doctors' bills If he is thoughtful
enough to carry a supply of Peuiiy Davis'
Pain Killer. Tho mediciuo is a standard
specific for all cases ot cramps, colic,
cholera morbus, diarrheca, or dysentery.
The condition ot somo ot our strcots is
simply offah
Tin: Voltaic Bclt Co., Marshall, Mich,
offer to send IheirCclebrated Voltaic Belts
and Electric Appliances on thirty days'
trial to any man alllicted witli Nervous De
bility, Loss ot Vitality, Manhood, etc. Il
lustrated pamphlot IN 8BALED ENVELOPE
with full particulars, mailed free. Writo
them nt once.
When is a thief like a seamstress? When
he cuts and runs.
Old pill boxes aro spread over tho Innd
by tlio thousands after having been oinp
tied by Buffering humanity. What a mass
of sickening, disgusting mediciuo tho poor
stomach has to contend with. Too much
strong mediciuo. Prickly Ash Bittors is
rapidly and surely taking the placo of all
this class of drugs, nnd is curing all tho ills
arising from a disoidored condition of tho
liver, kidneys, stomach and bowols.
Tho Paris journals now nlways refer to
Mr. Gladstone as "Tho Old Great Man."
I'mcviwr crooked hoots and hllstcrod heels by
weailnt; Lyon's I'atcnt Heel Stlllenois.
Many of tho girls of tho period aro less
facta than figures.
A thorough, practical education in every
Dep't, short-hand, typewriting and telegra
phy courses taught. Write for College Jour
nnl Lincoln Business College, Lincoln, Neb,
Tho best ornament in a liouso is an ami
able and virtuous wife.
For Cuts, Oalla, Old Bores, Scratch
es, Thrush, etc., uso Stewart's Henl
lag Powder, 15 and CO couts u box.
Spongers of newspapers are not hold in
tho highest estimation.
If afflicted with 8oro Ryes, uso Dr. Isaac
Thompson's Evo Water. Druggists soil It. 25o
Grcon kid gloves should bo handled with
Carter's "Littlo Liver Pills will bo found
nn excellent romedy for sick-hcad,icho.
Thousands of lctters.from nroplewho havo
used them prove this fact. Askyour drug
gist for them.
Tho cyclono is a modorn invention that
has not provon a blessing.
Salt Rheum
Is the most common of all skin diseases, and Is oftea
exceedingly dlsacreeaule. Tho skin becomes dry
and hot, crows red and roush, and often breaks Inte
painful cracki, wht e tmnll water pimples appear In
creat numbers, dliclmrginga Ihln sticky fluid, caus
ing Intense Itching, Hood's Baisaparllle has won
derful power over this disease. It purines the blood
and expels the humor, and the skin heali without a
"I had salt rheum oyer nearly my entire body. Il
Is Impossible to describe my suffering. When I be
gan to take Hood's Bariaparllla the disease began ta
subside, the watery pimples, with their agonizing
Itch and pain, disappeared, and now I am cured."
LTMiJf Allxv, No. Chicago, III.
"I suffered from wakefulness and low spirits, and
also had eczema on the back of my head and neck,
which was Tcry annoying. I took one bottle of
Hood's Bariaparllla, and I hare received so much
benefit that I am very grateful." Mm. J. B. Sxtdse.
rottivJUc, I'a.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
lold by all drufglsta. II; six forts. Prepared only
y a I. HOOD li Co-, Apothecaries, Lowell. 11 ass.
IOO DosesOne Dol ar
suits cure. No Knlre.
rr. mi rain. v . u.
aytic. MarshalltowB.lowa.
Kverythlnpr. pertalnlnr to Tliornuirli Iliislnasa Kducutlon
imuKiii. uj j-.iiicrifMCBu sail
I'itteil fur
Actual Dnslness l'ractice, l'antaanshlp, Uoolc-lteeplnr, et lor apeclmens of renuianshlu and Collide
Journal, addreia
Kono crinlao m.Ui
Don't waste your money on
TAP Mi "ft,
IS absolutely imw ana vina raour,anu win ecvp juu ury in ino naruea ewrm
A.kfnrlhn-VIRII HKAHD" luciiB and lata no other. If vour atarekeenardoe
lnt i,, y'a ih"rmi kihp". aend for dear rlnllve catalogue to A.J. TOWKU.a) Blmmona fit. ItnsUm, Man
BaaaaavjBaaaatkj.i-r.-aBiaaaKavr .aaaneBBBaaaaavaaaBnaaaaaew inaejeomiaiaiiii www i ws y
vhihi's a way wmas
Kml'li'i Uilai llcana are a rosfTl va our for
Sick Headache, Constipation, and Iodlyeatlon.
BEAN. Titer illmmaia uioi.ivernnu act ireeiyon ioiow
stli without crlplnr. alekenlntr tlia Htornach, or weakening
Ute gyitMa, Pile 26c. ft a)Mt4. fat tali bf tM Unttkt.
OliKttnntc CoiiMtpntton Itrnitlly
Yields to tho regularuseof Caiiteu's Little
Liven Pills.
Tho only trade that is "sharp" just now,
is the linrbers'.
lSee til nff rfnfwftl trcnctii or Buffer fron
IftDrMllie peculiar to Uivlr cx4 altould try
This medicine combines Iron with pure Teavtabla
tonk-d, and la tnraluabla for lllreaann icnliar to
Women, and all vrho lead sdrnlary llri'V It I'.ll
rlclien and 1'iiriflea tlio lllnml, Stimulates
the Appetite, !StronRtlirii tlio .Muscles and
Ncmch-Iii fact, thoroughly Invlunrntes.
Cleara the eompUxtnn. and make the kin ftmooth.
It does not Mackeu the tooth, causo headache, or
produce oonstlpatlon oil olArr lrvn medieinti da,
Mrs, Alduit Li, flrwnwnod. Neb., aarf t
I have usod Urown'a Iron Hitter for Nervous lia
bility and have born greatly beneritod."
Mm. O. D. Nrwr.LU Phillips' Station, Neb..aaya:
" I waa so weak and nervous that 1 conld scarcely
walk, had nn appetite, and paaaed aleenleaa nights;
In fact, my life wan a burden to sue, I tried many
remedies, but without lieneflt. Three !ottlFa of
llroxn'a Iron Hitters have cured ma, I cheerfully
reoommend It"
Genuine haa above Trade Mark and crossed red line
on wrapper. Take no other. Made only by
It has stood tho Tost of Years.
uuriniriui uuoasos or tne
ELS, &c. ItPuriQeithe
Blood, Invigorates and
Cleanses tho System.
disappear utonco under
its beneficial influence
( c . T h ruT"
It is pnroly a Medicine
as its cathartic proper
ties forbids its use as a
beverage. It is pleas
ant to tno taste, and as
easily taken by child
ren as adulta.
Bolo Proprietor,
BT.Loui8auil ICiNBAS ClTT
ely's catarrh
A God-iend it
Ely's Crtam Malm.
Ihad catarrh for !)
years. .Vy note uwuhi
bleed. J thought th
sores wnua never
heal. Ely's Cream
Halm ha cured me.
Jr. A. .V. Jack
ton, Portsmouth,
A particle la applied Into etch noitrll anils iiKreea
hie t'i use. 1'rlci M eta. In' mall or nt ilniKL'ISH. Si-nd
for circular. ELY UltOTlIKItS, druxsIHa O A'cpo.H Y
The most Wonderful Agricultural lirk In America.
Surrounded by pro.p, rons mlnlntr and inauufactiirini
town. FAKMKtt'N 1-A It A ItlNIlt Mairnln.
crops raised In lt.1. 'I'llOUrlAMIM UK
A V It l.H OK llOVKILV M K.V1' I, A Ml. subjeot
to ine-t'mptlun and Lands forsalo tn ac
tual Millers at 13.00 per acre, J.ONU TIMK.
I'ark lirlKAted by Immense canals. Cheap raiiniad
ratea. Lvery altemlnii thuwn kettlrra. For inapt,
Sanphleis, eio., addrrf, COLOItAlKJ LAND .t LOAN
O., Opera House Block, Denver, Colo., llox YSM.
will be pill for in; Grain Faa e,
i. ill. lb. I tin eltin od t.f m
aiiwh drain er flrtri la nn dty m
tar I'atrut UO.NAItCII Jrla
on need hrnarater and Hag;.
fir or nur Improved Ware
house Mill whlrn wt dUMcatap.
Trice Mil free.
Columbus. Uhlan
tuouatodi of tint of tti wont kind tnl of long lUndlof
i dat 4 poiiurt rcmad lurm tbor uiitt vyvtuf
Dtv in cured, in Haiti, iirsnt; li my Him la i'$ tmnr
tUI I wilt itn4 TWO UOTTI.KS KfiEU, Uftti her with a VA1
lUIiLE Tit KITH K on thli n uflertr. CHvaKf
prtii toil r U. adirui. Jjn.T. X tWCVU, lit V tr! St., W.V.
lei in tniiti. num ijr in tiKKiawi
In tlmfi. Hnlil bv rim ire Is
too) 11 (Mr lmpr(cUooi. locludipf
llllr, Ulrlk Hull,
UoIm, Wain, 11.10, trxklu, IU.I Sot; Ace,
IJlack llf.d. feart, Ilulnv an1 lr..lni
8UAIta7,H.V. EitVa llu. MuJ IW.IMl.
fur It lita
Vonnt- .Menorl jdlm inenchoountr
l',W. ZILULKK t UO. ChJcaeo. lit
AQI9IU Morphine. Ilitllt Oureillu ta
II r I II M toydiUya. Nit iTy till Ourad.
VI Van un J. Urarua-Nt, Leuauuu, Uulo.
JIardy'i Eye Ilalm cures fa ft fa f? riPft
W. N. U Omaha
i'ructlciti Work In from 3 to 0 Month.
i raincai iraunsri
citl Trianliera. is
f, etc. I or apecia
UA1W1 WIURI1U, .l.Ui
IV LI! Ever Maae.
a rnm or rubber coat ThePIRII ntlANDBUCICEH
on aw am on
m m -
87 . Pearl
rsiviaril VHivasNiccasmty Ttmui IT'S Juinrn si,
vm wa a wiu. vmv snu iiuvhs eta, QteaaMt,
Ulllmis uess
1'liu orltrtual l'liotoarrHtiti. usn.
el size, of l tile picture Hst on re
ceipt of 10o. In itaniM. AilUraM.
W (l sl 1 iCl
lit, i-WtO, M.
Vlnccnr nitterxj apm
retire, and tonic, pnriflca tha
blood, strengthens tha liver
antl kidneys, nnd will restore,
health, however lost.
Vlnccnr Hitter Is tha
beat remedy discovered fot
promoting iltgcetlon, cnrlng
liendacho nnd Increasing Um
vital powers.
Vliirrnr Blttera asatm.
Hates the food, regulates the stomach and bow
els, frtvin:; hcnlth j- and c.itural sleep.
VlncRnr nil tern Is the great dlsense pre
venter, and stands at the head of all family rem
edies. No houso should ever bo without It
Vlueenr Jllttern aires Malarial, Dlllous and
other fovcrs, dlseanes ot tlio Heart, Liver and
Kidneys, and a hundred other painful disorders.
Send for cither of our valuable reference
tiooks for ladles, for farmers, for merchants, our
Medical Treatise on Diseases, or our Catechism
on Intemperance and Tobacco, which lost should
bo in the hands of every child and youth in tha
Any two of the above books mailed freo oa
receipt ot four cents for registration fees.
It.II. McDonald Drnc Co., 532 Washington St, N.T.
A flrcat MeillfiAl Wtrtc on M anhooil. Kervous aal
Phjalcal Drhtllty, rrrmaiure Ilecllr.a tn Man, Ki
nautt.'d Vitality. c Ac, ami the untold miseries
resuitlnr from Indiscretion or evcessesi 3H0 pagea.
utistanilally hcund In Kilt, muslin. Contains mora
than lil lmaliiKlilo prescrlpllons, embracliie every
veitetalile remedy In the pharmacirplafor ail acuta
and chmnto It Is en.phatlcallr a book for
rvery man. Trice only ilby mall postpaid, conceals
tn plain wrapper.
roung and mldnle ascd men for the next ninety daya.
Bend now, or cut this out, a ynn may never see M
ignln. Address Da. W. 11. l'AKKKlt, 4 UulBneh St,
N. II. Dr. Fnrlcer can be confidentially consulted
n all dlscaaca of man, his apeclaltles
l'liritiHltod on Sliorf IVollo Froist
Oiutiliu at CIiIcuk-o lricca.
Omaha, Neb., 12th and Howard.
Uest material, perfect fit, equals any fS orffl.hoe,
every pair warrHiited. Take none unless stamped
" W. L. Donglaa' 3 00 Shoe, Warranted." Congreaa.
iiutton anil jsoya uk
for the W. I.. DoiikIuk'
N'J.nit Klinn. hiiniu H lis as
the MOObhoe. If you cannot
get these anora irom deal
ers, send addreaa'on postal
card to W. L. Douglaa.
Brockton. Mass. vj
Lcadinp Nos. : 14, 049, 130, 135, 333, 161.
For Salo by nil Statlonors.
Works : Camden, N. J. 26 John St., Ns York
ft Ton Wauon Hcalca,
Iron l.trr. Mud n.rltfi. Bloat
Tart Beam and Urara nnx rur
Hvtrr slit Neelt. KorlrMarkerlat
aitnuoa th). p.rxr aud addma
llINnilAMTON. N. r.
0F MUSIC Boston, Mass.
WORLD !WIn.lructor.,iV181uiltntiloil year. Tho.
oujth lmiructlonln Vocal ami In,lrunicnllMu,lc, l'linonal
Organ Tunlne, Fine Arli,Oralorv, Llirralure, French, Otaw
man and Italian Ijnsmufi, Knirllili llram-lirt.nrmnaKlea.
ile. Tuition, J to t'.1liioanlamlrrom vltlitlteam H'sltu
llfctrle Llehl, iUtn7Spfrti-rm. Fnll Term ht!n, Htp.
tcmbtrO.ln'Jl. ForllluitraledCalrmlar, vithfulllnfiirmitMn.
addrcit, K.TOUlUi:L',Dlr.,F(auklla Bq., UOSTON, Mao
most reliable and nuna
ble I'A II for Mara
neck horses or niulea
Weather or u ear ruus na
effect on their euratlvt
firoperlles, Our Ivaa
oops with straps Mata
them self-adjustlnic, W,
Nullclt Irlnl. Tl
sale by all Saddterr Johbem. A,U your harneaa
maker for them. 16INO COl.lJtU 1A.1I
lluehunau. Mich.
WSs -?T
i7 A Tft
fan iMTuortoNi now to dak I
P'afness and Naial ratarrfc
permanently cured. Qlastaa
fitted for all forma of daeA.
ArtlfleialeyrilOC, OO I niHUW I
Inserted. Addrest Dr. IMI'HY, Oniahs, Kels.
tire vl,Un a,Mlr o. "a-a ji t- aa ana
always ouhaolx by uaiN
Bursa madHcalda,
Cats and lira I ace,
Hprnlua dt Htltchea,
Contrnclod Mnaclea,
Blir Joluta,
Kroet Mitea,
Seratchea, )
Sarea aad Oalla,
HdatIh, Craaka,
Mcrevr Waraa, Oratoa,
Fast Hart, Maf AM.
I.uisseaaaa, a '
HtrlaaTi Vaaa4a
MyraJtw, Httwtaa.
Safe FeM,
and all external dkeaeea, auj aveey trr-rifll.
far (aaarai Haa ta faully.aUMa aa4saaaiyaa4,taaj
"i i