The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, July 17, 1886, Image 5

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    Tlie Orion Scout
Tho SCOUT hna ft Much Larger Circu
lation thnn nnr VapT In Mil firctlon
of the Sluto, and Is, tlicrnforu tlio 1S1JST
Thli Is a Trnu Stnteronn,t, nml vo
khnll not allow It to bo ipiiistinneil bynpy
other paper. Ailvci-IUcm vlll lo well
to ronko a note of this,
Local and Goncsynl.
A Dastardly Dekd. Our EWn corres
pondent's letter, concerning the celebration,
came to hand too lnte for publication last
week, and most of the Items are tr.o ancient
for newa now, The fqllowintr, however, we
take from it: "Mr, C, N. White, who lives
about a quarter of a mile from town, hid a
peculiar experience a few days ago, and if
3t had not been for two mice which were
found dead in a sack of Hour, his whole
family would have been poisoned. Mr,
"White went to pot some Hour to makp bread,
tinu perceiving tliat tho mice had been in
the (lour, concluded not to use that sack,
but let it undersoil thorouuh examination.
Borne of the Hour was thrown to the pigs,
two or which died, ami two pioro hail nts,
ihowim the symptoms of poisoninj- by
gtrichninc. A kitten that ate one Qf the
.mice also died. There can be no doubt that
the Hour was noisoncd bv some one. Mr
White has kept some of the flour fo? the
purpose of ircttinu it tested, and if the per
petrator of tlm dastardly deed is ever found
he suouiu uc hung to tnoiirai tree
SuonT ik If is Accounts. A dispatch, da
ted I'eudleton, July 12th. says : The trans
fer of the books of N. Hendricks, a three
termer republican treasurer of Umatilla
county, to his successor to-day revealed the
fact that he was ?G000 short on tho state
school fund and some $12,000 short on the
couuty sencral fund. J18.000 m all. o ef
forts were made to conceal the shortage.
Hendricks no doubt intended, and it is said
was promised the money, to replace the dc-
llciencv. His bondsmen' nine in number,
are held in the sum of $30,000. They will
pay the shortage, as to-day thev started
nuit against Hendricks for $19,000. Attach
juonts were levied on the firm of Ilousenfc
Hendnaks by Murphy, Grant & Co., San
l'rancisco, and a number of Portlond hous
es, for over $13,000. The flrni is thought to
bo solvent, but will be crippled by attach
ments. Hendricks cannot account for the
j tenancies cannot account for the
, but it is thought he used the most
buying into the firm. Ho has con-
jle property. The town is wild with
of It in
aidcrable property
Ouk Houses in New Yor.ic The Orcgo
man says: An occasional correspondent
at Geneva, New York, writes under date of
the 4th inst. : The first throuirh train of
live stock to be sent over tho Northern Pu-
ciiic railroad nrnued in Geneva, New York,
June 2i. It was a trainload of horses from
the stoch ranch of Hoxtor & NuwaII. Onl.
ilcndale, W. T., and left Prosser, W. T
June 10. W. I). Hoxtcr, W. J, Iloxter. Al
bcrt Tozier. Henrv Sicadeand Lewis That
tlmr nf rnaliln,r,-,ii .nii.if.. n.wl lrt. Hf..
tinand James Hopkins, of Klikitnt enimtv.
were in chaws of the stock. It is tho lartr-
est hand of horses seen in New York for
i V i ult, I'eupie visit me pas-
. - - - I
lllltS ILtI'III-
1 I
111 Al 11 1 a ' , I
their first lessons in horseback riding,
uiu uv liiu miuureus, unu iu nn v nre xaKiufr
Multnomah Falls. The finest picture
over published of the beautiful Multnomah
Falls is the one occupying two pages of the
July "West Shore." It is printed in three
colors and shows the falls with all tho Grace
fulness and tints of nature. As a whole
the July number is a magnificent one, all
the illustrations being printed in colors.
They embrace views at the seaside, ninnccr'a
reunion, etc. In future, all illustrations of
me est jsnore" will he executed in colors
cqitm in urii&uu euect to me present num
ber. This renders the "West Shore" fsupe-
iiuj uiujui.iiij iu any otner publication.
Views of our Western iocucry at all ap
proaching in beauty those published in this
jiiuu'azinu cuu not oe procured anywhere,
and it should be found m everv house west
oi tlie .Missouri river, Published by L.
uaiuuui, iuiuiuiu, vjregou,
Examination of Uhnnhtt. On Monday
last Win. Bennett, tho murderer of Legorc,
was arraigned before Willis Skill; J. P. of
this city, charged with murder in the first
uegree. ueo. u, Israel and J no. It. Crites
were attorneys lor the prosecution, and M.
iiaker appeared for tho defence. Bennett
waived examination, and tho prosecution
proceeded to examine tlinir
which consumed the greater portion of the
nay. pru were at considerable troub e cet
' "6 icaniuuuy lor iiuuiicatlon, but as
uie iniorination elicited by the examina
tion is substantially the same as has been
given to our readers heretofore, and as it is
only one sido of the question any way, we
have concluded not to publish if. Bennett
was committed, without bail, to await tha
action oi uie grand jury,
1 ...,. 1 ( ft. 1 ,
.mawuiiTii .hink. xno isaKer t ny cage
Brush says : "The Ainsworth mine, at tho
head of Kattlcsnake gulch, three miles
from Sparta, and owned by Wm. Ainsworth
ami tieo. Jtoss, lias now in successful on
e, i?u. a sa"on null, ntanufacturcd bv
tho Union Iron Works, Portland, Oregon".
Mr. Boss, while on a recent trln tn Pnrtlnn.l
purchased a rock crusher which was to have
?.mved here yesterday. The capacity of
""V"'.'1, Vs lr"i six to ten ton everv 'M hours
and will be run night and day. they have
cm the dump in the neighborhood of 150
tons or exceedingly rich ore, and a full quo-
ta of laborers wlni u-hi nuaii ti,.. ..'..m
lntntn ii ' - ..w..
mettled at Last, Tho mandate from tho
Supreme court of Oregon, in the celebrated
case of B. C. Su.elt v, ' a a
.A, A. W11SOI1. et
ai, nas neon received, it is the final decis-
ton oi the case, the plaintiff receiving a
judgement for the principal and interest
aui-uiui, iiiu inn ui-uu uiie oi ine most i
Ditteny contested suits that has ever taken
place m llnion countv. Tim uitnmpuo
mo piainuii were j..jt. untes and 11. Kukin,
the defendant, we are informed, had egiht
lawyers, including the district attorney,
Stamp Mill. A gentleman in from Pine
creok mtnpci nnlln.1 im lnut Soltii.1o n.i.i
Informed s that Messrs. Torey and Tol-
man left Cornucopia last Friday for San
....v.a ' . IH.lklu,UIUU1 U1I14 I
rrancisco Where thnv will mirflintn n Ion
stamp mill. It will be erected at Cornuco-
pm. The gentleman also says that the
camp looks well and showed us specimens
ui juiu-uic iiioi nan a tendency to mate an
AilirnnfAAl III.. " v a niguwayiiian. iJteveiiie.
CALirnnxu Wheat Cuor. Tho latest re
turns of the wheat crop confirm the former
stimate that It will he tho largest ever pro
duced in California. From these figures it
,' " l,,al "v ac-iy minion bushels
will be harvested, and that there will bo a
urplus of over sixty million bushels for
Suit Fok Damages, A few days ago Sirs.
Igore, widow of the man who was killed
recently In Indian Valley, commenced suit
against jiennctt, his murderer, tor f.W.OOO
iiamages, as isennett is prouamy worth
thirty or forty thousand dollars, she may
recover something.
You can get Pat. Ice Cream Freezers at
Jos. Wright's tin shop.
Bripf bulletin?.
Patianizc ycr hono merchants,
From Union, to Cqrnneopin in 12 hpurs !
Fred. Winklcman's condition i improv
ing slowly.
Dr. Ptunge moved hi family to Pendle
ton, tjds ycek,
The Weston Leader Is for aalo. Price two
At . 1 II
uiuusuuu ulnars.
Qne quart fruit cans $1.25 per daien at
Jo, Wright s tm shop.
You can kill grouse and pheasants now.
i ue law don t ioruid it.
The "absence of coolnes-s in thu atmos
phere stpl continues.
Thanks to Hcman Geer. of Cove, for
box of splendid cherries,
Seo ad. of "New Stage T.ino," lotwecn
thli city and Cornucopia.
Most encouraging news comes every day
tiuui uiu niniiug uisincu).
The cheapest place to set Mason's fruit
jars is at Jos, wrigiifs tin shop..
Several Japaneso students are attending
the State University at Eugene.
We have had mast uncomfortably hot
days and nights or some time nasi.
Head the ad's, in this issue, of the Ascen
sion School, and Lciehton Academy, at the
ii " -
DrCi-.i troods. clotliinir. hats linnls nml
shoes, at tho lowest prices ever known, at
Tony iNoltner, editor of the "World."
was tn this city several days during the
jurs. Mcvann has snm her miuincrv es
tablishment at Jiostine, and returned to
The Uakcr Citv and Shoshone, hutrlinll
clubs will tackle each other some time in the
near future.
"Omahogs" is the name applied to the
people of Omaha, by
inhabitants of
rival towns.
Keep vour hoes al home, or tho mnlestv
oi uie law win sipp in nnu give you a
Kd Bishop, of Pine Valley, had his black
smith shop, tools, etc. destroyed by lire last
O. P. Goodall has a number of Short-horn
cattle which he will sell cheap. See ad. in
another column.
Rentfrow's Pathfinders arc plaving h
New Market theatre, Portland. Admi
15, 25 and 35 cents,
in the
Kxtras for any machine used bv the far
mer, can bo procured of Frank llro's. Im
plement uo., island uity.
Huckleberries are rinp. and MPtrnrfll nnr-
ties from this citv will visit tho mmint
during the coming week,
Our Pine valley corresnondonco which
appears in anothor column, came too late
iui piiumjiuiuii last, wcck,
iour account atCovo drug store is all
made out !md awaitinc vour attention
uoirt he bashful ( step right u.
Jo. Carroll's blacksmith shop, at North
' "wjjer. was considerably damaged by the
wl,m awrm, last i uesuay evening.
a Yaluahlc horsd, belonging to Charley
:l lure, wlnle being worked to a mower
. , '- v.i.j iiwi, . u.uvt iiuiu cAti;,i3
ivi'iinPuiHiu nor rn jWkwi in. m
llfn hant
"V ltl,itllt
Saunders has inst received, from tlm Kn.f.
u nirKc assorimeut oi men and bovs' shoes,
which will bo sold at tho cvtrcinelv low
price ot irom $1 to $2 a pair,
Ilayinc will soon commence, and fnrm.
crs win oe in need oi ml lor tlmir mnwerx.
John Wright. tl)e druggist, of this citv, car
ries a fine line of lubricating oils,
An e.vtrcmplr linrri wi'iwl ufnrm v;.ii,l
this city last Alouday evening. No partic
ular damage was done, that we hear of,
cAcept io ii iew oi tuesuaue trees.
If I.;.. I . , ,
nils, voruiii is visuinir in mm er rivnr
valley. It is her intention to start in a fir
weeks on a visit to relatives in tho Fast.
i ...:n i.-vi..i. ..
nnu auu n in pmuauiy ue gopo till iail,
As I am coini: to California inn few wnnk-H
I will sell iroods cheaper for cash than anv
firm in the cnuntv. Cull nml r 'imitm inv
stock, which is the largest and best in the
county. a, L.evy.
When yon want a first class machine oil.
goto a. L,evys, where you cangetSkide-
gate Castor. Lard. China Nut. Mnnliino.
Castor, and other first class oils at the low
est, pncua ever Known.
Tho old Bon Ton Beatauraut huildinir.
forniorly occupied by Hudson, js being re
fitted, and II. N. Cory, recently from the
Iit..u4 . ill . . .... .. I . I . ...
i.a.-ii., niu upuu up ii nrsi, cinss restaurant
in ine same, .sometime next week.
The stone for tho penitentiary to ha em-.
ted at Walla Walla Is to be taken from the
liutte quarry, near Kast Portland. A sulH-
cient lorce will he put at work in the ouar-
ij iu lunula iiiivi:ii canuaus jier (lay,
I ho Governor, in response tn nn invitn.
lion by the Hoard of Pine Creek Boad Com
missioneis, will arrlvo in this citv. next
Tuesday, for tho purposo of going over tha
road, and investigating tho books of the
commissioners, ti mere is a rodent any
where the Governor will probably roust
111111 UUl,
lack Vincent, proprietor of tho Cornuco
pia anu union stage line, did not get ready
to make the first trio, last Mnminv ns im
expected, on account of tho sixteen horses,
which were furnished by A. K Faton, being
somewhat wild, and requiring to bo trained
miiiiu ueiuru Hunting in. tie niioriiis us
that he will make tho first trin next Mini.
aai' without fail, and regularly thereafter,
lir0in ij, f. AieiJaiiiei, who came in
I fpAm 1. ... .lt.,4 -t... I it. a
numerous rich placer mines nro being dis-
cov,ereu a'on,B ic line oi tup new road,
.S" Knle K Uo
tliat n mini IivKIip nnmn Inf Tlrvi.i, !,
taken two or three ounces of coarse hue
Rets, almost from the road bed. near the
bridge, and. other prospectors are having
uie same Kinu oi iuck.
Tho pole cats have recently been nia'klni?
anu iiuvuu nun ai. uoouuron s rn (-Kniis
and ducks. They tunnel into tho chicken
house during the night, and a uv the in
mates by the dozens. During tho last two
wecKS mcv navo Killed at leant. 4 no r i rL-onn
anu uucks, and notwithstanding extraordi-
succeeded in capturing one.
. 1 1 . . . ' ' . I
s nave been taKi
rs, Mr. Goodbi
capturing one.
A-"111" supposed to be W. W. Saunders,
',Lim.,.c,0U"tymurdt'reri was a"ei)te1 in
J""? aI,aA.a fPw ."J'3 aF- u,,e tho
deputy sheriltarrlved from Albany, to take
charge ot tho prisoner, lie sahl it was not
Saunders, although baaring a remarkable
resemblance to him. boveral other parties,
however, who were intimately acquainted
with b'aunders, havo visited tho prison, and
declare that he is the right man. It Is a
rather peculiar case.
I). W. Shehan arrived in this citv on Fri-
day evening of lant week, having come from
Cornucopia, over the new road, to this city
inonedav. He brought a petition to tho
county court, numerously signed by citi
zens of Cornucopia, asKing that he bo ap
pointed justice oi mo rcacc ot mat pre-
cinci, wtiicu was cuiiiput'ii wiui, uuu ne
went home rejoicing. We uuderstand that
a competitor was en route to this city via
tho old road, for the purpose of asking tho
same favor of tho county court, but arrived
lone after his opponent bad been, and seen,
and conquered. The moral is obvious,
D. B. rcDaniol, clmirmau of tho
Plrio OrccL, load Commissioners, came
in from tho TW on Tuesday last, aiju
from lim ire learn that he road buil
ders fill probably reach Ctuou(;opia
tho last of this week, prhen thej will
roturn. andlnush the road as they come
baok, nlnoh will occupy about two
rrom what we caj learp thero ib
considerable feeling pxistjiig among
the residents Qf Corrtcopta over the
fact that the road, is being built by way
of Fine Vallc", instead of straight tho hills tp Cornucopia, accor
ding to Griflitl' iccpud survey, which
is two miles nearer. Mr. McDaniols
informs us that lie, and the other com
missioners, until recently, thought that
tho latter was th.c route adopted by the
county court, as they had bosn ex
prcssly informed so by Judgo Craig,
and tliat thev cavo the contract to
Sluny it McL.cod understanding it that
war. The contract specifics that a
certain kind of road shall bq built,
commencing at (ioose creek, on the
Gridiths survey, and from thence to
Cornucopia a distaucq of 24 miles.
Not until tho road was half built, and
tho point of turning oil' nearly reached,
was it discovered, by Mf. MoDaniel,
in an accidental manner, tliat the
county court had adopted the other
survey the one running by Dan
ilooro ranolio, Hiving as their reason
for doing so, (wlnle tb-'y tliought the
other was the best route) that tins wa
the one specified in the petition, and
that they had no right to dosignate
any other, unless they were asked to
do so bv another petition, which had
not been done. The County Commis
sioners wore no doubt correct in their
action concerning the matter, but why
they and the State Koad Commission
ers did not have i full and complete
undejstauding as to which survey tbe
road should he built on, before the
contract was let, is beyond our com
prehension. Such was not the case
howevor, and when the contractors
were informed that the road must be
built on the lower survey, thoy very
naturally demurred, as it would no
cessitate tpe tmiiuing qj two more
miles of road- Thoy announced their
intention of building the number of
miles of road the contract calls for,
and no more, but said if the oitizene
of Cornueonja would have the road
supervisor of that district put in the
road work on tlioso two miles, thev
would assist in putting the
through in good shape without further
controversy. At a meeting of the
citizens of Cornucopia, hed that oven
ing, they resolved to do nothing of
tho kind, and seemed to be under the
impression that tho County Court, the
Road Commissioners and the contract
ors were all a sot of tljievos, working
together, for their mutual benefit
We believe that our Cornucupia
friends are laboring under an crronne-
our idea, when they think so. The
County Court may have been slow in
its action 'too 8IW i" fact, but that
it desired the completion of the road
cannot be questioned m view of its
appropriation of !?10Q0 towards the
building of this end of tho road. We
believe the contractors desire to, and
will, build as good a road as tho con
tract calls for. And while two of the
Commissioners appointed by the State,
may deserve all that has been said of
them, wo believe tjiat Mr. McDaniol,
the chairman of tho board, has acted
as well as he knew how, and has had
v sincere desire to build tlie road as
well and economically as possible.
We are of the opinion that our Cornu
copia friends haye been a litlo hasty
in their actions and expressions, and
that they will see it before many days.
W c understand that tho contractors.
rather than have any trouble, will
build the extra two miles of road, al
though they think it is ntoro than
tneir contract cans ior. l here js no
doubt that a blind, unreasoning hos
tility toward the road has been enter
tained by some whoso duty it was to
sco it built. TJus has not only been
tho feeling of certain individuals, but
it has been entortained by neighbor
ing towns, IJaker City and La
Grande have boen hostile to the move
ever since it was inaugurated. The
former became it knew that nearly
all tho trade of Pine creek would be
deflected from it into Union county
as soon as the road was oompleted,
and the latter becaiife it imagined the
town of Union would bo benefitted
moro than Ijh uranuo, and it was,
therefore, willing to sink the whole
county, or do anything in tho world
to defeat the road. The machinations
of these localities, and tlio scheming
of rascals, have not succeeded, how
over, in killing the road (although, for
a time it looked as though they would
succeed) and we may say that the
work is about completed. A state
lino lias been established over the
route, and is now making regular
trips. The beneficial effects of tho
road are beginning, and will continue
to bo felt by tho people of Union coun
ty, notwithstanding the chagrin of
those who hoped it would never bo
, T'0 TP of Cornucopia
Bliouw bo cnrelul to let their wrath
V.'W.JM . . w . . V ITSltl UUIlii V)j
descend only on thoao who deserve it,
and give credit where credit is due.
Farmers should look to their own Interest
and buy their farm machinery of Frank
Hro's Implement Co . Islund Citv. Thev
Keep every machine uxeu uy ine tanner.
I. .if 1 I .1. r - -
Eagle Cooper Shop.
S.IJ.Ayles, nmniiffttiircr ofbuller
barrels and kegs, has always on hand
a goou supply of the best quality, and
win sen them at rcasonauio prices.
Give htm a call at his shop, south of
the school house, Union.
Ilalngr Horn 1'lentatit,
To the tate,more acceptable to the otom-
ache, and more truly beneficial In Us action,
the famous California liquid fruit remedy.
Syrup of Figs, Is rapidly superseding all
Others. Try It. For vale hv all lmtrtHtn.
Snell Heitsliu & Woodard, wholesale agents,
A'cvriaBU, uregoa.
CftYQ Cullings.
July 15, 1S80.
Xllss Ada Xalmn has bidden Covq
goo't bye, and nqy rcsjdos in Union.
Frank IJcnson now baiullon thq
ribbqus over tho Covp and Union
daily stago lino,'
M$s Clara Morrill, aftor a loiter vis
it iu the valley, has returned to hen
homo in Kast rqrtland,
A force of carpontcrs are at work
on Jj. H. llaggerty's house, and will
soon havo it enclosed,
This town no7 affords a butcher
shop, with Messrs, Owonby Sf Fugli
as knights of tho cleaver.
A position as tcaoher in tho I-a
Grande public school, has been ten
dored Miss Jcllio Stevons.
Huckleberries aro ripening and wil
soon lie pipiitmil on tlio mountain
sidGq. Horry excursions will soon bo
Tlie two dashiiifrCovo boys, Mark
and Allan Ellswoi'tli. returned from
a drive to Idaho, wilk 11, Unrrell jast
Tholhrco wiso nion of Cove, Messrs
Kecfo, McDaniol and O'rossman, liav
gono on a lookout trin to tho Eagle
creel; mines.
Deer in considerable nuiubors ar
coming to tho licks near town. Jo
Hnggerty deliberately slow a lino buck
lust btimlay.
S. lUirroughs is opening an cxtcn
sivo stono quarry, near his mill, witl
the aid of giant blasting powder
The rock is of good quality.
Mis3 Anna llinolmrt, ono of the
most accomplished and handsome
younff ladies of bummcrvillc, spent
several days niCovo, last week.
Tho two mighty ninirods, Ambrose
Foster and Sam. White, took a nu
into tho Miiinm wilds last week. Th
latter brought down a jiiio doer with
his :i2-lallard.
M. Austin is here this week survey
ing a road up tho canyon. IIo has
just received a vcrv fine Gurlov, solar
compass, and is now prepared for all
kinds of business in Ips lino.
frank nnu .Lcc Wilson, Jco am
William llloom liavo gono to Cornu
copia whore thoy will construct a mill
ing ditch, for tho purposo of convey
ing water ro Frank Wilsqu's claim."
A jolly party, mado up of Prof
Blanchot, Prof. AVarfcl and wifo, llov
Powell and wile, Miss Ullio bhilor
and Hcv. Thos. Sinilh, started for i
pleasure- trip to tho lYiillowa Lake
i uesciay, where tnoy will rusticate
and rovol in tho bcaqties of nature foi
a weeiv or more.
Horn. To tlie wifo of Wm. Makin
a daughter, hist Monday morning
Mother and daughter doing well, and
contrary to every newspaper nccotin
for the last decado, tho happy father
is neither ' not expected tq recover, '
or ''convalescent," but is atlondin
to his duties as nsunl.
llay milking is onuuraulo ;yIioh my
girl lives so near the ilolq. Jo
rroi, n is supposed to no preparing
to go into the stock business, mid has
already procured, at considerable
outlay, a fino blooded horso. Did
you see tlio. gni I brought into town
the other day? Jno, Dcspicablo is
he who wpl assail one from behind,
even it it. bo nothing moro than
shcop. Jf. Wanted. Some ono to
borrow my rule for an liidelinuo tnno,
free of expense; warranted a truo
shooter and in perfect condition.
Alex. Wonder if tho slumbers of on
lady acquaintances aro not broken on
account of joy at our return. M. am
A. Good bye, hoys. 1 cant tarry
with you longor, for havo struck
ootl job.--W,
High Valloy Hash.
Mr. Huntington, tho organ agent
has sold two more organs in our val
I lio huckleberries arc ripe. Don't
all mako a rush at once, and they wil
last longer.
The Fourth of July hunters roturn
ed with a huirc black bear's nelt.
which was shot by Meretle Wilkinson
The dry, hot winds aro havinc a
telling effect on tho grain crops. Tho
hay crop will only bo about one-half
what it was last year.
Several parties are going to the
Cove to gather strawberries, as thoy
say thero is an overplus of them, and
selling at ten cents a gallon.
On tho 12th inst., Mr. John Wilkin
son had another of those old fashioned
barn raisings. Everybody was thero,
even to the women and children.
1TI .IITT t T 11 T.
wno -Homos itigni iiower is, wo
aro unablo to state. However we
would advise him to give names and
facts, then he may get a hearing.
llund Thli.
C, Vincent has just received a splendid
lot of hoots, shoes, etc.. which ho will mil
at a great reduction on former prices, lie
tie iutOi ill mm.
Frnior anil Mechanics,
Savo money and doctor bills, Relievo your
Mothers, Wives and Sisters by a timely pur
chase of Dr. lJosanko'n Cough and Lung
.Syrup, best known remedy for Con ths, Colds
Cioup and Hronchfal affections. Helleves
Children of Croup In ono night; may sure
nu iiuniircus oi (lonars, rnce ou cents aim
1.00. Samples free. Sold bv J. 'V. Wrlirlit.
Union, Oregon,
IlAUltlflliUKU, dragon.
Soino three months ago I was attacked
with a sevcro pain In my back. J bought a
package of tho OltKOO.V Kidnky Tka, and
hythotlinolhad used one-half of it was
entirely relieved and havo not been troubled
since. I cheerfully recommend It to all who
may bo suffcriiu; from a lamu or weak back.
ua a pleasant, safe and good scmedy.
it. j. uiuusnY.
Hyrup of rifg.
Manufactured only by the California Fig
b'yrup Co., Hun Francisco, Cal., Is Nature'
Own True Laxative. This pleasant Califor
nia liquid fruit remedy may be had of all
druggists, at fifty cents or one dollar. It is
the most plcasunt, prompt, and effective
remedy known to cleanse the system: to act
on the Liver. Kidncvs. and Bowels rentlv
yet thoroughly ; to dispel Headaches, Colds;
and Fevers; to cure Consumption, Indiges
tion, and kindred ills,
SunimouvillQ Qiftinga,
" July 1S 1S8q
Ph Lord, hoff hot
TJicrmomotcr 1Q(1 in tte tfwdo,
1J. J. cWijliams is iifTeripg c
vcru)T irom rncumausm.
Plonty pf liuckjcbcrncp market
at hUy ceqls per gallon.
N, 11. Harri? and F. I?. Collins paid
uniqn a visit, nisi aunuay.
E. W. Imbler, of the Wallowa, ha
been visiting in this vicinity for the
past wcel,.
T1 tl .
ir. u. t-oiuns was appointed as
Nqtary Public by His Excellency, Gov
Alpody, July Uth.
J. H. Jiinchart starjed to tho Job
Uay coqntry, on Saturday, to look
after his baud of horses.
Dr. W. E. Hinehart was called to
Union, on Monday, to servb as a wit
ness in the llennelt murder trial.
Uhc cashier of the Summervillo
Hank is somowhut indisposed cause
too much ice water at Uaion last Sun
n any ratten ami Mr. yumn re
turned from t)io Wallowa, Monday
'1 hey succeeded in catching 120 red
Tom Paul started to Walla Walla
Monday evoning, for tho purpose of
bringing home his sister who has bee
visiting at Mrs. Geo. W lutclumsc'a.
Air. Tod. Hiuehart's school at Dry
creok, will coso next week. Mr
Uinehart is a good teacher and has
given Kod satisfaction as a teacher
in tho abovo named distriot.
Mr. David Allen, having complete
his contract of putting in shelves
pigeon holes, etc, for the Farmers
Mortgage and Savings Hank, returned
to his Jioino In tho Wallowa, on Sat
Tho Farmers Mortgago and Savings
uaiik received a handsomely finished
desk from Alessrs. G. Shindler & Co
r i .' t nil - i
on namniay. mis uank has now
also, tho best and most handsomely
mushed vault cast of the Cascades.
Mr. P. i. Hubors is extensively ai
vertising the colleo not trade, From
the attjtudo of tho one ho haa on oxhi
bition out on tho Sand H?dgo, we
should judge these necessary articles
of kitchen furniture wore "going up.'
rI he funeral of Orlando Legoro, last
Wednesday, was largely attended
The scone at tlio grave was heart
rending in tho extreme, and there
were fovy dry eyes among the crowi
present. Threats pf yongoanco agains
Bennett were frequently expressed
and had he been present, it is safe to
say he would haye received speody
J. II. Uinehart returned from the
East, last Thursday. Ho was absen
m tho interest of tho Farmers Mort
gage and Savings Hank. While gone
Air. Kiuchait visited somo of tho
wealthiest institutions in tho East and
succeeded in securing an unlimited
amount of money to bo placed out on
Kcal Estate, in this stato and Wash
nigton Territory, Mr. Kiqobart is
goou uiiHiness manager and the sue
cess lie has obtained is well nioritcd
TelocnHot Tatllings.
July 15, 1880.
Hot as Quito.
Haying in full blast.
School progressing very rapidly.
Wages for harvest hands are $1.50
per day.
Bladen Ashby returned from Cornu
copia, Wednesday.
Pyle canyon's Sunday School, re
ccntly organized, is a decided success
W. A. Ca.tes, while in tho mount
ains last Sunday, came very near
losing Ju's courage, probably, at tlio
hands of a cougar.
Airs. Jas. . Mitchell, Mr. G. Yowel
and Miss Annio Boyor, of TJiief val
loy, spent last week m Covo, Yisitsni;
mends and relatives.
It is rumored that ono of Tolocas
et's highly respected and induontia
citizens came nomo irom union, on
tho night of tho celebration, minus
ono pair, of wagon sent springs.
The aggregate amount of woo!
shipped from Tolocasct, since tho first
of Alay, 3880, is 90,000 pounds. Now
Air. Alerchapt, just suppose thero was
ono man to overy five thousand
pounds of wool, wouldn't it pay to
start a storo at Tolocaset? You bet.
Through the instrumentality of sci
ence, it nas neon proved that a man
will porspire, in tho coutso of ono
night of modoratoly warm weather,
about two and ono half pounds of food.
By George 1 Tho perspiration can bo
measured by tlio barrel, now, not
calculating tho amount of food.
W Pntitta f It fiiiifmn nil 1 Frun
pathlo Physician, Union, Oregon.
J'or (icntlotnan,
We are In position to namo bed rock pri
es on dents' Shirts, Undcrwaro, Ties, Socks,
Gloves, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, CutTs,
Collars, etc. For 00a. we furnish a first
class unlaimdricd shirt. For $1.25. best
grade of laundried shirts. We solicit the
patronago of all buyers of dents' Furnishing
Uoods, Hy writing to us, your purchases
will bo made economically and satisfacto
rily. Send us a trial order.
180 First Street, Portland, Oregon.
Cure for 1'iUs,
Pile are frequently preceded by a cnte
nf weight In tho back, loins and lower part
of the abdomen, causing tho patient to sup
po.o he has no inn affection of tho kidneys or
neighboring organ. At time, symptoms ot
Indigestion aro present, flatulency, uneasy
uess of tho stomach, etc. A ninliitiiro like
perspiration, producing a very dlsagreoablo
Itching after getting warm, Is a common
attendant. Wind, Uloedlng, and Itchliiif
lies yield at once to tho application of Dr.
Dosanko.s PIlo Itomedy, which acts directly
upon tho parts effected, absorbing the
Tumors, alfavlinr tho Interna ltchhur. and
effcctluir a permanent cure, l'rloe. 50 eeuta.
Addrcf. Tka Ur. lieMuko Medicine Com-
any, riqua, o. worn by j, r. Wrlgat,
uioa, urttfon.
3Unp Valq pcKings.
Hal) Columbia.
Prospects good for fine crops.
Showery, fine growing weatjior.
Born. To the wife of Mr. Chapman,
a daughter,
Blaating on now road distinctly heard
in tlje yaljoy,
Iorn.r'lV tho wifo of Chas, Stew
art, Jijly 2nd, a 12 pound boy.
Afr. McNutt, accompanied by his
daughter and Miss Ada ltcod, is on a
trip to Grande Hondo.
Two or threo fights wcro engaged in
to wind up tljo celebration at Pjno
Vale, and two or tjirbo drunks.
Messrs. Galo'8, and Dcnn,oy ife
Clingan have just completed a fino
storo building atCornucppia, for Alber
eon k Gayloid.
Air. Hobcrt McPadden was thrown
from his horse July !rd, and sustained
considerable injury, iiot supposed tq
be fatal, however.
Cornucopia is without any rogulac
mail since tho 1st inst. Tho inhabi
tants now dopend on private convoy?
ance for their mail.
Miss Delia Arnold, of Grande Hondo,
accompanied Miss LoraCoggans homo
from Covo Seminary, and will spend,
somo weeks with that young lady.
Mrs. Aldridge, of La Grande, ac
companied by her baby daughter and
Stella linger, are on a visit to Airs. B.
F. Johnson, of statson. Airs. A. and
Stella arc sisters to Airs. Johnson.
DieiWOn the lOtn. ult.. a little 5
year old son of Mr. Drake, Tho doath
was tho result of an accident. It ap
pears a toam was hitched to a wagon,
preparatory to starting for town, and
while tho parents were still at dinner,
tho little fellow went oqt to the wagon.
When found ho was pi) tho ground
near the horses heels, crying, and hol
ding his hands to his stomach. No
bruises were found on tho child, and
nothing could bo ascertained of tho
accident, but it is supposed ho fell
from tlio wagon, or was kicked by ono
of tho horses. Dr. O'Connor was called
but mortification had already sot in
and the child died in a few hours.
Tho -1111. was observed on tho 3rd,
by a pic-nic, or would-bo-cclebration, at
the groyo noar the town of Pino Valo
P. O. As a pic-nic, it was probably on
joyed by thoso who mingled with old
friends and noighbors. As iv celebra
tion, tho aflairwaa tljo nearest a grand
farce, it has ever been my lot to chron
icle, which I shall do from tho light in
which 1 viewed it. "Hew to the line,
let tho chips fall where thoy may."
They have beautiful groves in tho val
ley for a celebration, and had the peo
ple taken an intorest in tho aflair it
seems to us it might Jiavo been mado
a pleasant occasion. As it was, no one
seemed to know anything about tho
programmo. No committee on gont
end arrangements, no marshal of the
day, no committco on tables, no com?
mitteo on music, (pr at least jf there
wero any committees appointed, they
did not seem to know it.) No Liberty
car, no procession, no Declaration of.
Indopondenco, no ancjont ordor of
ugly mug plugs-no nothing, (excuse
tho grammar,) we will except a fow
appropriate remarks mado by Roy,
Boyle, in the midst 61 which ho very
seiiBibly and justly stopped to reprovo
tho young mon whq woro so ill-man-nered
as to race jiorscs, only a fow feet
from the speaker's staijd, during his
address. Two or threo scrub raccu
wero indulged in during tho afternoon,
on the road runtime bv tho trrovo.
which served to cover men, women and
children with dust. Dancing was en
gaged in by a few, on a floor mado of
rough boards: m tlio evening thoy ad?
journed to tho hall and danced until
the dawn of Sunday morning. Whilo
of course wo do not expect any grand
colebration in an out-of-the-way placo
liko this, wo would expect some sys
tem, management and order. Wlion
instead of pulling together, each indi
vidual pulls in a soperato direction, it
is difficult to do anything woll. Queer,
that considering tho number of intol
ligent, well-mannered, good people of
l ino, the stato of allajrs should bo so
well, so mixed. Yours for Truth,
Cakuiw R. Dqvb.
.Joseph Jottings,
July 8, 880.
Health is oxcellont.
Every kind of improvement Is aload-
ily going on.
Tho largest run of rod full, by 'far.
for many yeara.
S. Maloy has sold his rancho, near
(Vlder, for .$ 1,000.
Tho Wallowa Lako has been visited
by 200 people, bo far, this season.
Tho Sunday School Convention, of
Wallowa, will bo held at Josonh. tka
20th inst.
John Ladd puts his "Rplling stook"
on tho mail line from hero to La
Grande, to-day,
Wo aro having the finest growinu
weather, imaginable. Crops are look
ing splendid. Wo will have abundant
crops of every kind.
Our 6th of July celebration, at Jo
seph, was attondod by 300 pcoplo, and
was pronounced, by all, as tho grandest
success tho Wallowa has ever aeon.
R. F. Bealo has established a marble
yard in Joeoph. One week more will
fix tho valuo of the Wallowa Marblo
Company. They aro taking it out in
argo blocks, and it is pronounced of
vory Jiua quality.
Foil Sale. 4080 acred of land, all In abb
body. Also u block in Union, by Hell fc
l'roper Treatment taf 0ttt
That the reader may fully Hbwtot4 wHat
constitutes a good Oough atnt Lnif Sr,
wo will say that Tar and 'Wild Cherry hi tk .
basis of the ht remedial vt dfaiinHd , t
These ineredhmt with wvewi otiMJw equally
as efiluftoloui, eater largely Into Dr. Jkhmnb
ko'( Cough and Luug Syrup, thun wakliur It
one of tha moet reliable how aa Um iMicet.
I'rlw.JW seats anil $1,00. SahwIm intTSXt
by J, T. Wriat, Ui Once