( r Th Oregon Scout. UNION. OREGON, HAT, JULY 17.: ISM. TO AJJVHUTISKKS. The SCOUT lini n Mnch LnrRnr Clrcu latlon than nny 1'npor In till Section af tho Stntn, nnil In, therefore tho ltlJST AUVKimsixo mkiulm. Thli Ik n Trno Nlnlrment, mid ivo Ahnll notnllow It tr 1m quoiitlnncil by nny other paper. AilrertlXTH will do null to mlikc n nolo or this, Phomisbnt Georgia farmers arc pre paring to substitute Chinese for negro labor on their plantations. Wc don't know a great deal about the noble colored man, but believe that the prominent Georgia fanners will get tho worst of it, by tho change. Evkuy few days some unfortunate polygainist is arrested at Salt Lake, and tried, convicted and sentenced to a term of imprisonment and fine, but this only has tho effect of making them more cautious in the practice of their unlawful belief. At Salt Lake City quite recently, ono polygamic de clared hi? intention of "obeying the laws of God, prison or no prison." Tiie following from the San Fran- I cisco Examiner, concerning Land Commissioner Sparks, is tho senti ment of every honest man in the na tion, and it is to be regretted that wc have not more olllcials like him: ' 'No federal olllcor under this administra tion has done more practical reform work than Land Commissioner Sparks, and no oiliccr has been so roundly denounced for doing it. In this denunciation (he scheming rascals whom he has foiled have had the assistance of a numerous company of fools, and between them they man aged to produce quite a voluino of sound. The present silence indicates Hint the fools and rascals arc tempora rily under, and Commissioner Sparks on top. All honest men hope ho will manage to keep there." 0. W. BIGGEHS, JL P. Physician and Surgeon, Union, - Oregon, Office on A Hreet. Itesidcncc, three door soma 01 me conn nouc. Special Attention (liven to Surgtcnl ITRCIirc. Sensational preaching is not mod ern at all, indeed, it is far from being now what it war two centuries ago, for it was then the rule in the dissent ing pulpit in England. In 1C80 one dlvlno advertised as his subject "A fan to drivo away tho Hies of Satan, ' ' nnd another, who had quarrelled with w parishioner named Hardy, an nounced as his text, "There is no fool like tho foolhardv. ' ' DuniNO tho last month 1010 passen gers arrived in Portland by steamer from San .Francisco. Of theso, G70 camo in tho cabin and !)78 in tho steer age, During tho samo time o'-'O ilrst cla8S passengers and 1018 Immigrants passed Heron, on tho N, 1. road, bound for Portland, nnd -lOG llrst-dass nnd -100 immigrant passengers passed Huntington on tho Oregon Short Line for Oregon. The whole number of urHvais for tho month wasJlj-18:). and With 4,790 for Jlay, l,71t) for April, 4,889 for March, 1,873 for February, und 1,797 for January, showing a total of 21 ,575 for tho first sis months of tho year. Hum: is a characteristic item relat ing to tho Mormon fraternity, from tho Salt Lake- Tiibunor There is a deal of commotion in tho wards espe cially in families where tho polyga mous bishops and heads of families Iiayo packed their gripsacks with a clean shirt and a bottlo of whiskev i nnd skipped by tho light of tho moon for the catacombs. Families arc llglitingaiuong thomsolres, tho Ward congregations aro in a snarl, tho young bucks and heifers aro kicking out of tho church traces; in short, all tho indications aro present for a grand upostaoy If only the Edmunds Tucker bill passes to explode tho magaziuo. Tm: Chiiteso have devised another olsvor trick to break through the barrier of tlm restriction acL It is to MWcar when they got to this port that thoy were born in this country, and Woro taken back to China in Infancy, Which clUeotunlly accounts for their Ignorance of the language, customs and geography of tho United States, llirth on American soil, of course, Jiliiccu them beyond tho operation of tho restriction act. Tho other day a Chinese woman was brought into tho district court on a writ of habeas corpus, and swore tint she was born In San I'Vancisco, but went back to China when sho was four years old. O I - I ... " - ono uucw no uioro or ims country anil Iho English hinguayo than a South African bushinlin, but nobody could Woar that who was not born hero. Si:natoii Doi.i'ii, in a speech last wcck donying that ho was a tool of corporations, said: "This word 'corporation' has the same effect on some people that a red Hag has on a bull, and they propose to fight it, head down and tail up." Mr. Dolph can very easily set back in his cush ioned chair and sneer at tho thousands of men and women along the line of this grant who aro struggling to pay the exorbitant prices for land in order to enrich a railroad, whoso title to il has lapsed years ago; but those people arc not such fools a? to believe in Senator Dolph's honesty or patriot ism. He is feathering his nest at the expense of tho welfare of the state he is paid to represent Actions sneak louder than words. Uunchgrass Hlado. Tin: La Grande Gazette man is a genius, and no mistake, and can sling together alliterative titles in a most remarkable manner. Last wook ho wrote up a very sensational article on the IJcnnctt-Legoro affair witli the hcadincs, "Cruel Crime Dill Ilen uctt's Hall Buried IScucath liasc Meanly." Of course wo aro envious of a brother quill driver who can sling words together liko that. The alliteration is perfect, (ho thought original to a remarkable degree, and the ideas meant to bo convoved, sparkling and lucid in the extreme Gosh! Tin: Smiths aro beaten again by the Joneses. Chas. Jones, of Now York, claims to have on his shoulders the only head now in business that was patted and blessed by Washington. No Smith lifts a head scratched by the rather ot his country. BELL & TUTTLE. Searchers of Records, Convey ancers, Keal Jistate ana COLLECTING AGENTS, Union, - - - - Oreron. Returns promptly made on nil collection". Having abstract of the rt'eordi la oar olllcc, abstract of title prepared witli dis patch, diaries moderate. Summons. Til Hip flrpnlr nmlt-f of tlm Vt.it, wif lro.r,.,. for Union county. .John R, ('rites, I'fain- tilT, vs Cuxeic A. tntcs, Defendant. To Oassic A. (.'rites, (lie above named dc- loiniant: in the name ot the Ntate of Oregon, you are herehy required to appear nun answer thccouiPlaint riled acamst von In the above entitled .suit nnd in the above entitled court, on or before the 2tli. day of (September, loan, the Maine ncing uiour.it day ol a regu lar term ol the above entitled court, com mencing next after the expiration of six wee km irom tneoate oi ine nr.tt. publication oi mis summon.-!, ami u you tan .so to an swer, for want thereof the plaintiff will ap ply to ine court lor tno renei demanded in he complain!, to wit: A decree disolving the bonds of matrimony now existing be tween planum ami deiendnnt, and lor gen eral relief. You will further take notice that this summons is published by order of the Hon. M. L. Olmstcad, judge of the above entitled court. Made at Chambers, and dated this 10th. day of .Mine. 1880 G. (,'. 1SRNAL. jul.J7-wO, Atty. for I'lff. SAUNDERS' NEW STORE. Having rented the old stand formerly occupied by I. A. Boskowitz, I have PERMANENTLY LOCATED and" opened up a- New, Full and Complete Assortment of CLOTHING, ai:n fulfil its uuuin lino iiiPiiiiii LAUNDRY QUEEN. The BEST Washing Machine in the World! S. WAIT, PllOlMtlKTOK. WaitBro's, Agents for Union county. This machine Is without doubt the best in existence, and giyes ENTIRE satisfaction wherever tried. HARDWARE, BOOTS and SHOES, HATS and CAPS, etc. etc. BARGAINS IN MINERS OUTFITS, Summons. New Goods arc Constantly Arriving, and all Departments of the Store will be kept FULL and COMPLETE, el Will NOT .BB UNBM,B,S And invite cvcrylnly to conic and examine goods, learn prices and judge for themselves. 1 BUY and SELL FOR CASH, Jly motto is : SMALL PROFITS and QUICK SALES. REMEMBER THE NEW STORE. -A.. Xj. STXLSTIDIEJIES, Proprietor, S?-Machinesin stock at J. IS. EATON'.S i'OKE. where they can be bought at uny ne. TRY THK LAUNDRY 1UEEN. & b b SiHk Tn Mm rtfntitf f'rttirf nf Qinfn if (mtrrtt for Union :ouuty. Laura Klgin, plaintilr, vs .lueob ivigin, dciendant. To Jacob Klgin, the above named defen dant: in the name of the .Site of Orccon. you are hereby required to appear ami answer the complaint tiled agaiiiNt you in the above mm i ii'u Mini anu L'ouri, on or neioru I lie - I ill. lay of .September, the mime being the iir.t dav of a reculur term of the above en titled court, commencing next after the ex piration of six weekH from the date of the .ii-Ht publication of this summons, and if vou mil mo to answer, lor want inercoi ine I'lalntill will apply to the court for the re lief demanded in the complaint, to wits A decree disolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between plaintiff Und defen dant, and awarding the care and custody if the minor chid. Y los.iv I'.min to mam- tiir, for general relief aiid'for costs and dis bursi'iiients of tliis suit. You will further take notice that this summons is nublished by order of the lion. L. II. Json, judge of me auove euimcu court. .Made at Chambers, and dated this 13th. day of July, 1SS0 JOHN It. CltlTKS, jul.l7-w(). Atty. forl'lll". 5 mum I irr ItlLiV Lift TAMAR mATMENT! WEAK, NERVOUS AND DEBILITATED rj h i ca i ' i j vi The great restorative and tonic, especially prepared for men. Voungand niiddle-agcd, who have, by their indiscretions or exeessiveindulgence, brought upon themselves nervous prostration, debility, nervousaiid nlivsical weakness, produeinu some of tlie following ed'ects ! Nervousness, Debility. Dimness of sight, Defective Mom ory, rnnpies on the Knee, Aversion to Society, Want of Amlntion, .Melancholy, Dyspep sia. DlIHousniess. Loss of Power. I'ains in the Hack. etc.. etc. : for all such derangements a permanent cure is guaranteed by the Use of Tamaii Tkeatmknt. Tamnr Treat ment lniicrlui,t by the T.emlliif; l'liyslclatif, Head "Wlnlt TlicySayi Dealer In Kvery Variety of .St, Lonis, Mo., Feb. 10, 18S0. "For more than three years 1 have used Tamau Thkatmknt with the best results. I recall now several cases of seminal weakness and debility witli all its evil consequences I have treated during the past year, which have been cured by the use of the Ti:i;at- mknt. und several of these cases were m tlie last stages, The composition of tlie differ ent medicines contained in tlie Tkcatm ijnt indicate, and its cflects prove it to be a spc- eilie restorative of nerve and sexual power. You arc at liberty to ti"e my letter in any way that willcontrlbute to your pleasure or pnilit. There are so nianv nearly worthless proprietary medicines of this kind on the market (and every day is adding to their number) that when one is found to bo re ally valuable T think it the duty of the pro fession to make it ki.own. Respeetfullv, J.Z. HALL, M. D." 017 "Walnut St., St. Louis. Mo. Tam.yk Tukatmkxt is jirescjilipil daily for all forms of nervous debility in both sexes as well as for cheeking the iinnrtttiral secret losses which cause m much loss of vitality. The medicines are prompt in action, and permanently restore those weakened by ear ly indiscretion, excesses or overwork of the lirain. A number of physicians have dis carded all the hypophosphites, Damiaua phosphorus formulas and invariably pre scribe Tvmai: TiiKATMnsT with the best results. TamAk Theat.mbxt is composed of mcdi- ! . . .". 4 1 11 cuius jiiusi urcL'iiuie n inu uisiu iinu nvu tolerated by the (doluaeh. I'tnii.io Oi'iSioN, tho Wasbington paper made up of editorial clippings from all American newspapers, is beginning to commend itself to con gressmen as offering a means of de torminkig lioy tho cat will jump. NEW TO-DAY. STATIONERY. e now have on hand a large assortment of FRUIT TAIILUTS, which are acknowl edged to be the purest and healthiest con- leetiouery in the world. TAMAR TWKATMKN'r is sold on its merits. Each package contains all medicines necessary for over one month s treatment, with mil and complete instructions now to ex ercise, diet, bathe, etc.; price, tamau 'l ukatmcnt. perpaeKago I'.uu; three packages ...lu; sent prepaid ambsecitrely sealed on receipt oi price. TAMAK TKFATMKNT having been used so successfully in private practice and in the hospitals of St. I.ouis for the past fifteen years, ami knowing, as we do, its wonderrul curative elleets, we will givo the following guarantee: Witli each order for 8 packages (Jl month's treatment), enclosing $.").. we will send our written guarantee to reiund tne money if the 1 hkatmcnt does not eiicct a cure. 1 ai Kages sent i . u. u. on receipt oi .1, as security against loss. send money ter, at our risk, Address: Y Mipr ket Stsi, St. Louis, Mo. Iiil luui. 1. . uui . ill. nti.. fiviii .. , .y. uii ii.vviH ifi .,"1, money bv exiiress, I'. O. Money Order, or registered let L. IlLAlvH A CO.. Sole Proprietors, S. V. Cor. (Itli. and Particular attention is invited to my line of Hsfaimsg Tackle, F1NH FLY HOOKS, and FISHINO POLKS Inch are m great variety and very reasonable in prices. JOS. WBIGHT, DEALER IN- Sliort Horn Cattle lETOIR, SALE. As It Is nl'eosary to makcsoius etiauge In my buslnchs, I will sell a very lino one-vear-old Sliort Horn Dull, ami twenty-live 'head of Cows, Heifers and Calves. My cattle are all Thoroughbred Register ed Slmrt-liorns, of the best strain of blood, f have the best herd of .short-horns in the state, ami thlr Is the hot opportunity evei offered to persons wMilng to Improve their cattle, as tln;v e:ni buy belter cat lie for lcs money, of me, than from any Importer. will sell ilv herd without reserve. Time given If desired. 1 iilut sell, so come ami see my ftoek, or itddniss nm at Union, Or. Jnl.lMf. O. IMiOODALL, ew Stage Botwcon Union and Cornucopia. It, .1. Yixcrvl', Proprleton In addition to the abovd we carry In stock nearly every article usually kept In a first class drug store, including Sponges, Trusses, Shoulder Uraces, Brushes, Perfumery, KEY AVE ST CLO-AltS, 13 1- Jfain Street, Union, Oregon, Has just Received an liniiicnso Stock of Now Goods, which ho will toll at a Please compare the following prices with those of other stores in the county: FoUr tincd ATT15NTIONI ik M or hf MULHOLLAN, KNOX & CO., PUBCHASIHG AGENCY, 12G First St., PORTLAND, OR. No charges for filling orders. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. SW Ilnck Hoes Scythes Brooms. Axes Wash Hoards Farm For Sale. 'S Thu retiring linker county oillciulR Jmvo mado a lluaiicial ntatomeut wblcl Is publinbod In tho county newspapers, giving a full and coinprelieiiHivo ac tiount of all inonoyn received, and toti ltoinircd Miitouiout of all tlxputull litres during ttieir torui of olllcd, The amount paid to carry on tho county government (luring tho term was 107,lfti.)l, Tho couiuy indeblod Jioss is ?S5,717i62. which after de ducting tl, 157. l'J in tho hands of tho trt!ii8urtr nnd Jill, Ml, 17 dellmpiont txofl loaves S17,DG0,'JH. Wliilo the Kondhion ot thu cottilty is In anything but a nourishing condition, and fifty m cent worso tlnui that of Union ovunty, it h no doubt a aoiiico of Jft-fttificution to tho people of that Urtty, to Jmvtf tills document laid before them bo that they ran eoo fpr theniMlvc9 wltiit their ofllclala have lxteu dointf ( and if any errors in man Mjfiiwiit osl$t, tho eaitio may bo JtHun'u rtnd tho prbpoi' icniedlcs np plkdi It is a duty that every ollklal WC to the peopld, (o niaho a full Miietmittt of his olllclal actions upon vNtidittf fi'ou 6ice. Whether ilii hi lHMin doH'br odr rtt-enl Union mty oWl 1 v Mny of llieir muo uhi itwtimtioit w tno itt ui .lack. Vlncdit litis ptit on a Mtaro 1 1 nr he. tween tills elt) und Coriluep.a, over the new Pine creek road, und will make regular trips, leaving Union Mondays, Wednodavx ami l'rldays at 'I a, tiu, letutnliis on Tues days, Thursdays and Saturday!. l'mil'-liorn Concoril (lonely. StiiL'cs stoiiat Park. YVrlirht's Hot Siilnlnii' Hp ill ics. ISallll Creek .Meadowy. llntriMn. l'n. 'addy'n I'arndlce, lin KleMlnlulixnistilet.Pii alley and Cornucopia. The enllro trip will be Imnle In day time, r.vorjliody Hides With ",luU." Ascension School, Contalnliitr M0 acres of coed lamb situ ated one uuarter of a mile Last of .Summer- vllle, all under fence. There Is an ordinary dwelling house on It and a coed barn and outhulldluxs. It has a irood well, and Is addltloiinlly supplied w Itli water by a tit renin which now lurouifii in Aiiout oiie-ii:tit or the laud 14 under cultivation. Will sell It for $ i (. per acre. which will include the followlmr fariu Im plement: One moweri 1 rake, a breaking plows, 1 harrou, 1 roller, I hccoml hand waon ami harness, one-half Interest la one header, 10,000 rtdN, -'I'.OO-) chhiKles, tons of hay, and otlnr things too niimeroUs to meutum. A ;oeittltle will beelun. It Is a ureal haivatn. F r furl her infoiiiatl n call at this ctllee. iltil!iS. Hay Forks . . ., Alrtnuro lorks Fork, Itake, and IIoehamlIw 7rc.gf Hand Saws. Sjmdos Souths I'owdor llnnuuer Huiolui Vriilgers ...7.V. . 60s. . fine. tBXc . f 1.00. 2fie. ?teel Traiw Towel ltneks Single trees, Ironed Neck .Yokes ,, The Finest Assortment of COOK STOYES In the County. AND AT LOWEST TRICES. the Celebrated 7.V-. 7.U-. 25c. i.ro. 75o STVjC. . 50c. . . aoe. .35o. . 25c. fl.00. $1.2. PAT. OVAL CHURNS, THE BEST IN THE WORLD. Guns, Revolvers, and Amtmition Farm For Sale! Situated about one mile from iNorth Powder, containing 100 acres. Good bouse, barn and other outbuildings. Enquire of J. W. ICIMIiRELL, North Powder. Sheriff's sale. Wll.inski Hro. it Co. and Oregon Furni ture -Manufacturing Co. vs, Dan. F. Moore ct al. Under ami by virtue of an order of calo and decree of foreclosure inned out of tho Circuit court of the State of Oregon, in and for Union county, on the 27th. day of Feb ruary, LS8(, in the above entitled action, wherein Marx Wilzinski, Albert AVilzinski, It. J. Stdcmau,and A.J. Lacbinan, partneri doing business under the firm name of Wilzinski Bros, .t Co. and the Oregon Fur niture Manufacturing Company, the above named plaintill's obtained a judgement and decree against Han. F. Moore and Fmma ret R. Moore his wife, defendants, recorded in judgement book , of said court, on page ; I am commanded to sell all that. certain lot, piece or parcel of land situated in the county of Union. .State of Oregon, and bounded and described as follows, to wit : Twenty-three (23) feet ofi'of the south side of lot number Three (3) in block num ber One( 1), in the town of West Union, Un ion county, Oregon, according to the plat of said town ; also, that certain piece, lot or parcel of land, bounded and described as follows, to wit : Beginning at a point 20SK feet west of the north-west comer of block No. Six ((!), Hannah addition to the said town of West Union, accordinc to the plat of said town, thence west -100 feet, thence south -U0 feet, thence West 200 feet, thence south 110 feet, thence east COO feet, thence north Ht-0 feet to the place of beginning, alt so in the said county of Union, State of Oregon. Notice is fterebv given that on Monday the 1Mb. day of .'July, 1HS0, at 10 o'clock; A. M. of that dav, at the court house door in the town of Union, county of Union, State of Oregon, I will, in obedi ance to said order of sale and decree of fore closure, sell all of the said Dan. F, Moore's and ICmmarct It Moore's right, title and .interest in said premises above described, or so much thereof as may be necessary t" satisfy plaintiff judgment, for the stiin of If l.-t.'lo.xii, witli interest thereon, less the sum of $2,12.s.75, endorsed on said order of sale, to the liighestand best bidder, for cash. Union, Oregon, June 12th., 188(1., A. L. SAUNDERS, Sheriff of Union County. Oregon. NOTICE FOll PUBLICATION. Lvxn OrncK at L.v dtAxni:, Or.EOox.) July :t, 188G. ) Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of her inten tion to make dual proof in support of her claim, and that said proof will be made be fore Register and Receiver at La Grande, Oregon, on Aug. 20, lSSC, viz: Anianil.i Jnno I.oyd, lid. No. 2.V.2, for the WW SK and K4 SW Sec. U Tp, ilSouth It 40 KWM. She namtH the following witnesses to prove her con tinuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: 0. 1 Barnes, II. L. Daugh erty. Randall Robinson, and John Mur phy, all of Cove, Oregon. HuxuY RixniiAUT, jnl.lO-wO'-rgx. Register. NOTICE FOll PUBLICATION. Land Okkici: at La Gkaxhk, Oimriox, I June l), 1SS0. j Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of bis inten Hon to make tinal proof In support of hli claim, and that said proof will be mado be fore Register and Receiver at La Grande, Oregon, on July 20, 1SSH, viz: Samuel South, Hd. No, 2.0. for the SW NK NW ST-3 NJ SWand NW Sec. 2 Township I! South It 41 i.u'-r tr. .!, fn...i.... llll.Ul llli ll.lllll - I1IU JllllMllll IIIIUSU to prove his coiihiiuoln residence upon, nnil eultiation of, said land, viz : Joseph Van dervanter, John A'anorddr, Richard Southj and Abram Vandervantcr, all of Union) Ol', HIlXltY KIXKlIAItT, junl2-w0. Register, NOTICE FOll PUBLICATION. Land Okkich at La (Jl!AlK June OimriOJr, I e !), 18S0. Notice Is hereby given that the following' named settler has tiled notice of his lliteii' liroof in support of eiaim, mm mat mihi prooi win he made hb bc it La GiiuuWi tibn to lmike luud I, M fore RegLter nnd Receiver Oregon, on Julj20, 18S(J, viz: Abraham A'aiulcvantor, Hd. No, IRtS, for the SK 1-4 See 84 Tin fi R. 41 KWM. He names the following wit nesses to prove his Continuous residence' upon, and cultivation of. said land. vii Joseph Vandevanter, John Vauordor, Rich' ai'd M. South, and Samuel South, allot Un ion, Oregon. nnxitv RiNnitAuf junlU-wO. RegbtdlS NOTICE FOll PUBLICATION, (IVtllils.) Cove, Orotrciti Tlilnl year hrghu Sptmlier 2nd., IHKd. For prospect Us giving full lufpruiutlon, ml' IrcM, RI1V7 W. It. I'OWKLL, Jul.17.lf. I'rfneliusl. Ldighton Academy, Cuvo, Ori'tfoii. Second yoaf l)ealils SephtmlKr 2ml., lfcSO. l'or pJiftpoetlM, itildiiwSi 1M. W IU roWMLL, Jitl.tT-tf. PrlncU'itb TJtY OllK NJV FlVl-j dlNT 0UiA "Oar DaHiiiff" Vuf jal? by JdllcS litdMi oleilRcnU I'll- litiKK co: fill Pay M tl USE le lisi is Ms, KOH THE 11EASON THAT- FRAZER nAD?fc m mm Mmu PM J" ri lg JB llKml 1J Tllk U'OKI.O UnCflOk IU wrUrlnit )UMllti uti unurUM4, Kciually Wlullurlw0Vutorijtttwirl)iunil. rrfrOiu Sirt; MKT TIIK (1KNII1N1M , . Him BAIJ5 HV Vlm kui Wu.UIHl!lou T.r. MtftMftM. MbMUN kl'mllT Has a Mammoth Stock of Dry GROCERIES! Goods and No Otlda itnd Euds froni Bundtivit Stdcks, but Nefpst ai Bsst (Ms ifl tie Met Wool, Sid4 3Mu Ghiiii Bought tea MA Lxso Oi'kicb at hs GrumE,Oi:nfiofy 1. Jitno t). 18S5. I Notice Is herobv slven thlit tho,followlug named settler has tiled notice of his iutcti tion to mitke final proof In support of hi, clal-ii, and that Miid'proof will bo made be fore ReUter and Receiver ft La GruudCj Oregon, on July fiu, 188(1, vizi ltliluiril 31, .South, Hd. No. (inS, fof tile W 1-2 NW !j tiBfl K 1-2 NK See. 8 Tp. 0 Soilth It. It KW&' He nanii s the following witnesses lo provd his eontiuiioiis residence upon, and cultiv,1 Hon ofj bnld Wnd viz: A, Vandovaatbii Joeph Vanduvimter, John -Vanorder, iitid Siuauel South, all of UnlouOrefcotn IlK-'iltY RlNi:lAItl'j junl2-Wi!i Kegbterv NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. laxn OrWcK at IaGitANnH, OitKnbir, I . June 8, lfeqii Notice U hereby ghen that the following named settler has tiled notice' of his Hitop" tion to lhakotlnal proof la snpilort Wthh chilin, and that ald proof will bp ntadb U foro RegNtcr and Reeelvcr ilt lin Ufalldi Oregon, on July IT, 1880, viz: l'rutli-nt Querretl, Hd. Krt. 2.-lS, forthe S 1-2 SKaitii S l-'J BV See. 1 Tl. 8 South R, It) KWM. He imiUM tho following wltneiiseii to prove his Eon tlnuouf rCMdCace upon, and cliltlTatloti-hM saiu iaiui, vtst Willis akin. v Kd. Ilclillllnrd, aildUcbi Wi UUitftij Utcgom .. MHels5i 'urSolh 11 VI i mi