V I PROTECTIXO THE IXDIAXS. Ttte Semite lilll Granting Right of Way Through Tlteir Jteserratlons retool. "Washington special: Tho president to day sent to the senate without his ap proval tho hill granting to railroads right of way through the Indian reservation in Northern Montana. "Tho reservation ro , fcrred to," tho president says, "stretches across tho cxtrcmo northern part ol Mon tana, with British America for Its northern boundary. It contains nn area ol over 30,000 squnre miles. It is dedicated to In dian occupancy by tho treaty ot October 17, 1S5C, and the act ot congress of April 15, 1874. No railroads aro within inline diato approach to its boundaries, and only one, ns shown by recent maps, is under construction in tho neighborhood leading in its direction. Tho surrounding country is sparsely nettled, nnd I hnve been unable ito nscertain that tho necessities of com merce or any public exigencies demand this legislation, which would affect so seriously tho rights and interests of the Indians oc cupying tho reservation. The bill is in tho nature of a general right of way for rail roads through this reservation. The In--dlnii occupants have not given their con sent, neithor havo they been consulted re garding it, nor is there any provision in it for Btcuring their consent or agreement to tho locution or construction of railroads. If the United States must exercise its right -of eminent domnid over tho Indian terri tories for tho general welfare of tho wholo country, it should be donecautiously, with n duo regard for the interests of the Indian and to no grenterextent tlian theexigenciea of tho public service require." Tho president then states that bills tend ing somewhat in tho direction of this gen crnl character of legislation affecting rights of Indians reserved to them by treaty stip ulations, havo been presented to him dur ing tho present session of congress, which received his reluctant approval, though he is by no menus certain that a mistake has not beou mailo in pnssing such laws with out providing forconsent to such grants by Indian occupants, nnd othcrwiso moro closely guarding their rights and interests. "I hoped," the president says, "that each of tho bills ns it received my approval -would bo tho last of the kind presented." He says in conclusion: "the bill now beforo mo is much more goneral in its tonus than those which have preceded it. It ig nores tho right of Indians to be consulted ns to tho disposition of their lands. It in vites a general invasion of tho Iiuli.m coun try. I nm impressed with tho belief that tho bill does not sufficiently guard against nn invasion of their rights nnd a disturb ance of tho penco nnd quiet of the Indians on tho reservation mentioned, nor am I nn t I.ifSn.l 4 1 1 i 4 1 1 n lanialn f inn nrntinum to demanded by any exigency of public wel fare." BOTCOTTERS SEXTEXCED. New York dispatch: Tho convicted boy cotters on Theiss, the proprietor of tho concert garden, were nrrnigned in court to day for sentence Judge Barrett made some strong remarks to them on tho law lessness of tho crimo of which they wero convicted. Ho said that this was a viola tion of tho penco to tho country that wel comed foreign born citizens to n country thnt offered freedom nnd tho privileges of right; they had violated tho public rights und opinions nnd tlu-b offense was not short of blackmail. Tho distribution of circulars before places of business was a conspiracy and was punishable ns such. Their conduct, if unpunished, would lead to savngory. They may havo been misled by bad advice, but their counsel should have rebuked them. They did uso money for their own ndvnntago nnd this pacified the citizens. Wo aro told that it has been tho custom to rob in thnt maimer. Ho would not impose tho full penalty of tho lawns they were working men. Tho judgo then sentenced Paul Wiltzig and Holdorf to two years and ten months at hard labor, Michael Stroh and Julius Hosenberg to one year and six months imprisonment; Daniel Daneniiouser, tho most violent of the boy cotters, got three years and eight months in the stute prison. MIt. MAXXIXG'S SUCCESSOR. Washington dispatch: There appears to be strong foundation for tho belief that ex Senator Joseph McDonald, of Indiana, will succeed Mr. Manning as secretary ot the treasury. Mr. McDonald has boen men tioned in connection with so many posi tions that were given to other gentlemen that tho politicians at this point have grown skoptical of his receiving recognition from the administration. The talk among tho Indianians to-day, however, is that Mr. McDonald's roward lias come at last. Several of these gentle men boldly claim that within a fortnight after tho adjournment of congress Mr. Mc Donald will bo installed as Socretary Man ning's successor. Theysay it is well under stood at tho white house that Mr. Manning will never again resunio his duties at the treasury department, nnd that for this reason Mr. McDonald will take hold about the 1st ot August. Mr. McDonald's ap pointment, tho Indiana people say, will greatly strengthen tho party in that state and insure Mr. Cleveland a solid delegation in his favor to tho noxt presidential con vention. . A FREAK OF LIGHTXIXG. It Play Havoc With Ha Victim at a nigh Altitude. Donver special: George D. Edwards was struck by lightning Sundny while crossing Iron Hill. Though severely Injured ho re rovered consciousness in fifteen minutes, nnd will probably cot well. Tho lichtnimr struck him on the left cheek, knocking him senseless, nnd passed ncross his breast to his rjght foot, then ncross, coming out of tho left foot. A hole like a bullet holo was made in the foot. Edwards' clothing wns torn to shreds and both boots knocked oft. Tho ground where he stood wns torn up. Tho courso of the lightning over his body is marked by ri red streak an inch wide. Tho worst injury is to his lung, the shock caus ing hemorrhage and serious losst blood. His body was covered with blisters and burns. This is said to be the first known person being struck by lightning at this altitudo (10,500 feet above the sea). Edwards' pecu iar injuries are the subject of much interest among medical men. TWO MORE vessels seized. J, Halifax dispatch; The American schoon i,ers. George Y. Cushing nnd C. B. Harring ' ton, were formnlly seized yesterday after noon at Shelbourne by the captain ot the Dominion cruiser, Terror, nnd handed over to the collcctorof customs nt that port for violation ot the customs laws. The C. B. Harrington was ordered into the hands of constables, who were placed la charge ot her. The Cushing still rides at anchor alongside ot the Terror, but in charge ot the collector. Neither ol the three vessels seized at Shelbourne and City 1'oint are charged witli violating the fishery laws, but simply have been seized for violating the custo i s laws by coming to anchor and al lowing their crews to go ashore before re porting at the custom house. tiie graxd old jm.vs scheme. Evidently a Majority of the People of Eng land are Xot Favorable To It. London DJ?pntch: Up to 10 o'clock to night the totals ot members elected were 150 conservatives, 30 unionists, 50 Gliul stonlnns, nnd 20 l'nrnellltcs. The conser vatives have gained seventeen scats, tho unionists one seat, nnd the Glndstonians nine seats. The tories unexpectedly won in Leith, Lincolnshire, whero tho Glndston Ian enndidnte, owing to sudden illness, failed to qualify. During n fracas at tl.e polling station in St. Stephen's Green division ot Dublin, Messrs. Dudgeon, James nnd Sullivnn, so licitors and ngents of tho conservative can didate, were ejected by the sheriff's orders. Dudgeon will sue the sheriff for assault. Gladstone has written a letter, in which ho snys it is impossible for British legisla tion to proceed until the Irish question is Bottled. Tho issue is becoming definite. The posi tion to night prenges a crushing defeat for Gladstone unless ho obtains a larger coun try vote than in Novei.iber. The burghs are declnrlngngainst home rule. The most ominous Is the revolt of Glasgow radicals. Of seven contests in Glasgow the unionists carried four. Of twenty-one London polls declared to night tho unionists secured fifteen niid Glndstnnn six. Tho polling was close. Tho conservative enndidnte won in Central Fmsbury by only fivo majority. Saunders, Glndstoninn, is defeated in East Hull by thirty-seven majority. Anions the eminent Glndstonians defeated aro Solici tor General Davy, Ad vocn to General Mellor Hibbcrt, secretary of admiralty nnd Prof. Thnrohl lingers. The London labor can didates, Creamer and Howell, retain their sents by a fair mnjority. Sir Johu Lub bocke's re-election is nssured by a poll of 400 abend of Hnrrion. Sir Thomas Brassy has boon nominated Glndstoninn enndidato for St. Andrew's district. AX ADDRESS TO ET.ECTOllS. Gladstone Appeals to the People for the Cause He Espouses. London cablegram: Mr. Glntlstono has issued a manifesto to tho electors ot Wales. "It is not the first nor tho tenth time," ho says, "that tho tories havo raised a cry of alarm and predicted ruin of the empire. They have been at it all tlioir lives and nlwnys when thoso great and good meas ures were proposed which havo mado tho nge illustrious the reform of parliament, the abolition ot the corn laws, of shivery, ot religious tests, ot church rates, unci tho Irish church, tho freedom of burinls, tho defense of tennnts' rights, nnd many more. Which of these did they give you? Which did they not oppose and cry down as de structive to tho constitution, tho throne, religion, prosperity, and all tho rest? People say tho Irish will never bo content; nor would you be content if you liad beon oppressed as they have been, and above nil, if after you had your own parliament 500 years it had been taken away by a mixture of violonco nnd corruption with a union which disgraces tho nnme of Eng land. This parliament tho people of Iro Innd havo over sinco striven to got back. They no-v ask not for tho repeal ot tho union, but only for a subordinate legisla ture ns a colony, Give it to them, because it is junt that they should havo it. Givo it to them promptly nnd graciously; not waiting, as Wellington waited, for tho emancipation of tho Catholics, who failed under tho terror of war. Lot Wales upon this great occasion be worthy ot herself." THE VAXDERRILTS GREAT WEAL1H. Now York Special: Albertino Gregory completed a tedious week's job Inst night, Ho has cut July coupons from tho $80,000,- 000 of Unitgd States bonds owned by the Vunderbilts. It was an irksome task bo cause of tho monotony, and also by reason ot the heat, for it had to bo dono in the confined spneo of the Vanderbilt vault on Forty-second street, opposite tho Grand Central depot. Gregory is a book-keeper in tho ofilco of Chauncoy M. Depow, and he wns detailed by Depow for tho lubor. A now hand is put at it overy time, and the ns.-iiijnincut is not made until the work is to begin. Lust Jnnunry a man from the freight department of the Central rullroad was soc nt it. Gregory had no preferred choice, but wns simply told to go to the safe deposit office and report to President Ihomns Li. James lor duty, lie old so, and there found Cornelius Vanderbilt, who unlocked his personal safe, took out the millions of bonds, nnd told him to sever tho coupons. Tho clerk was locked in a little npartnient while at work, nnd beforo his doparturo at noon or night the bonds nnd coupons thnt he had handled woro counted up. In that way lie went through tho nuiBS of bonds belonging tothodifferent members of the family. Ho says he never sncnt a more lonesome week in his lifo. A FORMIDABLE ORGAXIZATIOX. St. Louis dispatch: Several very impor tant meetings ot the leaders ot tho Law nnd Order league have been held recently, both here and at Sedalia, Mo. A promi nent ofllcer of tho leaguo says tho intention of theso meetings is to establish an organ ization from one end of the country to the other in support of law and order which can bo largely massed at one point if neces sary. For instance, in case ol trouble in St. Louis with which the leaguo here could cope, preparations being mado for the pur pose, enabling officials hero to call on Chi cago or any other place for reinforcements, members being bound to answer such call at a moment's notice. As menns ot getting forces out in a moment's notice, the nd dresses of all members, business or resi dence are taken, Beginning in Sedalia and spreading to Desoto nnd Hannibal, it was taken up by St. Louis and from there spread to Corondelet nnd Clarksville, Crystal City, Mo,, Bellevillo and Chicago, 111., Jackson, Mich., Evansvillo, Ind., St. Paul, Minneapolis, Rochester, Newark, Milwaukee and Baltimore, and is now gaining a strong foothold in Iowa nnd Kansas and other states. It has reached a membership of over seventeen thousand. Included in membership, it is said, are a large number of workingmen, engineers, conductors nnd Knights of Labor. The leaguo has organized a great many branches and has committees working In all direc tions. The principal object is to provent labor disturbances and discountenance strikes and boycotts. The latter comes in for particular condemnation. A CltAXK AFTER CLE YEtul XD. Buffalo, N. Y. July 4. A social to tho Timet from "Washington says: "Between 0 and 7 o'clock this evening a German crank called at the White house aud asked to see the president and Rare tho doorkeeper lite res idence as No. 1200 New York avenue.thls city, lie was told that the president did not receive callers to-day, but would do to to-morrow. Kccemng; una submit iuq man nroceeded down the pathway, and about half way from the street tell on bis knees and com menced crvlmr that the evil one wa trvlnir to shoot him. After a tussle with him the police onlcers snceceueu in tailing mm 10 iue jock up. Upon being; searched a largo bowle knife was found utxm his person. If he had suc ceeded In seeing the president It is likely thai there would have been trouble." THE COXDITIOX 2fOT IMPRO VED, The Crop Outlook in WeMtfli atid Horth tcesiem States. St. Paul dispatch: Tho Pitftfeer Press will print to-morrow reports on tho con dition ot the crop from every important wheat growing county in Minnesota and Dakota, nnd about one hundred counties in Iowa, Wisconsin nnd Nebraska. Thoso reports show the crop to bo In much worse condition than in June, 1SS5. The dry weather in Mny, which became quite n severe drouth in June, had a moro serious effect on small grain than wns at first sup posed nnd tho injury caused then is just now becoming painfully npparent. Thcro had been very little rain in tho first week ol June nnd no gencrnl rain sinco seed ing time. The sections not affected by the drouth aro the lied Illvcr valley from Wahpeton to Grand Forks, nnd tho Nor thern Pacific country from Brainertl to Bismarck. In Minnesota and Dukotasouth of the forty-sixth parallel tho weather has been very dry, the drouth being sevcront in the extieme southern counties ot Minne sota nnd Dakota, extending well down into northern Iowa. In southern Minnesota nnd Dakota wheat was sown in most coun ties in dust, and rains since then havo been light and not frequent enough to give tho ground a good soaking. During tho stool ing period in May, tho weather was very dry. The intensely hot weather tho past ten days has added materially to tho In jury, as the ground was in no condition to stand any serious drouth. The result Is thnt along tho Winona & St. Peter rond through Minnesota and along the southern division ot tho Milwaukee it St. Paul, tho crops aro literally drying up, and unless ntins como very soon light ci ops of all kinds of grains aro the most that can bo ex pected in thoso sections. It is doubtful ovon whether the crops can bo benefitted now to nuy extent if rain should como. Tho stooling period is long sinco past and the crops may now bo taken to bo at tho best stngo to bo obtained. Moro rain will simply provent them from getting back ward, but will hardly improve their condi tion. Tho rains of Saturday night ex tended over thoso sect:ons only whero it wns least needed. FroniCumnilngs, on tho Manitoba rond, south nnd along tho North ern Pacific lino north of Grand Forks, there was no rain, and Great Devil's Lake county Is still suffering from drouth. Not n drop of rain fell south ot the Minnesota river, and all that sunburned region is still parched nnd dry. THE SITVATIOX TX UTAH, A Very Important JSill Affecting Affairs In That Territory. Washington special: Senator Ciilloin has reported from thocommittco on territories a very important bill affecting tho situa tion in Utah. Lastyear Governor Murray vetoed all tho appropriation bills passed by the Mormon legislature on tho ground that they refused to recognizotho legal offi cers of tho territory, but authorized tho disbursement of tho appropriations by Mormon officials elected by tho legislature, who under the law had no right to disburso money. Tho legislature adjourned without providing funds to support tho torritorinl government, aud tho president sent n mes sage to congress recommending that somo measuio bo ndopted to rcliovo tho embar rassment. Since that letter wns sent in tho supremo court ot Utah has unanimously sustained Governor Murray's vetoes, in a test case, and has refused to rocognizo the Mormon olllcials. Tho Culloni bill appropriates tho sums provided in tho bills vetoed by Govornor Murray but directs their disbursement by the legally constituted oflieiuls. Itcontaius several important qualifications, however, which are intended to strike Mormouism in certain plates whero it is very strong; for example, the public school system ol the territory is taken from tho control ot the church and placed in tho hands of trus tees, to bo appointed by tho governor, and tho university ol Dczrn, which is a Mormon institution and supported by public tax ation, is treated in the same manner. The bill also provides for tho payment by tho territory into tho treasury of tho United States of money which has been advanced by tho United States to pay tho cost of trials under tho anti-polygamy act. Tho Mormon legislature lias refused for several yeais to appropriate money for this use and the territory is now indebted to the general government to the amount ol 51280,000 in round numbers on this ac count. An attempt will be mado to securo the pnssngo ol tho bill before adjournment, as there are no funds in the Utah territory since tho 1st of July for tho support of tho courts and other olllcnl machinery ot tho tei ritorv and none can otherwise bo pro vided except upon such terms as tho Mor mon legislature may dictate. A BIG FIRE IX DEXVER. Denvbu, Cor, July C At 1:15 o'clock this morning; fire was discovered In the Academy of Music, and before thellro department could get to work the flames were leaping; through the building In half a dozen places ami in n few minutes the building was In one mass of flames. The heat was so Intolerable that tho firemen were soon driven from tho front of the building. It theu became evident that the Academy was doomed and the firemen devoted them selves to saving tho Jlocky Mountain jewt building and Goodo & McCllntoek's blocks, which were adjoining and were then on lire. The flamc6 spread fo rapidly and the heat be came i-o intense that in less than lifteen min utes after the discovery of the fires the wires of tho Western union telegraph company, whoso ofllco is in the block directly across the alley fiom the Academy, were melted and all the service destroyed. Tho operators managed to save the Wheatstono and other valuable Instruments, but service relays were destroyed. Tho tire was tho quickest ever witnessed in Denver, the ground floor of the academy 'was occupied by business houses In which several men wero sleeping at tho time of the fire, ull of whom wero rescued by the firemen. Enrlght, an old roustabout who worked In a saloon, retired at 13 last night iti an Intoxi cated condition, and was forgotten until too late, and perished In the flames. The cause of the fire is unknown. As near as can be learned the losses are as follows: P. V. Hughes on the Academy of Music, $125,000; tho Jlocky Mountain Aew-, $25,000; John Klneary's saloon, 95,000; Solo mon, clothing. $2,000; Lazarus, tailor, $3,000; the Goode block, $10,000, Joseph Meskew, $2,000; McCllntock, $12,500; small losses esti mated at $5,000, The total Insurance is $65, 000. 3IICHIGAX FOREST FIRES. far. Suxac-e, Mcn.t ,mly 0 Terrible forest fires are raging aloug the line of tho Detroit, Mackinaw and Marquette railroad between this city and Marquette. At Newberry yester day 20,000 cords of wood belonging to the Vulcan furnace company burned and the furnace will nrobablv be shut down in conse- queuce. Everything Is very dry and the Uro ruus through the woods with fearful rapidity, Tralus are delayed aud crops are buruliur up lor warn oi ram. PLEASURE SEEKERS VROM'XED. Louisville, Kr., July 6. Dr. J. A. Wheells and a little girl named Ada Rudolph were row ing on a lake across the river from I'aducab, Ky.. to-day, when the girl fell out of the boat Wheelte attempted to rescue her and both were drowned. r1v.H AND THtRE. Throe vomit! men of BoMnn rodent'.' rod their b:eules from that city tc Now Orleans, a distance of 1.700 mile Victoria. British Columbia, is s qnict ami respectable, that tho citj council lias decided to do without i jailer. A witness who swears by tho bible h not bound to kiss the book, according to n recent decision of a New Jersoj justice. Tour times a month the Catholic priests of the diocese of New York meet and discuss theological subjects in the Latin tongue. In Ohio county, Kentucky, last wool John Hunter, a negro, was sentencec to the penitentiary for life, his crinif being the theft oi '$13. It has been asserted, and with I great deal of truth, that though wo oft en hear of the man who draws tho bis prize in lottery, wo rarely meet him. At one point of tho Cascade brand of the Northern Pacific tho railroad de scribes a horse-shoe which is two and a quarter miles around, and onlv liftecc hundred feet across tho hill at the open end of it. Clingstone, tho trotter thnt beat Harry Wilkes in a great race at Detroit last year, and who lias made a mile ir. 2:1-1. is said to be afflicted with Ids saint old trouble weakness in tho legs and it is thought his trotting feats aro over. There are now in Swaim and othci extreme western counties of North Car olina 1,881 Cherokee Indians. They hola 73, 000 acres of land by deed of trust. They are urged to go to Indian Ter ritory, and aro considering tho matter. A lake of salt water is reported tc have been discovered recently neai Akron, 0. It is over 1,000 feet deep, and the surfaco is over 2, 100 feet below the surface of tho earth. It was dis covered by parties who wero boring foi gas. A Hamilton (Out.) hotel-keeper wa recently arrested for having a light in his bar-room during prohibited hours. It has since been found out thnt tlm light was a reflection from a gas-jet in passage leading from the bar-room tc the dining-room. A Now Orleans citizen threo weeks ago put a douhlo-yolkud egg under sitting hen. Last Sundny a little head came through each end of tho egg, aud when the shell was removed, two chick) wero found. They wero slightly united, but were easily separated. Jacob Woilor, aged 02, at Lobachs ville, Pa., while at supper was inform ed that a letter containing $1,700 back pension money had been received for him. In hurrying to finish tho meal a piece of meat became lodged in hii wind-pipe and ho choked to death. Philadelphia barbers are expressing discontent in a different manner from Boston members of tho profession. In stead of closing business at any time tho 5-cent barbers havo threatened tc raiso the price to 10 cents, and great excitement lias arisen in consequence. A Kingston, N. Y., lawyer appeared before the board of education of thai city a few days ago and asked thnt a SL030 assessment bo taken from the properly of a neighbor and put upon his own lot. This was such an extraor- clinary request that tho members of tlm board were nearly struck speechless. A rather odd incident occurred one day during a recent temperance camp meeting at Spring Urovo, N. Y. A hawk's nest had been broken up by some boys, and when the old hawk dis covered this she swooped down into the crowd, seized a straw hat from a man's head, and bore it away beyond recovery. Tins skull of a man dug up at North borough, Mass., last year, proves a puzzle for the naturalists. Prof. Put nam, of the Poabody museum at Cam bridge, says it is the most remarkable and interesting skull ho ever studied. Not one of the gr6at collection of the heads of the Peabodv museum is any thing liko it. Tlio aggregate of San Carlos agency Indians in 1881 was 4, .178. Two years later tho ofliciul numeration places the number at 5,000, as fallows: White Mountain Apaches, including Coy otcros, 1,500; San Carlos Apaches, 1,150; Chiricnhuas, including Warm Spring Indians, -150: Apache Yuma, 350; Apacho Tonto, 900; Apacho Mojave, 700. Supai, 214. A codo of signals has beon arranged for tho uso of transatlantic steamers to warn one another of tho presence ol ice. By tho adoption of this code a steamer approaching tho ice region can quickly ascertain from any vessel which has crossed tho Newfoundland banks just where ice was soon, and what kind of ico (whether heavy pack, icebergs, or light iield ice). Farmer Daniel Wadsworth, of Wol cott, N. Y., has established a now branch of musical education. Instead of making the hills resound with tiie musical echoes of "P-o-o-e-o," when ho wishes to call his hogs, ho merely whistles "Yankee Doodle." and tho herd comes in on tho run. Tlio intense Americanism of the porkers is shown by tho fact that they pay no attention to any other tune. In tho court of common pleas, Now York city, Chief Justice Larramore dis missed tho complaint of Patrick Clarke against Hanson Parker, Jr., brought to recover $50,000 for injuries recioved wliilo assisting in unloading an ice bargo. Tho plaintiffs neck was broken, anil ho lay in Hellovtio hospital two years. Tho peculiarity of tho casa mado him tho themo of lectures at tho time by several of the doctors in at tendance. Sevoral months ago Annio Sheuly, a voung Irish lass, waiting at tho table of her master, Mr. Carroll, of Ireland, was insulted by one of tho guests who had boon drinking too freely. John Carrol), a sou of tlio family, knocked tho insulter down and followed up tills hit of gallantry by falling in love with tho pretty Annie. He said ho would marry the girl, and tlio father turned li in out of tlio house. He came to America and dug ditches for a living. This wcok Annio arrived at Now York, and was scarcely ashore before her ditch-digging, disinherited lover spied her, and taking her beforo Ruv. Fattier John J. Riordau, married her ou tho spot- THE LIFE-SAVING SERVICE. A Splendid ltecord Trrtrl'lB 1,10 1n8t Yenr Mnny lc'fsYi8 Snd froB l)rOVvnlns. The operations' of ihe lifc-avifJ SeT rico for tho' luteal year ending Juno SO, 1885, aro described at sonic length lit tho annual report, whicli has just beon published in a volume containing moro than four hundred pages. Tho servico :s still in tlio samo able liancls-tlrat havo Drought it through many trial's- to Its present cllicient state. Sumner I. Kim Dall is tho general superintendent and ?apt. James II. Merrynian, of the revenue marine, is inspector of life-sav- ng stations. There aro 203 stations on- tho Atlantic and Pacific coasts, tho yU, and tlio groat lakes. Of these aioro than half (105 are on tho Atlnn ;ie coast, between tlio top of Maine and L-aiio May. 17 aro between Capo May mil Key West, 5 aro on tho gulf coast, 10 aro on Lakes Krio and Ontario, 13 on Lake Huron and Superior, 10 on l.ako Michigan, and 7 on tlio Pacific roast. As a very largo share of the ihipping conies into New York harbor, md is thus brought close to one of the oiost dangerous coasts, a largo number jf tho stations are situated whero they :an assist distressed vosels hound for 3t" from this port. There are 7) stations Dii the coasts of Rhode Ihland, Long island, aud New Jersey. There is one river station at the "falls of tho Ohio, Louisville, Ky., and tho writer can tcs ;ify from his own experience to tlio oromptness and spirit with which tlio members of that crew hasten to tho elief of boats endangered by tho alls. Tlio usual complement of men it each station is six surfnien, ono Df whom is tho captain in charge; but jotno of tho stations havo seven and lomo eight men. On the Atlantic roasts tho season in which the stations iro manned is from Sept. 1 to April 30. In the words of tho report, "there wero ?5G disasters to documented vessels rvithin tho Held of station operations luring tho year. There wero on board Iheso vessels 2.20G persons, of whom .',190 wero 6aved and only 10 lost. Tlio number of disasters involving tlio ;otal loss of vessels was 50. The esti mated value of tlio 250 vessels was $3, i 10,550. and that of thoir cargoes $1, 3S4.905, making tho total value of tho property involved $1,G01,455. Of this iniount $3,352,700 was saved and $1, 251,095 was lost. Besides these, thero tvoro 115 instances of accidents to imidl craft, as sailboats, rowboats, etc., an which wero 233 persons, all of whom tvoro saved except one." "Thcro wero 82 disasters in tho vl rinity of Now York, in the territory rovered by tho Third and Fourth dis ;ricts, on tho Rhode Island, Long Island ind New Jersey coasts. Tlio total value jf tho property thus endangered was B1,GG7,1G5, of which $1,007,120 was laved and $001,015 was lost. The num Der of persons saved hero was 715, and .he number of persons lost, one. The ;otal loss of lifo within the scope of tho lorvieo is the smallest over reached iinco its general extension, except in tlio rear 1880, when but nino persons wero .osr. The assistance rendered in sav ng vessels and cargoes during tlio rear was larger than in any previous fear, except the last preceding." Bo ;weon the dato ot tho adoption of the Diesent excellent system, Nov. 1, 1871, md June 30, 1885, there wero 2,918 dis asters to vessels, endangering 25,093 ives, and $51,7G3,G91 worth of proper ly. Tlio total number of lives lost was )tily 467, anil tlio value of tho property o.st $15,485,705, showing that more ,han 70 per cenL of the lives mdangered wero saved. Eight of ;hc ton lives lost in tho last year rvere in tlio wreck of tho Norwegian jark Lona, under circumstances that .undo it possible) for tho life-savors to render assistance in timo. Tho Lena itruck on tho southeast bar of Hog slnnd, Virginia, on Doc. 27, 1881. Slio oas bound from Natal, Brazil, for Phlla lelphia, with a cargo of sugar, and had i crow of nino men. Tlio story of tho srew's noblo efforts to rescue her cap tain and sailors is full of oxcitomont. Sho was discovered at 4 o'clock in tho morning. "Tlio keeper at once ordor )d out tho surfboat. Tho night was lark and cloudy, and tho wind blow ng moderately from tho north, but tho ton, which was then at quarter ebb, ivns extraordinary. Such a fury and ronfusion of surf tho keeper declared ao had not soon for cloven years. Tlio lido was falling fast from tho beach, md tlio apparatus was hurriedly got ready and planted at low-water mark. All this timo it had been thick and iark, but toward 7 o'clock day-light :nmo, and showed tho vessel leaping ind staggering forward. Tho gun was it onco trained upon her and tho first ihot lired, but her great distanco from ihoi o was at onco mado ovidont, for tho lino fell short several hundred yards. By 8 o'clock it began to snow. A iccond was tired at the wreck, which a-as still jumping and crashing with .'earful violence, but tlio lino fell short igaln, and a third shot likewise It nrns now about 10 o'olock. Tlio snow aad given placo to rain, but the sea rontinucd appalling. Tho chance of reaching tlio vessel oj' boat was no less than desporato." But tho effort was made, "For over an hour tho crow toiled with almost breaking sinews, jorpetually repulsed, and final y, quito oxhaustod, was car ried at least half a milo down the oeach by the current, with tho boat aearly full of water." Tho boat could not get out "As night approached the kcopor built a largo fire upon tho jeacli aoreast of tlio wreck. An hour before midnight a fog overspread tho roaring wators and the vessel was shut Ml' from viow. At 1 o'clock tlio next' morning tho keepor saw vaguoly a iark spot on tho sea through the hoavy roiling of tho fog. Tho surfboat was at once manned and put out through tho darkness In a sea of commingled sroakers and wreckage Willi great jffort tho crow succeeded in reaching .ho dim mass, and found that it was the jabln and stern of tho wreck. On it nvo men, still living, but moro doad ihan alive, wero lushed, and tho lifeless oody of tlio eaptalu." Theso men ivcro taken unborn and saved. The leven men lost had been in .the rigging, md wore nil lost overboard, Hint the saptalu died on the fragment of the wreck. Nothing moro was ever seen of lite hark except tlio bits of wreckago that washed ashore. For tlio support of tho life-saving service, including salaries of all tho officers inspectors, stinerintcnilcnts. kebjiers and surfnien, and everything1 required for tlio maintenance of tho 203 stations, an appropriation of $852, 000 was mado last year. And the ex penditures wero $788,209.91, leaving $G3,700.C6 on linnd. Tho health of the establishment is good, judging from the item of $23 15 expended for medicines. Tho entire cost of tho ser vice, it will bo seen, falls about $2,500, 000 short of the value of tho property saved in tho viciuity of Now York alone, without putting any value at all upon tho lives saved. Xew York Times. ENGLAND'S DRINK BILL. leisures thnt Offer Xo Unccurnscmont to tlio Friends of Tcmpcrunco. Onco a year The London Times makes room for a detailed statement of En gland's drink bill. That statement has just appeared. It shows a reduction from 1881 for last year, but not a reduction of a character to encourage tho friends of temperance. For many years the state ment has been mado by Mr. William Hoyle, F. S. S,, but this time another member of tho Statistical society, Mr. Dawson Burns, D. D., signs ids namo to tlio report. The British expenditure upon drink in 1885 was $G1G,313,800, a decreaso of about $15,000,000 from tho preceding year. But Mr. Burns says: "In regard to tlio causes of diminution, wo must, I fear, look to the continued and in somo quarters increasing de pression of trade rather than to tlio growth of thrift and teniperanco in tho country. With tho removal of this do prcssio'n wo should most probably find the drink bill become heavier, and its social sequences become darker." This is a reasonable Inference from tlio sta tistics of preceding years. The state of trade in England always reflects itsolf in tho drink bill. Mr. Burns gives the footings from 18G0 to 1885 inclusive, and they show this very plainly. In tliat quarter of tlio century tho drink bill has mounted from $125,000, 000 to $G1G,000,000. Mr. Burns says: "Tlio years of commercial prosperity brought with them a vastly augmentcil oxpondituro upon strong drink, and oven when that prosperity began to decline tlio special impetus that had been given to 'drinking habits resisted for a time, and yielded but slowly to the stress of diminishing resources." That is to sav that people bogan by economizing !u other directions, and only cut down tlio drink oxpondituro when they woro compelled to do so; ovon then continuing to consume large ly. Of courso tho increase between 18G0 and 1885 is partly accounted for by tho growth of population, but Mr. Burns holds that allowing for this the increase in the drink bill shows a de cline rathor than progress in temper ance. "It is clear," lie says, "that tho amount of tlio national drink bill is still enormous, being equal to tho na tion's expenditure for bread, butter, and cheese; it is not short of the routs paid for farms and houses in the United Kingdom; is three times tho amount spent for tea, sugar, coffee, and cocoa, and is six times the amount of our ex penditure on linen and cotton goods." Taking tlio families of tlio United King dom at six millions, tho gross oxpenifi turo for drink in 1885 glvos an average expenditure per family of $102.50, or reckoning livo porsous to a family, $20.50 per head. Of course, if thoso who do not drink at all aro subtracted, tho avorago is very much greater, ris ing, in fact, to $170 per family of live persons. This is an enormous oxpondituro up on drink; an enormous waste of capital to put tlio fact plainly, for tho monoy spent upon drink is as a rule nob only thrown away, but much worse than thrown away, being expended in tho creation of a swarm of evils which would not otherwise havo existod. It may well bo asked what effect upon tho general well-being of Great Britain would bo produced by tho expenditure of tills $600,000,000 upon productive Industry, upon tho necessaries of lifo, upon land nnd horses, upon education, books, pictures, all that ministers to nnd dovclops tho higher life of a nation. There can be no doubt at all that a largo percent ago of tlio poverty, desti tution, ignorance, misery, which now perplexes soeioty, would disappear if tho constant leak of the drink bill would be stopped. But though thoro is much movement in thinking circles at this (imp, though social problems havo never been studied moro seri ously, tho development of luxury and gross material enjoyments prococds oven moro ranidlv than tho evolution oft patriotio solicitude nnd intelligence, auu tlio example sot by tho rich is in no way such us to incite tlio poor to solf-rostraitjtj. England's drink bill is a documqntxjwliioh lias for Americans deep intorost, for our own oxpondituro in tho samo direction is a duplicate of that of our cousins across tho ocean, and every consideration or argument; springing from nnd relating to tho ono caso lias equal signtitcanco lor tuo other. How to get rid of this annual record of gross indulgonco and suicidal vice is tho most pressing question iu both brandies of tlio great Anglo-Saxon family. Neto York Tribune, ' Mlwwd iii tho Horning. 'Are the" .dews vrwrv heavy heroP" inqulrod the'ffiwwt who was waiting to bo sent as near to the roof as tho shingles would 1st him go. "I should say so," replied the brisk clerk, reassuringly; "89 and 91 have been here six weeks, with fivo extras a day, without 'shewing a cent; 481 ' has been owing us ever sinco last Hummer, threo parlors" on the dining-room floor are moro than a month behind, and parlor A, who has been here five weeks, borrowed $25 of the house lust night and skinned with a month's board aud oyer $200 on the bar books. Haavy dues! Any batfgago? Pay In advauw, please. Fronts Show the feitUwMUMt to 980, In the annex, aud if It Wn't t order have it put in ordw right awjf. unange you in iwj Hiormjc, r." mm- dttU.