The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, July 17, 1886, Image 1

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    The Oregon Scout.
vol. in.
NO, 3.
ft J' '
An Independent weekly Journal, Issued ovo j
Saturday by
l'ublleliers and Proprietors
A. K. .Tones, 1
Kdltor. J
. ......
One copy, ono year Jl 60
mx moiillia l wi
" Throo months
Inviirlahlv rush In mlrnnco.
If by any chance subf criptions are not paid
in i unu oi jenr, iwo noimrs win uu uimrKuu,
Itites of advertising made known on nppll
Correspondence from all parts of tbo county
Address all communications to A. K. Jones,
Editor Oregon Scout, Union, Or.
Lodge Directory.
GnAxn UnsiiK Vai.i.kv I.onoE. No. BO. A. F,
and A. !. Meets on tho second nnd fourth
eaturdays of eneh monlti.
0. F. Bell, W. M,
C. E. Davis, Secretary.
Union Lodok. No. 33. 1. 0. O. F. Hejrular
meetings on Friday oven tups of each week at
their ball in Union. All brethren in good
utandlngnro invited to attend. Uy order of
tlio lodno. . v. A.ONO, XV . U,
G. A. TuosirsoN, Secy.
Cliurcli Directory.
M. E. Ciiuitoi Dlvino sorvlco every Sunday
at 11 a. ro nnd 1 n. m. Sundav school nt 3 n.
m. Prayer meeting every Thursday ovoning
muwu. iiv.y. watson, rastor.
PursnYTEniAN Cnt'itcii ltcgular church
pcrvlcos every Snbbath morning and cvonlng.
rraj-or mootinir oacn weoK on vt euncsaay
ovenlng. Sabbath school every Sabbath at
JO a. m. Itov. II. Veunon Hice. Pastor.
St. John's Episcopal Ciiuitcn Service
every Sunday at 11 o clock a. in.
Kkv. W. II. Powell, Hector.
County Ofllcern.
Judge A. C. Craig
Sheriff A. L. Saunders
Clerk U. V. Wilson
Treasurer...... A. F. llcnson
School Superintendent J. L. Hlnilmnn
Surveyor K. Simonls
Coroner E. II. Lewis
fioo. Ackles Jno. Stnnloy
State Senator L. H. Itinchiirt
V. T. Dick E. E. Taylor
City Olllccrd.
Mayor D. I. Rocs
S. A.Pursel W. D. Uoidlcman
J. S. Elliott J. B. Thomnson
Ino. Kennedy A. Levy
Recorder M. F. Davis
Marshal E. E. atcs
Treasurer J. D. Carroll
Etroot Commissioner L. Eaton
J)epnrturo or Trnlna.
Regular cast bound trains leavo at 0:30a.
m. West bound trains leave at 4:30 p. m.
Collecting and probato practice specialties
Olllco, two doors south of Postofllcc, Union,
Attorney at Law aofl Notary Public,
Ofllco, ono door south of J. B. Eaton's storo
Union, Oregon.
Physician and Surgeon
Ofllco, ono door south ot J. B. Eaton's storo,
Union, Oregon.
A. E. SCOTT, M. D.,
iieysiciaiv AiB si;iti:o.-v,
Has permanently located at North Powder,
whoroho will unswor all calls.
M. Baker. J. F. Baker.
Attorneys anil Coisellors at Law,
La Grande,
Notary Public
OFFICE State Land OHico building,
Union, Union County, Oregon.
Attorney nt latir. Ileal Itato
ami Collecting; Agent.
Land Ofllco Business a Specialty.
Ofllco at Alder, Union Co., Orogon.
Will practice in Union, Baker, Grant,
Umatilla ami Morrow Counties, also in the
Supreme Court of Oregon, tho District.
Circuit und Supreme Courts of tho United
Mining and Corporation business a spe
cialty. '
.Office in Union, Oregon.,
OFFICE Corner Main nnd A Streets.
Union, Oregon.
All work strictly
first-class. Chnrccs
A. L. COBB, M. D.,
Having permanently located in Alder,
Union county, Orccoii, will bo lound ready
to attend to calls in all tho various towns
and settlements of the Wallowa valley.
Clironie BMxcaxos ji Specialty.
JSJ-My mptto is: "Livo and let live."
A. 0. CRAIG, - - Proprietor.
(Union Depot, Oregon.)
Splendid accommodations for commer
cial men. Tables always supplied with tho
best tho maruet imorus.
J20HoT and CoU Mineral Baths'
Cor, Main nnd I Sts., Union, Oregon
SlIKltMAN &IHI.UY. l'rops.
Manufacturers and dealers in Soda
Water, Snrsaparilla, Ginger Ale, Cream
Soda and (Jliampagno uuer, syrups, eic
Orders promptly filled.
Daily Stage Line
From Union to ihe Cove.
J. S. Elliott,
Leaves Union at 10:30 a. m.. nnd re
turns at 2:30 p.m. every day except Sunday
Faro from depot to Covo
Bround trij ?1
Passengers will bo taken from tho depot
through to Covo via Union.
Main Street, Union, Oregon.
Finns nnd Specifications for Dwellings,
Burns and Bridges furnished FltEE OF
Bridge Building a Specialty'
All kinds ot Cabinet Work neatly execu
ted, ltopuiriitg done on short notice.
Nono but tho best workmen employed,
and satisfaction guaranteed.
Call and interview mo.
Of well known varieties, Hiiitnblo for this
rtl! iti ti t rt TV) m tiluit furnish flitf(Tn uipfo II
one-third the prlco nftkeri hy cuHtorn can
r a . 4. r
that people can afford to buy.
Cove, Oregon.
It. Van Monciscar
132-134 Third Mrel Portland, Oreeos
IS a regular grnnluntoi in medicine; lins
linnn longer eiiffiippd in tlin Htipphil trmi l.
mcnt of all Yencical, Sexual and Chronic
Diseases than any other physician in tho
West, as city papers show, and old rest.
dents l;nov; 51,000 reward lor any case
which he fails to euro, coining under his
treatment, by following his directions.
DU. VAN is the most siiccejsful Catarrh,
Lung nnd Throat Doctor in America. He
will tell you your troublo without nuking
vou n singlo question, and WAUHANTt)
PEItMANKNTCUHE in the followingcases:
NEKVOUS DEDILITY. Spermatorrhoea,
Seminal Losses, Sexual Decay, Failing
Memory, Weak Eyes, Stunted Develop,
mcnt, Lack of Energy, Impoverished
Wood, Pimples, Impediment to Marriage;
nlso Wood and Skin Discnscs, Syphilis,
Eruptions, Huir Falling, Done Pains. Swell
ing, Sore Throat, Ulcers, Effects of Mer
cury, Kidney anil Bladder Troubles, Weak
Hack, llurning Urine, Incontinence, Conor
hiea, Gleet, Stricture, receives hcarching
treiitment, prompt relief nnd cure for life.
NERVOUS Diseases (with or without
dreams), DUcnsed discharges cured prompt
ly without hindrance to business.
MOTH SEXES consult confidentially. If
in trouble call or write. Delays are dang
erous. Disenres of the Eye or Ear, Ulceration or
Catarrh, internal or external, Deufness or
Paralysis, Singing or Roaring Noises,
Thickened Drum, etc.. permanently cured.
LOST MANHOOD perfectly restored.
remnvod without the kuifo or caustic.
Medicine compounded and furnished to
all pationta nt office strictly pure and vege
table. Gunrnntet) of piikjianicnt cures in
nil cases undertaken. Consultation free
and strictly confidential. All correspon
deuce promptly attended to; medicin sent
by express to any add res (res from expos
ure. Call fir nddrets Prlvnto Dispensary.
No. las-UU Third SL. Portland, Oregou.
Terms strictly cash. O0!c hours 8 a.m.
to 8 p. m. i
W. CAi-PS, M. D.,
Surgeon and Haineoptliic Physician.
Will go to nnv nart ot Eastern Oregon,
when solicited, to pciforu. operations, or
lor consultation.
3IciiciiicN rurnUlioil Alltliout Iixtra
Ofllco adjoining Jours Bros.' Store.
Gko. WmaiiT,
W. T. WnioiiT.
Docs a General Banking Business. Buys
and sells exchange, and discounts com
mercial paper.
Collections carefully
promptly reported. ,
attended to, and
-rr, can rnvo Jirora JM to $HW on tlie
X OU purchaao of un instrument by
buying ttirouirh
W.T. WKIGHT, Agent, Union, Ogn.
Cove Cheese Factory.
JAMES PAYNE, Proprietor.
Having procured tho services of Mr. M.
A. Sickles, a checso maker who has had
many years' experience in tho largest fac
tories of Wisconsin, I feel confident that i
can supply my patrons with a quality so:-
onil to none on ino muritur.
Orders promptly filled. Address,
James, Cove, Union County, Ore.
Tonsorial Rooms
Two doors
south of Jones
Union, Oregon.
Bros.' store,
J. M. Johnson,
Hair cutting, shaving and shampooing
dono neatly and in tliu best style.
Main Street, Union, Oregon.
Rknhon Bro.'b Pitoi'niCTOiis.
Keep constantly on hand
Union, Oregon.
Dak. Chandler,
Having recently purchased this hotel
and refitted it throughout, I am prepared
to accommodate th& hungry publio in first
class style. Call and see me. Lahok Saw
rLK Rooms for the accommodation iA
commercial travelers.
Beauties of Biblical Com
parisons Pointed Out
Blessings Bestowed by the
Name on Mankind,
Sjmial to the Kansas City Timet.
Tun Hamptons, July 4. Whllo tho Rev- T.
Do Witt Tidmni', I). 1)., Is absent from his
pulpit In Brooklyn nnd recreating; In tho coun
try, he continues to preach, taking subjects
suggested by summer scenes and surround
ings, his discourses constituting: a course en
titled, "Voices ot Gardens and Fields." The
following Is tho first sermon In tho scries,
preached to-duy from tho text: "My beloved
Is unto mc a cluster of caniphlre in tho vlne
ynnis of En-Redl :" Song of Solomon, I. 5-1 1.
Solomon's song 1ms been considered by
many as lit only for moonstruck sentimental
ists; written by a voluptuary, the story of a
man crazed by a fair maiden; lit neither for
family prnvers nor for church. Indeed, we
must admit that there were- years In Solomon's
life when ho had several hundred moro wives
than he was entitled to; but ho repented of
his sin and God chofu him to write some ot
the best things about Christ that havo ever
been written. Besides that I think the criti
cism of modern times upou the Immodesty of
the lllblc comes vdtk poor grace from a centu
ry In which tho writings of "George Sand"
comes to their fortieth edition, and Christians
cannot get to their prajer meeting because
they havo tickets for places of amusement so
depraved that they make the "Black Crook"
respectable. 4I think, however, as far as 1 can
tec, in my stupidity, that tlicro are things
turned out upon the comiflunlty to-day that
bid fair to do more damage than the Song of
Hear, now, one of his fresh and lair descrii
tions of .Icsus. If I had twenty years to preach
I uouldllku to employ ten of them in bringing
out to observation those representations of
Christ that havo as yet been passed by. I do
not know why tho pulpit should hover over a
few types of Christ when thero are so many
symbols of Jesus that have never been dis
coursed upon. Why Miould we employ all our
time in examining a lew lilies wheu tho Blblo
Is a great garden tilled with fuschlas, and with
ihilTodils, mid with amaranths, and with even
ing prlinm.-i's for the close of life's day, anil
crociihcs at the foot of the tnow hank of sor
row, and heart's cafco for thu troubled, and
passion llowero planted at the foot of tho
cross, and morning glories spreading out mi
ller tho splendors of the breaking day 1 Somo
years ago I discoursed to jou about "tin; white
hairs of Jesus," and t-omu of the newspapers
mpposed it was a mere fancy ot mv own the
poor fools not knonlng that In Bevelatlou,
the first and thu fourteenth, thu Blhlu speaks
of Christ, "Hli head and Ills hair were whlto
like wool, as white as suon" symbolizing tho
eternity of Jesus.
Terraced qii the side of the mountain were
the vineyards of Eu iredi. O, they were sweet
palaces ! From a shelving of tho mountain.
100 feet hlirh. waters camo down in beautiful
baptism on thu faces of the leaves, tho grapes
Intoxicate with their own wlno, pomegranates
with juices hiirsthie from tho rind, all fruits
and (lowers and aromatic w oods among tho
sweetest of these the eamphlru plant of tho
text. Its flowers are In clusters llko our lilac
-graceful, fragrant, smybollcal of Jesus; for
in v noioved is unto me as a cluster of cam-
puire from tlio vineyards of En-gedl."
Cllllisr s NAMU MKANH U)VK.
I will carry out the Idea of mv text, and In
the lirnt ulaeo hhow you that this camnhiro
plant of the text was a symbol ot Christ, be
cause of Its liMgranee. 'if I had a branch of
It and Miould wavo It In your uildst it would
till all the houso with Its redolence. Tlio cani
phlre as we have It Is offensive to some, but
me caiupiiiro piani. oi me text nan a iragraneu
gracious to. all. The vineyards ot Eii-gedl
bathed In It the branches, tho buds, tho blos
soms, dripping with tucetness, typical ot tho
snceiness oi uunsi.
How Bwrrttlic namouf JclUt HOUniU
In a bi-llcver'a car!
It rooiliei lilx Burrows, licnU Ills wouada,
And drl fhiiwu)- liUft-ar.
The name of Cicsar means tiower: Ihe mums
oi Jierod means cruelty; tuenamcor Aluvau
tier means conquest; Din namo of Demos
thenes means eloquence, the name of Milton
means ixR'irv: uio name ot Jieiijamiu West
means painting; the mime of 1'lildlas means
scuiiiiure; ino name or Jieetlioren means
music; tho name of Howard means reform:
but the name of Christ means love. It Is tho
sweetest name that ever melted from lip or
ucari. as you open an oiu cncsi mat una
long been closed, the first thing that strikes
you Is tlio perfumo of the herbs that wero
pacKcu amiii tue doming: so mere are hun
dreds of hearts hero which If oncned. would
first otter to you the iiume of Jesus. Havo
you not seen hhrt I Through the dark night of
our sin nas no not nasiieii unon xour vision!
ieautlful when ho comes to belli, beautiful
when he comes to save.
A little child was crvliur very much durinir
tho time of an eclipse. It got so dark at noon
llial all. i ti-tia iifiif1 L'ant c1ililw nml
could not be silenced, until after awliiio the
tun came out agaiu, anu stie claimed lierliauils
ondsald: ' O, the ftinl the mill" Somo of
us have been lit the darkness of our sin; ocllpso
after eclipse has passed oyer our
toul; but after awhile thesiin of righteousness
xiured his beams iion our hearts, and wo
cried: "The sunt the sun I" Beautiful dawn
In the straw oHlhc Hetlilehem khan I beautiful
In his mother's nhawl, a fugitive to Kgyptl
ncauiiiui wuu ins ieei in mu uauiean sum
beautiful with tlio children banging about his
neck! beautiful III tho home circle of Bethany I
fairer than tho sous of men; day-spring from
on high; light for those who Bit In darkness;
rose of Sharon; Illy of the valley altogether
lovely I 01 ho is such a sln-pardoner, such a
trouble-toother, such a wound-binder, such a
grave-breaker, that the faintest pronunciation
of bis namo rouses up all tho Incense ot tho
garden, and all the perfume ot tho tropics,
while the, soul in ecstacy of affection cries out:
"My beloved Is unto mo as a cluster ot cam
phi re from tho vineyards of Kn-gedl."
rowKii ok this kaviouu'h kamc.
But how rhall I talk of tho sweetness of
Christ's pardon to thosa who have never felt
It; of thu sweetness of Ills face to those who
have turned their back upon His love! Now
a great many people may think this U merely
sickly sentlincntallsin. Jonathan Edwards
was a cool man. He was harh In wine of his
opinions; he was never ullllcted with any sen
timental ardor, and yet when tho namo of
Christ was mentioned it threw him Into a
transport. Paul was a cool logician, with
nerve unshaken iu the Mediterranean shlii
wreck, a granitic nature, i-oiufortabhi with
the whole world against him, shaking his (1st
in tho face of tho governments of tliu earth
and the force of darktio yet (he thought of
Christ thrilled him, Iramportcd hliu, over
whelmed him. Johu Knox was unbending lu
his n at a re and hard lu omo rcupccts. Tho
flash of Ids Indignation luade the iiueeii shlrer
and tbo duchess nwke, vet he at down a a lit
tle child at tho feet of Jcjuk. Solomon was
surrounded by all palatial splendor his ships
colnir out from Kzlon ceber on voyages of three
vcars, bringing back all the wonders of tho
world: his narks afloat with myrrh and frank
incense, and a rustle with trees brought from
foreign lands: tho traces of his stupendous
gardens found bv tho traveler at this day.
Solomon sits down In this ulaco to think of
Christ, the altogether lovely and tho altogether
lair, ami whilst seated mere comes a urcam oi
the spices and aromatic woods and ot the
blossoms In through the palace windows, and
he cries out: "Mv beloved is unto mo as a
cluster of camphlro from the vineyards of
Tim iticHKST or am, ni.usstxaft
0 rich and rare, exquisite and everlasting
pen time I it in every poor man's winuow
plant It on every grave;' put Its leaves untie
every garland; wavo Its branches' lu every
homo: mid when I tun about to die, and my
hand lies cold and stiff, and white Uou the
pillow, let some plain and humble soul como
and out In mv dvimr irrasn this Uvimr branch
with clusters "''of camphlro from tho vineyards
vi Aii-gcm."
It is manv vcars now since 1 found the Lord,
and I inust'ln your prescueo tell yon how good
no nas occn to my soni. utien sinco men
have given hhn a hard thrust In his sore side
but he has bceu patient with me by dav nnd
by night. It Is the grief of my life thatt havo
treated him so badly; but He has never let mo
go. I have seen no wonderful sights, I havo
heard r.o wonderful sounds. I havo no mar
velous experience: It has been a lilalu story
of patience on his part and of uiiworthlncss
on my part, some oi my dear menus neioro
mo havo Jiad moro rapturous experiences.
Christ to them has been the conqueror on tho
whlto horse, or tho sun ot righteousness, set
ting everything ablazo with light; or the
bridegroom, coming with lantern and toiches,
To mo it has been a very ouiet and uudemon
strativo experience. It has been (something
very sweet, mil very Mill. How shall 1 do
scribe HI I have It now: "Mv beloved Is uu
to me as n cluster of camnhiro from the vine
yards of Kn-gedl."
MV.MII0I, Or TUB OAMIMUltl! PI, int.
But I remark further; This caniphlre plant
oi me toxi was a symiHii ot i nrisi in mo met
that gives coloring, l'ront the Mediterranean
to the dances tho people of Ihe east gathered It,
dried tho leaves, tmlverlzed them and then
used them us a dye for beautifying garments
or their own persons. It was that fact that
gave the camphlro plaut of tlio text Its com
mercial value in the time of King Solomon; a
typo or my i.ord .icsus who ucautlilc3 and
adorns and colors evervth ug ho touches,
have no faith In that man's conversion whoso
religion does not color his entire life. It was
intended so to do. If a man has the graeo ot
God lu his heart It ought to show Itself In tho
inc. mere ought to no mis "cluster ot cam
phlre," iu tho ledger, In the roll of government
securities, lu tho medical prescription, lu tho
law hook, a religion is oi no value to a
merchant unless It keeps him from putting
falso labels on his goods; or to tho plasterer.
unless It keeps him from putting up a celling
which ho knows will crack lu six months;
or to tho driver unless It keeps him from
lashing his horses to eight miles uu hour
when tho thermometer Is at ninety, or to
tho farmer, unless It keeps him from put
ting Hie only sound pippins on the ton of tho
barrel: or to tlio shoemaker unless It keens
hhn from substituting brown paper for good
leather in tlio soles. In other words: tho re
ligion of Christ Is good for everything or It Is
good for nothing. Tho graco of (Jod never
affects us by piecemeal. If tho heart Is
changed, the head Is changed, and the liver Is
changed, and tho spleen Is ehnnged, and tho
hands aro changed, and tho feet are changed,
and tho storo Is changed, and tho houso Is
enanged, and everything over which tlio man
nas any iiiuticnce comes ton compicioaud rad
ical cnaiige,
Tho religion of tho Lord Josus Christ Is not
a pot oi uyaeiiim to no set in a parlor hay win
dow for passers-by to look at. and to ho exam
hied only bv ourselves when we have comiianv:
but It Is to bo a perfume filling all thu room of
mo ncari as -a cluster ot camphlro from tho
vineyards of Ku-gcdl." The trouble Is men do
not tako their religion with them. Tho mer
chant leaves It outsldo tho counter, lest It ills
turb tho goods. Tho house-keeper will not let
her religion trail its robes lu the kitchen on
washing day. 1 ho philosopher will not lot his
religion come In amid the batteries, lest It get
a galvanic shock. But, I tell you, unless your
rellglou goes with you everywhere it goes no
where, 'that religion wus intended tocolorall
the heart and the life. Hut, mark you, It was
a origin coior. j'or mo most pari it was an
orange dye, niado of this camphlro plant, ono
ot tho most brilliant ot all tho colors; and so
the religion or .Jesus Christ casta no blackness
or gloom upon tho souh It brightens up every
thing. Theru Is no more religion In u funeral
than thero Is lu a wedding; no moro religion
iu tears than In smiles. David was no hotter
when ho said ho cried out of tlio depths of
nen, man no was wueu uo said mat ins moitlli
was filled with laughter and his tongue with
singing. Thu best men that I havo ever known
have laughed tho loudest. Kcltglou wus In
tended to brighten up nil our character. Tuko
out tho sprig of cypress from your coat and put
in "a cluster ot cumphlra from tho vineyards
oi r.ii-gcui." iiuimiou'N "wnya nro ways or
pleasantness and all her paths arc peace." I
havo round It so. 1 hero aro hundreds lu this
houso who havo found it bo.
A Sl'lltlTlTAL ItlSSTOltATIOtf.
I remark again that the camphlro plant of
tho text was a symbol ot Jesus Christ, hccaitso
It Is a mighty restorative. You know that
there Is nothing that starts rostorattou so soon
I u ono who has fainted as camphor, as wo
havo It, Butujioii a spongoor handkerchief
tho effects aro ulmojt Iinmedlate. Well, this
camphlro plant of tho text, though somewhat
different from that which wo have, was it pun
gent aromatic, and In that respect It becomes
u typo of our I.ord Jesus Christ, who Is tho
mightiest of all restoratives. I havo cuirlcd
this camphlro plant Into tho slek room after
tho doctors had held their consultation and
said there was no hnpo and nothing moro
could bo done, and tho soul brightened up
under tho spiritual restorative. There Is no
fever, uo marasmus, no neuralgia, no con
sumption, un disease of tlio body that tho
grace of God will not help. I wish that over
every bed of pain and through every hospital
of distress wo might swing this "cluster ot
camphlro from tlio vineyards of Kn gcdl."
Christ's hand Is tho softest pillow. Christ's
comfort Is tho mightiest anodyne, Christ's sal-
vaiiou is mo grauuest rcsiorauve. n maKes
a man mightier than his physical distress.
Art thou wearjrr Art thou lingular Art thou soro
"Como to me,' lallli one, "and coming, boat rest."
Iflmlc hlui (o receive mp, will he y uio uuyy
nui imi vnrm, mm jut-h un iiohvcu pu awnr.
Fladhnr, following, kecpluif, tiruifgllng, U He sura
to bleu?
Bilnu, tpoitlri, prophctt, martyrs, aniwer "Veil"
Hero tarried and nut pitch lipou theChrlstlans
of his day, and then set them ou fire, that they
might illuminate tho night about the palace:
but while they were burning aud the crowd
beneath were jeering, louder than all thu noise
went up tho song praise ami tryumph from
the dying martyrs. Johu Bradford came out
lu the presence of the Instrument of torture
that wus to put him to death and said: ''lam
a Chrlstlau now. I havo never been before,"
And so again and again, thu Lion of Jiulah's
trlbo lias tori) to pieces the wild beast of
This gruco la also a rentorntlvo for the back-
r.llder. Who do you mean by that I you say. I
mean you who used to frequ -nt the Iimimi ot
Uod, hut whloni go there now; you who once
used to pray but never pray pon t'yim who
oneo tat ut thu holy communion, but take not
thu. Lord's cup now; I mean you who once nt-Jole-'.'d
lu Chratbm society, hut WW fit lanld
KOHvrs. nueKumari w, wiihi h iigviit!
void I Buekslfdi-r! 1'ioiu what havo you slid
backl You hove slid hack from your father's
faith, from your early good habits. You havo
been sliding back from Christ, from tho cross
sliding back from heaven. When a man be
gins to slide he knows uot where ho will go.
You have been sliding back towards darkness.
You have been sliding luck towards an unbless
ed grave.towards a precipice, the first ten million
miles of which downward are only a small part
of the eternal plunge. You were, perhaps,
professors In the country; you havo made ship
wreck In the town, it may bo that tho club
blasted you; it maybe that fashionable society
destroyed you; It may ho tho kind of wife
whom you married. You have no more
hope for heaven now than If you had lived In
Central Asia nnd never heard ot Christ and
the Judgment.
O, whero Is that Bible you used to read!
Where Is that room where vou used to pray!
What havo you done with that Jesus whoso
voico you onco heard! O, murdered hours!
0, massacred privileges I 0, dead opportuni
ties! Wako up now and shriek In that man's
ear until ho shall rouse himself from the
horrible somnambulism, walking as ho does,
fast asleep, within an inch of hell. O, that he
might cry out now: "Golden Sabbaths, come
backl Communion seasons como backl Woo
Ings of the Holy Ghost, como backl" But
they will not come. Gone 1 gone I gone I Sor
row will come, but not they. O, that you
might save tho few remaining years of your
life, and coiibecrate them to Christ. I have
seen sad sights, I have heard sad sounds, but
I tell you the ghastliest thing outside tho
gates of tho damned Is a backslider's death
bod. Do you not feci like having applied to
vour soul tills divine restorative? Do you not
feel llko crying out with David: "Kcstoro un
to mo the Joys of thy salvation?" For great
sin, great pardon. For deep wounds, omnipo
tent surgery. For deaf ears, a divine aurist.
For blind eyes, a heavenly oculist. For the
dead hi sin, iho upheaval of a great resurrcc
tiou. NO SOIlltOW THIS 1.1 FK.
But In thu heavenly world wo shall feel the
chief restorative power of rellglou. This Is a
planet of weeping wo aro living on. Wo enter
uixm life with aery and leave It with a long
sigh. If I could gather up tho griefs of this
audience nnd put them In ono sentence aud
then utter it, It woirid make everything be
tween hero und the throne of God shudder
and howl. Tho earth Is gashed deep with
graves. As at the closo of the war, sometimes
wo saw u regiment ot one hundred and fifty
men, tho fragments ot tho thousand men that
wont out, so. as I stand beforo you I cannot
but realize tho fact that you are the fragments
representing hundreds of regiments of Joyful
associations that havo been broken up forever.
), this Is a world of sorrow I But, blessed be
God! thero will bo no sorrow In heaven. The
undertaker will havo to have some other busi
ness there. In tho Bummer time our cities
have bills of mortality which aro frightful
sometimes In New York 1,000 deaths In a
week; sometimes It has been 3,000 iu London;
hut iu that great heavenly city there will be
not a single case ot sickness or death ; not one
black drcsa of mourning, hut plenty of white
robes of Joy; hand-shaking of welcome, but
nono of separation. Why, if ono trouble
should attempt to enter heaven, tho shining
txillce ot tho city would put It under everlast
ing arrest.
If all the sorrows of life, mailed and sword
cd under Apollyon, should attempt to force
that gate, one company from tho tower would
strike them hack howling to tho pit Boom In
heaven or all tho raptures that over knocked
at tho gate, but no room for tho smallest an
noyance, though slight as a summer Insect.
Doxology. but no dirge. Banqueting, but no
"funeral baked meats."
No darkness at all; no grief at all: no sick
ness at all; no death at all. A soul waking up
lu that placo will say: "Can It be that I am
hero? will my head never ache again? Shall
I never stimiblu over a grave again? Will I
never say good-byo to loved ones again? Can
it ho possible, that tlio stream Is past, that the
bank Is gullied, that tho glory ts begun I Show
mo Jesus that 1 may kiss his feet." Wheu the
clock of Christian suffering has run dowu, it
will never he wound up agaiu. Amid the vine
yards of tho heavenly Kn-gedl, that will be
restoration without any relapse. That will ue
day without any succeeding night. That will
bo "The Saints Everlasting Best I"
An Unsuccessful Failure.
Tho hubit of failing with full pockets
got something iu tliu niituro of a back
ut not long sinco in u small Texas
Tho tinforttumto mini kept 11 qtnull
grocory storo. Ho sold out thu stock
for enali, put the money in his pocket,
und settled down to have a nivo qliiot
tinio of it. His principal creditor
Houston niotcliiint, having arrived in
tlio town, called ou tliu bankrupt, Ho
was a well drensod gentleman, but
there wiw a gritty sort of a look about
"You say thoro aro no assets," ho re
"Nairy dttrncd asset."
"I think there should bo somo assets.
nnd that I ought to be u preferred cre
"Thoro nro no assets and all my cre
ditors aro deferred creditors. Tlio only
asset that l'vd got for my creditors? is a
Waturbury watch, and it will tako six
months to wind it up. You can havo it.
if you want it,"
"1 want no humbug about this.
Whoro Is tho money you got from tho
siilo of tho irrocorios?"
"It's rliiht hero in my pocket," said
tho bankrupt.
"Well, you aro a cool ono."
"I've jrot tho money rlcrht Iiorc, and
I'm going to keep it," replied tho bank
rupt, tapping his pocket
wot it in.your pookotr '
"Yos, in-greonbacks."
Tliu creditor nlaced Ids hand iu his
own pocket,iiind looking, steadily at the
bankrupt, said:
"I've (jrot my pistol in my pocket
don't you iuovo and it never tails. If
you don't givo mo the contents of your
pocket I'll give you thu contents of
mine," and beforo tho ustmlshed bnk-
uiit could reply ho was looklnr down.
tho muzzle of u pistol that stMmeU to
bo as big as n flour barr.d.
Tho Houston man got his m9M.
Tlio unfortunate bankrupt guy tfciA
his failure was the most oompIftUi fftU
ure on record, and ht fwls s soro m
man who lias poundwl his finger wilh
tack hammer. Ttxm SijXyng.
It Is not pleasant to WttUmpUt ttutt
American wmmm, mm( a
Churchill, hi hvlphc M
Hritkh I'KilIatHHWry
Brotlw &wo)w iwHwhsn Mia
try AmwhMuts wUl Imi witter -
the Jtybt