The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, July 10, 1886, Image 5

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    Tlis Orsioii Scout
Tln SCOUT has n Much I.nre'r Olrcu. limn any rupc 'n tli Seel Inn
f tin State, nml l. therefor." thu ISKST
aivi:ktisin Mi'.rm m.
ThU 1 n. True Stiitnnient , nml rc
tliull nut nlli.w it ti lit -jtiostioneil liyanj
other payer. Ailvrf Nem will ilo oll
lit make a mite of this.
Lociil and General. in Iiuin Vau.i:y. It will be
remembered by our readers that wo chron
icled the particular! of a fiaeas that oc
curred in Indian Valley, about n month
ago, between Win. Bennett, the district
jond supervisor n I a man by the name of
l.cgoro. in which the former while lying on
hto bark on the unwind wi assaulted anil
kicked In the face in a shocking manner by
the latter. The dtllh-ulty between the two
men culminated bit-t Monday by the killimr
of Legorc by Dennett, The particulars, n.
ncur us we can learn are as follows: Le
ftore and hi wife. ft add in a wngon. were
driving home from iii- mothers', and when
passing by Bennett . houe. aliont B o'clock
in the afternoon, Mr. Iegore discovered
Dennett approaching the wufton. with Hgiin
in his hands, and senmf that it was Ids in
tention to shoot, cried to him to not do so,
her husband in the meantime attempting
to drop into the wagon box, but before In
succeeded in doing so Dennett fired, the hall
striking Legure in the upper portion of the
right hi cast, ninginu downward aiiil coming
out at the back, Lee-ore fell in the wagon
box, but after a while was carried to the
home near by, where he died four hour
later, being conscious up to the time of his
death. Hennett was arrested shoitly after
the shooting and taken before the justice
at Suininervillp. and waiving examination,
was committed without bail to nppear bo
fore the grand jury, and was immediately
brought to Union 'and bulged in the county
inn. lie lanes irceiy on nil matters except
the shootmsr, and seins to take the matter
rather eoollv. The people of that -eetion
were terribly ex -ited over the all'idr, and
doubtless would have made short work of
Ilcnnett lud they got bold of him. Pos-u
bly there may be two sides to the ipiestion
lf"so, thev will develop themelucs in time
At nresont the above is all the insinua
tion we have been able to gather in regard
10 the matter.
A WoxDEiiri'i. L ikk. Recently we viii
the the Hot Lake, which is situated about
six miles north-west of this city, at the base
of a high range of mountains. To say that
ihc water i "hot" hur.llv dona justice to it.
It conies boilinjf from the earth, and forms
a lake several hundred yards in circum
frence, highly impregnated with mineral
ot various Kimls, and possessing medicinal
and heding nroiiurties to a remarkable de
gree, as is vouched for by many who have
tested 11. .Mr. ftcivhnrit and Wite. nronrie
tors of the plac", keep a small but neat and
comfortable hotel' where those who desire
to stop awhile and try the curative quail
ties ot the water, can he accomodated. Hot
cold ami mud baths are furnished on ap
plication, and no pains are spared to make
the gnosis comfortable; but all this how
ever, is on a small scale. We venture to
predict that before many years mammoth
hotels will lie erected at tns place, surroun
ded oy t.istelully arranged pleasure grounds
and hundreds of invalids fiom other states,
lured by judicious advertisements, will
dock thither in search of health and
strength, and will not be disappointed in
their search. This spring is certainly a
wonderful fivul; of nature, and hi time will
acquire mi almost national reputation.
A Xatuuai. t'oxci.r&ios. Dr. ISiggers, as
everyone know-, has very decided opinions
on political mutters, and docs not hesitate
occasionally, when his verbal arguments
fail ti convince, to put them in straight
from the .shoulder. Oneday this week be
got into a controversy with a grand iirmv
man on thj- orbrin of the rebellion, which
resulted in .several chairs ami articles of
furniture being demolished. Peace w:n re
stored, however, and a few hours later Hilly
Wilson, who was very busy at the time,
got the grand army man to go down to his
residence and get'a gun that he wanted.
The doctor, at the time was seated in front
of the Centennial hotel, telling one of his
best storrie.- ton lot of friends, when he dis
covered the grand army man coining up
the street with n gun in hjs hands, lie
wasn't slow in dr-iiving his own conclusions,
and cutting the story short oil", he lit out of
thnt in a hurry. The deductions arrived at
by the doctor, in a necessarily hurried sum
ming up of the mat'er, was probably nat
ural enough, but the boys have lots of fun
at his expense, all the same,
Tun Salvation Arm v. This "army"
.struck Uiilni on the 3rd inst. It consisted
of Major General Hoyles, Colonel Iloyles,
and one female, high private. After reeon
noitering and skirmishing around consider
ably, the "army'' took up its quarters at
the hotel of Rev. Itoothe, and proceeded to
lay on its arms preparatory to the morrow's
light. Kucli member of tlio "army" were
placed in separate rooms by t be genial and
accomodating lundlortl, anil everything was
quiet along the Potomac till along In thu
early hours of the morning, when the reve
lie was sounded, (and the landlord was
rousing everybody from their slumbers to
partake of their morning refreshments,
lie then discovered that the "uriny" had
consolidated during tin nieht and wore all
rostiug in the sume bed. It is needless to
say that the irate landlord make a rluuk
movement on the "army" and that it ovue
uatod its position suddenly. Shortly after
wards it withdrew from the city, and wo es
caped n most annoying seige. May its
march bo unimpeded till it gets entirely
out of the country.
New Staob Link. A stage lino of four
horse coaches U to he put on between this
city and 'Cornucopia, by Jack Vincent,
commencing next .Monday. Stage will
loaVti here every Monday, Wednesday, and
Friday, und return every Tuesday. Thurs
day and Haturduy. Several change of
horse will be made' and the trip accom
plishrd in one day. This will be a great
convenience to travelers, and doubtless
nearly ail the travel t and from thu Pine
creek mines will pass over this, route. It in
a cool and pleasant road to travel, instead
of hot und uarrcn plains and hills, the trav
eler is delighted with cool and refreshing
btrcums, waving fun eats and magnificent
landscapes, thu entire distance. During
the winter months it will bo th only prac
ticable route, a.- will be fully demonstrated.
Should the travel demand it. trips will be
uiiiko daily, tsce advertisement next week.
Liami.l to bk Mitfi'Siiuavroo''. The Wal- j
Iowa Chieftain advise the citizens of Jo
seph a follows: "Those people in twn
who have iiolee leaning agaliift their bonn
es drying for firewood should remove the
same, as it is hard to convince the visitors
to thin place but what those -mien are lean
ing up ther to prevent the houses from be
ing blown over by tornadoes and cyclones.
You know, that i- how they have to do in U hard to convince wr
sons to the cuinry when they have been
raised that way."
Daws Dali. Contest Following is the
a core in the mntch game playod by the Ba
ker Citv and La (irande club, in this city
on thejjth Lu (irumlc Vundecar.S; Shaw,
0; Slater, -', William. ; CandUh. 3; Dea
con, 1; McMumi.i, I ; Ht vein, 2; (iilkUon, t ;
total, 10. Baker City. Deam, i ; Murdrn,5;
Falrburn, 5; W. Dowers 3; Tiehner, ft;
Shields, 3; Knighten, 2, II. Dowers, 4;
tfmlth, 6, total,
Brief Bulletins..
Duv your goodm at Levy's,
New goods just received at .Saunders'
Kewa items vety scarce slnca lhacetelira,.
Take your gir out riding in one of Ullioits
ele-rant turnout.
The Chieftain man cot a very good "ciUtl"
on his paiKr last week.
One cjnart frut cans f l.i'fi per dven at
Io, Wright's tin shop.
Henry Waal Ik-echcr fa now ctlrrlng up
the old foKsils ii London.
The Idalm M. K. Confcrcuve conwnet in
this city on the 20. h inst.
Stocknien of the Wallowa hftfe solvit
great many cattle this year.
Win Harncs. the young man whe recent-,
ly shot hiintelf, will recover.
The clicapest place to get Mivion's frujt
jars is at Jo. AVright's tin shop..
The trail leading from Joseph to Cornuco
pia will be completed in a few days.
County clerk Kei'l has appointkd Turner
Oliver, deputy. A good appointment.
The I'ine Creek road will be the favorite
route for pleasure excursions, hereafter.
The 'Jolly Pathfinders' will probablv vjiit
Union again, sometimes in next month.
Soda water, champagne cider, etc, etc, at
Kentucky Liquor -More, wholesale or retail.
Hightech thousand dollars will be paid to
sheep shearers in Umatilla county tbjsycar.
During ae vera I days of this week the ther
mometer indicated onc-hundrcd in the
The linker City Revcllic came to, lis last
week, enlarged and greatly improved in
We acknowledge a pleasanl call, ye.tor
hiy. from Geo. D. Small and Harry Bowen.
of Raker City.
The man with the doll racket Miotipod in
the shcekles at a lively rate in tltiseltv du
ring the celebration,
Preserve yourself from the Inevitable gen
tle reminder, by paying your Cove drug
.store account at once.
The Raker City Raselmll Clnhclalms tube
champion of the northwest, and i opon Li
challenge from any club.
Any dellciencics in this issue of the Scout
mav be attributed to unduu hilaritv indul
ged in on the gloiyous lifth.
Mr, S, Washburn, of this citv, ha been
allowed a patent on his new "boot latter,
lie thinks there is "millions in it."
ltell V Ciignnc have opened an extensive
paint shop on the comer of Main and A
streets. They are excellent painters.
The Idaho insane patients who hayc been
kept at (Salem were moved to tboticw Terri
torial asylum in Idaho a few days ago.
The huso hall fever has abated somewhat,
and now the the average veiling man puts
u his time playing croquet with the girls.
The ladies on the Fourth-of-.luly dinner
committee dcerve great credit for 'the man
lier in which the aamc was gotten up and
We hear nothing more of the "contest,"
and as the new officers arc in po.-sossioii we
presume the whola business has been
K. 1,. RrNtnw, of Salem. has been appoint
ed State adjutant of the Indinii war veter
ans, and he will receive the reports of the
various tamps.
Several parties who were rather ton de
monstrative on the occasion (if the celebra
tion last Monday, wen quietly gathered in
by thi! marshall.
1'. II. Murray, of La Grande, has paid
$5tXl.7.r for the privilege of running a saloon
on the Union County Agricultural Society's
grounds during fair week.
Saunders husjnst received, from tho Kant,
a large assortment of men ami hows' shoe.-i,
which will be sold at the oitreinely low
price of from 11 to $2 a pair.
Haying will soon commence, and farm
ers will be In need of oil for their mowers.
John Wright, the druggist, of this city, car
ries a line line of lubricating oils.
Farmer should look totheirown interest
and boy their farm inacliinerv of Frank
Bro's Implement Co., Island 'fit v. Thev
keep every machine used by the farmer.
Suiumerville has a most excellent cornet
band. The music by this band ui higlih
appreciated by the vast conc:oure of peo
ple thnt were assembled hcio at the celebra
tion. 11, t i.illltttf' fntl ,,l lin I.,,,.. ... . ... ..I.... f . . ..
- UM'HJ wwm t IIU.i IJUt ll 111 E-,-01Ull Ull
several days, but besides swearing in the
nine otflenrn no lkiikfnu.h nf ',i,..ift ntw lt-.u
iwln trlllt-Metf it W'p will trim llio litv-w.a,,-
dings next week.
Tho authorities buying Dennett, the
murderer, in charge, becoming (dunned at
the report that a mob was com ine; un from
Suminerville to hang the prisoner, hustled
htm oil to JtakorCtty, last Wednesday night.
Any person within the state of Orepnn
may now "hunt, pursue, take, kill or de
stroy any male deer or buck" wlthouj
being liable to ai r 'st. The grouse, pheas
ant, quail and paUridge season will begin
on the 15th inst
The enb In tlin eomiK- trA,iu,,-, ni tl,
present tune, figures up to :)0OOij. w'hich
wiil materially lessen tho indebtedness.
Warrants to tho nnimiiit of vi.t-i.rul il,..n.
and dollars have been advertised for, but
as vet, very few of them hava boon presen
ted tor payment.
I'rof. Pearson showed us a niece of almost
solid gold quartz, on Monday, which he
found near the ln'iid of the lake. Tills wa
4 idece of iloat. but he has since found thu
main ledge, and if it opens up one-tenth ax
;ood as tho piece of Iloat the Trot, has a
"million in a mine." IChieftuin.
DuritiK the last few ibtvs in irriau'o licences
have been issued to the following named
parties, and we presume they have all been
made happy ere this: (i, F. Smith and
Minnie B. Ktnrk ; J. B. Polly and Theresa
Gaugloff; M. M.Snvre and Belle Waud; A.
L. McAdums and Luura D Davis: F. C.
ishevlinaiul Minnie Scott.
I'he Ui.ion Ucotrr is now a three-Year-
old, and looks stout use mule." DulcerSaze
Hrusu. Ilbimed if we know whether to uke
the above a a conipHineut or not. Don't
like the style of animal brother "Mhep."
mentions lo convey an Idea of our strength.
Would have been liettcr pleased if he had
likened us to an elephant.
Upon the stroets of Chenev the other dav
wai seen a woman with three children, who
hid walked all the way from Okansgan to
that place, a child three months old in her
arms, and a little hoy carrying a bundle of
blankets. The other child was a girl live or
six yiursold. fcihe was on her way to
Portland, she said. Money was offered her
but she would not accept it.
A number of mercantile firms and rep
resentative men of Walla Walla, state tht
the grain crops of Kastern Washington will
not exceed one half of last year's yield and
that unless the rates of freight to Portland,
or the price of cki be ipeedily reduced,
much of the wheat crops will not be har
vested thti year, as it Mill not uy the pro
ducer und they ftnr financial distress in
Billiard table for sale cheap,
quire at this office.
D.tremely warm weather.
Farmers busy, and times rather diDl.
Caldwell, IuJiho, has a live etock, agency
You can get Pat. Ice Cream Fwsejicrs at
i t,.-i ... ,
jos. rigni s uu suop,
Gst your liedrooin set, lounge-, traitress
es, etc, at iowia.mi uoyii s.
A surprise patty was given Mt. Frank
Wilson, bv the coimg people of this citv, on
mi i ?j ."
loursua.v evening ibii.
Hall Dros. hue placctl a largo sign in
front of their place of business, sTiich adds
greatly to its appearance,
Jim Keevet who has been working for the
state at Salem, for flverHl years past, re-
lurneo in tnis cny a tew oays ng,
Our nine arc riithuifltic in their praise
of the Unionites and thu kind treatment
received from t hem. sage Brush.
Most of our correspondents failed to Puf
in an appearance thin wrck. Top much
wtn ot July, wc presume. We muss them
The festive drummer seems to bo getting
more numerous every dax It is a lamen
ted tact mat none ot them ever get stin
stiuck. The Raker S ie Brush crowa cxultingly
t.n account of the victory achieved by thi
baseball club of that city, over the Li
Grande nine, in this city, on the Mb.
A hand of 6.000 inn,tv sheep were driven
into tin vnitey tnii wceK. l i.c ptMt unci
years cr.periehee has proven that the Wal
Iowa is an excellent sheep r.inirc and tht
next three years will find ;:00,OOJ sheep on
the atinwa range. ichiefiiiiu,
W. W. Saunders, the murderer of Camp
bell at Albany, was found guilty of luunl
in the first degroe, on Mtinday last. That
night he made his escape from the jail, am.
,'rcat excitement prevutls in wmir
pience. One-thousand dollars is offered
for his arrest,
The new county ofllcers assumed thcii
official dutic-i hist Wednesday. Most o
them take to it as naturally as ducks take
to water. Wo believe the people of tin
ounty may congratulate theticlres upon
'Having n gooo nun competent, sei oi oiucer.
for the next two vears.
Rokn. In this city, July 4th., to the wifi
of I. A. RoskowiU, a daughter.
For SAt,K, J()o acres of Itnd, all in out
body. Also a block in Union, by Dell it
N'otick. The general committee on cole
hrationwill meet Monday night at S o'clock
at the court house. All paitios having bilb
against the same are requested to ham;
them to A. Levy or Frank Hall. By orde
of A. L. Saunders, President.
Aitrkciatki). This oillco is indebted to
Miss Chandler, of the Centennial hotel, foi
the present of several slices of dnliciou
cake from tho ball .supper. Tokens ol
friendship of this character are highly ap
preciated by us, und thu d'Wior will plcasi
accept our silicotic thanks,
RriMiLAitiMin). Last Monday, while the
family of Uncle Miles Board was attendine
the celebration, their dwelling house in
North Union was broken into and sonn
money, a watch, a revolver and :,evern
other articles of value taken therefrom.
No clue to the robber hqs as yet been ob
tained. Kveryhody should lieep a shtiri
lookout on their premises, as the countrj
is infested witli tramps who would not hes
itate at robbery if they had a chance.
The J'iiio Oruoli nines.
The Denver Kepublienn of June
2ot(l. contains the following letter:
CoitwL'Cot'iA, Oregon, June 18.
Being a citizen nml lObident of
Denver tinil u constant reader of (In
Tribune-Kepulilie tin Miioc the eon.joli
dution of tho two paper?, I beg you t
trtiil. mo u short space in your value
able paper to enable me to introduce
to the notice of some of your niiniuj.
fiibficribei'8 the location nml richm!
of the newly discovered mining di
trict out here in Oregon.
The place in qucbtion is known in
the Pine creek country, the town
is Cornucopia, in Union county,
and is situated about fifty niilew north
east of Baker City, ami the district
stretchch out to Hnake river on the
western boundary of Idaho territory;
the iieiireHt railroad point iw the 'own
of Union, on tho O. U. & N. railrond
The rich deposits of gold artrilvei
ore were only discovered last slnmcr,
but even that length of time bhould
have given us pome notice from the
outside world, especially when in taken
into consideration the quality and
quantity of the minerals; but for koiiic
unexplained reason there petuna to be
rather a skeptical opinion of thin new
district, in the minds of nioit of Ore
gon's alleged capitalists.
And now I with to .solicit, through
the medium of your paper, the atten
tion of .-ouio of Colorado's solid men
to litis unnoticed region, and 1 trunt
from the fact that I am pietty well
known lo the mining fraternity in
Colorado and tlie Southern territories
that my statements will bo taken uc
bona iide, being well aware that any
exaggeration would only tend to in
jure instead of benelit our camp.
I feel perfectly justified in uiierliiig
that with the exception of the Loud
villo excitement, (I might state that I
have been to not a few mining booms),
there is moro teal encouragement for
capital to invest on u eiifc ha bis than
any place I have ever been to. The
ore is of a qunrtis eharncttir and gener
ally found between granite and a kind
of block or lime alato rock; the quurtz
in places shows up considerably de
composed Had carries black sulphuritM,
galena, native rilver und comiderablo
free gold; the principal drawback is
thnt none of the ledges have devclojwd
yet to u true teating depth, and some
of the lieat projiertiea are owned by
poor men and principally by men that
don't hccm to have had much experi
ence iu mining. One visit from a
com pe ten I and practical mining man,
will demonstrate that it ii not for lack
of mineral that this camp iu almost
wholly ignored by capital.
I am not attempting to get up a
boom, tut 1 asBuru you we don't want
one, and 1 am hot employed to write
this by biirinetfl men or n railroad ;
and I wish to nay, for tho benefit of
the laboring class, that it would be
matinees for anyone to come here
with the hope of getting employment,
at least until some of the prospects
here change hands, as there is an
influx of labor now; a ho a plenty of
businefi houses, for the present. I
am only writing this for the benefit of
men who wish to invest iu mining
property, I am, respectfully,
J. E. JoilNsTOK.
Cornucopia. Union county, Oregon.
Covq Oullinss.
Kddw Holmes has forsnkon tho till
tilo, at Island citv, and become an granger in Cove.
JUm Madnlino Brooks, of Donvor
a highly accomplished mut-iciau, has
accepted tho liosition of instructor uf
imt?ic in tho Ascension school.
Haying has commenced on all side?
and the yield will be much lwtter than
wa expected a mouth ago. Manv
fields will turn off the ueual supply.
A. U. Ilohimon has purchiwc'd two
lots in the grove near the mill, and
will build a fine dwelling. A more
KMtituui rite tor a resilience can
uot be found in thu valley.
Mr. Siewlofcr is building the fire
places and chinmies at Mitchell's new
ret-idenco. Mr. S. warrants all work
m this line, which he lierforms, to
haw perfect draught, or no pay, and ic
pen for engagements in any part of
he county.
The balloon ttgceiu'ion, Sattmlav
ve, was witnessed by :i large crowd.
It waa a succues in every particular.
'Wcepting the proposed ascent bv
Prof, llackett. When the lime eamt
or bidding his girl fan-well, his heart
"ailed him and he concluded to remain
;aithful to old mother earth.
A local nine, whoso excelling awk
wardness anil aversion to work, rendoi
-hem unfit for more useful avocations
ire in training and will challenge tin
La Grande Base-ball club for acontesl
The biggest bruiser in the Cove nine
s practicing the manly art and will
ie prepared for "Jack" if he strikes the
intter with tho the ball a la Baker.
A well known citizen was shot ami
-erioitfly injured, by a stranger, Wed
iesd ay afternoon. On being arrested
he criminal showed no resistance
ind when brought before a magistrate
t was thown that the citiacn had said
o the prisoner, "Is this hot enough
or you?" or words of similar import
i ne release ot mo wouiu-uo assassin at once ordered.
Mel. Campbell, of Atlanta, Idaho.
lias made extensive purchases in Cove
ecuring a one half interest in tin
.louring mill, anil the entire farm ol
V. K. Uobinson. I'rjeo paid for latter
ibout .$ (5,500. Mr. Campbell expects It
teconie a resident of Cove, this fall
md will be n very desirable addition
"o the tolid men of the county, lit
dto contemplates the opening of t
eneral morchandiic utore in Ihi
town, An unritlv cart and a poor dnvei
was the cause of my flight aceidont.
Jo. My pew rig is the finest in lb
country, and will be dedicated to lb
pleasure of handsome voting ladies. -
S. Where is the girl, comparable with
. Vj it is is a mistake, lw
lasses of lemonade was my tole liquid
refreshment in Union, Monday. M
experienced a jolly time celebrating
-ii I'-ortbnd, but the best part of it
was i ne somnamnuustic repose on
caching home. B. If Cove and La
Cirandc bad pitched into it, Queens
mry rules, wonder who would huvt
arried tho broom. A. Did you set
me and my best, girl, at Union, on tin
ith. S. If to the brave is awarded
die fair, U will get a darkey. C.
1'ark Pickings.
July 7, 1880,
Win. Martin purchased, last
week, a very fine organ of tho "Ear
nun"" manufacture.
All getting married but me. Park to
lie front with an elopement! May
-uiccess and happiness attend them.
The great Atnetican eagle that wiu
.'oused on Big Creek, ufter closer ex
amination pro vet I to bo a buzzard.
A large delegation of tho l'ark pco
plo attended the celebration at Union.
on the fith, and all returned feeling
mat they had been well repaid for theit
Tho l'ark Pickings will ho somewhat
-lim this week owing to the fact thai
'ho writer attended the celebration at
Union and had a fen-cent spree
Verily dissipation ami fast living will
tot with telling ofi'cct on the bent ol
Wild Cherry nml Tur.
Kveryhody knows the virtues of wild Cher
ry and Tar a a relief ami euro for any affec
tions of the Throat ami Lungs, combined
with these two Ingredients are a few simple,
liciillug remcdlcii in tho Inn or Dr.
llDHiiiko's Coiiidi and Liiiik Svrun mukhii!
It Jitht thu article you should always luvo iu
the house for t ninths, t olds, roup and
Bronchitis. Price fie cents and $1. Stimulus
free. Sold by .1, T. Wright, Union, Oregon.
IlAintlsiiiMKi, Orotfon.
.Some three months ago I wan attack (I
with a severe pain !u my back. I bought a
paoknge of thu OnntioN ICii.m:v Tka, and
by the time I had used onu-bulf of It w is
entirely relieved and have not been troubled
kinue. I cheerfully re omiiiend It loall who
nmv be Miiffeiiiitr from a lame or wuak buck.
-u a pletuiuit, kufe and ood ueuiedv.
u. .i. uKiusiir.
UnliiK SI ore I
I'o the tate, more aoeeptsble to the stom-
aclitt, and more truly beneficial in its action,
i,., r ,iiL..i. (' ,, I,, ii,.. ,1.1 ......
iiiu iouii'U" i.iiiuiinn iiipim ituit- iiiinmi,
hyrup of FIim, I rap! dy superseding all
oiuers. i ry it. r or -uie uy tin (U'tiKKiSu'.
8-ieli lleltsfiu & Woedurd, whole-tale ugetits,
Portland, OreKon.
ItiiKle Coupur tihup.
S. B. Aylcs, iiiMiitifatiiier ofbulter
bni'rels and kegs, has always on liiind
it good supply of the boat qiinlity, ami
will sell them at ronsonublu prlcoi.
Give him u call at hit shop, eotitl of
the school house. Union.
l'or Halo.
An excellent place adjoining this uity fur
sale at a bargain. It coutuin 10 uoree of
splendid land, uood dwelling liotise and
outbuilding, Mud tho bvt nruhurd in the
country. For further information apply
at this office.
ltvad Thl.
C. Vincent has Just received a plendld
lot of boots, shoes, etc., which he will oll
at u great reduction on former prlce.i. lie
UKuiu what he says, Try him.
Tho IVnirth r itnloi,,
NotnilhstancUng tho exlremely un
plcsant weather, a larger crowd than
was oer before collected in Union
county, assembled in this city, on
Monday last, lo celebrate the 110th
anniversary of our independence. It
wan estimated that at least five thous
and persona were present. The pro
gramme whs carried out in a very
creditable mauner. At .unrise, Ii
salute of thirteen guns was fired, and
at 10 o'clock the procession formed at
the court house and took up the line
of march, headed by the Summerville
and Union Cornet IJands, followed by
the liberty ear, which was tastefully
arranged and presented a very beauti
ful appearance. Miss Vada Swack
hamer represented the Goddess of
LHwrtyaU'l Miss Ida P.ivi the Angel
of Peace, and u bevy of liltlo girls rep
resented tho different State of the
Union. Next followed a company of
juvenile soldiers boys from six to ten
yeans of age, all drestetl in bright
uniforms, anil carrying wooden guns.
They kept gnod time, and showed the
,;areful training to which they had
Ven subjected by Mr. Al. (loodbrod.
rhey were quite a prominent feature
in the ptocesston, and attracted much
attention as they went along. These
were followed! by a long line of citizens
seated iu carriages and wagons. After
parading the principal street", tho pro
fession arrived at I he grove adjoining
own, which Mr Fred Nodi no had
kimliy permitted them to use for the
occasion, and the forenoon was spent
in listening to excellent music by the
i wo bands, singing, by the choir, a
plendid oration by Bov. Ti win, of La
(innule, reading of the Declaration of
Independence, by Mrs. Watson, and
various exercises, after which the im
nenso crowd gathered around the long
lines of tables, anil partook of a good
i ml substantial dinner. Numerous
refreshment stands, ami two circular
wings were on the grounds, and were
liberally patronized by the young
people, who seemed to onjoy them
selves immensely. After dinner, the
,:rowtl repaired to the Main street of
own and witnessed the tournament,
ind feats of horsemanship, tho prize
'or which, was contested for by several
xperienccd anil skillful young met..
Then the base-ball contest, between
..he Baker City and La Grande clubs,
ook place, on the grounds adjoining
own, and was witnessed by a. large
.Towd of interested spectators. Con
rary to the expectations of many, the
La Grande club was badly deflated.
At f o'clock the Plug Uglies made
heir appearance, and, for an hour or
wo, kept everybody in an uproar.
The harangues of the speaker and
(older were full of wit and telling
noints. One feature of the Plug Ug
lies we must not, forget to mention
ho old nigger farmer and his wife and
hildien who arrived in a cart drawn
by two diminutive mules. They eio
ited lota of fun, and were "alone worth
he money." At 8 o'clock, the display
of liteworks was made, from Ihe bridge
t ossing Catherine creek, lasting about
in hour. It was beautiful, and was
highly enjoyed byall. After (he lire
works, tho dance, at Wright's hall,
commenced. This ball was one of the
'ligg'ist and moist enjoyable nllair of
he kind, that has over taken place in
his city. Oqo hundred ami sixty
numbers were sold, and tho immense
hall was crowded with merry dancers
and as jolly and sociable u crowd as
.Oiild well begotten together. Taking
it all in all, tho celebration was a
,'rand success, and tlespito the very
lisagieeablo weather during tho fore
part of the day, was, we believe, ap
preciated by all. If tho people of
Union failed in acts of courtesy and
hospitality to any who wore hero that
lay, it was unintentional, and should
Ho kindly overlooked, as it was their
lot-ire to make all visitors comfortable,
and they hope, soino day, lo return
the visit, when any of tho neighboring
towns eeo (it to oclebrato. Hurrah for
the Fourth of duly.
l'or (i.-ntluiiion,
We ure iu position to name bed rock pri
ces on Gents' Whirls, Underwure, Ties, Hooks,
illovos, Suspenders, Handkerchief, Culls,
'ollars, etc. For 00 , we furnish n first
lass uuluundried shirt. For $1.25. best
jjrude of launilried shirts. We solicit the
a trim ago ot all havers ot (lontji FuriiUhliiL'
(Jooi's. liy writing to hi, your mireluise.i
will bo muile economically and satisfacto
rily, tiend us a trial order.
I8B First Street, Portland, Oregon.
Syrup ufl'lixs.
Manufactured only by" tho California Fig
Syrup Co., Hnu Francisco. Cal., is Kuturn's
Own True Laxative. This pleasant Calitor-
nltt liquid fruit remedy may be had of ull
Iru'raUli, at flftv cents or one dollar. It Is
the iuomI pleusant, prompt, and cll'ective
eiie-dy known to ulciiu.M thesvHtem : to act
on the Liver, Ki.inevn, ami Itowul gently
vet, tuorouaniy ; to cu-mei iieaiiucni's, i.oin.i,
ind Fevers i to cure Consumption, Indiges
tion, ami kindred ills.
lluril Tlmi'M.
While money is close, wage and prlcus
low, oxpenseti nliould hu cut down In every
household. Kuotinmv, the watchword for
Mothers, head off i lector bills, by always
keeping hi (he huuke a bottle of Dr. IIohiui
ko'si'oiiKh and Liiiik Swim. Stons a couidi
mutually, relieves eoinmmptlou, cures Croup
unit pain in tliu ( nest Iu one nlcht. It Is
just the roinody for hard times, Price Ml cU.
ami i. hampies tree, hohl iy ,), T. Wi'lglit,
union, uiogon.
i.KTri:it i.i ht.
Honialiiiug uncalled far at the, Union pf
oince, the month ending June AO, IrtSU.
llolln .fames
Ctiliie J 51 Km
Jones Mr Kilo
ilutice Frank
Nelson NS'iu run
Uo William
Kmlth llonry
Valontlne (I II
Haley J
Moelko Sir Austin
Kelson Nullum
Orborn .Mrs Unnnu
Kobesttou Hurry
'1I. ....... LJ i 11.....
. IIUIIIUR Wllllll
Whltmoro .Mrs Clara .'I
Persons cullimr for anv of the above, will
plotwo say 'udvortlsed.''
iiiio. r. u all, i'. union, ur,
W. Cappi, M. I)., Hurgoou und Homeo
pathic Physlchtn, I'nloii, Oregon.
The Kimball organs have no equal,
Buy tho celebrated Kimball pianos.
Summqr.virift Slftlngs.
Weather cool.
Pleasant showers.
There Twere f)S numbers sold at
Elgin, July ,5rd,
J. 11. Kinehart will return from the
l!at, about .luly Dili.
Born. To tho wife of S. L. McKen
zie, July Ut., an eight pounil boy.
John White and A. Terwilliger
served m' marshals at lClgin, the 3rd
There wae a social hop at tho hotel
in Humuierville, Monday evening, July
Many of our eitiwus spent the 5th.
at Union. All report having a pleas
ant time.
There- is a very large mail coming
in from La Grande to Sumtncmlle,
on Monday. The accumulation of
two days at La Grande.
At the race grounds at IClgin, July
Jlrd., the Hhelton horse beat the Chut
tin Bro,s horse a 400 yard da.-h for
175. Another horse belonging t tho
Shelton boys, succeeded in defcttinf--the
Weaver mare, for about $125.
The dead soldier at Elgin, on thu
night of July .'Jrd., was appropriatly
draped by his attending comrades,
Harry P. says ho don't object to scrv
in as a "Hag rack" or a "bouquet vase"
but has decided objections to being
completely "corked."
Tho town waa thrown into a furoro
of excitement, on Monday, by the re
port that Mr. Legore had been shot
hy William Bennett. Tho report
proved only too true. Tho terrible,
crime has cast a deep shadow over our
entire community, both men being
well known and old residents of tho
Mr. Bora MclCcnzie, our popular
livery man, while leturning from La
Grande, last Monday evening, accom
panied by his daughter, were thrown,
from their buggy, and somewhat in
jured, by their team becoming fright
ened and running away. Tho team,
was finally stoppoti, by Mr. Lee, about
two miles from the spot where the
buggy was overturned. Tho buggy
sustained but little injury, ono single
tree being broken.
Tho Suminerville Ihiso-ball club
played their first mutch game at
Elgin, July 3rd., their opposing con
tefctauts being tho Elk Plat club.
The game was closely contested, thu
tally at the end of the eighth inning
landing 12 to 12. On tho last inning
Ihe iSummervillo club succeeded in
making 11 tallies, which somewhat
discouraged the Elk Flat nine who,
however, succeeded in making three
tallies, tho liual score standing 2.' to
18 in favor of tho riutninervillo club.
The stakes were a bat ami ball, offered
by tho city of Elgin to the winning
club. The two clubs will perhaps,
soon meet again.
The celebration at Elgin was well
attended probably one thousand per.
.-Otis being present. Tho grand march
occurred at 10 o'clock, A. M. After
singing, by tho choir, and prayer, by
Bev. 1 a. Paul, tho Declaration of
Independence was ably read by J. A,
Jackson. Air. V. B. Collins, the orator
of the day, spoko for ono hour, ami
did justice to tho occasion. An ad
jotirnment of ono hour was then an
nounced, and tho cravings of tho
innor man was satisfied. Before tho
crowd had again collected, the gontlc
rain began to deooud and tliero was a
general stampede to find a placo of
shelter. Tho shower only lasted u fow
minutes, at the conclusion of which,
tho crowd again assembled at tho
grand btand, where the audience was
favored by short addresses from (lifTer
unt persons. At 1:30, the plugs put
in an appearance anil entertained thu
crowd for about one hour. Tho crowd
then dispensed, sumo to attend the
ball at Elgin, others to attend tho
races and lull games; and others, still,
went homo. Taken all in all, the
celebration, at Elgin, was a grand
success, and memories of the day and
its happenings will linger in the minds
of many for a long time to come.
.IoIihuIo'h OoitijiHultliin on it l'rtisiiootor,
A prospocktor ia always rich. His
mines is tho bigges thing out and
eny other prospect tor's is no akottnt.
lie packs rich specimens whon ho
cuius to town and nobody ever hoors
of a cabinit bom robed. Ilo drinks
whiskey for soshibilily, but ho dont
liKo it. lie will.lokato you in tho ox
teiihhuu of u mino what shows free
gold if you will lissscu to him but you
all nlte, and sot 'em up every five
minilH and give him 4 bits in tho
morning to eat on when ho aint to
thirsty, You can giv him a grub stak
and he will go to the motintanes ami
lokate a township, and if he finds ony
tliing good he lokalcs that liinu'elf,
and puts you in the foarth mithorly
oxtenshun, and cttnis back for sum
more grub with sum more specimens,
sais we hav got the wurld by tho talc,
burros 10 dolars and gits full, lie is
a generus man, will shar his last tlicu
of bacon with a nother prospocktor
win u a biukeop is putting up. Ho
sais n man iu this kuntry is like a
bronkp, nonkountles lies broke. It
Jinifkcs him rustfej. Let a prospocktor
11 i claniu fori hundred dolars, and
lfajX!L Pl(mi ohfttls ami eat pie for
2 daysittt'ta hash stand, ho gits (lis
I jjcjptic, and his old fronds who staked
piuiii Kant git cioso euuii to uanu nun
a potato on a fish pole. Ilo works
hard Tor a year, on his best clame, and
when ho gits tvVxsport to go sco it, he
stops into tho bottom shaft and sits
down on tho dump to look at tho
ledge, lie asta the exspert 2 hundrail
and 50 thousand dolars for tho proa
peck, if the exepert wont take it just
now and lone him 20 dolars or trut,
ho sais he is a (rod and the kuntry is
gone in by thu dam Ohinemun. -liodh
Free PrcM.