"3KZ ft Oregon Scout UNION. ORKGOX, HAT. J PLY 10. ixsil. to aivicktisi;ks. Tim SHOUT linn n Ifllnli I-iririir (' rri. Jatlon tluui nny 'nirr In till .section if tlio Hlntr, ami 1m, tlierTore jno in." AUVKItTISilNtJ M Kill i; M. ThU In n Trun StntMiiiit, mill iiiU1 iifitnllotr it to 1m niietniieil Ijvniiy ntlirr tmjiur. AiIvcrllHurw will l well (o mitten n unto of tlilx. ALU'X LANDLORDISM, Ala rocont meeting of tlic Indiana Htatc Federation of Labor, u reholti lion was adopted calling on tlio Legis lature to repeal the law nllowlnj aliens lo hold land witlijn tUo stale. This is radical inovcmonl, but in tlto right direction. Tlio conviction that the ho of a country should not, under any circumstances, ho alienated from the citizens of that country, is becoming more provident everyday. The rapid ity with which nliens have become owners of American laud in the past ten yours lias been sufllcienlly (farm ing to attract the attention, not only of laboring men, hut of all classes of the people. It is the process which has cursed and blighted Ireland, and roust blight any stale which adopts it. Statistics show that the number of tenant farmers has increased in nlniost geometrical proportions of late years. The Indianapolis News estimates that thero are fifty thousand in that state lonc, and says that hitherto there has lieen no attempt to check the process by which they arc made, Oregon is comparatively a virgin state, and so far tlio farms arc mainly in the hands of the original settlers or their im mediate descoudents. Hut tlio hli'dit of alien landlordism has alrpidy ap pcarcd, and, unless it is checked promptly, will spread over the htatc rapidly and prove tins curse that it has always been whera it has secured a ilnn hold. Tlio workiugiucu have shown in the recont election their political power, but (hoy must sec to it that their legislators, whom they havo chosen, and who profess to he their servants, do their duty and enact Jaws in harmony with their interests and for thoir bettor protection. The action of the Indiana Federation might Lo adopted with propriety, Tho dis turbed condition of the labor situation shows that there must be a general re form of the whole industrial system before pinco and stability can be as surod. Quo. of tho basal questions to bo considered is that of laud monopoly iind how to piovout it, It is a ques tion that demands conservative con sideration, ti lid yet must bo treated heroically. The Indiana Federation of Trades demand the onactmeut of a law limiting the amount of laud any individual or corporation may hold in tho slate. This may be too heroic, hut that legislation of this character will ultimately have to be adopted in all tho states, is the conclusion of many curoful thinkors who have stud ied the evils of landlordism, as mani fested in the lawlessness of an oppress ed and discontented tenantry. News m:r svsrnM of'fI;i:dix( Farmers and stockmen should nisi alfalfa and timothy hay and engage in tho feeding of cattlo for onslorn and local markets. There Is money in it and a revolution is taking plaeo in marketing beef raised on thoho ranges, M'hich will compel cattlemen to cith er raiso steers to sell as feeders, for Hastern parties, orolsu hccoino feoders themselves, in order to overcome the loss and shrinkage, incident to such a long haul. When feeding points ate established along tho Short Lino, growers can more readily induce buy ers to parchai-u for shipment, but at present prices it is very probablu that it will ho a necessity for a new system of feeding and slaughtering range cat tle, and to market tho beef raised in Idaho, Utah, Oregon and Nevada, in the form of dressed meats shipped in refrigerator cars direct from tlio far -west, to tho consumers in eastern cities. Wc understand such a project is already contemplated, and we know that if tho right men would take hold of finch n slaughter house at American Falls, or Homo other good point, that the leading cattlemen of Idaho, Oregon and Nevada would hack the enterprise with their means and iiilltioneo. The day is rapidly coming when the alfalfa fed beef of tho west, fatted with ground barley rind chopped feed will discount tho corn fed beeves of Ne braska and Iowa, There is no bettor or moro prolltablo business than rais ing alfalfa and tho demand is growing to such an extent that oino far-seeing men can innko fortunus by establishing feeding points at uvery stock hipping atntiou, by ruising largo Holds of this choice crop, alfalfa, with facilities for fattening beef. Tho English method of feeding root crops and ground feed tan well bo adoplod in this country, and those who have had experience claim that bettor results can ho ob tained hero with ground barley and ulfulfa than with corn. Tho view of practical feeder would bo very desir able on this point. Shoshone Journal. Tho question as to tho policy of tho government in paying wtt are known as Indian depredation uliims arc being urgod with greater pcrUtcucc than probablv at anv olhor time in the his tory of flic government. A IIojso committee will shortly report a bill which will ju'ovidc for a commission to examine and audit ail imch claims and present Ilium lo congress. .Sen ator Dolph's bill, recently introduc ed, and iijion which he made an ex haustive speech, propose; to refer these claims lo a court tliat sits jn Washington and to be known as . court of claiui3, TJnUl 1870 claims for Indian dopro datioiiR were paid out of annuities due the tribe puiiiiiitting the (cprcdations, whilo claims arising prior Jo February 28, 1859, wcro paid out of Iho treasury if there wore annuities due said tribes The not passed July 15, 1870, provides that no claims for (ndiai) depredations shall hereafter bo paid until congess shall make special appropriation there for. Since that time cqugress lias oc casionally selected a caitu anions those favorably reported by the secre tary of the interior nnd passed it, By so doing congress has apparently com muted useu to (lie policy oi paying these claims, but the great body of claimants cannot understand why one claim should bo paid and their claims lie hurried up in committee room. the Indian appropriation hill of last year tho sum of 10,000 was appro printed fur tho investigation ol certain claims, and it proved iiit: "In expending said sum the secro tary of the interior shall cauc to be made a complete list, of all claims here tofore filed in tho interior department ami wliicli have been approved m wholo or in pin t, and now remain un paid, and also such claims as arc pending, but not yet examined, on behalf of the eitjzens of tlio United States on account, of depredations commit tod chargeable against any tribo of Indians by reason of any treaty between such tribe and the United States, including tho natno and address of t ie claimants, " etc. In compliance with this direction the secretary of tho interior bus submitted to congress a volume of nearly !100 pages, containing over loOO names and aggregating .lo, 000. 000, Anoth er bill thai may properly accompany tiis one was introduced by Mr. Dolpli some time since. It provides for the appropriation of $0,000,000 to pay the Indian depredation laiins which have been heretofore tiled and investigated under the direction of the secretary of the interior and reported hy him to congress, in pursuance of the laws of congress and in accordance with tlio rules and regulations prescribed by tho secretary of the interior, Fx, 1171' Oil IX AM FX XHVEl! NATURALIZE. The penal code of China contains a provision which is correctly translated as follows: "All persons renouncing their coun try and allegiance or devising the means thereof shall bo beheaded, and in tho punishment of this offense no distinction shall ho niiulo between principles and accessories, The prop erty of all such ciimiuals shall he cou- liscatod and thoir wives and childteu distributed as slaves to tho great of- lieors of state. Tho parents, grandparents, brothers and grand children ot such criminals, whether habitually living under the sumo roof or not, shall bo perpetually banished to tho distance of .J.liUO leagues, All those who purposely conceal or con nive at this crime shall bo strangled. Those who inform against criminals of this class shall bo rewarded with the whole of their property. It the crime is contrived hut not execut ed tho principles are to be strangled and tho accessories punished with ulows and banishment. ' ' This provision which has only lately become known . explains why loliu has no pnrtienliar tioslro to naturalize, cut off his queue and become a real .Melioan man." Tho law-maker who devised it conferred a more in- Ictilable blessing on California than any Uattcasi.in in the state has ever done or ever will do. John may Christianize (four or live centuries hence), but ho will bo in no husto to naturalize while that section of the pe nal code of his native laud remains unchanged. fSan Francisco Chron icle. r OHM AT 10 X OF MINK UAL I'JilXS. This Chicago Mining llttviow, in an iii liclii on tho formation and tilling of mineral veins siiys: MAU oxporleurod and obsorvlng mluci are awaro that an oast and west voin, viz: a vein of fracture, travers ing tho polar grain of rod; , if it dtps to tho south . U gunornlly richest at tho Mirface, or near it . but if It dip to the north it is generally poor at the Mir faro, sometimes noii-iuelllifertnis, hut Improving In depth indelliiitolv , Tho deeper wo go tho rlchor wo llud It, unless the couiitr Hlimihl chaugo, uiul wo tliida body of min-metalllfcr- oils ropk that (ocs no pontnin thcclc. incuts t f ti c rpotal wn arc seeking, when of course il must give out. Hut let the rock again change (uh it fre quently does) ton kindly niotul-bcar-ing chr.ractor, and, the vpiu will change jn accord wij.li tho inclosing I rock, and resninc its fertility, This i one of tho pinny faots that illustrate tlin tini'tliivfiwl ttifivnmnnt Hinrii'trf llin magnetic citcii(s passing continually I lroiq the Antarctic to thp Arctic ojrele carry with them the miperal jn an nlc niontary state; but vyiien thoy en counter a vnin (which acts like u dam on water) if fho vein dips to tho north, the current is deflected downward, but if if dips to the soih, the reverse is the case, and the metalie stream is dellccted tqwurd tho stirfuen, leayjnj the depths jn a stato of barrcuiipss For permanent mining, tho older the rocks the bettor must ho tho prospect for deep and lasting workings. No true vein approximating cast and west in Laurontiau granites, or their equiv alents, flic oryetallitio slates, wjlj over run out u (opth; those fractures ox tend downward to depths which oui' engineering skill can never reach. And tho result is that such veins may bo profitably worked for centuries, until water or some other unavoidable fnllcn lnnv mnL'fiit Win nvlliinuivn Cure for l'llus. I'lltfi hre frofjuently preceded hy r, oimc of weight hi the buck, loins and lowor part of tliu abdomen, causing tho patient to "lip-, poms no mis sonic anmion or mo Kiuuoys or neighboring organs. At times, symptoms of unllciitloii lire prt"ipi)t, iiatuieiicy, uneasy lies'" of tlio Stoinucli, etc. A moisture Ilk pfTSinrr.tion, proutioiiii' a very (iisa.ureeuoic IteliiiiL' after Keltinj.' warm, U a common nttitiKlnnt, Wind, lileediuK. and J tolling l'llcs yield at once to the application of )r. Ilosanko.s Pile. Remedy, whleli acta directly upon tlio parts effected, nlisorhhig the Tuition:, idlayliiK tlio intent; itelilmr, and effecting a puniiaiirnt-curo. I'rie.e.iq limits. Android, rue r. iiosanko m-uicuiu com pany, Pinna, O. .Sold by J, T, Wright, Union, Orcscii, Dealer in Kvrry Variety of Latvian 1 STATIONERY. We now have on handii larue assortment of FltUIT TAllhHT.S, which are acknowl edged to be. tlio purest ami healthiest con fectionery in the world. I'artieular attention h invited to inv line of Fishing Tackle, KINK IMA HOOKS, and KJSII 1X0 POLKS Inch arc in (,rroa,t variety and very reasonable in prices, In iidilitiiiti to the nlnivnwe c:irrv In stock nearly evorv article usually kept in a tlrst class drugstore, including Sponges, Trusses, Shoulder Unices, Brushes, Perfumery, KEY AVE ST (.'Hi.WSS, Etc. HKST IN Villi WORM) IU wearlnir iiunlltlrs nrn niisiirn.isKod. uetiinllr outlaslliH: two lMixcsrf nny other lirninl. ffcofmiu MUnmlOlU UKT TIIIIJUNU1M5. FOIt 8AIJ: ny Orottou nuil WiihIiIiiiMuii Tcr. IlIurcIiautH mill J) en I els Kciioi'ntly. 1UCLI, it TUTTLH. Searchers of Records, Convey ancers, Real Hstate and i u A IE NTS, llnlrin, - . - Ori'Kon. Hetnnu i"i.inpth' madii on all collection. HavbiL' an abstract of llio records in our otllee, abslrai'ts oft tie prepared with dis patch. Charges moderate. MULHOLLAN, KNOX & CO., RCHASiHG AGENCY, 12G Pint St., PORTLAND, OS. No charges for filling orders. SEND FOR CinOULAR. i Farm Yor Sale. Containing 320 acres of good land, xltu ated one quarter of a mile. Kast of Summer llle, all under fence. There Is an ordinary dwelling house on it, and a good barn and (intliulldbiKs. It has u good well, and Is additionally supplied with water I y a Ktroam wliicli iax tliroiiKh It. About one-half of the laud Is undorciilth utloii. Will ell it for $10.50 per acre. which will Include the following farm Im plcinent: One mower, I rake, a breaking plows, 1 harrow, 1 roller, I nccond hand wawon ami harness, one-half Interest hi one head' r, 10,000 rails, 20,WK) shingle, !B tons of bav, and other things too numerous to mention, good title wilt 'lefcluu. It ts u gn at bargain Fi r further mformatU n call at this otllee. SAUNDERS' NEW STORE. Having rented the old stand formerly occupied hy 1. A. Uofkowitz, 1 have IMiKMAXEXTIA' LOCATED aipl opejjed up ji New, Full and Complete Assortment of ' CLOTHING, nm i HARDWARE, HOOTS and SHOES, J! ATS and CAJ c( BARGAINS' IN iVllNERS OUTFITS, New Goods afc Constantly Arriving, and all Departments of tho Htoj-p Will ho kept FULL and COMPLETE, -eel Will MT BE Wm6lD& And invite everybody to come and examine goods, learn prices and judge for themselves. I BUY and SELL FOli CASH, My motto is BMMjI PROFITS and QUICK SALES. KEMEMIJEIt THE NEW STOKE. -A.. Xjv SJLTjnrXPSS, Proprietor, is III !X sistis LfrL WEAK, ATll'Sl I J I yUJ. lia, Ul, X TAMAS TliBATMIEKT! I vi in iiu U'ni jiiHiiiit-acil - i i. it i ...!... i t... !.. : upon thciiu .Non.o of the orv. I'inn sia. nillo'isiuess a )erinane ielvcs nervous prostration, tichililv, nervous anil plivsieal weakness, protluciin; i ..r 1... 1.1 .1 .,' ; . ... . following elloets- Norvoiwiios- Ilcbility. nininess of siubl. Defective Men I H V: u . a.. ' V . .V.r. T iles on the Face. Aversion to Society. Want of Aiuliition. Melaiiebolv. Dvspep- , . L'..1' ,1 , boss of Power, Fains in the liaek. etc, etc. ; for all such derangements v , ' , " A ' , 1 , ' ft nt cure is guaraiitce.i i.y the usp 01 '4 am ut 1 hi:tmi;:.t. i ,,.... t iTlliol, ..,1(.llr(iim, , , Tamar Treatment I'rescrlpPil liy tlo Ii'fu)l"C I'liysjrians, St. LonLs Mo., Feb. 0, 8P. "For more than three yeip-fj I have ljsed Tam ak Tukat.mk.nt with tho best rnsitlls, I recall now several eases of seminal weakness and debjlity with all its evil consequences I have treated during tho past year, which have been ottred by tho usn of tho Tiicat micnt, and several of these cases were in the laststaires. The composition of the dill'er- ent medicines contained in the Tukatmknt indicate, and its elleets prove it to bo a spe cific restorative of norve and sexual power. 011 are at liberty to use my letter in any way that will contribute lo your pleasure or profit. There are so many nearly wortlih ss proprietary medicines of this kind on the market (and every day is adding to thru number) that when 0110 is found to be re- TAMA It TltKATMKNT is sold on its necessarv tor over one month s ircinmoiu, v. ercise, diet, bathe, etc.; nripe, TAtAit'i'ui:A-mi:NT, pcrpackage $J,f)0; three packages $5X0; sent prepaid and securely sealed on receipt of price. TAM A It TRF.ATMFjNT having been used so succe fully In private practice and in the hospitals of St. Louis for the past liltcer. curative elleets, we will give the following guarantee: With each older for .'i paektige (.'I montli'.s treatment), encl()S.ing $5.. we will send our written giiarautue to retiiud tne monev if the Tkkatmknt does not ell'ect a cure. Package- sent C. O. D. on receipt of .fl, is security against loss. Send money by ter, at our risk. Address: K. 1 HlfAlvK Mar ket hts St. l.outt--, .Mo. JOS. WRIGHT, . DEALEK IK Main Street, Has just Uect ived an Immense Stook Please coinjiaro the following prices Four V2ST (M'fg-SssiJtssireaaa Fork, lS4! WMIP ItXbfrr PICrvTS?2nT5 r,nsfeajsar iioes soe. mm&.mmmm Brooms .Wile. I iiwlilMf Wash Hoards Sfto. PMljilWWrrl ' Assortment of PAT. OViL CHURNS, THE BEST IN THE WORLD. Guns, Revolvers, i2 11 Pa? liy to Um Is Union to hub, -l'OK THE KEASON TIIAT- Has a Mammoth Stock of Dry Goods and iailG ROGER I ESjjPfg No Odds and nds from Ixiindown Stocks, but if est and Best Ms in tlie Met. AVool, Hides mm NiiRVOUS AND D1U3I LITATHD a -iv-r-r-N VA7' T?l P'fMi A IVfTl )P I r. IM! J, 'Jj CJ; JJ4j J: The L'reat restorative and tonic. Hsiiceiallv prepared for men. :...i:. : ... . . i i.. I(i-ml WI111I. TlieySuyi I ally valuable I think it (lie duty of the pro- lussitm lotiiauc it Known. Uo.-'pcetfiillv, .1. Z. II A 1.1. , M. D." 017 Walnut St., St. Louis. Mo. Tam mi 'I'ltCATJiiiNT is jircscrilicd daily for all forms of nervous debility in both sexes as well as for cheeking the unnatural secret losses which cause so much loss of vitality. The medicines are prompt in action, and permanently re-lore tlui-u weakuned by ear ly indiscretion, oxes's-es or overwork of the brain. A number of pliyajciaus have dis carded all tho hypoplio-pliitcs, Daiuiana phosphorus formula- arii invariably prc--eribeTMAf Tcri'MCNT itii the best re sults. Tam v is Tti:TMr,NT is eoutpo-ed of medi cines most agreeable to the taste and "ell tolerated by the stomach. incrit - . Kaeh package contains all medicines mi ill 11 aim uoinpieicin-iriiction- now to ex years, aim knowing. n we du, its wondcrriil express, 1", 1). .Money Order, or registered let CO., Sole Proprietors, S. W Cor. b'th. and Union, Oregon, of Now Goody, which he will sell at with tliose of other stores 111 tlie county tined Hayforks Manure l i.rks 75t Hake', and Hoc liaudlc Hand Saws Spades Snath 75e 87'c 50e owder Haniuiers Kurcka Wringers ?L'.50. 35c ft, 00. I KICKS. The Celebrated and Aimmition. - .... . . . . . " . r.7 i 111 ;nti iiiwii: iii.mi. iiiui I'liri'ini nineii nr m Grain Bought AND Sold. LAUNDRY QUEEN, The JiJJJST Washing Ma cli in e in the Vo rid! S. M, WAIT, ritoi'Kii:TOR. WaitU'u's Agoiits for I'liion county. This- machine in without doubt the best in rcisfc!ice, and gives UNTIKH Mitisfaction wberevur tried. jTi?Machineslii stock lit .1. JJ. BATON'S S'liMiK. where tliev can be boiicbtat any time. Tit Y Til K I'..Vl NUItY Ql'liKN. k h k V4 1 Vol 3 fej W Farm For Sale I Situated about one mile frqm North Powder, containing KiO acres, Good liouso, barn and other outbuildings. Enrpurc of J. W, (CIM15IIELL, Xorth l'uwdor. Sheriff's sale, Vihh)ski llros. it Co, and Oregon Kurni- ture Miinutacturing ( o, va, Dan, V, Sloore et a. I Under and by virtue qf im order of sale , aiid dtierec of foreclosure issued out of the i Circuit court of the State of Oregon, in and for ITnipH county, on the -7th. day of Feb j ruary, IS1-!, in the above entitled action, ! wherein .!arx Wilsinski, Albert Wil.inski. 11. J, ideiiiau,andA.J. Lacliman, partners ' dojiig business under the tirm name of I yilinski Hros. ,V Co. and the Oregon Fur niture Manufacturing Company, the above nqjued paintitr obtained a jtiilgcinent and decree atrqhiat Dan. F, Moore and Kmma rut It. Moore his wife, defendants;, recorded in judgement book- , of .vaid court, tin page ; t am commanded to fell all that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situated mtl,c 'ty f LTuIoh. State of Oregi uml boundeJ and dceribed as follows, 1 wit Twentv-three (L';i) feet on'of the .so Oregon. to south siijo of lot number Thicc (.'!) in block num ber One(l). in the town of West I'liion, Un ion county, Oregon, according to the plat online to the nhi 01 saui town, incnco west hud icet, incnce south 410 feet, tlienoo west L'OO feet, thence south HO feet, thence cast (100 feet, thence north KM) feet to the place of beginning, al -o in the said county of Union. Stato ol Oregon. Notice is hereby given that on Monday the 19th. day of July, 1KSG, at 10 o'clock A. M. of that day, "at the court bouse door in the town of Union, countv of Union, State of Oregon, I will, in obed! anec to said order of sale and dueree of fore-clo-nrc, sell all of the said Dan. F, Moore's and Kmniarot It Moore's right, title and ilperes said premises above described, or so much thereof as may be necessary t" satisfy pljiintiu"s judgment, for the sum of $.l,-t;i5.S(!, witli interest thereon, less the sum of ? J, 'lis. 75, endor-cd on said order of .-ale. tn the hiuhu.-t ami beat bidder, for cash. Union. Oregon, June llith., 188(1.. A. I,. SAUNDERS, Shorilfof Union County. Oregon. NOT 1 C E FOR PUBLICATION. l.XNll Ori'lCK T L. (iltANUK, OllKOO.V. July it, 18S(i. 1 Notice s hereby wlvcn that the. folluwin;.' nained scitler has lllcd notice of her inten. tion to make tinal proof in support of her claim, and that said proof will be made be fore ltfister and Receiver at La Uraude, Oregon, on Aug. 0, isstJ, viz: Amanda .lane l.oyd. Hd. Xo. -'.ifiL'. for the Si:.-mil KY' AW See. II Tp. r.Soeth U HI l'W.. She names me loiiowuur witnesses to prove her con tinuotis residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: O. P, Humes, II. h. Dauuh- erty. I.'andnll RoliiiiMin, and .I0I111 Mur phy, all of Cove. Oretron. JIli.NUV RlXRIIAItT. jul. 10-wn-rg.. Register. NOTICE l'OK PUBLICATION. Land Oi.vwk at La (Juanim:, Oui:oon, June l, im, j Notice is hereby urivon that tho following, named settler has tiled notice of his inten. tlou to make linal proof in support of bin claim, mid that said proof will lie made be fore Register and Reccier at La Oraildd, Oregon, op .July J(i, JSMJ, Sailllicl South, lid. Xo, for the W NI-3 NW SIS NfJ SWaiitl NW See. "Township (''South R 41 KW.M. Me names the following wltnessn to prove bis eoiitiiiuoiu residence upon, and cultivation or, said laud, viz: Joseph Van derviiiiter, John Vanordcr, liichard South, ami Abrain Vaiulervanter, all of Union, Or, HlINItV l.'l.MCIIAHT, unl2-w(). Register. NOTICE FOIt PUBLICATION. Land Orriri: at La (.iianio:, Onnnox, ) June II, 188(1. ( Notice Is hereby given that the following limned settler ha- lllcd notice of hU Inten tion to make thud proof in support of lilt, claim, and that said proof will he nindo be. fore l!cgis(er mid Rcculver at La Grande, Oregon, on July I'd, jtvSO, viz: Aliralinni Yniiiluvantur, lid. No, ISiS, for the S.F. 1- Sec ;!J Tp. 5 K. R. 41 KW.M. He nnimstbe following wit noses to prove his eoiithuious resldeiici. upon, and cultivation of, said hind, viz: .locph Vaiidcvanter, John Vanordor,' Rich ard .M. South, and Samuel South, all of Un ion, Oregon. Hli.SItY RtXKlIAKT, Junl'J-wC. Register. NOTICE FOIt PUBLICATION. Land Oitici: at La (JitAxnu.OitKoo.v, ) Juno I), 18S0. Notice s Iierebv iriven that the followim-. liallied settle r has llleil nntlen of Ills Inten. tlou to make tinal proof In support of IiIk elai 11, and that said proof will lie iniulc be fore Register and Receiver t La Orande. Oregon, on Jul Jtt, lsj, viz: Kiiliitnl .11, South, Hd. No. .1118. for the W 1-2 NW See. 2 anil i: 1-2 X USee. .1 Tp. C South R. 11 EWM. lie imni' s the followlmr witnesses to irovn hU continuous residence upon, and cultiva tion of, said land, viz: A, Vandovanter, Joseph Vunduvantcr. John Vanordor. and Samuel South, all of Union, Oregon. UKNUV IUNlIllAltT, Juul2-w(). Register. NOTICE EOK PUBLICATION. .AXI Ol'KIClI AT l.A CiltAMli:, OltHOO.V, .1 lines, inn). 1 Notice Is hereby given that tho following- nanietl settler has Illed nutlee of his lntn- thin lo make lhml proof In support of his eliilin, ami that said proof will bo "aide by fore Regltf r and Receiver at Ln Oraiide, Oregon, 011 July I,, lssti, viz: l'riiiliuit yuerri'lt, 1IU. X... SSI. for the S 1-S SKand S 1-2 S Sw. 1 Tp. 5 South R. 40 KWM. Ho names the following wltlieen to Vrovo M eon tlmiou raMdeiiee upon, and wiltlvaUiiii 01, said land, vis: Willi. Skiff. W.T. CarwU. Kd. Remlllaril, and duo. W. Staffonl, all of Union, Oregon. IIK.VKV RlNKHAHT, juiicli-wtl. Rcglstr-