The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, July 03, 1886, Image 6

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Tlic s.tars sbineout nnii gild the 4l;y,
Softly the night xslmU breathe anuMgli;
And, as the world fadoi from my tight,
1 ltd tlie prc.cucc or tlio night
IVr-ppcd in its strange deep mystery.
Dark vapors rise tliclr fingers lie
Coldly upon my brow, but I
Lift tij my startled gaze, ami bright
Tbc stars blue out
Trmt on, sad heart, nor question wby
Tbr Mjadons and tbe night draw nigh.
The niltt of doubt will melt In llijht,
God's face will put tbcm nil to flight.
Till then, look up, for still ou high
The rtars shine out.
Witlttr T. J 'ic'd, In the GurrenU
Sandorf's Revenge.
33:3 Jules "V eiiie,
fMmcm or "jootiney to the ckktrr
T M I nKtl ' ' .. ........ M . I
IJNDEIl Till! BEA, " 1710., V.TO.
translation copyrighted by a. IP. Ilannu, isss.
CHAPTER IX-Contwukd.
"Drunk! Drunk I After drinking
bottle or two of this washy wino, wlton
tro i i-c iic!iistoniG(l to gin and whiskey
In the Mnndornggio 1"
"Ami who nro you?" ashed Zirono.
"That is littlo Pescador I" answered
Da. penn.
" mil who arc you?" naked Poseidon
"That ia Zirono 1" answered tho
Zirono looked attentively nt tlio
roung bandit whom Carpcna had
praised bo much, and wlio introduced
himself in ueh a free and easy manner.
Doubtless ho thought ho looked intolli
gent nnd daring, for lio gavo an approv
ing nod. Then ho spoko to Poscador.
"You have boon drinking liko tlio
PtllPVH ?"
"Moro than tho others."
"And you havo kept your sonsos ?"
"B.ih 1 It has not hurt rao in tho
len-4. ' t
"Tlion toll mo this, for Oarpona says
rou may givo mo somo information that
t want !"
" Oralis?"
And Zirono throw him n hnlf-pinstro,
rhli'h Poscador instantly slipped into
'nis waistcoat pocket as a professional
(up ,lor would a ball.
"J To is obligiug" said Zironc.
"Very obliging 1" replied Poscador.
"And now what do you want ?"
"You know Malta ?"
"Malta. Italy, Tstrin, Dalmatia, and
iho Adriatic," answered Poscador.
' "You havo trnvolodl"
"Muoh, but always nt my own ox
qwponso. "
Til sco that you nover travel other
wise, for when it is tho Government thnt
"It costs loo much 1" interrupted Pos
cndor. "Exactly," ropliod Zirono, who was
itlobghted to havo found a now com
pan on with whom ho could talk.
"And now ?" askod Poscador.
"And now, Poscador, in your numer
ous voyagoa did you over hear of n cer
tain Doctor Antokirtt?"
In spite of nil his cleverness, Point
Pesoado had nover expected that ; but
ho was suilloiontly master of himself not
to betray hissurpriso.
How Zirono, who was not nt Hagusa
during tho stay of tho Snvarenn, nor at
Malta while tho Ferrato wastltero, oould
have heard of tho doctor was a puzzler,
lint with his deoision of chnraoter ho
aaw that his reply might bo of use to
him, and ho did not hesitate to say nt
"Doctor Antokirtt I Oh 1 Porfootlyl
People talk of nothing olso throughout
tho Mediterranean 1"
"Havo you booh him ?"
"Put do you know who lie is?"
"A poor fellow, a hundred times a
millionaire, who nevor goea about with
out a million in each pocket, and ho lias
nt least six I An uufortuuato who ia
reduced to practise medicine na nn
amusement; sometimon on a schooner,
pomotinios on ft steam j'aoht, a man who
has a euro for every ono of tho 23.000
maladies with which nature has gratiilod
tho human species."
Tlio mountebank of former daya was
igain in his glory, nnd tho fluency of
lis patter astonished Zirono, nnd noiio
tho less Oarpenn, who muttered:
" What n recruit I"
Poscador was silont and lighted n
cigarette, from which tho smoko seomod
to como out of his eyes, his nose, and
his enrs na ho pleased.
"You say that tho Doctor ia richr"
asked Zirono.
"Pdoh onough to buy Sioily nnd turn
it into an Euglish garden," replied Pes
oa dor..
Then thinking tho moment had como
for him to inspire Zirono with the idea
of tho scheme ho had resolved to put
into execution, ho continued:
'And look hero, Captain Zirono, if I
havo not seen Doctor Antekirtt, I lmva
aeon ono of his ynohts, for they say he
has quite a fleot to sail about the son
in I"
"Ono of his ynchtor
"Yes, tho Porrnto, which would suit
mo nicely U go (or u sail iu tho Day of
Nnph's with a princes or two."
" Whore did you koo the ynolit r
"At Malta."
"And when?"
"Tho day Iwforo yoatdrduy nt Valottn,
ai wo were iroing on board with Horgonnt
G.irpcna. Hhn was then nt hor moorings
in Iho military port, but they unid she
vrna going out fotir-uniMwenty hours
aftw us,"
"Whore to r
"Torfiolly. UiOatnnii !"
To Catania f uskml .Iron.
Tlio coincidence between the depart
nrc of Doclor Antekirtt ami tho warning
ho Jmd received from Saieany to beware
of him could not but nwako Zirono's
Point Pescada saw that somo secret
thought was working in Zirono's brain,
but what was it? Not being nblo to
guesa ho resolved to press Zirono mora
directly, and whon ho had asked:
" What does tho Doctor want in Sicily,
end nt Catania moro especially ?'
'Eh 1 By Saint Agatha, ho is coniinp
to visit tho town ! Ho is going to ascend
Mount ifitna 1 Ho is going to travel
liVco tho rich traveler thnt he is!"
"Poscador," said Zironc, with a cer
tain nmount of suspicion, "you seem to
ham known this man somo time."
"Not bo long ns I would liko to, if
had an opportunity."
"What do you mean ?"
"That if Doctor Antokirtt, ns is prob
able, comes for n walk in our ground,
wo might ns woll make his Excellency
pay his footing."
"Indeed I" said Zirono.
"And if that only comes to a million
or two it will bo good business."
"You aro right"
"And in that caso Zirono and his two
friends would not havo been fools."
"Good," Baid Zirono, with n smilo ;
"after that compliment you can go to
"That will suit mo, for I know what I
shall got dreaming about."
"Tho millions of Doctor Antokirtt
dreams of gold 1"
And then Poscador, having given his
cigarette its last puff, wont off to rejoin
Ins companions in tho barn of tho inn,
while Carpcna retired to his room.
Aim inon no sot to woric to pieco
together all that ho had paid and heard
Prom tho timo that Zironc, to his great
astonishment, bad spoken to him of
Doctor Antekirtt, had ho done tho best
for the interests that wero Intrusted to
him ? Let us seo.
In coming to Sioily, tho Doctor hoped
to ngain meet with Sarcany, ami per
haps Toronthal, in caso ho accompanied
him, which was not improbable, con
sidering that thoy had left llagusa
together. Failing Sarcany, ho reckoned
on capturing Zironc, nnd by bribo or
threat making him reveal whoro Sarcany
nnd Toronthal could bo found. That
was his plan, and this was how ho
intended executing it.
In his youth tho Doctor had sovcral
times visited Sicily, particularly tho dis
trict around yEtna. Ho know tho differ
ent roads by which tho ascent ia mado ;
tho nioit used being that which passes by
a house built nt the commencement of
tho central cone, and which is known as
tho "Casa Jnglose."
Zirono s gang, for which Oarpona had
been recruiting at Malta, was then nt
work on the iEtna hlopes, and it was
certain that the arrival of apersonago as
famous as Doctor Antekirtt would pro-
liico tho usual effect at Catania. If tho
Doctor wero to put it about that ho was
fKing to make the ascent of Etna,
Zirono would bo stuo to hear of it
especially with the holp of Point Pes-
onde. Tho scheme had begun woll, for
Zirono himself had introduced the sub
ject of tho Doctor to Poaoado.
Iho trap which was to bo laid for
Zironc, and iu which thoro was a good
ehaneo of his boing caught, was tho fol
lowing :
Tho night before tho Doctor was to
make tho ascent of tho volcano, a dozon
well-armed men from tho Ferrato woro
to mako their way secretly to tho Casa
Inglesi. In tho morning, tho Doctor,
accompanied by Luigi, Pierre, and n
guide, would leave Catania and follow
tho usual road so as to reach tho Casa
Inglesi about eight in tho ovoning, nnd
then iiass tho night like all tho tourists
do who wish to seo tho sun rise over tho
mountains of Calabria.
Zirono, urged by Point Pescado,
would doubtless endeavor to capture
tho Doctor, thinking ho had only to do
with him and his two companions ; but
whon ho reached tho Casa Inglesi ho
would be received by tho sailors of tho
Ferrato, ami lesistauco would bo impos
Point resende, knowing this sohomo,
hnd happily profited by tho circum
stances that presented themselves to put
this idea of capturing tho Doctor into
Zirono's head. It meant a heavy ran
som, and would also work in with tho
message ho had received. If ho was to
be careful of this man, would it not bo
better for him to seize him oven if ho
lost tho ransom? And Zirono deoided
to do so nnd wnit for further instructions
from Sareuny. Put to bo certain of
success, as ho had not his whole gang
with him, he resolved to mako tlvo
nttempt with Carpena'a Maltese much
to tho comfort of Pescado, as tho dozon
rufllaus would bo no match for tho Fer
rato men.
Uut Zirono tuistod nothing to ohnnco.
As Pencidor had told him that tho
steam yacht was to arrive in the morn
ing ho left bauta urottn early, and
walked down to Catania. Not boing
known ho could go there without danger.
In a fow hours tho stoam yacht arrivod
nt her moorings, not near tho quay
which ia always crowded with ships, but
nt a sort of entrance harlwr between tho
north jetty and a huge mass of blackish
lnvn whioh tho eruption of 1009 sont
down into tho sea.
Already nt daybreak, Oapo Matifou
nnd elovon mon of tho Forrato's orow,
under Luigi, hnd been hi tided nt Catania,
nnd separately had started on tlio road
to tho CJnsa Inglesi. Zirono know noth
ing of this landing, and as tho Ferr.ito
was moored a enblo-lcngth from the
shore ho oould not oven seo what was
passing on boaid.
About six o clock in tho evening tho
K13 urouglit oalioro two uassongerjt.
These wero the Doctor and Pierre Path-
ry. Thoy went up tho Yin Stesicoro
nnd the Stradu Etnea towards tho Villa
Pollini, n public garden perhaps one of
the most lHWitifnl in Europe, with its
maiisea of flowers, its vnriod slopea, ita
tormuoa shaded with largo trees, ita run
ning stream, tin I the superb volcano
plumed with mist rising in tho back
ground. Zirono hnd followed tho two pnssen
ger't doubting uot that ouuof thorn waa
uns mtnous uoctor Antokirtt Ho even
mrmnrrml in mtf rntlm, , r,n limn. i 4-1.
t. i. i ..i. . i .
" ....... t ilium 1 11 LiH
"""u nnii. im-uHoiu una auracieii 10
tho Villa Bellini, but he did nf. ,1,. ii,;.
without boing noticed by tho Doctor
ami I'icrre. If this suspicious follow
woro tho Zirono they wero looking for,
hero was n fine opportunity for enticinc
i.: 1:11 " .1 - "
inn hwu i.iruier inio mo suaro tuat they
had laid I
And so about eleven o'clock in tho
evening, vrhen they woro leavincr tho
garden to return on board, tho Doctor
replying to Pierre, in a loud tone said
1 os, it ia understood 1 Wo start
to-morrow, nnd will Bleep nt tho Casa
Doubtless tho spy had learned what
ho wanted, for n moment afterwards ho
had disappeared.
Next day about ono o'clock in tho
afternoon tho Doctor nnd Pierro Bathory
completed ineir preparations to go
Tho gig received its passengers ; but
Dcloro ho left the Doctor ordered Cap
in ii Kostrik to watch for tho arrival of
Electric No. a, then hourly expected.
ind to so .dher out beyond tho Fnrritr-
lionis, otherwise known ns tho rocks of
Polyphemus. If the plan succeeded, if
3nrcany or even Zirono nnd C.irpenn
tvero taken prisoners tho launch would
bo ready to c.wey them to Antckirtta,
tvhero ho wuld havo them in his
The gig put off ; in n fow minutes
it reached tho n'ops at tho wharf.
Doctor Antokirtt and Pierro had
s3iimcd tho usual dro3S of tourists
isccnding tho mountain, who may havo
io enduro u teniporaturo of fourteen
.legrees below freezing, while at tho sea
level it stands at fifty degrees nbovo
hat point. A guido was in waiting with
ho hors-p, which at Nicolosi wero to bo
replaced by mules as moro untiring and
mror of foot.
Tho town of Catnnia is of littlo width
jompared to its length and was soon
jrossed. Nothing occurred to show that
tho Doctor was watched and followed.
Pierro and ho, after taking tho Bolvi
3oro, began to ascond tho earlier
dopes of tlio mountain to which tho
3icilians givo tho namo of Mongibello,
mil of which tho diameter is not less
than twonty-flvo miles.
Tho road is uneven nnd winding; it
turns nsido frequently to avoid tho lava
itreams nnd basaltic rocks, solidified
millions of years nijo ; tho drv ravines
Qllcd in tho spring timo with impotuous
torrents ; nnd on its way it cuts through
i well-wooded region of olivo trees,
arango trees, carob trees, ash trees and
long-branched vines. This is tho first
of tho thieo zones which gird tho vol
cano, tho "mountain of tho smithy,"
tho Pheonician translation of tho word
"Etna tho spiko of tho eaith and tho
pillar of tho sky" for tho geologists of an
igo when geological scienco did not
After n oouplo of hours' climbing nnd
& halt of somo minutes moro needed
by the horses than tho riders, tho Doc
tor and Pierre beheld at their feet tho
town of Catania, tho superb rival of
Palermo. Thoy could look down on tho
linos of its chief streets running parallel
to tho qunys, the towers and domes of
its hundred churches, tho numerous
nnd picturesquo convonts and tho
houses in tho pretentious stylo of tho
seventeenth century all enclosed in tho
belt of green that encircles tho city. In
the foreground was the harbor, of which
iEtna itself formed tho principal walls
in tho frightful eruption of 1GU9, which
destroyed fourteen towns and villages
and claimed 18,000 victims, and poured
out over tho country moro than n mil
lion cubio yards of lava.
iEtna is quieter now, and it has woll
earned tho right to rest. In fact there
havo been moro thau thirty eruptions
sinco tho Christian era. That Sicily
has not boon overwhelmed is a sufficient
proof of tho solidity of its foundation.
It should bo noted, however, that tho
volcano has not lormed n permanent
orator ; it changes as it pleases. Tlio
mountain falls in where ono of tho firo
voniiting abysses opens, and from tho
gap there spreads the lavio matter accu
mulated on tho flanks. Hence tho
numerous small volcanoes tho Monto
Possi, n doublo mountain piled up in
three months to a height of four hun
dred feet by tho sands and scorira of
1000; Frumonto, Simoni, Storuello,
Crisineo, arrangod liko tho turrets
around a cathedral dome, to say noth
ing of the orators of 1800, 1811, 1819,
1838, 1852, 1805, 1875, whose funnels
perforate tlio flanks of tho central cone
like tho cells of a bee-hivo.
Alter crossing tho hamlet of Bolvidoro
tho guido took a short cut so as to reaoh
Kamertieri road near that from Nicolosi
The flrst cultivated zone cxtonds almost
from this town to two thousauil one
hundred and twenty feet above. It was
nearly four o'clock in tho afternoon when
Nicolosi appeared, and the travelers
had not met with a single adventure
nlong tho nine miles from Catania, nnd
Been neither boars nor wolves. Thoy
had still twolvo and a half miles to go
before thoy reached tho Casa Degli
" How long will your excollouoy stop
hero?" asked tho guido.
"No longer than necessary," answorod
tho Doctor; " lot us got in to-night about
nino o'clock."
"Forty minutes, thon?'
"Forty minutes bo it I"
And that was enough to procure i
hnsty menl in ono of tho two inus of the
town, whioh bo it said to the honor oi
tho tlireo thousand inhabitants of Nico
losi, including tho beggars who Bwarm
iu it has rather a better culiunry repu
tation than most Sicilian inns.
A piece of kid, somo fruit, raisins,
oranges, and pomegranates, and Sac
Placido wine from tho environs ol
Catauia thoro nre very few moro im
jMirtant towns in Italy iu which nn iuu
keeper would offer ua much.
Er mu caii Ore nighty flio and yet bav
a mighty ahabbjr lulrnl. Arkanmu TruM.Vr.
From a Youmr Wife's Diary.
1 .!.... .
I ueorsre suiu lusii wcck ui.u we niiisi
I , , . , ...
iconomize, for trade seemed to bo para
yzed. It is funny that trade should
aavo waileu till wo pot married ami
;hcn get paralyzed. But wo must do
ill wn enn. fiem- snvs. to .save our
I ' o --j
uonov. I am Irvine cverv wnv to save
tvhat he makes. For tlireo days 1 have
aeon making my husband a pair of the
;utcst night shirts that unvbody ever
law. They aro long and graceful and
.rimmed with pink embroidery. George
out one of them on last nigld, and we
aad our lirst harsh word.
At lirst ho laughed a low, bitter
laugh, such as wo sometimes hear on
ho stare when tho villian sticks a largo
red stab knifo into a casual acquaint-
I did not think that my own George
ivould ever curdlo my young blood with
Mich a low, gurgling laugh. For a few
moments 1 yearned for my mother's
Dosotn to moan on, but it was useless to
George said that anvbody with hrains
jiiouirh to soil a silk handkerchief ought
o know that tho buttons should bo on
;ho right-hand side, nnd that three
uockets in a night shirt was all moon-
Then ho buckled a shawl-strap around
himself, and pretended to bo Sitting
Hull, but 1 would not laiitrh at him. it
was the lirst time I had ever refused to
laugh at anything George expected mo
o Jau!rh at. Can he ever lorgivof u,
:nn he ever forgive? 1 threw myself on
;ho bed and wept until the pillow-shanis
were a sight to behold.
1 nlo made a mistake m putting in
the sleeves, so that they pointed back
into the dim pa.t. George said that he
felt all the time as though he had been
turned around in a cyclone, and that
while he vas struggling to peer into
the future his arms were striving to lay
hold on the dear, dead p:ist.
lie can be finite eloquent when lie
feels like it, and his employer says he
is tho most brill ant conversationalist
they have at the barbershop.
1 can now seo that it i had put in
more time at home in learning to sew
and cook, and less time on my voice, it
would havo been better for George.
Papa siient a gooil deal of money
teaching me to go up and down the
scale, and how to sing sad pieces- with
a treimilo in them, but the buttonholes
that 1 make, George says, look like tho
ives of a dead hog. 1 think parents
are apt to make a mistake in the esti
mate they place on their children. For
in.stance.'papa never would sing 11113'
thing but "Me Poor Nellie Gray," and
if nramma could sing anything'she did
it under an assumed name, for I never
card her. Well, when 1 becan to sing
t school and people could discover
what tune it was, my parents began to
(iiiand.'r money on my alleged voice.
I always knew I couldn't sing, but hero
I am with a trunk full of sheet music,
no piano, and a faculty of making a
no that would lead a man 10 me gai
ows I also know how to elocuto .some,
but that docs not help us now. What
does a poor man want of a wife who
can recite "Curfew shall not ring to
night," and who cannot throw any
hope into a low spirited hunk of bread?
1 see it all now, oh. so plainly, and
so does George. 1 fear. I can under
stand how ho feels exactly. He may
lie a rich man s-onio day if he don t die
of dxspeps'n before he amasses a for
tune", and all that time 1 must practice
on some one. Poor Gcorgo!
Yesterday 1 bought u littlo red receipt
book of a Ditng man who called at the
door. His cos were so deep and dark
and his vokv so plead ng that 1 would
have purchased the book if I had had to
borrow the nionev. The book is a very
useful one, and is bound in the same
color as my new dog.
It tells how to mako custards, wane
manges and floating island. It also
tells von iu tho back part how to cure
heaves, glanders and botts. I can hard
ly wait, till George gets the botts so that
l" can brim: out. my littlo red volume
and win him back to life and joy again.
It also gives away other iiitorination.
nv one with this book in the house
can go to work and take a person right
through a long siege of croup or yellow
fever without a doctor, and there is a
whole lot of law in it, so that George
won't havo to have a lawyer or a doe
tor, and wo can save a great deal that
way. Why will people fritter away
their money on doctors and lawyers
when thev can get 0110 of these books
so cheap.
1 osteruav our landlady gavo me a
slip of oleander, and I havo planted it
1 1 . .1 .. . ..1 :.. . 1
in a cine nine piieiii-r in iuu hiuumw,
where it is slowly growing as 1 write.
It hardly seems possible that somo day
it wdl be a largo tree with littlo yellow
knobs on it. 1 i-an fane. George now,
as ho will look ton or tifteon years from
now, with a bald placo on tho back n(
his head, and lifting and surging on
that oleander tdl ho is black iu tho face
and his eyes start from their sockets.
Will it not bo a joyful timo?
In fanev I stand at the head or tho
cellar stairs and make suggestions
about where to sot it. while George
rests fine edge of it on his por.son anil
With a good oleander in our homo I
fool sure that wo may gradually aceuniu
lato quite a littlo property. If George
will only put the same amount of zeal
and industry into our home life and try
to economize, wo will some day bo
very, very comfortable.
All we need now is a homo and somo
furniture, for 1 have already secured
the oleander.
I boiiirht some rhubarb at tho drug
store this, morning and to-morrow I
will make a couple of pies. George Is
passionately fond of rhubarb pios.
There would bo far leas connubial un
happiness if wivos would study tliclr
husband's wants, and supply thorn, 1
think. -; Xye.
Summer Happiness'.
Tho season has come whon a man
finds a twelve-room house and a half
aoro of ground too small for him at
homo will llvo with his family in a
threo-room shanty siirroumlod b' 1,000
feet of glaring sand and call it hiippl
imss. bomervslt Journal,
Kgyptlau tmlous aro impular la Bos-ton.
l'ervld rictv of the Senators from
CJeorstn Dencons In tlio House.
As far as ntincaranccM 'o the most
religious men in cither branch of con
irross aro tho two senators from
Georgia, writes a Washington corre
spondent of The Philadelphia Times,
Mr. Colouitt fiirures in every temper
ance liicctintr that is held hereabouts.
addresses church conventions much
oftener than his fellow senators, and is
one of tho pillars of the Young Men's
Christian association. Within tho past
month he has spoken before the Young
Aton'a fUiriatinn nacnrvnf ion in TwentV-
third street and in Bowery, Now York;
at Philadelphia, Atlanta, Ualtiniore,
and Richmond. He is a regular attend
ant at the Foundry church in this city.
Every Sunday morning and evening his
tall ligiirc can oe seen in tno iront scat,
with his handsome wife beside him,
leading the singing and uttering tho
most fervent aniens. At hi3 homo in
Atlanta he is a deacon and often speaks
from the church nlatform. Of late he
has been frequently dropping into tho
nino missions suiiuciuii 11 iiumy
ton. A few nights ago he led the
nraver-meeting at the Central mission,
in tho lower part of the avenue, and
gave his 'test'niony" with the humblest
present. Ho is often seen, too, at the
missions in South Washington, where
the most hardened sinners arc supposed
to congregate.
His colleague, while not so much of
a missionary, exhibits a great deal of
piety on occasions. He is a regular
delegate to all tho Baptist conventions
and does a considerable- amount of lay
preaching. Most of the Baptist papers
in the United States have printed con
tributions of his over tlio initials "J. J.
B." In the Baptist convention held
somo time ago in this city he proved
his piety to be of a substantial order
by strongly advocating tho establish
ment of a hind for the purpose of rais
ing all ministers' salaries to $1,000 a
year, and by offering to start the fund
witli a $1,000 check. The senator
makes a far better appearance talking
to a religious body than when address
ing tho senate. Ho is a venerable old
man, with a long, Santa Clans beard,
and recalls tho portraits of preachers
in the days of John Wesley. Ho can
pray as fow men can. His fervency is
illustrated by a frequent raising of the
eyes to heaven, extended and tightly
clasped hands, and a voice that vibratos
with passionate-entreaty. In the sen
ate, as everybody knows, ho is duller
than even Blair.
There is one more senator who is par
ticularly noted for his scrupulous dis
charge of church duties. This is War
ner Miller, of New York. He is a
regular weekly communicant at tho
Methodist church on G street. It must
not be inferred, however, that Warner
is so g veil up to tho contemplation of
the hereafter as to bo oblivious of tho
political outlook and other worldiy
things. It has been noticed by his fei-low-churciiiiiu
that he is always ac
companied by his wife, who puts In mn
books and testaments into his hands at'
tho proper time and coaches him gen
erally iu the services. It has been ob
served, too, that, he never appears inter
ested in the sermon, and rises with too
great precipitation when tho doxology
has been sung. Some mean people
havo even insinuated that the senator
has no interest at all in religious mat
ters, ami that his regular attendance at
services is duo to his wife, who is con
sidered the most pious churchwoinan
in Washington. However this may be.
certain it is that the portly Warner is
put down by the preacher as one of the
most valued members of his lloek.
Of the members ot the house, a littlo
man named George West, of Ballston
Spa, N. Y., is tho brightest church
light. Politioians will be surprised that
there is a man named West in congress,
but members of the Methodist church
nearly everywhere have heard of the
charitable littlo paper manufacturer up
in Now York. Out o; his own purse
he contributed sufficient money to build
a handsome stone church at his home,
and no man in and out of New York
has done more for tho foreign mission
of the Methodist Episcopal church.
Mr. Wost enjoys the distinction of be
ing tho ugliest man in congress, but his
ho.irt seems to be iu the right plaoe.
Anderson, of Kansas, is another re
ligious man. He was once a Presby
ter. an preacher and a chaplain in the
California volunteers. Being an or
dained minister, his polit'cal position
docs not exclude him from the pulpit.
At home ho frequently preaches during
tho intervals between the sessions of
congress and whilo hero has delivered
s.-veral stannous at tho Now York
Avenue Presbyterian church. His re
ligion is not of the gloomy kind. He
is one of tlio jolliest members on the
floor of the house. Ho believes in
music iu the publ.c narks, shaving and
other neo.'&sary work on Sunday, and
open museum's and libraries on tho
Tiiullwo, a new nicnibor from Ken
tucky, was studying for the miuitry
when elected to a local ollleo iu Say
lersville. Ho gavo up his studio-, tem
porarily and within two years was sont
to congress. He is only 3-1 now and in
appearance a typical theological stu
dent. It is said that ho is already dis
gusted with life and will re
sume the study of divinity after his term
has expired.
Among the woll-known ehnroh dea
cons in tho house of representatives
nro Pettibone, of Tennessee: Forney, of
Alabama; Ir on, of Louisiana; Mc
Creary, of Kentucky; Tucker, of Vir
giniaj and Kllsberry, of Ohio.
Ho Knew What That ileattt.
A Congressman's daughter had beou
receiving a young man's attentions un
til tho father thought it was timo ho
was knowing something about it "Co
lestiue," ho said last night, when tho
young man was announced, "isn't it 1
about time somo definite conclusion was
being arrived at in this matter?" .
"Quite time, papa," sho ropliod iu a
nmtter-of-faot way. "Woll, daughtor, ,
is thoro any prospeot of n conclusion?''
"1 can't sny, really, papa. You seo he is
on tlio calendar as unfinished business,
and " "Enough, daughter, onough." j
ho interrupted, putting up his hands,
nnd the girl wont down stairs to com-,
pletc tho quorum. Wathington Critic
Philndelphians spent $325,000 foi
drink last year.
A New York dining room is namod
after Tweed.
Highland county, Ohio, has a "Fob
som" postofllce.
A firm in Now York sells boots for
dogs that have soro legs.
There is a scarcity of domestic ser
vants at Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Jacqueminot roses sell in the streots
of New York at 5 cmts a bunch.
Work has begun on the new steel
towers of tho Niagara suspension
Mormon proselytes
arc having con-
siderablo success in
Victoria county
A poplar tree in Wilkes county,
Georgia, measures twenty-seven feet in
"Carriages Two Hir at all Hours,"
is a conspicuous sign at a watering
place characteristic of Niagara.
The sheop-raiscrs in North Carolina
arc complaining; of the ravages of
wolves and wild-cats among their
Tho docile donkey hitched to a low
two-wheeled cart will form a promin
ent feature at the summer resorts this
It is figured that there aro 179,000
riders in Great Britain, 50,000 on the
continent of Europe, and 7,000 in tho
United States.
Tlio grand jury at Sitka, Alaska, is
trying to have the steamship company
indicted for importing tramps and
cranks into the territory.
The recent session of the Dominion
parliament lasted G-i days only, and 11 1
bills were passed, of which 51 emanated
from the government.
The following is-from a school exam
ination paper: "For what is Strasburg
noted?" A. For possessing a Gothic
spinster four hundred feet high.
An uproarious prohibition tight is go
ing on in Mississippi, liko that in Geor
gia last year. Tlio negroes generally
voto solidly for the liscenso system.
In Mexico they line theatrical mana
gers who omit any part of an advertised
performance. An occurence of this
kind tool; placo at l'achuca recently.
The short herring crop down cast
causes The Springfield (Mass.) Union
to remark that "it will make French
sardines scarce and high iu this mar
ket." An immense drove of rats recently
took possession of the premises of S.
W. Gaines, near Seio, Ga. Although
he killed ab uit one thousand there aro
mauv left. Thev have killed about $500
worth of ch ekeas anil other fowls.
The month of Ma in the state of Vera
Cruz proved fickle in the extreme as
to weather. Northers, soothers, storms,
mists, heat, dampness, rains, and other
atmospherical phenomena have siie-
occdeu one another without rhyme or
The most popular advertising' agency
in New York is the sandwich man wlio
bears on his breast the legend, "Satur
day half holiday," and 011 tho reverse.
111 uokt letters, the umcmo device.
Ladies will please not shop after neon
on Saturdays."
The capture of a 11 pound salmon
in a pond at Troy is causing inimenso
interest among the piscatorial, artists
of that city. It is a forerunner of what
mav be expected from the hsh planted
there several years ago bv tho United
States- commission.
A a means of defonse- against
the young men who liko to wear lino
olothus without paying for them tho
merchant tailors of New York havo
adopted the plan of obtaining judg
ments against tlio delinquents and then
advertising these judgments lor sale in
the newspapers.
The Atlanta Constitution olliiins thait tho
use-of tho word "drugj" in. "knocked
down and drug out," is. peculiar to
Georgia. And The Indianapolis Jour
?ial adds that when a Iloosier says "tho
coon sunk behind a log," ii ) has a sub
stitute for the word "sneaked," known
only in Indiana.
Mrs. Esther E. Fleming, of Dnnns
town. Pa., is the owner of alenion-troo,
the limbs of which aro now hanging
full of tho tropical fruit, one of which
measures 81 by 4i inches. The treo
was grafted on an orange stock iivo
years ago, and blossoms ami boars fruit
at tho same time.
The mayor of New Bedford, Mass.,
is not to bo trilled with. Recently a
railway company put down a track at
a point whoro his honor decided it
should not bo placed. Tho wrathful
chief then ordered tho company to re-,-'
move the track, but it refused whore
upon ho took three or four men aiid
tore tho track up himself.
Some of the iron manufacturers of
tho Lehigh valley havo begun to mako
stroet-paving blocks from blast-furnaeo
slag. Sonic pleasing littlo ornaments
of delicate t 1. aro already made from
slag, and if 1 can bo put iu durablu
block shape there seems to bo no rea
son why it should not boconie a favor
ite building material.
Says The Xenia (O.) Gazette: Wo
published the calf story several days
ago, but, as seeing is believing, wo can
not tell it without fear of soineono
doubting our veracity. The treo to
which tlio calf was tied was actually
uprooted and blown quite a distance up
hill, and the calf, still tied to the treo
whon found, was alivo and not hurt
A Nova Scot a bear, not succeeding
in getting through two-inch planks that
fonved livo feet of the base of a sheep
fold, reached above them, where inch
boards wero used, chowed and clawed
there untd he made a hole big enough
to scramble through. Tho farmer
heard the bloating of the flook, jumped
from his bed, and rushed to their aid,
clad in ono garment armod with a
tbreo-tined pitchfork. The ghostly
figuro was too much for tho bear, who
went out tho way ho came In and.