3 16 Orspi Scout UNION. OUKtiON. SAT, Jl'LY :. ISM). TO AIlVEIiTIRKKK. Tin' SCOTT lias n Much l.arei-r Clrru Litimi than any Paper in till" Sirtlon of (In- state, mill Is. therefore tin- IthST A l Vi:itTISlN; M KIM I'M. Tlil N a Trim Stnti'tnoiit. mill we shall not allow it to 1m qutianil l any other mpr. Advertisers will ilo well to nuiki' n notn of 1 1 I . Local and General. A Pocky Uoaii. The path of the avcraae political paper is generally n Very rocky one, especially when its life depends on the support that is Riven it by the party. Our friend, the editor of the Mountain Sentinel, is in considerable trouble, lie has been trying to run a democratic pappr for .several months past and finds that he lis n hercu lean job on his hands. Thi rouuty, unlike the most of counties, in blest with twodemo rratie inrtiu-i, and when the organ s:iys anything favorable to one party, the other gives hitn a kvk. and when, thhikinii to make amend, lie ;ivs something fa vorable of the kicker, he gets busted bv the opposite party for 1 1 pains, 'decently he lia itieurred 'the diplensuro of ihe party whose headquarter are nt La lirande, and tliev are determined to dissect him and throw the pieces to the four winds, and will prohahlv succeed in doing ho. llunning a politieal paper is a poor business, unless a man ha wtneient capital and inlhieuce to he dictator himelf, I'im: dtKi-.K Mixes. A gmitletnaii from Iloeburg, now in the Pine ereek piines. writes to the Plaindealcr: "I promised you some items from these mines, and will now proceed to do so. I have set up a Sal mon Mill, and am working custom rock from ditlerent ledges and give my patrons good srti"fiu-tion, my mill saving every col or. A number'of people have tried the tail ings but found nothing in them. The ores that 1 haveerushed Yield about as follows: No. l.f.Tiper ton; No. ''..f2f; No. II, $:S0; No. J, $27.r. Pine creek ores look well and pros pectors are going up there every day. The best ore I have seen here, come from the head of Powder river, and (iranitc creek, which promise well, both for gold and sil ver. This is without doubt to heroine a hue camp. Placer mines are pretty good ms a general thing. I have a .small placer that goes eight cents In the pan. I found a mine of wolves sit in it, thev panned out Well." V. J. Woiii.tv. Tin: Cokttht. Papers were served on A. N. Hamilton and A.T. Neil! the newly elec ted sherifi'niid clerk of this county, notify ing these gentlemen that their right to those offices would be contested. What the out come of it will lie we cannot jay, but think it will amount to nothing more than to give a lit'.le tumble to Neill and Hamilton. It is pretty well understood in whose inter est the contest is made, but it is not policy to name tho parties at present. The peo ple of I'nion county will probably mete out justice to them should thev ever again ask the favors of the Miter.-.. The secrecy with Trhich the matter was worked up, and the frivolous charges made, together with the parties who have been and are taking an active part to thwart justice, have already received the verdict of an honest and con demning public, as nothing honest is in the allair. but was stewed up in the greedy desire "to do anything, Lord." Htatk r.tivmiMTV. Wo acknowledge the receipt of the catalogue of the Oregon State University, located at Uugcno City. The work is e:v neatly gotten up, and goes forth a s a silent hut powerful representa tive of this popular institution. This is a State school, and each county in Ihe State is entitled to one liee scholarship in the collegiate department and an additional scholarship lo- each member or joint mem ber of the leghlatiiiv. Persons desiring a scholarship in the State University must pass a satisfactory cumulation in studies, for ii teacher's certillcute .before the County School Sujvrietend't of the county in which he or she ic.sldcs. The applicant must ap ply in writing to the County school Supt. at" least n month In fore the commencement of the school year. Tim Foumi at Portland. Portland is preparing for a rousing celebration, to last three days, commencing to-da'.', with races, baseball m. iteh and glass ball shouting; on Sunday, July lib., a grand concert by seventy-five musicians; a-.id on Mondsy, July Mb a proco-i-ion, rgcattu, rireworks , and a grand river parade of over live hundred boats, beautifully decorated and illumina ted. Numerous" oth.-r attraction will be added. Everything will he free to visitors, no admissiou'beiug churged to any of the entertainments prepare'! for this occasion. Excursion tickets, good for six days, will be sold on all lines of tr.ivel. This will be tho grandest celebration over given in the Northwest. An Aokh Pioskkk. Clackamas county lays claim to the oldest pioneer in Oregon, :t man named Fare,, who live near Oregon City, He U one hundred years old, voted at the late election and still manifests nn intelligent interest in all puhlio matters. He has been a resident of Oregon forty years, and was represented at the lute pio neer reunion at Oregon City, by his son, a youth of four score. IIoh.v in High Valley. June 20. to the wife of J. W. Miniiick, a daughter. John was considerably worried when the sex of the new comer was animuiuvd to him. as he was anxious for it to be a hoy. so that the name of Miunick might he perpetuated und carried along down through the coining Deration, vre are norr for jouu. nied if wi know what ought to he done if The many friends of Mr. Adam throughout the county, will he iiistr oinisoeuin wnicn oeeurreu nthishoifcc on Clover creek, un the VKUh. inst. Mr. .Milb r was only Mlek a vero f.-w davsund the announcement of Ids death was a Mirprise to all The remains were interred to the Union cemetery, the funcrul taking place on Monday. PnouKEsstNij Finw-y. The Pint) creek road is progressing finely, both the subscrip tion and the State part. We understand that both pnrts will noon he ready to trav el, all the acrlioiis to the contrary not withstanding, h Ins been Mated I hat the road never could lie built for anything like the money raised, hut it is behitfdoue, will be well doue. ( oiuiECT. -Why don't you trade with me ." said a close-fisted tradesman to a farmer, theottter day. Because," was the eharai ter.tle reply, "vou have never asked me to. I have looked all through the pa per for an invitatlou, in the shape of an udverti.cini m.butlo vain- I never go where 1 am not in ited. sir," (Kx. Ai'JtiwKi' Is- Ijmt Saturday, Mr. N. H. Orgr.i n. i.; 1 .1'irande. was adjudged insane, and - t kn down to the assylum on Sunday, Hn-i i -- reverse, for the j.t-t year has tendtl l..i,' upset his leasoii It 1 hotted ib ii .i Icm inniiths' ire'itm nt tit that fllsUIiU"" Mill plobahly set bini all right. Fou Sale. IQiS) acres of land, all in mie IkkIv. Alsuu Idmk in t'uioii, by Hell & Tutlle. Uuy the celebrated KimbuU pianos. IMA nboiV i iiL.nt Brief Bulletins. lllg oeJohratton at Klgiu to-day, Marble plaving is Ihe rane In tawn, Notic ing like it, Kastern Oregon wool couunanU a good price at present. Geo. Steele, of Pine Valley, was In town, during the week. Cole's circus will visit Kairtorn Orogcat du ring the summer. One quart frill; onus $1.1$ per doMti at Jo, Wright's tin ihop, You can get Pat. lee Cream Freeaers at Jos. WrlghPs tin skop, lfor the past few weeks, aevidenU hate been unusually Ireuuent. The pic-nie ground.s nro he4ng put In ttpi top order, by the committee. Quito a munlier of our citinent wHt go to lhiker City to-day, to 'thuiso, While here on the -Mb, drop in and pay your subscription to the Scot x, The i heapest place to get Mason's fruit jaw is at Jos. Wright's tin shop.. W, Capjn, M. I).. Surg.wu and Homeo patliiu Physician, Union, Oregon. Mrs. Watson will read the declaration of indepeudutee, on thcfUh, at this place. Miss Vada SwackhainenYill represent the Oodcasof Liberty, nttheoomingcclebratloit. Spiritual inthusiasm will Hkelv huhhle up (MTa.ioually-;ncxt week, perhaps, you know. Fourth of July o the fflh. this year. Of course Union governs the arrangements of things. The great Aine-dcan eagle, the kitiit-fisher and other noble birds of prey, 'Rah for M erica. Real estate in Union is increasing rapidly in value. A number of sales have been made recently. The West Side Telephone, is the name of a new paper just started at McMinville, Yamhill county, We are informed that the disease called 'blackleg," is again making its appearance among the stock. We learn that voung Ramus, who acci dentally shot himself lust week, in the Cove, is rapidly improving. Hull it Oignae arc doing a linejoh of car riage painting nt their shop. They know how to (idnipulate the brush, Fishing tackle, lire works etc., ;tt R. C. (ireig's drug tore. Call and examine his prices before punhnsing elsewhere. Remember the big eat to take place in this camp on the 5th, All neighboring tribe's are invited to lie present and help. Mrs. Riehey.of Fast Portland, is visiting her daughters, Mrs. J. K. Tuttle of Union, and Mrs. Mitchell and Mrs, Jewell of Cove. lion. L. R. I son. the newly elected circuit jude of the fith judicial district, takes nis seat Mom! ,y. He will make an excellent judge, Jasper Mitchell, of Antelope, sheared 13-I7 sheep thi season, the llceces averaging ii'j lbs. each. Th? wool was shipped to Chicago. Matt Hall, the invincible, returned from the Pine creek road, Wednesday. "We're iust awful glad to sec you." Chorus of voi ces by the . The old flagpole at the corner of Main and A streets was taken down and new halyards adjusted, and is again in position, really for service. Saturday last Shirley it Nodinc shipped from the 'i'nion depot about 10-0 head of cattle, and two car loads of horhes, for liinlseyc, Montana. The log drive at North Powder has been suspended on account of low water. The company have about -,000,000 leet of logs on the river near the null. Saunders has just received, from the Fast, a large assortment of men and boys' shoes, which will he sold at the extremely loiv price of from $1 to a pair. Samuel True.sdid is building a neat and substantial b.irn hear his residence, in West I'nion. It will add greatly to the conven ient e and value of tin premised, Haying will .soon commence, and farm ers will be in need of oil for their mowers. John Wright, the druggist, of this city, car ries a line line of lu urinating oils, Wright Rros. have placed un eighty-foot Hag statF in front of their ha!!, from the top of which the star spangled banner will wave .is the emblem of American freedom. Perry Hide and wife, says the Ilarrisburg correspondent to the Meruit! of Albany, lelt on the l;"ih for Ka.Uern Oregon. This gun tleman will take a look at our country. A purjo of f.")0 is being made up for the baseball game to be played here on the 5th., netweeu the ha (iran'do and Raker City clubs, Ihe winning club to take the purse. S. V. McFarrcn, this week received u large pen picture, executed by his brother, who resides in liainsvillc, Texas, it is about tho tlnest piccu of work, of thai kind, we have ever seen. Next Men day will be a lively time in this city, provided always that it don't rain. Celebration, election contest, and it base ball contest betwetn the champion clubs of Kastcrn Oregon. Dr. Strange returned to Union a few days ago for the pjrposu of moving his family and household titVccU to Pendleton, where he will take up his residence. He will visit Union occasionally, A.N. Hamilton and J. W. Norville, of unimerville, were in town during the week. They report buying a inojt glorious rain in their part of 'he emmtry, in consequence of which the farmers are much encouraged. It is said that Union is noted for its rings " Iet us see, there in the court house ring, the anti-court house ring, the whisky ring, the temperance ring, live 1th. of July rings, and the ring of good times coming. TheO. It, A N. Co. have reduced the faro from Huntington, Buker City, North Pow der la Crande. and Pendleyiu to Union, to one and one half fare for round trip tick ets, good trom the iiul. to tho (ith. inclusive-, The bivs mounted on their fiery steed, with lance In baud, practice daily on the ring tournament. Ie. levy's tufile char ger protested lively to being ridden through the gauntlet, the other evening, and for a wiiili joured among the lofty. R. C. Greig bat a new ad. in this Issue, to which we invite tie- attention of our read ere. Mr. I ireig carries Ule largest stuok of goods in bis line, of any drug store In I'n ion county, and takes particular pains to secure Use purest and best of t very thing. The new board of cuunty commissioners begin iheir duties next Wednesday, presi ded over bjr . P. Ooodsll as judge, and we expect", from the character of these awutle men. to see Union cuunty amu-cd irmu the k thurgy she has been in for the p i-t yiais It is rum 'icd that a puper is to lie sturtel at Miuit.K ridle, c htrd by Alexander Uea cbi n. an Jt'o- ni x .it that pl.i' e. Wonder ll il is III liis ii'e" ! I" b.i .si ),, in inui the iouiiU Hld-'i- s ,i' , I Mfo year- ilcni i ! We . i uitic tbl . "'it I h' sin ol ,i a t 'er Tin. thine- I ' b Kii ' t r the r'oimh of July committee, on the evening of the ftth. promises to he a inoxt attractive featuie of theeelebrstiou. The hr-l ol musc has been obtained for the occasion. An excellent supper will he served tti the Centennial hu tl. Tukeu, huludiiig supper, f-'-W. Council inftAting tryuight. Iits of fun, hi stora. for the Mb. Don't forgei t celejbrate at Union, on the 5th, Portland had 121 irvst for thp mouth of Jape. Dr. Capps' family arrived hi this city yes terday, Iuila Davis returned from itngene, last Thursday. 'IV Union mills a now running day and night, Oiiy a few more days and we will all be as happy as kings. Fight person lost tHoh" Uvea in tho re cent lire at Vancouver, Jl. i . Dr. Htrangeenme over from I'eiulleton, on the Pine cree k road business. Pilch plrnvr finds nro of alinosl dU oe otirrenee, hi the iuoiiiitdni of late. Judge .1. J Ralleray. of Pendleton, U over taking a hand in the election contest, Wm. Mulhollan came upfront Portland, yesterday, and will spend the Fourth lu Un ion. Dan. Chaplin was over Friday, on bnsl nes connected with the "state road ooin lnlssioners, News Items have been very scarce this week, and a good Item would have comman ded a fair price. Mr. R. S. Howe will have a swing put up on the grounds at the grove, and wcU go swinging through the lane. 15. Miller returned from Walla Walla, yes terday, b?ie he has been on a business and p'leasure trip, combined. The quack medicine umu Dr. (luersmnr do, has been sentenced to three years in the State's prison, from Portland. .Something's the ma,tter with the pintri monial adjuster of Union county this week, our foreman thinks. Zounds I A. F. Renson commenced carrying the nail between this place and the Cove, Thursday, the 1st., on his contract. The fire department should see thaj all tlu'ir equipments are in good tlx. that in case of a bhue, no time will bo lost. Tickets for the ball, on the evening of the 5th., including supper, onlv $2.50. A large CendHMce and an extra good thnp is an ticipated, The claims against the United Slates for damages to the' Chinese who wer driven out of Tacoma and other places, amounted tofllrU.UOO. het every man's onthusia-im run high over the glorious Fourth, and over settling, us soon as possible, that small account a: 'ovo drug store. Who are tho "many inlluential ultizensof Union county', who ire uitig the Oregoni ,in to puli!ih falschoo 1j in regard to the Pine creek road '! The hand boys made a tour through town, seated in John' Klliott's omnibus, and des iiensed sweet strains to the eager lisieners, Thursday evening. An immense drove of nits rcoontlv took possession of the premises of Mr, fi. . (ialnes, near Sleo, In tho past few weeks he lias killed about 1000. Our editor in chief is a little out of fix this week, hence the rheumatic condition ol spasmodic items in this week's issue will be understood by our readers. Jim. Rell is engaged in painting u banner for the I'nion Silver Cornet Hand. It i a daisy, of course, as Jim never does an thing'exeept lie does it well. It Is rumored by those who ought to know, that Judge 'Cond'dl will have to celebrate the taking of his olllco, with a doualioii of two keggs of beer. "Yes, I believe In the elght-hoiii' system," said a Western fanner, "1 work eight hour In the forenoon and eight i i Ihe alter, lu haying time I souictiuioi put in an hour or two extra." if the hurried storm clouds gather ovei all thesfirry sphere, on the Tiili., then what'.' And the melancholy maidens, in white dresses, gently weeps n moistened tear. ' I'will be too awful bad for their souls. Look out ! A too free use ol fire crackers and Chinese bomb on tha Ith., should not be all iweil. especially in tin1 business portion of the city, and holders of insurance poli pies should look well to their rights in Ibis respect. Rain has fallen in almost every purt of the county more than right around Union, Sometimes we like this arrangement verv well, mid sometimes wo don't. We have't liked it a bit lids season, however wo won't he selfish about it, Notwithstanding the dry season, tho grain crop will be much better than was oxjiected a few weeks Hgo. the recent rains having very in iterially helpel the grain, and the present cloudy, cool werthcr is preventing the grain front nodding, W. R. Johnson is cugaeed hi nutting up a new patent hay stacker, which is no doubt u gooil thing, and will be of great service In stacking hay. Farmers should call around to his shop,' adjoining the meal nmrki t, mid examine the machine. The Senate has passed a bill repealing the pre-emption and tiinh. r culture laws, bul a uieudfnn that portion of (lie desert act re ducing the number of acres allowed under one entry to 320 a-res, mid annexing addi l uial requirements not found in the old low. The subscribers of tho Chleftuln will all become experts on hieio.dvphiee. before long, or else they will go blind. We pity our brother, for if there is anything on earth that will unfit a man for the better land. It is to have ins paper look like well wo give it up. Miss Ida Chnncey, one-f the compositors of the Scout ottifc, present (1 ye editor, this week, with a howl of sweet and lucious cher ries, thinking, no doubt, tu sweeten his temper somewhat. The frift was apprecia ted very much, and many thunks Is returned therefor, Home one writing from High Valley, sign ing himself "Homo's Right Rower." In forms us that there is to be a big wedding in that section, between certain parties, in the near future. We don't know that we have uny particular objei t yns. Let the fe-tivities proceed. The special election held in Washington Territory l ist Tuesday, on the liquor one tion, probably went In favor of prohibition bv a fair majority. The larger cities did not give the whiskey men near ao large a ma jority as w.is pr 'dieted, while the smaller towns and the country precinct gave a ma jority vote in favor vf prohibition of almost two to one. The old lime p.ick-hre. with hie won derful burden of a complete outfit of out door liedruom set, a miner's cooking range witbaparatus attached, an ordnance de partment, magazine and all. with a com plete hue of tools for tafcimr out the cov. ted wealth bid ten lu the bowels of the earth, 1 a-- through our town every day in the w - ck. Tin -parlou Hi v ball of Union, looks a thoii.b .In- i it dads hud lurii. d ll onrio u isiil' of r ilimalit lioiiloiii: bocer Its , sn airs kiriicinre. Tin-i lly jail will do for Inderal leircl, us ll U imt rented Very oil. n, nud it is Utile llullbrtUl UliellM'r, II an applies! Inn wa madr, the Hi) marshal wiiulil be able to find It. The engine house of the lire department. h"eier, Is Will kept and i a eredll to the department. The walls are deeply fri'ded, and one ftu-U a pilde us hu exuinluu. the wonderful tippamtun fourth t July Procriyiiinc. All meet nt the court house ut 8 p'clock, ,Y. M, Procession to stttrt promptly at 9 o'clock, A. M. After arriving Rt the ground?, mutic by the Hand. Anthem, by the choir. Prayer, by the chuplnili. Singing, by the choir. Mttic, by the Imtul. Heading of the lleciarwtion ef lrle pendenee, hy Mr. WaUon. Singing, by the choir. ' Muiiic, by the band. Oration, by He v. (I. M. Irwin. Singing, by the choir. Dinuer, after which will 1j muiio, Plug-uglies, at 1 :30 p. in. Ikhe-hull contest, nt .1 p. m. King tourimment, ut 5 p. nt. Foot rnce, hurdle race, egg wme, ssck nice, eto. Ji'itv work?, nt 8:80. Umud ball in tho ovening, I'rljes oi Ibo Poiirtli. Tling Tournttment. Ut prise, $T.50. 2nd. prize, 2.50. Egg Picking. 1st. priac, sjf .50. 2nd. priite. $2.50. l'oot Knew. Prise, 0.00. Sack llace. I'rito, $5.00. All who take Mart in Hie celp.hr.iUou should he on Imnds promptly' nt the tune noted in the general programme. Antelope Horns, llnyiug lias commenced and is turn ing off ery light. Airs. Win. l?liike.leu has hern very nick for several dnyn, hut i getting bolter now, iMt-8. Henry Orcen is down from Cornucopia ou ;i visit to relatives und friends here. We have been favored with a nieo shower of rain which will do a great deal of good. Hubert Ihiyfictt returned from Wing villc on ycMerdny's train, lie reports! work light and times dull. Mr. Hugh Lynch received tho nad news of Ihe death of his -itcr, Mrs. Weldon Morris of Walla Walla valley. Mr. Harlow, the fa Hut of Mr. W. A. Catrs, has been visiting her at this place, this week. We Welcome all such good old men as Mr. Harlow, one of Oiegon'M old pioneers. Mrs. Illation AMihy while walking on the railroad track on her way to 1'elociiK'l, on Monday, cnuglit her foot on a rock, which caused her to fall, striking her face on the rail aipl cut ting quite a gatdi over the right ove. Dan Crowley met with tho bad luck lo loose his account book with thirty dollars, Bumewlu're between Union and the Hanio Hut. Any ono finding the mme will be well paid for their trouble by delivering the same lo him, or by leaving it at tins Hcout oilice. The fifteenth anniiiil exercise of the Port land high school, took place Wednesday. l'ur Ci'iltliniioll, We are in position to name bed rock prl ceionfients'.hirtN, Uuderwarc,Tiei,i30cks, Sieves, Sii'pe nderi, Handkerchiefs, Cull's, 'nllars. rtc. Kor ilOj. we furnish a lirst lass unlauiulried sliirt, For H.lio, best ,'rade of lutindried shirts. We solicit the patronage of all buyers ol (ients' Furn!diiug iSoihU, My writim; to uh, your purchases will be made economically 'und Mitisfacto nlv. Send us a trial order. OI.DS.V: KIN'li. 18fJ lHrft Street, Portland, Oregon. .lohn Wilson, a !-kld-gre:iser for Klmbnll .it Ordway & eldler'.s logging eamp, neur Astoria, 'heller kmnwt as ","Illy .laek," got ;i letter it short tlineago fioin Itiiuisgate, Knghiml, f nun his brother, will) u dralt for iSiiX) hi it. The letter told him that his papa w.is dead and that t'l 7,000 awaited him, as that amount was left htiii. Syrup ul I'Irs. Manufactured only by the California Fig s'yrup Co., Kan Francisco, Cal., is Nature's Own True Laxative, This pleasant Calilor- i'iu liquid fruit remedy may be had of all druggists, at fifty eentu or one dollar. Il is the moat pleasant, prompt, nud effective t meily known to cleanse the system ; to act on the Liver, Kidnev.s, and Iloweh gently yet tluroughly ; to dispel Ilcadauhes, Colds, ,i;nl Fevers; to cure Consumption, Indiges tion, und kindred ills. Lieut, Fred. Swatka, of Arctic fume, and an Oregon boy, has the euminiuid of the New York 'limes' exploring party, In the Alaskan Territory. It Is proposed to iiiiike a fcientllle exploration of Hint nortli-wnslerii country. What the result will ho Is hard to tell. It has been quite a valuable territory to the Halted States, so far, and It Is quit ' probable that as Its Interior Ih thoroughly explored, new sources of wealth and en terprise will open wdli il Kuad This. C, Vincent has jut received a splendid lot of boots, shoes, etc., which he will ill at a great reduction on former prlce.i, He means what he says. Try him. IIiikI" I'mijiur hlniji, S. H. Aylfi., niiinufuliiroT ofbulUtr bunoh mid kegs, bus always on hand a good supply of tho best quality, and will sell tiiein at reasonable prices. Give him u call ut his shop, soutl of the school house, Union. Il utitisiit'iui, Oregon. Siuiie three inoiiihs ago I was Mtlaekcd with a severe pain hi my back. I bought a package of Ihe Oukook Kidkkv Tim, ami hy the time I had used oue-lmlf of It was entirely relieved and have nut been troubled since. I cheerfully recommend It to all who may be suffering from a lanin or week hack, as a pleasant, safe and soud semedy. I!.. I. UltrUlJUV. Care for I'llm. Piles are frequently preceded by a soiue of weight lu live back, loins and lower part of the ftbdomeu, cudng the patient to sup poe he luis seme affection of the kidney or neigh boring organs. At tlmi's, symptoms of ludlgystliiii are present, llalulency, uury lloss of the stomseh, etc A moisture llk-tH-riipinttiou, irduciiig a icry disagreeable field in' after getiluv (srm, I a eomiinui atieiiilsut. lllhicJ, Tlh-edliig. and llehhig Piles yield at oaee to Ihe application of Dr. liusanl.u.s Pile Itemed), which acts directly upon ihe luris effceted, nbsurblng Ihu Tuinor, alfaylug the Inteiue itching, and effeetluy a pcruiuiirnt cure. Price, fw ei'iits, Address, Tliu Dr. liosauko Medicine Cin. pany, l'hU, O. hold by J. T. U'ilght( Lluluu, Olecou. Covo Culling. July 1st., ISSrt. lf. E. Harris has cispo.cl of hia in terest in the Indian creek sa mill, to II. W. Weaver. Oruintnprs hailing from every part of the union, are s wanning uhout the rlefeufelesn merchants. , A hand of horees run into, n wire fence, outh of town. Wednesday, and tome were shockinglv cut aitl lacera ted. Prof. V. V. Hl.mchet slarteil Thurs day, for Port la ml. He will visit lhrn c, and attend the celebration in the i inetropohe on the .ml. and nth. Tho Hoylcg coinhinatiou of gosjxd spreaders, of whom mention was made in last week's Scot'T, are advertised to ojieu, war upon the sinner, in Cove, to-night. C. CJ. Olson inndo Covo Acepain lances a briof visit this week. lie will return about the 1st. of August, and accept n position' in tho Cove llunring mill. Wm. Humes, who met with the se vere .u-eid.mt two yeeka since, by the premature discharge of his rillo, is im proving and will recover. The bullet has been extracted. Mrs. Jennie Fairbanks, of Lower Cove, is improving after a very dan gerous illness. Her husband was tele graphed for, and arrived, this week, from Washington Torritory. L. Hyron Oeer, nephew of the Cove sage, 11. J., has arrived from Walla Walla, and will probably make this place liis home. He brought with him liis Hock of line blooded theep. (). 1'. Jayeox has disposed of a por tion of the laud adjacent to the flout ing mill, to P. W. Hurford and TIiof. llulick. The purchasers intend im proving their tu n aecquisitiona. A large crowd will witness the. hu loon ascension, Saturday ove. July Ilrd. at I) o'clock. It.issaid Prof. A. J. Ilack ett lus been engaged as acrauaut for the occasion, Hie gentleman being an ox perl on the trapeze. No, thanks, we don't drink bcor. The la. st, we had was manufactured of very popr hops, and we have sworn oil'. Frank and Win. Do not ever whisper it to any one, hut my wedding dress is ordered. tf. Much obliged for your thonghtfulness, but 1 will paddle my own canoe. 1). Don't want any miners rooting around my premises and digging up the soil. D. As I was riding behind, 1 could not help noticing their friendly demon strations toward each other. H Huntmurvillu Sil'tings. Weather showery. New potatoes on deck. F. S. Paul has returned fronfJ Can yon City. Mr. Jolju HinehaiL was in Union two or three days, last week. Kdgar Collins took his hand of horses to tho Wallowa Ihe present week. A. Shaw was down from Pine creek, Sunday, lie reports work progressing rapidly. The new mail service to tho Wal Iowa goes into ofl'cct on Thursday, July 1st. The oontestod election caseii are the absorbing topics of the day at Suni- meiviUo. Miss Prudence Cooper, of the Dal les, is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. IS lliuchart. J. II, Hinehart wan in Hutlo City, Montana, last week, introducing hour from the A una-Lulu mills. Mips Anna Hinehart and Miss Win nie Patlon were visiting in La Grande, Tuesday and Wednesday of last week. Mrs. Williams, of Joseph, was in Summerville, Sunday, on lior way to Texas whither she goes on a visit to hor parents. C. U. Oliver's term of school will close Friday next. Wo understand tho directors have engaged him for the winter term. The Sutnnu-rville Hand will go lo Union, Monday, July full. Tho hoys hnvo been making rapid progress during the past few weeks. Horn. To the wife of C. D, Chil dors, Friday, Juno 25th., a daughter, weight eleven pounds. Tl'o mother doing well, and tho father may recov er. Tho hoys havo boon indulging in the plcusant sport of foot-raoing, sev eral evenings during llio past week, Thomas Paul walked oil" with tho bolt, Saturday evening. Mr. O. II. Fay, living on the Sand Ifidge, has quit breaking sod for the souton, and will sot his forcu of men at work teaming. July 1st. Mr. W. II. Cleavinger will atill continuo to act un overseer. Several "Summorvilliaus" will run ticato in tho mountains the coming week The cashier of the Summer ville Hank has tuk&u thu contract for furnishing thepary' with game during the time they may bo absent from town. CitA.VK. A Ituilnblu Arllule. For enterprise, push ami a desire to get swoh goods us will give the tiiitlesatlxfimtlon, ,1. T. Wright, the druggist, leads alftxiiupo titlon. He sells Dr. Itosiinko's Cough mid Lung Hyrnp, because its the best mailable ou the market fur ooughs, col-is, croup and i i rin wry consumption. Price 50 cenU and l.uo Samples fro. lltilug llrn 1 linisiiiit. To the taste, inure aeenplehle to the sloiu ache, and more truly beiiellelal hi Us notion, Ihu famous California llrnihl fruit remedy, syrup of Pigs, Is rapl'dy suuertadlug all others. Try It. For sale by all ifrjngbts. Snoll llelUhil.v Woodurd, wholesale ilguuU, Portland, Oregon, The Kimball organs Iiuyo no equal. Now is tho time to subsoribo for tho 8i;oit. Commence with Vol. U, No, 1, Pny-lv Pickings, Juno nOth, 1880. ,Mr. Jaycox and Mr. McMahon, two, genial tons o tho Cove, wera in tho Park, last week, on business. The leeent showers have tlojio won ders toward reviving the drooping tendency of the crops, hereabouts. The iople of this place have organ ized a Sunday School, and wc hope to see a good attendance each Sab bath. The huckleberry prospect was never InHter, which U very gratifying to tho average young people who want an excuse for roaming over the moun tains. Mr. Tesl, a gentleman from Eugene, is leaching music in the Park. Tho people aie well pleated with having secured the services of so competent a Ipacher. It the gentleman that borrowed tho bacon out of my smoke house, is in need of more meat, I will inform him that I now have on hands some very nice mutton which will probably suit his taste even belter than tho bacon. S. V. Mr. Huntington, agent for tho Peerless and other organs, accompan ied by Mr. Hichey, a very talented musician, was, canvassing in the Park and on Hig creek, during the past week. They succeeded in selling two instruments. You may all talk about your cele brations, picnics, dances anil eagles with their tails and wings spread, etc, but all those who miss the dance at Wright's hall, ou Friday evening, will hate themselves for the ne."t year, and they will resemble tho man, in Dr. McLano's almanac, before taking. AVMskcy Creole Corks. June 27th., 1SS0. Hurrah for the Fourth 1 A gentleman by the naiuo of Hall, is in the valley buying brood mares. Herring and Williams have been up on Hurricane creek to work on their lodge. The latost assay shows it very rich. Several light showers within tho last two or three days. The crops look well, vol. a good soaking ruin would help them.' The people of this neighborhood intend to have a celebration of their own, this year, in (he timber on Whis key creek. Everybody invited. Some of lo boys around hero intend to start out prospecting, soon. Par ties who have been out, way there aro men in every gulch as far up as tho snow will permit them to go. In the preliminary examination of II. K. Chamberlain in the Woodruff and Chamberlain trouble on election day, Chamberlain was accipiitted, the evidence showing that Woodruff" nt tempted to draw liis pistol beforo be ing struck by Chamberlain. The evidence was very contradictory. A J AX. Toloeasol Taifclings. Hay-racks, mowers, rakes etc., aro being repaired preparatory lo com monce haying. The few orchards in Pyle canyon are donning a red coat of luscious fruit, cherries especially, which maku the mouth and eyes of the poor trump water. They do look tempting, Horn. To the wife of T. H. John, son, June 2.'!id., a nine pound boy, Mother and child are doing well, but Tom's condition is beyond hope, Too bad, indeed. Hut such is life, Tho sheep shearers, after a two month seige, are quietly returning to their homes. The boys will not admit now, that sheep shearing is a profit able business, but tho coming ceh brat ion will reveal I lie truth. Wondor if tho writer of tho Ante lope items, in last week's issuu of tho Scout, is going to try to play oh" hon esty on the part of the republicans in Antelope precinct, as a cause, .for -tho polls not being opened in that placo. Honesty is a good policy, but in,caso of ignorance, honesty should never bo culled an excuse. Joseph Joltings. Hright sunshine and showers. A hundred rancher taken in Wal lowa this year. Josoph will celebrate the 5th. of July in grand stylo, Trade and business of all kinds in a good healthy condition. There will bo immense crops of all kinds in Wallowa country, this year. Married. At Josoph, Juno 27th., 1SS0, J. A. McAdams and Miss Nettie Martin, Prsnpootors are numoroua, and they aro making eomo very promising dis coveries. Small fruits in abundance Splen did trout HUliing and largo game plentiful. Wo havo a thousand first class homes yet to hu takon, and in ono of the most promising sections on tho Paciilo coast. Kujrilule to Health. Health U wealth. Wealth moans Indepen denoe. Tho Keynote Is Dr. Homnko's Cough and Lung Syrup, the bust Cough Syrup In the world. I'll rt CJough, Coldi. Pains lu the i 'best, llroiiuhltts and Primary C'ouaump tlon, One done gives relief hi every eae, Take un other, l'floe Wl cents and tU bamples free. Bold hy J. T. Wright, Union, Oregon. l'ur Ualu. An excellent place udjolnlng this city for sale at a bargain, it contains 40 acres of splendid land, good dwelling houjo and outhulidhigi.uuu the bust orchard In, thu country,. For further Inforumtipn "I'I'ly ut this ofllco, Milliard fublo for into cheap, quiro gt this office. JCh-