The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, July 03, 1886, Image 4

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Tie Oregon Scout.
to aivi:i:tisi:k.s.
Tim SCOTT Ims n Much I.nrRor t'lrrii
Intlon tliim iwiv rnju-r In till Si-ctlmi
if tlio Ktntc, mill In, tliriefore tin; ItKST
Till In n Trtie Statement, nnil w
Kliiill iKilnllnw It l lie qucstioneri liymiy
other miner. AilvvrtlmtrH will ilo well
to ninke n mile nf tliln.
Vith this iksiic, the Scout outers
upon the third year ot its existence,
ami it docs so with brixhtci prospects
than nt any previous time, and it may
now bo considered n pcriuancnt insti
tution. AVe desire at this tune to
tlinnk the people in general for the
liberal support which has enabled us
to make the Scout what it is the
foremost paper of the (jounty. While
our advertising patronage has not
bcon as great as it might, and should
have been, tiro increase in eiivnhlioii
Las been soiiiGtliiuir remarkable no
less than seven hundred subscribers
having added themselves to our list
uuiin" the past vear, which jjives us
a much larger number of readers than
nny county paper has ever before
enjoyed, and the list is rapidly in
creasing. We are gratified at this,
for it proves to us that our endcarois
to build up a good newspaper, and
the support wo have given to every
moyo lending to benefit the county at
large, as wcjl as the excoriations we
Imvohad occnsiouallv, to administer to
direlcct ollicials, and thieves that have
been mistakenly placed in positions ot
trust, have been appreciated. We
shall endeavor in the future, us in the
past, to merit whatever patronage is
given us, and promise our readers
that in a short time some vast im
provmcnts will be made in the Scout
yo are maicing negotiations tor a
steam cylinder press, which will en
nblo us to onlargo the paper, and give
otir readers i greater amount of read
ing matter , including the very latest
market and tclcgraphie reports. Oui
manner of conducting business ha
been to commence at the bottom and
build up, and not to strain our wings
in endeavoring to lly loo high at first.
Our readers will note that we have
uovor promised an improvement that
wns not made, and we promise that
the above mentioned improvements
Will bo mado during the hummer.
Wo would, at this timu, liko to im
press oil the minds of our friends,
who are prono to bo a little slow
about paying any litllejimount they
may bo owing, that it takes money,
iukI lots of it, to run a newspaper.
It costs us llfty dollars to get up, anil
mail each issue of the Scout, audit
is very apparent that (ho money must
oomc from the patrons of the paper,
therefore they should make it a rule
to pay promptly, lly doing so they
Will certainly have a freer conscience,
and at least be rewarded by getting a
much heller paper, With many
thanks to our friends for favors, and
sincerely hoping that the same will he
continued, wu equip the Scour for
(mother campaign and trust that he
will bo a welcome visitor to every
fireside, and a source of pleasure to
People' have been wondering what
hplrll came over Mrs. Puuiwny lately.
A year ago she said in a tpccch at
.1'oineroy , W. T. :
"I congratiilalo the ladies on
having received the right to use the
ballot, and urge tlieiu to use it in
'sweeping the'whiskoy tratllc and sa
loons from the land. ' ' '
Shu is now and has boon stumping
the territory in favor of the whiskey
ring and against tho passage of a
local option law. Tim voters of (he
territory have an oleetiou next llon
uay on the question) and it seems as
If Airs. Duniwny has ''reformed"
iiud 1 'gone back" on her tcni'hings
of the past ten years. We have al
ways insisted that there was no con
sistency in her preachings for woman's
suffrage and now slid ha proved It,
ulso how could she t-upport the rum
power, afier a victory for universal
rlifliUf Many of the friends she has
huulo for her cause in Oregon, will
" reform' ' nlo null from Ibis tinio on
her influence In a statu where thu pro
hibition movement Is growing, Will
bo lcks and less and Dually wahe.
Uor brother, Mr Scoti of the Urego
liliui, is on the oilier side and it Is
olio of the anomalies of Journalism
llow tho two play suu-saw with such
lin important (jiionllon. Vlitdirnlur.
run run in aokxts
There tioyerhas beou what Is torlned
U wagon roml subsidized by li gov
ernment laud grant anywhere on this
const which hM6 not boon u fraud and
ti swindle. Thoy were conceived by
ftCCrct conclaves of public plunderer
lot their own special bcnolltj and tile
fltfltoiiicnt of their completion accepted
by tho puvcnimonl on false toad
inony4 There Is a fact connected
with the work doutf uu tho Oregon
ftiid California tr agdil rdrltl tllo ilorlh
m Wriitliht f ffliidi i Ai tltfn
City, which will Illustrate ono of the
methods adopted by its managers to
work it for all there was in it. In
the summer of 18C7 or 1808 work was
being done on tho Cascade division of
the road along McKcuzie's river and
to the summit of the mountains. The
company had not realized in their land
steal and were unable to prosecute the
work, IJoii Simpson was at the tinir
Indian agent on the Vaquina reserva
lion while 15. .1. I'engra was boss ot
tho wagon road scheme. The two
held a conference and It was deter
mined to take every able bodied Si
wash out onto the road under pretence
of berrv gathering, and work them
on the different grades. And it wa
done. What oenctit the inihans ever
derived from their labor never became
a matter known to the public, but il
did become a question which involved
considerable correspondence between
the agent and tho powers at Washing
ton. Inasmuch as Scuatoi Dolph i
engaged In ventilalingthe true inward
ness of wagon road land steals, il
might be well for him to inquire into
the matter here ieferred to. Ho will
doubtless find some record of it in the
interior department. Exchange.
Tin: interior department is trying
to arrive at some rule that shall gov
ern the department in future in ruling
upon swamp lands. It is a general
principle that all oversowed land not
lit for cultivation belongs to the stale,
but it is claimed (hat in (he states ol
Oregon, and California, especially,
there are thousands of acres elaiinci
by the state that really belong to the
general government. There are sev
eral thousand acres involved in the
present controversy in this stale. Il
is particularly complicated, from tlx
fact that settlers have taken up a good
deal of it and it immcdiatclv becomes
i question as to their standing, in cast
the lands revert to the general govern
ment. It is proposed to settle the
question once for all by a general rule
if possible.
sued a circular letter to the Knights ol
Labor, warning the order that capi
talists ore endeavoring to work then
spies into the organization, for the
purpose of procuring radical or revo
lutionary legislation) and therefore
warns tho order to be on their guard,
and lo bear in mind that (he (lucstimi
to be discussed at the Richmond Gen
eral Assembly will be, shall Intelli
gent, prudent action on (lie part ol
organized labor, manage the affairs
of tho wage workers, or will we allow
the inanimate thing, ?alled capital,
to regulate our affairs for us? Let
neither callnnny nor ridicule, coer
cion uor llallerv, linliorv, friends mi
nor haired, religious or political feel
ings inlluciice you in selecting repre
sentatives to the next general assem
bly, put none but Knights of Labor
true and tried on guard at lticliinoud.
Pun bill reported to (he 1 1 0110 from
the Public Lands committee, prohibit
aliens, or corporations whose stock is
held to tho extent of one-third by for
eigners , rroiu acquiroing title to real
citato in the Territories, will doubtless
become a law before the adjournment
of the present Congress. Mluiy of the
Slates have already parsed laws pro-
hibio'uing foreigners from acquiring
title lo real (Mate, and doubtless all
the othor Stales will pass similar laws
in the near future, and thui at once
and effectually stamp out this move
ment toward landlordism in this coun
try, It cannot be done too quieklv,
Unuimi the deceptive plea of restor
ing lo the Cniled Slates certain lailds
granted lo the Northern Pacific coin,
pauy, Senator Dolph is advocating the
passage of a bill to conllrm lo that
company lh,0OO,(.HH acres of land,
much of which lias helm forfeited bv
noiicoinpllHiice with thi' provisions
of I ho (J rant act. Tho tactics of the
wild' Senator were discovered in time
to prevent the passage of tho bill,
which had been favorably reported
from the 'onuiilttce mi Public Lands.
Peulcr in Kvcrv Variety of
m i
We now haw m hand a larR aasortuient
iV Fill: IT T.Mll.Krn, which nr nvkiiowt
etigwl tu bu th purest uud hwiltliliMl ooii
lei tiouery in the world.
Particular nut ation it imited to iny lilt of
Fishing Tackle,
Which are in nrvttl variety und vary
rc.isolia'ile in prices.
liijuddiiioti t Hip above we carry in U V
neHr')' erary arik'lc UKWuUy kpl In a find
cl druxUre. ineluiii'ip
Spun, Tiitssesr
Shoulder UrdtDs,
flc. I
t'i(i?iivi i vi iiuia. 1 1 1
hky WijMt OMiAns) Ktci
km and
Having rented the old stand formerly occupied by I. A. IJoskowitz,
I have IMJHMANENTLY LOCATED and" opened up a
New, Full and Complete Assortment of
BOOTS and SHOES, HATS and CAPS, etc. etc.
New floods arc Constantly Arriving, and all Departments of the Store
will be kept 1SULL and COMPLETE,
-d W7f .. TWfW
And invito everybody to come and examine goods, learn prices and
judge for themselves. 1 BUY and SELL FOR CASH,
My motto is:
.A.. Xj. STTHSTIDIEIE&S, Proprietor,
mriM B irr wi;ak, nervous and debilitated
1 L ! Ill I hl km a r-r-, mm x
otinL'a'id niiddle-agcd. who have. Iy their
loon theniselve.s nervous prostration, (lelnhly,
on.e of the following eH'cets: Nervousness,
iry, Pimples on the Knee. Aversion to Society, ant ot Amliitiou, Melancholy, Dyspep
sia., Loss of Power, Pains in the Mack, etc., etc.; for all such derangements
i permanent cure is guaranteed by the Usr of Tamak Tucatmiixt.
Tnnmr Treatment I'itkci-IImmI ly tins l.eiiillng )'liy).t('l;inw. Iteail Wlint They Say i
St. Louis, Mm, Feb 10, 1SSU.
"For more than three years I have usqd
Pamak TitKATM i:st with the best results. 1
recall now several cases of seminal weakness
md debility with all its evil eoasccpiences
1 have treated during the past year, which
have been cured by tho u.-i! of the Tkcat
mknt, and several ol Ihesp cases were in the
last .stages. The composition of the inner
cut medicines contained in the Titi.ATMKXt
indicate, and its ellccts. prove it to be a spe
ilie restorative of nerve and sexllal power.
You are at llbertv to use my letter in any
way that will contribute to your pleasure ef
orollt. There afe so many nearly worthless
proprietary medicines, ot this kind on the
market (and every day is adding to their
number) that when one is found to be re-
PA MA It T1IKATMHNT is sold on its
necessary tor over one mouth s treatment,
ercise, diet, hathe, etc. ; price, tam ku 1 aiiATMCXT.perpacKage -'.w; inrec pacKajjeso.tu;
sent pi'epaid and sceitrelv scaled on receipt of price.
TAM A It TKKATMftNT having been used so successfully in private practice and in
the hospitals of St, Louis for the past llfteen years, and knowing, as wc do, its wnmlerrul
curative ell'ects, wo will give the following guarantee : With each order for : packages
Jis treatment J, enclosing .so,, we win
monev if the 1 iuhtmknt iloes nut euect a
is security against loss. Send monev bv
ter, at our risk, Address' r;. l. isijAKr;
Mar ket Sts., St. Louis, Mo.
11 A
Main Street,
Has just Received an Immense Stock
'lease compare the following prices
Guns, Revolvers,
ill! Ilia IM
tMWm f :!;;;:
fi Win ft... ffrtff l fl..- i- i m. , . u
i ir n n t ?tn rn t.rrmnrn n n inn
Has a Mammoth Stock
Ko Oticls Unci Ends froin Euiulown
Stocks, but
lewost id Best Boob in tie Market.
Woolj .ilides
anm Grain .Bought
a run em m j
Tlip great restorative and tonic,
especially prepared for nieii.
indiscretions or excessive indulgence, liroughl
nervous mid physical weakness, producing
Ilehilily. Dimness of sight. Defective Mem
ally valuable f think it the duty of the pro-
fesaion t.nnakc it known
J. 'A. HALL. Mi D."
017 W'nhiiit .St., St. Louis. Mo.
TvMAn Tucatm knt is proscribed dally for
all forms of nervous debility in both sexes
as well as for checking the unnatural secret
losses which cau0so much loss of vitality.
The medicines are prompt in action, and
permanently restore those weakened by ear
ly indiscretion, exces-rs or overwork of the
lirain. A number of physicians have dis
carded all the hyjophophitcs, Damiana
phosphorus formulas itnd invariably pre
scribe Tamak Tkpatmknt with the best re
sults. T?in Ti:i:tm(!.t is composed of medi
cines most aaiveaiile to the taste anil well
tolerated by the stomach.
merits. Kaeh package contains all medicines
with luu ami coiupicio instructions now to ex
senu our v, inicii uaraiiice io rciiiiio nie
cure. racKages sent i u. i. on receipt ot i,
express. J. (). Money Order, or registered let
A cu., Mif rrotinuters, ."s. v uor. oui. aim
Union. Oregon,
of New Goods,
which he will .-ell at a
"SWtf!" PVi
with those of other stores in the county
Hay Forks
. . 75o.
. av.
Manure Forks
Pake, and Hoe handles
. . .7.V. 1 land SuU . . 78f.$2.60.
. . 50c. fc'imdos 7fio
POc. Snaths . . &7V.
3l..e. Powder COu.
11.00. Hummer .. . flue.
2.V;. Ijuroka Wringer $tfi60
1 Traps .... 25c.
Toui'l Packs 25c.
Single trees, ironed fl.OO.
N'et k Yokes ,, $t.-i5.
The finest As.-ortinent of
1 11 the County.
The ( elebnitiii
and Anumition.
of Dry Coods and
vnu Hold
13 a U ViW a li vs m U W M
iiiii.y iSiiiiiji
The BEST Washing
Machine in the World!
S. M. WAIT, Pnoi'iiiETon.
WaitBro's. Agents for Union county,
This niHcliinc is without doubt the host in
existence, nail give F.NT1RK satisfaction
wlierevi r tried.
i3f-Im:Iiiiiesiii stock nt J. It. KATON'P
SlnJlH. where thev cnii lie bought at any
Searchers of Records, Convey
ancers, Real Estate and
Tni'iii, .... Oregon.
Kcturns pri'inpt'y lnaile on nil eo'leetInii..
Having sni iibtr;u"t of tic- records in ur
otllce, a! tracts of t tie prepared with dis
patch. ( halves moderate.
"Silver-heel." a Clydesdale stallion, dark
brown in color, and weighing about 10T0
lbs., will stand this season at my ranelie on
the Sand ltidge. Free pasture for tho con
venience of parties living tit a distance.
Teums: Ten dollars for the season. Mon
ey payable after service.
1 will also stand two other horses at the
same place. A. it. CON'LHY.
Farm For Sale!
Situated about one mile from North
I'owder. containing 100 acres. Good
lions-, barn and oilier outbuildings.
Hnquirc of J. YV. KLMI5RHLL.
North Powder.
Farm For Sale.
Containing KS) acres of good land, situ
ated one ipiartcr of a mile 1 list of Suininer
ville, all under fence. There is an ordinarv
dwelliiig House on it, and a good barn anil
outbuildings. It has a good vicll, and is
additionally supplied with water bv a stream
which llows through it. About one-half of
the laud is undereulllvation. Will sell it for
S i f 50 per acre.
which Will include the following farm ini
plcitii nt.: One mower, 1 rake,:! breaking
plow.-, 1 harrow, 1 roller, 1 second hand
wagon and hal-iies, one-half interest in one
head, r, J0,00 rails, -jo.utXJ shingle-, tons
of hay, and other thing-, too numerous to !
incut ion. A good title will Legiven, it is a
great bargain.
For further information call at tills ollicc.
Sheriff's sale.
Wilr.iuski ltros, A Co. and Oregon Furni
ture .Manufacturing Co.
Han. F. Moore ct al.
Under and by virtue of an order of sale
and decree of foreclosure isMied out of the
Circuit court of the State of Oregon, in and
for Union county, on the L'Ttli. day of Feb
ruary., in the above entitled action,
wheK'in Marx Wil.insUi, Albert Wilzinski,
II. .1. Sidenmo, and A.J. I.achinan, partners
doing business under the lirm name of
Wilzin-ki Pros. A Co. and the Oregon Fur
niture Manufacturing Company, the above
named nlaintiH's obtained a judgement and
ccii e anamst I) in. v. Monro and Kiuina-
et It. Moore hi-wife, defendants, recorded
in judgement book , of said court, on
,.,m, ; 1 (lI commanded to ell all that
c( nam lot, piece or parcel of land situated
in the county of I'liion, State of Oiegon,
md bouodei' mid described as follows, to
wit : Tweiity-thiee Ci'S) feet olfof the south
-ide of lot number Three ;i) in block num
ber Onet I), in the town of West
1011 I'ountv, Oresfon, according lo tile plat
of said town also, that certain niece, lot or
parcel of land, hounded and de-eribed n
follows, to v't : r.egiiming at a point UilSU
feet west ol the icirlh-viest corner of block
No. SiV ((). llannail addition to the said
(own of West I'nion, according (o tlie plat
of said town, thence vest J0i) feet, thence
south 410 feet, thence west 0 feet, thence
south HO feet, 1 hence oa-t 1.00 feet, thence
north feet to the place of beginning, ul
so in the said eoiiutv of I'liion, State f
Oregon. Notice is hereby given that on
Monday the tilth, d, iv of Jul v, IcWi, ut 10
o'clock A. M. of that day, 'nt tho court
house door in th.' town o I'nion, Countv
of I'liion, State of Oregon, t will, in obedi
muse to said order of sale and device of fore
closure, sell nil of (lie s.dil P.'ii. I', .Moore's
and Knnnm't If Moiiiv's rieht. title and
llterii-t ill said pr(in'c- above (lescfibed,
r so tuiicli t!i "e.if as in.i lie necfssarv tn
ssti-fv hdutiir - 'uiigim til , fur th.' siiin of
J4,t:i,)'.sii, with ii,ietc-i liiercmi, le-s the
-ii tn t s li, "ri, i ndo"ed on --id order of
-lie, to the hi lu-t a lid in ,-t In M r.for cash.
I'nion, On g.. i. .1 uiic I .'tl' , I - v. ,
S!:erilV'if I'nion o sn'.y. Origou.
126 First St., PORTLAND, OF..
No charges for filling orders
spnii For? rinnui an. v5i
tin SaEli
Sift Iritis
IIK8T IX T1H". WO li I.I)
II rurn )ualli'-- mo iiiisurr'i-xsl. HCIuaJly
outlai'lnKlMl' (it t.t)ierlrm,.l. Ftutnn
jiimilOlU. HUT Till! UUNtlNJ
foii sau: m
Orcsou uud WiimIiIiikioii Trr. aiorchauts
niul DcuIei'K ccuiriilli.
1 1
Of the 110th. Anniversary of Ameri
ca's Independence.
uon9 - Oregon,
Grand Procession at io A.M.
Oration at Grounds, by Rev. G.
M. Irwin. Rending of Decla
ration of Independence.
Public Dinner on the Grounds at It; M .
Music will be Furnished by the Un
ion Silver Cornet and.
Foot Race, Sack Race, Egg J'acc,
.Hurdle Kucc,' Etc.
Entrances will close at 10a. m. Julvo.
The Ancient Order of JPhitf.s
Will appear at 11 o'clock p. 111.
(.li.VNO DI-PI. Y
Xo pains will bo spared to make
this one of the Grandest Celebrations
ever held in Eastern Oregon.
Ity Order of the Committee.
I.AXDOui-tci: .t La (iiiAXiu:, Oiihoon, I
.lunell, IS8(I. f
Notice i- hereby gien that the fullowiiiL"
liiinicd settler ha, tiled notice of his inten
tiou to make llnal proof in -unport of Ids
elaim, and that said jiroof will be made be
fore 1,'egister and Keceivcr at I.a Uraiul' i
Oregon, on duly ill, 18vS'(l, vi.i
Siiinuel soulli,
lid. No. asilil, for the SW Xli NW Sli Nts
SWiInd NW See. -J Tov.iisldp (ISoulli J -Jl
KW.M. lie nnnie-the following witnes-es
to prnc Ids coutmiioii- residence upon, and
etiltlviitinii of, -aid land, viz : Joseph Van
dervanter, .lolui Vauordcr, Itlvhiird South,
and Abrain Vandeniiiitei', all of I'nion, Or.
I1i:ni:v Himuiaut,
jlllllU-(t. liegi.-tef.
Lank oki ici: at .. (iitAMin, Onr.ooA,
.Itlliell. I8tll. J
Notice is hereby given Unit the followiiu."
named settler has filed notice of his lutein
tion to niske tlnal proof in support of Inn
claim, and that -aid proof will he made be
fore Pegl-ler mid l!eeeler at I.a Ui'tuidei
Oregon, on .lulj 20, 1W0, vl.:
A liralinni Hiiilevanlur.
11(1. No. IWfi, f,,r the SIC l-l See ;Uti, .' h.
i I!. I! IA.M. He naiiit s the following wll
iiiif , July 1 1
iiumsthe following wit
is contiuuuii'i reshtencc V
tion of, -Id laud, vlri M
r, John Vauoiiler, Itieh yf
Samuel south, nil of Uij
llK.NliV ItiNiutAht. f
- 4
lie 0s to prove his uontiuuoiH resilience
; upon, nnil cititlvntin
I .lixeiih Vuiuleaitter.
urd M. Soiithi und Samuel i
ion, Oregon.
l.A.MJ OMIT Af LA 0tt.Sfl)t!,0KtC0k,
.lili.ii i). IfVfl. I
Notice l herehv gheii that the foIl iwhiS
n lined setll r hn- tiled notiw) of Ills iilten
tiou to nuiki' flind liroiif in siiiiiiort of hi
ehd a, and tluit .-u a i oof vrl.l he nimlr he
fore licpi-tcr hikI Itewlver t La Gnuuti'i
Oregon, on duly ?xi. Jn8u,
Klfliuril .!, Sjimtli,
Hd. No. 3 US, for the V ).' SW .sc i r.rtil
imm the rolloWluy wit (-m to i rovJ
hi cou'liuiou- i-esldence unon. and ettltli.u
tion of, .-aid Ian I, t A, Vunilevuiilci'i Vuiidivilnter, John Vaiiordoi', and
Samuel Mouth, nil of 1'ulon, Oregon.
UK.1IIT ltlNl!I.tlllt
Jitlili-w. Itegtftch
LMOKrlCE VT 1. V(.U WtiK, (UtKi('K-, 1
, . .lu.l.S. 1U. I
Notice l herein kIwii thai the folloiUiHf
tiiiimd w ilier luu iThd notice of Iim lulriy
Hon to uiuke ttlial pro. if In puil''i t f hh
'lllii, and that Mid pi. mf Hill l' tnl ty
fore IttKl-tir and j;, c. h r at li Uttuim'i, mi Jut) IT, ltsMl, vUi
l'liHcut QHiirietl.
Hd. Xo. jJik forilw J M sKanU s ! V
. c I l i.. .', Si.uiii tli 4U i:WM. lie iuuMc?
i he follow Inv wltil tu nniVt hU Mil
tiuuti nlTiiH iiihiii, and oultlvatloii tfrfi
dd !..nd. WlflUMbin. W.T. arto"i
j- l It mil ard, tuutUeo
(i(rni, an i
l IMOtt, lieffO