The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, June 26, 1886, Image 7

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Somo ltccollcctlons or tlt (.rent
Orator Ills Opinion of .Inckion
lsm A Clay Sons:.
"It wits in the stmmicr of 18.50," said
n gcntlimiim to a representative of The
Xcw York Tribune, "tliat I lirst looked
on tlio face of Henry Cla I was a
schoolboy at the time at College hill,
Fouglikeepsie. Mr. Clay, with a party
of friends, was making a tour through
the northern states, and stopped at
Poughkoepsic on his way up the Hud
son. Among the places which he vis
ited in the village was the Collegiate
institute, then and for many years
thereafter a notable boarding-school
for boys. The lato Clarkson N. Potter
nml Sandford K. Gifl'ord, the artist,
were among the pupils. After lie had
been welcomed by the principal,
Charles Uartlett, Mr. Clay made n
short address to the scholars, who then
were severally called up to tho plat
form and introduced to tho great
statesman. It so chanced that at tho
moment I placed my hand in Mr.
Clay's, the principal's attention was
called away, and I was forced to men
tion my own name. Being embarrassed
I probably spoke indistinctly, for he
bent his head down and asked mo to
repeat it. Most persons would not
havo taken this trouble, and would
have let mo pass without caring to as
certain my name; but Mr. Clay had a
most courteous and sympathetic nature
When 1 had replied he asked, still hold
ing ny hand and looking at mo with a
winning sin le: 'Are you a relative of
Capt. Alexander C , of Hudson,
who recently died?' I said I was his
great-irrandson. 'All,' ho continued,
I knew tho old gentleman well. A
few years ago lie sent mo a cane which
I highly prize' And turning to Mr.
Uartiett, ho said: 'A venerable man,
sir; 99 years of age.'
Only once again did I meet Mr. Clay,
when ten years afterward, I called on
him at tho Astor house, witli a friend,
and had a brief intorv.ew with him. 1
mentioned to him tho College hill inci
dent, which ho perfectly recalled, al
though I had outgrown recognition.
"A short time ago I purchased an
autograph letter of Henry Clay, ad
dressed to my great grandfather,
thanking him for the cane lie had sent
him and giv ng him his views freely as
to the course of Gen. Jackson was
pursuing. The Dr. Lovell through
whom Mr. Clay received tho cauo held I
at that timo an ollicial position under
tiie government in tho medical depart- !
mcnt at Washington, and was the fath- I
or of tiio lato confederate general, I
Mansfield Lovell, who died a year or
two ago in this city." I
The letter refcrrjd to ran in part as
follows, being dated at Washington, j
June 11, 1834: j
Dr. Lovell presented mo a few days
ago your oblig ng letter of the 12th !
ult., with tho cane which you do me 1
the honor to send me. ... As a token j
of your approval of my exertions to
arrest the alarming progress of execu
tive encroachment and usurpation, J ,
shall ever regard it witli peculiar satis
faction. ... 1 have sometimes almost
despaired of our country. Tho delu
sion has been so long, so dark, so per
vasive, that I have occasionally feared
that it would survive ine; butl thank
God, it is passing oil" rapidly, and 1
trust that both you and I may et live
to sec many brighter and better days.
What is now most to be regretted is
the wound that lias been inflicted upon
the moral sense of the coniinun ty.
What looseness of principle, what scan
dalous abuse, what disregard of moral
and rectitude have b cn quick
ened into life by tho predominance of
Jacksonisni! It is worso ilian the chol
era, becauso it lias been moro universal
and will be more horrible. Tho chol
era performs its terrible office, and its
victims are consigned to tho grave,
leaving their survivors uncontaininat
cd. But Jacksonisni lias poisoned the
whole community, tho living as well as
the dead. Our hopes of recovery and
purification must rest in that 'Provi
dence wlioso mercies and bounties havo
bo often 1 co t ixU-ndcd to us.
"L recall," continued the
speaker, "Mr. Clay's appearance on tho
occasion of my calling on him at tho
Astor house, which I now think must
havo boon in tho early spring of 1818.
When soated ho did not look to be the
tall man ho was, and appeared less dig
nified. Hut when he rose to h s feot his
full stature was revealed, and the court
liness of his boaring was apparont. Ho
carried no superfluous llcsli on his
frame, and his step was firm and elas
tic. Ho had an unusually high lore
hoad, a prom ncnt nose, a large and
flexible mouth, and a moderate-sized
chin. Ho was clean shaven, and wore
his hair, which was parted in the mid
dle and almost covered his ears, long.
His eyes wore expressive of gentleness
and kindness of heart, united witli
courage and firmness. His voice was
rou id and full, and capable of wonder
ful modulat on. His dress was plain
and simple; a black coat and trousers,
mjd a waistcoat of black silk or satin.
Around his throat was wound a black
silk neckerchief, tied in a largo bow
knot in front, and partly supporting
tho famous shirt collar which rose
nearly to tho tins of his oars. Hio
'Henry Clay' collar had a national rep
utation, and all earnest followers of
Harry of the West' adopted it. It was
part and parsel of tho shirt itself, was
of most liberal dimensions, and, like
tho bosom of the shirt, which was un
plaited, was only slightly starched, and
as a rule generally drooped over tho
neckerchief. Hoots and a silk hat com
plied his attire.
Forty years ago I used to attend tho
dinners given annually on tho 12th of
April to eel bra to the anniversarv of
Henry Clay s birth, by his admirers in
this oity. Thoy usually took place at
Niblo's garden; or rather :.t the hotel
connected with it, and were by fur tho
most memorable onUrtninmcuts of the
year. Tickets sold at a nretiiiiini, and
many persons wore unable to obtain
them either for love or money. In
tlioso days 'Hilly' Nihlo was a grout
caterer uud Mrs Niblo was notable as
a cook. Many a baron of beef did x iu
attund to tho cooking of and ono at
least, wolghing over a hundred pounds,
was, horvnd at ono of the Hunry Clny
Minivursary dinners. I do not bollovo
that the fcastcrs of to-day enjoy them
selves any more than did thoo of forty
years ago: no hotter speeches can be
made, no jollier songs sung, and n
wittier stories told. The banquet hall
was gay with flags and flowers and
evergreens. Portraits of distinguished
men adorned the walls, several of Hen
rv Clav being prominent among them,
'ilarry of the West and 'The Mill Hoy
of the Shulies' appeared in illuminated
letters on the walls together with quo
tations from his speeches. The festivi
ties always wound up by everyone
around the tables joining in singing a
favorite rallying song, tho refrain of
which was:
Here's to you, Harry Clny I
Here's to you. my tfoble soil'
In a full n'nil Ilovfinii bowl,
Here's tojoti, Harry Clay.
Here's to yon, Harry Clay I
Here's to vou with ult my heart,
And that before we part,
Here's to you, Harry Clay.
"These words are not very imposing
to read, but when four or live hundred
voices united in singing them the effect
was electrical. Men grew enthusiastic,
rising from their chairs and wildly
waving hats and handkerchiefs, grasp
ing hands, and embracing each other.
Then slowly they dispersed, and the
festivities of tho dav were ended."
"By Gum!"
The boat was just casting off from
tho pier when a man in citizen's clothes
who appeared to bo greatly excited
rushed up the gang-plank and shouted
to the Captain to wait. Three or four
minutes later it was understood that n
desperate robber was on board, and
that the excited man was his victim
None of us remembered of seeing ":
ragged, desperate-looking chap" como
aboard, but the man was sure ot it, and
wo began a search. Nobody wanted a
robber and desperado aboard, and the
search went on with a will. After
about ten minutes tho man who had
rushed aboard uttered shouts of exulta
tion. Ho had discovered tho arcl
villian hidden under some furniture on
the lower deck, and the mate produced
a revolver and ordered the fellow to
come out or take tho consequences.
"Be prepared look out for him!"
cautioned tho excited individual, and
three or four more pistols eamo into
view, and others s-ccured bolts ami bars.
The desperado came forth. He -vas
a bov of 15, ragged, dirty and frighten
ed, lie had something wrapped up in a
notvspnpcr, but he had no weapons.
He's tho one who robbed me
there's his plunder!" shouted the vic
tim, and three or lour men closed in on
the lad.
The package was taken from him and
opened. e expected to see bonds or
money or jewelry, but instead ot that
our eyes rested on a half-eaten loaf of
"I hadn't anything to eat for two
davs!" said tho bov as lie looked from
face to face, and his big blue ecs filled
witli tears anil his chin quivered.
"lie's a robber, and I'll send
him to State Prison!" exclaimed tin
man, as he seized tho boy by the col
"By gum!" growled a voice from the
gangway, and a lat, red-faced man,
wiio had armed himself with a lieavv
stick, threw it down with the crash
and pushed into tho crowd and asked
"Hoy, who aro vou?"
"Tim Williams.' '
"Where's your home?"
"Did you rob this man of that loaf of
"Y-yos, sir. but I was starving."
"Oil! you young villain, I'll stop your
thieving and robbing!" shouted the
loser of the bread. "Someone help m
get him ashore!"
"By gum?" said the fat man, as lie
lolt in 1ns pockets.
IIo fished up a nickel, handed it to
the baker, and continued:
"By gum! I guess not! There's your
money, and 1 stand by the boy! Yes,
sir by gum, sir!"
"He's a thief!"
"Can't help that, sir! Ho's a boy,
and ho was hungry and had no other
means to get bread. I'm his friend,
sir by gum, sir! Anybody who lays a
hand on that boy has got to climb over
me by gum!"
Fifty men cheered tho fat man and
groaned tho baker, and tho latter
gripped his nickel and walked ashore.
"Captain," said the fat man. "give
this bov a chance to wash up, and I'll
hunt him up some clothes. I'm going
to give h in a show, sir by gum sir!
1 was kicked and cuffed and Mopped on
myself when I was a boy, and I can
feel for this chap, sir by gum, sir, yes.
sir, and I'll probably take him home
with me. Come, Tim by gum but
there's nothing desperate about you,
and we'll havo a talk and see how we
can bettor your fortunes. Yes, sir
by gum. sir! '
And as the boat moved away every
body gave three cheers for "By Gum!"
und Tim. Detroit Free Press.
Too Snrcnslic
First Dude "01c fellah, what do yon
think of Miss Coininonsenso?"
Second Dude "Well, ma deah boy,
mo opinion of her is not vowy f watt
wing." First Dude "Tliath bad. Wat'a tho
weason you don't wiko her?"
Second Dudo "Too deuced sahcastic,
don't ye know. W'y, tho other day we
were out widing, she and I, and we
passed by on ) of those donkeys, a mis
wabla animal, you unuerstan, and I
asked her the differenco between that
boast and myself. I thwonght she
would say she didn't know, and I would
tell her that the donkey dwew loads
and 1 dwew pictures. Ye know I am a
sowtof an athisl, and that would be a
fwino joke, bah Jove."
First Dude "And what did sho say?"
Second Dudo "Sho said tho ouvvi
difwnce she could see was in tho length
of tiio our." Detroit Free Press.
In Washington tliore are goldfish that hare
belonged to the same family for fifty year,
and thoy appear to be scarcely any larger tliau
thoy Mure ubou miruhusod.
Within tho pait tlx months thirty building
havo hum prtwUxl ut Smita Harbora, Cul., at u
cost of KO.003, ami mauy otbur iuiiiroTunienU
are uuv'tr way.
Always bo dumb to the Inquisitive, nnd
oca I to v lie qunrrrlsoniP.
Ifnppinesfl consists in belnj contented
with what you lnwo.
Victoria la proud in tho possession o!
oigiu grandson.
The Vice-l'reaiili-nt of tho City Brewery
Mr. J. Uehiiys, ot Louisville, Ky., wiih en
tirely cured in one week of n severe attack
of rheumatism by St. Jacobs Oil.
The livery stable business is fnlrlj
The true secret ot success is merit. Th
Is so with Bed Star Cough Cute, a purely
vegetable compound, entiicly freo from
opiates, poisons and nnrcotics, nnd which
has received tho public endorsement ol
physicians and chemists everywhere,
Twenty-five cents.
Michael Davitt is to bo tho next lord
mayor of London, they say.
Omcii ok "Plain l)KAt.Kn,"l
Cleveland, 0., May 2G, 1SS0.J
Learning that Mr. Clinunc.V J. Stedwell
train master ot the Cleveland. Columbus,
Cincinnati it Iiuliunnnolm railway, held
one-fifth of ticket Xo. 7C,21t in The
Louisiana State Lottery, which had on
.May liin drawn tiio capital prize oi it,
000, a Plain Dealer reporter called on
Mr. Stedwell at his residence, 152 I.nUe
street. Wednesday evening. In reply to the
reporter s question regarding the matter,
.Mr. eteuvi ell said :
"It is truo that tho $15,000 drawn by
the, fihli of this ticket was paid to mo, but
I only acted as collector tor others. Tho
fortunnto holders were five employes o
the C. C. C. it I. By., in my department, as
lollows: 11. Johnson, brakemnu, 4ll ster
ling avenue; J. i.nhiff, conductor, 35 Sey
monr nvcnuo; Thos. Murphy, conductor,
4-t Bailey street; 1 Willinms, conductor,
75 Delaware street; B. Constant, brake
mnn, 11S7 Lorain street. Tho ticket was
sent tor and held by Johnson, and when
the men learned of their cooil fortune, they
enmo to mo nnd urged mo to tako tlsu
ticket, attend to the collection ot tho
money nnd mnke the proper division of it
I lortvixrticil llio ticlcet to ow (Jrlcnns anil
it was promptly paid. Tuesday afternoon
no 'ftli), tlio met nt my houso anil 1
paid each of them Si!, 000. It has all fallen
into good hands and undoubtedly thesf
men nnd their families will bo creatlv bene
lited by their good fortune It was novor
my plcasuro to see a happier group than
that surrounding the table in this room as
I handed each bin portion of tho money.'
Tho snako season in news items being on
remnrknbiu stones arc now in order.
TnE Voltaic Bi:i.t Co., Marshall, Mich
offer to send their Celebrated Voltaic Bi:lt5
and Electric Appliances on thirty dnys'
trial to any mnn afflicted with Nervous !)(!
bility, Lo?s of Vitality, Manhood, itc. It
iustratod pamphlet in bi:ali:i knvuloi'b
with full particulars, mailed free. WriU
them at once.
Tho Jewish Talmud consists of twelv
Inrge folio volumes.
rATKTSTMobtaiiinl by Loun iMtrccr&no.. At
torut)ts, Wusluutjtoii,D.C. Lil'J ISC 1. Advice true.
I'nro cold wafer is tho healthiest drink
Stick to it, young mnn.
Be merciful to dumb animals. Hoal
all open sores and cuts with Stowart's
Healing Powder, 15 and 50 cents a box.
A "loud" person ono with a "hollow"
The Omaha Typo foundry can furnish
new newspaper outfits on short notice.
Prices samo ns in Chicago and freight
alrenuy paid to Omaha.
The world will never tiro of Shakespeare
and Incd oysters.
Bronchitis is cured by frequent email dosos ol
rieu b uuru lor uuusuuipiiuu.
Only eighteen "thats" can bo gramati
cally put into one sentenco. That h so.
Mrs look slovenly with run-over heels. Lyon's
licei Btincners prevent a; oca pair.
Now York has -100 trades-unions. Chi
cago comes next.
TThen Baby was sic, wo bto her Cwtorla,
TTheu she was a Child, she cried for Cantoris,
TThen alia became Miss, sho clang to Castorla,
7hsn she bad Children, she gore them Castorla,
It fs said that tho "German" hns really
gone out of fashion.
Soft, pliant, nnd glossy hair results from
tho uso ot Hall's Hair Benower.
For imparting tone and strength to tho
stomach, livor, and bowels, tako Aycr's
Second-hand tooth-picks aro actually
sold in Paris.
I am selling considerable) of your valu
able medicine Atlilophoros. My Bales nro
increasing every day. It is curing ono caso
of sovoro rheumatism of yenrs standing in
which all doctors had inilcu. J. M. Evans,
lruggist, l-.vatirtviiie, wis.
Tarantula juico is ten cents a culn way
down in Texas.
Whatevuu iiamo or designation is given
to Fever and Ague or othor intermittent
iiBeascs it is sale to say that Malaria or a
Unordered state ol tho Liver is at fault.
Eliminate tlio impurities from tho system
i rid a suro and pr impt cure is tho inline-
ilato result, i'rlckly Ash iiitlcrs is tho
infest nnd most effectivo remedy for ail
biliary troubles, kidney diseases, and liko
:ninplaintti that hns evor been brought be-
oro tlio public. A trial Is Us best recom
Tho Omaha Typ foundry can furnish
sew newspaper outfits on short notlco.
Prices snme as in Chicago and freight
ilready pnid to Omaha.
Fusil oil is now recommended tor pneu-
nonla visitations.
RURNS snd Braids are Instantly rendered
&aTn!es, and Inyarluhljr cured without a scar, by
le use of Carbullsulve, the great skin remedy.
So and 50 cents, at Druczltts or by luali Cole &
Co., Black ltlver Falls, Wis.
Nothing travels
so quickly as society
Energy and honorable denling always in-
piro confidence nnd always succeed best,
ts fa tho caso with the Nebraska and Iowa
nsuranco Company of Omaha, Nebraska.
rids is tiio first company evor organized ia
the state. All liisuraiico companies cont
ained against it to prevout it from succeed
ing. Tho Nebraska nnd Iowa Insurance Corn-
aany docs its business independently ol
Boards and Compacts. Henco tho desire
jf other companies to Iniuro it. It Is to
the interest of every property-holder in tiia
tale to support and givo their busincxi to
he Nebraska and Iowa Insurance Com
pany. It Insures growing crops against
1AIL. This willglvegreut relief to farmers.
jnd every farmer should protect their crop
is well us other property. Give credit
where credit is due. Support tlio Nebraska
and Iowa Insurance Company and you will
avoid being imposed upon by monopolies
and Compacts, and build up state Institutions.
Tim Tcnrrtit and Wonilprlul" IMc
cliHiiUm of tlio lltiiiiiiii S) Klein fru
plilcull) Viirlrnyeil.
In the editorial columns of tho New
York Analyst. II. La-sing. M. I)., editor.
wiitcs tho following bcautihil description of
tho laboratories ot the human system. We
think wo havo never read u liner or more
trustworthy one.
"Mnn is the greatest ot nil chemical ln
borntories. Magnify the smallest cellot the
body and what a factory is spread before
the eye countless chambers in which nro
globes ot air, masses of solid matter, glO'
bulcs ot dying liquid; a flash comes and tho
wliolo is consumed nnd needful heat is car
ricd into every pnrt of tho system. Elec
trical forces also gencrato nnd nro coa
veyed to tho brain, tho muscles nnd tho
various ncrvo centers.
in auouicr set ot a million chambers wo
SCO various gnsses and vapors. By chem
icai action these aro changed and purified
in tho lungs and tlio skin. Tho blood wo
oltcn sny is a grcnt living liver. In its cur
rent are mnsses which tlio nir in tho lungs
did not affect; blocks of chalk; slabs ot tar
tar; pieces of bono ash, strings of albumen;
drops of molasses, and lines of alcohol.
How nro theso wnsto mnsscs disposed of?
Uegin whero you will in tills great stream
you must como to the purifying places of
tlio system. Hero is all activity and an in
visible forco reaches out into tho stream,
solzes and carries this mass ot waste into
vast trenches, thenco into a smnllcr reser
voir, nnd finally into a larger reservoir,
which regularly discharges its contents.
This separation ot lime, uric acid nnd
other wnsto material from the blood with
out robbing it ot a pnrticlo of tho lifo fluid,
passc-a human comprehension. In health
this blood purifying process is enrried on
without our knowledge. Tho organs in
which it is dono nro faithful servants whoso
work is silent ns long as health remains.
"People strangely wait until pain strikes
a ncrvo beforo they will roalizo that they
havo nny trouble. They do not know that
pain concerns chlolly tho exterior not tho
interior ot tho body. A certain sot ot
nerves connect theso blood purifying
organs with tho brain. They may not
gnaw and bito ns does tlio tooth-acho or a
scratch, but they regularly, silently report.
When these organs nro failing theso nerves
indicate it by drawing tho blood from the
fnco and cheok, leaving tlm lip nnd cyo
blnuched, by Rending uric ncid and poison
into the Binnllcst veins, tho skin then bo
coming gray, yollow or brown. They nlso
prevent tho purification of the blood in
tlio lungs and causo pulmonury difficulties,
weariness nnd pain. Who enjoys perfect
health, especially in this land whero wo
burn tho cntidlo in ono mnss? Tho athlete
breaks down in tho race; tho editor falls at
his desk; tho niorchiint succumbs in his
counting-room. Theso ovonts should not
have been unexpected for naturo long ngo
hung out her "lanterns of alarm." When
tho "accident" finally comes, its fatal
effect is seen in a hundred forms; either as
congestion, chronic weakness, as wrong
action, ns vnriablo nppotite, ns head
troubles, as palpitation and irregulari
ties of tlio heart, as premature, decay, ns
dryness and harshness of tho skin causing
the hair to drop out or turn gray, ns
npoploxy, as paralysis, as general debility,
blood poisoning, etc.
"Put no faith then in tho wiseacro who
says there is no danger nB long ns thoro is
no pain. Put no faitli in tho physician,
whoever he inny bo, who says it is a mero
cold or a slight indisposition. Ho knows
little, if any, more than you do about it.
Ho can neither seo nor o.vamino theso or
gans and depend entirely upon experi
mental tests, thai you can mako as well
as he.
"If tho output is discolored or muddy, if
it contains albumen, lymph, crystals, sweot
or morbid matter, is red with escaped
blood, or roily with gravel, mucus and
froth, something is wrong nnd discaso and
dcatii aro not far away.
"Theso organs which wo have described
thus nt length, becauso hey aro roally tho
most important ones in tho human sys
tem, tho ones in which a largo majority of
human ailments originate nnd aro sus
tained, aro tlio kidneys. Tiioy havo not
been much discussed in public becauso it is
conceded that tho profession has littlo
known power over them. What is wanted
tor such organs is a slmplo iiiedicino, which
can do no harm to tho most deli
cato but must bo of tho greatest ben
efit to tho afflicted. Such a remedy,
tried and proved by many thou
sands all over tho world is Warner's safo
euro. Witli thoso in whom discaso is deep
seated it is tiio only specific. For thoso in
whom tho seeds nrosown and tho beginning
of illness started it is an unfailing reliance.
It may bo recommended to tho well to pro
vent sickness, nnd the sick to prevent
death. Witli its aid the groat filtering en
gines ot tho system keep on in tlior silout
work without interruption; without it thoy
got out of genr, and then discaso and death
open tho door and cross tho threshold."
Such writing ought not only to plcaso
but to carry convictloa that what Editor
Lasslng, M. D. so high an authority says
Is truo, aud that his counsel ia worthy tlio
attention and heod of all prudent, right-
minded people.
for Infants and Children.
"CaatorU Is o well adapted to children that I CMtorl cnrei Colic, Constipation,
Ill Bo. Oxford 6U, Brooklyn, N. 7, without Uijarious medication.
Vbji CzmtaCB Coupamt, 183 Fulton Street, N. T.
UrftBtl' 1 .vlKr-k.
A Sml Cnno of I'olvonlnsr.
Is that of a man or womnn afflicted with
disease or derangfiiiPiit of the liver, result
ing in poisonous n cumulations in tho
blood, scrofulous affection, sick-hond-aches,
nnd diseases of the kidneys, lungs
or heart. Theso troubles can be cured only
by going to tho primary cause, and putting
tlio liver in a healthy condition. To
accomplish t'lis result speedily nnd effectu
ally nothing has proved itself so effica
cious ns Dr. Pierce s "Golden Medical Dis
covery," which hns never failed to do the
work claimed for it, nnd never will.
The most fatal form of consumption is
the consumption of bad whisky.
Wlint enn bo moro disagreeable, more
disgusting, than to sit in a room with a
person who is troubled with cntnrih, and
hns to keep coughing nnd clearing Ids or
her throat ot tho mucus which drops into
it? Such persons nro always to bo pitied
if they try to euro themselves and fail.
But if they get Dr. Sage'H Catarrh Bemedy
there need bo no failure.
"Tho mnn who kept himself in repair," is
tho titlo ot a new story.
Bupturo radically cured, also
I lie tumors and tlstuhc. Pamphlet ot par
ticulars 10 cents in stumps. World's Dis
pensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y.
Minnesota land Is improving rapidly in
Consumption. For tho euro of this dis
tressini: discaso there has been no iiiedicino
yet discovered that can show moro ovl-
denco ol real merit tnan Allen's Lung uai
sam. 25c., 50c, nnd SI. 00 a bottio.
Tired Languid Dull
nxprri'Mtbo conditions ot tlioimmls ot people at
tbls Bc.iion. The Ucpre-slnc effects of Ilia warm
weatlierand that tired fecllnc are quickly oycrooms
by tho use of Hood's S.iraparll!. It elves strrncth
In place of wp.ikues, kIncs lono to txj organ, cre
ates nn appetite, aud purines tlio blood. Uhelta
trial now.
"Two months aso I commenced taklnt Hood's Sar
saparllla ns an experiment, as I had no nppottto or
strensth ttnJ felt tired all tlio time. 1 attributed
my condition to scrofulous humor. I bad tried sev
eral dlftrrrnt kinds of iiiedicino, without receiving
any bone fl t. Hut as soon ns I bad taken half a buttle
of Hood's Snriaparllla, my appetite, was restored, and
my ttonnrli felt better. 1 nave tnken three bottles,
and I never felt better." ilus. J. I Dolukakc, l'as
coup, !. I.
"Hood's Saraparlll tare mo new life, and re
stored me to my wonted health and strcufilli." T4'u
luu II. CLOCdii, Tllton, K. lL
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Fold by all d'rucRlsti. Ill tx fGTlJ. Prepared only by
C. L 11000 fi CO Apothecaries, LovreU. llui
IOO Doscd Ono Dollar,
Tho best and surest Bemeily for Cnro of
all diseases caused by any derangement of
tho Liver, Kidneys, Stomach nml bowels.
Dyspepsia, Sick Bcnthiche, Constipation,
Bilious Complaints nml Malaria of nil kinds
yield readily to tho beneficent Influence of
It Is pleasant to tlio taste, tones np the
system, restores and preserves health.
It fs purely Vegetable, nnd cannot faJI to
provo beneficial, both to old ami young.
As a HIooil Purifier It fs superior to nil
others. Sold everywhere at il.OOa bottle.
Vr, R. Foittr, 320 WId itrftt, Terrs !Uat, Iillsss, mf
fcrtd from NruraltU n4 round no rtllff till b uin!
ATHL0PUOR0S. Hit n In y' Hint H P'
all Kn. u will slvtt prompt relief lu allcs.ri of Neural
(U. Aik yourtlrugsisl fur Attilophoro:. If vou cinnot
ret It of him do not try lofnetlilug else, but order at ones
fromui. Wewlllftcnd It cipreM paid on receiptor prlot,
81,00 per bottle.
lTHLOPHOROS CO.. 112 Wall St. New York.
he most Wotuterrul AorlcuUttral lirk In Amortea.
urrounded by pronp-rous inlnlnur ami manufacturing
owns. 1'A It J l.'lt'N -Alt.IIISi:i Slagnin-
nils. j a a a.4 n i ,t is,.i sfaind -
nt crops rained In WW. 'rilOUHANMM OI-
uici.Mor uovi:!:.Mi:.vr i.ani, subject
,i A inhlliin nml IjLlllts for sale to to
I . . . A, , .... V .ftV.l ''
'ark Irrigated br Immune canals. Cheap rallruad
rates. Kvery altrnil n thutvn mttlrr. roe mail..
nphltls, etc, adilrim, ('OI.OIIAIKI l.A.-lli .v will
., Opera Ilouao Block, Denver, Colo., llo UtO.
IMso'a Ttemedy for CAtarrh Is th
But, Euhat to Use, and Cheapest.
Also (rood for Colrl In the Head,
Headache, Hay 1'syer, Ac to cents.
Ilnblt, l)nlrhly and Pnlnlra.
ly curcdat home. Correspondents
solicited and frte trial of cure sent
lionestlnvrallftators. Tur llimixa
ltiushT Com-am r, Lafayette, In 4.
I'HKICK'8 COItN KXTItACTOJC cures P fl D 1 1 O
HUNIOMB. DruiritHts sell It. or by mall UUllllO
of W. 1L I'KNIUK, Ut. Jos.-ph, io.
and Morphine lUblt Cured III 10 to
I10lny. Jli fur to lUOOputh utsinrnl
In ail parts. Sr. March, QuIncy.Mlch.
TCI CfttlJIDUY X'fiirH here, and earn good
CLCUllArill pay. Rltuatlous lurulsued
Valeutluo llros. Jauesvllle, Wis.
sTOfSHE&l Mornhluo Iliihlt OuraillalO
llrlllnl tolidiUys. NoiuytltlCarsa,
VI Weill uu J UrKriiKNs. Leunuou. Onto.
W. N. U.. Omaha
The Best
TKnnilUA(UI.ICTCgUIIrriitlwtn'roof, as 4 lit P t1 la
hardest .frto. Tut new foil U Kb IUW Is a petted WI )
. . i- - - l slM.IS.1 nka Mian srtiultl WllLaiit lL "WAM
DlMtrftl! CiJfU fr. A J, Twr, MoHoo, UkM,
At this aoason nearly every one nda to nr4 some)
sort of totilo, I HON enteri Into almoet every phy
alcian'a prescription for then who ned bnllding up.
For Wrnknrss, I,n.llmle, I, nek of
I.'nrrwT, rte., it UA NO I :(!,' A I,, and ia
th a only Iron medicine that is not Inlnriona.
It lhtrlchea tlio llloorl. Invlcorxtcn tbs
Sly nt cm, Itratnrcn Aptirtltc Ald IHstcatlon
It does not blacken orlnjure the teeth, caum bead
ache or produce constipation otAer Irnn mtdieinil ds
Alns.JlTnA Norfolk, Neb., mjs: " I
have used lirowu's Iron Hitters as a tonio witli most
happy reulta."
Mn. Cuas. WAOsr.n, Sit Kichth St.. Omaha.
Nob .aara: "1 ueent Urown's Iron Hitters for (Itinera!
Debility and it niado almost a uen man uf me. I
cbfMsrlully recommend It.'
Mil. J. V. MiOUinK. Wilson. Neb., ays: " t hav
need Ilrown'a Iron lliltera for Oeneral l)ebfllty ami
sladly rvconimeud it to Uke sutterers. It baa mad
a new man of mo." .
Qenulne bu above Trado Mark and crooned red lines
on wrapper. Tube) nn other. Madsonlyby
nitow.t iialtimiiki'.. mj.
A 5ierlallat for l'leven Yenrs rast,
Has treated Dropsy nndtts complications with the
mot wonderful succeaj; nsea vegetable remedlea,
entirely hiinnlc. ltciuoves all symptoms of dropsy
In elitht to twrnty dnys.
Cures patients pronounced hopeless by the best of
Fiflin t'lc first dose the symptoms rapidly dla?j
pcar, anil In ten daya at least two thlrdt tf the symu
toms are removed.
Some mnv cry humbug without knowing anything
about It. llfiuetiiberlt does nit cost nu anything
to realize the merit" of my treatment fur yourself
I nm c instantly curlnz ernes of long atnnMne. eases
thathai' been tappe 1 n number of times. 'id this
pntlent declared unable, to live a vrcck. (live fall
history of care Nainu snv, h iw lotisr allllctcd. how
badly swolen an I where. Is bowels costive, have legs
hunted and dripped witter. Send for free pamphlet,
containing testimonials, quest Ijiis, etc.
Ill 'liiv. tt-pntnteitl fiirnlaheil freo by mlL
KpllcpsyOU positively cured.
If order trUl. sond?conts In stamps tnnay nosUza.
II II. tlltKKN. M, .,
M Jones Avenue, Atlantis, (la.
...... . ..I.', w, ... 1 I. l . ... ISIIIII'.fl, ItCI UIIU
CImkIchI IK Iilu.y, rrcuialiirR Ueclb e In Man, Kx
btnst'd Vllnlltv At., Ai'.md tho lfutold nilicrles
rrsu ting fioiu indlsiTctlun or nxecssnst 300 pnzes,
iiibstaniljlly In uud hi gilt, lunilln. Cuntalns mors)
than ia lnalulile piiscilpiluni. emhiuctng every
vcgetnlile remedy In the nlirtrnianrplnfor all acute
and chrimlu ilbesrs. It is cn phmlcally u b mk for
every man. l'rlie only II by mall poslpuld, cunucaled
In plain wrapper.
young nnd mldiile aired mini for the next nlnnly days.
Bi'iid now, or cut this our, as yn'i inny never sen It
again. Address Du. W. if. l'AI!lIClt, 4 HulUncli BU,
N. II. Dr. Piirkcr can bn coundenllnlly consulted
on all diseases uf man. Ills specialties
A tin tt U..l'.l W. Ml. n- St,.t,nn,l 4
ITiii-iiInImmI uu Mtiort IVolloo Fron
Oiiiiiliti tit Cliieuo 1i-Icck.
Omaha, Nob., 12th and Howard.
Wood, Leather, rapcr.Ivory.ClafSt
China, 1 urnlture. llrlca-lirao, ta.
Btronff aa Iron, Solid ns a Hoik.
The total quantity sold dur'nir Its)
cast tlvo years amounted to jver
bottles. UVUKVJIODV WAiriB -tl
All dealers can sell lb Awanlvi
fM7on, ISiJ. Xtit Oi law. lJtS
Prnnounreit Rtronuelt Olua knoivn
fiend dealer's cord and 10c. roatnga
Coakiu no Acid.
lor simple can rui.n uyrnaiu
Res. iC'iuit.yii. o.ClouoQitor Jlssi
vpntaiM hi nn wo
When 1 iiv rurt i no lutL mean lueralr to stOD tuODI tot
a tlma and then iiavothum return again, I moan a radi
cal curs. I have rnsilx the disease of I'lTS, KPILErar
or FALLING BICKNUtlSn llf-leug study. I warrant ray
remedy to euro tlia worst cases Uocauss othars has
failed is no reason for lint now receiving a cure. ondat
one for a trsatlso and a free Uottla of my Infalllbla
remedy. Glva Kiprtss and 1'ost OiHco, It costs Jf
DOthlUR for a trial, and I will cure you.
'Jilmi Dr. It. (i. MOOT. ll f ml 8 1., Ww Tork.
mmunwrimiM , decay.
A Uto Experience Itomarkablo and
quick curns. Trlnl PnoUag. Consults
tton and Hooka hy Slall l'ltUK. AddroM
Dr. WARD & Co., Louisiana, Mo.
CThe oh
The oldest medicine 1 1 the world Is probably
Dr. lanno rliomnnon'a
This article ta a carefully nrenared Phrslelan'a Dra-
ecrtptlen, and has hern In constant use nearlacentii
ry, and notwIthstsndlnK the many other preparation!
that havn been Introduced Into the market, the asll
or this srt'iin uconitsniy increasing', ir tneaireo
Hons are Mlowrd It will never fall. We particularly
Invite the attention of physicians to Its merits.
TltOY. V. X
MJk (ierinais Asthmu Cure evw Mlt U (Its
ItorUtU sUepj effwu eurca where all otters ML A
trial eoartaees Its ato.1 eteolleat. frl4 ftll aU U4
m va iMiM.diaie reuisia uo worst sum, ib.uih no-
Wtm Sleep, enoeu , v... .....
si eoartaees Its ato.1 tttpUtU lrls ftM ate
.00. of Drasil'te orbrmsll. Bus pie rKKK loll
l.ui..uert!lou riHiii-..
1 ibaM tM Ml
VirluU(ll tu esltl ti .i .to. U.I.,lo ut .i,
"To oU ef Ur V'Lw" ssoSmiIo of eW osa U
s4 Um U4 rlskloutj. U.U res. IV, SM Wskuk An., CM s.
u m m