The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, June 26, 1886, Image 5

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Local and 0KMM?rnl,
First Class, .Th,c entertainment given
by Rentfrow'a Pathfinders, at Wright's
hall last Wednesday evening, was not
largely attended, but was pronounced, first
class by nil who witnessed it. and, better
than any troupe that has visited VVijon for
some time The price of admission charged
bv the majority of troupes that vip jt ns, is
ciltirciv too much, and not in ai-t'ordancc
with the times, and if they are not greeted
with large audiences, the reason should
certainly be obvious to thcift. The troupes
that have recently visited tljiis place, have
been composed of th,e cheapest Kind of five
cent men, who, wjicn in the caij. would
not think of charging more than 'J.') cents
admission, yet will visit the west, bringing
their parsimonious habits with them, and
pxpect ub to pay them a dollar ndru,Uston.
This country is fast getting on level with
the state? in methods and manner
of doing things, and the Mioner these itin
erant showmen find it 011 tt the bypttcr it
will be fur tlvciu...
It Didn't Wokk. Our friend Jo,, Yew
ell, of Pylc canyon, likes to. keep things
in good shape around Ins premises, but
candor compels us to admit that p,u is not
a success in some thines. He put in the
full day Tuesday, blacking t"s harness,
with an original mixture of his, composed
of lamp black, tallow, tar and several
other ingredients which he thought would
bo good. Wednesday ho hitched up his
bay and white cvitteri and started to town.
"When he arrived here, his friends were
surprised to see Ju. driving what appeared
to be a hrindle mustang from tl;o pampas
of Honth America, and u beautiful black
and white zebra froiu Africa. Upon clover
investigation, however, the inccurecUess
of their surmises was established and the
true cause of the peculiar appearance of
the animals explained. Jo. was a little hot
in the collar and his friends forbore putting
anv unnecessary questions. He will prob
ably discard this new method of blacking
In the future,
Sebiols Accident. On Friday last Mr.
Chas. Wilson, while riding near Mr, Con
nor's residence, between here and High
Valley, met witha very serious accident.
The horse he was riding became frightened,
and starting to run, stumbled and fell on
top of Mr. Wilson, crushing his shoulder
blade and collar-bone in a terrible manner
lie lav in an unconscious condition for
sometime, but was finally discovered by
Mr. Connor, who conveyed him to his house.
Dr. Capps was sent for and deviated the
sufferings of the unfortunate lpim. who is
now getting along as well as could be ex
pected. Mr. Wilson is a poor map, and has
a family, which makes this misfortune all
the harder to bear.
PuorosEP 0, R. it N, Leask,- A dispatch
dated New York. June-1!2, says, one of the
direotors of the Oregon it Transcontinental
company yesterday sent the following mess
age to this city : "The prospect of leasing
the properties of the Oregon Railway A
Navigation company to the Northern Pacific
and Oregon .Short l'ine jointly has not vet
been considered by the Northern Pacific
people. The lease" itself will probably hi
mane in the :ourse of time, but the Oregon
& Transcontinental directors only nan ap
prove of it, which they are not very likely
to do in advance of their meeting."
Donatt.ii Iiinr.itALLY. The committee of
ladies appointed to see who will contribute
provisions of different kinds to the celebra
tion dinner, have been very successful. A
few small-souled individuals refused to civc
anything, but the majority donated liber
ally. No pains should be spared to have
plenty to eat, as there will be a vast multitudi
of "strangers within our'gatcs" on that da;,
and it would be a pity for any of them to go
away hungry.
Lost Roy. M r.s. Isabella Sheets, of Na
ples, Scott county, Illinois, writes to the
Oregonian as follows: "My son, William
Sheets, left home for the West six years
since He was then 1 years old, I "have
not heard from him since, but understood
that ho anil the company with him were go
ing to Oregon. Anv information in regard
to his whereabouts will be very thankfully
received by his anxious mother."
Rich Stiuki:. A rich vein was struck in
the Red Roy, in the Pine creek district, last
Tuesday by the owners, Tartar it Osborne.
The rock is free milling and goes about $10,
000 to the ton. Campbell & Thorndyke
own the extension of this mine and feel
highly elated over the recent find, We
wish them success. Sage Unuh
Pinf.Okekk Road. D, P, McDaniols was
in town Wednesday and reports that work
on the Pine creek road is progressing nice
ly. Ho says they will probably reach Cor
nucopia by the -1th. of July. The contrac
tors will then discharge most of the men.
and with a picked foreo 00111c baok oyer the
road and liuish it.
Goon Music On Thursday evening last,
Iho Union Silver Cornet Rand, seated in
Klliott's big passenger wagon, were driven
around town and delighted the residents
with Rome choice selections of music. It
is to be hoped they will favor us often in
the same manner.
A Rewaiu). James O'Nell, of Noise City,
offers $1,000 in clean cash for Information
ns to his wife's whereabouts. We would
advise Mr. O'Neil to blow In about $75.00
in procuring a bran new helpmate, and
then have a high old time on the remaining
nine twenty-live.
Reduced Rates. A request has been
made to the railroad authorities to carry
passengers from the different railroad points
to this city on tho5th. at reduced rates, and
no doubt they will comply with the request,
in which case" we will give the rates in our
next Issue.
Forfeiti'he, Senator Dolph's wagon
voad forfeiture bill passed tho senate. It in
cludes the Kugone. Albany and Dalles wag
road companie, requires the courts to de
clare all lands not earned by the proper
building of the roads forfeited.
Rake Rali,. Wc understand that the La
Grando and Raker Qity baseball clubs will
play a match game in this city on the 5th.
It would he a very interesting game, and
we are in hopis the encounter will take
Acquitted. Young Gnrdiner, of Sand
Ridge, who had a hearing this week before
Justice Thomson, on a charge of perjury,
was acquitted.
For. Sale. 1080 acres of land, all In on
body. Also a block in Union, by Roll it
Head This.
C. Vincent has just received a splendid
lot of boots, shoes, etc., which he will sail
at a great reduction on former prices. He
xogus what he says. Try him.
l'or Hale.
An excellent place adjoining this city for
vale at a bargain. It contains AO acres of
splendid land, good dwelling houso and
outbuildings, and the best orchard in the
country. For further information apply
at this office.
The Kimball organs have no equal.
B?i?f Bulletins
'Ifrtfi far tb$ 3rd. nnd 5th. of July V
Jqac Hardest)-left $or Cornuciipln, la
e wonder what s
that "contest.0
being i',ore ;dxut
Read the id. of the celebration to, be v
en at Klgin on the 3rd,
Rev. Watson will preach, to-morrow, in
TcUoase at 12 o'clock,
A. 'f Nclll, our next county clerk, will
nioye o,ycr In a few days.
The new "court house ring" will take
charge of aflairs, July Mil
Services at the Presbyterian church, Sun
day, 27,111. at H a. 111, and 8 p. 111.
A Vr-is'band, to he composed of small
boys, is being organized in Baker City.
Mrs. 13. Mathc.vs took her departure last
Monday, for her home in Moscow, W. T.
Several parties o! vouivg people from this
city spent Sunday last in the mountains.
Fred 'eigman was found dead in his
cabin near Sunmter, Baker couutv, on the
loth inst,
Several thunder showers during the week,
but of short duration and but little b.enefit
to the crops,
Billy Wilton ias a couple of gold lish in
ms saloon, 1 ney are ueaunc.s aim attract
much attention.
The Sutnmerville Bras Band wil in all
probability take' part In tho celebration in
this city on the 5th.
Fire crackers, fire works, cartridges for
shot guns, oranijcs and lemons at Cove drug
store on the Fourth.
The ladies of the M, H, church will give
a strawberry and ice cruam festival, on the
evening of July 5th.
The bills of our advertising patrons will
be presented in n few days. A prompt set
tlement is requested.
Jesse Applcgate. a well known nl oncer
if Oregon, is rapidly lasing his npnd, and
has to be continually watched,
(5corge Stafford, this week painted an el
egant sign for lid. I(emillard,s''(!ood'l'emp
lar Billiard Hall," at the,
Chamberlain, the man who was shot by
Woodruff, in Lower Wallowa valley, oil
clcctian day, is slowly improving,
A Haverhll woman refused to shoo her
liens because her husband, a shoemaker,
was on a strike. fjwoll Citizen.
Our present county board have finished
their labors, and the finances of ths county
will, henceforth, be in other hands.
Frank Bro's. Implement Go. of Island
City lead all others. There is nothing per
taining tofarnimaclihipry they do not keep.
Rev. Boothc will occupy the pulpit in the
M. K. church, to-mqrrow morning. There
will bo no services at tlnyt elureh in the
Al. Goodbrod has a company of young sol
diers in training, When nut on, parade they
present a very formidable and warlike ap
pearance, Union Lodge No (W, I. O. O. F. will install
their officers lor the ensuing year, next Fri
day evening. All members should be in at
tendance, The telephone line between La Grande
and Island City, was struck by lightning a
few days ago, and a number- of the poles ut
terly demolished.
We aro informed by School Supt. llind
uiMii that a public examination of teachers,
will be held at Sumtnerville, on Monday
and Tuesday next.
Saunders has just received, from the Fast,
a large assortment of men and boys' shoes,
which will be sold at the extremely low
price of from $1 to $2 a pair.
Hcppner was selected as the county seat
if Morrow county, at the recent election,
flic Lexington pooplo ape hostile and will
probably oontpst the election.
Haying will soon commence, and farm
ers will be in need of oil for their mowers,
lohn Wright, the druggist, of this city, car
ries a fine line of lubricating oils,
Mr. Ncwhard, proprietor of the hot lake,
has added several bath rooms to his hotel,
ind otherwise increased Ins facilities for
making his patrons comfortable.
Sage Brush: The quart mill aoross the
river crushed sixteen tons of ore trom the
Tom Payne mine, near Pocahontas, last
week, which gave very favorable rotums.
Valuable assistance would be given by
the wool growers of this section, towards
niilding a woolen mill in tills city, if any
onipotent person would take tljc mutter in
it is now only one week till we celebrate.
The various committees should lose no
time in perfecting their arrangements, and
leave nothing undone fo make the celebra
tion creditable,
Spcciol ratos have been ollered by the O.
R. A N. Co. to members of the (J, A. U. and
their families, who wish to attend the
Grand Kucampment at San Francisco,
which convenes Aug. 2nd,
An extensive vein of cnnnel coal has been
discovered on the Grando Rondo river,
ubout twentv-five miles from lis inoujh, by
tho Harbin brothers, of Asotin, Washing
ton Territory. Fast Oregonian,
With this issue we close volume two of
the Scout, Tho.-e who hare not paid their
subscriptions to this volume are requested
to do so at once. In case of delay, bills
will be made out and fifty cents extra will
be charged.
The inombersof tho hook and ladder com
pany aru requested to meet at Jones Rro's,
store this evening, for the purpose of ma
king arrangements to take part in the cele
bration, to be held iu this city on the 5th.
All should be in attendance.
The Chieftain says, "The Legore brothers
and John Ross ure working on their mine,
on the mountains inst south oftown. They
have tapped the "Pine Leaf" at the 75-foot
level and the ore shows to be much richer
in gold and silver at that level than on the
The Raker City Sage Rrush kicks because
men. boys, nnd women are in the habit of
bathing promlscously together, in broad
davlicht near the brldce crossing the slouch
in that city. A peculiar state of morality
mast prevail In Baker. We presume "Old
Shep don't swim.
In some parts of Wyoming, sunflowers
are used for fuel. The stalks, whea dry,
are very hard and make an exceedingly hot
fire. The seeds aro said to be equal to hard
coal for heating purposes. An acre of
sunflowers will furnish sufficient fuel for
one stove for twelve months.
Judging hv the way the "Twin Toets" of
Sumtnerville, whoseelfusion appears in an
other column, are enthused, we conclude
that the people of that section are chuck
full of patriotism, which will bubble up and
overflow, at the celebration to be held at
Klgin, on the 3rd. Whooperupl
At the meeting held at the school house
last Monday, todecide In what manner the
funds recently raised to improve the ceme
tery should be expended, it was decided to
build a nat picket fence along the front of
the grounds, and a committee was appoln.
ted to see that the cemetery is properly ir
rigated. The directors, Messrs. Lewis
Drake and Kennedy were instructed to sell
lots to any one making application.
Why don't the young men of Unjou, start 1 Then will tho American eagle shake
abyefele club? ' 'jislail, spread Uis wing, and,, soaring
Tho contract for balding the Island City jut0 empyrean realms, gloriously and
mill, has been let , if t, 0 irrctaMc, mighty,
thecv,hcrek!CSM0,, l" ! nnd n,V6tlo onward sweep of one grand
e quart fruit cans fl.2&pcr dwen ft; , occideivtal-of 9ne grand occidontal
io. Wriphi's tin slum. , ahem i of this great country.
Emtcji Scout; ;- It hag hceri decided
that Elgiu will celebrate
'.'And tkere'lllba tumult In tlm njp,
The tiff's shrill unto, UmdrumNlOud beat,
And through the vyldo land everywhere
Tins answering ipwiu or hurrying leei,"
j Then will the piercing screams "like
I a,n arrow eloave the air," nnd strike
I terror tp the pusillanimous anatomy of
I the sanguinary lion, whoso, fiercely
gUriug optics n,o! couchant attitude
ure a perpetual menanco to those jn-
! cbtitnablc, blood-hought liberties for
nluuh olr ancestors, fought, bcd,
phlebotomized and deceased.
On that day, the purely patriotic
politician will proclaim the party poli
cy 'played,' and will prepatc the peo
ple for perpetual pleasure, proyidod
they place him n plenary power.
Then amid deafening drums, hoot
ing horns, playing pennons, Hopping
Hags, and th.o holiday hum of hoftd"
hums, lulling to lanquor like the voice
of many waters ; while cycling worlds
in realms remote, brevcrerating, roll
j soinds of ringing applause, will our
orator recount the struggles ho has
had to uphold the nation's honor; how
he has borne bru,nt of many bitter bat
tles, (bitters bottles) ; hpw he has Hesh
ed his falchion, (fooled his followers,)
and felled tlie fiery fe- 't hen will odor
esceiit breezes blow, ard the sweet
perfume pj crushed dpg-fcnnel and
sniartvyeed, rise as inconso sweet to
the goddess vith the low necked dress.
Then will mingje the musical ipelody
of the niello mixer for the monkey
manufactory, the constant roll pf, in
coming and outgoing vehicles, the
snap of tho ever present fire-cracker
and ccnt-a-grab torpedo, with the stirr
ing announcement that some philan
thropical son f Unselfishness will take
you "twenty around the world
for the sin, nil stun of a djtnc."
Hut poverty of speech prevents a
recital of tlie ga-lp-ri-ous time ex
Youth and beauty tmII be there.
Wit and wisdom will be there. "Mike"
and "Tom" we'll bo there. The dude
with hi cane, and tho dogs will be
there, and the swing, and goodness
knows how many other good things.
Then come and be blest.
Lot ami woman, dog and dude,
All animate creation',
The hohleu fair, th frowning prude,
Attend, our celebration,
Conic hear io spe cches, smell the brouze,
Froin, clover meadows strayinsr,
And watch tho" gambols, 'neatli the trees,
Of graceful donkey braylg.
"I repeat it, sir, ot 'em come! 1 !"
Mirc ANi Tom,
TJie Twin Poets.
Summorvillo Sifting'S.
Grain lookipg very well.
.Showepy during the week.
Mr. Herman Waldeck, of EJgin,
in town.
I. D. I Tubers and Chas. Holgarth
returned from Portland, Saturday.
Some of Sunimcrville's citizens will
celebrate at Josoph tho coming -1th.
There is every indication of a plen
tiful crop of huckleberries the present
The daughters of Mr. A. Sommcr,
of La Grande, are visiting at Mr. D.
Sommers' of this place.
Mr. D. Sommer has a young son of
Germany now clerking in his store.
Can't speftk a word of English.
M. G. G. Patten and John Tuttle
were out limiting during the week,
and succeeded in killing a deer.
A petition is being circulated to re
tain Mr. C D. McDowell, the present
post'inastor at this place, in office.
Wonder what is the reason the Un
ion club did not acoept the challenge
sent them by the ftiunmerville Uase
ball Club.
Kd. E. Catcs was in town Sunday
morning. He came down with a war
rant for the arrest of Neut Gardiner,
for perjury.
K. D. McCully, of Joseph, was In
town on Sunday. Mr. McCully will
run tho mail line to Joseph for a few
weeks after his contract expires.
Mr. F. H. Collins' school in Iowa
diotrict will close July 2nd. Mr. Coll
ins will accept a position in the bank
at this place as soon ns that time ar
rives. Mr. IJ, I). Hubors haB concluded not
to have an elevator put in his store,
since his visit to Portland, having had
some experience iu tho elevator busi
ness while gone.
Mr. N. II. Harris and Dr. W. E. Itine
hart were up in the mountains Sun
day for tho purpose of locating a camp
ing ground, where they, with thoir
families, intend to rest from tho
titudinous cares of life, July 3rd
in til-
Several of the boys who have been
working for Shaw it McLeod on the
Pine creek road, returned during the
week. They said they did not mind
the work, but did not like to walk four
miles to and from it, before and after
working hours. Ckakk.
Eagle Cospar .Shop.
S.Ii.Ayles, manufaturer ofbuitei
barrels and kegs, has always on hand
u good supply of tho best quality, ad
will sell them at reasonable prices.
Give him a call at his shop, soutl of
the school house, Union.
rarmurt a ml Mechanics.
Save money and doctor hills. Relieve your
Mothers, Wives and Sisters by a timely pur
chase of Dr. Rosanko'n Cough and Lung
Svrup, best known remedy for Cou lis, Colds
Cioiip mid Bronchial affections. Relieves
Children of Croup iu one night; may sure
you hundreds of dollars. Price 50 cents and
jfl.00. Samples free. Sold by J. T. Wright,
Union, Oregon.
3ovo (tailings,
),uno 24th, JSS0.
J. M. V4y and wife visited relatives,
at Auburn., thiu wcei:.
Alex Cochran and J. C. Honey an,
families havo gone $ l'ine rallcy on.
u rustiuat'mg trip,
Mrs. lchey, of "Hast Portland, is
visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs. Mathon
Mitchell if Covo,
Kain is greatly needeel, Utiles a
generous supply sonn dcsceiils, cropa
will bo very short,
Mrs, '.ov Ellis and son have ended
their stay in Cove, and returned to
their home Billings,
It is said pn good authority, tht a
rich quartz h-'dge has been dipcp.vejfld
within two rr.iles of town.
Miss Rachel Miller has returned to
North Powder and will reside with
Mr. Parker's family, this pummcr.
Mrs, Fugh. and son, Melbourne,
have gone to the WiHaniette valley, to
be at the bedside pf a sick relative,
A sail boat has been built at the
Sand Ridge lake, aid the owners en
joy a plcasau.t sail those warm days.
Miss Maggie Laughlin, late music
teacher at the Ascension wchool, start
ed, Wednesday, for a visit to her
home in Kpft I)odgo, Iowa.
A party, consisting of Mrs. Lou
Payne, Mit-sci Mjerril and Lulu Foster,
and Geo. Hess, started for Walla Wal
la, Monday, pn a pleasure trip.
Miss Sulliyan has gone to Sppkane
Falls, where she will visit friends
during the summer. She has accepted
a position,
in St. lien's Hull, as
S. R. Ilurronghs, proprietor of the
planing niill, received, Thursday, a
severe cut on the head from a living
stick, while working near tho busy
little buzz saw.
Rev. It. H. lloyh.-s was in town last
week, holdjug services in lower Cove.
He has decided to locato at tho Pine
creek mines, beljeving that they will
prove very rich.
A Fourth f July ball will be givon
at Wright,? hal), Cove, on Saturday
the Ilrd. Danoiiig will comnienco in
the afternoon and continue until
midnight, with a supper at j o'clock.
J. M. Cravens, who went, last Jan
uary, to San Francisco for medical
treatment, has returned witli hit
health greatly improved. He appcart
and talks as though he might have
discovered the fountain of youth.
A large fireworks balloon will be
sent up near the Cove drug store, at
I) oclock July 3rd. "ft will bo worth
seeing. If one can be engaged for the
occasion, :i trapeze performer will
make the ascent on lo swinging bai
of the balloon.
II. J. Geer, laboring under the de
lusion that he was near kin of Samp
son, found out hjs niistukp tho othei
day, when assisting a dolicato porker,
of some IKK) pounds weight, into a
wagon, Heman has been carrying
his arm apd shoujder in a sling, since.
When tho mook warrant was served
on mo in Union, I wasn't scared, oh
no.-M. Tra Ja. I hivvo got to hurry
to catch up. Ed. Excuse mo, bul
this cajf wants a drjnk now. J.
Cove has lost its charm for me. Wm.
Home advertising signs appear better
and more gentee, when finished. P.
it 11. Somewhat discouraged, yet still
on deck.-. H. J. G. Good bye, kind
friends. I am compelled to leave you
for ti time. E. She said she would go
with me to the ball on tjie 3rd., and I
am happy. W. Wapted.-A nice
little wife to transplant in Lost Prairie.
Jo. f ,m just as young as I used tc
be, J. O. Sad that I was top sick to
soo her, on my rcoent trip. It. These
evenings arc exquisite for walking
out. A. I am very much afraid she
has ceased to see in me anything thai
is interesting, but I oan't help it. C.
A distressing aopident happened
last Sunday morning, in which Wil
kin" Rarncs, a young ninu about 20
years of age, received a severe gun
shot wound. With John Jones ho had
been hunting on the mountains north
I'ast of town, and they were on the
point of starting for home, when Mr.
IJarnes in pulling the riflo toward
himself, discharged it; the bullet, of
heavy calibro, entering his right breast
and passing upward, lodged noar the
skin iu the bacl;. Mr. Jones left the
the wounded man and hastened for
assistance and medical aid. In the
afternoon ho was carried down the
stcop mountain to J. T. Jewell's resi
dence, where ho has sinco been lying
in a precarious condition. Tho bullet
has not yet been extracted, but prob
ably will bo to-day. It i'm hoped the
young man, who is aided by it good
constitution, will survive tho dreadful
.Martini Maruuilnm.
The following circular was received this
week from the editor of tho Contervllllan,
published In Umatilla county, which ex
plains itself:
A couple of religious fanatics who have
Just finished 'doing' the Centcrvlllo people
are now en routo to Weston, and will go to
I tilon county and then hack to Wlla Wal
la and tho Upper Country. Tho editor of
tho Centervllllau takes this method of warn
ing the people along tho lino. They aro a
a pair of Ignorant fools who hope to travel
over the country at tho expense of the gull
able. Wo had been warned against them by
private letter and because wo exposed them
through the columns of the Centervllllau,
they undertook to abuse us 011 tlm ktreet
and In tliu chureh with foul mouth abuse.
Again we warn all persons to beware of Col.
and Mulor-Oeneral Rorlu. and ask all re
spectable newspapers to give their readers
fair warning. They left Contervllle while
1110 siars were smiling 111 tne neaveus, tra-ia"
llAitiiisiiuno, Oregon.
Some three months ago I was attacked
with a severe pain In my back. I bought a
package of the Oukoon Kiuxkv Tka, and
bv the time I had used ono-half of it was
entirely relieved and have not been troubled
since. I cheerfully recommend It to all who
may be suffering from a lame or weak back,
as a plcasuut, safe und food semedy.
it. j. umuauii
Oiir oraps reecj rain, Some grain Is
past mernotion1, already,'
Charley Forel;ire le(t for Conner
creek lasl Monday, on business.
All the sheepmen of tlysalley have
shipped their wop, and seemed a gpoij
price fpr it.
Mr. and Mrs. Polan, lue left our
valley ami taVcn, up they abode a,t
Williait Cates has been, doing spme
carpenter work on Cloycr cree, for
Frank Ctisiok.
Our school fl t,his placo is progress
ing nicely. The parents say tlieir
children are learning very fast.
John Ulizo and Duck Ficklin passed
through, to day, on a prospecting
tour. Good luck follow them,.
Tom. Johnson has sold lps interest
in the band of sheep that ho had on
shares with John Dpbins, tp hint,,
Mrs. Cromwell returned homo from
the Willamette vajley a few days since,
bringing with, her Mr. McMan's sjstcr.
Maud Mclviefer was severely hurt
by falling from a horso and striking
on her head. She was insesiblc for
some io.
Mr. Lynch and family topk a flying
visit to tle Cove one day this week,
and brought Mjss Sivillah Shoemaker
home with litem.
Ono of the Hall Rros', owners of
the North Ppwder saw mili, fell
dead while rolling logs in the river up
in tho mountains.
John Oatosjeft hereabout two weeks
ago, for Wingyille, Uaker- county,
where lw has taken a contract to inan
ufacturc vvashing machines for Vernon
it Nelson.
Mr. J. A. Cates saw quite a curiosity
while at Wingville, It was . chicken
with fotir perfect legs. The two extra
legs wore about one half inch back of
the natural ones.
The Hew Hros. and Tpmlinson &.
Crowley have joined their bands of
sheep tp ctptail expenses jn herding,
and have moved them tp Tomlinson's
placo in High valley.
If the people's voto pf A,ntclopo pre
cinct dpn't half count in, it can half
count ppt. We are bound to haye a
count, aiul if ever another such a trick
is played on us, spine ono will have to
pay dear mr it.
Iu tlie Soout, recently, an item ap
peared, wherein it was stated that the
Republicans proposed to patronize the
free school system, hereafter, so as to
educate their children euough to not
bo dependent on tho caprices of Dem
ocratic judges for thoir votes. In this
matter we don't think that otto party
has any right tp crow or domineer
over tio other, for the republicans
wero as deep in the mud as were the
democrats in the mire. Therefore say
no more about it, but let it be the
last tiipo t)at such a trjok is played,
or some ono will pay dear for their
fun. Hoiiesty is tho best policy, let
the count be as it may. Do unto
'ithers as vou would wish to be donu
Iliglt Valley Hash.
Tho late showers will insure a fair
crop for High Valley.
Everybody getting ready to attend
tho celebration at Union on the 5th.
Machine agents havo been quito nu
merous hero of late, they sold two
mowers and one uclf-bindor.
Mr. J. P. Smith has sold his pre
emption claim to Wilkinson brothers,
and will inovo to Pine Valley.
Our farmers here have struck for
higher prieos, and the gentle cow and
prolific hen are ordered to suspend op
erations until further notice.
The land blockade that has settled
lown on all fraudulent land entries
will create quito a kick when the in
spector begins hia investigation on all
patented lands, and thoao applied for.
Uncle Sam's mills of justice run very
dow, but tlioy grind exceeding fine.
In every state and territory that has
oeen inspected there has been found
thousands of acres of patented lands
that was stolen by perjury of witnesses,
and every case tho patents were can
celled and the land went back to the
government. We have been promised
this investigation and it is cortainly
coming. All men who have bought
or held patented lands had bettor look
well to tho mothod by which it was
obtained, and if any fraud is fonnd,
tho only recourse is to securo against
the patentee, who ever he may bo.
Kven in ur little cornor can be found
several hundred acres of land that has
been gobbled up by fraudulent testi
mony. Homo.
. .
For (irntlaman,
We are in position to name bed rock pri
ces on Ucnts' Kliirts, Undcrvvare, Ties, tiocks,
Gloves, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, Cuffs,
Collars, etc. For 00c. we furnish a first
class unlatindricd shirt. For $1.25. best
grade of laundrlcd shirts. We solicit the
natronage of all buyers of Oents' Furnishing
Goods. By writing to us, your purchases
will be made economically and satisfacto
rily, b'end us a trial order.
180 First Street, Portland, Oregon.
I'ropor Trentmetit for 'Coughs,
That the reader may fully understand what
constitutes a good "ough and Lung Syrup,
wo will say that Tar and Wild Cherry Is tho
basis of the best remodles yet discovered.
Tli.,un liurr.xllpntH with NHVrnl nthtru efttmllv
as elllcacious, enter largely Into Dr. Rosan-
ko's (;ougu nun Ming syrup, iuuv uiukmik it
one of tho most reliable now on the market.
Price, M cents and $1.00, Samples free. Sold
by J. T. Wright, Union, Oregon.
Hyrup of l'Ic.
Manufactured only by the California Fig
Syrup Co,, San Francisco, Cab, Is Nature's
Own Truo Laxative. This pleaiaut Califor
nia liquid fruit remedy may be had of all
druggists, nt fifty cents or ono dollar.. It Is
me mosi pieasaui, prompt, nnu tuamo
remedy known to cleanse the system; to act
on the Liver. Kidneys, and Dowels gently
yet thoroughly j to dlsnol Headaches, Colds,
and Fevers; to cure Consumption, Indiges
tion, and kindred Ills,
pv3c riukings.
June 23, J880.
Weather quito Yarin, roads very,
dusty and te crops are thirstirtg for,
Mr. O. H, Marshal started, last
Monday, fpr Jackson county wierc he
intends o remain fpr some time.
Mesir. Enoch and Maj. South
m.ade a, visit tp Union, last week, for
tho purpose of rulinc tho Q. A. R
Tho, new road. Is lined with teams
and fopt-sore pedestrians plodding
their weary way to and from the new
The people of tlo Park and Bip
creek will celebrate their independ
ence by joining forces and having
grand foot shaking at Wright's hall,
Monday evening tlio 5th,,
If he can manage tp keop the
yaller hogs out of his (ater patch, I
am quito sure ho can realize enough
therefrom to buy the license, and then
wo will bid defiance to all. M.
Tlie people of ths place have, re
cently, experienced quito a building
boom. They have erected two very
much needed and cpmmodious littlo
establislnrionts fpr the benefit of tho
Mr, Soymour Corpe, teacher of the
public rchppl at High valley, mado
a visit to the Park, last week. Ho
reports his school progressing nicely,
with au attendance of 28 pupils. Wo
wish him all the success in the world.
Wc hear that Wm. Jackson of Low
er Powdor, while rutining his horse
after cattle, was thrown and fatally
injured. Mr. Jackson resided in the
Cove last winter, but returned, in tho
spring, tp his Ijomc oa Lower Powder.
His many friends will be sorry to
hear qf his death.
Elgin Ecljoas.
Our incrctyaqts report business rath
er livey, this week
A. N. Hamilton and family, who
paid us a visit tins week, returned
homo, yesterday morning,
Qujte a nun)ber p.f ploasuro seekers
from Walla Wala and Weston, passed,
through hero on thejr way to th
Wallowa, rcocntjy.
Partjes from all over Union county,
who are after a few days sport, are
daily scon wendiqg thir way towards
the Looking Glass,
Tho recent showers wero a great
blessing to the crops in Indian valley.
We aro looking for more rain and
hope it will come soon.
Misses. Anna Rinehart and SavanaU
Patten, called on us, this week. The
ladies were much pleased with our
little town, and expressed a desire to
move dpwn here in tho sweet bye and
The arrangements pf the . different
commUeos for the celebration of the
Fourth, to he he)d here Saturday the
3rd., aro nearly all made. Tho vocal
exercises will be conducted by Prof,
Robert Owenby,
Allen Uakcr, who returned home
from Summerville early this week,
met with an accident which almot
proved fatal to him and his family,
A runaway teain scared his mare,
which wan hitched to a two whoel
cart, who bocame uncontrolablo and af
ter running a whilo, upeot tho cart and
Mr. linker and wife and child worn
thrown out. Luckily none of theni
were badly hurt.
Portland Pointors,
Juno 83, 1880,
Hats ! t
Weather quite warm.
Hurrah for Pennoyerl
City election last Monday.
Strawberries cents her lb.
W. H. McComas will return to Un
ion in few days.
There are over one hundred John
son's in this city,
There aro sovon street sprinklers
running night and day.
Pennoyer was beaten for Mayor ICO
votea, by Jno. Gates, last year,
Lumber is seven dollars per. thous
and, delivered jn any part of tho city,
A great many people will leayo for
the sca-sido, immediately after tho cel
obration. The business men of this oity are
making preparations for a grand ool
bration 011 the '1th.
Times aro quite dull, yot thoro is
threo times tho amount of work being
done this year than thoro was last,
Tho Chinese oxcitcmont has quieted
down. Most of the Chinese laborers
have gone down to the canneries, 011
the Columbia rivur.
Militia companies aro all the rage.
There aro sovcral nice companies in
this city, composed of lawyers, doctors,
bank clerks, business men, etc.
Ilalnc Morn Plcnuant.
To the taste, inoro acceptable to the stom
actio, and more truly beneficial In Its action,
the famous California liquid fruit remedy.
Syrup of Figs, U rapidly superseding all
others. Try It. For alo by alLdruggfsts.
Snoll lleltsliu.t Woodard, wholosa'weuts,
Portland, Oregon.
Cure for Flits.
Piles are frequently preceded by a sent
of weight In tho back, loins and lower part
of the abdomen, causing the patient to sup
pono he has some affection of the kidneys or
neighboring organs. At times, symptoms of
Indigestion aro present, flatulency, uneasy
ness of the stomach, etc. A moisture llkn
perspiration, producing a very disagreeable
itching after getting warm, is a common
attendant, llllud, Rleedlng, and Itching
Piles yield at once to the application of Dr.
Rosanko.s Pile Remedy, which acts directly
upon the parts effected, absorbing th
Tumors, allaying the Intense Itching, and
effectiiif a permanent cure. Prlee.&Q cents.
any, Plqua, O. Isold by J, T, Wright,
mon, urcgou.
Buy the celebrated Kimball piano,