LEGISLATIVE XEIYS AXD SO TEX J. Record of rroteeitlngs In Eotli Branches of U9 V. 8. Congret. Senate, Juno 10. After routlno business of the morning Beck called up hts bill to prohibit members o! congress from nccept ing retainers or employment trom railrond compnnies which huvo received innn grants or pecuniary nid Irom congress, i nssed vens 37. nnvs 11. Tlio nerieuuurai np nrnnrinllon bill wns then taken up. Mil lor. in the course ol some remarks on the Mil. rnlprrp.l to tlio ravages ol the rico birds, which, o said, caused a loss equal to S7 tier acta of all tlio rice crop of the United States. Tlio ravages ot the English Hiinrrnwn. ho said, wero very lilllcU worso thnn tlioso of the rico birds and nmountcd to liuiiiv millions of dollars per year. Tlio stinrrowB were rapidly on tlio increase. It wns believed bv thoOr iiothological nssocin- tion of the United States that steps should be taken to exterminate these sparrows Tlio association, .Miller salil. winch was composed of amateur scientists all over the United States, wasdoing most excellent work in the investigation of food habits of birds that were injurious to agriculture After some minor amendments the bill was twissrd substantially as reported from tho committee. On motion of Allison tlio bill was pnnsed appropriating ?lo0,000as an additional sum to complete me i;es.ioinos Iown. nublic building, ilawley entered motion to reconsider tlio bill paused earlier in the day prohibiting members or congress from acting iib attorneys or employes ol railroad companies that had received land crnntsor pewniiiry aid from the Un.ted States. Ilawley said that, with a number of other senators, ho had voted for tho uAssngo of the bill, but since voting for it I... .....n. 4ltn l.lll cnlrtA l-fl 1 1 1, til !,! I t i f 11 III" iltlll IVl-li IIIU ijiii rtu.w- - w.iu.u... wi.si. The motion was agreed to. IIoiisk. Juno 10. The louse this morn ingwent into committee jot the whole on the legislative annropria'.ion bill. The pending question was oi the point ol order made by Mr. Mornon, of Illinois, against tho words "in fill compensation" where they occi:r in the gepral appropria tion clause of tho bill. Tlifcchair ruled the noint as out of order. Yhen tho claime appropriating for the pay f senators had been read, W. B. Taylor, i Ohio, offered an amendment provi 'ing tot nono of the money should bo paid untittlip senate had con II r mod tho nppointmentbf Mnthows for register of deeds of IheDistiltof Colunibia. Ho wished, ho said, to brin out tlio latent power of tliolioiiwetosuperwenll branches ol tho government, as ii projeseo 10 super vise tlio conduct of tho citl servico com mission. Having flnislied thlconsideration of nine of tho 100 pages of t (bill, tho com mittee roso and tho houso a ourucd. Su.vatc, June 11. The sc ito took up the Northern Pacific railrlid forfeiture bill. Jfr. George addressed ho senn to on the bill commenting generallr-n tho enor mous quantity of land 170100,000 acres given by congress to vnpus railroad corporations from I860 tl 1S75. Mr. OeorL'o said it was a large: tea of land than that constituting till republic of 1" ninco or the empire ol urmuny. Tho present value of railroad lull grants, at the average price already rejized by the companies was S77;5,700,8!)4 Mr. Kustis said tho great question to-dajvns whother tho government was superi to corpora tions or corporations superb to tho gov ernment. Corporations li exhibited shameless and unpnrdonab oppression and extortion as well as effn ery in their dealings with tho pcoplo and ho govern ment of the United States. 1 1 bill then went over till to-morrow. r. Spooner took tho lloor and, in offeringa resolution of condolence on tho death of Tbn. Joseph Kuiikin, latq representative I congress from Wisconsin, delivered an njhiient and touching tribute to the meiuorLf tho de ceased. I Ilousn, Juno 11. Mr. Cobbfl Indiana, from tho committee on publj lands, re ported back the Atlantic it Plic forfeit ure bill witli tho senate nmoiiQents, and moved a concurrence in the luudmcnts. No action was taken nnd tho fction was laid over till Monday. Tliojouso then went into committee of tho pe on tho legislative oxecutivo and judfil appro priation Lilll. In the discuss! that on sued Mr. C'ompton said tho asset liis col leaguo had made on the late p(iaster at Hnltimoro was as undeserved J any ono mnn had over made on auotliedWho was that postmaster? lie Mis tinker of tho gentleman from Maryland (Fuhiy), or any ouiur geiniuiiiiiu uu una uij; or any- where, ns a man of character Pi lutein- cenco and a democrat. Tlio c sorvico commission nao sougui. oy evertiorc ana by every means it could emplo o show that ho had violated tho law viif because ho had removed that ser ial ofllco a lot of nolitical scalawaes and at of un principled scoundrels the nssoc,s of his colleague in last fall's campniglvlieti ho (Finlny), had sought to defeat i demo cratic ticket. Appluuse on i deni' crutic side. Immediately the Hso win. in an uproar, but above the noisFindlny wns heard to inquire angrily wBier his collengno meant to say that ho striated with seulawags and Bcoundrels.jpeakor Carlisle, who was in tho chnitr, np proaclied tlio speaker's desk andjan ap parently ready to seize the gavel exert his authority in case the demotration became more threatening. 5 Senatb, Juno 12. After thtftmtine morning business, Whitthorna iwcssed tho body in favor of Fryo's bill tofjmoto the political progress aiiilcommenjjpros perity of tho American nations. TArmy appropriation bill was called up brgan, and passed as reported Irom thimito committee. Tho senate passed bill authorizing tho removal of tho Siern Ute Indians, in Colorado, to the t0ry of Utah. The Northern Pacific fouro bill wns then placed before the senalUnd the senate adjourned. B Houre. Juno 12. The house wof to committee of the whole on the Ic-gi appropriation bill. The civil service being rend, the chair stated the p question was the point of order rai Morrison, of Illinois, ngainHt the pio looking to a change, o! tho rules of tho mission. Morrison, in support of his t said under the law the duty ot ado regulations dovolved on the comml and president. The purposo of the posed legislation wns to impose cor conditions which tue law did not tin nnd therefore wns a chnuge of law in traventlon of the rules of the ho The chairman delivered a careful ( slon in which he reviewed the visions ol the civil service law nnd scopl the rule undor whieh tho point of order raised, nnd finally sustained the point a ruled the provision out of the bill. 1 bill wns then read without incident uW the clause relative to mo mo Having sori was reached, when Taulbee, of Kentuc! called un the motion made by him 1 night to strike out the appropriation assistant general superintendent. Reject Tho salaries of the assistant treasurers Itoston. Chicago and Cincinnati were creased to $5,000 on the respective n tions ot Collius, of Massachusetts, Ada'ItiiVdertt will meet all who desire to pny ot Illinois, and liuttorworth ot Obi thrJspocts. lie enrnestly requests that v eui, ui .Missouri, movtrii m iu VpvVlo exception above spccilieed, tho re salary of the assistant treasurer at bfcmnV-0j Monday and the afternobna ot Louis from $1,000 to 4,500 and, no qtbeiV)r jay8 in the week may be allowed rum voting, the committee roso and took t l,lrotie pubc not for Ma pleasure, but recess until evening, when a number otpen-! tor 'Wformanceof official duty and the slon bills were passed. trftt'lion ot the public business. SurATR, June 14. After routine business the Northern Pacific forfeiture bill was taken up nnd Call resumed his remarks In support of tlio proposithoi to forfeit nil lands not enrned within tho time pre scribed by congress. Mitchell offered an amendment to exclude from forfeiture the lnnds coterminous with the completed por tion of the Cascade branch. If tho com pany could not complete tho Cascade branch, the fnriuers and producers of the Pacific northwest would have to remain at the merry of the Oregon Railway and Navi gation company. In the course of the de bat Plumb offered a resolution, which was agreed to, calling on the postmaster gen era! for information ns to tlio expense of le inland water routes of the United Smlcs nnd the amount of mail trans ported thor... IIorsB. June 11. Cobb, of Indiana called up the report of tho committee on public lauds, recommending concurrence in tho (ennte amendments to the Atlantic nnd Pacilic land forfeiture bill. Mcltiie, of Arkansas, vigorously opposed the somite amendments; contending tlmt notwith standing the title of the bill, tho adoption of the amendments would convert the bill into n confirmatory act. Then-port of tho committee wns then agreed to and the ainemliueats concurred in. A bill was passed prohibiting bookmnking of all kinds and pool selling in tho District of Columbia. SnxATE, June lfi. The sennto resumed consideration of tlio Northern Pacific forfeiture bill, Goorgo making a legal argument. Tho amendment introduced by Van Wyck wns then brought to a vote. Tho amendment declares forfeiture of the lands coterminous with thnt portion of the Cascade branch not completed at the late of the passngo of the pcndini.' bill. The amendment was ngreed to yeas 2 I. nays lb. hustico then lormally submitted his amendment providing for fie confirm ation of tlio title of actual setthrs Re jected vcas 12, nays :?2. Van Wyck offered an amendment repealing the chmso of the granting act which made the right ol way exempt from taxation in tho terri tories. Ho sain that, under all circum stances, ho thought tho road should bear its share of the taxation. The amendment wns agreed to yeas 20, nays 20. The bill being brought to a vote, it was passed yeas !-, nays l, liiair. ITorsn, Juno 15. Fredericks, of Iowa from the committee on invalid pensions, rcpoi-tcd back) with amendments, the sen ato bill for tlio relief of soldiets of tho Into honorably discharged alter three months service, nnd who aie disabled and dependent on their own labor for support Keierrcd to tho committee ol the whole. The house then went into coinniiltco of tho whole on the legislative appropriation bill The pending amendment wns that offered bv O Neill. of .Missouri, restoring tlio snla rv of tho assistant treasurer at St. Louis to $4,700. the amount appropriated by the bill being .$4,000. Agreed to. I.nitd moved to strikeout tlio clause npprnpiiat lug $10,000 to pay inspectors and clerks of tho general In mi ollico to investigate fraudulent laud entries. Ho criti.-ized tho order ot Coinmisioner Sparks suspend inc final action on land entries Tho commissioner impeached tho tes tiiuonv of 40,000 honest clnim ants on tlio say-so of hirelings, who went about the country to blackmail tho titles of honest people. The commissioner snid thnt in his opinion 00 per cent of tho land titles in Kansas, rsehriiBku and tho torn torles were fraudulent.' Since when had tho presumption of law been revolted by change of administration? Since when had it been in consonnnco with tho American policy to put in n lot of hirelings to sit in a palace car and drink whisky and say that )0 per cent ol tlio men holding titles in iNo brnska and Kansas weroliulding fraudulent titles? There was no necessity for the huo and cry for tho iuipenchinentof 90 per cent of tho titles of tho west and ho hoped that tho bouse would administer a merited ro- bukc to the officers by striking out the paragraph. Tho motion was rejected. Tho committee then robe and tho house ad journed. senate, Juno 1(5. Tho sennto took up tho house bill providing for tlio repeal of the pre-emption, timber culluro and desert land acts. Wilson, of Iowa, obtained leave, pending the regular order, to address the senate on the bill making the rate of post ago on fourth-class matter two cents per ounce. Wilson gave way, however, for tho oiiHidcration of tho invalid pension nppro printiou bill, which was reported by Logan nnd at ouco pussed by tho senate as re ported from the sennto committee on ap propriations, iho military academy up propriation bill was then taken up and passed. 1 lie sennto then proceeded to tho consideration of tho houso bill repealing tho pre-emption, timber culture and desert laud nets. Mlie senato committee on pull lie lnnds have amended tlio house bill by substituting tlio provisions of fho sennto ill. Jiluir offered an amendment iirovul in effect, ns to desert lands, that on the expenditure of S!100 for improvements, the government should part with tho title. mid that none of tho hinds should ho held in larger bodies than 010 acres in single owueiship. Plumb did not think that there had been such gross frauds ns had been gonernlly supposed with regard to the desert lands, or any other form of public lands. After furthor debate tho Beuate ndjourned without action on tho bill or pending amendment. Jlorsn, Juno 1C Morrison, from tho committee, on ways nnd moans, reported adversely tho resolutions by Grosvonor, of Ohio, declaring in favor of tiio restoration of tlio wool tariff of 1807, expressing the senso of congress advorso to any change ot the present wool tariff, and thoy were laid upon tlio table. Tho Iioiho thou went into couimitteo of tho whole on the legislativo appropriation bill. Tlio salary of the com missioner of patents wns fixed at 54,000 instead of S5.000, aa recommended by the bill. Cannon, ot Illinois, offered an amend ment, which, nfter a short debato, was agreed to, increasing npproprintio s for the bureau of labor io tho aggregate, 30,010, so as to make the appropriations equal to the estimates ot tliocomuiipsiouer of labor. Cabell off bred an amendment, which was agreed to, reducing from 52,500,000 to $1,000,000 tbo appropriation for salaries and expenses ot agents, surveyors, gangers nnd storekeepers in tho bureau of internal revenue. The committco then roso aud re ported the bill to the houte. THE VllESIDKST HV1.VXS 11 EST. The following is furnished to tlio Asso ciated I'ress with a request for publica tion; Executive Mansion, Washington: Not withstanding tlio announcement heretofore made by the president reserving Monday in encli week for the transaction of hiicIi pub lic business us absolutely requires freedom trom interruption, ho finds that through ignorance of tho rules adopted or from other causes, the time he thus seeks to reservo Is to a great extent engrossod by tlioso whose calls are of a personal or social nature, or by the prtsentutioii of business which might easily be postponed to another day. At 1:80 evry Monday nnd at the same hour on lVal.ll,... .,,1 l,-.I,ln nl .1, wnnlr lio rui.iTic.tr. mums iu:i:i:axi tiieke. General Keifcr ot Ohio want to bo re turned to congress. Tho Illinois republican state convention will meet nt Springfield, September 1st niiodelslnndhnsin its legislature ninety four republican members out ot 103 in all Tho Texas newspapers stipulato with all legislative candidates for a chaugo in the libel laws. It is said that Judge Poland could be governor of Vermont it ho wanted to, but that ho gives no sign. Ciiarllo Foster still insists thnt Ohio is for Illaine, Senntor Shermnn to tho con trnry notwithstanding. Tho Memphis Avalanco considers Mr. Cleveland ns tho "logical and inevitable candidate" of the democrats in 1S88. Tho Georgia gubernatorial campaign is complicated by tho chance that ex-Con gressman Folton may run as an indepen dent candidate. Secretary Rnyard has presented the His toricnl society of Delaware witli a valuable and interesting collection of photographs of General Grant. DemciTAts in Congressman Reed's district .n Maine talk of supporting a Methodist clergyman, who is to mnko tho raco on a prohibition-hihor platform. Tho Indiana prohibitionist include in their platform a plank declaring in favor ol woman suffrage, and another for tho issue ot money by government only. Tho Chicago News is pained to noto that no pronounced ndvoeato ol civil servico re form lias been prominently nnmed byeither party as lender in tho next presidential race. Secretary Manning's facohas been warm ly welcomed upon tho bridal-paths ot Washington, llo has had a hard pull, but it lakes a good deal to finish an Alba man. In Texas it ia proposed to unite tho K lights ot Labor, Fanners' Alliance, Pro hibitionists and various other political and non-political elements in a grand effort to elect olllccrs. Secrotnry Kndicott nnd nil the surviving descendants of tho original Kndicott who emtio over In tho Mayllowcr aro now lion ored by tho renaming of KImwood, subur ban to Boston, which houccforth will be known ns Kndicott. rnosrECTS of lyxcii la ir. Oborlin (Kb.) dispatch: Tho largo livery barn of Woster it Allen burned this morn ing about (5::i0 o'clock. All tho buggies wore saved aud all tho horses except two Mr. WorBtcr's dwelling, adjoining, was bad ly damaged. From tho first it was almost positive that it was tho work of an incen diary. Patrick Fleming, a lawyer from Bawlins county nnd the accepted leader of ono of tho gangs which has caused tho loss of six lives in tho past few weeks, was nr rested for tho crime, and circumstantial evidence is strong against him. Kong cries of "Lynch him. Hang him, "Hope, rope, were heard all over town, nnd it is yet n mooted question whether or not ho will ever get out of Oborlin alive. Tho loss to the building is about j:i, 500 and tlio insur ance on tho barn ?1,000. 11ITTKS 111' A MAD liOO. Clinton. Mo., June 111. Friday morning mad rto; wan first noticed at the resldeneo of Jnm.es M. Avery, jumping Into the yard nnd oiling a imp niooiied dog. I lieu going on up High street. It hit one or two other nulmnls Passing down on I'riiiiklln htreet, near the resilience of Attorney General lioouc, where Oliver lleeves was iia-lng, it snapped nt him tearing his right hand across the middle of the back, lteevcs iinniedlatelv hud the wound dressed fu accordance with the character of the bite. It is thought nt least twenty-five oogs were nmen ijoiure the mad dog was Kill cu. o other person is Known to liavo been bitten; a small boy, however,"says the dog bit him through Ills panW leg, but did not scratch him. Mr. lleeves Is a man about 00 years of age and has just completed a pottery tuup ueic. SLASHED WITH A ItOif IE-KXTFK. Details hnvo been received at Kvansville, Ind., of a terriblo murder committed in Stovensport, Warrick county, near tho line of Spencer county, Dr. Agiet, a prominent physician of that place, being killed by John L. Gentry. Tho nunrrel oriclnnted in tho heat of a political discussion, during which Gentry drew a bowie-knife nnd cut Aglet's throat from car to ear, tho victim living only about llvo minutes. Tho mur derer managed to escape. Tho killing is one of tho most dastardly over heard of in tho annals of Warrick county, it is prob able that if captured the murderer will be lynched. A llltSEFIT TO SOLDIKllS. Washington special: Acting Second Comp trollor McMnhon has rendered a.decision to tlio effect that every volunteer soldier who wns mustered out and discharged with his regiment or other organization, the members of which were kept together and under discipline, nnd did mt receive their discharges until they wero paid off, should bo regarded ns continuing in tho service until tho day of payment, and aro accord ingly entitled to credit for that period ol nei vice in cuiupiiking inuir ngiit to uouniy, SUICIDE OF AKAMEltlCAN COXSUT Dublin special: A. Mackenzlo, United States vice consul at Dublin, shot his wlU witli a revolver, lodging a bullet in her tomplo. Ho then placed the pistol to his own bend and firod a bullet into bin brain. Both wore taken to tho hospital, but Mr. Mackenzie died on the way. Mrs. Macken zie will probably not recover. The couple had freqiiont quarrels, nnd it wns during one of their periodical disputes tho tragedy occurred. Tho shooting occurred in the presence of their three little children. MADE A CLEAif SWEEP. The flro at Vancouver mads almost a clean sweep. Out ot E00 houses not a halt dozen remain. Ono hour did the wholo work. Hundreds of people aro camped out. There nro meagre facilities for the re lief of tho sufferers. Tho loss is about $500,000, and tho insurance $150,000. Tho property loss tails on the pionoor element ot tho now city, but all are deter mined to start ugain. SHOT IIY A DF.SI'lillADO John Kelly, a respected citizen of Ostrnndcr, Wis., was shot fatally on tho 10th by Sum Wilson, a dosporuto charac ter, whom Kelly aud other citizens visited and ordered to leave town., Wilson was at once arrested and jailed. There is great in-, dlgnatinn at Ostrander, and plans are on foot by lumbermen to break Jail and make a summary end ot the murderer. PEOPLE WHO STAMMER. A Painful llubtt, Tlmt May He KusMy Overcome. A richly furiiislii'd suite of apart ments on one of the thoroughfares of the eity is devoted to si peeuluir pur pose says The Xcio Vork Midi mid Kr presn. A fjililed pinto of modest dimen sions, on which a nnine. ami nothing more, is inscribed, is among the Haunt ing signs by the main entrance to tho building. Ascondingone llight of stairs the visitor's attention will be attracted by the marked care with which the doors leading to the front apartments are curtained. He will understand at once that it i not a private establish ment, for the name which appears on the plate below is again inscribed on one of the doors. A reporter was ush ered into a Mnsill private apartment, where a tall and handsome gentleman in a fashionable spring suit waited on hint. In a large parlor connecting witli this anteroom by a glass door a conver sation was going on. It ran in this wise: "Try once again, please." "Th-th-tho tli-th-thr-tluush th-th-things th-th-tliweetly in tli-th-tlie tli-tli-tl. jiuing of th-tli-t'he year." A otmg lady was endeavoring to state in plain i-.ngiisii mat tlio thrush sings sweetly in the spring of the year. The place proved to be a private school for teaching per.-ons who lisp, stammer, and stutter to articulate tiieir words distinctly. The instructor con sented to explain the secrets of his in teresting business. Ho said that not one in twenty of those who li.-p and stammer have any organic or natural defect, ami in proof of his assertion lie cited tiie fact that few children com mence to stammer before the ages of 6 or li years. "Various causes can be assigned for stuttering, lisping, and stammering," he proceeded. "Fright often causes this le-nlt, and sickness which docs not at all alloc t tlio vocal organs produces the same o licet through nervous action. Stammering, too, is contagious, and a child wiio.se speecli is perfectly distinct will almost certainly become a stam merer if permitted to plaj anil associ ate with stammerers. The habit is ae tju red by sympathy." "Can persons whose habit of stam mering and lisping is h matter of long standing bo taught to speak distinct- "lhe habit, can be overcome in a very short space of lime witli training ami patient praetioo where there in no inflammation of tlio vocal organs. Take such a veteran as Mr. William K. Travers. He could easily bo made to conver-e like other people, but it would be a crime against society to change his speecli. If he spoko plainly lie would loe -onio of his fascination." "Js it. not true that many ladies pride themselves on their ability to lisp pret tily?" "in some circles lisping is considered a fashionable and desirable accomplish ment. The trouble about lisping is that when a lady lias once acquired tho habit she can not adopt a new stylo as she would a new dress. Most young ladies who take lo-sons in lisping when frollicking witli companions of thoir own age aro .sorry for il later on, and the habit is not then so easily dropped." "How do you distinguish bewoen stammerers, stutterers, and lispers?" "Stammering is simply spasmodic articulation, while the stutterer speaks from an exhausted chest, and is unable to commence speecli easily. Hoth de fects arise from a misuse of tlio vocal organs, sometimes brought about by ignorance and sometimes the result of habit. Lisping consists in giving tlio round of tli to s anil . and some other of tlio consonants, and is almost invari bly an acquired habit. When not ac companion in- a serious iiiuicuiiy in articulation it is surely unnatural ami a result of the forced use ot nature s or cans." "Aro not the facial contortions which frequently manifest themselves when a stutterer tries to speak proofs in tlioin- selves that some physical defect exists. iot by any means. Those contor tions result from a niisuso of the rospir- uory organs, leacn the suilerer bv word anil example the proper use of these organs and gradually these eon tortious disappear altogether. I have seen persons who would almost go into spasms on attempting to speak after careful training for two months con verse with perfect composure as dis tinctly as you or 1. The mechanical part of speech is an unconscious oll'ort; to correct defects in siieoilt it must bo made conspicuous that is to say, the attention must be concentrated upon the vocal ellbrt and the action of the artlculatory organs." The instructor explained that tlio male stammerers ex ceed tho female in number in the pro portion of seven or eight to one, for tho reason, ho said, that women possess more mobility than men in tho organs of Bpeech. A bad stammerer, who lias no physical defect in the vocal organs, can be taught to speak distinctly in from ono to three months. While un der instruction, or immediately after ward, ho must not bo allowed to as soc ato with others who stammer, or with persons who spoak very rapidly. Stammering and lisping are moro gen eral among wealthy peoplo than among tho poor, for some unaccountable rea son. Several clurgymou who stammer in ordinary conversation articulate dis tinctly in tho pulpit, but only when thoy read their sermons from manuscript. A leading lawyer in Scranton, l'a., is tho most accomplished stammerer in that section of tho country. Her Way of Economizing-. "Katrina, you must practice more economy," said her mistress, as she noticed a red hot tiro in the kitchen stove. "Veil, I do it," saul tho girl. "You have tiro enough in tlio stove to kcop till morning," replied the lady. 'Uots all recht, 1 burn me iter coal and 1 safe me dor matches. Dots goot economizin. National Wetkhj. A Failure In Stirring1. There are lots of peoplo who mix their religion with business, but forget stir It up well. J lie business in- rnriubly rises to the top as a result. A VERY WICKED CITY. A 'Moiitniin Town Tlmt ttcs Dlatnncoa All Competitors. Untie City. Montana, is conceded now to be the wickedest city in tlio world, writes Kit Perkins in he Xcio York World. It so far surpasses Dodge City. Cheyenne and I.eadville in pure and unalloyed wickedness that it is a shame to mention them in connection with Unite City. Unite acknowledges no rival but "Miles City a cow-town over the mountains on the Northern Pacilic. Miles City tries hard to lie the wicked est city, lint, being a simple cow-town, it can not competo witli Unite Citv. which has both mines and cattle ranches. Helena. Montana, situated be tween Hutte and Miles, is proud of its wickedness, too. It has its myriad of gambling saloons, where Ciiinatnun and cow boys buck the tiger at the same table. It lias its concert saloons, its French dcnti-uwtidf quarter, its Afri can (Utni-mondf street, and its Chinese bad houses, with their burning candles in front, but Helena has to acknow ledge -sadly acknowledge the sup remacy of wickedness to finite. I have seen tlio wickedest eity move west niunv times. 1 have seen Abilene. Kan., with its cowboy dance-houses and gambling palaces move up to Cheyenne. Cheyenne was proud, in 1S7-1, to be called the wicked citv, but good peoplo came in there and the V. M. C. A. broke them up. 1 remember how they had woman suffrage there in IS"."), anil ninety wicked women came out in a body," took the polls, and elected tho barkeepers and gamblers to the high est ollieos. Hut alas! Cheyenne degen erated into an ordinary CliVistian town. Wickedness then went over to Dodge City. Dodge City then had but one long street, every house a saloon. Ilullels whistled down it and dead men were hauled out of it from morning till night. She Hung the devil's red ling at all Kansas. She delicti the V. M. C. A. aud tlio prohibitionists, but finally tlio dreadful V. -M. C. A. camo up' and camped on her bloody street, her devil destroying prohibitionist cleaned out her saloons, and her gamblers and demi-monde left for llutto City. Poor Dodge City! The mines about Hutte are very rich. The Anaconda mines have no rival. Money is cheap and Hies like chall" in tlio wind. The bootblack will not look at your boots for less than LV) cents, and tlio newsboy sells the one-sheet Miner for 10 cents". Mr. Zingerfosl, the editor of The Miner, admitted to mo that ho was a Christian and a member of the Methodist church in Oborlin, O., but "Oh," ho said, "don't mention .it in Untie. If you do no ono will read my paper. It was a case where an editor had to pray secretly in his closet and t liun go out and play roulette to gain the respect of his subscribers. A sad, sad case. At night Unite assumes Its most sear lot hue. The town is rod all tlio time, but at night electric lights rolled through stained glass a thousand cardi nal and amethyst rays. The houses of tho denii-nionde arc "now all open. In and out surge tho pcoplo dialling the low-m:ckcd, short-sleeved, .scantily dressed denizens. Whole streets are given up to theso parlors of tlio sirens, who sit at the windows dressed in draw ing-room dveollcie. When you come to tho gambling saloons the fronts seem to bo removed and the dozens of rouletto tables seem to be even with the street. There thoy sit, women, Chinamen, cowboys, miners, and Christians in dis guise. " The clergyman (loos not play, but lie comes in to show his democracy to tlio boys and receive a donation from tho man who breaks the bank, and sud denly becomes generous. The Unite concert-saloons aro usu ally underground. The saloon is square, with a row of private boxes all around tho top. Tho orchestra is occupied by cowboys and minors, who guz.lo beer at 2.r) cents per glass with llabby bar maids. The boxes aro occupied by bank presidents, iiitrchanls and wealthy cit izens, who sil behind laco curtains ami drink Missouri cider-ohuinpagno at 5 a bottle with sprightly girls in giiuzo drosses or tights. The gambling-tables and the broken-voiced singers mnko a pandemonium of tho place. Tho weird electric lights make tho room like hades illuminated. At 11 o'clock tho singing is now and thou disturbed by pistol-shots from the cowboys, who shoot down into the grouncl, unless thoy have a special dislike to the singer; then the ball whisps through tho cur tain. Sometimes tlio cowbovs chall' tlio merchants behind the curtains in the boxes, and make them order whisky for tho orchestra. Everybody calls everybody else bv his lirst name, and there is perfect democracy throughout the saloon. There is no concealment of wickedness, but each ono does all ho can to make tho concert-saloon tho wickedest placo in tho wickedest city in tho world. Tho next morning every thing is forgotten, and tho merchants are in their si ores, the miners in thoir mines, and the pistoling cowboy punch ing his cattle ton miles away. Tho Growing Evil. The bore has boon defined as the man who will talk about himself when you want to talk about yourself. Thoro is a great deal of truth in this, but there aro some men who will bo suflloiently honest to give and take, who will listen to you in rcturp for your listening to them, there are others who are such conversational gluttons that after hav ing gorged thcmsolves with thoir own gab, will listen to no ono olso. Is thoro any greater fraud than this P You liavo been listening for three-quar ters ot an hour to a Jong rigamarolo, full of paronthesls and digressions, of Migglns, you have not only listened patiently but rcsponsivoly, burning nil tho time to .tell him of some matter of tho most startling interest to yoursolf. lie comes to the end of his narrative suddenly, and, rising from his seat, says, "Well, l must is) oil. i have an im portant appointment with a man at one o'clock, Uy Jovo! I didn't think it was so Into. Excuse me," and oil ho scuttles. Ho, perhaps, has no appoint ment at nil, but lie has disgorged him self ami lie is in dread of having to pay ins conversational uum oy listening to you lor live minutes. Confound the men who won t listen, iezcia atjimgs. HOUSEHOLD HINTS. A wooden mantel, unless It bo painted one is much disfigured by eitha lambrequins or scarf. Silver Cake. Half a pound of sugai quarter-pound each of Hour, butter am corn starch, whites of eight eggs, om saltspoonfiil salt, ono teaspoonful ox tract of bitter almonds. Scotch Cake One pound sugar, half pound butter, two eggs, tablespoonfu cinnamon, one saltspoonfiil salt, oni pound Hour. Roll very thin and baki very brown in a quick oven. Seed Cake -Half pound butter, thrci quarters of a pound sugar, ono tabla spoonful rosewater or two teaspocnfuL essence of lemon, ono saltspoonfiil salt one pound and a half of Hour, one tabh spoonful caraway seed. Uice Cake Three-quarters of a pount sugar, half-pound butter, beaten to cream; one pound rice Hour and eight eggs, added alternately, one saltspoou fill salt, half a nutmeg, grated, and oni teaspoonful essence of lemon or. a hal wineglassful wino. New York Cookies One tcacupfii butter, three of sugar, four eggs, oni tablespoonful cinnamon, half teaspoon ful doves, half a nutmeg, grated, om tablespoonful caraway seed. Mom enough to make a dough that can hi rolled out -but not stiff saltspoonfu salt. Spanish Uun One pound sugar, om toacupful buttor, four eggs, ono quart Hour, ono toacupful currants, one tea spoonful salt, one small teaspoonful soda, beaten well into ono teacupfu sour cream, milk or buttermilk, added last. Uake at once in shallow pans it a quick oven. Sugar Gingerbread Ono pound but' tor, one pound nnd a half sugar, live eggs, one teacupful sour milk or cream, three pounds Hour, one tenspoonfu! soda, beaten witli tlio cream, half tea cupful ginger, same of cinna mon, one teaspoonful eacli of clove: and allspice, saltspoonfiil salt. Gingerbread Loaf Ono pound sugar, three-quarters of a pound butter, out pint molasses, six eggs, two poundi and a half Hour, ono teacupful ginger, one wineglassful roso water, ono ol brandy, ono teaspoonful soda, boaton into the molasses, ono saltspoonfiil salt, one pound raisins, one pound cur rants. .Jumbles Half-pound butter, thrco quarters of a pound sugar, two eggs, ono saltspoonfiil salt, half a nutmeg grated, one teaspoonful cinnamon, oiia tablespoonful roso water, eight drops essence of lemon, one teaspoonful bran dy (if you like) and ono pound of Hour. Adding two tablespoonfuls of cream and the sumo of Hour is said to bo au improvement. A Tooth Wash -Tho following is an excellent wash for tlio teeth: Dissolve two ounces of borax in three pounds of boiling water, and before it is cold add ono tablespoonful of spirits ol camphor and bottle for use. A table spoonful of this, mixed with an equal oiiantity of water, and applied dailv with a soft brusli, will preserve the teeth, extirpate all tartarous adhesion, arrest decay, and make tho tooth pearly white. Portieres have' proved to bo a boon to many a household. They can, with graceful ell'cct, curtain off the obst.nate end of a hall, and aro very useful in Hals, or whcio quarters are circum scribed. Uosidos, thoy furnish morn than is easily realized, except by their absence. There is a real elegance and reliiiomont about oven the simplest of them. It is so much more convenient to draw a portiere than it is to close a door, in case a little privacy is desired. A marble mantel has a warmer ap pearance from boing ilocorateil by a lambrequin or scarf. If tho former, the valance should not fall more than twelve or sixteen inches, and a woodon shelf should bo covered with tho same material. Silk, velvet, velveteen, or felt aro all effective. The narrow tassol fringe forms a good liuish, and in em broidery, applique work of velvet, or voivetcon, or felt, n rich appearance For this the conventional designs aro the best. Soro Throat Ono who has tried it communicates tho following about curing soro throats: Ono ounce of cam phorated oil, and livo cents worth of potash. When any soreness appears in the throat put the potash in a half tumbler full of water, and with it gargle the throat thoroughly; then rub tho neck thoroughly with the camphor ated oil at night before going to bod, aud also pin around tho throat a strip of woolon ilannol. This is a simple, cheap and sure remedy, An English Jury. I was present in court when the fol lowing incident occurred: Sccno: Dorby Assizes. Samuol Lowo nnd Jamos Halligan charged with steal ing a ham. Clork of AssizeDo you lind tho pri soners guilty or not guilty? Foreman of tho Jury Wo find as ono on 'om stolo it anil tho other re ceived It knowing it to have been stol en. Clork of Assizo Who do you say stolo it? Foreman Nay, I can't say whloh stolo it. One on 'em brought it homo under his arm, and tlio other took it from him. Mr. Justico Matthow That man is Lowo, and that is Halligan. Now, which stolo it? Foreman I don't know. I warn't there. HowcnnlsayP If thoy didn't stoal it why should they Lave it? Judgo Uontlomon, this is your fore man. Is thoro no one of you can say whether Lowo is guilty of stealing? Foreman Yos, Lowo stolo it. Chorus of Jurymen No,tim other stole. )i$V" Clerk of Assize And Is that thu ver dict of you all? Jury (forotnan Included) Ys. 4. James1 1 Gazette. vr;