The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, June 19, 1886, Image 4

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TIk SrO?T hm jv Jlnoh l.nrccr f'lrei
)tlon (linn nnv I'nnT In lliU Mrcllii
af trir Htntr. nuil , thtirnrore (lie HJSST
AnvpnTisrN m:iU'M.
ThU in a Trn Mntrnienl, nnil r
kall iiotalpiw It tn lie qucotiniifxl litnnv
Unr p)itr. Ailrrtl,'iit il wrll
o maki' n note of tliln.
r-r i """vi
The Chief tuln continues lo ngUte
the county division qiioitian, and
utrongly advocates the formation, of
"Wallowa Into n soparalo f-miuty, Jt
rays tfint nt tlm recent olpctimi Hie
judgo in several precincts, iiskod the
opinion of nanli voter ii) regard to
county division, and kept n tally of
tho sumo, which elicited tho fact that
ttbout throe-fourths of tho people nro
iu favor of it, Tlis being tho ease,
why don't thoy nil 'rosoivn, oatih to
to tho othor, u one man" to nut
loose? Jt on gl't, nnrtniniy, to he an
navy mailer for thu fiojonu of that
region to tnko a )HiiniI, anil uy flour
ing up the Hinount that could ho do
rived from the taxation of property
there, and deducting tho expenses
necessarily to be inept-rod iu thu for
mation, and carrying on ol u uew
county, arrive at a correct conclusion
us to whether it would he best or not.
We are ot the opinion that they are
nniply able to carry on a county of
their own, if managed economically j
und carefully at flrat. In view of the
fact that Wallowa U not now, and
ncvor will be u source of any benefit
to Union county, wo don't earn how
noon they mako up Ihoir minds to go
Jt alone, Wlmtoror inooino iu de
rived from that section Ih more than
OYerbalauced by expenditures to Keep
it up. Probably $10,000 hiu been
paid to tho people of Wallowa, this
year, for serving a witnessos at the
courts, and catching squirrels, yet the
Mtutu Chieftain my that "A tVal
lowan knows when ha pays taxes that
this valley will never receive any
benefit from that money," The
aillinesu of the assertion needs no
refutation, hut it reminds us , very
foicibly of the mendicint who cursed
tho hand Hint fed him. We do not
think, however, that that sheet re
flects tho soutiments and ideas of the
people over there, at all times . and
we make duo allowance."!. Wo do not
wish to hurry the matter, but when
our neighbors of tho Wallowa, "as
one man," conclude to depart, we
shall, metaphorically speaking, grip
them or rather, him bv tho hand,
'flic Snp I'Yauciscij Cull pits a
shipment of a prominent resident of
tho .Sandwich i-lawl, which
the jjoutlemiin says flin native legis
lators liuvo foriuulhited a gigiuii
tie tphcuic to dispose of the islands.
A bill was roue n try introduced by tho
government to authorize the procure
ment of a loan of twq millions of dol
lars, It is understood that tie bill
wi he amended, asking the apiotint
tlvp times as large. Mr. Hoffman,
who is now in the ifrlands actjng as
agpnt for the immigration of 1'ortu
giicns to the islands, has given the
King insurance tlnit a snydicatc of Eu
ropean capitalists ore willing and mix
iois to furnish tie nloney. Accep
tance of the loan would he a virtual
sale of the islands, us it could never
be rctqrped. The gentleman speaks
of another story about the king. Jvala
kaua aspires to thn title of "Emperor
of tho Pacific," mid that a petition
asking that that title be conferred on
Kalakaua has hiiu up from sfivontl )
districts lo the legislature.
should he conferred upon his roval
nibs, and then he should be taken out
ipto the middle of his realm some
where, ami hedged about with im
mortality about four thousand futh
orcs deep.
i 776.
Of thu IOth. Anniversary of AfNorir
I,5ii Ori p i: aOjumk, Oitr.oo.v,!
May 17, fNi. 1
nn 'tRcc i" ni'rcijy given tpat tlm iniiowim.'
I nnO "H'lipil "Cttlnr Ippj filed ni.tice of s intoii
' ' I tlmi In tnilL'f. finnl tirmif ill sitittiurt nf lii
:.v. ;!' i .v.'.." 11 .".'I. v
uiiiuii. huh iiiuu;uii imwji win do inline
foru ItriiHtor and Hcrcivnr ut I.u liratulc
wrctien, on junp s, jsn, viz:
fniri 3Ilti.ipl.
D.S. Vo..HK. fnrtlicKKNK Sec. 1 ami
W - Y ami Ah et- 'ST UK. itunw
0 KWM. Ho nmncK the following; v. itnos-
us to prove hi. ).i"jtinnoiih rosidi'iicn upun,
nnil cultivation of, said laml. v!.i Isaac
11. .11... a 1 t'. 11.. ..1. 1 1. ' 1
1 1111m , .1 . o . if 1 in1) 41 1hi li in-'i, ffliu 4.
Favro, all of Tulouasct, Ofcf,'iin.
llK.MjY Ill.N'Klr MT.
maygJ-wO-rj:, itcr.
It ill Fay YOU to fa; to Vnisii to Trad:-.
Union, Oregon, LOOK OUT !
O.N - . -
1 -
ritu liiiu ! Grand Procession at 10 A.M.
Oration at (Jrouflds. by Iter, (J,
M. Irwin. Heading of I )cola
ration of Indepnndnnce,
J'liblie Dinner 011 the (Iroimds at I'JJJ.
Thoy arc Conjlng.
Mr. AJarr, of Ifoberly, Mo. , i here
ami will hayp a. car Joau of tlii
Champion Hay Kick
ers and Kakes,
In a fow doys.
Any ono wishing one, can call on
Mr. Jnrr ur.JJO Yowell.
Has a Mammoth Stock of Dry Goods and
No Otlcls and Ends from Rundown
Stocks, but
Newest ai Best Goods in the Mot.
Woo, Hides and Grain Bought and Sold.
Music will be Furni-ihed by tlm l.'n-
ion Silver C'ornot Hand,
nd say "(Jod bless you, go, but
don't jivo us any of your back talk."
Thcro sooins to he n iiiiki Intense
desire 011 tho part of various candidates
to evade starting on their weary pil
grimage up the salino river. To their
uyc, it apparently appears aw terrilllc
"As tlic scoriae rivers that roll
As the luvui that rmtlu.-Ktlv roll -Their
sulphurous currnuti ilolvn Yauuek
In the ultiiiiulvcliiiiox of the ol
Thnturoan as they roll ilow 11 Mount Yimnck.
In the realm of the boreal pole."
Wo are Informed that it Is their in
tention to defer the time of starting,
uud If possiblu, sond their npponcut
on the voyage instead of themselves.
Wo cannot blame them for this, if
thoro is a doubt iu their minds as to
-which is entitled to tho distinction ot
going on tho voyago.
Wo understand that tho legality of
tho election in several of tho precincts
will ho called in question hctoro the
courts, iu which ease a spirit ml con
test may bo expected as the result
would materially change thu compac
tion of affuirs, iimiI rovoiso tho majori
ties of ail the principal olliccrs.
It is claimed that gross fraud was
perpetrated at several of the polling
placos and that numerous illogal votes
woro cast , while iu others no regard
was paid by tho judges of election to
the laws enacted to govern them.
AVhile wo are not Informed, at this
time, relativo to tho alleged frauds,
nulHclenlly to glvo ttu opinion, wo
doubt not that the contestants are sin
cere Iu their belief that they liavo been
wronged by the same, and havo canso
for seeking redress, mid endeavoring
to havo tho matter properly adjucated,
TI e United States niiniterat Switz-
eri ind writes tnai 1 lie hwiss govern
ment is becoming seriously alarmed at
the recent wholesale conversions to
Mormoiilsiu made among women of
that province. The Swiss authorities
have also written lo their minister at
Washington, asking him to enquire
of Secretary JJayard f this govern
ment will consider it an unfriendly
act if fhey shall drive tho .Mormon
missionaries out of the country and
break up their schools. We don't
know exactly how the secretary tools
about it, but with us it would not
check the Ilow of soul and friendliness
between us and the Swiss authorities,
to any great extent, it thei should do
my (i toi:k'a:hett.
root Race, Sack Race, Kgg acc,
Hurdle Knee, Km,
Kntrances will close at 10 a. in, Julvo.
Tho Ancient Order of Vivj;h
Will appear at :t o'clock p. 111.
I laving routed tin: old ptnnd formerly occupied by 1. A. HnskowiU,
I have J'KKMAXKNTIV J.OCATJil) and' opoud up a
HHgHHimaa I New, Full -and Complete Assortment of
imm nil w
BOOTS ami SHOES, JIATfct ami CAPS, etc. etc.
126 First St., PORTLAND, OR.
No charges for filling orders,
1 C
Kluin Is tin; now
tcl nciir Kish Trap Itridgc, in Indian Val.
uy, urc-'on.
proipcrmiii town, sltiui-
The bc.xt wagon road leads througli 7'Jlnln,
tlie Wallowa. Come jee us, and the
front the
town, when you go to or comu
Tho proposition bctore the ireneral
conference of the .M. K. ('hurcli. South
now in session at Hichinond. Va.. to
drop (he sulllx "south'" from the
iiiinic of the church, was dcleated bv
11 voto of :HIo to 1)1. From this it
would appear that the eximinsr ditfer-
eiicox between the two IjraneheN of (he
iMciiuxiist i'.pie(Hial cliurch are rre-
concilable, mid that a reunion of the
same in the near future i bv no means
probable. Verily the fcentiinents of
charity, forjjivonc.s, mid trucchristian
feolinir are very inarked in the M. n.
Wvduosday, .hino ri.'i, !SS(.
Funniest Programme
ST K HUT PA KADI-: by the band in the
afternoon, and OPKN'-Allt CO.WKltT at
":;lp. 111. All should hear it, for it will lie
a rare iniiMcal treat.
lte.Mtrvcd eats now on nuIo at N'rlghlV
drug store.
Sheriff's sale.
Vil.lii!ki Pros. ,tt'o. and Oregon Furni
ture .Manntaotui ing I'o.
Dan. F. Moore el ill.
Fnder and by virtue of an order of Mile
and decree of foreclosure issued out of the
Circuit court of the State of Oregon, iu uud
for Fnion comity, on the '-'7ih. ibiv of Feb
ruary. IS.SII, in (he above entitled action,
wherein Mnrv VIIm!.l V lli..ri WMwi.,1 :
1 It. .1. SldeniMii, and A.J. Laehiiiau, partner.-.
doing business under the linn name of
I Wilatuiskl Hros. ,v Co. and the Oregon Fur
f ultiire Mauufaetiiriiig i'ouiiiiiiiv. the above
nuiMi'u iiiunmiis oiiiameo a jiiugemeiii anil
oree auaiiist Dan. F, Moore and Kiutua
ret It. Moore hU ife.ilefendants, recorded
in Judgement bonk - , of said court, on
page ; I am commanded to ellall that
certain lot, piece or parcel of laml situated
iu the county of Fnion. State of Oregon,
and bounded and described as follows, to
wit ! Twenty-three C.'t) feet oll'of the south
fddoof lot number Three (.1) in block num
ber OnetU. In the town of West Fnion, Fn
ion county. Oregon, according lo the plat
of khIiI town; aNo, that certain niece, lot or
parcel of laud, hounded and described a
follows, to wit : Beginning at a point Als
feet west of the iivirih-weM comer of block
Xo. SU (II), Ilaimah addition to the said
town of Weit Fnion. according to the plat
of said town, (hence west toil feut, thence
Miitth 11(1 feet, thence west 'Jul feel, thence
5011th 110 feel, ihenee east mm feet, thence
north km) feet to the placwof beginning, al
so In the nid coinitv of Fnion. State of
jucato thin apparent d.ference, wo Vi iTd v tiu. 1 . 1,' ,iav rl.l?v,iLi ,a, i m
' o ciock .. m. 01 nut iiav, at the court
I house door in the town f Fnion. eoiintv
of I'uioii, State of Oreiron. 1 will, in obeili
' anee IomiIiI onler of mmv und iIih-ivo of fon
1 closure, sell all of the smM Dun I'. Moore's
uud Kiiiiiuirot It Mixirc's rihi. title ami
, Inlerest In said premise hImivc ilesrrtlHtl.
or mi much thcrisif hm niav bt inNsarv tn
, satisfy iilalntilCs jiidgiuent, fur llie siiiu of
fl.JIM.Si), with lutcntHt tlivrtoiii. Ies tu
Mill) of lis. 7ft, cndorsetl on sid oixler of
' saIc. In the hlgliesl and beot litdiler.for cmsIi.
Fnlou. Oregon. June I'.'ib . IsmI..
A I. SM NDIvliS.
Sheriff of I moil 1 ounij Or'gn .
No pain will be hpared to make
this one of the (Jramlcst Celebrations
ever held in Eastern Oroyou.
Hy Order of the Commitlce.
Kami Ounci: at K Oiiamii:, okkoon, I
.Mine II. 1 8MH. (
.Vollce U hereby given that the following-
named sctUerhas tiled notice of Ids Inten
tion to make Mini proof in support of lib
clalin, ami that said lll'Kof will he made he.
fore Iieiler and Ifoechcr at Ka fliandc,
1 - r . . 1 .. .... . , , '
WU'llll, llll .1 III V It, ISNI, V1X!
Sllllllll'l SlHllll,
lid. No. -Slid, for I he SW N ) SW SK Xi:
S ami XV See. JTov.nshln II South II 41
KW.M, He nitmes the following witnessiM
to prove 111 continuous iiwhlonee upon, and
cuunaiiim or, said land, vl. : .IommiIi Van.
dcrvanter, .lolm Vanorder, lilehard South,
aou ,oraiu aimervamer, all or I lilon, ( )r.
JunlL'-wil. Itcglsier.
The BEST WasMny
"1 r 7. - . . 1 7 rrr t i i
muciiine m mc v oria
S. M. WAIT, Faoi-niKTOK.
Wait Uro's. Arcnts for Union countv.
This machine is without doubt the best iu I
existence, and gives HNTIltK satisfaction
wherever tried. 1
fW .Machines in stock at .1. 15. KATOX'S
STOKH. where they can be bought at anv
Farm For Sale.
('iiiitnliilii'' .1J0 acres of irnod land. situ.
ated one iiartcr of a mile. Va of .Summer,
ville, all under fence. Thorn is an oidinarv
dwelling lion so on it, and a good harn anil
outbuilding, t has a irood well, ami Is
additionally supplied with water by a stream
which uow.s through U. About one-half of
the land is uiidcreiiltivatlon. Will sell it for
SiO s per acre.
which will Include tho following farm im
plement).; O110 mower, 1 rake, It breaking
,,i.,,fk 1 1 1 ....11.... t ........i 1. 1
li.f,,n, . in,,,,,,,, 1 iiiuri, 1 riviiuii iiiiiio
wa .'on and lianii, one-half interest in one
header, lll.O(H) rails. H.(KMI sliiniiles. !!5 tons
of liar, and oilier things too numerous to
iiiciiiioii, . iroou tine wu i.eiriven. ills a
great bargain.
I' if flirt her information cull nt this nillee.
New Goods are Constantly Arriving, and all l)opartnii'iil of tlie Sluro
will be kept FULL and COMI'LETE,
-48i whs .not be Tmmm&&-
And invite everybody to come nnil iwiiniiiir goods, learn priccK and
judgn for thoiiDiclvcs. 1 Hl'Y and MKLL FOK CASH,
My motto is:
Xj. SikXjnSTJDElIS, Proprietor,
Main Street, Fnion. Oiogon,
Has just Kcceived an Immense Stock of New (Jood, which he will m11 at ,
I'lcase compare the following prices with Hiom' of other stores in tlie countv :
Four lined
Kand oi i ici vr K (iiiANin:, Oiii:no., I
.liineii, INN).
Notice Is hereby given thai the following
named settler has tiled notice of his inten
tion to make tlnal nroof In Miunoi-t of lit-
claim, ami that said proof will he made lie
fore Register and Receiver at I.u Ur.iiule,
Oregon, on .fulv.'il, issu, viz;
Aliriilnim Valiilenului'(
lid. No, 1S4S, for the SF 1-4 Sen ill Tp. S.
a. 11 I'.n .11. no mum s me louowiilg wu
noses to prove hi- continuous resilience
upon, ami cultivation of, s;ild land, lz;
loseph Vuudevaiiter, .lolm Vanorder, lileh
ard .M. South, ami Samuel South, all of i n-
Searchers of Records, Convey
ancers, Real kstate ami
Fnion, ... - Oregon.
Returns pi'oinntlv made on all collections.
Having an abstract of the records iu our
olllce, alistraet of title prepared with dis
patch. Charges moderate.
jBrtlfflrBraiESgggaW l'vk, Rake.
lmnJpBPSiM Ibiek Saws
Hay Forks .
.Manure Forks
and Hoe handles
7.V. Hand lj;av
r0o. Spades
"Ui'. Smiths
ii'lJiic. 1,'owdfr . ...
1.0t. llamincr.s . . . .
L'.'ie. I'Jureka Wringers
Steel Traps
Towel Racks
Single trees, ironed
Neck Yokes ,
The Finest A
.. rti'si'.
. flOe.
oi'tmciit of
In the County.
Thu Celebrated
A coolness exUts at present between
brother Croiiemillor, of the (iuxtttc,
and brother Owen, of tho Scutinvl,
Each one of them solemnly iiunoiiu
cci that the other is u LlAIt. Now,
while, wo like to see brethren dwell
together in unity, we would not have
them do bo at the acritluo of truth and
veracity. Were we appointed to ad-
would not take bides, hut would tin
keiUatinjjIy awnrd tho cake to brother
Croncmiller, for hitting Uiobiiir oyo,
anil would give tho bakery to brother
Owen, for knocking out the center.
"Wlionover theito brothers ceiuo trying
to run tho government, mid coinu
,down to tho discussion of solid fncu,
RBlnthiB instance, I bey will receive
th h&iirty eiidorgcnicut of the Scot'T.
Ion, Oregon.
llKMtv Rimui UIT.
Kam Oitici: at Ka (iUAXiiK.OimtiON, )
.llllie U, ISM). I
Notice Is hctvbv given that the follow lug.
named scttl. r has tiled notice of his inten
tion to make limil proof in support of hU
chii 11, and that mikI proof will lie madr be
fore Register and Receiver t Ka Oraude,
Oregon, on duly 'JO, ISSti, ,;
ittrliuril At, South,
lid. No. ;II18, for the W I--J NV See. ami
i: l-i NFSee. :i Tp. (1 South R. tt IIW.M.
He nam' s (he following to prove
hl continuous residence upon, ami cultiva
tion of, said km I, lx: A, Vaudevauti r,
,liepli VaiidiMiiiter, .lolm Vanortler, and
Samuel South, all of Fultm, Oregon.
JunlJ.wil. Register,
".Silver-heel. ' a Ch dcsdale stallion, dark
brown hi color, and weighing about PioO
lbs., will stand this season at mv rnnche on
the Sand Ridge. Free pasture for the con
venience of parties living at a distance.
Tkiims- Ten dollars for the season. Mon
ey payable after service.
I will also Mtand two other horses at the
same place. A. II. CONKFY.
Km OrncK r I. v ;i; win:, oiu:tio,
.lune 8, issu. ,
I Notice l hereby gheu thai the following.
1 inuned settler has tiled uotlee of hl in1 n
! lion to make tlnal proof In upp'U t of hu
1 claim, ami that said proof will be mndt '
1 fore Register ami Receiver at li lir.mdi,
Oivgon, on.luly 17, 18841, Ik :
' Tl orient (iiicrrrll,
llil. No. -Jftis. for the s i-s .sFami si j.- s
See. I Tp. ,1 South R. -HI KW.M. He imuu
the following witnesses to prove his eon
, tliuioiis rcslileiuv upon, ami eulthatloii of,
aid laud. Us: WlflU t-lsIrT. W.T. Carroll,
I'd. Remlllaiil, and tlco. V. Stafford, all of
I'nlon, Oiigou.
lti.Mt Rim 11 iit,
juulJ-wu. RegMcr
Farm For Sale!
Situated about one mile from North
Fowder, containing 160 acres, (lood
lions, barn and other outbuildings.
Enquire of .1. W. KIMIUtELL,
North Fowder.
Gms Revolvers, and Amunition.
111 oil 1 irr
I'll iil A -Tv-r-r f) .Xl
-U--l-NJ l
9 L
I .1" nc
r. ' s I, s.
torative and tonic
iircpareii for men.
: " nnil niiiisi rcmiiis nr c fcss- vcimlU "dice tin iiii'l. r
upon tbci..seh;c nervous prostration., lcMlity. nervousaml pbysi,,d KvaV:S.
M.ii.L 01 u e ...uoMiig eueci M-n.iHMi.M, Deliility. Dimness of sight. IlelVc Ive Vr, m
orv, in.ples on the Face. Aversion to Society. Want of .Munition. M,l , , , v V)vs c -sia.
llillio.ismess, I os f Power. Pains in tho Rack. etc.. etc : for all JSiVwn k
a permanent cure is guaranteed by the L so of Tm i: Tin: vtmcnt ucuiii., nitnis
Tmnar Treatment I'rsrillie.l by the Krmliiig I'liy l.iaiis. Jt,..i TUeySiivi
l el. 10. ISSU
.St. bonis, Mo
"For more than three years I have used
T vm it Trkatmknt with tlie bet reiults. I
recall now .sevoralcnsesof.seniiual weakness
and debility with all its evil cuusuipiuuces
I have treated during the past year, which
have been cured by the Use of the Tiibat
mkxt, and several of these eases were iu the
last .stiiL-us. The comoosition of the dlirer.
cut iiieiliciiies eontainetl in the Tin: tmi:.t
indicate, and its etl'et'ts nrtive it to lie n no.
ijlic rextorutive of nere ami sexual power.
1 mi ;irc in iiwri v m us.' inv letter lu any
way that willcoiilribute to your pleasure i'r
prulit. I Here Hre so nianv nearly wnrthless
1 irnprietary imslicims of this kind mi the
! !!!".' iL. WVul, OT. t!i '! ' ".' ,1,t,ir 1 -" " o-:rccal.l,. to the tstc mid will
1 ' iinniii in uu 11-. oiieriiteil iiy llie stiiiiiio-li.
,. rA1i'V,l P'mp H'.'Ul ",l lt" "uriu- lwk.-ige cont.iins all inclicbi.s
mccssarv for . , r .me month s t,v..m,.t. with full ami complete how t. e
. u .s,.. ,Uet. wthe. t,v: i.rie I" vx vh TK vtmknt. imt iw.ekHg,! f u'.ui; three pack ies 0
s, t pivpai.1 amis, or. .N m.,.ilt ,lf , ., 1 " lH"
1 ' Vs. -J ' M.,,': 1 'vunr l-ecn u, d so mi. i.ssf y in orivate omctic .....1 1..
1 1 !' . - -v :
re no. its vvomlerrul
rder for :t puckiigi s
I tlm
ally valuable I think it the duty of the pro
fession to make it know n.
Rc pectfullv,
J.Z. IIAKK, M. I)."
f'17 Walnut St., St. Umis. Mo.
Tkmvk Tiicatm kxt is jireseribeil daily for
all forms of nervous dchilitv iu both .sexes
as well as for cheeking the unnatural seorct
losses which cause so much los, of vitalitx .
T he melliciiios are prompt in nctioii, aiid
iermaiiciiilv restore those weakened bvcar
y imliscretioii. excesses or overwork of the
liruin. A nuinher of physicians have dU
iiirdisl all tho hypophosjihitcs, Damiiina
phosphorus formulas ami invariablv pr--crilie
Txmvk Tiikatmknt with the bent n-
I'VM VII ThUVTMKVT i l olnMIMiil of (XI-
.1 1 1. , . , . . ui 11 .-,1 111 iw-.-si im , in iirivi
. br h.rtidtals uf t. U.oi. ir t, ,M,st Hftin-ii ywirs. and km.wiiig. a's Wl
.. nrullo ellecl. we will n tUu
i . t month s trm,,,, ,. we w.H '.m r S S Xui
I ' "' ,1 1 ' V.MKNT "-t h . lire. Packages s,.,lt (. () J) ,,,, r.M-oVVt V,
"T IT, n".'' i U I' '. M.mev Order ,, rf. 'm