The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, June 19, 1886, Image 1

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    The Oregon Scout.
NO, 51.
An Independent weekly Journal, Issued cvc y
, Saturday by
Publishers und Proprietors.
A, K. .Tones, I
IMitor. f
( roronutti.
One copy, one year $1 r.0
" " isix months 1 (X)
" Three month 75
Invarlnbly cash in udvnuco.
If by pny chnncu suhfcrlptions nro not paid
till end ot year, two dollars will bo charged.
lltttt-s of advertising niiido known on appli
cation. Correspondence from all parts of the county
Address nil communications to A. K.Jones,
Editor Oregon Scout, I'nlon, Or.
I.oiIko Directory.
On.urn ItONDC V.w.i kv I.onnK, No. fifl. A. V.
and A. M. Meets on tho second and fourth
Saturdays of each month.
0. 1". IlKt.ii, W.M.
C. K. Davis, Secretary.
l'xio.v i.opok. No. :r.i. I. O. O. P. Hejnilar
meeting on l-'rldny evcnliifri of each week at
their hall In I'lilon. All brethren in trood
standing- arc invited to attend. Ity order of
tlio lodire. S. w., N. U.
G. A. TnoMrsoN.Sccy.
Clmrrli Directory.
M. K. Cnt'iicii Dlvino scrvleo cvervSundny
at 11 a. in and? p. m. Sunday school at U p.
ni. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening
atti:;K. Ukv. Watson, Pastor.
PiiEsiiYTEitlAN Ciiuiioii ltegular church
services every Sabhath morning and evenintr.
J'raycr mocttntr each week on Wednesday
evening. Sabhnth school every Sabbath at
10 a.m. llov. H. Vkiinon Hick. Pastor.
St. John's EiuscopAr, Ciiuncii Servico
every Sunday at II o'clock a. in.
Huv. W. H. Powki.l. Hector.
County Ofllcers.
Jtidgo A. C, Craig
Sheritr A. L. Saunders
Clerk It. K. Wilson
Treasurer A. K. Ilenson
School Superintendent I. L. Hlndman
Surveyor K. Slmonls
Coroner E. II. Lewis
Geo. Acklcs Jno. Stanley
State Senator I,. It. ltlnehart
F.T.Dick E. E.Taylor
City Olllcerw.
D. H. Hoes
W. f). Ilckllcman
S. A. Pursol..
J.S. Elliott.
..J. II. Thomnson
lno. Kennedy A. Levy
...M. V. Davis
.. . E. E. "atcs
Treasurer. . .
..J. I). Carroll
Street Commissioner L. Eaton
Departure, of Train.
Heeular east bound trains leave at !:'30n.
ni. West bound trains leavo at it'M p. m.
Collecting and probato praotico specialties
Ollice, two doois south of Postollice, Union,
Attorney at Law aod Nttary Pnic.
Onico, ono door south of J. It. Eaton's storo
Tnion, Oregon.
I. N. CROMWELL. M. 1).,
Physician and Surgeon
Onico. ono door south ot J. II. Eaton's store,
Union, Oregon.
A. E. SCOTT, M. D.,
iBBVwn.'A.'V Aia sj u:;i:.
Has permanently located at North Powder,
wherehu will answer all calls.
M. I5aki:k. , J. F. I5aki:.
Attorneys anfl Counsellors at Law,
A Nil
La GitANin:, - - Oukgon.
Notary Public
OFFICE-Stato Land Oflicc building,
Union, Union Count), Oregon.
Attorney nt B.av, BCuI ICotatc
uutl NII't'liiiK Aizvnt.
Land Ollico Business a Specialty.
Oftico at Alder, Union Co., Oregon.
attoibb:y.s at
Will pine t ice in Union, linker, Grant,
Umatilla ami Morrow Counties, aluo In tlio
Suprttnio Court ol Oregon, the District,
Cin-iiit mid Supremo Courts of the United
Mining and Corporation business a upe.
tiulty .
OUic in Union, Oregon. N
CH-TICK-Corner Main and A Streets.
I'nion, Oregon.
All work strictly first-class. Chargei
A. L. COBB, M. D.,
Having permnnrutly located in Alder,
I'nion county, Ori'son. will be found ready
to attend to cnl!n in nil the various towns
and Hfttleincnts of the Wallowa valley.
dironii Sio:i--H u Specially.
?0My motto is: "Live und let live."
A. C. CRAIG, - - Proprietor.
(Union Depot, Oregon.)
Splendid accommodations for commer
cial men. Tables nlwnyS supplied with the
best the market affords.
f-IIol am) Cold Mixim.u. Baths-OS
Cor, Main and I Sts., - Union, Oregon.
SIIKK.IIAN .VI11LKV, l'ropx.
Manufacturers and dealers in Soda
Water, Snrsnpnrilhi, CiiiiRcr Ale, Cream
Soda and Champagne Cider, Syrups, etc.
Orders promptly idled.
Daily Stage Line
From Union to the Cove.
J. S. Elliott,
Leaves Union nt 10:.'I0 a. in., and re
turns at U::!0 p.m. every day cxceplStindny
Fa.-o from depot to Cove To
Rround trip 1
Passengers will bo taken from tlie depot
through to Cove via Union.
Main Street, Union, Oregon.
Plnns and Specifications for Dwellings,
Barns and Bridges furnished FREU OF
Bridge Building a Specialty
All hinds of Cabinet Work neatly execu
ted. Repairing done on short notice.
Kono but tho best workmen employed,
nnd satisfaction guaranteed.
Call nnd interview me.
Of well known varieties, suitablo for this
climate. Ciin also furnish foreign sorts at
one-third the price asked by eastern enn
Yasser. I desire to sell trees at prices
that peoplo can afford to buy.
Cove, Oregon.
Or. Van Snoisa
132-134 Tbiri Mrcst, Portlanfl, Orep
TS a regular gradunto in mcdicino; has
been longer engaged in tho special treat
ment of all Venereal, Sexual and Chronic
Diseases than any other physician in tho
Wost, as city papers show, and old resi
dents know; SI, 000 reward for any case
which he fnils to cure, coming under his
treatment, by following his directions.
DR. VAN is the most successful Catarrh,
Lung and Throat Doctor in America. Ho
will toll you your trouble without asking
you a hingle question, and WARRANTS
PERM A NEST CURE in the following cases:
NERVOUS DEBILITY, Spermatorrhea,
Seminal Losses, Sexual Decay, Failing
Memory, Weak Eyes, Stunted Develop
ment, Lnck of Energy, Impoverished
Blood, Pimples, Impediment to Marriage;
also Blood and Skin Diseases, Syphilis,
Eruptions, Huir Fulling, Bone Pains, Swell
ings, Sore Throat, Ulcers, Effects of Mer
cury, Kidney nnd Bladder Troubles, Weak
Back, Burning Urine, Incontinence, Gonor
liien, Gleet, Stricturo, receives searching
treatment, prompl relief and euro for life.
NERVOUS Diseases (with or without
dreams), Dbenscd discharges cured prompt
ly without hindrance to business.
BOTH SEXES consult confidentially. If
in trouble call or write. Delays are dang
erous. Diseases of tlio Eyo or Ear, Ulceration or
Catarrh, internal or external, Deafness or
Paralysis, Singing or Ronring Noises,
Thickened Drum, etc., permanently-cured.
LOST MANHOOD perfectly restored.
removed without the knife or caustic.
Medicine compounded and furnished to
all patients at ollico strictly pureand vege
table. Guaranteo of j'kiimanknt cures In
all cases undertaken. Consultation free
and strictly confidential. All correspon
dence promptly attended to; medicine sent
by express to any nddrrM free from expos
uriL Call nr address Private Dispensary,
.Vos. l.'lU-KM Third St.. Portland, Oregon.
Terms strictly cash. Ollice hours 8 a. m.
to 8 p. ni.
W. CAPPS, M. D.,
Surgeon and
Homeopathic Pbysiciar.
Will go to any part of Eastern Oregon,
when solicited, to perform operations, or
for consultation.
IVIcdU'liio.. rurnUliftl Without
('lin rue.
Ollico adjoining . I ones Bros.' Store.
t!i:o. WniGHT,
W. T.
Does a General Banking Basincs-. Buys
nnd sells exchange, ami discounts com
mercial paper.
Collections canfully
promptly reported.
attended to, and
m .2
"V7' can Hnvo Urom f50 to St X) on the
Ji. (L9VS, )iirchH!U ot an iustrumcul hy
buyintr tlirouirli
V. T. MltKillT, Agent. Union, Ogn.
Scve GEiggss Factory.
JAJIES PAYNE, Proprietor.
Having procured tho services of Mr. M.
A. Sickles, n. cheese maker who has had
innny years' oxporieuco in tho largest fac
tories of Wisconsin, I feel confident that I
can supply my patrons with a quality sec
ond to nono on tho market.
pi)- Orders promptly filled. Addross,
Lv.mi;s, Cove, Union County, Ore.
Tonsorial Rooms
Two doors
south of .Tones
Union, Oregon.
Bros.' store,
J. M. Johnson,
Hair cutting, shaving and shampooing
done neatly and in tlio best style.
Mniu Street, Union, Oregon.
Bunso.n Bito.'s
Keep constantly on hand
Union, Oregon.
Dan. CiuNni.nn,
Having recently purchased this hotel
and refitted it throughout, I am prepared
to accommodate tho hungry public in first
class style. Cull and te mo. Laiioi: Saii-i-i.u
Rooms for tho accommodation ol
commercial travelers.
A h.ilf completed spider web ti:in;
Misjietuled from the lowe-l branrh of a
j;ree!!-ero lied pine, and in the slipem
liejht of an afternoon tlie spider, rapidly
and deftly pinninjx its delicate threads,
join-! it to a snowdrop bush elnsterinj:
with whito jewels. The warm breeze,
perfumed with drowsy odors of pine
and hemlock, causes the frail structure
to quiver like heart chords under sor
row, but he keeps busily spinning.
"Many a red-breasted robin runs swifth
past, but he stops not at his work.
lie is constructing his habitation. A
hundred polished shafts and exquisitely
chiseled tablets catch the ilory of tlie
sun and Hash it heavenward, as if in
defiance of time's servant. A hundred
simple stones lie humbly under the
shadows of those rrand monuments, and
their tops, to the spirit's eye, touch the
Golden Throne. Hemlock bough.
freshly cut lio upon a mound of newh
ting earth. A faded wreath, torn and
broken, hangs on a cross above a child's
grave. A stone dog sits at tlie head of
a long sod-eovorcd mound in an atti
tude of watchfulness, as if he were wait
ing for the coming of his master, whose
body, as lifeless as his own, rests below.
Here is tho habitation of tho dead.
Its silent, unheeding residents, like the
spider, spun tho threads of life's gauzy
cd i lice in the vigor of health tinder the
smile, of loving friends, and the very
air breathed upon their labor with
helpful fr agrancif, or they dragged tho
chains of sad unprovable toil through
tlio weary hours of an unloved, grief -beset
life, with the cold wind of failure
or tho hot blast of passion mercilessly
balloting them. Rut, built in marble
or built in wood, built in joy or limit
in sorrow, these earthly abodes have
forever crumbled, faded and disappear
ed. Tlie breath of death, perfumed
alike for all, has touched the fragile
texture of tboir walls and they have fal
len, withered, vanished.
In this dwelling place of tho dead
roses anil lilies-ol'-the-valley blossom;
the full-voiced songsters of the wood
send fortli their daily songs of joy and
praise uninterruptedly; tho young grass
shoots its emerald spears into beautiful
robes to cover those beneath the sod;
the trees put on garments of waving
foliage; the squirrels jump from branch
to branch, or, chattering noisily, run
along the fence; tho bulterlly flutters
from sunbeam to llower; tho grasshop
per clicks in tlio shrubbery; tlio fount
ain throws its spray high up that it
may return in glittering pearls. Can it
lie sorrowful to abide in such a spot?
Tlie hush which reigns here, scarcely
broken by the din of a city's hurrying
crowd, whispers of peace and rest.
Those of tho living who visit here
step softly, and their voices are low and
gentle when tiioy speak, for they would
not break tlie quiet, which, like the
pause at the close of a grand anthem,
comes abidingly where tho dead dwell.
How many who are still spinning the
web of human cares and joys, business
and pleasure, good and evil, come on
.Sunday or in tho fading light of sum
mer days?
un oki man siowiy moves along a
cypress-shaded path with no loving
support from tho arm in which ho had
found sustaining help and comfort for
forty years or more, for his wife, ave!
his very self, ho feels, has found a rest
ing placo hero. Ho has little joy now,
save in looking forward to tho day
when he shall be borne to share her
A woman, wearing tho dress of
mourning, leading a little girl, seeks
whoro her companion for a few short
years .sleeps. She clasps tho little one's
hand lightly and weeps silently, for her
grief has grown calm and patient in
tlio consoling arms of time. The little
girl looks up in her mother's tear-wot
faco and says: "Is dear papa hero?
Will ho conio to see us soon?'' "Yes,
my dear, some day we shall meet him,"
tho mother answers, looking afar oil' to
where the glowing tints of tlio descend
ing sun makes a halo for the heavens
and earth to meet in. "Let me kiss
tho grass above papa's head; perhaps
he'll know it in tho cold, dark ground,"
and tho little girl, kneeling on her
father's grave, pressed her facn to tho
earth and whispers: "Dear papa."
A strong man, with a woman leaning
on his arm, stands beside a little grave.
In it sleeps an infant, their dead child.
Harsh words and cruel acts had been of
daily occurrence in their house homo
H was not until their loss foil upon
them. Always intending to do better,
but never making a beginning, discord
had driven love away, but now their
common sorrow is uniting their hearts.
The habitation of death contains tholr
life. Oh, must death be the revelation
of love to human hearts.
Some recline in carriages as they
pass aloiiL' the streets of this city of the
dead; sonic walk; some are richly clad;
some nro poorly clad; but the rooms of
the houso are alike. They know no
.ugh. no low. no rieh. no poor. They
ivceiw into rct from toiling and pain
ill those who have put aside time's
spinning wheel, folded their hands upon
their breasts, and said "good night" to
The tears of grief will spring from
wounded hearts. Stop them not, but
let the soul sing its dirges as well as its
glees. Weeping lulls sorrow's pain as
a mother's voice soothes the tired child.
Shall the resting place of the dead bo
somber, dreary, barren?
Is it sad to bid tlie dear ones good
night and all to sleep to awake in (he
morning to a new day in their compan
ionship? If it is not, then let it not be
a hopeless thought to think of falling
to sleep at the night of death, for it is
but to slumber for a time, to welcome
bye and bye the same dear ones in Un
burst ing glory of eternity's morning,
as they shall conn to bid ub a heaven
ly gooil morning.
Bring llowers then; bring heart songs
of hope in loving hearts; bring the mu
sic of reverential feet and the touch of
tender hands; and deck the habitations
of the dead until it shall blossom with
such beauty as would lltly crown the
gate to Heaven's streets. Detroit
Free Press,
Prose I'oont
cent Now
llitsetl on nit Obsoles
Kimlnml Custom.
Doubtless, says The Liciston Journal,
the lirst settler and tlie oldest inhabi
tant of Maine laid their heads together
and contrived the plan of keeping the
frost from the celler bv "banking up"
in the fall. Tho origin of tlie scheme
is lost, but tlie ceremony remains, and
shiftless is accounted the householder,
of whatever pretensions or degree, who
docs not, before snow drives, protect
his cellar walls by sawdust, edgings
from tlie saw-mill, rushes, swamp hay,
bean vines, or, most common of all,
neatest and best, by brush from tlio
wood lot.
In a mild November da)' in the late,
lingering, Indian summer the loads of
fragrant evergreen conio up from tlie
pasture to the farmhouse, or go creak
ing through the village street to the
market-place, or, perchance, directly to
some tidy, white, green-blinded cottage
whoso cellar is to entomb sundry bar
rels of apples and potatoes that must
ha secured from tho frost. Firmly
packed with snow and bound by icy
chains through tho winter the boughs
are faithful guardians, but spring de
mands her sacrifices. Nobody objects.
Tho evergreens have outlived their use
fulness. Let them ba cremated. So it
may some day bo said of us.
Drag them away from their resting
place, the resinous lir, the lithe pine,
and the spruce on whose twig-i the
children search for gum, Roys may
object to dropping potatoes, to stone
picking, to digging out of whilowoml,
or mending the stone wall, but no boy,
however footsore and weary, over re
fused to help carry oil' I he brush. Ills
nose scents smoke in the itir and his
mind's eye discerns the trail of sparks
across the iieavens. A oouliru never
lacks feeders or admirers.
In some big dooryard or on some va
cant lot forming lliuir own funeral pyre,
tho boughs crackle a protest as the
match is applied, but anon the llama
leaps through tho pile, and, darling
wildly upwanl, throws a livid glow
across the faco of the early dusk. The
boys, dancing like Plutonian imps
about the hlaz.c, lluig on fresh sacrifices,
and the Haines seize thoin eagerly and
call ruthlessly for more. Heap them
on; there are mote boughs in tho back
lot! Build the idle higher! The moss
has been growing for years on the patri
archal hemlocks in the south pasture,
but pluck the gray boards oil'. A hun
dred winters ami summers have gono
to the building of tlie pines on rocky
hill. The wealth of half a ;ontury's
suns and rains and iIjws are storo 1 in
this balmy lir. The rosy morning has
blushed for it, the sun showered his
gold upon il, and Ihu stars played bo
peep with the moonbeams through its
branches. Only God and tho years can
make another tree, but tho work of
God and time the priceless work wo
possess is that which we destroy most
lightly and with least regret, and as the
life of tho evergreen bough goes out
and fades into whito ashes the only sigh
drawn is that tho sparkle and glow of
the lire Is so soon over, and the burning
of the brush for thisjpringondcd.
A Dangerous Cow.
"What a lovely cow, Uncle Jamns,"
exclaimed a lioston girl the morning
after her arrival, and how comically
she shakos her head."
"Yes, but don't ye got too near that
cow," cautioned her uncle. "He's an
ugly critter." Nciu York Sun,
A milliliter nut long ng preached from the
text. "Ho ve. therefore, uteadfatt" Hut the
printer made him exsuad from ''lio yo there
for breakfiu ." Ttint Slftlwn.
llli Kliuliu-ss to nn old Mint Kc-niu-cled
The llest ol Iter lle
InllveH on the Wnrpntli.
Dr. Thomas C. Stellwagen. whose
oHic, says The Philadelphia I'n -a, i- m
Hi i c ty, anil tvhoM residence is ,n
.Media, has recently b-en tuft a f.itiuue.
and l he means that brought this nod
abo it and cut other relatives oil' wiih
onl a penny are extremely now!. Tne
res-tilt will probably bo that the w.l!
k .11 bo taken into the courts.
Mrs. Dickey, lor that was the rich
o!d lady's tiuuie. was the widow of tho
lat Dr. Dickey, and her home was in
Atlanta, (la. One year ago, so the storv
gi's. after having been lost to t lie
memory of her northern relatives, sho
saw that her days on this earth were
not ninny, and with the wisdom ol
Solomon sal down and wrote to many
of her nearest kin in this city. Media,
and Italtimore the same words t lint
she was very old now; that she was
very destitute, too, and would so much
like to pay them a visit. One of thoso
letters reached Dr. Stellwagen, and no
one of her relatives knew that another
had received her plea for help
Alter her task was finished. Mrs. Dr.
Dickey folded her hands and waited,
To some of the letters no answers
came. Ono or two, it is said, replied
curt ly. and one, a lady wrote: "Really,
it would not b. convenient to havo you
visit me, for at the time you name 1 ex
pect to have a house full of company."
Among tlio lirst letters she received,
however, was ono from Dr. Stellwagen,
and inclosed was a cheek for $."(). He
wrote her that he hoped his .small con
tribution would help her, and that ho
would be pleased to have her as an in
mate of his pretty northern home on
tlio outskirts of Media.
A month or two after that another
demand for help reached the doctor, and
b s second check for iJiO went south
with a renewal of the invitation for h
old aunt to visit him. Up to tltreo
mouths ago he heard nothing from her,
and then he received a letter saying:
"Come, I am very sick." Dr. Stoll
wagen obeyed the summons, and when
ho reach jd Atlanta was dumbfounil6d
to linil that Mrs. Dickey was living
elegantly, and that she was woaltliy.
She told linn that sho wouldn't livo
long; that sho wanted to go homo with
him, and it is said deeded everything
over to him, and made him u present of
all her household furniture, silverware,
and jewels. It took I wo cars to carry
the hitter, and it is said that the pro
fessor left behind him in the southern
city a row of handsome dwelling
Two days aftor reaching tho doctor's
home in .Media, Mrs. Dickey died, and
i hen it was found that in addition to
llio deed, which gave her nephew every
thing, sho had left a will made beforo
.she wrote these letters testing theall'cc
tion of her relations which divided Iter
properly among several of them. On
that ground it is claimed that the disap
pointed people will contest tho cas in
court. A number of pieces of Mrs.
Dickey's silverware and some jewels
have been placed by the doctor In a
I rust deposit company's vault in this
The relatives aro all at sea as to tho
ext'iitof the eccentric old lady's wealth,
and it is said hor heir gives them no
r.atisfiiction whatmor. The Raltimoro
kin. his cousins, of whom there aro
several, arj the most aggrieved, and if
any legal action is taken It will proba
bly start from that direction. Another
rumor is that tho doctor has promised
to make some sort of a settlement by
which tho nearest blood will inherit
some of the estate. With his fortune,
lite doctor inherited an addition to his
family, a dark-haired southern girl, an
adopted child of the late Mrs. Dickey,
with a pieturo of a face, well educated
and attractive. Strangely enough tho
old lady left her penniless, but obtained
n promise from her heir on her death
bed that ho would always provide for
her livo with him as one of his family
for she said, "Thomas, I lovo her
dearly." Tho young lady is 17 year3
old and has made a host of friends for
herself in Media. It is said that tho
story of her own life Is n romance in
itself. All dreamy Media is talking
about the all'alr, and tho high standing
of the families involved makes' it a
choice morsel for yossln.
A till. I m for. hired a
Jittlo negro to go down tho ohimnoy of
a certain storo ami open thp back door.
promising him AO cents and, half o
wbat ho could carry nway. Tho boy
went down several feet ami then a,tu,ck;
fust and ho could go neither -way. II
yelled for a long timo beforo he was
heard, and seemed, very gld to en
from tho chimney to the lookup.
There U many a silent, throbblnir com beato
beneath u nice drees boot. JtUt rJlHet,