o 3- Services of Henry Smith. There uro always several letters awaiting Speaker Carlisle's eye, which slimy him completely soins pcoplu are willing to make use ot the public nervnnts of the country. Thcsa letters are communica tions requesting the speaker to decide foruo parliamentary point which is troub ling some organization. Occasionally n debating club gets all torn up over some thing in Cnshing's Manual and arco to reler the Eottlciuent ot the whole dispute to the speaker of the Lous of representa tive. Mr. Carlisle usually hands all such letters to Mr. Ilanry II. Smith, the journal clerk and author ot the book of 500 pages containing tho manual nud digist, and rules and practices of the house. Mr. Smith is what tho boys call a "parlia mentary shark." lie sits in front of tho speaker's desk and follows the course of tho legislation more closely than any mem ber upon the floor. When the house is in a tangle, and a dozen men aro upon thoir leot making this or that parliamentary in quiry, Harry Smith is tho coolest man there. Not only docs ho know tho proper rulings, but his fingers fly over tho leaves of tho rererenco book, and in half a min ute tho speaker has beforo him all tho pre cedents by which ho can justify his posi tion. Now York Telegram. Slie f.ot Acquainted. "Hold on to tho young man 5n front," saidayoung lady's escort, as they seated themselves on tho toboggan. "But I don't know him." "Well, take hold of him and get acquainted." "Sir!" unid tho Puritan ical miss, with an offended look. Her escort chuckled nnd dropped tho convcrsa tion. Tho toboggan started. "Oh, myl" squealed tho nervous young lady, taking a very light hold of tho blouso of thoyoung man in front. Tho escort chuckled a little moro and tho toboggan How faster. As tho filed struck tho level tho young lndy bobbed into tho air. Slio threw her nrms around tho neck of the young man in front nnd clung to him like a well licked postage stamp to a letter. When tho toboggan enme to a standstill tho young lady was still tightly clasping tho stranger. "Well, did you get acquainted?" inquired the escort, with a grin. "You horrid thing! was her only answer. WIno Deteriorate. Ono by ono tho ancient myths depart. The old notion that wino improves by nge it seems is a humbug. Ono Winkleman, n German chemist, has been experimenting on tho subject, and says thcro is an ago at which all wines, including tho very best censo to bo wholesome. He ordered sonic of tho famous llremen Rathskeller, Itudcs heiiner Rose, 1C52, and Jlocheimer Apostel, 172G, highly recommended for the modi cinal value, and found that they were do ficient in natural glycerine nnd contained ns much acid as the cheapest now wines in poor seasons, so that they were positively injurious to health. That Tired FesSing Is to cencrsl at tills tenson flint everyone knos what I meant by the c.pretlon. A clunpc of ca sou, cllufalc, or of life, ha such a depreInz effect upontlie body that one feels all tired out, almost completely prostrated, the appetite Is lost, and there. Is no ambition to do anything. The whole tendency of t lid tyslcni la downward. In this condition lined i Snr.-npaillla Is Just the medicine needed. It purines the blood, tharpens tho appetite, overcome tlio tired feeling, and Invigorates ccry fuuc:lou of the body. TrylU "Ineyertook any medicine that did nicsomueli pood In so short a time as Hood's S.irsnpailll.i. 1 vf very much run down, hal uastrens.li, D". eneisy and felt very tired all the time. 1 eo nmenecd taking Hood's Sarsaparllla, and beforo I had used one bot tle felt like a different person. That extreme, tired feeling has cone, my appetite returned, an 1 It toned me up generally. My brother and mi ci havc l o received great bcneOt from 1L" Cliisa W. Pillars, Shirley, Mass. Hood's Sarsaparilla Fold by drngclst. tli six for 3. Prepared only by C. 1. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. (00 Doses One Dollar iriS A PURELY VEGETABLE PREPARATION -niA'Wii, . nam- v. PRICKLY jpr,chlYASH! 5ENNA-WJVNDRAKE-BUCHU ANDOTrltfl E3,UAUYCfriCIENTRWtOICS It has stood the Test of Years. in uurmg an Diseases oitue BLOOD, LIVER, STOM ACII, KIDNEYS.BOW ELS, &c. ItPuriflesthe Blood, Invigorates and uicanaes tne ay item. DYSrEPSIA.CONSTI PATION, JAUNDICE, SICKHE AD ACHE, BIL IOUBCOMPLAINTS.&c disappear at once on dor its beneScial influence. CURES MiDISEASESDFTHE LIVER KIDNEYS STOMACH AND It is purely a Jledicino as its cathartic proper ties forbids its uso as a beverage. It is pleas ant to tne taste, and as easily taken by child ren as adults. PRICKLY ASH BITTERS CO Bolo Proprietors, St.Louis and Kansas Citt BOWELS. AliDRUGGISTS PRICElOOLLAR Survival of the Fittest.! A PAilllT JIF.DItIXE THAT IMS HEALED! ltlLUOXS Dl'UIXO 35 lEAIfSJ I A BAUf FOll l.VUItY WOCXD OF MAIV AAI JIHAbTt The Oldest & Best Liniment EVWl MADE IN AMERICA. . SALES LARGERTHAN EVER, The) MftT-tonn Mliafnnrs T.lnlmnf Ttnal !i, Y. .. "T ------ ---a luccii Known icir more ti'Hii tniiiv-uvi f ji-ars a mo oen or un Liniments, ion Man unil Henst, Its aks to-durair. lRiRr Uiau cvor. It cuiea wlien ni l I others full, anil nenctintHa.aL.hi tpmi.. ami muscu-, to tlio very lcae. fiolUH joivrywucre. O 1 BITTERS The Veracious Senator Camden's Voracious Alligator. Wnshinjton Letter to Haltimoro ller.tlil. Senator Camden, of West Virginia, has just returned from a brief sojourn in Florida, wlnther he wont to seek re lief from Senatorial overwork. He is chock-full of stories about the adven tures he had in tho land of ornnne blossoms. "Ono day," said he, "I went out huntinc alone. Uf course I'm not tho man to brag about my skill as a hunter, but, between you and me, I'm no slouch with a gun After killing a few deer, ono or two bears, thirty or forty squirrels, and a dozen or so wild turkeys, I concluded to return to tho hotel. It was still early, but I was tired packing round my load of game. I was goinq along tho bank of a cre2k, and coming across a friendly log I thought 1 would sit down and rest. I laid my rifle and game down by tho log and took a seat. 1 had a lunch of cold chicken in my haversack. I had breakfasted al day light, and was pretty hungry. So" I took out the chicken and began to eat. When I had finished my repast I took tho pocket-knife I had been using to cut the chicken and drove the blade into the log, intending to let it rest there until I could get out my pocket handkerchief and wipe my hands. lint, great scot! You ought to have seen that log! It was tho most sensi tive log I oversaw. When I drove my knife into it, quicker than lightning, it humped itself like a bucking mule and gave me a flap with its little end that sent mo sprawling about thirty fret away. Blame my buttons if that log wasn t a I' joncla alligator twenty-eigth feet long, with a tail like a cross-cut saw and teeth as sharp and long as tusks of a boar. "When I scrambled to my feet and looked at the log I mean "the alliga torthere it was, standing rampant on its feet, with eyes glaring and its teeth grinding savagely together. I dared not run, for I was told never to run from an alligator, as he would bo sure to pursue and overtake me. So I stood transfixed to thespot. What did the alligator tto? Keeping his gazo fixed steadily upon me, ho deliberately backed to where my pile of gamo lay and pitched in. First ho ato up the heart then tho deer, binackini: his chops liko a regulation boarding house hash-eater, he then turned on the squirrels and wild turkeys, and when he got chrough there wasn't a hair or feather to bo seen. I'll under take to say that no alligator ever beforo had such a rare- banquet. How the alligator held all that feed I don't understand, but ho did. When he got through there wasn't a thine left but my ride, and ho noseyed around that for several seconds as if he intended to eat it too, but he didn't. What did ho do then? Well, sir, that alligator deliberately turned his tail to tho bank, and keeping his oyo on me, backed to the edge. Then, with a snort and a bellow, he plunged, tail foremost, into tho water. 1 got to my rifle in the fraction of a second, rushed to the edge and looked down. I was panting for revenge, but I couldn't seo anything except a suc cession of waves impelling each other toward the other shore. The alligator was at tho bottom of tho stream. I stayed there an hour watching lor him, but ho was too sharp to conio to the surface. I bet you he's got that knife of mino sticking in his back vet. for I drove it in pretty deep. You seo tho alligator was sound asleep when I was sitting on him, but sticking tho knife in him woke him up." Queer Prayers. From tlio IJoslon Record. The modern rago for abbreviations, especially in the names of societies, was strikingly exemplified at a certain women's prayer meeting. Ono of the sisters, who is very much interested in the Woman's Christian Temperance Union, tho Woman's Foreign Mission ary Society, and tho Woman's Edu cational and Industrial Union, prayed fervently, with a charming certainty that she would bo understood: 0 Lrrd, bless the W. 0. T. U and the V. 1 M S., tho W. II. .M. S and tho W. E, audi. U!" "When I hear stories of odd prayers," said a certain colonel, on hearing tho ono just told, "I always think of one I heard offered by an old darkey down on Ship Island during tho war. Ho prayed, "O Lord, ranshaek tho worl' all ober on a white horso and gib us all charity liko bounding brass and a simplo tingle!" A distinguished Boston divine preached a few Sundays ago for a cousin who is pastor lor a church for ty miles out in tho country. 1 lis rela tive was somewhat flurried by tho presence of tho city minister, and in tho opening prayer, with which hopro faced the other's sermon, hoprayetl: "Help thy servant who is to speak to us to-day. Without Thee help him for " He stopped, tried to col lect himself.and finished, "for, 0 Lord, he can't do much, anyway!" Tho pastor of a south end church called on a bereaved widow of his con gregation and began consoling her with scripturo texts. Her husband had long been an invalid, and tho minis ter's selections boro on tho rest into which ho had entered. "Yes," she sighed, "and thero is ono beautiful verse in tho Psalms that anplies to mo that I think of so much: 'Othello's occupation is gone!" Au Enthusiastic Dry Goods mer chant on tho Honesty of Wom en. Now York Star: "Do women embez zlo?" No, thoy don't," replied a dry goods merchant. Inovor know a wom an who handled other peoplo's money to steal a cent. I have employed women as cashiors for years. They are quicker at making change than men; they will dotoct counterfeit mon ey quicker; thoy keep their cash ac counts clearer, and don't want to run the whole store ns men do. They niv almost invariably honest. I lyive heard of young women as clerks who have pilfered small articles collars and handkerchiefs but the ease are rare. Most sales-women and cashiers live at home, and that's the secret of it all. They keep out of the streets nights, nnd from questional)!.; places of amusement. .Many belong to good families and to churches. They aro m every sense respectable. "Newspapers nowadays aro full of wicked enibozzlonionts. Hank presi dents run away with fortunes, wreck homes, families, lives, reputations and public institutions. Cashiers gamble, steal, forge, abscond, speculate and use money entrusted to them by poor working people. They lie. dissemble, deceive, and finally rob tho directors of corporations employing them but women do not steal. Look at tho sui cides, caused by these breaches of trust! See tho beggars these sleek toncued villians have made but wom en do not embezzle. Curious Facts. From tho Montreal Stnr. Not a single case of hydrophobia has occurred in Uerlin for three years. Every dog in that city, however, is muzzled. A German observer has found that cows milked three times a day give much more milk than when milked twice only, and the proportion of fat is the same in both cases. Tho marquis of Lome, known to al most everybody, of course, as ono of the sons-in-law of the Hritish. queen, dips his private pen into an ink bot tle made out ot a hool ot i.ord Uivc s Crimean charger. In the United States, with an estimated Jewish population of nearly 500,000, thero is not a single .lewish member of congress. In England no fewer than seven Jews have been elected members of the house of com mons. In several villages of the Yiatk province in Uussia tho peasants man tifacturo wooden watches, which work steatiiiy, though they do not keep very accurate time. All parts Of tho watch aro ot wood, except the axles which aro of horn. Each pheasant that is shot in En glish parks and preserves costs its breeder, it is estimated, a sum of at least three shillings. During some seasons so many ot these birds are placed on tho market that thoy have to he sold at the same price as do niestic poultry in order to got rid of them. Certain portions of New Mexico abound in petrifications of various kinds. J t is no uncommon sight to see trees three feet in diameter and fifty feet long, petrified and often crystallized. The crystals red, yel low, black or white aro often very beautiful, and would mako handsome ornaments for eastern parlors. 'In the ordinal y healthy lung, says ui: Lurtis, "perhaps even in persons who have a con sumptiyo heredity, tho germ which causes tho break-down of tho lun; may not bo able to make an imprcs sion; out a the physical integrity is destroyed by poor food or anv debil Hating uilluence. or bv a cold, then the germ is able to get in its work, and to multiply and produce its kind, and to fill the lungs with tubercles." Tho Fuegians are the lowest human beings in the scale of existence. Thet.' langua'o contains no word lor any number above three; they aro unable to distinguish one color from another: thoy have no religion and no funeral rites, and they possess neither chiefs nor slaves. Their only weapons aro oono-pomted spears, and, as they grow neither fruits nor vegetables, and their country is naturally barren, they aro obliged to live entirely on animal food. Even these savages possess, however, some social virtues. Thoy are not cannibals; thoy ill treat neither the women nor tho old, and they aro mo nogamous. An extraordinary colored man lmc been lately attracting attention, lie claims to havo two hearts,oiiooneach side of his lungs, and from the pulsa tions on each side of the hotly, a good many believe his assertions. Ho has also two sets of ribs, ono over theot ti er and both moveable. Endowed with more organs than tho ordinary run of mortals, he appears to be gifted with almost superhuman strength, as lie can lift 1)00 pounds weight with one hand, and can bend a rod of iron, three-quarters of an inch thick, by striking it on his bare arm, and two strong men could not bend tho iron into its original shape. Moved to Penitential Tears. Chicago Ilair.bler: "John!" "Yes, dear." "Do j on remember coming home last night and asking mo to throw you an assorted lot of key holes out of tho window, so that you might find one largo aim sieauy enough to got you latch-key in: "Yes, dear." "And do you remember tho night neioro now you asked mo to come down and hold tho stone steps btill enough for you to step on?" "Yes. dear." "And tho night beforo that how you tried to jump into tho bed as it pass ed your corner of tho room?" "Yos. dear." "And still anothor night when you carefully explained to mo thatnoiiian was intoxicated as lonji as ho could lie down without holding-on, and then attempted to go to bed on a perpen dicular wall?" "Yes, dear." "John, do you realize thatyouhave come homo sober but two nights in tho past week?" "Havo I, dear?" "That's all; and you ought to be ashamed of yourself, too. Tho idea ot a man of your ago , Hut, John, why, you're crying. Ti.ero,thore,doar, I didn't mean to bo too severe. After all, you did como homo sober two nights." A'oa, that's what makes mo feel so bad. 'i And then tho meeting ad- j turned." Howcti's Itti.l.set. Fort l'luin, X. Y., tor Mnrdi, 18S0, biivh: In tlio imiHilici!y of miHliiiiu's !iuvtl upon tho market, it N (tolin't imrs (lilliru'l to (list inuiHli Urt tM-oil tlio iiH-nloi imiH mid tin- Hortlilrpw. Thru' tiro nt lent I ti excelli'iit re metlU's idt'ly tlisc'il, the I'llicit'iicy ot which uro iinqotM tioiml. Wo refer to St. Jncoba Oil and KiM Star Cotisli Cure. l'lirli II mi It stit I is (. Xews from ucron tlio Atlantic tells how tho fnmotiH horse-ehestntlt in the gulden ot tho Ttiileries did not como out on Maiili 20 thin Hirini. In vnin people looked tor leaven or Initio, tho ex n spent tine cold closed precedents, nnd net tmcU precocious bloom. This L'Oth of March horse-chestnut tree liko almost all the old trees of tho gar den, wns planted in 1GS0, tho .year that Louis XIV caused many trees to bo set out, lnit soon thero will hardl remain in garden of the Ttiileries more than 1200 trees of this ancient date. Tho other trees havo inn neon sol, on& moro titan twenty or thirty years at the farthest. Solicitor of Patents, 1". 0. MrCieary, of Washington, 0. C.snys the o dy thing that did him any good, when snlfering with a severe cough of several weeks standing, was Ked Star Cough Cure, which is purely vege table anil free from opiates and poison. SCiliiipcd at "Wlioroah." I recently enmo ncross nn anecdote of John C. Calhoun, which will ho ns new to your readers, perhaps, as it was to mo. It appears that n lady fuend once impor tuned liiui to write an original poem in her album. Stran'c to sav. ho consented. Alter ninny attempts to fashion his thought fancifully, ho wroto tho word "whereas," but to save his life ho could go no further. Having selected tho unpoet- ical word in tho langnngo to start with, the muse (led from him in hoiror nnd af fright, leaving tho stern log clan com pletely batlled. Despairing of tlio perform- mice of his m-oniine. ho wrote to tint ln.lv fraiilil.v admitting his plight. Sho asked that tho album bo returned inst ns it, sti.od. rWnshiiietou coircsiioudcnt An. gtisla I lironicle. barge charity doth i ever soil, but onlv whitens soft hands. Why en llmplnc nrnuml with your lioon run uver? I.jo.i'8 Heel Still euira w 111 keep llieiu itrnlelu. The woman who neglects her husband's shirt-front is not tho wile of his bosom. Tiiintu is scAitcr.i.v a nismsi:, of tho human system, acute or chronic, which Vini:c au lirtTi:its will not retard and lessen, and niiiety-uino catses out of a hundred it will cure. In largo doses tho Hit tern is cathartic and tonic, in moderate doses it is a tonic, a gentle purgative, in vigor.itor, and corrector of the blood. Fashion is now vigorously hotting its faco against gummed envelopes. MANCE, Anils, Scrnti-lirs, Crnckcd TTrel, ThriHi, ami all UUeat-ex ot the feet nud Irrita tions of tlio tkln of hiirt.ru and entile q hckly nnil tHTmnncntlv aired by tin-use nf Vpt -ruinry CurliollsaHo. 5Uc mid $1 ul Druggists. Congressman Oeoigo Taliaferro llarnea, of lieorgia, weighs HOD pounds. Clergymen and physicians recommend Hall's Hair llenewer for diseases of tho scalp and hair. Ayer's Ague Cure 11eutrali7.es tho miasma tic poison which causes lover and ugue. Tho oldest inhnbitant Mrs. Mary liould, 107. of Worcester is I have been selling your Alhlophoros for a fitw mouths and hnvo sold between 0110 nuil two doz-ii. It givesboltei'Hatisfaction for rheuiuat ism than any other propnrn tion of tho kind I havo ever sold. C. M. Treat, druggist, Adrian, Mich. Mrs. Hall, of Omahii, hundredth year. has passed hor Bo merciful to dumb animals. Ileal all opon sores and outs with .Stewart's Healing' l'owdor, 16 and 50 cents a bos. Tho fourteen mill's ot street railway in Glasgow aro owned by tho city. Kver.v nervous noixon should try Carter's Little XKIIVH Pills, They are inudo spe cially fur nervous and dyspent io men and women, and 1110 just tlio medicine needed by all persons who, from any cause, do not sleep well, or who fail to got proper strength from their food. Cases of wenk Htomnch, indigestion, dyspepsia, nervous nnd sick headache, Arc, readily yield to tho use of the Utile Xervo Pills, particularly If i:oinhinod with Carter's Little Uver Pills. In vials at 25 coats. lie that, calls a man ungrateful sums up nil the evil that a man can bo guilty of. Food makes Dlood and Wood makes IIoauty. Improper digestion of food neces sarily produces bad blood, resulting in 11 eoling of tultness in the stoiuacli, uciditv. heaitliiiin, sicl.hoadaclie, ami olherdys- pept ic symptoms. A closely conllned lifo causes indigestion, const ipal ion, bilious ness and loss of appotito. To romovo theso troubles thero is no remedy equal to Prickly Ash Ililtets. It has boon tried anil proven to bo a specille. Agreeable surprises are tho porduisitca of youth. 'u i iic 'a.iii h;n in .m:iii..sica. Wo desire to place a copy of Tim Omaha 'i;i;kly 11i:k into every farm house in Nebraska during tho coming campaign. Tho regular subscription price is $ 1.25 a year or 75 cents for six months. We will furnish tho pa- pur from Jnno to Deceniber (six montHi for 5 rents, or in clubs of live lor 51 .u lor live copa'H. Tut: JJi-x I'l'iir.isiiiNo C'ompanv, Oiiialm, Nt'lnviBka, Kdwnnl Atltiimoii hiivh tli.it (i tiiiui cnn II vo coin'iirtH1 1 v in JSoHton tin S-00u your. for Hnfants and "Cailorla Is so well adaptfvl (o children that I rocomineail Ucj cuperior tonr.y prescription kaorii to nic ' If. A, Aamsn, M 1)., Ill Go. Oxford 8t, lirooUo, N. V. Wl Tux Vrsh BR Tie FISH llUAKDSLICKICUIl rrld vtltmroof. ui !! Lrl..t liana. Mttti Iha.nllr. ..Ui.- u oaj" t-a. wm, "Wlinf l IVoinnii AVortli?" nsked a fair damsel of a crusty old bach elor. 1 le did not know, so she said : "V. O. niiiii" ulouhle yon, O man). Hut n woman fils worth bt tto if disease has ln ailed her system nud is dally sapping her strength.' l or nil tpiniile weaknesses, nr. It. V. I icrco . "uivoriti' Pi-cm i intion' stands unrivaled. It cures tho complaint and builds up tho system. .ventl 10 rents in stumps for pam phlet to World's Dispensary Medical Asso ciation, Gull Main Mrcct, lluffalo, .V i. Xineteen states and eight tcrt itories still have public lauds. IMcree'h "IMcnsnnt Vursntlvo l'cUct," Positively Popular; l'rovoko Praise; Provo Priceless; Peculiarly Prompt; Perceptibly Potent; Producing Permanent Prollt; Pre cluding Pimples and Pustules; Promoting Purity nnd Peace. I'uiihase. Price, Petty. Pharmacists Patronizing Pieico Ptocuro Plenty. 15ov. Ti'nothy Dwight will succeed Dr. Xoah Pot ter, as president of Yalo college. Uso tho great specille for "cold in head" nnd caturth Dr. Sago's Catarrh Itemetly. It nppears that thero aro now in Pnri3 17,.i00 unlet Hats. TrTicn Tlxiij ttm etc, its gkTo lier Cn.torla, XTlitu ho ytai a Child, ulio cried for Custorla, When alio heeanio Mls slio clung to Cantoris, Y.'liSii ho had Children, sho gavo thorn Cattoria, Many things aiv dreadful, but nothing la moro dreadful than man. Puithfnluess is necessary in nil kinds of woik. Kspecially is it necessary, In treat ing n cold, to procure tho best remedy, w hieh is Allen's I.uiil' llalsam. nud take it I faithfully according to directions, anil it, will euro tv cold every lime anil prevent latal results. Sold by all ilrtigjisls aL-'oc, oOc, and 1.00 a bottle. Mary Itrcnnan, of Chicago, bus renched tho cxtromo old ago of 1 17 years. a mnnlli' treatmen forCOo. l'lao's lleiucily for L.uun 11. sum ny uriiKKi'ti. It costs a great deal of money for n lady o dress In extremely butt taste. rATr.TSnbtiiiiipitlij-l.oiilitlMsrKir&Co., At. lorut-VK, lYii-iaiijtuii.u.u. i.sl'il leiH. Advice liee. Sarah Hornliardt grows just a tiny mite outer I Iin 11 slio was. A QUESTION ABOUT Browns Iron Bitters ANSWERED. Ths auction hut probably bn nsktd thousands of timoB. "Ilrt.T can IJrown'H Iron IttUor euro etpry thiujr?" Well, L lionrftt't, Hut it doo euro any d for which & roimUhlu phyulclan wnuM iiroecribo I una Physicians rncognize Irmi as tho bout rrstnratir a (rent known to tip tmifnKsion, ami imiuiry of any Ittidinc chemical llnu will Buhatantitto tlioashortiou tint thore kr lunro nropirattona ot iron Umi of any othur aubhtauco uschi in luodirlno Thin alum a uon ehisireily that iron in arkuovrlodKM t) m tho mot important factor in Hiiccosaful modioal itctieo. It ia, humivtr. a remarkable fact, thtt prior to t liu dmoov ryof HROUWS MtON ItlTTinCSnoporfect ly aatiafactory iron combinition hud eer boen found, lin nil I tlio innni niTTrnodion nntlntur Dnuwii omuiiDi 1 1 uiothetth.cuc bflidachu, or produce constipation nil other 1 roll ine.iiehiesilo. ItKOU N'SIKONItlTTIMtS rnrcn IiullttrHtiou, IllllniiMiexs, Wctiluiris, Djspepslu, .lltilurlu, Chills mill Kcters, Tired l'crliiifMiciirrnl "tilllt3',lnln Intlia Slile, Illicit nrl.lmbx, I IciiilnctirnmlNfiirnU Kill for all those ullmontii Iron 1 prnncrlbod dnilr, BROWN'S IRON BITTERS.cu minute. Tiki all othnr thorough rnfvllcinM.it acM IoMy. "Wlvm tikim by nn th llrnt mmptom of bcmelit Im renewl onrcy. ThftinueleMthon baennu flrniftr, th dilution Improvivn, thnboH'oUiirHnctlvn. In teointn tllO hQ tet K tlfltl,llvinnrn rnnM find in-irlcmt Thopyoibecin atonc to bricntMn. tha hkin clearo tip; r.HHiny color com to tho riiHOkf: rifrvournAs diinpp.irn; ftiuctionil drnnKMmnta bccnim n?" l.ir, nnd if , mmiiiff mother, nhmulnnt KUM(fninro w Huppnmi tor i im rniiti, j;t'tniiiinr tfrowirii Iron uiuori lamo ii iron niwuicirm tint u int iu juriU-. Vhy$u-inn nnd truijgitta rtcnmmrnl it Tho (Sonuino hortTrado Marie nnd cr mnd rod Hnej ouwrappor. TAICI2 NO iVVUVAl. THE ffiEMEST F?E . i m....,ii,.. niiiui:- can people is Consumption. Phy sicians and Druggists have at last Touna a remedy which they feel justified recommending. This is DR. BIGELOW'S POSITIVE CURE, which cures Consumption in stages that other remedies aro of no benefit. It cures Couehs, Colds, and all Throat and Lung Diseases speodily and safely. rrico, riuy uents and Ono Dol lar. Sold by Druggists. H. JAHKH lUOI.I'V vf-ilon rurman P. k U. 11. It., Winkle, Olilj, ImJ not slept for orer jeir. bli piinrrlnir from Nfur.ltla'JiMui.ofn.t. Ttir.eitoM.of ATlJLOPHOKOScurul blm. NcumliU nn alwsj. be quTcklr cnrcU ly u.t ir Alliloborui, A.' our druiilil tur Alliloiliorri. If you eannol. i't It of bin do not try imeihlriic tlw. liuloritrr t ouco from in. Wo 111 eni It exi'r.i. iM on receiptor rrl i , $1.00 l-er l)ollle. ATHI.Ol'HORQH no..ln Wall St., Hew York. Mt H IT N X Y IN SAN LUIS. Tim moot W'nnifrrfitl Aai lcu , iirnl !: In Ainerlev Hiii-muiiJpil Iit pro in i mis mliiluv mi l msiiiiructiirluir towm. r. ten i.'it's im ica iiiNia sueiiin. o in crops hiIk.., In nm.,. TIIOI'.SA.MIN Of At iticNtir iiovj:ic.mi:.'i' i.a.vh, ubjoot u I'm , niiiiuii uiid iKiiueMie iu, i.nT-'i ior Halo to qq. timl KetllL-ra at tS0 per ncre. I,U(I 'I'IMK, l aik Irrlk'iiteil by linineiuo i-analn. C'luap rallroaj iat. hvorr a (ten I n li wn . citlt ra. foe man-, pa nplilelii, ic., nililnn, I'uI.OIlAIM) LAND .t LOAN u j , upera iiauia iiiocu, innvt r, Colo , lloj TiELEGnAPHY I.i-urii licro nil riill'. KllnntlilllA earn goii B ulcuilnu in oi, Jaiiesvllle, Wis. luiuisuua IRK ';rHi) '"'''."f0' :' rner canti (new) ,0Dl'""'c'I"'r " Wo.ik,. ivryjo, uiiv liruniu.i.fiu i-i-riii, iuijji i riiiK,'.wf'.V'Uniin sent past uU aiUfortie, CoiiiLhti-aiii CarU HKs, (iart(oril,Ounn (QfS NmvSrrup l'lctiirna and 41 New Otironii)1 'J' unUtiold rjirnp (.UMlimeiit postpaid fur Knits, tisiinuui i aiiu uo., ueuieiuouK, L.uuu. W. N. U.. Oiimlm. Ml- Children. Caatorla enrea Colic, ConMlpatlon, Hour Htomacii. Diarrliaia. Eruc-tntlon. Kills Wonna, ulvo sleep, and promote dl- restton. ItLout lujurioui medlcAtioa. CttTiua Coupa.it, 163 Fulton Street, N. Y. LICKER TilD Best Waterproof Coat. til leep )sa dry la Tlio new rulJUKL SUCKHBli a rirlecl iMInr rol. ard U.w.ra lit Imlt.tlant. Moo r.nliln. 1. IllkOUt tho ViUi rita am iiiaiirsita L'sloioiua Irt. A. it Tuwtr, iit.loa, . WW,. H0PS BITTERS. 1.rV IS TS2I1 Blood Purifier Health Restorer. It never f.tlls to nn its wort In ensen o? Ilnln rlu, ItllloiiNtiroN, Coiintlputloii, Ilcad HCliP.losaor Appetite nnd Merit, Nerrotn Debltlt)'. Neiirulula, nnil nil XN-malei Coiiiplultltv. Hoii9.t: Mnlt Hitters Is n c 1 11 1. lot otnpound.lt isnrileillelnnrin! n nr. rnolll Isrlllli. It diflem as U'lilrlviiHu. ilv .iml nlgtit from the tlionnniHl-aiKl-oiia nilxturea of vile ivhlaky fl.avorea w tli tirotuntlcn. Hops.t Jlnlt Bitters M recoin- MUiKloiI by l'liyalclima, rtllnlnlera. nnd . ttrsoans belnsr the If cut Kamllv Hlf.iirinA nrrr coiuixiunded. Any ivoiumi or elii Id cau take IU "From my knowloilfje of ttt Increments, ttndet no I'lrotitnatanooo cnti It Injure any one uslnc It. It COIltnlll9 lio mlllrr.ll or other ilelHterlnim anli. etniiee. Possess, up real merits, tho remedy ii deferring success." u. i-- UEt'ur, In. o., Detroit, Slich. Tlio only Goniilno aro manufactured by tha HOPS & MALT BITTERS CO., Detroit, Micb. GOODMAN DRUB CO,, VVho!e;ah gents O.'I.UI.V .Mill. TEEATEP Ell EE. DR. H. H. GREEN, A llcInlIt Tor Mo. Veil onr l'al, Tlnn treated Dronsv and It. enmnlle-ttlnn. n-lih tha m t wonderful sneeemj uses ene'a'i) -re-nedles, entirely liarnilex, Hoinurcs all lyinptomi if dropsy In ek'lit to twenty day. i nre piticius prunoiincc.i iiopeims pyt.n best of physician. from the first dose the symptn-n rapidly dls- priir, nn: In tu'i days a. Icait twu thltdj uf the symp tunis nri retmired. Some mil v ci-y Iniinlnis wlttiont knuwlnz .inrlhlnf about It. It Miienibrr It doe nit cw mt rtnyihlnc to leallze Hie merit of my treatment fur yourself I Kin cjiistautly ciirlnu- cafe of loni;tnn n ir. rae i that have been tnni'nla number of tlmos. ail tha imtieni iiert.tini unaoin to live n wepK. dive rail lilHtorv of oa'O Namit se. h y bunt alllleied. Iin badly w.ieu nn I where, U boelH em Ivc. It re irirs biirieil nnd ditiiped water. Stul f ir freu pa iiphlet. roiia n iir testimonial, ques: t jii. etc. 1 n .in v t rent niKiit fiirnlahoil free by mall. Lpllcpsynts poltlTly cured. llordurtrl.tl, aeniTccnts In stamps tnmr n n'nr. 11 II. flHKKN. M II . M Jones Aycniiu, AllJiitu. i. EXHAUSTED VITALITY. II,I.USTHATi:i) .SAMl'I.H I'ltKU. KNOW THYSELF. A (Srrat tetl'p.ll M'l.rlr nn Xlanlinn,! Vi.tv.nt . .n I'hjiilc.il Debility, l'leinutiire li.-elli e In Man. Kx- h.HIlt Ml Vllltlltv A-e.. Ai uml the lliilnlil niKet-la. resu tlnir fiom tnilM retlon i.r ciccs.o i p.i:e. tuiiKtiinilnlly In uud In n 1 1 r . mtirlln t'unt.ilnx ni'ira (hull 12.1 lntiiluubio pieseiipitun, einliui-niery renetnble remedy Intiui iiliiiniiiii'n-plafor a ' auula ml chronic ilbcaea. It Is eii.pliatlcally i b ok for every milll. Prh-e only tl bv llllllt lui.lnutil. i-oiifr.alr.1 every mini. Trice onl; in pinui wrn in 1'iitiii v rii'ii r. ll.I.USTKATI VlIS X SI l'r.UFKKK TO A I.I. louiii; nnd uildulo a-ed men fur the m-xtnlnety dnj s. Bend IIOU'. or cut tlili oul. ul yof mnv never Rite It Kaln AUdicss Dii, W. II. PAItKKU, llulilncli S: IliiMnn, K. II. Dr. Parker ran bo vnntlilf n'lnlly coniultci on nil dlseineit of man, his spcel illles SrV?il"v.IEl.DS EVERYTHING SvJj'.Vitl'hliia. 1 urnttura. ll'l -n In e Aj. i ify&iVuxi ii vh year1- nuinuii'.pu hi vcr iKlttles. fjVT.KVlKUHi WA'.ll! Z" s. I au ueuiors can Fe-i ic Anr.iru t latiniM rii Aril lor !c ill r r.l. At KliiiVJliVk MaiLEof aKAKF.SS AS1 SJDEBILITI Vffiy tLmUWt DECAY. A Life) Kxporlt-nco. Kouiarkablo nnd quick curcn. Trial PncIcnBcs. Consultn tlon mid JJoulia by jsrall l'llKI. Addrosa Dr. WARD &. Co., Louisiana, Mo. YOU 1110 ulllilloil a free, trial nf tliirht ttnua nf tha use of Dr. Dyu'a Celebrated Voltaic llelr with m.eii-ir Huseinory Appliances, for tho spceily relief and per maiient euro of KmnutDrlitutu, bus of rUalitu. kni ttanhoml, nnd all kindred troublcH. AIo for moiir other lllrielises. Cnmnlelftrratnritllini tn ll.tlrh Vl0,. and ManliotMl i-unruiitctl. No risk I i Incurred, "itfus. iruieu luiiniuiiei, in unitii enrtut nullcil fre, bj Bddrosslus Volluic Jlelt t'u., Marshall, lllch. When 1 Ptv i tiro l uii not maun inure v In mton mam iur ft tlrao and thun hSTO ihcm return tttfuln. I nimt. anrfl. cal euro. I liavo niQ.lo the fltaoASO of F1T3. Kl'II-EraV cr F.LLINQ SICKNESS a llfalnu itudf. 1 wirmitt mj ttmtitlj to euro tho wor.t casen litc;m$ cilivr i-it failed fi no reason for not now racelv Intr aenra. 4od at once for a treat lia and a I'ro llottla uf 1117 InralDUa remady, (Jlro Kiprtsi and l'oik Ottlco. li cuiti yuti cut bin t for a trWI, and t will euro you. vaarcia ut, 11. u, uuui, jesrcarisc, injw Tore JOSEPH GILLQTTS STEEL PENS COLD MEDAL PARIS EXP0SITION-IB7B. THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS IUCKEYE FDLDIflG BIHEER: TlicllKhtestrunnlntrelov'oi blndnrlntha world ' labia oa V !' tlirouirlifim jrti. K "tulroi IcWTtor.iKerojm, 'r iius.es aimiuie .-iiw.i Till 11 Kii alien yon " "" V. Aultinuu, 3IIIIOS- . Co.. AUruii. Ohio. PUo'( 'Rsmctly for Catarrh U th I Ilrst, JCualut to Use, nd Cbmpnt. 1 Also Eood for Cold In the Head, Headache, liny J'eYcr, SA WcenU, ASTHkVIA CURED ! i.eriiian Athmu Cure atvrr aU to kImI w imttUmt4 T4tnfin thm voral etui, iiiutfieod.l Inriaoia np tcu rurrvb(r all ou.a uu. I'Ut eonvtnt$ tA mm 1 JrlcaTOrla audi 1.0U. of rruultt or by malt Baiapla i'lli.K fori MHlilt. Quickly nd PhIiIms. lycuredsilionio, C'orrespoodaiK sullcltrdand Jrtt tr,at of euro se 1.1 honest Inrcstltfaiors. Tnllci.it iiiMsuT i-tuirir, i.ua;ette. lu BBBHHnraBHHHHHISure relief imoui KIDDER'S PASTIUERMiffi MHHHHaiJaiMHHuu''tavrn, Hut. OPIUM .Ilnriihlue llitblt Uurotilata toMddisrsi uititya, utility till uurouu Da J. brru t,eiuuuu, iMo. nnlllll nd Marphl.e'I.lt Cured InlSU It'lllPI Kefsrlo lIHlUrMtiraiaeur UriUSTj In mparts, OhKQulMr.XMi. iL- Iff . 11- M m -al-ata HUM Wi n II O ErTl III 10 1 IIC ,tV f: 11 I f,llv Us liV-'fl'ronoiinc-idBtror'- . ol.n-wn TIE giH mm OPIUM