The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, April 17, 1886, Image 5

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UNION. OIUXiOK. SAT.. APT.. 17. Km;,
to .jvhi:tisi:ks.
The SCJOl'T lia n Much Larger CIitii.
l.itiiiu ttinn unv Paper In tills scrtlon
of the State, mill Is. then-fore the IJKs r
Tills In n Triii Slntoini'iit, ami c
Ullllll llClt Illtl.W it Irt III' IIIPIIIIIIIM lij run
r oilier paper. Advertisers will l" well
ti iiiukc n mile of tills, 4t
Locution Notices.
Wo have for Mile lit this otliee a numher
of blanks for locution nf niinimt claims,
'l'hev were gotten u ly an eviieriencetllan
yer.'and are strictly in accordance with the
mining laws, ami contain nli necessary in
formation. Taxes Cnllectrcl.
The amount of tuxes collected by Sheriff
Hiiundcrs, mid turneil over to tin" I'ounty
Treasurer, April tilth., is), is as follows: "
No. 1 . ? t.SM.t.U
1! 8.100.H1
8 it..w.o;:
4 n.210.1"
r (i,5i.r.7
0 7.7;5.01
7 4 ,520.51
Amount of Sheriffs asseMitents
Total turn over for lSs"i
SIIILOH'S CCUFwill immediately
relieve Croup. Vlijpinjr cough and
Diouchitis. I'm- sale by 1'. C. Creig.
Xot ice.
Notice is hereby given that J. A. V. Heard
has sold to (.'. K. ltohins. all his right, title
and interest in the saw mill ami lumbering
business, conducted by the linn of liees ,V
Heard, and the business will henceforth be
conducted bv 15ee A- llobins.
" I'nion, Or. April lflth. Ki.
is it positive cure for Catarrh, Diph
tlieriii, ami Canker Mouth. For .sale
bvlt. C. Greig. Union, (Jicgoti.
I'or Sale.
An excellent plat e adjoining this ctt for
anient n bargain. It contains o acres of
splendid land, pood dwelling house and
outbuildings, and the best orchard in the
country. For further Information apply
at this'oil'tce.
A NASAL IN.JF.CTOU free with
eaeli boitlc of Shiloh's Catarrh Deme
dv. Price obc. For .sale by If. C. 0.
AVIlil Cherry mill Tar.
Kveryhody knows the virtues of wild I'her
ry and Tar As a relief and cure for an alfeu
tioiis of the Throat and Lung, combined
with these two ingredients are a few simple,
healing remedies in the composition or Or.
ISosanko's ( 'ousrh and bung rup making
it just the article you should always have in
the house for roughs, ohU, ( roup and
Kronchitls. Price 50 cents and .(J. Samples
free. Sold by ,1. T. Wright, I'nion, Oregon.
TDK KHV. OKO. A. THAYKK, of 15our
born, Ind.. savs : "both myself and wife
owe our lives" to SIIII.OII'S CONSUMP
TION CUUH." For sale bv It. C. (ircig.
North Powder, Oregon, Feb. Nth., is".
To Tin: Vomits ok Union Cocxtv :
1 hereby announce myself as a candidate
for the Slieritl'.s otlU-o, subject to the will
of the people, and if elected
will endeavor to till the ollice with
credit to myself and supporters. Hoping
this will receive due consideration, I will
subscribe myself,
Yours Hcspectfully,
II. 11." Sti:i,H1'..nson,
better known as "Puny Stevens."
FOR DYSPKP-IA and Liver Complaint,
vou haw a printed guarantee on every bot
tle of .Shiloh's Vilsdizer. It neer fails to
cure. I'or sale by It. ('. Oreijr, Union, Or.
i:nK'e Cooper Shop. inamifaturcr of butler
barrels itiici kcjrs, lias always on hand
a rooil supply ol tbo best quality, and
will sell them at reusoiiablc prices,
(rive hint u call at bis shop, sotitl of
the school bouse, Union.
Duck KrKs I'hv Mile.
Anyone deirinK duck eegs, from the fin
est breeds of ducks, can procure the same
bv applying U Mr. Al. (ioodbrod, of this
citv. Charges, $1, jier (loen.
Itrnil TliH.
C. Vincent hss just received a splendid
lot of boots, shoes, etc., which he will ell
at a Kfeat reduction on former pricet. lie
means wliat he says. Try him.
It w I Tlin :.
While money i close, waKus and prices
low, expeiiser, should be cut down in every
household. Keoiiomv, the watchword for
Mothers, head off doctor bills, by always
keeping in the liouc a bottle of Dr. Hoan
ko Cough and l.uug Syrup. Stops a cough
instantlv, relieves consumption, cures Croup
and pain In the Chest in one night. It is
just the remedy for hard times. Price .'(! cts.
and jl. Samples free. Sold by .1 . T. Wright,
Union, Oregon.
The onlv Wvaudntte chicken egR in the
valley, are for sale by P.. H. SnnlMirn, at the
Cove,'. Call and examine them. 1.t!!:
ARK YOU MADE miserable by Induc
tion Constipation, Dizziness, l.ossof Ap;t
titOj Yellow Skin? Shiloh's Vit:tHer i n
positive cure. For sale by K. C. Oreig,
Ctirc for Tilos.
Pilot arc frequently preceded by a cchhp
of weight In the hack," loins and lower part
of the abdomen, causing the patient to mp
poc he has miiiiu affection of the kidneys or
neighboring organs.. At tbne, symptoms of
Indigestion are present, llatuleiicv, itneasv-jr-s
of the stomach, etc, A ninUtilre Ilk"
perspiration, producing a very dhngreeitbh'
Itching after gctliuc wann,li a common
utteiidant. blind, bleeding, and Itching
Vrtes vleld at oin' to the application of Dr.
Itosanko.s Pile Remedy, which acts directly
upon the parts effected, ab'oi-blng the
Tumor, alhuing the Intense Itohing, and
rrtectinf a peinmnent cufi?. Price, Hi cents.
Addre, The Dr. Hosnnko Medicine Com
iMtiy, Plqua, O. sold by J. 'I', Wright,
Union, Oregon.
I'nrm for Side.
I will sHl one of tbo dionpest and
best jjruln, bnv, and M'sn-wA farms
Yer offered for sale In tin' Cove, at
- the verv low price of w aero.
The said rancbe routainbi acres
of cbolce Intuit well watered mid
fheltercd from tbo wind. &lr bouse,
nd well femud. Hilnalcd about four
miles north of Cove, and conrenioiit
to good school house. For further
partieulars enquho of Sheriff diuin
der. 11. Fi Fkwei..
dHU.Oirs VrfAUZKK U wlmt vou
need for on utitmtion, of Appetite,
Dizziness, and all symptoms of Dyspepsia.
Price 10 and la cents per bottle. For sal
"ly li. C. Orcig, ih Uruuut, Union 0r
Briof Bulletins.
Ifead our advertisement.
Firemen meet next .Monday,
(iloves of all kinds at Joifs Hro's.
Very stormy for several days past.
Head 0. F. Hell's answer to "Many
Salmon are now running up Cather
ine creek.
A lively time may be expected du
ring the coming week.
A new assortment of glove, nf all
kinds, at. I. II. White's.
Frank Cleaves, the actor, died a few
weeks ago, in California,
Travel to the Fine ercek mines will
toon commence in earnest.
Mitchell's Kidney Flayer for sale
at Wright's drug store, Try it.
Mrs. Duniwav lectured nt, the court
house last Wednesday evening.
New assortment of felt and straw
hats just received at .1. 11. White's.
A stage line should be put on at
once between this city and Cornucopia.
A skating carnival will take place
at North I'owder on the evening of
the 2-llh.
Another invoice of Mjuirrel traps
just received at do. Wright's. Only
15. per dozen.
In a few day a great many candi
dates will be tilde to tell exactly how
it was they got left.
Coitt-iderablc rain during the fore
part of the week, which was of great
benefit to the farmers.
Mr. and Mrs. Draper, and Mrs.
I Ames of this city, returned from their
visit I'.aM, a few days ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomp Carroll's baby
has been very sick for a. week or so,
but at present is improving.
Lewis; your poem, entitled "Pomp
and I", is very good. Will publish it
when less crowded with news items.
To-morrow at 1 1 o'clock, Uev.
Ellis, Haptist minister of La Grande,
will preach at the M. K. church in
this city.
Mrs. Xewhard, of the Hot Lake,
who has been visiting in Washington
Territory for some time, returned
homo Thursday.
Hereafter when service is held in
the M. E. church in the evening, it
will commence at 7 o'clock instead of
7 :.'i0 as heretofore.
Frank Collins returned from (he
University at Eugene, .t few days ago.
He was in Union the fore part of the
week, shaking hands with his ninny
The Union Base-ball Club will ac
cept a challenge ftom any club in the
county, but would prefer to play a
match game with the boys of the Cove
or La tirande.
The Cove drug store will soon re
ceive a fresh supply of drugs from the
East. Money is needed to pay for
same, to an early settlement of your
account will be appreciated.
Yesterday, John Elliot, the livery
man, received an elegant bus to be
used in carrying pascngers in this
city and between here and the depot.
John keeps up with tbo time.
Han Chandler has purchased and
taken charge of the Centennial hotel.
Mr. Chandler is refitting and reno
vating the premises, and will spare
no pains to make the hotel first class
in every respect.
We wonder if the Sentinel man
knows anything about that appropria
tion that was made by the state, and
the efforts being made by our people
to connect tbo Fine creek mines with
this city by a Wagon road.
Sometimes correspondents, Writing
from adjacent localities, make mention
of the same event. In bitch cases, the
precedence is given to the communi
cation fust put in type, and the item
is left out of tbo other. Correspon
dents need not take offense at this.
A few days ago Merwin fc Love
bought four ihort-horn bulls, of Ifoger.s
it Williamson, and look them to their
rancbe on I'owder river. They were
the finest animals we have seen for
sometime. Neither of them U u year
old, yet the aggregate weight of the
four is 2,705 pounds.
The entertainment given last Satur
day evening, by the Union Literary
Society, was m 11 attended and highly
appreciated by all. The proceeds Were
about tfSo.OO which Will he used to
pay the indebtedness incurred by the
Society during the winter, and to
furnish the library With bonks. Ve
are in hopes the company Will sec lit
to give us another entertainment
before many days.
A few days ago, the four year old
ton of W. A. Ueynolds, of linker City,
got "stdi.x" about something and told
bis mother bo believed he would chop
off sonic of his lingers. Shu paid no
attention to him, but soon heard a
squall from the back yard, and going
out found that the young hopeful had
cut off two fingers of his left hand
with a hatchet. Whenever you place
a genuine American lioy in reach of
a hatchet,, something remarkable is
liable to occur. Thi boy will no
doubt get to b president tome day,
and snap his reiimiitg digit at the
dear people.
The latest news from Pino ctVek re
garding the showing of the "Whitman" i
initio Is moit flattering. Mr. Neuner, j
the suiK-iinteiident of the "WbitniKii"
company iloWou a ImtnnoB trip to
Louisville, Kentucky, Whither he goes
to niako preparations for the purchase
of extensive mill machinery to be
placed on the "Whitman" as soon as
the deep snows of the Fine creek re
gion shall admit. The ownerd of eev
enil other mines in th district are
pushing tbo work of development as
fast as jioeuible, the enow interfering
somewhat with operatiorno-Iiifrer
Citjr Suge Brush.
Contract AwnnU'il.
The Pine Creek Hoad Commissioners
met in this city. lit Monday, to open the
bids for the construction of the road as
advertised for. Onlv two bids were put
in; one bv Smith .t Hale, to build the
rond for ?U,.roi); the other by Shaw A
McCloud. of Summerville, to construct it.
for JIO.iHO. Knelt Mil Was accompanied by
pwd and sufficient bonds, lint the eoin
niissiotiers seemed to ditlcr as to the
manlier of proceeding. While Mi DanieN
was in favor of awarding the mtractto
Shaw A McCloud. their beintf the lowest
bid, the other two comnunissioners were
In favor of rcieeiing both bid, and adver
tising attain,' CamplH'll aliening that the
bids Wire too low and the contractor
Would Ik ruined, while Chaplin thought
that if the mutter could lie postponed until
the snow went otf, other bids would be
put in anil the work done for les money.
Shaw A McCloud. verv justly, as many
of our citizens th ucht. decidedly objected
to that kind of an nrraupnieut, and insisted
unfile contract being let to them, as they
had in good lniib put in a bid. and it was
the lowest. The matter was finally ad
justed and the contract was let to them,
which seems to ghe general satisfaction,
as Angus Shaw is known to be an experi
enced road builder, and is .sutlicicntly
heeled, financially, to curry to a successful
termination unv thing he undertakes to do.
After paying the contractors for building
the road,' there will vet be something like
$l.50ileftol ihe fund to defrav incidental
expenses, which is cert ihdy Miflieient.
In an interview with Sliwsr.s Shaw A
McCloud, thev informed us that work will
be commenced about the first of May and
that it is their intention to employ from .V)
to 75 men. and a limited number of teams.
Work will be pushed as rupidlv as po-sible,
and they thinic the road will be completed
witliin two months.
A Keeoiiiinendiitliiu.
The following recommendation, from
friends of Pony Stevenson, candidate for
sheritl' of this county, has been handed us
for publication:
We, the undersigned, doing a general
merchandise bttsines-i in Jackson county,
the former place of residence of Mr. Ponv
Stevenson, and being well acquainted with
the party mentioned, do recommend him
faorob!v to all men. We had many deal
mgs witii Mr. Stevenson, and alway found
him honest and upright, a good neighbor
and a loyal citizen. We further state that
we send" this recommendation freely and
without any request of Mr. Stevenson s.
Ki iu.i: iV ISoi.t,
Applegate, April I!. INS J.
The Conventions.
The Dotnocratic Convention will take
place at the court house next Tuesday, and
the Itepublican Convention on the Saturday
following. The time is near at hand and
it will be seen that the patty putting up
the most competent and honest men for
olllce will come out victorious. It is to be
hoped that both conventions will pay less
attention to the clerk and slieris otliee.
and endeavor to get the right kind of men
for commissioners, judge and assessor, as
on these largely depend the welfare of the
county. The people are beginning to get
their eyes open to this fad, and if there N
anv trading done by voters at tue polls, it
will he to get good "men in the last named
Hush ISnll ('lull.
At a meeting for the organisation of a
base ball club, in this cit , held at Hall
ltro's. store, oil the 1 lib in '1., the following
names were eutolled as members:
C. W. benhart. (ieo. lleidleniun, fieo. F.
Hall, Mat. M. Hall. W. A. Hall, Win. War
ren. .1. M. Carroll, .1. bevy, A. O'Toole, S
l?enson, (ieo. beard, K. M inuel, Harry
Deacon, (ieo. W. Statlor.l. li. V. Wilson, S.
V. McFarren, (ins Hutchinson, and .lames
The following olli. ers were elected for the
season: President, ll. F. Hall; vice presi
dent, 1!. F. Wilson ; sectetary, fieo. Heidle
mani treasurer. .1. M. Carroll; captain,
,1 antes Lowell; assistant captain, C. W.
I.enhart; home umpire, (leo. Neweoiub.
Will C.jiitintctl.
Hridget burns, an inmate of a convent
at Fort Wayne. Indiana, and itci' of the
late John Ilunn of this city, has com
menced action to have the will of her
brother set aside, on the grounds that he
was incompetent ami incupucifated by
sicklies, and not eoncioua of his actions
at the time the will wiH made, lieorge
N'ewcombe was appointed to take testi
mony, and has been hearing the fuse
during the week. Shelton ,V Hardest v
are attorneys for the phlintilV. and O. F.
Hell, and Judge Moreland nt .Milltliomah
county, art! for the defence.
Blanks for quart, and placer loca
tions at J. 11. White's.
Powder Itiver PcbbkiH.
Mrs. .Martin, of the Cove, has been
visiting friends in the Park,
Mr. Foyetor, of the Cove, will teach
the J 'ark school, this spring.
The Emi!e Ditch Co. have discon
tinued work on the ditch for the pres
ent, but will commence again In Oc
tober. Daniel Fruit and Wallace Hoyles
took their departure n few days ago
for Daker valley, on a (rapping and
hunting expedition.
The literary and debuting socioty of
the Park, has adjourned for the sum
mer. The next meeting will be on
the evening of the first Saturday in
P. II. Miles is still working on bis
mine on llig creek, lie has got quite
a showing. The last assay of the ore
went !r'(M,70 to the ton. Hurrah for
Dig creek !
Fred Simonis w'ass in Powder river
Valley a few days ago, and surveyed a
road "for the settlers. Justus Wright,
P. II. .Miles and Cyrus Dames, view
ers. Vox PoJ'l'I.In
AHieloixj I loins.
April showers too utiinerolin to
mention, with occasional silow
squalls, but for nil tllut they bring
forth May llowers.
Wo have been informed Hint Air.
F. Dolau , of this place, has J)nr
chiiicd one-hiilf interest in the ot th
Powder drug store! May prosperity
bo his.
The freight train llien itto to take
breakfast ill this place utter this, as
both cast and wot hound trains
arrird hero at "til At M.
Senator Mitchell, of Oregon, has
Introduced n now nnti-Chincie bill,
by which hi coolly proposes to swon
away nil treaty provisions which
stand In the way of an absolute pro
hibition nf Chinese immigration, and
to exclude from the country all Mon
yoliiln inimlgnlntei and to proven! the
return of unv that may loavo the
country. This bill puts a plunging
ctntnteniiuee on every man who has
respect for the right of his own riiee
it liiMii-t. mid If this bill heroines it
law it will be unanimously ratified j
on the Pacific court i
Kril of o. r
Itrll to "Many
Jlreath disliking to recognize an
nonynious corn spondt tits, but feeling
that the subject ti- ated of by "Many
Citiwn?" is one in which the people
of the county at large tire interested,
1 have detet mined to answer the ques
tions propounded, to the lest of my
ability, and if Mr. Outhouse does the
same, the public can then draw their
own conclusions.
1st. Neither Mr. Outhouse nor-my-relf
took an oath ofollice before enter
ing upon the discharge of the duties of
examining the county allaii under
the appointment of the county court.
Defore anything was done, 1 suggested
to Mr. Outhouse that wo should be
sworn, ut he replied that it was nut
necessary. 1 was willing to take an
oath, so the blame for the omission for
failure to he Mvorn, rests on Mr. Out
house, if blame there be.
2nd. As to how the figures, showing
the county indebtedness were arrived
nt, it was us follows: From what old
registers we could find from the jour
nal of the County Commissioner's pro
ceedings the stubs, the warrants re
turned and cancelled and such other
data as we could find among the tiled
away records of the county, we made
registers of all the county warrants is
sued by order of the court, ami some
not so ordered. We got the cancelled
warrants segregated into classes as
marked thereon, and enteted the same
upon our teguters us paid, showing
the amount paid, including the face,
the interest (us endorsed on the war
rant) and the total. This process, of
course, left on the face of the register
blanks, unfilled out. of all warrants not
found as returned and paid. 1 then
made a list of all outstanding war
rants as shown by these tegisters ami
upon that list interest was calculated
on such warrants, but without going
into decimals in making the calcula
tions. The interest was calculated
partly by myself and partly by Mr.
Otttbous.i, as the list will show." The
list so made, witii the calculations so
made, and the indebtedness to the
State as obtained from the State
Treasurer footed up the indebtedness
of the county, on July 1st., lS8f at
$77,000.07. This was the amount of
the indebtedness, no matter what the
resources of the county were where
with to pay tbo same, and it was the
amount of the indebtedness that the
order called for, as shown by the fol
lowing extract from such order:
"That said expert be required
to make a statement of all tbo indebt
edness as found bv him on Jttlv 1st.,
In my judgement, there is no other
way to arrive at the indebtedness but
taking the unpaid warrants at their
facts and calculate the interest thereon.
'hd. in regard to bow the annual
expenditures set forth in the report
were arrived at, this was done entire
ly by Mr. Outhouse,' except as herein
after stated. When this branch was
entered upon, 1 suggested to Mr. Out
house that a segregation should be
made, showing for what all the money
was expended, to which be replied
that the older only called for expenses
of sberili', clerk, treasurer, and roads
ami bridges, and that that Wart nil he
was going lo do, and put the balance
under miscellaneous, lie made up
these statements from the registers
made by Us, upon separate slips of pa
per for each year. 1 did not go over
any of this part of the work ami know
nothing as to whether there are errors
in it or not. The only thing Iliad to
do with this branch Was, that about the
time 1 was finishing up my engage
ment, Mr. Outhouse asked nie to take
bis slips and put them into shape for
the report. I took his papers, but
there Were sn many figures added here
and added there, and (ho whole put
downinsttcha manner that I (ould
not understand them, and so told him.
lie then took the slips, dictated to me
ftom them, and 1 Wrote the figures
down as he called them oil'. There
was a Way by which the correctness
of those figures could have been arrived
at, and 1 suggested the same to Mr.
Outliotlse. It Was to foot the aggre
gate of the registers and the aggregate
of his segregations, and the two should
tally if there Was no mistake. This
was not. done, Mr. Outhouse remarking
that ho knew that bo Was right, or
wordi to that ellcd.
1th. The question I huVe already
fnii. The real facts In regard to tbo
Supreme collrt decision are, so far as
I am acquainted with them, an follows:
When Mr. Wright pi'snted bis bill
for tax rolls and ahsevsment tollg to (he
Cotlnty court, matlo out at the rate of
one folio for each name, the court re
hired to allow it, and .Mr. Vv right sta
ted to the court (hat the matter had
been pasr.ed upon by (be Supreme
court, and suggested that the court
should Write to Judge Hall-raV, who
Wuh then Judge of this district. Thin
w's done by Judge Craig, and Judge
Dalleray replied thereto, ami bis nn
ewer has been blade public. Dasod
Upon eilch reply" the court allowed the
bill. When this quention was sprung
in tho expert mom, I statud (hat .ludgo
lJallern" letter was in the clerk's
otliee, and stated the substance of it,
but Mr. Outhouse Was not satisfied
With this. He obtained what he culls
copies of tile submission, decision and
deeirioil of tile Supreme coili't, which
be publishes in a garbled manner hi
the La Uraudo fJaette, ns anyone can
see, Who knows anything about law
proceedings. He comuloncei! With tbo
"silbinUsioii of the controversy," neict
"the decision," alid next "Huprenio
cotlrt (Incision ;" but he takes tin de
cision or Halloray, cuts it in tWo, leav
ing the tail end for him, and puu the
comthchcoment of his decision Into the
month of the Supremo court as their
decisioii, when, in fact, ns I sin in
formed, and verily bcliove, the SU
premo court did not even write ail
opiniom 1 bare copies of th suhmisa:
ion, Hallerny's decision, and the Su
preme court mandate before mo (not
the ours obtained by Outhouse, how
ever) and they can be produced to ;
any one desirous of seeini: them. Out- ;
house says "Dalleray is mistaken." '
Let the people judge. Who is more I
likely to be correct, the man who
beard the case and passed upon it, or
the man who judges of it by copies of
papers obtained fome time after the
ease was decided? The facts as staled 1
to me, outsideof these papers, coming
from those who ought to know, ate,
that outside of the mere question pre
sented by the submission, Judge Dal
leray was expressly requested to pass
upon the question its relating lo (a.x
and assesstnenl rolls, and did so against
the clerk, and the whole matter was
pri sented to the Supreme court, which
decided that "(hero is error as alleged"
and reversed the judgement of the
court below. The County courts of
I'matilla and I'nion counties have ac
ted upon tbi decision. Is Mr. Out
house a better commentator on law
and decisions that courts "1" say.
the great "we" (vide Outhouse's pub
lished statement) to the contrary not
withstanding, that there is authority
from this division for charging "a
folio for each name with figures an
nexed on assessment anil tax lists.
(ilb. In answer to 'bis question 1
can say conscientiously, tluit 1 had no ul
terior views in this investigation other
than to seek the information desired
by the people, and as lo what was in
the secret heart of the expert, 1 can
only judge by bis acts and words, and
these tbiougbout the time expended
in this investigation showed clearly to
my mind that there was some under
lying motive actuating him. He
seemed to be most bitter against the
present incumbent of the clerk's ollice
talked and said a good deal ugaintJ
him in regard to the deputyship; said
that lie (Wilson) need not think his
letter (referring to one which had ap
peared in the public newspaper) would
go unanswered, Unit be intended to
answer it and show up Mr Wilson,
that Wilson would never get (be po
sition again, and gave me to under
stand that he would use his influence
to defeat him. I cannot now repeat
his words, as this subject Was referred
to by him so frequently, showing a
bitterness of spirit against Wilson,
lie expressed animosity against Mr.
Skill', staling that he could not be elec
ted to any ollice in Union county.
Towards Mr. Wright lie did not ex
psess any bitter feeling, but he seemed
to bunt up bis bills and Wilson's oii
the subject, of this folioage question.
Speaking of hunting up bills reminds
me that this was another matter which
led me to suppose that Outhouse had
some ulterior views. He was continu
ally going over, over and over these
bills, especially the clerk's, it seemed
to me. liven when making segrega
tions of annual expenditures, be would
stop and take a spell at bill bunting.
He seemed to bo particularly anxious
about Wilson's bills, mid Would some
times ask me, "where is Wilson's bill
for such a time?" or "1 want to find
Wilson's bill for such a time," and
when he found anything (hat he
(bought in any way out of the way,
in Frank Wilson's bills, be would
speak about it as if lie bad found some
thing outrageous, and with an express
ion on his face, as 1 would read it,
"now 1 have got him." Ho seemed
also very anxious in his hunt, to ob
tain SkilPs bills, but when found be
appeared not to be able to get bold of
anything to his (SkilPs) detriment.
Another thing which showed Out
house's foldings : when the Work was
first begun, a room was assigned to us
by the clerk, .Mr. Wilson, and be re
quested that 1 should carry tbo key,
as I was a sworn deputy of bis at the
time. To this, Outhouse demurred,
and in connection therewith spoke
very bitterly against Wilson, saying
that lie Was the export and would
show .Mr. Wilson. And afterwards,
whon Wilson consented to Outhouse
having tbo key, on my going in the
morning and on my return ho was
hunting over bills. And I left him
there sometimes when I loft nt night.
How often he went over thoso bills
I will )wt undortuko to say, but
certainly a greater number of times
than was necessary for the purpose
of the investigation. Lot the public
take his report ami with this light
thrown thoroon, judge his motives,
Again, let the public take tbo report
as written by Outhouse pind it is all
written by him) they will see u part
in quotation imirkH which he says
"Dell reports." It is true 1 wrote
nearly all that in draft, but some of
it 1 did not, as for instance he Would
have me say "May 2nd, 1870, Skiff
ordered to collect IffiO.OO from Joe
Vow'ell and pay Tieusurer." 1 never
wrote anv stlch thing, nor does the
journal show any such thing. Put in
place of Skid', "Shir," usual contract
ion for "Sheritl'," and ytut will have
it just as 1 Wrote it. Sumo in regard
to the other plueo a few linos further
on, Where Skiff's nanio again appearii,
Why should be misquote mo but to
give Skiff a rap? Jt is hut fair to the
public to say in conclusion with thin
matter that 1 did say to Outhouse that
I did not think Frank Wilson could
be reelected, hilt 1 had not then and
have not lulW any feeling of enmity
against him,
7tb. 1 had no enemies to punish.
If Outliotlse had, I supposo he will tell
the pilbllC.
Bill. The books and papers referred
lo have not all lieeil lcltlmeil to tl;o
Comity court, as I have enquired for
regis teis and delinquent lists, nnd can
not obtain them from their proper clis
todlan-tho Comity clerk. Wbero aro
they? Tho registers 1 ImVe Been in the
sheriff's custody, loft there, as I Was
Informed, by Mr, Odthoilsd, Tills la
all I know about them,
9th. And lastly. Tho first I had to
do with this expert business was, 1
Wah requested by tho court to draw
Hud did ilruw the journal entry, order1
ing tbe same. A day or two aftei
ward Mr. Outhouse hailed mo on tin
street and 1 crossed over to him. W(
sat down on the steps of the Mcthodi'
church, and he said he wanted to sir
me about helping him with the inves
tigation. I asked him how he wanted
me lo tut, ai a joint export, or a clerk''
After some talk he proposed, and 1
agreed (o go into the matter with him
and sliare tbe responsibility, he say
ing that liedid not intend to make anv
war on any body, but if be found an
crookedness wo would report it, be r -marking
that so far as Tom. Wright's
time, when you were witii him, is con
cerned. 1 will look over that alone, so
that (ho public may not think you an
prejudiced," I replying, you need not
do lba(, for if I tind any crookedness in
Tom., 1 will report him as quick us
anybody. With this understanding
we went into the matter, and it so con
tinued until after our talk with regard
to clerk's fees, on tax and assessment
rolls, Dalleray.s decision ami letter,
when one day he remarked to inc.
"Dell, what are you doing?" I replied,
"busy with ollicer's accounts." lie said
"I will have to go over your work to
see that you are right." I said, "what'
then 1 will have to go over yours.'
lie replied, "no," that he was the e.
pert, and the public looked to him to
see that all w.m correct. I said, "all
right then, if you take all the respon
sihility, 1 am only u clerk," or sonn
thing like that. Dut be did not go
over my work, but reports it correct.
I did not go over bis work, ami 1 do
not know that it is correct. 1 thought
at the time the change cuine ovet
him, that his reason for (be change
was that he proposed to make a report
in which he knew I would not join,
and he has admitted since in a letter to
me that such was the fact.
I will merely add that so far us 1 in
vestigutod tbe bills of the various olli
cers, the only thing that I saw greatly
out of (he way or "illegal" in any of
them, was constructive milpage charged
by the sheriff's, and if there was any
blame to be cast on any one, it should
have been the court which allowed
them. 1 believe this is all 1 have to
say about tbe matter. O. K. DF.LL.
I'nion ('utility,! ' '
I, O. F. bell, being llrst duly sworn, sa
that the facts set forth in the foregoing
statement and reply, are true as I verib
behevc. ' (). F. 15KI.L.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
lllh. (lav of April, A. I. ISS0.
i . I), b. KKKS.
(MA'" ! Notary Public for Or.
Cove Cullinys.
April lfith, 188U.
Miss Ximcnia Stillborn has accopled
a school near Island City, and is now'
wedding the hazel o'er tho urchins.
Salmon ate now making their an
nual run up the small creeks. Tun
small boy, in particular, is capturing
them, when they Hud ready sale for
their takes at foiir bits each.
Judd (iccr pui'hasfid at the Corr.
drug store, this week, a very lino
brccch-loading shotgun. Judd i
just Iv proud of tho weapon, which he
handles with enviable skill.
The Cove hotel is offered for sale at.
a very reasonable price. To tin indi
vidual or family wishing to make a
certain livlihood on a small outlay,
besides having a very pleasant, home,
this is a rare offer.
O. P. Jaycox has sola good exam
ple by building a sidewalk in front of
his d welling. He also contemplates a
new gateway on the west side of hii
property, thus making his attendance
at church more convenient,
Mortimer Dloom returned, this
week, from Pine valley where he took
a load of Hour, He met with a sevorn
loss; one of his best horses dying'
from thu effects of a kick. Ho says
every stage lakes in a load of passen
gers, while tho road to the mines i
lined with the conveyances of cagei'
aspirants for n supply of thu filth)
The dramatic entertainment at
Union ) Saturday evening, proved
very congenial to us mid we arc of the
opinion it would meet with gratifying
success if reproduced in Cove. Cove
itcs, Step up sisters and brctheriu
und bitl mean affectionate farewell.
I will soon start for Wyoming. S.
An early breakfast isn't always
healthful tor us during Lent. Dltin
caps. Have you heard li. is goln
far away to become a cow boy? Isn't
(hut too lmd'f-D. Who cuiliiiuuo thu
recipient of a beautiful ami appropri
ate book from her "Adolphus, " thii
A strange case of premonition hap
pened in Cove, a short time since.
John Wllniot, it gentleman well anil
favorably known i while iittcmliiitf lo
his dilllc's) and with his mind on othe '
subjects was startled by hearing,
distinctly uddrcHslnu; him, the Volcn
of his father living lu Canada and
whom ho had not scon for years.
So vivid and natural Was the tone of
voice t that he could not resist tlm
impulse (o look tl rough the house for
the iiausoi The ilnu.-ipliduablo phe
noinenoii weighed heavily on Mr.
Wiliuot's mind, foreboding' some sad
event. Wednesday ho received
letter from hoiuui" giving tho par'
Menhirs of bin fathers death) it having
occurred on the exact date th:K tlin
presentiment appeared. .Mi'. Wllniot
lias tho sympathy of the community
in hli sorrow
Cofmicopiu CroiipiittfM.
April 11th, 188(1.
0. Ct Oolllubcrry returned to Un
ion, Tuesday,
John Williamson came it)), lad
Monday, to look after Ida mining
Win. Voting's WW and commodl
ous rostnurunt was opened to llm
public, l'rldity cVoi
Col, (lllnioro met with quite lib
accident, yesterday. Ho Was cutting
wood and the use glanced off atrlklllg
his left foot,
Andrew Drity wits elected delegate .
to Democi'atie County CoiiVetitlou
Joint Katdit ami J In HhiiiI ttiu t
lepi'esuut Urn MjpublleauB.