Care of the Ilnndn. Tliero aro slmplo means by wliiSh tlie sands njny bo kept in a presentnblo condi lion, as tlio uso o! glycerine or hone.v niter trashing them, and a little brnn or oatmeal to bo lined Bomotimea instead ot sonp. Wearing gloves when the vdrk is rough or; dirty is quito ndmissiblc. Ladies who have rouph, coaro luuitls tilioulil rub thorn I with cream at night and may wear looso gloves. Should tho hands becomo hnrd ' and horny, treat them with pumistonennd , lemon. Lemon in always good for tho , handir, it cleanses them as well as soap and liialtcs tlicin solt. j "You can't como it," Baid a customer to a druggiMt who endeavored to pnhn ol his own mixture when Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup wiib naked lor, and Hull's ho got. Price 25 , cents. I The mariner is not .liable to censure il he lends a wreckless life. ' BROJVN'S IRON BITTERS WILL CURE HEADACHE INDIGESTION BILIOUSNESS DYSPEPSIA NERVOUS PROSTRATION MALARIA CHILLS and FEVERS TIRED FEELING GENERAL DEBILITY PAIN in the BACK & SIDES IMPURE BLOOD CONSTIPATION FEMALE INFIRMITIES RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA KIDNEY AND LIVER . TROUBLES FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS The Genuine has Trade Mark and crossed Ked Lines on wrapper. TAKE NO OTHER. MALT BITTERS, If yon wish ft crrtnln euro for nil Blood diseases. Nothing was over Invented that will cleanse tho Blood and puiifv the System equal to Hope mid niAIr Illtters. It tones up the Syatem, puts new Ulood In your Veins, restores your lost ujipctlto and sleep, and brings you perfcci lienlth. It never rails to give relief 4n all cap- 4 of Kidney or Ilver Trouble, BHIotiNncNS, imll cestloi Constipation, Hick Headaches, Dy TeplH, Nervous dlbordcrs, and all Fomnlo Conitilitliitn; when properly taken It is a. buio cure. Thousands have been boncfllcd by lc In this and other Western StMes. It is the bent Combination of Vccetalilo remedies ai yc6 discovered for the restoration to health of tho "Weak and Debilitated. Donotget Hfopa and M.W.T IJltlcro confounded with Inte rior preparations of nimllar namo. I proscribe Hops & Mnl Bitters rcjrtilarly Jn my practice. Robert Turner, M. 1)., Flat Hock, Mich. Tor calo by nil drugglsls. GOODMAN DRUG GO,, Wliolesala Agents, o.iiaiia, m:i:. Tho best and surest llemcdy for Cure of all diseases caused by any derangement of tho Liver, Kidneys, Stomach and Bowels. Dvsncnsia. Sick Headache, Constipation, Billons Complalnta and Malaria of all kinds yield readily to the beneficent influence of It Is Dlcsant to tho taste, tones tip the system, restores and preserves health. It is purely Vegetable, ana cannot lau to prove, beneficial, both to old and young. As a Blood rurlflerlt is superior to all others. Sold everywhere at $1.00 a bottle. elys CATARRH CREAM BALM 3 have wed two bottle of Ely's Cream Balm and consider, myself cured. suf fered CO yean from catarrh and catarrh al headache and thh t Ou first remedy thai afforded lasting re Uf. D. T. Ulngin on. 145 Lake Street, Chicago, 111, AY-FEVER A particle 1a iprllrd Into each nostril and la agree able to use. Price W eta. hvmall r at druggists, fcenrt' for circular. KLY BtlOTHEItS, Drucelsts, Owrgo, N.Y. a HOW CAN YOU EXPECT TO feel well and en joy life when you go about with a hacking coughP More substan tial benefits can be obtained from a fifty-cent bottle of DR. BIQE LOW'S POSITIVE CURE than a dollar bottle of any other cough remedy. It is a prompt, safo, and pleasant cure for all Throat and Lung Troubles. Sold and in dorsed by Druggists. W ANTED Ladles and Ototlemen t take ltrht work at tbeti own houita. S I to 181 dar eaitly mada Wirk cnt by malL No canveulaif. l Lam good demand for our work, aad fur slab, steady employment. Addreit, will status, Caovx Ura.Co.JM Via l)UCIa.U H Krupp Guns. Tho exclusive uso of crucible steel for cannon, lending to perfection of menus for inakiiiR it, lins been followed by nn increase of lightness in nun or ganization, which renders possible nn enormous increase of caliber. Hero is n- 10-inch cun, caliber 35 i e., 35 times ns long ns tho diameter of its bore which weighs only 21 tons. Thcro was shown inea plate combined of 112 inches of iron, 2 inches wood packing, and a second iron plato of S inches thickness, making a compact mass, which had been pierced by shot from this gun. Tho OA shot wns propelled by 105 pounds of powder; tho distanco was -101 feet, nnd after passing through tho treble plate, tho fhot actually went 1 milo and 012 yards bevonu. An old wrought-iron gun would have had to be unmanage ably large, thick and heavy to do anything like that, and would never linvo fired another shot. In modern gunmaking merebulkinessis got rid of, .is in nature tho megatherium has been got rid of, tho increased size of guns representingan increase of power rendered possible by refinement of material, and tho Immunization of horsepower in machinery for managing and moving largo masses. Chief Eimineer King, in his "War Ships and Navies of the World," pro nounces tho 71-ton Krupp mm "the most powerful breech-loading gun ever constructed on the continent of Europe," nnd holds it superior to the 100-ton Armstrong. The x7 1-ton is 32 feet 0 inches long, greatest diameter, feet C inches; length of bore, 2S feet 7 inches; diameter of bore, 15.75 inches; diameter of powder chamber, 17.32 inches Over the tube (of two parts, neatly jointed) arc 4 cylinders, and a ring around the breech. It is rilled with a uniform twist ol 1 in 45. It is impossible to fire it until the breech is fully closed. The back of the breech block is rounded like tho letter D. It holds a maximum chnrgo of -185 pounds of powder, carryini; a chilled iron shell of 1,708.8 pounds. This is the gnu that fossilizes so many fortresses. It is quasi-miraculous that this mass enn bo so easily moved. Moncuro D. Conway in Harper's Magazine. ... i -i m m Tho Mortality from Consump tion. Within the past year tho civilized world has been shocked and saddened by the knowledge of thegreat devasta tion wrought by the cholera in Spain; and every precaution, in tho way of sanitary measures and quarantino regulations that modern science could suggest, was taken to prevent its spreading into other countries. Tho inibljcscannedthecolunins of thedaily press, eager for information with re gard to the advance of this fearful dis ease, and read with bated breath as they learned that it numbered its vic tims by tho tens of thousands. If it was a matter of such deep and universal concern that in Spain 101, 000 souls gave up their lives to this fell destroyer, should it not also be a matter of some interest to our own people that, within tho borders of the United States, over 91,500 per sons die each year of pulmonary ton sumption? that twelve out of every hundred deaths are caused by a dis ease which though slow in progress, Is as sure in its results as cholera itself? Should it ever transpire that some means of prevention should bo found, by means of which people would be rendered proof against the disease, or at least could be cured when at once it had set its seal upon them, would it not bo onoof thogreatest boons vouch safed to man since the introduction of vaccinntion? Inventivepersonshave from time to tinio thought that they had secured a sure cure, if not an unfailing prophy lactic; and, at tho present time, since tho discoveries of Koch, all sorts of parasiticides aro being used to kill the germ of tho disease. Tho unfortunate bacillus is now being hunted down with pneumatic chambers, deep in halations, and local applications in troduced by means of the hypodermic syringe, with tho results that aro, to say the least, uncertain. Hut, after all the years of research devotqd to tho subject, and out of all the mothods of prevention and euro that have been suggested, the one that has given tho best results, and is now being universally adopted, ischance of climate. From "Colorado as a Win ter Sanitarium," by Dr. S. A. Fish in Popular Science Monthly lor March. Gov. Curtin's Story. Ex-Qov. Curtin, of Pennsylvania, In a speech in the houso tho other day told aTery good story to point an at tack hp was making on someof theUo- Eublicans as follows: As to these loody-minded men, some of whom would wipe out everybody on this side of the house, these warriors who can never bo appeased, they remind me of a noted character who lived in my town years ago. He was an old fellow; I think he had been a wagon master in the revolution; that was tho tradition of tho town. He used to tellastory of his warlike achievements in battle, and he told it so often that he came to believe it and when stran gers would come to tho little village m which he lived they would give "Capt. Curzy" (that was his name) a drink or two and get him to tell the story. The story aH lie told it was about like this: "At tho battle of Monmouth," hewould say, "althongh in tho light horse, I fought that day on foot, I slashed with my saber cuts ' ono and two, nnd a head went off here and a limb went off there, until the blood actually- ran into my shoes. Laughter. A pile of dead bodies surrounded me; I was excited, and I was still slashing away when I felt a tonch on my shoulder. I looked up and there was Washington! Laugh- j ter. I shall never forget the solem nity of his appearanco or tho gravity ' of his speech. Ho gazed at mo for a moment without speaking, and then said, "Young man, restrain your im petuosity! In the name of God do nob make a slaughter house out of the field , of buttle." Renewed laughter. I "How Aro tho Polka?" Said ft friend to nnother ns they were passing each other on the street. "Tlicjr nro nil well," wns tho reply. "Why, I thought your tnthcr hnd tho rlieunmtisni." "Oh, yes, bo ho hns; ho nlways has that. I forgot nil nbout it." And so it is with ninny people who suitor with tho most aggravating pains. They hobblu n round as best they can and get very little or no sympathy on account ot their healthful look, nnd from tho fnctthat It is only rheumatism and they nlwnya have it. What pains aro more sovcro than thoso !rom rheumatism? Said W. S. Hop kins, living at N'o. 179 0 Avenue, Cedar Rapids, Iowa: "My wire and daughter were both stricken with inflammatory rheumatism at tho samo time Tho lower limbs wcro much swollen. The pnin seemed nlmost be yond endurance. Sleep wns out of tho question. They sulfered so much thnt to movo or even touch tho sheet on tho bed would cnuso tho most violent pnin. They wero confined to tho bed four weeks. Dur ing that time nnd proviously, 1 bought ninny kinds of medicines. Then I employed nphysician, but nothing gavo relief until I bought somo Athloplioros, which I hud henrd of, and I am glad to say in a very short time the swelling wns reduced, tho pain gono and they wcro entirely well." "Howniuch did theytnke, Mr. Hopkins?" "1 think it was three bottles in all." "Have either of thctn had any return of tho rheumatism?" "Not in tho least." "It wns rather a strango coincidence, both having an nttnek at the samo time?" "Yes, it wns, but such was tho enso, strange as it may seem. They wcro both helpless, but nro now well, nnd all from tho uso of Athlophoros. It is nn excellent medicine, nnd well worth tho trial by any sufferer from rheumatism." Mrs, C, Albeck, living at No, 1007 Clay street, Dubuque, lias used Athlophoros, and gives this ns her experience with it: "Yes, 1 have used it nnd it cured inc. Up to the tinio I used it, which wns in Febru ary, lSSl I wns subject to frequent lit tacks ot inflammatory rheumatism nnd have been nearly all my lire. At times I would bo nlmost helpless. As suro ns I would take a little cold I would lutvo nn attack ol rheumatism, sometimes in my lower limbs and ut others in my nrnis. When I commencod witli Athlophoros I was carrying my right nrin in a sling. It was very much swollen nnd I could not move my fingers without rnusing nio con siderable pain. One evening, while I was Buffering in Hits wny, I heard of Athlopho ros, and tho wonderful euro it had made in Mrs. McCuc's case. Tho next day I sent for a bottle nnd commenced using it at once. I wns a littlo nfraid ol it at first, on account of tho buzzing sensation it caused in my head, hue reduced the dnse and kept taking it regularly. It worked like a charm. The swelling nnd pain wero gone, my rheu matism was well, and I had free uso ot my arm." "Has it over returned, Mrs. Albeck?" "No, it is now n year nnd a half and I have not suffered any since." "Then it has proven a valuable medicine in curing you of chronic rheumatism?" '!Yes, it certainly has, and I could not sny too much in favor of Athlophoros." If you cannot get Atiiloi'iioiiob of your druggist, wo will send it, express paid, on re ceipt of regular price ono dollnrperbottle. Wo prefer that you buy it from your drug gist, but if lie hasn't it, do not be persuaded to try something else, but order at once from us, ns directed. ATili.oriiouoa Co., 112 Wall Street, New York. South African Diamond. Karly in 1SG7, tho first South African diamond was brought to the town of Coles berg by a hunter named O'lleillly to whom it had been given by a Dutch boor family named Jncobs whoso child had found it in her play. It was carried to tho l'aris expo sition, and by tho following year diamond digging had been begun in earnest. In 1SC9 tho African Kohinoor valued at $150,000 was discovered. I5y 1870 public attention had becomo complotely nroused and capi talists began to invest in tho enterprises. In 1870 thero wero -10,000 pooplo within a ino ot seventy miles on tho banks of tho Vaal river. Tho South African diamond fields aro situated chiefly in tho colony of West Griqualund, which was proclaimed British territory in 1871. Tlio Coldemt I'luce on ICnrtli. Many feci in theso latitudes quito com fortable on rending of tho cold registciedat Werkliojansk, in Siboria. At the lato meet ing ot the St. Petersburg Academy of Science, it was stated that tho mean tem perature of Workshojansk, during Janunry, 1885, was sixty-two degrees nine minutes. Fahrenheit below zero and the lowest read ing ol tho thermometer wns ninety degrees four minutes below zero. This is tho lowest minimum temperature ever recorded on tho globe, under circumstances which make the record entirely reliable, and is probably lower than would ever bo recorded at tho north polo itself. Tho Werkshojansk obser vations also show that tho great cause of refrigeration on the continents Is not due to the movomont of polur air over them, but to tho radiation and loss of heat by the soil itself under an atmosphore ol ex tremely low absolute humidity. Vlrtuo and .Sobriety In Consreaa. Tlio drinking men in congress aro tho ex ception. During daily intercourse with theso gentlemen running through six years of oliicial life, excessive drinking was very rnre, while a profano oath scarcely ever fe.ll upon my ear. Many of ttieso gontlemen are Christian men at homo, and do not lay nsldo their religious profession in Washing ton. Among us not a few are ready to apeak and to give and work for tho cause of Christ, emamplea worthy the honored name they bear. At this anniversary we bad ringing words for tho right. We have reason to bo proud ot tho American con gress, tho noblest body of statesmen under tho whole heaven, worthy the grandest gov ernment upon which tho sun shines. Hut we, of course, must not yet expect millen nial purity. That, too, will come In the Lord's time. Evangelist. Tlie proprietors of Salvation Oil, the greatest cure nn enrth for pnin, will pay u Urge reward II any certificate published by them U fonnd not genuine. If you desire to take an extended pleas are trip, get a bicycle and go to Wheeling. BUY SALTER'S UO-,wu.) SEEDS. CU.Ftm. A trnnce-posltlon The attitude ot one who lita in a stupor. Trovent your hair from becoming prema turely gray by using Hall's Hair Ilenewer. Iiillous attacks are peedily relieved and cured by taking Ayer'e Fills. Try them. Almost time to bear ef the first base ball (sa ot tke mososu Dr. Piorcols "Favorite Prescription' per toctly and permanently cures thoso diseases peculiar to tenia'ei. It is tonic nnd nerv ine, effectually allaying nnd curing thoso sickening sensations that effect tlio stom ach nnd heart, throni:h rollex action. Tho backacho and "draguing-down" sensations ill disappcariiuderthcstrengthcning effects ot this great restorative. IJy druggists. King Humbert, of Italy, never looks a lift glass ot chniupngno in tlio loam. "The leprous distilment, whocs effect, Hold such nn enmity with blood ol man, Tliat,sttilt asquicksllvcr. itconrses through The natural gates and alleys of the body," nnd causes tho skin to become "barked nbout, most lazr-like, with vice and loath some crust." Such nro tho effects of tils rnsed and morbid bile, the only antidoto tor which is to cleanse and regulate tho liver an oflleo ndmirably performed by Dr. I'ierco's "Oolden Medical Discovery." The emperor of Germany docs uotliko the piano. Young men or middle-aged ones, sutf.'ring from lurvons debility and kindred weak .nesscs should send 10 cents in stamps for llustr.itt'd book suggesting sure means of cure. Address, World's Dispensary Medi cal Association, 003 Main Street, ItuKalo, N. Y. Oiristino Neilssou will mako a tour of this country. I.tonV Patent Uccl Stirtencr Is tlie only Invention that makes old bojts itrulcutas new. A little over twenty years ago Senator Kcnna was following a plow. If a cokrIi dtntnrta yuur Mctp, take no'i Cure tor t-;tuuiniiIou nuJ rc.twtll. Herbert Gladstono has been elected n member of tho Reform club. Vents Hmtsni.K would not hnvo been beautiful if her complexion had been bad. Ladies, instead ot resorting to paints nnd powders, should remember that an impure, blotchy, or sallow skin is tho proof ot leoblo digestion, torpid liver, or vitiated blood, for all ol which Dn. Walkwi's Cam Kon.NiA Yi.Ni:ou liinuus is a safo, sure, and effective remedy. True friendship can only proceed from perfect sympathy . "I have tried Athlophoros in my family and it lins worked liko a charm. 1 have kept it for the last two months." writes druggist L. .1. Kimball, of Norway, Midi., giving his experience with tlio gloat rheu matism and neuralgia cure. Another month and then tho cows can bo turned out to pusture. No cut uatkh aiiout huh. Only to an swer tho constant call for a good nnd low priced cough nnd croup remedy do wo now introduce our Allen's Lung llalsaui In threo lizcs, 25c, 00c, and 1.00 a bottlo at all Iruggists. The late Joseph Maas, English tenor, lett f 85,000, his savings in eight years. Tho new combination ot Smart Weed and Belladonna, as used in Carter's backache Plasters has proved to be ono of tho best that coidd bo made. Try ono of these popular plasters in any caso of weak or lame back, backache, rheumatism, neu ralgia, soreness of tho chest or lungs, tc., and you will bo surprised and pleas d by the prompt relief. In bad cases of chronic dyspepsia, a plaster over tho pit of tho stomach stops the pain nt once. Ask for Carter's Smart Weed and Belladonna Hack ucho Plasters, l'rico L'5 cents. Tlio planet Venus has mountains live times ns high as tho highest on tlio earth. In nnother column of this issuo will bo round an entirely now and novel specimen of attractive advertising. It is one of tlio neatest wo hnvo ever s.-en, and wo think nnyone will bo well it-paid foroxamlningtho supposed display letters in tlio advertise ment ol Prickly Asli Hitters. Tlio late Joseph Mass, English tenor, left gS.ri,000, his savings in eight years. 7hon IUby waj aid, ws guve licr Cutorla, she wns a ClitM, Mm ;rieil fur t'swtoria, When alio urcamo Mlas, alio clung to Caalurla, V.'hiu tho bad Children, sue gavo tham Coatoria, Dr. Schliemann is going to leavo all his arcluoological treasure to the city of Berlin. llAICIini) W1IIK. If yon hnvo Imrheil ulrc fence, keep Veter Inary Carliollaulto In your titahlus. It curef without it .our iiml renew h the lulr its orlglnul color. CiOcciiU mid 51.00. at DruggiaUor by mull Cole Si Co., Uluck liiver Kails, Win. Mrs. Garfield, widow of President Gar field, is to live at Mentor hereafter. If aflllctcd with Soro Ryes, uso Dr. Tbhao Tliompbou's Ujo WttUir, DriiKHtlsts soli 11. o Tho lien, though diminutive in size, is a jrcat bnek-bitor. Humors in Often manlfeit IhemaelTei In the iprlnt monfu. Kruptlons iu, li as lilvea, plmplca and holla, .alt rheum, tcrofula or other afectlona cauied hy Im purity or low iiatc of tho blaod are cured by llo d'a Earaaparllla. It purlflea, vltallzea and enrlchea the b'ood, nnd Rivet renewed atrenct li to the whole body. Try tbla excellent aprlnz medicine and blood purifier. "I aiiflered with holla flreyear. HtoraBiriapa rllla cured me." II. II. Link, l'lltahur;, l'a. Hood's Sarsaparilla "I wai for asme time troubled with boll, havlnt reveralof them at a time. Afler enduring about all I could hear In suffering, I look llood'a SarsHparllla. Four or five holt'ei entirely cured me, and I have had no symptoms of the return of tho bolls." E. N. KiniiTlNOiLK. Qulncy, lists. I had become very much run down, and erne rally out of order, wna very blllo ta, and my liver and kid neys were more or lets detanced. A few bottle's of Hood's Sarsaparilla built me rlatht up and put new life Into me. I recommend Hood's Bsrsaparllla to the like afflicted." W. It. Stathus, Cambrldgepcrt, Hood's Sarsaparilla fold by all dmrf lita. t six forts. Prepared hy I Bold by all drueplat. Ill six for H Prepared by C. I. HOOD L CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, litis. I O. L HOOD A CO, Apothecaries, Lowell, JJaai. IOO Doses One Dollar. IOQ Doses One Dollar M Btnnl a ly kin ii io iwest, At Beventeea I theyr'enlceritlll At SsTtntr I it's Just the lime, To iteil ensnowtben'ia treat Thers'iawiywherttbers'iawlll Theyttlllkeep up tho old, old garni, Thl, repreunK health, life, lust uch llf they nJoT. Vi f.Wf .Wi .'Ji'd f.' Throughout III various scenes, WhoiMetheSmlth'sBlle Beans J iump. d4i..,,,Bt.uuii, u.. dm XI II. Km. r.nila. aolaa. UUua4 wlik i U Don' oiuieir f'tur aiMi not havlha "n.w aiiiW Taaps ai, leebaolutely ''"aiMlKfa'Iraoor.and will keep you dry til tho Atkfortha'ridll llltANU" tucxaa and take no other. If yours ib" aendfnr d.-rinltvrttlnin. to A J. TOWKILlilBlnimonsB STRICTLY PURE. IT So JTTAI AS SO OPI C3I IN AXX FOItM OXEN'S CENTS rQ$S for J3N for IN THIVEE SIZE DOTTLES. PRICE 25 CENTS, 50 CENTS, AND $1 PER BOTTIi 2C CKNT llOTTl.TS urn imp 1 for the "ft iiCfMiininmlHtloit otulf who tlcalru u W liuoil mid Low Triced COUGH, COLD and CROUP REMEDY THOSK DKSIIJIN'd A KKMUDT KOIl CONSUMPTION or. AN V LUNC DISEASE, should Srcuro tho I.urgo 1.00 Unities. Ilirri'tlonn not niiiimiiy Kinh Untile. SOl.ll ltV A 1.1. MKUIUlNi: DKALKUS. TSTARTMEN" OK SMAM. IMKAXS lnt N- hirrnllva buil rii "llOMK IMIOTOGIIAIMIY." llj thn SetO Dnv lUelmuif) l'rwMni or Women with no experience nmUe Jirst-cM&s l'hotmniNi of I'fr- ii.. tiroupis Hilltdlnns.or AiiimMs. iltrnalrnst BOe. fur 1 tlnzcn lartn I'liotn. Hint ull forS4 toSO. Atlcnli piemly Work nnd Ills lrofltcMnitciwltlio(Ar buxiiiij; oral lioitir.ur from lioust to tioute. (Il'unu I II..... l-I. ...... n .-..I- I. .l,i,in,. I JONES III!) PAYStho FREICHT ft Ton WnRon Hrnlra. lion l-cirn, Mr.l li.irlut., Hrui Tata llfaoi and R.t fvr S6O. Ktfrj llieScal.. For life ptlef lilt bieatlnn lh. papT auj -Ulrr. JOrtES OF BIMOHAMTOtli IMNUIlAJiITON. N. V. !STERBRQOKspImr Leadingl Nos. : 14, 048, 130, 135, 333, 161. For Salo by nil Statlonors. THE ESTER&ROOK STEEL PEN CO., Works: Camden, N. J. 26 John St., New York. FREE FARMS in sah urn. The moat Woniler.ful Agricultural JMrk In Amorlca,. Surrounded by pro. pi roi'a mining an I manuracturlnif towns. I'Alt.lllill'N 1-A ItAlllNL! Jlairiim ornt cropa ral.e.l In WW. TIH IIS A MIS OF ACKLM OF tJOVLHNMLWr I. AMI, aubjoct to piM niptlun and Landa foraalo to ao tual M'ttliTH at 13.00 pri- ncre. I.O.N U 'I'lML. l'nrlc In lu'.vtetl hy Immense canals. Cheap railroad rat's, hvcry attrnllm .hciwn lottli'M. For man, lanplilots, no., addrrts, COLORADO LANIl LOAN OJ , Opera llouae lllock, Deliver, Colo., lloi '.390. riso'n Ttaraedy for Catarrh Is the Beit, IiftiWat to Uae, and Cutapeat. KM aiwi ELHrii iur v-uiu in mr uriu. a 1 .1 l lTa., madache, liar Fever, Ac W cent, A FREE SAMPLE. To Introduce thn Kreat liotnoli dd remedy. OOIt DON'S 1C1N11 OK I'AIN tntocvi-rxrumlly. 1 wlllaetnl a .ample free to any one eeiidlnu uddrrsa. Mention thin paper and addrnaa K. U. IIIC1I Al!l)3, ToleJo. O. mm STUDY Uuok-keepliitf. lluslncai IWIIIM llirilin, J I'llllllllinilll', ill! rin oiiimi- luind, elo. lliiiroiiKlily tnuu-lit bv mall. ClirtiluM tree. HltVAN'T'-a 0()I.I.H!l, ItiillHIn, .V fnnna. lVnnianatilp, Arllliinetlc, fihorl' IInTill. Qulrkly anil Inlntraa. ly curcilnt home. Correapondence anllclled and frre trial ofcurcaeut h(ineatlnrtii;atori. TnclluuaNa niiiinur CtMii', LaUyctte, lud. An c(lTe Man or Woman In evrrv count v in if II it ur icuutli htUrr f 15. iter Hoalh Aiul Kxwiic. Kxnr nits in mtU vni i co, Cinviuli)!! uu t tit Fltl-.Kl rarticuliri lrcc. bUnU.ird Silver ware Co. Bottou, JLluii. I Rnre rcllcfi nmnui KIDDER'S PASTILLES.LTaKTJSl lfhfirla.rl.u.. II,... VUiMtWtVIIM WaUi rnallnani LubrlcfttiinrO.U- t:. f. iiii:ti:uich.i, cicvciuud uiiiui twim tnniD for leply. HELP WANTKI), Wf!0 A WHICIC nnd ex- ienae4 palil Vnliialdn out lit nnd purllcnlura rrc. J. F. CO.,, .Maine. Mnriililno Iltililt Curmlln 111 tout) iluya. No inty till (Jiiro.i. Iiu J. Hi Krilitxa, I.eiuuuu. Olilo. 6Ponle Vor 51 New Chromo, Scrap & (iold'Kdgo unlllo Carda. KkSK.xC.MUl Workh, Ivory ton, Conn 200 NewBcrairl!turo and Act a Album of C.ird Sample. for 1 On, titeiiin Curd Win, Hartford, Ct C111D1 C Dnflf eontalnltiKSl aamplei of New arda 0AKrlr. nUUn,iorlrtit.topuypita:e. CKNTKIt I'ltlCi: I DIIOOKCAItOCt). Centcrliroolc,Uonti the Blood "Foryears I have mads It a rule to nie a medicine every sprluc to cleanie my system. Last sprlns I used threo bottles of II jod'a Sarsaparilla, and de rived more Lcneflt from It Ihati from any other medi cine I htro erer used." Cjublks I'. 8urrii,Toumzs town, O, 'Laat (price I wtt troubled with bolli. Two lot tlet of Hood's Sarsaparilla cured me, and I recom mend tt to others troubled wlla affections of the blood." J, Scnooii, I'eorla 111. Purifies the Blood "Hood's Sarsapaillla as a Hood purifier has no equal. It tones the system, strengthens and Invig orates, elvlnir new life, I have taken It for kidney complaint with the best results; have used several bottlei in my family, and am talltfled that Its repu tation Is merited." D. It. Baumdxbs, 81 l'earl street, Cincinnati, O, "I have been troubled wlthhlvei and pltnpleafor sometime. Olherremedles havlnc failed, I wai ad vised to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. J have taken two bottles, and am entirely cured. I think Hood's Sar saparilla baa no equal as a blood puriier." ISrria 11. Fctbi, 1'ortitnouth, Ohio. Ii? The Best K K KWaierproofOoat Eyer Mafle. ,1-uuiiuk iiriii.iiiii; i. . a I. liiiiMi r 14 wr, 111, am . Apparatti. iMwuhle A chMp.&et up lnJuon or outdoors. ToKAKNKSTiirTpllCBnt.lonociip)oO)riV'Ji(iWiM(ra4il Kbkk. sample I'hotiw. 10ol. FRANKLIN PUTNAM, U,lrtoDeukrl,liot.Aliaratus,4S3.-lS3 Canal bl.N.V OFSUI mm II twaiUyonrmoneronatruraorruiioercoat. The FISH huandplickkm mi nn rawr, piu. win 3 urj.iii mv mi.mi wi.a atorekienardoai 6t, tloaum, Mau Tlnccar nittcrw, apol ptlvo and tonlcy purines lb blood, atrengtbeos tho Uv and kidney, nnd will rcetos healtli, however lost. Ylnrcwr Itlttom lath lioft ri'tnody illicovcrrd for iirotnotlng illgeMloii, cnrlnj hcadarho and lncreaebi; tho vital power. Vliirmir Itlttcr aifdm- llntcs tho food, regulates the Rtomach and bovr els. (tlvlutj healthy nnd tiatiirnl Bleep. Vlnetrnr Illttcrn Is tho great dtsenso pro Tpntcr, and stnniU at tho head of all family rem edies. No house should ever bo vt Ithout it. Vliircnr Illlleraj curcn Malarial, Blllotui and other fevers, dlsOnses of tho Henrt, Liver and Kldueys, and n hundred other painful disorders. Sonil Tor either of our valuablo reference hooks for ladles, for f nrnicrs, for merchants, our Medical TreatlRO on Diseases, or our Catechism on Intrmperanco nnd Tobacco, which last should bo in tho hands of every child and youth iu tho country. Any tiro of the above books mailed free oa receipt of four cents for registration fees. McDonald Dnia Co., 532 Washington 8L.N.Y. S iIraiANfe;mBLEi . CURE All Bil ious Complaints They are perfectly eafa to tako. belnc rcunx lorrAntx and prepared, wllJi the frreatoat carwj from the beat druira. They relievo the aufferetr t oneo by carrying oft all impurities througtb I labovroll.. Alt drucslata. 5c. a.lka.r ' Goia Jewelled EV1EDAL ' Wns nwurded by lbs Natloiinl Klrillcal AemK'Intlon rr irnu ATtrllnll flT TTtB SRIENGE OF LIFE (Vfliolathei ohlor flniiaiiHIncr I'liyalolata of tliel'eiklinily .Moiltoiil IllHl lute). It belnit thn tiet Medlral Treatise on Mantioo. Kx Imitated Vitality, Nervoui anil I'liyalrnl I bllltr, J'rematiiro Decllno In Man, the l.rrora or on h. B4 the untold ml.erle. ro-tultli c fnim liidiacrcllons or exeea In early life, which the author ba proved mav be alleviated and pLUlllvely r.urnd. It la a standard, Medical Work on tlio above, and la n Ireas lire to every youni and mMdlo-ttued man, X"' ranted aa lapreaented or the money refunded lo erery Instancct :W pageat em boaaed muilln, full irllti lSI peracrlpllnin for nil dlaenaoa. Price only 81, by mall, aoale.1. poil-nald. Illiiatiatlvo lamplea tree? to all. Send niw. This work la tmlvers.Ul recomnicnrted by the preaa. elerV parcutsi sjii teacliera. and every one of Its tnoro tlmn a lnlllloB reader.. Kvery mail, 'ouns or old, ahonld rend tuts book, an I every cuTTer shiuld eonsiitt tha author. Thorn Is a bulla lu Ulloadi there la a physlclaa Vi"'vV. II 'I'V'nCWIt. 4 nnlflnrh at.Hn.ton. Mm. MiRVOlSl, iJIALUotl inBlaNISSAltV ISEOILIIiVFEUALKJIsV DECAY. ' A Llfo Kxporionoo. Romarkablo and qulclc euros. Trial Packages. Bond Btamp for aoalod particulars. Address Dr. WARD &. CO. Louisiana. Mo. You nro ulmvuil a frte trial of thirty daus of the uaoof Dr. Dyti'Mt'ehdirated Voltaic Ik'ltwlth lilectrte Huapensory Amllnni'ra,forthn apcody relief andpen maiiciit euro of XtnvuiDrbllltv, Ions of Vitality, ant tlanhiMHl, mid nil kindred trotAilea. Alao for maay nthrrilUeascH. CompletHrcatorullon toIIealth.Vlrof andMauhoixlRUurantecil. No risk In Incurred. Illii truteil iianiihlil In aenleil envelope mailed fri-o, cj addrosalutf Vollulo licit Co., llanuull, illch. i I CUBE FITS! When i say t-urw I uu not mean merely to atep luam luf attmo and than l liava them return ai.'aln. 1 mean aradU cal enra. I have mads Ilia dlaeaae of KITS, Kl'lLIrsr er FAI.LIKU BICRNKriS a llfodniij; study. 1 warrant my rsnieay la euro mo worn ciua. hqciio oinvr. umim failed la no reason rorinitnuirraeelvlngacurs. Sand at once tor a treatise and a Pre liotllo of my Inr.Ulbla remedy. Ulro Kipre.a and 1'o.t Oitlca. It cut la yea Dothlnir for a trial, and I will eura ynu. tddreaa Dr. II. U. 11UUT. Ill l'earl Bb, f aw Tors. aT kllaJllf HO dren and Parents. Ant -"- - ill,.... or Injury entitles l'KNSIONH 'iNOllANEU, Atlys., Wiuhlncton, D. U. uounty una pay coiiecicu. FITZUICIIALU CO. GANGER. msltlve cure. No Knife. Pl.aier. Nn I'aln. V.). rayue, JJatshalllown.Iowa, LIST OP JirSEAHES ALWAYS CORAIILE BY VBTS9 MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT. OF HUMAN FLESH. Rlieumallam, Bnrna and Bcald, Kllng-sand Ultea, Cntaaud Urulaca, Hprnlnsi Jc Btltchea, Contracted Muclest HtlflTJoInU, Ilackachc, Kruptlons. J?roat Illtea, OP INIHiU. Scratcbei, Sorea nnd Ga,!la Hpavln, Jracke, Hcrew AVorw, Orah, I'oot Hot. Iloof All, Lameness, . 8wlnny, Founders , Hpralns, Htralaa, Sere Feet, StlaTneas, and all external diseases, and every hart or aecldml. r or general use In family, sUble and stock yard,tsle THE BEST OP Ahl4 LINIMENTS 804-14.