The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, March 20, 1886, Image 7

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    JttT)icre nCurc for ConminipHonT
We answer unreservedly, yest If tlio tin
Hent commences In tiino tlio uso of Dr.
Pierce's "Golden Medicnl Discovery," nnd
exercises proper enre. Jf nllowcd to run its
course too long nil medicine is powerless to
stay it. Dr. I'ierco never deceives n patient
f by holding out u false liopo for the sake of
pecuniary gain. Tlio "Golden Medical Dis
covery" lins cured thousands of puUents
when nothing clso seemed to avail. Your
(IruR-ist has it. Send two stamps for Dr.
I'ierjc's complete treatieo on consumption
wlu numerous testimonials. Address
World's Dispensary Medical Association,
liJlfalo, N. Y.
Electrician Edison runs no risks in getting
married again. Ho is very deaf.
Dr. Pierce's "Pellets" tho original "Lit
tle Liver Pills" (sugar-coated) cure sick
nnd bilious headache, sour stomach, and
bilious attacks. J)y druggists.
Minnie Mnddcrn, the charming nctress, Is
a poetess, but never writes topical songs.
Thousands of women bless tlio day on
which Dr. Pierce's "Pavorito Prescription"
was made known to thorn. In all those de
rangements cntising backache, dragging
down sensations, nervous nnd general de
bility, it is n sovereign remedy. Its sooth
ing and healing properties render it ot the
utmost value to ladies Buffering from "in--ternal
fever," congestion, inflammation, or
ulceration. By druggists.
Photographs or Mrs. Logan are said to
bo more iu demund than those of her hus
band. ' A ftitw Ihea embraced in Ely's Cream
Balm. Catarrh is cured by cleansing and
healing, not by drying up. It is not a
liquid or snuff, but is easily npplicd with
tho finger. Its effect is magical and a thor
ough treatment will euro the worst cases.
Prico DO cents. At druggists. 00 cents by
mail. Ely Bros., Owego, N. Y.
I have iiukn afflicted with catarrh for
20 years. It had become chronic, and
there was n constant dropping of mucous
matter from the roof of my mouth. It ex
tended to my throat, causing hoarseness
and great didiculty iu speaking; indeed fe
ycars I wns not able to speak more than
thirty minutes, and often this with great
difficulty. I also to a great extent, lost
the hlIihc of hearing iu tlio left ear, and of
taste. By tho use of Kly's Cream Balm I
havo received more relief than from all
othcrTemudicalicsitle. All droppiug of mu
cous hns ceased and my voice r.pd hearing
nro greatly improved. .las. . Davidson,
Attorney at Law, .MoiiDjoutli, warren Co.,
Ben Butler's favorite honk is the Bible.
IIo often commits whole chapters to
PATISrVTN obtained by l.niiialtitirjrcr&ro.. At
torneya, WucUinutou,D.C. Eil'd ISC 1. Advico free.
Peoplo call you dear, only when thoj
would fawn upon you.
BURNS ind SraUla are instantly rendered
nainlces, nnd Invnrlnlily cured without a sear, by
the am of Curlinllaulve, the great skin remedy.
0 and 60 rente, at Druggists or by mail, Cole JS
Co., Black 1'iver Falls, Wis.
Flowers That Bloom
In the Spring, will be here before yon know It, and
j ou should be prepared to enjoy tho molt delightful
teason ofthe year. To ccate tho depressing,
dcbllltatlrR otlccta of the chanstns season you should
purify your blood, and keep up a Rood appetite and
COoddlgestlonbytaklnRllood'iiSrsaparllla. A slnslt.
dollar for this reliable inedl.-lne now may save jou
aKood deal of money later In the jeir. Take ltnow.
"When I bought Hood's Saraaparllta I made a good
Investment of one dollar In medicine for the Mm
time. Jt has driven off rheumatism and Improved
my appetite eo much that my boarding mis
tress says I must keep it lucked up or fli; will ba
-obliged to raise, my biard with every othcrboarder
I that lakes HooJ's Snre.iparllU." Thomas Bubbkix,
W 'Hilary 61 , Urooklyn. X. Y.
Hood's Farsaparllla was a God-send to me, for It
"V- curedmcof dysrepManiidllvercompUltitwUli which
I had ruffe cd !30 years." J. 15. Hocniiuck, South
rUibiire. N. V.
Mood's Sarsaparilla
Bold by all druggists, si; six font, l'rcpared by
C. l.HOOL) & CO., Apothecarlej, Lowell, MaiJ.
100 Doses One Dollar.
If you wish to be relieved of those terrible SIcXc
IXoadacbe and that mlsorable Sour Stom
ncli. It will, when tnken according to dlrco
tloni, euro nny caio of Slelc JIoikIrcIio
or Sour Stomach. It cleans the lining of
tomncli and bowels, promotes healthy
action nnd Bwoot secretions. H makes pure
blood and plves it f.-i How, thus sending
nutriment to everv part. H Is tlio smfest,
apcedlcat nnd me it Vccetnbln Remedy
ever Invented for all diaeases of the aitoinacl
and liver.
J. M. Moore, of Tannlne'on, MIeh., says: My
n fieri fromMcU liendnclie and Sour
Stomach was teriole. Out) bottle of iloju
and Malt Hitters cured me.
Do not ret lti nnd Walt Bitters con
founded with incpniatious of similar
came. For sale by all iifu;gls:s.
GOODMAN DRUG CO,, Wlio'esalJ Agents,
Oilf I SI I, Milt.
OfURE Biliousness, Sick Headache In Four Hours.
VJy Ono dosa relieves Neuralgia. They cure and
prevent Chills Fever, Sour Sfomacli and Bad
Breath, Clear the Skin, Ton Iho Nerves, and glv
Ule und Vigor to the system. Don on h HKAN.
Try them onco and jou will never be without Ihem,
Price, 25 cents per bottle. Sold by Druggists and
Medicine Dealers renerally. Sent on receipt of price
In sunups, postpaid, to any address,
J. r. SMITH & CO.,
MaaufaefHrers and Sola Prnn sr. totllS. MO.
nnhftr soucrht nn
honest man with a lighted lantern,
and humanity has since beon
seeking an honest medicine by
the light of knowledge. It is found
TONIC, which produces the most
favorable results in disorders of
the Liver, Stomach, and Kidneys,
nnd is a valuable remedy in Dys
pepsia; also, debility arising from
malaria or other causes. It is a per
fect tonic, appetizer, blood puri
fier, and a sure cure for ague. 60c.
SMmfs iff
jjjl I j$ IFj
Alexander IF. Stephens on n
Ovor in Jersey City one day recent
ly two or three locomotive engineers
eat tnllcing over strange experiences,
and this was tho story that ono o
them told: "I was a yonni man work
ing ou a southern railroad aa a fire
man when tho war broke out. Ueforo
the war was over I Lot an engine of
my own; but before 1 was regularly
promoted tjiOicngtnocr of my train fell
sick of a sudden, nnd I was ordered
to toko tho engine out myself. I ship
ped a bra-koman to do my firing, and
started away at 0 o'clock in tho morn
ing pulling one passenger and half a
dozen freight cars. There wasn't any
lighting along my line, but there was
a deal of bad feeling everywhere, and
lots of lawless deeds were being coin
milted. Tho track on this road wtu
torn up in two places only a week be
fore, and there was n good bit of talk
about train wreckers and the like. At
about 8 o'clock at a way station I
got n tclegi'ain from head quarters to
drop nil-my cars and hurry right on
to the end of tho line with only my
locomotivo and lendir. It was a
queer oiUr, but. I knew that it.
was odicial and 1 made ready to
obey orders, when a little man with a
brown slouch hat, who did not look as
if he weighed over a hundred pounds,
climbed up into the cab and said to
mo that ho wished 1 would let him
rido in there with me, ho was so anx
ious to go forward as far as ho could.
I told him that my orders were to let
nobody ride, and explained that I
didn't think I could let him no. "Don't
von expect mo?" he asked. Itold him
didn't. "It will Le all right," ho in
sisted, but when I asked him what was
his name and what was his business,
ho couldn't bo induced to tell me.
"Then it's all up," said 1; "I'll go
without you." Then hesuggested that
ho was willing to pay mo well for let
ting him remain aboard, but I wasn't
taking any chances, nnd 1 told him so.
I was only waiting till my fireman at
tended to uome business that he had
gone down tho track about, and then
I was goinc to shoot ahead and leave,
everybody behind. You ought to havo
seen tlio sparks in tliat litt le man s eye.
Needn't wiut for your helper,' he said
in that kind o' quiet tone that had a
whole battlefield in its very quietness.
'You needn't wait for your lireman.
I'll do his work, (io ahead!' I lot k
ed at him, wonderint; whether not liu
wus crazy ,'when ho calmly took out
a shiny pistol nnd tapped gently
on ono vi tho brass rods of tho
cab seat, nnd bo repealed once more,
'Go ahead!' I was knocked clean
out. What could the stranger mean?
That spc.rkle in his eye grew brighter
and brighter, and seemed fairly to
dance lil.o a diamond under tno sun. i
'Do you understand?' ho inquired in
tho quios tone that pierced ino like a '
bullet. 'Go ahead, I say.' J went j
ahead. On, on, and on we dashed,
through the fields and forests and by '
the vilhtges, stopping nowhere, my
passenger I felt that ho was a matt-,
man keeping a close watch on us
all tho .vliile. J was scared. That
pistol still in his hand, and like
the little hand of a watch its rat-a-tat-tat
on the brass rod kept counting oil
tho seco ids and tho minutes till I
grew almost crazy myself. I was rat
tled. A i.ort of lilin kept coming be
fore my eye3. lie said not ono word,
but 1 felt that his searching gae was
on mo all the while. And finally
could stand it no more. There was a
rush of blood to my head. I stag
gered and fell, with tho town I was
bound for just in sight. What I re
member next was a buzz of voices
over mo as I lay in a doctor's office.
Asido from a nervous shock I had
sit tiered nothing. My engine had
brought mo into town all right, and
had come to a halt at tho station as
gently and amiably as any old family
horse. The man who hail rode down
with me had known enough to
govern, but ho had waited at
tho depot alter arriving only
long enough to tell a bystander that
I was in need of help on tho engine's
floor. A week after 1 learned the rea
son for tho strange order that had
been given mo to hurry on with my lo
comotivo and no cars, and I learned,
too, tho name and mission of my pas
senger. A telegraph operator had
blundered. My dispatch should have
read: 'Tako on littlo man with brown
slouc h hat; drop all cars and rush for
ward with no stops.1 Tho operator
had carelessly left off tho first phrase
about tho 'littlo man with the slouch
hat,' and given mo only tho last of tho
order. Tho man? Ho was Alexander
11. Stephens, and he had important
war information that ho had been will
ing to trust to nobody else, ho apol
ogized to me after for his strange ac
tions, but ho said ho felt that only in
such a way could ho ever manage to
make mo go on, for ho didn't know
what the real text of my orders wns,
and ho was afraid to ask for tear that
ho might find mo either unfriendly or
untrustworthy. Thoso wero days
when everybody was suspected, you
Ef;ual to the Emergency.
A eliorb time since a gentleman who
lived in a small town nob far from
Hufffilo went tho wny of nil flesh, nnd
the burial ceremonies to ho performed '
over ins remains were committed to
tho charge of u local undertaker. The
funeral was quite an hnnortant one,
for tho gentleman wns prominent in
his own town and a number of I113
friends from tho city wero present.
The services wero held in the church,
but just as tho time nrrived fortaking
tho remains to the cemetery a severe
thunder-storm camo up nnd it was
considered best not to start until the
worst of the storm wns over. The
wait was rather an embarrassing ono,
but tho undertaker was equal to the
emergency. Standing on tho chancel
steps he shouted so ns to bo heard in
the choir loft nt tho other end of the
building: "Tho organist will please
pive us a littlo music to while away
the time." Even tho mourners Bmih
ed. Buffalo Express.
ntbllfal IZxautptrn.
A bright fiTC-ycnr-olil at tl- Highlands,
who, it will bo needless to hii.v, is nn inter-
csieu niemuer oi tno Miiulnv school, wns
j TrntchinR tho moving of a family ot boys
ncrois tlio street with crent anticipation
written in his face. His mother, noticing
it, told hhn she didn't want him to play
with those boya because they were Jews.
"Well, mnmma," said tho bright little
fellow, niter- a. moment' reflection, "wasn't
Jesus Christ a Jew?" '
Logical inference, surely. Tho same boy
on another occasion wan being admonished
for his unruly behavior.
"Why," said his grandmother with a
sigh. "I don't know what will become of
yon it you nro such a bad boy."
"Grandma," said ho, his bright black
eyes twinkling and his voice full ot hopo for
his own future, "wasn't St. l'aul a bad
man onco? nnd ho turned out well."
If that boy keeps on wo shall .--eo him at
tho bar or in tho pulpit before many years.
l'rofoui d Theologian iu the Uoston
Alonzo U. Stoddard, the well-known bar
itone, never laughs nt his own jokes.
It is snid that Washington girls arc not
plump, but they aro very pretty.
It is reported that Christine Killson will
retire from public life next year.
James Itnssell Lowell is the (inebt Spanish
scholar in the United States.
A woinnn at Augusta, Me., has ordered a
set of teeth for her aged pet pony.
TroLC. A. Donaldson, of Louisville, Ky.,
tho well-known pioneer, iu eighteen years
spent $10,000 in trying to get rid otitis
rheumatism, nnd failed. As last ho used
St. Jacobs Oil, was cured and sold his
Theological (Jcorapli y.
A little boy who had heard a good deal
about tho work of tho Homo Missionary
Society in tho territories, was seen putting
awny carefully a cent which had been given
him to spend.
"What nro you saving your money for?"
ho was asked.
"Oh," was the reply, "I'm going to keep
all my pennies till I get a lot, and then I'm
going to send 'em all out West to Jesus!"
Sunday School Visitor in Uoston ltccord.
Tho Into StateChemist of Delawnro, Prof.
Chas. i Williams, says that Ked Star
Cough Cure is safe and valuable and con
tains neither morphia, opi in norany other
narcotic poison. Tlio ptico is only ilu
Sam Jones on Orthodoxy.
God knocked tho orthodoxy out of Peter
1,800 years ago. Then tlio Jews couldn't
hco how God could save a gentile, nnd now,
after 1,800 years, wo are hero and ennnot
seo how God can savo a Jew. What in
mini's orthodoxy? Kothingelso but a fish
ing polo and lino. If a fellow is eternally
fixini.' on his tackle, how's ho ever eoine to
! catch fish? Tho trouble with thopreachers
i riiim ;a timt. ii,-v ti,ii.- n,i
ohristian bettor than a sinner, a church-
member better than u bar-keeper. If wo
I put tho thing in tho right light we could un
derstand that Christ died becauso God
loved us. Whatever man niny have, if tho
Hpirit oi love is wanting, ho misses every
Oh! ye who teach tho ingenius youth of
our great and growinging nation, let them
1 nrn tho noulo act of self-defense, as Salva
tion Oil is Tin: specific for hurts.
It is estimated that tho averago girl can
consume three pounds of candy daily.
Senator Logan is as reluctant to tell his
ago as women usually are.
A Man in l'uiNfl. Ono of tho most mol
nncholy spectacles in tlio world is a human
being shattered and broken down by tho
use of nrdentsnirits and tobacco. But tho
dilapidation may bo repaired, tlio ruin re-
Morcd to perfect soundness by a course of
that most powerful of all vegetablo invig
orants, Dr. Wai.kkk's Califounia Vineqaii
S. nator Vanco has sixteen relatives on
tlio government pay-roll.
Out I.jron'i" Heel StillinriB npp'leJ to your booti
uu tiuum ouiureyuu run tut'iii over.
Krnst'is Corning has a collection ot CO,
000 bntterllies.
To iol Kltl ot illlxery.
What is tho uso of Buffering from dyspep
sia, nervous prostration or debility, wlion
Brown's Iron Bitters will tone you up and
cast these horrors out? Tliero iu joy iu
every bottlo of this valuable tonic. It
makes bad blood good, and bids dismal
peoplo bo cheerful. It brings good cheer to
tho dinner table, and makes tho family
happy. It drives away tho blues, and
helps you to enjoy a hearty laugh. And
all tho respectable druggists keep it.
Snra Bernhardt will come to this country
with tho llowors that bloom in tho Spring.
Wo ennnot
prevent gray
renew youth,
hair by using
but wo can
Hall's Huir
Aycr's Pills nre a never-railing romody
for headaches, caused by a disordered
Tho King of Snellen drinks nothing
stronger than coffee, and wears a bluo rib
bon. My wife wns seriously nfllictcd with rheti
mutism in her nrms. Sho has now used
two bottles of Athlophoros and is well ami
freo from pain. I cheerfully recommend it
to my friends nnd tho public. T. 11. Lut
zow, 121 .North Butler street, Madison.
Henry Irving prefers the biblo und Shake
speare to all other books.
for Infants and Ctiildren.
"Cojriorla Is so wen adapted to children that I Cwtorf cores Colic, Coturtlpatlon,
recommend It asaupcrlor to nny prescription I Bour Btomach, Dlarriicea, Eructiitlon,
known to me." IL a. Ascncti, II. D I laUl,e,00,Jns eivM Etoe'' P""1101"
ill So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. T. WltoutLnJurloua medication.
Tua Czxtivz CoiuuKr, 163 Pulton Street, 11. Y.
M SaaHltaaWaWaf
"When Iloen Old Age II eg In!
When docs old ngo begin? At forty-five,
it is said, tho amount ot combustlan which
keeps tho furnace of tho human body in
blast coniiiK-nces to decreaso and dimin
ishes until throi. score years and ten,
nioro or less, when tho fires nre
ilawn nnd the llickerlng flamo dlos
out. That is the physiological way ot
looking nt it. Hut some men are old beforo
they nre out of their teens, while others ap
parently neer grow old, though they live
to bo centenarians. Tho poet's way ot
looking nt it is the best:
"Call him not old whose visionary brain
Holds o'er t It past its undivided reign.
Korhiin in ain the envious xousons roll
Whobearsitrinal summer iu his soul."
This at least seems to bo tho way in
which Davit) Lit tell, ol Stunner, la., looks
at life, for though now iu his eightieth year
ho has taken a new lease on lifo ami is
apparently determined to hold on to it.
Athlophoros did it for bi n and ho ac
knowledges his debt to it iu terms of en
thusiasm. Mr. Lit toll tolls his wn story:
"I was past si'vcnty-sevcn and had been
nfllictcd with rheumatism three years and
eight months, 1 had lost one third of my
eight nnd could not walk, but shullled
along with crutches. Sleep had deserted
me, my nerves cre all shattered, and there
was no strength in my bands, wrists, knees
or root. 1 could not sit down or get tip out
of a chair without help, nnd oh! such pain,
worse nt night than in the day. There was
neither sleep nor lest, and tho outlook wns
painful iu tho extreme.
"But thanks bo to God nnd Brother In
skip for sending mo a paper containing a
notice of the cures made by Athlophoros
and thanks be to you lot-sending mo a bot
tle. It appears to mo tho hand of God is
in it all the way, and if you did not hear
mo shout, why then 1 did not shout loud
enough, that is all. Tho tnedicino arrived
oneSaturday night after I had gono to bed.
In tho morning my son prepared mo a doso
of two tcnspooiifnls iu milk. I took it and
felt it at onco nil over. After that I took
but ono tcnspoonful at a time until 1 hnd
finished tho bottle. How did it act? Why,
like a cliarm. On Monday morning I rose.
dressed, and walked out into tiio kitchen
without crutches or cane and wished thoni
all a happy New Year. -
"My pain is all gono and I rest well. My
son, seeing Hitch a great change in me, wrote
for ten bottles in order, as ho says, to make
a permanent euro of it. It is till more like
a dream than reality. I havo written to
four of my friends who nro nfllictcd with
rheumatism about tho great medicine nnd
I shall write to others, and in this way try
to pay tho debt of gratitude.
"Some fourteen months ago," pays A.
Hayward, of Burlington, In., "I was at
tacked with inllitmatory rheumatism. I
tried a dozen different kinds of medicine
said to euro rheumatism, but to no pur
pose. Vinnlly, ) procured iv bottlo of
Athlophoros. After using the bottlo it did
me so much good that 1 bought another,
but did not havo to uso nioro than a third
of tlio second bottle beforo I was entirely
cured. Krom that time up to tho present
I havo never had anything like rheumatic
pains, and I thank Athlophoros fur tho
Thomas Medio, Bush's block, Dubuque,
Iowa, whoso wife wasctired by Athlophoros
of a terrible case of rheumatism, declares it
was "truly a uiiraclo in my wife's case."
If you cannot get Atiii.oi'Hoiioh of your
druggist, we will send it express paid, on re
ceipt of regular price ono dollar perboltlo. ,
We prefer that you buy it from your drug
gist, but if ho hasn't it, do no the persuaded
to try something else, but order at onco
from us, as directed. Atmi.ophouos Co.,
112 Wull Strcot, New York.
Sunset Cox spells his nnmo"Kox" in Con
stantinople. Short Until) taught by mail. Address,
S. I!. Paik.r, llox 7S7. Omahn. Neb.
CUNT IJOTTM'S ar imp up lor thn
arcoiuniixlutloii ol all who Uuklru u
Gooil unit Low l'rlcttfl
on AN
blimilil Srnurn tlio J.'irgfi WI.00 Unities.
IMrri'tliint mi ompaiiy UiUi l!ottln.
SOl.U 111' A I.I. MUUItJl.MJ IJIiAl.tiKS.
Morphine Ilulilt CtirmllntO
to :JI) ilay. No .iy till Curaii.
Uu J. bmrunn. Li'Imuuu. uuto.
ICCKew Bcrnp IMcturca and SO Fancy C'ardn (new)
I JU mailed for 10c, KbUKiCiiii) Woiiks, Ivory ton.Ct
C f)Cliromo,(iold Scrap, loop FrtnBe.&r.Canla arnt poat
wU aid fur Uu, C'ouu.bli'aui Card liurtford,(Jjun
IOn Nw Scrap l'l:tur- audits Now CtiromB
IbV and (Jold Strap tarda aeutpontpuld fur llli.ta.
flCIIUOOK UAIIUCO., ucuicruooK, uouu.
h'l 1JDV, Recurc a Ilualntea l.diicnilon t
u.alk Hum 1 iiYANT'a llurr.uo.N.
Y. N. U,
C oCMURiJv 0 roup.
.. Oiti.UA. :ioi 11.
TiiB Best
Tht nSTI BltA.fD HLICKm U warranted vtttrpmnr, and wilt keP you dry
Inththirdntnonu. Tha ut fUMMCb 8I.RKl:ll ) aptrfrct lUluf eoal,
and coma th tnllra aaddk. Bwamriiiiluilun. ftiHia imjuum wllixi.ilttia
-riih Brand'' rk. IDmtraUd CaUlof na bee A J.Tuww, BaitonlaM.i
"Bo candid, doetir," snld tho pnt'ent,
when found with n bottlo of Dr. Hull's
Cough Syrup. "You know it is good medi
cine," and the M. 1). left iu disgust.
Lord Salisbury hns declined n dukedom.
Why not give Jakoluirp a clumeo?
Wo think wo can cure a bad cusn ot head
ache quicker with ono of Carter's Smart
Weed and Hellndonuii Itackache Plasters,
than by any other application, and after
tho lhirkacho is ritred, you can still wear
the plaster without discomfort for two or
three weeks or longer. This combination
of Smart Weed and Itclladonna
hit, and it is hard to find any pain or arho
that wdl not yield toil. Price 15.1 cents.
Sold by Druggists everywhere.
"Let us have peace" said the boy, ns ho
saw ftesh apple pie come from the oven.
Theii IUbj nu Ic, wo gTe tier Catorln,
VTien aha wrw a CIill.l, tie iritil for fnetorla,
When she lxvatnB Mix, clnng to CaaturU,
Vbin iho ha4 CMMrca, alia gate Uibui Caatoria,
Rosecoe t'oukliug is n whole team at tin
earthing railroad frauds.
CoNsfMiTios-. 1'or tho euro of this dis.
tressing diieas.-tliero has been no medicine
yet discovered that ran show more evi
dence of real merit than Allen's Lung
llaUam. lir.c, fide, and SI. 00 a bottle.
Ashrowd observe-her says tlio nicest tiling
in furs is n pretty woman".
Ilaldml "vinco. It It on your H ti
delictum. Stii.l pre rywiif re.
Arabi Pnsha receives all visitors who call,
but ho will not talk politics.
o OlMlM III lln' t'tirfl ft,.- Cutittltllntlnn. rnrc,
here other icim-illc 111. '.lic
it is quite natural for a man's eves to bo
watery when he has a cataract in them.
Itpptllnir renpwnl trrnctU, or it ho iiffrr frnn
InOnulUra peculiar to lutlr acx, huulil try
Tills ra rJ let no eomMnes Iron with mro i rentable
tonics, nnd lit invMuablo for DineaMMi jiuculinr to
Women, nnd Ml who Iwul itmfonUry livi-s. It Kn
rlclu ml 1'tirlllcH thn lUoml, Mlnuilutea
tho Aiivtttrf Slrrnuthciis tun 1ltihcU's and
INVrvi'n In fact, thoroughly In vlKtirut en.
Cleirn thn complexion, and makes the akin smooth
It doeanot blacken tlio teeth, catiso heartache, or
produce count I pa tion all other iron mrdiciitti Jo.
Mns, AuiniiT Lkehlkv, Oreonwood, Nt-b.,
" I'hava tued llrowtVn Iron Hitters for Nervous Mo
bility and hive been eruatly benefited."
Mil. U. I). Nr.WKtx, ThlllipV Station, Neb., tars:
" I was tM weak ami nervous that 1 could ncnrcelr
walk, had no appetite, and pawed aleenlepa nights;
in fact, my life wan a burden to me I tried manr
remedies but without Iwnetit. ThU'O Itottlfn of
Itnmn'a iron 11 it tun have cured me. I cheerfully
recommend it." .
Uennlno ttaa abnre Trade Mark and rroeed red linos
ou wrapper. Take no otlirr. Made only by
If it c lilnl i a imip.'liy imiiiiHlii'il, qui t n.iJnn mid u
toriiut, liuiny ch'Mlioo I U l In' ii'milt TIiuiivhikIk of
matim nru iici vIhIi una fru nil be nine I lie nrn
rclni: bIoaIv ct'ii-vcil. ow ni; In tho Innhilltv if
iiiuilirra to uii y Hie lr p'r tioui Inltin, rit ItlilBu'a
kioii hiii nupiuy i iih iii-incit-iicy iii'iicr in i nn
other, uiiloi-il, iliminiiiili Imvo been sue ccusfull
reari'd mi KlilKo'a 1 uml uluno.
OF SSI A l.r. MI5 NS In till- New liii-rnllve busl.
in or "iiomi: l'lioTOiiuAi'ii v."
Ily tin" N'kwDiiv Kh'IiiiIiih) I'iow Ali'tior Women
Willi no irrlciiri lonko I-Iritt-cltuB l'lioloia In
nt l'i'i mini, (,i.iim, llil 1 I H-,oi' AlilinuK .MiiU'iIh.k
ooi'l mil', for I ilor.i'ii liii'n l'liotoH. Hint hciI fur W I
to WU. AITorilaStriiily Work uml 1II; rrnlltt
r ni' ncil with (liner lluilnt'Kx. or at holm-, or froni
llou.o to lloiisi! dl'a no pi'ililllntr 'li'liiHioni lt'a n
reiruliir 1 rule, worthy iitti'iillon. ApimrHtua Uport
ulilo uml liicap, not up Indoora or outdooia. 'I'o
K(l.Kr uppili'aniK (ono i-opi) or l'riu'raa lllu
tialfil I'ltKK. Siinipl' I'l.oti'H. Ill ti. I'UASKI.I.V
I'l 'I N AM. M'fr & Joilur l'huto Aprarutui, 4 Mi,
485 laiinl tit., N. V.
J'lCtlloHt IlIllHlriltl'lI
ovi-r luintiil. ClifUpest
&lOHt hKKDS ;icUli.
(iiirilenert Inutva ire.
dull!. 1'itekrts onl; .Ic.
C'liup at dirt ly oi. t lb,
rimtoL'o or l.x. imliL
rB;nd Yours A Nelsliliorii adilnin for HOOIC.
ll. Jl. rjlluAI Ai. juUKjoru iu.
A Llfo Kxportonco. Romarkablo and
quick curou. Trial Packages. Bond
etamp for coaled partlcularo. Addroua
Ol. WARD l CO. Louisiana, Mo.
Von uio
ii frre trial of thirtu (fnjt of tho
I'lflMlHll Voltali'lli'lr wlrh in.M.lrfn
liar of Ur liyn'ai vli-lnulc ! Voltaic licit with Kloctrlo
huapf iiHory AMiUuiii-i-a, for tho biM'Cily rolle f andpt-r-
iiiaiii-iu ournnr Vfnima HrbllUu, loan of I afu,ana
Munluwul, iirnl nil klmlri'il troiililt'a. AIo for many
'jtherilUf.iHtH, t:ompktiir"iitorulliiii to Heallli.Vhior
aiiitMaiiliooili.'uarHiilcril. No rlkl Incnrroil. Jlliia.
, (ratoil iiamphli't In tratnl ennlope malic I frit1, by
.uuiwiiiiA uiiuiu iit-ii. t. o,, Aiurtfiuu, Alien.
Best t'om;ti Hyrini; Tiunv kikhI, Uso
in iiiiie. miii uy oruuL-KW.
ti:it or.S I ) I ; 1 1 1 1 . 1 1' V, rircmtnr(! dirny.kld'
w wy. Idii iler und iiiltuti-dui:anai-uri'd au retljr
by llii iini'dli!cl)i n In our old apix-iulKt pliytlclan a
Ircallic inuilrd firo hy the AmiiLL MzuivtL
III iikai , 'Ml llroitdiva',, Ni-w Vork.
rfici :,k. uicimov, vi:it, .miihk
lir it I', n'i i uli oilirr l nra l nitht lor cuali a
oCliulii! t pr ii Bi'iid fi.r circular which iiln-
:u ' nnri nilira.
K. C. 1! JUl.lll ON, 41
tiirri'i. Si wVork
kiCll UkJ to i'U or uichanga. If you want
A. Nil to full or i-xrhfiiiiro your ownfaiia
CH An art It Mm or Woirntn in trtry
i'r naolhmid J.n
ivolhuiiu Lximtt l.xpctut-ln (J
I nvtniii,jt mum llilKt I'arinuUri
vane I aiivaiiifis oiitllt I
Inc. btaiu
Standard Oliver-waro Co. lloaton, Uata.
A Caokotof SilvorWaro Froo
Tt in MiMQ wUlll thaw it u tbtlr iMlyilm(a.ct m cur
aViiltemlordrrt. (ili-trm rpwrNtnifMiini 1'cxt OTic v4rc
AOJrMt VUSX, XtASl'U. CO..)lAinTUi:i,CO.V.V.
mgmammtm n ni 1 1 flu re relief iPmnm
rrnT tUVANTHD. H0O A WK MIC and ej.
H H.I 1ri"-iiiI'hi.yluablBoutr.tndpaitlculiira
U.MH inc. J. V. IIII.L&CO., Auiiuila, Malna,
j Telegraphy sj;
I ValeuttDO Jlroa., Jauai
.rurn hero and
r. filiuatloaa
earn tooi
JaiKiTllle, Wit.
mm m ti &
fcBala I ft O 1 1 1 1 Li
Frto from Violates, Jlmcttcs and VoUen.
AT DRPuditri Awn IiKitrKft.
Cures Rheumatism. N'curalgla,
iiarkMrnf, itrattirne, iouiifL(
rain, nrttur, ttr,rr,
M !!. KII'TV l'lTfl.
AT DHlTlllllHI'S 1M) ftKAtrRfl.
A Spcrlnllat for I'lcvrn Var Int,
Ha tri'Ated I)ropy andlla complication wllh th
nio-it wonderful aucrrai: tiara ezctahlo rrmmtlRa.
rntlrely Imrmlrn. Hcniuvra all tytnploma ol dropay
In nlithtio tnenty dnya.
Cure pitlcnta pronounced liopeleta by Ilia best ot
From tho first doie the aymptnms rapidly illa
reur. Hint In ten ilnj ut luust two tUlnlj.uf U m nyiiiy
onii nir rrtifovcd.
So'iic mnT cry liiimlitiR without knowlnc mylhln
at'outlt. l!"mcinhcr It iloca nit cot von anything
to loallre ih merit" of my treatment fr voimelr
I am c.initantlv cnrlmrcAie of loni?tiin 11113. fRsea
that liavp been tappet a iiumhcr of tlmei. mil thn
rmllcnt ilcclareJ unahl to live . xrenk. (Hyp fait
lilatory of ca'fl Name aex. Iiw Icintt iillllode I, how
h.idly awulen an I where. I limvcl "oilve, Imvc tee
bnrstrd and dripped water. Send f nr free pa nplilet,
ronlainlni; teatlmonlaK qural I ins etc.
II) Hnv tri'ii t iiiont fiirnUliod f rrn liy mull.
Kpllepiyflta poilltvely cured.
It order trial, eud7centa In ntntnp tnniy n'.sga.
11. 11. (ii:i:i.;m. m, d.
MJonea Avenue, Atlant.i, (la.
Gold & Jewelled
Wna nwnrilcil by (!
National atciltcal
Aanoclnl Ion
(who la tho ohlor Conaiiltlnq- 1'hrnlclaii of
the I'l'itbuily .Meitlcul Iiiitlf.uto),
It belnc the heat MedlealTreatUo on Manlinfrl, Ki
Iininted Vltalltr, Nervoua and riiyaleal I Jillltr.
I'reinatnre liecllne In Man, the Krrom of Y011 n. 1 nd
the untold mlierlea ri'millli g from imllaoiullona ur
etceiia In early life, which the nnlhor haa proved
may he a'livlHteit ant piiltlvely cured. H la a
alnndaril Medical Work 01 thn above, and la a Ireaa
ure to everv yoiinr and in'ililU'-Rcd in'in. War
ranted a reprem'nted or the money refunded In
everv Instance) M pneea; emboased iiiinl'n, 1 "II
i-'llt; IU iieracrlptloni for nil dlieiikos. l'rlce only
SI, hy mall, aealed, pnat-nild, llliiatratlvn aaiiiplea
free to all. Bend now. Thla work la unlvrraallr
ret-'oiumended by the prep, clenry, parcnta a'Q
teachers, and oeryonnot Ha morn than a million
readera, Krery man, youmr or old, uli.inht read tlila
booW and every .ulTerer all mid I'lina.iU I tin ititlior.
There la a bnlui In Olluadi tlioro la a ptiyxlclaa
there." Adilrraa
I)r.V. II. I'A UK Kit. 4 llnlfineh l.llntnn. Mmi,
Wood, leather, I'nper.Ivory.Olaa
China, 1'urnlturo, llrlcn Uran, Jtc.
Strong as Iron, Solid ns a EotV.
Tho tidal iiuantlty Fold ilurlnx tie
past live yearn amounted to in er
bottlea. KVllltVlKIDK WAN'lHIt'
All dealera can aril It. Awarded
lm.(m7lSW. AV 10 OrU.nn, 18h3!
1'ronotificrd Rtrnncett (Hue l.novf n
ticnddealer'ai'iird end 13c. rostaja l'ltl.H liyr.inlL
rtcu.iCiktMUo. (Slouoctter Haas.
Coahins no Acid.
,001 1 mpnrtanltlilufta yon never knew or ttinnght
of about tlio human body nnitllacurlouaoriraua.
Jlttwtu avoid pllttllt of Ignorance and imtlicrttioii,
Jlnui to ajiplv Jlmne.Cvre to allfortnt afillttau,
Jloio to cure t'rou),olit AV. Uupture, J'i(ino,efl.,
Hurray UII1 1'ub. Co., Vl'i E. 2SIU St.. Aew Tor.
Bold by ALT. DHALKltS t!iroiiclioiit tlio World.
Gold Itlcdnl PnrU Kxpoaltlon, 1878.
I bT twiuiv rtmtily lurtu sboTt ulw" bjr li u
tnetmnd of citf of tht wont kln4 l of lone tiotlinc
bv been curt. Intcl, io ttronc li my ftth In ! iDrMf,
that I will ttni TWO J'.UITI.i:3 KKKIC, toxi hr wllh VAL
CAJILK ? HKATISK on (Ma ias,to ny ulr rer. (11tEz
rM Qd l O. a ddltM. T. A. bLOCUii, 111 rrl bt., W.Y.
I J"4k Merman Alhmn ur nrm fuiUlo flrcfl
Ifurltbla iIwdi effeeu rurrtitr all ether rail. At
1 in iMMrdiaii rtatr in mm worn oaMi, imam ooin-
B trial eonvinct A moil krpWat, frlo fo and I
t 1.00. of PracfUli or brnull, Btinpl FUCK furl
lump, it ll it PUiin i w 1 rwuii Jiiiiii, j
Survival of tie Fittest
s a uat.31 i-'oit uvi:uv ivodjvd oi
The Oldest & Best Liniment
Tho Moxlenn Mnatanir T.fnlmnnf h.
, Morn Known 1 r 1 ors 1111111 intriv.n,
; yinr na tlio beat of ull I.Iuimenta. foi
1. Man uml Hcnst. ltn cnlcit tu-ilny arr
j other full, anil ponctintetsklii. tendon
und inusolu, to tlio very bone, bold
im uri iiiuii Dili. il iTiiiiia lariiaaii m 1 1
ovuiy vruoru.
I 1 B . THE GREAT " rfi fpX&B