The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, March 20, 1886, Image 5

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VNtOX, O.UKGUX. SAT., MAR. 2ft, 15.
Tin" SCO IT h Mucli I.iURor Clvru-
Villim limn ntiy Uaper in thin .scrtlou ,
, of tin- Ktfiti', Hitil In, tliumfoir tlm ItKST ,
TU In n True Stat'iiifUi. iwul
rf.nll not nll U ti lio iiiitnim!l by miv
WiIIut pnjixv. AiHi-vtNet. will ! uoll
fln make n null- of ttii, I
BvU'f Bulletin.
Tho West Shove for March Is an ex
cellent number.
Mrs. Edgar -returned from Portland
u few days ago.
Sims Dro'. and H. Wildoy, mer
chants of Ja Grando, failed last week.
Shcrrifi' Saunders turned over S,000
t ix collected, to Uo county treasurer,
this week,
y Mr. John Hale, q mjroad eon
tractor, was married in Mnrysvillo Cab
a few days shioo,
Mr. Konnibon, of Wiqgvillo, Hakcr
county, came down the fore part of
jio week, on a vit,
Dr. Dueling has loaded the grounds
of the Union County Agricultural So
ciety, and opened up a twining stable
Mr. Mcrwin and family, who have
been rusticating on the ranche for
some time, returned to town a few
days ago.
, Jerry Dcspain, of Pendleton, died on
the 10th iust., at Jacksonville, 111., to
which place he went for tho benefit of
his health.
J. P. Smith, is expected to arrive in
this city to-day, with two car loads of
wagons and carriages, which ho will
trade for
A neat book oase, the work of
1 lowland it Lloyd, has been placed
in the reading room of the Union
Literary Society.
To newspaper men tho effect of
the boycott on the Oregonian is plain
ly visible in its advertising columns
during the last few days.
Mr. Gilliam, who resides near Island
Jity, will soon receive a carload of
blooded cattle, of tho Angus breed.
They will be shipped from Iowa.
We arc informed (hat a man by the
name of Smith, committed suicide at
u hotel in La Grande, last Monday, by
."hooting himself through tho head.
Charley Heard is the happy dad of
two boys,' twins. I'hey "arrove" on
the 1 lth. inst, .If you put Charley up
for a slouch, you arc considerably oil".
A number of our young people are
making preparations to give a dra
matic entertainment in a few weeks.
C for tho benefit of the Literary Society.
A stage lin-."1 should bo put on, at
once, from this city to Cornucopia.
Jt would no doubt bo a paying invest
ment. Who is tho man to take hold
of it?
Letters from Tine and Eagle vallies
generally reach this office seven or
eight days after being mailed. Won
der if the fault lies with the Daker
City post-master.
If some of the chronio office seekers
of this county would pay their honest
debts, and spend less time toadying to
the "dear people," it would materially
advance their interests.
Marion Davis has been appointed
Deputy U. S. Marshal for this section
of the country. The first ofllcial duty
lie performed, was to take S. F. Rich
ardson, of La Grande, to Portland,
W last week, for Cutting timber on gov
eminent land.
Thui'Mlay morning about f o'clock an
alarm of lire was given by some one
ringing tho Presbyterian church boll,
which cautcd most of our citizens to
come out of their morning snooze
rather suddenly. It proved to bo in
the house of S. T. Uhn, in the second
ward, the roof having caught fire from
a defective Hue. Tho flames were ex
tinguished before- much damago was
The citizens of Alder and vicinity,
held an indignation meeting last Sat
urday evening to discuss measures to
defoat tho canyon toll road. H. It.
Wright was elected chairman and Al
bert Rcavis secretary. They drafted a
petition to the lion. County Court
asking it to take action against said
toll road. The petition is being
signed by hundreds of people in the
valley. Chieftain.
At a meeting of tho Grand Hondo
Hod and ami Gun Club, held at the
t Hrot'T reading room, last Wednesday
evening, a permanent organization
was effected, and the following offuvrs
elected to serve during tho ensuing
term of ono your: J. P. Thomson,
president; G. W. Ames, vice-president;
-Marian Carroll, secretary; W. T.
Wright, treasurer. Quito a number of
tho members were in attendance, and
considerable interest was manifested.
Wo acknowledge a pleasant call,
this wuok, from Mr. Louis Poll, who
is a thorough mining expert, and
partner of Mr. C. II. Neunor, of Pino
ureok. Mr. Poll has great faith in
the richness of the region lying bo
feen Gooo crock and Pig creek, and
mentions some eight or ten locations
that have been mado in that vicinity
which will undoubtedly prove of great
extit and value. Steps will be taken,
. shortly, toward the iormation of a new
mining district, in which those mines
, are located, to bo known as tho "Lake
View" district. .Tho Pine crock road,
whon built, will run through this dis
trict and be of great benefit to the
mining interests of that section. The
future prospects of Union county, in
3Ir. Roll's opinion, aro extremely
Pftther poVl qid wirdy weather.
Snbs(ibe fo? the (..Vikgon Scon,
Head our nCs, cr "new Unlay."
Oct your jp.l vvork doivo n thU
Snulrrol trans a tin shon hw.
dozen x
Deinoorat-o. fcrral Ocumuitteo on,
! the 22nd.
Ten pounds of bhiu. vitriol for $1. at
I Wright's drqg tftre,
Garden, and flower seodsv pf oory
I variety, tit Jones Pro's.
j James Pell, the painter, hig boon,
! very sjok for several days past.
J Don't nogV'et to register. Tho JHh,,
j (lth, and tt'h of April is the time.
Majolica, vivo. given away at Jonoa
j Pro's, to advertise Star linking Powder.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren art in Wing
ville, on i Visjt tp, Warren's part
Ofhoo seekers iuo coming to the
front, with grc;t alaotity, as the days
J. P. Smith and his ?on, Oscar, ar
rived in Dipon, 'fhurid.ny, from Cliico,
A few days ago. tickets were felling
from Los Angles, California, to Kan
tas City, Missouri, for sj.
Great reductions in hardware.
Joe. Wright is selling gaiden hoes and
j rakes at 50 ceiits. Other tools gica,ty
reduced. '
I Work on this end of tho road is pro
i grossing rapidly. Five bridges, and a
j considerable portion of the road has
i been completed.
' Tho house committee on public
( lands agreed to report favorably upon
1 the bill to repeal the pre-emption,
i limber culture and desert land laws.
Parties wishing Drown Leghorn
chicken eggs, bred to the standard,
can have them for $1. per do... this
season, of S. V. McEarron, Union, Or.
Tho Chinese exodus from San Eran-ei-eo
has begun in earnest. Eourtecn
hundred left for China on the last
steamer, and many more are going
Tho senate passed a bill authorizing
the secretary of the interior to make
a sale of certain lands of tho Umatilla
Indian reservation, in Oregon, to Win.
S. Dyers and others.
Mr. 1). P. Hilts, a week or two ago,
had the misfortune to run some splin
ters of wood into his hand, which
caused it to swell up and give him in
tense pain ever since.
A bill to prohibit any ollicer, ser
vant or agent of the government to
hire or contraot out the labor of pris
oners incarcerated for violating the
laws of the United State? government,
has passed the house.
A mectingof the merchants and bet
ter class of citizens of Portland was
held a few days ago, to devise some
means to olieck the vicious actions of
cut throats, and agitators with which
the city is overrun.
The seoret of the increasing gun
trade at tho Cove drug store is that
line arms are being sold at very low
rates. Parker, Remington, Smith and
English guns of good grade are marked
at verv reasonable prices from !f25 to
flUO. Write for particulars.
John Wright, J. C, Summors and
Geo. Sonner took their departure yes
terday, for a raid in the mountains,
and will bo gone some time. We
could not learn their destination, or
object in going, but as each ono of
them has a very wise and profound
look sterotyped on his physiogomy,
we presume they know what they are
up to.
If any of tho following named per
sons will communicato with the post
master at Monmouth Or. they will
learn something to their advantage :
Witherall it Murry, formerly in buisi
nesH in Portland; John M. Shelley,
was a packer in tho Indian war of 'fn
and '5(5; Jno. D. Sykes, was clerk in
Indian agency in Polk county; M.
Preston, at one time lived in Salem ;
Matthew Doll'a used to live on Fifteen
mile Creek, in Wasco County; Miller
Judd and Hiram K. Walker, atone
timo living in Jackson county; Par
den M. Dodge, was blacksmith in Eu
gene City; Levi W. Libby and Willis
Ward, used to bo- in Jacksonville, Or:
Joe. Ilitchens, whosold goods in Inde
pendence in '51.
Delogato Yoorhees presented a peti
tion to the house on the 10th. from the
chamber of connncrco of Tacoma.
Tho petition asks that tho duty mi
coal anil wood bo retained. It says
that if these articles be put on the free
list every coal mino in Washington
territory will have to stop. It says
that Washington territory cannot com
pete with Dritish Columbia in either
lumber or coal, as the forests and
mines in that country are nearer the
sea than those in Washington territo
ry. It states that the miners of Drit
ish Columbia can sell coal fifty cent
cheaper transportation. Tho petiti
tion concludes by predicting that 10,
000 men will be thrown out of imploy
ment if coal or timber is placod on tho
free list.
need for on stimition, lji of A ppetito.
Diziuuss, and all symptoms of J)ysM)iiia.
l'rlco 10 and "6 t'ntn jier lott!o. Kor wilo
by U. C. QruiK, tho drugKist. Uniou, Or.
O AVnguii ami C'urrinK.
Mr. J. P. Smith, will arrive in a
day or two, from California, with
two car loads of W5GONS AND
(1AHIMAGES, which lie will sell, or
ono should fail to intcrveiw him.
FOR DYSPKPMA and Liver Complaint,
yon huii a printed Ktiurantee on every bot
tle of Shlloh'fc Vltullzer. It never fail to
cure. For ule by It. C. Ortiz, Union, Or.
Wo aro informed by Mr. Uhn, tb,a,t
his house caught tire the other morn
ing on accouit pf the upkillftf man
ner in 4iich the t,lue had been put up.
It pecins the mason had uiU the. One
outthrovcli the roe-f.aud hcn, ii or
der to nakc it ?pk a htt mpro nol
by on tho outside, iad 'enlarged Ut let
ting the briek project ovef and rest on
the roof. The foundation sinking two
or three inches, the Hue had parted
just below the roof, leaving a craylk of
that width all the way round, and the
only wonder is that the hoiyse wi? not
burned loug ago. Mr. Vm says that
another liouse or two ii; Jsprlh Union,
have been ascertained to be in the
j same condition,. This bejnr; tho cas0
u j? very proname mat many omer
hoiues throughout the tpwn re in
daliger of bepig destroyed from the
same cause, and everyone should caic
fnllv examine their Hue. and see that
j they are in proper condition.
D'tv l)lco cm )',
A. J. laiiQ called at tho Sage
Prush oHee yesterday and informed
us that he had struck the richest
thing ever found in Daker County.
The find is about tluce lnikw east of
town wheje a ledge crops out with a
solid face several feet high and 120
feet wide, The rock is different from
any of a gold producing nature ever
found in this section, which accounts
for the f(ict that jt has never before
been tested. He informed lis that he
sampled the ledge by chipping off
pojecs frpin at least 100 diil'erent pla
ces on the ledge, small which
were pounded up and assayed. T here
were six, assays made ranging from
over nineteen dollars to six dollars, but
averaging ?1-.:M. Mr. Ivane is confi
dent of having struck a bonanza, as ho
claims that thousands of tons of rock
can be taken out at a cot of not over
Illy cents a ton. Sage Drush.
or 1 ? .
lloail .Meet
The Pino Creek Poad Commission
ers have been in tow-n for two or three
days, trying to come tp an understan
ding as tp advertising for bids to biuld
the road. McDaniel wants to let (ie
entire road jn one contract, and have
the road built at once according to the
express provisions of the bill. Cainp
bell and Chaplin want to have the
road rekurvoyed, and lot contracts to
build various sections of it by the yard,
etc. A petition was presented to the
Hoard, signed by about 150 of our
best citizens, asking them to advertise
for bids at once, and let the contract
to some one to build thu entire road.
As wo go to press, a meeting of tho
Hoard is in progress, but what tho re
sult will be we are unable to say.
linkui' County Tlqkot.
The following is tho ticket nomina
ted by the linker County Democratic
Convention, on the loth int : State
Senator, George Chandler; Represen
tatives, P. A. Lockett, and II. Elms;
Sheriff, J. T. Dealy; Clerk, M. D. Wis
dom; Judge, G. W. Parker; Treasurer,
S. H. McCord; Commissioners, Jos.
Whitely, and J. S. Locke; Assessor,
John I. Sturgill; School Superinten
dent, L. P. Daker; Surveyor, C. L.
Moans; Coroner, J. M. Shepherd,
... U)
(i;i(liMi(l In.
Monday lat, maislial Catci gathered in
two of our follow towiisiuoii-r-Saiii Jling
and .low hep and took tlunn before his
honor, rucordcr Davis, wliuro they were
charged with unlawfully indulging in the
uso of that deleterious but soothing com
pound prepared front the juieu of the
poppy, or, in other words "hitting the
pipe" -smoking opium. Kaeh plead guilty
to the charge, and uoiltributqd ten dollars
to tho city treasury,
Union IJteriiry Society.
Following is thn programmo for March
I&ind., Jssil; ('iiiiiinitlcy oninuic, Mr, and
.Mrs, Lloyd, and Dr. Htrange; select riiad
iug,.l, Levy and J. M Carroll; deulainatlon,
Miss Mooro, C. K. Davis, and Helen Levy;
ouay, T. Oliver, and Ktrango; leaders
on debate, Julius Levy and It. F. Wilson;
ipiestiou, "'Ilmolvod, That the President of
the United States should bo elected for a
term of lu years, and bo inelegiblo for a ncc
ond term."
A Kclinlile Articlo.
For enterprise, punli and a dcxlretogct
such good ;i will givo the tradoKatlhfaetlon,
.1. T. Wright, the druggUt, leads all compe
tition, Du nells Dr, Itosauko's Cough and
Lung Syrup, because its tho best medicine
on the market for eouglis, colds, croup and
primary consumption, l'rieo 50 emits and
;fl.j0. Samples free.
j:bi;i j:bs UkKxM
D. 11. Sanborn, of the Cove, will sell chick
en and duck oggs, of tho linnet breeds, as
follows; Leghorn and I'lyinoth Hock, $1.
per doz; Wyandotte, por do.; Iloucn
duck eggs, $1. por doz: I'ckin duok eggn,
per dozen.
Kinil TliU.
C. Vincent lias just received a splendid
lot of boots, shoes, etc, which ho will M.-ll
at a great reduction on former prices. Ho
means what he says. Try him,
Duulc ligKh I'ur Slllu.
Auyono dosiring duck egg, from the fin
est breeds of duekx, can procure the same
by applying to Mr. Al. (ioodbrod, of thin
city. Charges, fl. per dozen.
TDK HKV. (iKO. A. THAYBIt. of Hour
born, Intl., says : "Roth myself and wife
owe our live to HIIILOIl'ti CONSUMP
TION CURK." For huIc bv R. C. (iroig.
Lost. A silver ring with a gold half
dollar sot dated 182:. The Hndor
will be suitably rewarded by returning
thu same to me.
Maiuon Davis.
LiriTlCK I.1HT.
Roinaiuing inbovo, Oregon, nost-oflico,
Mareli 18, 15).
Grant, Sam I. Huzoltine, Jno.
Morse, G, R. b'niull, Win.
M. bizvMB, P. M.
Cov CuHhijrs.
M?s Ada Xidion has bppn qijllo slol;
duriff tho weak.
E. Li. Cochran, in" ('oiiiucopa, has
been here diuinjrliQ ypok.
Hqht. W, Ohrrii, of Slpoknno
EallSjisin vqwu , loqkiM after cattle
Misti Addio Wh'tpma p (tutl mother
came on a vilt , from lmijolu, tho
first of the weok.
Miss 1-hmna .loncs. a nnnil of As-
Muslim Fchool , Mt fqp lr Jfl at
Pilot lqck, Monday .
J. Q, Smith loft, for lioho, Mom"ay,
whern in1 will work on a. new tlour'uig
mill, bcjng built by d. II. Koo.jU.
The, Covo sports aro talking of or
ganiziup, and challcnrpig tjie I'nion
Hod and Gun L'jtpj pr i ehootng
D. D, Sauborq iptd family luive
moved into their new dwelling, which
when completed, vyill be a dpinicilo. to
bo proud of.
Near nil of tho principal dairymen
are preparing to lunuufacturn butter,
thi season. There, is ready snlo now
for the product at 2o cts per pound. .
A iluilning ditch, ono and a half
miles in length, is hoinu; constructed
tl rough Fredrick Mitchell's laoadow
land, by Mc-srs. Kennedy and Kellor.
Goose hunting is all the rage.
Though they aro not in danger of
extermination by the local gunners,
the flocks this season arc uniuually
An infant son of Mr. and Mrs, Ed.
Grady, diud, Tuesday. Wednesday
tha funeral -oinion was preached and
Hip interrniont conducted by tho Hav.
Mr, Powoll. '
I will tan the skin of the Uijracful
robber who puiloinod the last crumb
of my lunch, just hoforc I arrived at
the wagon, footsoro. hungry and
minus a goose. C. It is said one of
our talented young preceptors has
been trying to raiso an excitement by
exhibiting salted quartz from an al
leged newly discovered mineral ledge.
I feel so humiliated since tho utter
contempt oxtpndod for my proMuning
to riso in debate before ns royal
majesty, that 1 will soek forgiveness
by prqnUMOg never to be so audacious
again. rK, 1 second tho motion.
II. Ho would not go with the other
girl if he know the tears it caused me.
M, I am high Ooek-a-loruni at the
Academy now. K. It was very
strange my ruiuway carriage should
enu its mad career by prati'-hig up to
the Acension School gate. 11. Who
said Sparta was preferable as an (ibjd
ing place to Cove. S.
Telocasol TDttJings,
Tramps plenty.
Weather changeable.
Plowing and seeding just about
Ducks and goose are coming in
great numbers to the meadows i;i
Pylo canyon.
T. .1, Lloyd bus found what he
terms "a valuable quart, ledge,"
clo'e to the jiinuel,
We are sorry to slate that Mr.
Prainard is not getting along as well
as might be. Itsocins as though the
bono cannot bo set to stay.
Mr, Titus, of this place, informs
us that he has a brother-in-law on
tho road from Colorado with the in
tention of settling in this valley.
What a pity it is that tho beautiful
scenery and tortile soil of Ihiion coun
ty does not cxtond over half the state
of Oregon, so that it would have
ample room for everybody that wishos
to come,
Thero seems to bo a good chance
for Antolopo valloy to bocouie a
mining country yet, as tlioro are
.several men at the mouth of Antolopo
creel; digging in tho ground for tho
precious metal,
Mr, h, .T, Hoiipo, of tho Cove
nursery, was in our burg tho fore
part of the wcok, taking orders for
Iruitlrcos. Wo aro sorry to say that
most of the farmers in this vicinity do
not pay as much attention to fruit
growing as thoy should,
Dob. Ingorsoll says ho would rath
er bo in hell with a pure woman, than
to be in heavon with a certain class of
psahii-siiiginjf christains. Wo think
ho would change his mind quick, if
ho could just spend ono week among
the widows of Antolopo valloy, and
hoar them sing songs of praiso'to the
Almighty, for tho deliverance of thoir
cow range from the sheep men.
Antolopo Jtoms.
Mr, Hugh Lynch is still improving.
The farniors nro getting along with
their work splendidly.
W. II. Huffman mid wife, returned
homo from Suuimerville, with safety.
The hills aro getting quite green
that Is whero they are not shrowded
with snow.
Weather, weather all kinds of
weatlior, and for all this, farmers still
keep plowing.
Mr. MoMnw is fast recovering from
the bruises recoived from tho falling of
a horse, on his foot.
Cy. Proscott returned from tho Pine
creek mines, on Saturday last, lie
will go back again soon.
There aro quite a number of tramps
throughout tho country. Farmers
lock your door beforo tho horse is
Mr. Giroux lost a valuablo horso a
few days ago, and has another that is
very sick, but will recover by careful
It rcmhids ono of times gono by, to
see men trudging aloug with pack
animals, on their way to tho new
mines of Pine Valley.
Produce demands u good price. Po
tatoes, 2c; oats and barloy, lc; on
ions, 6c; eggs, 20c; butter, 25c; hoga
gross. 4 1-2 and 6c; chickens, $3,60
per doz.
' M.. -i . ' ' 1 ' - --' -j,' , f
The yqung. lady that had to stny at
Home on account o her dear lRtlo el$:
tor's birth, rays slip don't thank ah:
ono for fooling sorry but would nilj
or congratulatp onpfor rejoicing.
Some of tho land ownors and shoop
men of tins vicinity aro having inter-
o.'ting times. Ono U reminded of
scouting partii'Mlurinjr the rebellion,
to see a woman hay a sheop herder
and his flock, with her dog and shot
gun, puch a sjght was presented
last week, but no lives woro lost, each
one going the stimo wav, but not rc
Jojeing. Asti;i.oi'b Haxukk.
'tVlfisilcoy Crook CorkH.
March 12th, 1SS15.
fiovoj'iil laud hunters among us this
Ifr. Tiiduoll, whft bought Ham
mack's pluce? has nioved in from Sum
incrville. '
Hohoolco.nvup.UGod in this district
(oS) on the 2nd. day pf M.arch, wjth T.
A. Smith , teacheV".
Courtney Pro's, have sold their
ranche, iq the kner valley, kqown as
the Aaron Wade place, for two thous
and dollars.
Mr. Holcomb, formerly of Mjnneap
olip, .Minn., has been looking at the
country with a vciw to purchasing a
stock ranche.
.Mr. Hogers, of Walla Walla, has ta
ken a claim pmi js having a house put
on it. He expects to move over as
soon as possible.
Jesse Wade intends to start to
Montana soon with a band of horses.
Steve Hinehart and Jap. Chapman are
going along as drivers.
The principle topic of discussion at
present seems to be the toll mid. The
people do not object to the incorpora
tion and construction of a toll road
through tho Wallowa canyon, but do
most decidedly object to any party,
or parties appropriating a road already
mado by the people for any such pur
posp. Ajax
Vraivio Crook,
March muds.
Spow drifting and falling,
Farmers aghast at, tho prospoot of a
late spring after all,
All those that were sick aro improve
ing, and no new cases reported.
School wll soon begin i Uiirf district
with Mr. Ed. Humble as teacher.
Mr. Valentine Wilson has disposed
of his place to Mr. W. II. Winters.
Miss Eva Humble has been engaged
to teach next term of school at Crow
A most enjoyable surprise party was
held at Mr. Mitchell's on U evening
of the fUi.
A few pf Mr. and Mrs. AH'1
Cully's friends aro getting "P a sur
priso party to bo hold at their resi
dence on the loth ,
Mr. J. M. Mitchell's eight year old
son met with a painful accident on
the (5th, by having ono of tho bones
of his left arm near the elbow broken.
The little fellow was on roller at (he
time of the accident, .
Several applicants for teacher's cer
tificates presented themselves before
Mr. CJilbert Heavis, at Mr. Houpe's
spacious dwelling, near tho school
liouse, recently. Tho result is not
known, llopo hey all succeeded.
More anon.
H. E. PoiiTUH.
Estglo Vallo.Y.
Items are scarco and of but littlo in
terest. Snow one inch deep on tho foot hills
and still the white flakes fall.
The wonderful coal discoveries did
not show up as good as expected.
CI. A. Heck has been poriously ill
for several days, but is hotter at this
l)inn.- Near Sparta, March 0th 188(5,
of scarlet fever, youngest son of U. S.
and M. Parnard.
Shcrrifl' Saunders was in the valloy
after Wm. CJivins, but failed to get his
bird as said William had gone to lin
ker the day beforo his arrival.
Henry Prown, deputy shorrilT of
Daker County, arrested Iranian Swish
er of this valloy, for tho alleged crime
of stealing a horse belonging to H. A.
Fifteon or twenty of the Faglo Val
loy boys aro at Haker City attending
court. Some as witnesses and othors
to prove thoir innoconco of certain
charges, or take a trip to tho Capitol.
Pino Valloy PickingH.
Stormy and warm.
Stock are doing well,
Tho hills aro getting green.
Travel to tho mines has commonccd.
Pint" valloy is no longer a hoathbn
Goo. Prown rotumed to tho valloy
a fow days ago.
Hanchmen aro preparing to put in
thoir spring crops.
Win. Young has moved to Cornu
copia, and will start a first class
restaurant soon.
Hov. PoyloB will hold religious ser
vices in tho Pine valley school house,
tho first Sunday in April.
Thero is to bo a danco at tho resi
dence of James Mills on the 17th inst.
A general good time is expected.
Snow all gone in lowor end of tho
valley. Soma snow in tho upper end
of the valley yet, but fast disappearing.
.Vr. (Jaylord is running his paw. inHj
for all thero js in it. He intends tq
siippjy the pitipp with lumber, if ppt
VVJWH Davclhig into tho piiqcs.
and having to stop jp tho valley over
night, yill d.0 well tp cal at F. Stoclo's,
Tno new BGppo ipqsp aro. tp bu
erected in Pino valK'y sopn. Thn
lumber for thp same 3 heiiig paweij
at Gaylprd's mill.
All human impulses nyo subjcot tq
chango. Anger may be molilied by
time. Hatred may bo transformed,
by better knowledge, tp good will,
Jealousy may be removed or sqbducij
by proof. Ambition yields to disap?
pointnient, or weakens witjt satiety.
PlKD. At tjio residence of Dr.
Connor, Feb. oth, Andy Culver, after
an illness of nearly two years. Wu
remains were folioyed to the gravu
by many sorrowing friends. He was.
buried in the grave yard lately estab
lished on the land belonging to Mrs.
jjosoph .Jollities.
.March 1.2th, 1SS0.
lloalth oxcclleqt.
No fiqer weatljof pan bo in thn
Successful prpspcoting will not be
gin for six pr eight weeks yet.
P.eof is soaroo. We have athpr meat,
and vegetables in abuqdanco aijd very
A great many horses and cattle will
be sold ciqt of the Wallowa this sea
son. Quite a number of our stock
men are going to cjiaqgo tp sheep.
The Wallowa Italian Marble Co.
has inoorporiitci! and will begin work
in a shprt time. Tjio incorporators
are L F. Heale, dep. W. Hamilton,
15. J. Forsytlie, F. 1). McOully, L.
Danfprth, A- A- Mall and J, N. Mc
Oaw. It is confidently expected that
thoy will develpp a largo and benefi
cial industry. Another qpirblo com
pany will spoq orgaqie,
Wallowa sepips to ho a land of ex
citement rqot over ono, till another is
up. AH the niarblo and silver ledges
in tho yoi'hl could not attract
tho attention of a common
Wajlowan just qow, since the
incorporation of tho Wallowa Can
yon Tpll Road Cp.,' and wo think
the Wallowa is justly indignant for
porspns to incorporate a county road
simply because a hill stands on each
side. They could not have had any
other reason.
Aerial Kqully,
If the utterances of tlo Clilcftnn nro to
be taken au an indication of tho popular
sentiinent, the people of the W'allowa are
decidedly opposed to a toll road of any
kind through tho canyon in fact will not
allow it to bo established. Ono writer very
significantly remarks that some tochnlcaU
ity in the law, tuny give It to tho incorpo
rators, but in case it does, thore is a erudo
sort of justice floating around, kind of
proiniscoits lko, in tho Wallowa iitmos.
phere, that will bu appealed to, and ho
thinks t will provo effectual, Taking
everything into consideration wo don't
believe wo would like to fool too much
with (hose atmospheric courts, and whilo
wo would not object lo having a nice little
toll roud propci ty, wo would rather some
ono else would tend the gato, Wo would
look at U about like the Irish engineer of
a steam saw mill who was knooked down
one day by a IhHi of lightning. A brother
Disunion ptoked him up, and remarked,
"lie jastis, Pat, wouldn't that lightnin'
bo a niosht ilegant power to run a stamo
saw mill widV" "Vis," said Pat, rubbing
himself ruefully, "It would bo foinu
enough, but tho dlvil might tind the
lnjlno-l wouldn't,"
Hut to look at this matter seriously, it
seems to us that a great deal of undue
c.vcitotnont has been indulged in. The
validity of Hio claim sot up by tho Iucor
porators can only bo decided by law, and
if tho county court or the peoplo of Union
comity wish to coutost tlto same, they
must co It in the proper courts,
In a conversation with one of tho Incor
porators, yostorday, ho informed us that
tho company Incorporated this .toll road
because they had a perfect logal right to
do so, and if they hud not done so, other
parties would. That thoir object is to hold
this pass against a projected railroad and
not to collect trlbuto from tho. peoplo of
Wallowa, If tho Wullowans prefor to
travel on tho road tho way it is now, and
not pay toll, it is all right, bat if they
profer to have tho road kept in good con
dition, and pay toll to tho amount of 2-1
coats for ouch team, thoir wishes will' bo. t
regarded, That the incorporators aro
indlll'erent as to which course they pursue,
but will hold tho road in any event.
Monroo correspondence, Ponton
Leader: Ono night last week three
unknown cowards fired over twenty
shots through tho tents of some Chi
namen engaged in clearing land for
a ton chuapcr than tho miners of
Washington territory, on account of
Mr. C. E. Nicholson, three miles west
of town. It is needless to state that
tho two Chinamen who felt the bullets
tearing away throngn various parts of
their blouses were frightened, for that
is expressing it mildly. A moro cow
ardly attempt at asgassination has
uover been attempted m these parts.
Many say: "Thoy are only China
men." Truo, that's all thoy aro: but
in the opinion of tlioso who uphold
the laws' of our government thoy are
much better, and a greator bonofit to
any community, than citizens(?) who
will rosort to such means to get nd of
ARK YOU MADE miserable by Indiges
tion Constipation, Dizziness, L03S of Appe
tite. Yellow 8kln? tihlloh's Vitallzcr Is a
positive euro. Forsulo by U. O. Greig.
IIyward Hand Grcmulea uto the beat,