The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, March 20, 1886, Image 4

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The ami T hn I) Mijoli J.nnrer flfru
Jntl'in (linn niiv l'rt.iT In' Jill Meclloii
of tin- Stnte, mill I. tliorcrore the ItliST
Am i:ir.Tisixt mudjiji.
Tills Im n True Stntoniciit, mill we
jtlinll nol nllnw II ti 1n! jg'lniM'il lijnnv
oilier tintier.
J ilt,niiis llfll mi urn
In innlic n note
.if tlllH,
17J 1)PL4Y
Our ni'tlelc Inst week, ronsiirlnif the
fjctlpn, of l!io Pino Greek IJq.n) Coni
jni&sioners in upt founnojj,itij work
at once, iccins to inect jlh youoral
approval, Tjo prpceedingfi of the
Hoard is tbo subject of aiiythiii;,' but
favorablo comment, mid wo are in
clined to tbo bolief tint) Iboro U much
j'enson for (he Fame. M tbo last mocl
lug of tbo Hoard wo cannot see that
nnylictioii was (akon to lijfrry the
Wo wcro mlsinfonnod as to Eiiryoy
or Grilllths not tiling a cogt-ostinintc.
Vpon inquiry nt bo County clerk's
ollico, we find Hint Mr, Griflltbs, on
tbo 10th, of November, JSS.r, filed a
j'riiort of liis survey, with all necossa-'
n plats etc, , and also his ehtiinnto of
tho cost of construction, as follows:
Hoc. 1, From 1 1 ol brook's mill to Li I
ly ,Vhito cost of clearing, 1,100;
bridges, $1M; grading, S.'J.OM; total,
SI. 057, Hoc. 2. From Lilly White
lo Cornucopia cost of clearing, &
200; bridges, $711 ; grading, $0,271;
total, $9,101 , making the total epM
of construction from Holbrooke's mill
lo Cornucopia $li,818,
As it will cost at least $3,000. to
build tl.o road from llolbrook's mil
to Gooeo creek, where tho portion to
bo built by tbo Stato, commomos, vvr
concludo from Mr. (jrilltlifi' report
that tho road could bo built for $10,-
000. "Wo bilicvo, in spito of tho in
ffimiatlons that havo been made con
cerningMr. GritlUhs, that bis survey
It onrrnef . mill Mint I'sliinnf n of (Im
coRt of construction will nol be far
from tho correct figures, Moreover
wo aro roliablv informad that soveral
parties stand ready to pit in bids for
building tho road, as soon as the com-
jnissionors sco fit to lulvortian for the
fffimo. Tho excuse that i(3 will bo
necessary to do)ay tho commoncomeut
of work for cnvoral months, in order
to got a 'corroct estimato of the
cost" is all bosh, and tho people at
largo, nro not gulliblo enough to
8wallow any thing of tbo kind,
Evorv hour of delay is a loss to tho
peoplo of Union county, and they
will not submit to a ureal deal of this
dilly dallying without making a do
cidod protest,
Tbo following aro extracts Irom
the rules and instruct ions by which
judgos and clerks of elections are to
bo governed, taken from precinct
register books: In on so of sickness
or absence from tho precinct or poll
ing place, of any qualiliod (doctor,
during tho timo the said judges are
slttintr to register voters, such elector
mny apply to tho chairman of said
board of judges and on making satis
factory proof that tho said applicant
wan sick or uoeossarily absent from
tho said precinct during the timo the
said hoaid was sitting to roglster
vwtcrs, tl o chairman of tho said
judges may roglster tho name of tho
applicant on tho register in his posses
sion, and issue to him tho certificate
provided tor; and said chairman shall
Immodiatoly notify tho County Clerk
of the said registration, giving him
a copy of tho saino, and tho Clerk
shall eutor the sumo in tho county
register. If said npplicant shall ho
found disqualified, tho application
shall borojeetcd and his name outered
on the list of rejected applicants.
Tho registration of voters com
mence; on tho first Monday in April
and contiinios hreo days,
In all incorporated cities and towns
i this Slate, no person shall ap
proach or stand within ono hundred
eet OI Ilm noils, w inn mwnmil fm
I I ...... . . .
t -., 4 ... 1
j'l'Hi i I M ir I'.ti.ia iivuniii M.i . itnf ah .I..
I ... -, I " ..... . '
m'ing to vote, and but ono elector
1 . ... . .
mils within (lllll iVnt ill lli.i
- ......... ...... .1 . IUVI I .IV
.... . . . .
lllllf, I Itlin 'I'll.. ciltfl' I. a-.. r. a. mi.
dlow one from eaeh partv to stand at
he polls for tho purpose of ehallong-'
ng votes,
mi in mil mihii Mm miniiii .
Qi'KStioski) as to tbo number of
Jhhieso now in the country, Consul
too miulo answer that bis ostimatos
veto as follows: That l hero aro
iow than there wore at the timo tbo
testrldiou Act was passed, and that
In,... iwfi't i.t.i.i.ii ...... ...i,. ,f t onn
i . .i . . . .
d homo; that the number of Chinese
hero aro about 76.000 on tho Coast.
ikl u ii ill iiiiinir iiiiiiiii mi in im. mm. Ill I
'nllfni-iiln ! IUU1 in V',.ulilnirliii 'l'...
not j aim ,wu in uiugon; iiiiuii; .
ihl thni-o ni-n nl iii'iiriiC. in him
Vuncisco just about 10,(00 Cliiuose
sitients aim l,ow festal trunucms.
San Frauclsoo Chroniclo.
BOMK flijlPKItA ffCJi lfl:.g.
A bill hnt is before tbc Ohio IoaN
luturo jlitrojliifflj a liny font tiro m
toinporuneo loyifdntion. It provJos
for 1 cousin the ili'itikoi. anil forma;
tliowloof lifjuor Jo fjny Iiil(c'0iifJ(j
person. Tho bi)l rends
. . ..... ...
Tliai any iiorson uoniff a r'Miiniu of
OIio aid upiro tfan 21 ypnvn of ago
may hocouio a legal lia!Jiul drinkor
of intoxicants by making trllidavlt be
foro tiio .Iijdgo iif tho 1'robute Court
in the eqjinty in which sucli persons
resjtjes that be yisbes to becqiuo fciich
a drinker, and register bis full name,
ago , residence and occupation in the
record of said court, and receive the
certificate, ofiiojally sealed, of (.aid
I'robatc Judge tliat ho made afiidavit
and is thus registered, and has paid
the sum of M) cents for Moh registry
and certificate.
A, law of this Kind wouhj doubtless
work vnrv well wore it not for the
difficulty of enforcing it. If a citi.en
wishing to patronize his favorite bar,
was obliged, as a condition precedent
to tho exercise of that priyilego, to
register himself before the County
.ludgo as n tippler, tiio number of the
tipplore among self-respecting men
would greatly decrease. A fellow
would have to like i mighty well to
record his weakness instoaij pf abstain
ing, -.Stockton Mail,
It is said that ( lio discovery of gpld
in Honduras is likely to prove as Im
portant a one as any of the grt'at
placer districts of California. The
ne.w fiohj is in tho eastern portion f
I lie republic of Honduras, and about
1.00 miles from the Atlantic coast and
adjacent waters of thp Guayopo river.
A party of prospectors recently in
spected a stream and grayclly bed for
nearly AO miles, and found scores of
placers whore the grave) gives from 10
to 10 cpits to the pan. They havo
begun regular mining, howpver, in
a placo whore, after much toil they
succeeded in turning the rjyer from
its nut iyo bed. Here they (Jug doyn
and are sluicing out from $7 to $10
per oubjo yard. Tbo yield is fny
equal to that of the best pjaccr digr
giugs in California, -Kxohinge.
As Alabama mail, charged wii
stealing a calf, made tho following
statement; ''1 was ajways toadied
to bo honest, an' niosj, always havo
been, bit when I sped thit calf I
caved. 1 never wanted acajfso bad
in all my life, an' you til) know that
when a man wauls a calf ho wanto
him " The jury returned tho fol.
lowing vordict; "Wo this jury air
satitled that Stevo stold the calf, but,
as tho feller thai owned tho animal is
considerable of a slouch, wo agree to
clear Stove nn' make tbo slouch pay
tbo cost. " Ai'kaiisaw Traveler.
Kr.i'HKsuNT vnvi; Wooimunx's anti-
polygamy bill cuts off polygamists
and tho upholders of that practice
from tho right to hold ollico, to voto
ul. public elections, to acquire posses
sion of puplio lauds, and from service
as jurors, and provides an ironclad
oath to be subscribed to by those ask
ing any of those privileges, with n
Revere penalty attached for perjury in
regard to tho same. It also provides
a now and st riot registry law.
WMaWMnrwo iwiihuhi
A minor on tho head waters of the
Columbia river, in UritUh Columbia,
has found, so ho nllogos, a deserted
mining town, where tho billiard ta
bles still stand in tho saloons, and let
ters aro lying in tho poal-otlleo bear
ing date of 18,r(l. Not a soul luu been
seen near tho placo for years.
A NASAL INMHfTOK free with
eaehboitleof Sbilob's Catarrh Keiuo
dy. Trice .Wo. For sale bv It. C. G.
t'ui'P tor 1'iluN.
Piles. ar frcciuoiitly prcctulod by a oriuft
of weight hi the buck, loins and lower part
of the abdomen, causing the patient to sup-
lKii.0 hu has some iifferllon of the kldnuvs or
neighboring organs. At times, symptoms of
Indigestion arc present, llatultuiey, uneasy.
uess of .tho stomach, etc. A inolstiiro like
perspiration, produeiiig a very disagreeable.
Itching after getting warm, U a common
attendant, llllml, HUhhIIiik, ami Itching
1'llos yield at oiwe to the applieatlun of Dr.
ltosHiiko,K lMlo Itomedy, which acts directly
upon tho parts .effected, absorbing tho
rumors, allaying the Intense Itching, and
effecting a permanent cure. Price, .V) cents,
ddress, Tiio Dr. Hosnnko .ModloJao Ooin-
pany, l'Pitui, O. hold by ,1. T. Wright,
Union, Oregon.
Sllll.OirS CAbAKltll ItEMKOY
s a nositivo euro for Catarrh, Diph-
thoria , and Canker Mouth. Kor salo
byK. C. Uroig, Union, Oiugon,
lie ntoenitlo Central CiiiiiultU'i.
Notico U hurcby given that ineoting of
the Democratic Cs'iitml Coniuiitlco, for I'll
ion county, will bu buhl mi tho court limno
in tbo town of Ujiiau, on tho iiud. day of
March, 188i. for tlw piirHe of appoiiiting
u day fur holding tho Privinot Priiimrivn
and t'o'inty I'onvoutlon. and for Uio t r in
action of other Important buslne. A full
nttoudnuce of uioinbor of the committee U
urgontly rotpiottMl.
Hy ordorof JOHN D01I1HNS,
J. W. tiiui.ToN, Olmlnnun.
SHILOH'S CUItK will Immcdlatelv
relievo Croup, Whooping cough anil
liroiicliltia. For salo by It. C. Greig.
North Powder, Oregon, Feb, ih,, 1880,
Tl TltK VoTKli itV I'xiox Cm STY I
I Ijciid'y iiiimi)i(iii u mysf fin ii (.(.niliilnto
for tho ,!'joriir,s ofju e, mi bluet to (he wll)
,f dm ,ioipj(, i,-g,.rdlof t,i illtly, and 1
i oloeicd wit) mu)w i't nil ifl wf with
; "'dlt to mynilf in' so,,Ifrtors. Hoping)
w 1 r(,"t,,vt' mi"Ul
stibscM Ik- mvelf.
y,ir.s nnetn.illv.
I(, II. S-iwiik.V'ki.V
pcttcr known U
'I'dllV Wl'Vpim."
" 11 ACKMtCTACK" a ating aid
fffigrant iicitiinie. Price 2fic. and.'u(.
For sale by It. u, Groig, union
Sil'j-iiotii to Ilraltll.
Ihmltli Ir wealth. Wealth ii)fl:uii Indepen
dence. Tho Keypote Is Dr. IJojiinkoV Coujjh
timl l.uiif.' Synili, tho hot C'ohkIi Syrup In
tlie wurld. Vm Couphs Cold", ruins In
the(.'he.t, Ilioiic!.lt 1 and Primary Coiismnp.
tioi, One doc xvv relief tn every case.
Taki1 no other. rrltfofiO cents mid f 1. tsunphti.
flea, .Sold hy.I. 'I', Wrijrht, Union, Oregon,
yiiajii or Stolen,
One brown, or dark hay hnr.K 0 yours
old, branded .1. A., connected, on" left
(dio)ilder. Kinder will he llhcnilly re
warded by returning him to tug, or givinK
me ,-niy inforiiiiitinn in regard tu his wlieror
O, W. Amfs.
Dr. Van Monciscar,
l.'Wand l.'M Third Street, l!prtland, (Jr.
N n regular graduate In njedieine; lms
been longer engaged in the )eeinl treatment
of nil Venereal, Sexual and Chcoaic DKnit1--es any other l'hyiclan in the West, as
city nuiers how, aiid old re-ldents know.
.fl,(KHi reward foranveae which he fall to
cure, eoniing under UU treatment, bv fol
lowliic lit" direction..
DIt, VAN is the most hticccewftil falanh,
bung and 'I'hrout Doitorln America. He
will tiill you your trouble without asking
you u blwfshi iiie.ition, am) WAltltANTS
TKltUAMCNT Ct'ltH in the following casc.f
N'KJtVOUS DKHIblTV, Siii.ijmitorrlma,
Semilial Losses, Sexual deeay, 1'alling 31em
ory. Weak Kyes,SHiuted Dcvclnpiiieut, back
oi r.icrgy. iiniioverisiiea mood, I'lmpies
Imiiedimmit lo 3Irriage; alfo Itlood am
Hklu Diseases, .Synhills, ICriiptfoiis. Hair
railing, Hono Tains, Swellings, Sure Throat,
t'leerw, ICffeels of Jlerciiry, Kldnev mid
llladder Troubles, Weak Hack, Unfiling Ur
inc. Incontinence, (ioiiorrluea. (ilunt. Strict
lire, receives searching treatment, nrumpt
relief and cuio for Ufa,
NKRVOP.S Diseuses (with or without
dreams), Iliscu-cd dj.(:liarges eurei) prompt
ly without hlmlranctitn business,
I10 IH KIC. ICS consult eontidentlallv. If
in trouble call or write. Delays are dangerous
Disease or the op i;ai', I'lccpitinu or
catarrn, internal or evternal, Deafness or
raralysia, Mnglngor Itoarim: Noisns. Thick
cued Druni, etc., permanently cured. LOST
.uA.Mmui'perieeny nvioreii.
CANChlf.s and TrMoiis permiilieiitlv re
moved without the knlfeor caustic.
Medirlmis comnoiiiided mid furnislied to all
patients, a( olllcc strictly pupi and vegela-
nic. uuaiiimeeoi ''i' cures in all
eases undertaken. Consultation free and
strictly coiilldt ntiai, All cori'e.pondencu
prouipny iinemieii io: meiiieuic sent bv ex
press to apy adaresii tree from exposure.
Call or address Private DIspeiisarv, Nos. 1!12,
i aim nt. roruauii. in-, i nrms strict v
casli. Ollleu hours, H a. m. to 8 i ji.
In the Circuit court oi' the Statu of Ore
gon, ior i n nn coiintv.
f irst .National Hunk of Union, rill,
f'harlesF. Ilinklev. Willis .Sklll'.l
I'M. lieinilliird, and 1. A Hoskowlt.,) 1Jun"
To Charles K. Hinkluy, Deft : In the
name of tho .Stato of Oregon. You are here
by required ') appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you in the above enti
tled court and in the above entitled action,
by the first day of the next regular term of
said court, after t lie complete publication
of this .summons for si. weeks, viz: bv the
'-Mth, day of May, SMi; or in cao you fail to
so appear and answer, Pill', will tiike Judge
ment against you for the sum of .f7fJ.73 and
interest thereon from Jan. 12. lHSo, and
iMI.'i.") attorney foe., and costs ami disburse
ments of t)ii.i suit, and a decree of the court
for the foreclosure and sale of the V!j of
N W'K Sec. 2il, and WofSWVj Sec 3). T.
ii, S. It, -10, KW.M, upon a mortgage given
by you on said Jan, i- lVi,". to secure the
payment of said debt to Dan. K. .Moore,
and also will take judgement against von
for the further sum of if.VSl.07 with intctest
thereon since. Marcli 10, lfW at 10 per coat,
per annum., and 400.00 attorney fees here
on, and also a decree of the court for
the foreclosure and sale of said real estate
herein above described, upon a niortgntro
ivcn by you on Hie Ultli, day of March,
INSo, to C, (i I.inington, Assignee, lo secure
the payment of the said last named debt,
and for the cost of this proceeding.
This summons is published bv order of
linn. M. L, Olmstead, Judge (if the said
court, niailo the 10th. dav of March, IHM.
' n, UAKl.V.
niur,20-w7. Attv. for I'lll".
Sheriff's Sale.
Whoreas. by virtue of an execution and
order of sale, ixsucd out of the Circuit court
of tbo State of Oregon, for the cnuntv of
Union, on the l.Mh. day of March, A. D.,
upon a decree and judgement therein ren
dered on the llltbduv of Ootoher, A. D. lSS'i,
in favor of l.eander I'Vrgitson, I'laintilf, and
against Thomas P. Rich, Sarah M, Hieh,
and I. II. Dawson, Defendants, for the sum
of eight hundred and seventy-ono and sev-cntv-llvo
one-bundredths dollars (4W"l."o),
and intercut thereon since Nov. 7th. li.S.V
at tho rate of 8 percent, per aiiuni., togeth
er vt lib costs and disbursements of the suit.
I will, by virtue of Mild decree and ordor of
sale, on the liUh. day of April, A. D. ISSd,
at i! o'clock r. i. of sail' day, at the court
house door in Union, in said county, soil at
public auction, all the right titlo and inter
est which the .said Defendant or either of
them have in or to the following described
promises, to wit : Ni. of SIS', ami tho Wv
fiW'U of See. t'J Tp. 3S U l K.W.M, togeth
er with all Nppurteuancoii thereunto belong
iw or in anywIsK appertaining.
Terms of sale, Culi to inc. in bund.
Dated at islierirTs oftico thin 10th, day of
March. A. D. JSjy.
A. I., SAlWDKltii,
niartiu-wA. Sberltr.
Notice of Ailli'utliiu to I'umltnsn
h'er Irfuul.
U. B. I.AXU Orrice, la Oka mm:, Ohiuiox,
Mr. W. lJWil.
Notice U hereby given thwi. in immpli
una' with the nrovinions of the Aol of Con-
rcs npproveil Juno .H, t7.S. entltlwl "An
Aot f .r the nule of Timber Limits In the
KlHtc of California, Orvsuii, Nevuda, nnd
Wiubingtoii lerntory,'
tlaiuim Kelley,
whoso uost-olllee addrceui l.s Cove. Union
county, Oregon, has this day ftlotl in this
otlloo hi ipplieation to purvluue the SW'W
of NWU Section .o. H, in Towiwhlp Na 3
Kiutn uiinge mi. -tu juut oi tiio w. meridi
an. All person! Holding nur udvwoooluuri
thereto are required to iirvuiit the same at
this ollico within Uty days from tho 11 rat
publication of tlibj uutteo.
Huxav KiNiniAiiT,
uiar.'.V-wlO, llegiiter.
Sheriffs Sale,
WJioruor. tic vlPtlH1 if nil c'vci'titloti (ilid
OiiltTi'l ."iilo. 'stii(! ui. nf lin CJriuit iwrirt
;f t tip itiitc of 'rerin. fur Jin cnuntv of
t'lilnp. mi tho '.inl. tlnv of l'Vlinniry. A. 1.
JK1, fn ftivn i.f T. H. ft. Uruuif mill ugaliift
.lolni XihMiic fur tho htint nf iliuc hundred
njc j f,,riv-iiim and iiiiii'ty.ft'voii unc-ln)ii.
vll J (l)'f(!li"idulf.(rfi (?;i,U7, mid the sum t
' ijent v-'",-vi'i) nnn iHTmy-Hcvcn oiip-iuiii-i
j d red t Aii dolors ($'-'7.!tf) costs and di.sburi.e-!
I nivxtD. 1 wij'l, on the Illli. day f April. A.
j 1). 1SMI, at thp court lioiir-c door in Uni,n. 1
' snid oouiity,' at the hour of 2 nyluc!; i m.
I of mid day, cl! tit iiulijjc iiuctipn, nil flu'
j ri?Iit. title i(jd iiitertxt j liich Utp nid f)e-1
r - r . - . . ii . ji
lvlliini I joji .Nouinu, mm on I ,c iini. ,:ny
. ... i , .... . , ... ", ". .',....v., ...
or to the follpwiiiK -de.stjihed reut jiroiotv,
to wit: H A and S Wu' of SK't fi 'fp.
1 H of II 10 KW.M, toKflTlfr with nil nniMir -
a i.1 t . . 1... .x.. .t .... i i .....
n j i i ji I , I ion, in iinr 'in1 ' 'iniivii in
teniiiice" thereunto bcjingiiiK pr in jiy.
Wi-e apperiaiiuiif;.
Tenniiof ,"ide. Cuh Ip nie in baud.
Dntotl at .SherirTs utTlca this Kith, dav pf
31 arch, 'A. I- tfWJ-
A. h, flAUXDKUS.
iiinr2Q.-wii. Hberifr',
In the Circuit court of tio State of Ore-.
eon. for Union eotintv.
John Jlalcaml J. II. Smith, pnrt-j
tiers, doing business under the lirniA Pf.
uanieuf Hale iV. Smith, )
Tiioinas I'. Hnird and R.KMcCo-1
mas and J. T. .McComas, partners, I n ..
doing business under the firm name j '
of K. H. A- J. T. MeConiHH, J
To II. S. McComnit and J. T. McConuis,
Defenilants :
In the name of tho Stato of Oregon.
You are herebv required to appear and an
swer the complaint tiled against you in ilie
above entitled action, and in the above en
titled court, on or before the first day of the
next reirular term of s.iid court viz: Mav
21th.. ifjsr,, that being the first day of the
next regular term of said court, after the
publication of this summons for six con
secutive weei;s. Audit you tail so to ap-
pear and answer, I'lfl's. will take judgement i
against you for the sum of $100. witli inter
est thereon since. March 1th., 183-t, at tjie
rate of 10 per cent, per annum., and .fl5.o0
attornev fes in this action, and for costs 1
and disbursement! of this action. 1
l lils Miimnon.s is nuousncd ny order cl
M. L. Oluifctcad. Judge of said court.
Dated Feb. 127th., !U.-:0.
niarl3-w7. Atty. for 1 'Ill's,
Petition for Liquor License,
To the Honorable County Court, Union
County, Oregon :
We the undersigned voters of North
l'owder precjnet, in. said county, would re
spectfully i,itition your Honorable body,
tn grant it libeiisc o D. Itevcridgc, to still
spirituous, malt, or vinous liquors in less
quantities than one gallon, at the town of
North Povvdur, mi said county and State,
and in duty htjuiid your netitionors will
ever pray :
J It Parker, l'Phaw, H Hughes. W II
llowman, A lljll, S White, J A White. N
H Blank. S Ilusby. Milo- Kiddle. D A Wig
gins. S II Turner, J I. Wtdlii e, Alfcrd fiood
en, Thus I'Jiz, J Shaw. A K Scott, CT Ir
win, V Ilusby, U W Punch, J I) Mcl'hee.
OAlhighen. T H ltlake, J K Carroll. W
Kiley. X A .'iardnor, Thimias Duner, J
Hen'slv, S'anford, Ji II Dram, .1 M
llozarth, P I. Smith, Thus Tanner, (i 10
H O (iorhani. John Ilcgen, .fumes Castle.
K K Foster, .las York. Hit Hutchinson,
L S KeNev, K A Ilutchiiison. I) F Kogur,
,f II ritz. lCdStout.J 1! Hardin, KC Hughes.
Henry Wasbinjrton. William Dixon, O D
Thomlius'on, ,J w Kimbrell, Win Jlooper,
'. Lolwlory, Kobt Shaw, John (iriiucs., P
Kieimwav. John Simonn, H ltStopheiisoti,
.1 Stout. II Wicks, Win Shaw Jr, SC Mann,
James Dalton. W F Haines.
NOTICIC-I will ajiply to the County
court of ITnion county, at its April session,
18-iG, for a retail lieeiiso as above described.
DAV 13 HI3Vi:iD(il3.
Notice of Application to
lier I.iiiiiI.
Purclmso Tim-
U, K. li.vxi) OrricK, La Ohaxiii:, Ounoox,
Feb. L'.', l.sStJ,
N'ntieu is hereby given that, in compliance
with the provisions of tho Act of Congress
unproved .nine .1, lh.rf, entitled "An Act for
tlie sale of Timber bandsin the States of
( altforuia, Oregon, ,ovada, and Washing
ton territory,"
Kilwln II, Onylorit,
whose post-olllcc address is Pipe. Valley,
Union county, Oregon, has this day died
in this ollico his application to purchase
tho Kl-il NKl-l Sec '.'7 and M-2 NF1-I See
Xo. 2.1, in Tow nship Xo. 7 ltango No. ir.
I3WM. All persons boliliiiL' anv adverse
claim thereto aro roqitired to presoht tho
same at this ufJiec within st.My days from
the llrat publication of this notice.
Hi:.itY Kixini.viiT,
marii-tinayS. Kegister,
Tho undorsiirneil liavinir lost two mams
as described below, will pay a suitable re
ward for their delivery or any information
Hint will lead to their recovery. The inures
were running on the High valley range tho
past fall. Following is tho description:
One sorrel mare I years old past, white
face and legs, near tl hands high, branded
witli letter D on left thigh.
I lllr llOflVV'SHt If rtl V nitll'i nlunttll liamlu
high, branded with 'a half circle ) en right
Information ina v bo left with Fred. No.
dine. Union, or sent by letter to either of
the undersigned at Aider. Oregon.
Hstray Notice.
Notice is liereby uiven. that the niider.
sinned lata taken tin the following described
uniuuds: One buy horse. Mj, hands high,
S venr-old. white strip in face, branded on
lett shoulder, V. No other nmrU or brands
One sorrel lioive. .Vvoar-old. 14 nml ,iiu.
half baiuU high, both hind foot white, strip
in face, branded on left honhter, P. No
other marks or brands visible. Notices
ihmUMl Feb. 8, IKKU. Appruiswl by S. D.
Uowles. J. 1' . nt $4V each, the tnth.'duy of
February, tt&l A. It. CONI.KYi
feb.27. Covo, Oregon.
Administrator's Notice.
In the County court of the State of Oregon,
for Union county.
In the matter of the caUt of U. H.
Fletcher, deceased.
Notice is hereby given, that W. V. Davis,
the ttdudnUtratur of the estate of O. H.
Fletcher, deceased, lias rendered and pre
cntel for settlement, and tiled in wild
court, Ids thud account of bis adiuinUtra
lion of suit! estate, and that Moudnv, the
14th. day of March. lSSu. at 10o'elockA. SI.
o tho court room of wild court, in Union,
Union county, Oregon, has been duly up
imiutod by the judge of said court, fur set
tlement of naid account, at which time and
place, any person interested in feld twtato
may aiipoar and tile exceptions in writinr,
to said aoooimt, and coat eet the -niuo.
Dated February 0th., ISnQ.
, , . W. V. DAVIS.
fcbi3-w4, AdminUtrutor,
'Iv'hciVi hF NT ST .Searchers o Records, Convey.
I Smith. Shall Whitee, John Hand.Jno Tj J J X I X. N 1 IkJ 1 , ailCCrp, Real LstatC 1111(1
(ioodfrev, William Oirard, Tom McGrow, J mr i 7imivn nnvrec
W WKllis, James Kunoniis, Oscar Jieobsoii. nvi.Mf'rri.i-iii.i- "MmI,, v 5t,,n jj2jVaj I LrSix 1 ."S,
John (iilmore. Mike Kititer. F W Younir. .L U JI,lMl A nits, .... n
Wo lopd, but never follow, and defy competition in all our ilopflitmonts,
Kn rputu from Eastern and Wostcni nnnufwctitrio,
1 Y 1
huj for Cash, and will soil the Choicest;
An iiiiiPiioitock or Drv Ooodk. Clothing.,
I t,ilifoniiii aiu Orefion llhmljots, Oroecrie, II;irdware, f'roekery Tohauco mid
('iiir!, .stationery, otion, etc., etc., eoii-tiintly on hiiiid.
IJ2PA fjorilhil ln)jtifiiui) t stendud to nil to call on me, e.vamliic oods, amj hmni inif1-.,
AdoSph Levy5 Union3 Or.
fc mii, it JL.
Guns, Eovolvers,
Call and ezainine my stock and prices at
From Union to the Cove,
J. S, Elliott, l'lioi'itmroit.
Leaves Union at 10:."0 A. M. and returns
at U:30 1'. M. every day except Sunday,
Faro from depot to Covo ....
Hound trip
Passengers will be taken from tlo
through to the Cove, via Union,
.., -Y, STHAXG 13,
CLASS. Charges reasonable.
1 2
s as
o a
'1 '
a a
5 .72
Farm For Sale.
Containing acre- of good land, situ
ated one quarter of a mile hat of Summer
villo. all under fence. There is aa ordinary
dwelling house on it, and a good bam ami
outbuildings. It ha- a good well, and i
additionally supplied with water by n stream
which Hows through it. About one-half of
the laud Is uiiderctiltlvatlou. ill -ell It for
$10.50 per acre.
which will include tho following farm Im
plements: One innvver, 1 rake, it breaking
plows, 1 harrow, 1 roller, 1 second hand
wagon and harne-s, one-lmif interest in one
hemler. 10.000 rail-. 11.000 shhntlos. 85 tons
of hay, and other things too numerous to
mention, a goon line win ie given. 11 is a
great bargain.
Fur further information call nt till oilioe.
Contracters Builders
Main Street, Union Oregci,
limns, and
Kiidgi., furnishtHl FUIJK OF
Bridge Building a Speciality.
All kinds of uiblnet work neatly oxecutod.
Kopairlug done on short notice.
tapKoiiohut tliobt vvorkmon tur plorod,
and atlafautlon guarantod.
Cull ami interview u.
I irrar
; mm
i , i i - r Tin.
lillf itili Lllia :
, n , .
1 3
0 3
(ient-, F11111M1I
rniaUhlMK Clood, Uoot-i mid Shm,
Mrcr, r - - r Uniuit, Orcyon,
Dealer in
nn j
Tho GJebratod
,a ns aiiAxrri:- niox
WAiu-, slvj:u
ir4 ':, &c,
nnd Amunition.
the old stand of the late John rurn,
Fruit niul Sh.'i(;o
For Fall Delivery,
A1TL13, PEAK, J'LU.M, IMiUN 13,
Shrubbery ;i!id Shtulc Trees
Of vvoll known varieties, suitable fo)' thi
tiliinate. Can aNo furnish foreign sorts at
one-third the price asked by Kastern can
vassers. I desire to sen tree's at prices thai
people can afford to buv,
' I. .1, KOUSK.
oelO-tf C'o c, Oregon,
Keturiis liromntlv made on all collections.
; Having an abstract of the records in our
! olllcc, ab-tracls of title prepared with (lis.
patch. Charges moderate.
I Of Social and llusincRs Forms,
! '-Revised Edition For 1885.
! A conipleie manual of social, buslnc
and political information, clear, brief and
incleive. The business man, the profession
1 al man, tin1 mechanic, the laborer, will timl
J it iudespeusable, It is a complete bonk of
references, giving the laws of evorv State,
'relative to notes, drifts and the collection
i of interest, the legal rates in each StaN,
I time in which action can be taken to recover
! a debt, how to open accounts, how to collect
a debt without employing a lawyer. Forms
of book-keeping, -elf-instructor for tin
I merchant, farmer, mechanic and treasurer.
And all kinds of lo'isos for houses, real es-
.... !.... ..9 ,.... l..f .1
itm, i-ii, iiiui'i ui .mm iil- iiuiii iii.illiill
1 ,.,..,, -,11,,,. i,,,.t.,n.,,i., t 'i.,. i...... ,.r .1..
ipUUIMn J II iriiiv ii ,, i.i .-i ii. , ,i III!"
Peace. Forty thousand questions arranged
in tabulated form, giving Hie value of evorv
coin in the world, United States land men-'-lire,
table of weights and moa-tiros. Popula
tion of the different countries of the world,
the year eaeh state vva- admitted' into tin
Union, and who they were llr-t settled bv,
the names of the President- and till the olll
cers of each administration. Forms of eon
stitutioiis for every kind of meeting and so.
doty, from a debating society to a legisla
tive assembly. The work is printed on hea
vy paper, in large tvpe, and i bound in a
superior manner. Published by A. b. Kan.
croft, San FraneUco.
JCiTDuriug the year I will make a thor.
ough canvas- of this section, and anvoiin
wishing the book, will plea-o wait till Tcall,
or address nie bv letter.
Agent for Union county.
Depot HoteL
A.O.C11.UH, - - - Pnoi'iuKTOK,
(Union, Depot, Oregon.)
Spondid accomodations for etnnmoi -ciul
Tables ahvayn etipidied with tbo
best the' market affords.
Tty-IIoT AMI Coi.K Ml.NKKiL llATll.-SlH
Corner Main and B Streets, Union, Oregon,
MtintMAN & lt.U.i:v. I'iiijis.
MailUfactUrors till I dealer In u'nlni'.
Sarsaiarllla, (inner Ale, Cnv n Soda and
1 nanii'aigne elder, fvrup, oti.
taOrdei-s pronnnly tilled.
5IKN. young, inlille-ag 'd and old, slngloor
nuirrled, and all who suffer with
Nervous Debility, spennatorrhiee, Senihull
Uses, SeMial Docav, Failing Memory, 'oak
eye., stunted dt vclopmeiis, lack of ou&gy,
tmimverlshiil blood, plmiles, impediment
tonmrrlHge; aUo blood ami skin (llsaa-ei!,
syphilis, , riiptlons, lialr fulling, lnmo paina,
swellings, sure throat, ulcers, effects of iner
eury, kidney and bladder trouhlos, vvoak
buek, burning urine, Incontinence, gouorr
liua.gleet, stricture, receive hinirohlng treat
ment, prompt relief, and cure for life.
Kotii Sexks consult confidentially. If In
trouble call or write. Delavi, ared.ingorous.
Cau.ato.nck. i'lvearn experience. Term
cash. Otlleo hours 8 a. m. to S v. M.
132, Wl Third St, Portland, Oregon.