The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, February 27, 1886, Image 5

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Till: WUHKLY 0R1:('0N SCOUT.
jlie KCTl'T lms li Mni'li l.nrjrer Clrrtt
l.itinn Hum niiv I'.ii er I" tllls Nirt'ini
.f tlif stun-, nin! Is, tlii'ipforf i!ii-ItKS'l'
,vm kutisixo mki.ii si.
I'IiIk Ik n True Statement, nn-l xro
tlinll lift nil. iv II to If ntifliimfil 1 y nny
itlifr .n it. Aii.rtlseis will l f II
tn inn lie- n nnlc of till".
Uriel' Bulletins.
Travel has commenced to the minor:.
Tliu baee-ball fever is beginning to
Attcml the Literary Hoeie.ty next
Head tlio estray notice, in another
Splendid weather and t ho made al
most dusty.
Job work of all kinds neatly o.xoe u
ted at. this office.
Ton pounds of blue vitrol for $ 1. at
Wright's drug store.
Who is going to put on a stage lino
from here to Cornucopia?
Chas. Van 1 louden has heen appoin
ed mining recorder for Grande Hondo
On March the Hid the Bopublicnn
State Central Committee will meet at
Work has commenced on the road.
Oct in and shovel, or go down after
your shekles.
A eomniunioation reeeiveil from
Beulah, Baker county, received too
lato. for insertion.
Circuit court will adjourn to-day.
A mnnhor of eases have heen laid ovoi;
till the next term.
Wo are under many obligations to
Mr. Bragg, the etlieient post-master of
Pine valley for favor?.
TIank Vaughn lias announced him
self as a candidate for the oflieo of sher
iff of Umatilla county.
Chinamen say this is the "),2S0ih
new year celebrated by their race ac
cording to their bible.
Mrs. Harris who has been on a vi.-i t
to friends and relatives at Portland,
returned Wednesday.
The protracted, religious meetings
which has been going on in this city
for several weeks, still continue.
maukiki). At the depot hotel, Feb.
2flrd, Mr. John Mallear and Miss Liz
sue Brown, Judge Craig ollieiatiug.
Ncaily every politician in linker
county is announcing himself, through
the papers, as a candidate for tome
Thinks to you for promising your
early attention to that account. Hope
you will call as soon as possible Cove
drug store.
Several miners who have been stop
ping at the depot hotel, took their de
parture for the Pino ereek mines, a
few days ago.
People who only 'advert in once in
three months forget that most folks
cannot remember anything longer
than seven days.
Nearly every precinct in the coun
ty has a" number of candidates for the
coming election. .Some of them will,
probably, get left.
Aspirants ' to oflieo should bring
themselves before tho people by an
announcement in the Scoot. Don't
be backward about it.
Jerry Despain, a well known and
wealthy stockman of Umatilla coun
ty, became insane a few days ago, and
has been taken in charge.
Parties wishing Drown Leghorn
chicken eggs, bred to the standard,
can have them for $1. per do?. . this
season, of S. V. McFarren, Union, Or.
It is reported that parties are on
their way to Oregon from Kansas to
purchase heavy-draft horses and fifty
marcs that will weigh MOO lbs:, each.
Mox. Sommer, MirS llovn Sommer,
Mr. and M is. Hopper, and daughter,
Rosa, of La Grande, have .been visit
ing friendfl in this city, during the
past week.
Mr. A. L. Noltner, ton, of "Tony"
Jfol titer, tditorof tho Weekly World,
has been in tho city during the
week," working in the interests of that
excellent paper.
M. U. Wisdom has announced him
self in tho Sago llniish, as a candidate
for tho oflieo of county clerk, of Ma
ker county. L. U. Ibiker aho announ
ces himself as a candidate for the of
fice of county school superintendent.
Wednesday lust, Messrs. Smith,
Johnston and Mc Daniels took their
departure to investigate tho conditimi
of the WalloWa canyon load, with a.
veiw of commencing work on the
same as toon as pcttihlc.
Tho danco given last Monday eve
ning, in this city, by the firoinch, was
h most enjoyable afi'air, and largely
attended. An excilknt supper was
nerved' a.t Mrs. Kdgar'u restaurant.
Eomo sixty odd number were sold,
besides, tile boys were the rooipieuU
of various donations Irom prtiei who
could not attend.
Tho Weiscr Leader, sa that Tho.-.
II. Peiiroe,' While hiiii".:r.' hordes mi
tho SOth ult., found t he jaw-liine ami
teeth of some m.unoth animal at the
foot of Hquuw Click -Hult", in Ada
county. Tho jaw wna over 11 feet in
length and contained niol.r teeth i:
length along tho bono ulnut one fnot
uud-a-hidf; front teeth gono ami l no
badly decayed. This jtlic probably
belonged to tome pro hihtor.c agitator,
1.0 Srnli Skitlu.-r Cnrnitnl.
Un. Kcivt: -The ssnting carnival m l.n
Crnnde n Sntiirdny criiiing was. not a"
largely attended, the one recently he'd
in I'ldou, IimI lukvii altogether it wn a
vorv nlpn.Mil nfiair. Owing to tlu fuetff
thtrc hot bfdug ninny priro. oll'eird, there I
was vt't-v little competition. Only two !
prize wore oll'enil --otic fiir the host lady
skater, nnil ono for tin- best eotumo.
Mrs. Montgomery took the llrt pri a
nice dressing rnse, and Miss Inirn Steven
took (lie second an album. AmongMiino
of the best nml niot noticeable cot utiles
were those of Mi. Stewart and Mr.
i Peiree. both reprrscntinp Night." Mi?
I .SteveiiH was dreed as a (lower girl. Mis
Urowor was dnisseil in national color, and
' wore a crown labeled 'Anieric i." Many
' of the gentlemen hail very elegant suit,
j 1M. llorton was ilrcst'd rs a eirctw actor,
iiid there wn cvcral eluwn. but (icorge
Dovior was the chiuf of all. making fun for
both old and young. We found the I!. It.
hoys a whole funded set, who do every
thing in their power to make all feel as
much at home as possible. The writer
desires to extend Ids thanks to Messrs
Delingur Pro's, for favors showi liim while
in tho town. -
O. O. J.
At tho resilience of Frank Honso-. In
Union. Feb. 1M,18, Mr. C. I.. Katon anil
Miss lora C'ooley. Uev. II. V. IJiee, olli
eiatfng. A large number of friends and relatives
of the bride and groom were present, and
the following tokens of allcetion and friend
ship, were presented:
(tilded china dinner set, 1!. J. lingers,.
La (irande; silver castor. Dr. ('romwell
and .las. Fakir, Union; large lamp, Marion
Davis and Xevada Swackbanier, Union:
glass card receiver, Louie Corbett. La
! (Irande; china taa set, 1 nieces, Miss Aiie
! Cooley, Union: lavender satin embroidered
! toilet set and worsted tidy, Mrs. p. .). Hog.
1 ers, La (irartle; silver butter Knife. Mis
J M'iggie Walker. Union; set table linen,
1 John Williamson. La (irande; glass cake
sta id, Mrs. W. T. Carroll. Union; decora
' ted tea set, -H piece. Minerva, Rate and
' Ida Katon, Union; lamp mat, Mrs. W. F.
I Davis, Union; set desert dishes, Oranmna
Williamson, LaOrandu; blue glass tea set,
' I pieces. Miss Novvda Swaekhamer, Union;
I decorated china toilet set. Miss Allie Miller,
I Union; chats tidy. Mis Htta Seorust, Ohio;
silver butter knifeand hand made boquels,
I Mr. and Mrs. Woodard. Union; glass berry
ilish, Ceorgic Uakin. Union; pair majolica
i plates, Mrs. S erest. Ohio ; glass cake bas
1 ket. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. liensoii. Union.
Another Victim. j
Toin. Laughlin, "the leading merchant
os Suiumerville,". for sometime past, and
who. it will be remembered, Inula man ar- t
re ited in diss city last week, for being in
possession i fa hundred dollar hill, alleging ,
that he had "lost one." surreptuo.sly gath
ered up ids grip sack, last Saturday, and j
lit out for pastures' new. When last beard
from be was in Helena, Montana. Laugh
lin has had much belli, and every opportu- '
nitv nllcred him to be a useful and honora- I
b!e citizen, bill Ids penchant for whiskey j
and nttiliation with disri put ib!e characters, j
has been bis ruin, as it will be of any man
who allows his apctite for such, to master
him. . !
Thtlt I' htnl lloiKc.
Matt Johnston was "in town again this
week, looking after that mail contract.
After considerable correspondence he has
found out that his bid did not reach, tho de
partment in time, having been delayed
about ten days on the road, (,'ircunistan
ee would setui to show pretty conclusive
ly that the fault lies with the Portland
j post-master, as the letter containing the
Iiid was not sent till the'JTth., and Fleishner
Myer .V Co., of l'oi tland. write that they
have positive proof that the letter was
registered on the I7th. An investigation
will be made. In the meantime, we learn
from a letter to Johnston from the Post
master General, an advertisement for bids
will lie published, and the route relet.
Cure for Pile.
Piles are frequently preceded by a .Ciise
of weight in the back, loins and lower part
of the abdomen, causing the patient to sup
pose lie 1ms some affe tion of the kidneys or
neighboring organs. At times, symptoms of
Indigestion are present, flatulency, uncasy
ncss of the stomach, etc. A Moisture Ilk'
perspiration, producing a very disagreeable
itching after getting warnii 1 a coinni'in
attendant, lllind, Jtteedlng. and Itching
Piles yield at ouee to the application of Dr.
Ilosaiiko,s,Plle Itemedy, which acts directly
upon the parts effected, absorbing the
Tumors, allaying the Intense itching, and
fffeetln;- a permanent cure. Price, M cents.
Address, The Dr. Dosaiiko Medicine tym
pany, Pitua, O. Sold by .1. T. Wright,
Union, Oregon.
Ncitiiu AertNlciit.
Mrs II. Johnson, of Powder river, met
witli a very severe accident while coinill,' to
Union, on Monday. The horses attached
to tho earria;e, were very skltish, and be
coming frightened at so'tietelilg. started to
run away, hut before thov could bo chirked,
Mrs. Johiisun jumped .from the carriage,
dislocating her ankle and breaking line of
the htnaller lames. She was brought Into
town, and under the care of pbysieiuns, la
getting tdong very well.
KCjioite to IlV.tllb.
Health is iVoaltb, Wealth numbs Ititloiu li-deiic-.
The Keynote Is I)r, IIusaiiko'H Coilgh
mid Lung Syrup, the bent Coilitli Svrup In
the world, t uru Oough. Coldu, Pains In
tho i hTM.ll oiiehltiMind Primary otlsiililp
tion, One dose giVe relief In every o;iu,
Take no other. rr'e.oW) cents ami l. samples
iree. Sold by.b T Wright, Union, Oregon.
Kenil Thl.
C. Vine, ti: ban jut reeeUed a
lot of b.ot. who. -i. etc.. which lb
will ndl
at a great ff-buii ui on f.. ioer p:..'es. lie
nieuil whit he vs T" him.
All oscli.iiijp- : ay. a w.imuil i"ay he
nil illlistl, btit if 'li l:ionV n.vt t'letxik
i heefttwik an I I -oil a J otato, h -r l.u,
haild WonlJ not twop Jul' forth- lust
mi :i eV r
SLUKPldiTs N'U.UT made ml'rab!o
I y thut terrible ctni.i H.ib b Utua is tho
remedy fur you Foulel, It, C. irei,
Ilaj vvard Hand tmiiu'W ro the bcst
Tlie tit I tun Hnl'.ilcrr.
KridjK'Wtc. Veh.Cn. IMk
ill. Hem t: Mr. J5nion reached thr
Ully White mine Inst Wedactlny. with
the htm for the bridp". and n supply of tiro
vision. "With some .litlleitltv wo rt e-
erythlng down to tlc lrijr" ite. and Mon
day saw in fullv eetablishe I in good work
ing order, tin Tuesday, Mr. Tom Priue
par. one of our be.t axiiun. met with a very
painful and -.evcre accident, while at work
on one of the ".Vfont stringers. Ill axe
glnnecd on a knot and struck hi foot," rat
ting through the overshoe, boot and sock,
tanking a gah in his left foot fully an inch
ami a half lonir. i.Mnost euttiipg the leader
of his big and next toe. The medicine
elicit, a happy foresight, that was brought
along for ju-t such emergencies, wimiulek
ly brought into use. and his foot done up
with the bo.Nt skill at hand. This is a very
unfortunate ascident; not only to Mr.
Urinegar. for it will he some time before lie
can use that foot, and wi 1 delay the eon
struction of the bridge to the amount of ids
Jack Vincent has been busy with his
team the past the days in skidding the
timber down to the bridge site. Fnouah
eut timber for one of til nbir.tnr'iits and
the two large T.Vfoot stringers arj on the
bank of the creek. The framing litis a'rea
dy commenced and when this reaches your
renders' one of tl.e abiittments will In
completed and tin other under good head
way. Mr. Wilson has been quite sick, a heavy
cold on his lungs, r.buost eompelliiuhini to
return to town. At present he is improve
ing and we hope he will continue, for
Phil handles the broad axe and we cant
spare him.
Mr. Vincent returned to town to-day, for
neeesnrv substantial needed, in the
shape of beans and bacon, abo to learn if
the country is safe" yet, and bring tho
news from the outside world.
The weather is line, though yet too cold
to melt the snow, the health of the Camp
is good, with the above exception, the
work is progressing most satisfatorily, and
all seem disposed to put, in their 'best.tieks"
for thoeon.pletionof the Kaglc creek bridge.
It. S.
Pronchitis immediately relieved by Shlloh's
Cure. For sale by H. ('. (ircig. Union.
Circuit Court rnircinlin;s,
James York vs T. 11. II . (iroon.
Dismissed at plaintilV's cost.
K. C. Hughes vs Mollje L. Hughes.
0. F. Hell appointed referee to take
M. I).
II alley.
Cl-flbrd, attofiiey. vs H. S.
Judgment on bail bond
First National Hank of Union vn A.
C. Craig el al. Dismissed at plaiutilf'M
Pratt IJro's vs Frank HroV. Judge
ment for plaint ill', $;"() and costs,
W. 11. McComas vs J. M. Fordico
et al. Judeginent for defendant,
Dan Marx vs Char, (ioodnough ot al.
Continued for the term,
Clara 15. Dean vs W. J. Dean.
Decree of divorce.
Peter Mercier admitted to citizen
ship. J. L. AlbeiFon vs John Green ct al.
Dismissed at plaintiffs cost.
A. X. Hamilton vh L. J. Martin.
Continued for the term.
J. J. McDonald vs W. 15. Hamilton.
Continued for the term.
F. A. Foster vs John Trcdmore.
Willis Skid' appointed referee to take
Maty A. Httrrell vh C. II. llurrell.
Decree of divorce.
M. Andres vs J. A. Childcrs. Ver
dict for defendant.
State of Oregon vh Ocorgo Norton,
charged With assault with intent to
kill. Verdict: Not guilty.
II. W. Oliver vh Gcorgo Miller.
Judgment for plaintill', frM 1.(50.
Annie Lawton vh James II. LaWlon.
(1. C. Itrciil appointed referee.
Griggs it Vallanee vs P. II. Murrnv.
Verdict for plaintiff for $1,5)00.
Grand jury -reported not a true bill
against Henry Dray. J. P., of La
James Wilson Vs C. L. TJlakslee,
et al. Judement against P. M. Col
lin and C. 13. Hobins for ff:5,307.02.
S. L, McICenzie admitted to citizen
ship. M. A. Mitchell Vs W. II. Campbell.
Case on tiial.
To tho Hon. Circuit Court of the
Siato of Oregon for Union county.
We, 1 1 io Grand Jury in and for
Union county, Oregon, duly ompaii
neled on tho loth day of February,
A. D. 1SS(5, respectfully rtibmit the
following report:
We have been in toffion, in all, nine
day! ami have foitpd atld returned
into court, thieo truu bills of indict
nienl) and three not true bills.
Wo have exainiited thoolIiccH and
books of tho County Clerk, Treasurer
and Sbeiiir, Und iilWI the samo neatly
Wo rccomiuenil that tha County
Court atlthoiizu the Klipervisor to
Work the Pylo canyon road and take
all necessary steps to lnako the came
a good toad, as tie! mine is nliiiott
impatsahlj at present.
We detlrc to return thanks to
Morton 1). Cliirbrd, District Attorney,
for Ids atti ntioii and iisrislaltee in the
htniilcfcs that has bi'en la-fore Us.
Wo return our tlmhk to tho lion.
M. L. OlinsU'utl for the kitidiiem with
Which his honor has treated us.
Having Completed our labols, we
beg leuVv tU he dKohafKcd. f
D.tled nt Union, Oreaon, tliLj the
31 h.V of Ibitirtr7 I1'
Jolf KllJot, Foreman. t
W.m. Shaw Jr., Wst. Coxstaiilm,
i'. Nkumin, . J. W. Mwnick,
. Afctntv, T. U. Iiuvim, Clerk.
Tit AT 11 Ai'MNtj C(J(, II rim lie so
ipii-'klv cured I.' Sbiloh'i ( urc. Wo gua -il
licit. Fof s.d l Jl; ('. UKig, Union.
Lacld Canyon Locals.
Souk ensce of rickni". rky. cold bii ;.?.
Mr. Green 1-anks is one of the ninny
Gran 1c Honda s who intcml to Mart foi
tho mines, this spring.
Mr F. Dunisnn, the music teacher,
will a-scinble his pupils in the school
hotiM . every evening for a week or so,
and the canyon will have some more
plea ,int music.
Tint eighty-acro lot. lying west of the
Wliiic farm, recently bought by Char
ley McClure for $2,-10l), is now a por
tion f that farm, and Chniley rejoices
thenat. It isa tree claim.
Tim school exhibition was well at
tended. The acting and speaking of
ten brought down the house, and
proved the careful attention paid to
juvenile manners, during tho last term.
"What a fool tho Ladd canyon frog
is," said one of our school boys, "lie
keeps bis mouth shut till the school
boys are loose and stones aro plenty,
ami then he just opens his mouth and
makes an ass of himself."
The fashion edict, "llangs must be
in the finest possible curls of crepe
wavis," has been proclaimed here, and
tho "waves" are rolling delightfully
over the souls of sonic of the boys,
and this is about as it should be, and
sofortb;but concerning bangs, there
is a certain eraziness against which it
may be well to warn young men in
time. Not many years ago in the
State of Arkansas, a line looking young
mini sit od on tho scatl'old, ready and
willing to expiate, Joy boomed in his
eyes, but the spectacle of such a nice
young man standing on Mich a terri
bly ragged edge of eternity, brought
sobs from tho spectators, and when
the shcriir, a noble "Arkansaw" gentle
man, lull of sympathy, said, "Have
ycr ennything to say afore I lire ye in
to eternity?" Wails went forth up
on the welkin. Tho culprit arose1, and
with a voice to which the great throbs
of joy that stirred his waist-coat gave a
charming cadence, ho replied: "I
wish to say a few'words upon the sub
ject of bangs. There was a' time when
I disliked them when I agreed that,
while bangs could not make a sweet
girl look any sweeter, they niado sour
girls look sweeter than they really
were, and that they were therefore
snares and delusions, lint I have
changed my mind. I lntvo learned to
beam loudly on bangs. Oh, they are
associated with the sweetest memory
of my existence, They cluster beau
tifully about the glorious recollection
of the vengenee I wreaked on the
man that jumped my claim. I gave
him throe bangs t wo through the back
of bis old waistcoat ' and one through
the basement of his rivetted overalls.
Oh, glory! Oh, hurry up. you uncul
tivatcd "Arkansaw" county olliecr,
and 1 t mo hear the bang of the trap
door, before I start across Jordan!"
There is silch a thing as being too
awfully fond of something, and it is
Tin: ciiixusk must oo.
The juggernaut is stopping now;
Industry needn't raise a row;
We're boycotting the Mongol, now,
'Tis a smart trick, by Jot
It spared the bright red, white and blue,
Dishonor, which it never knew-,
While hunger 'ells the tawny crew,
"The Chinese must go."
Self-preservation, swift of foot.
When urged by dntlger's lifted boot,
Is causing tawny feet to "scoot"
Tho graVol, hard to toe,
The Mongol man is moving slow
Where boycott lifts his cold, wiii'o brow;
War on li'is belly rages now
Th'e must go 1
Hurrah for boycott ! bo's the chief
That's coming to the coast's relief,
And though lie seems botlidumhauddeaf,
He's not a warrior slow.
He's got them luovin-.-to the shore
Where rises old Paeille's roar; .
So open Uncle Sam's back door.
The Chinese must go I
PnTiut Tin: Pout.
Cove Cullinjfs.
Fob. 25, 1SS0.
HqUiro S. 1). Cowles has boon qliito
sick, butiH rlowly gaining.
"Out in ths street" is to bo played
at tho hall to'iiight, by tho Cove iuW
L. 15. Forrester and S. G. Hoes Went
to the Sparta Mines during tho Week.
They have mining interests there.
O, P. Jaycox is leveling and grading
the Ktrcot'in front of his residence.
It greatly improves the uppcar.inCo of
this avenue.
Farmers are busy plowing in all
directions, Tho u'eathel' is uuiisnlly
favorable, iuhtiring a lat'go acreage
being town.
G. L, Keelcr has bought tho Ken
ned V place near toWn. Messrs Keelcr
t Kennedy aro preparing for a rjeasons
btt;ii'o i 11110 Valley.
Thus. Guillim Htnl family, who have
beeit with Frank Mitchell in tho Covo,
for the past two vears, ai'e preparing
to move to tho W'allowii Valley, Whore
Mr. Guillim will take the henelit of
his limited privileges.
The hsst of fiit'itds mtst part.A.
It is against my inclinations tn go,
hut ditty calls me.--H. Can yoil tdl
too whure in Ihe w'oild she Is going?
1 saw heir trunk destined fof tho Union
depot.-"!). Hxperleuce is n dour
lestou. Catch me in another drama
Will yoll, H. Tho general opinion
beieaboilts, that the profent iticuni
Ifilt ghoul 1 ho re-elected to the olllce
of ohool clerk of District N. i, next
Monday. My frienls will ho pleiued
to kjuiw that my health is ilnprovina.
-lf. M, I want yoil to stop making
youijsolf to conspicuous with my gin
on 11)0 rjlroot. H. I tun thfliking ot
propotlng toon. Shu is so iiii:o.'-I,
('AlAUKH l!JtKI),(benltbnnd stYeet
.breath seeurod. Uvb'til 1i'f Catarrh Jteiuc
tdy. Price 6o cenU. liijeelor I'tuvi lertln.
A mooting of the eonvnifMMjcrs
heretofore elected to fuper'ntond the
building of the county mid f: nn
Union to tho intersection of th t por
tion of the road to be built by the
State, was held in thiK city lat Satur
day. Tho commissioners were all
present. On motion, W. T. Carroll
was tleeted permanent chairman of
tho board. On motion, the. bid of
Willis Skill' to perform tho clerical
work necessary in the performance of
this commission live dollars, was
accepted. It was moved and carried
that two dollars per day be allowed
for all workmen on the road, tho
workmen to furnish, and board them
selves, and ono dollar per day bo
allowed for each team, including the
noco'sary tools. Adjourned to meet
Mondav, 22nd.
Monday, Feb. 22. A full board
piesont. Proposition of Whi. Hfner
to take charge, and .ti crintend the
construction of the road, at the rah'
of two dollars per day, accepted.
ICaeh party reserving the right to
annul tin- contract at any time.
Moved and carried that tho work be
commenced on Thursday, tho2fth day
of Feb. 188(5, and tho work pushed as
rapidly as possible. The clerk was
instructed to notify the subscribers
that the commissioners are now ready
to receive the subscriptions, and for
all those desiring to put in work, to
repott to Mr. Hfner, the superintond
dant. Adjourned, subject to the call
of the president.
A capitalist of Portland proposes to
contribute ifl.OlK) toward a sum to he
raised to charter a ship, and send a
load of Mongolians to China, provid
ing the departing Chinese shall not de
mand return certificates. 0:her gen
tlemen will contribute a like amount.
This is a more reasonable and in tin
otly better method of getting rid of
the Chinese than planting their mur
dered carcasses in our soil.
A l'.ellaMe Artlcln.
For enterprise, push and a' desire to get
such goods as willglvethetradesatlsfaetloii,
.1. T. Wright, the druggist, leads all compe
tition, lie i-eils Dr. llosanko's Cough and
Lung Syrup, because lis the best me Heine
on the market for coughs, col Is, croup and
primary consumption. Price fit) cents ami
rj-1.10. 'Samples free.
WHY WILL YOU cough "when Shiloh's
.Cure will give immediate relief. I'rie.i 10c.
fiOo and $1. For Sale by It. C. (ircig. Union.
school i:i:im)kt.
Following is the report of the Shanghai
school, district No. 1, Cove, Oregon, com
mencing Nov. lSSTi, au.l muling January
LMtll., lUili!
i 'I f 1 b
1 2 -t $ S -2
K c ; 2
!l) IM !M !M (it) SO
1H 1U in 1IKI (HI
SI) 70 1011 10,1 Ml
H 1)1 II) 101) (Vi
fC 7.") HI) 7o f)0
100 !).) !)) KM 70 HO
1)7 SO ill I)) 70' W
10.) II) 11,1 100 70 HO
10 1 in 100 JO ) IM 80
117 7-' 70 'M 7."i
,nVANoi:n a,
C ilumbiis Fisher
Win. O. Ilaggarty
Chas. Kaggarty
Kd Mitchell
Fred Makin
Ida Allen
Annie Makin
Lou, Ult.
Mav Williams
Maud Mitchell
n. ci.assks,
Jennie Allen
Nannie Allen
Mary Harton
Amy Dougherty
Ilelien Dougherty
Laura Haggcrty
Mollie .Makin
John Allen
Wayne I'ishnr
Frank llaggorty
Chas, Connor
John .lai'vis
.las. Llovd
David Llovd
Whole number of pupils enrolled, IIS; av
erage daily at tendance, !(J nvcrago per.
cent of attendance, tn.
ITl'II.S I'ltHSI'.ffT livihiv daV,
Ida Allen Jennie Allen Nannie Allen
Chas. Cmnor Almle Makin Mollie Makbl
Fred Mikln I5d Mitchell .Maiel .Mitchell
(', Haggcrty F. llaggerty A. Dougherty
The names of those whose grade fell lie
low (0, is Hot published.
It. T, WonsTiu.i.. Teacher,
Prairie Creek I'elletHi
Fob. 17, 1880. .
Weather rpring-llke. Uoads fpring
liko in tonio places, and rivcrdike in
A few rodents liaVo already made
tholr aiipearance, and all tho snudl
boys aro longing for tho 1st of March.
Tho little two year old child of Mr.
Geo. Ferguson, lias been Very ill, but
is rapidly recovering his ilsllal health.
Last wok the Wife of IC. W. lloupe
presented him With a bouncing boy.
Mother and child doing well, but I",
W. has tho "big head," li contngcous
and disagreeable malady.
Mrs, llcnderfon has been Very ill,
and had several doctors in attendance.
A consultation Was held, and an tho
patient herself preferred Dr. Cobb, ho
alone was retained, and tho patient is
now in a fair way to recovery,
Wo aro pleased to ilotico 111 our
midst again, Mr. Kd. Iltimhle, Who has
just returned from tho Willamette
University. If ho has Improved as
much mentally M physically, tho re
silltof his sojourn must ho Haltering.
The nccktio and apron patty at Mr.
.1, M. Mitchell's, on the evening of the
tilth.', Was well attendc,d, and pro
nounced by many to ho the most en
joyable of the winter gaotles. An oys
ter suppor prepared with Mrs, Mitch
ell's ustlal skill id Mich matters, sirved
at 12 o'clock, Was pronouiliitul by all
to ho perfect. Near morning the
gtlosts Were KunoWluit startled by if
lire which broke out in the roof, owing
tn a defective Hue. All seemed to re
tain ndntirublo prtweneii of min i, how
ever, and under skillful management
tlio llanios soon ONtillguhhcd,
and as is usual in Midi care, where no
loss occurs, tho incident was the Mib
jocl of many lildicroilrjlnles aii.l much
merriment. iwas runt one vouim
man. gnisiiiiii his het gill's apron,
lied frantically totluf foot of (he stairs.
Whoro, pale mid breathless, lie clutched
at each pasuer-hy, With tho Inquiry,
"is that your
H. IS, Pcil'l'Mit,
I2ai?lo Valley.
Nkw IJitiiHiK, I'eb. 2."), 18SG.
Several of Fagle's tolid nu n are in
L'nion attending court.
The weather is as mild as May, and
tho grass on the foot hill as good us it
usually if. the thrd of April.
Farmers in very busy
grubbing sago brush, fencing and
otherwise preparing for fpring work.
We chronicle two births this week
to the wife of Fred .Simonis, a son
to the wife of W. D. Nash, a daughter.
Church service was announced
tho 10th of this mouth, but
holv man failed to connect, as
mauv before him. We always
disappointment instead of religion.
We have a gentleman here so near
a nobleman, thai he orders his hired
men around as Queen Vietoii.t Would
her servants, and will not allow l is
neighbors to puss tluough his Held
on foot., coal, coal is all the cry in this
section of the country, ami doubtless
some gooil coal veins have heen dis
covered. Ono vein is said to bo twen
ty feet thick. It is located near Pow
der uivor in tho Fouthcrn part of this
Ijosline Locals.
Lafe. Hummock is making soino
neat improvements.
The whooping cough is spreading
rapidly all over the country.
Kd. Ilawley will leave, soon, for
Colorado, with a band of horses.
Lostino is nearly defunct. Lower
valley is taking tho load at present.
Wo are now having the finest
weather over known at this tune of
Frank Sturgill, of Lower valley, has
been spending several days in our
Pleas. McAllister will soon take his
departure for Montana. Success go
with him.
Mr. L. P. Courtney, of Grande
liondc, is moving his band of sheep
to the Wallowa, for grass.
The members of the Lostino Cornet
Hand have sold their instruments to
the Alder boys for !7 apiece.
Sam. Willet has bought a half in
terest in Matt Johnstons store m
Lower vallcv, anil will take charge of
that place.
The grand ball given at Matt John
ston's hall, in Lower valley, on the
evening of St. Valentine's day, was u
pleasant atlair. b itty-cight tickets
were sold.
W. 15.
High Valley Hash.
Feb. 2:i, JSSO.
Farming has, begun in earnest.
J. h'obinette has sold his ranche to
Win. Alexander.
A dance at Win. Wilkinson's on tho
22nd. ' All had 'a good time.
Alox LalJull' started to Pino valley
on tho 22nd,' with 11 load of freight.
Mr. Andrew Biggs and I wife, of
North Powder, was hero visiting
friends lat Sunday.
We have been informed, from a ru
liable hource, that Win. Constable, of
lied Uock precinct, has his eye on the
slioriirs ollice, and will boa candidate.
J. W. Minnick dug a well, last No.
veinbor, forty-live feet deep, and got
no water, but walled it up, and now
it has thirty-nino feet of good clear
water in it.
After repeated invitations, we wont
to visit Mr. Al. Minnick, whose wifo
is spending the winter in Iowa. Al.
prepared supper, and we sat down,
lie smolo a graveyard smilo, and
passed tho bread. Yo god's I Gum
boot huels would have been soft in
comparison with it. Wo mentioned
something about government hard
tack and solo leather. With croco
dile toars in his eyes, he said he
longed for domestic blUs onco more,
but as ho had joined tho Grand Army
of tho Itepubhc ho Would try to bo
Cornucopia CroppiiitfH.
Feb. 22nd, 188G.
Spring weather.
Tlio snoW has settled down to uboltt
four foot.
Several new coinern have arrived
in'canlp Within the last few days.
Considerable building going till,
Logs aro thu main material now, hut
Mr, (laylord intends to start his saw
mill miming, neM week, and furnish
us lumber.
Tho shaft in tho Whitman mine,
down about sixtV feet and tho ledgn
si low's Up splendidly. About 15 nloiv
are at Work on it, under the stlpovis
ion of Mr. Luce, Tho Hiilgold, Au
derson and Johnson, bolter knoWu im
"Tho hit' silver ledget" owned by
Messrs I'llL'lt and Bloomer, has it
shaft lnfi feet deep, at tho bottom ot
which thoro la a drift -15 feet. Tho
ledge Is six feet Wide and Is exceed
ingly rich in bilver ore,
Last HatUrday, a saloon keeper
named I looker, and a butcher nninoil
Jones had a littl racket a la modi)
Sullivan, but with no regard to tin
(iui-ousbury rules. Honker got Jonei
under his fcct( Rlaillp 'd his pniboseii
all out of tllatio, ahiiii't gouged hU
optics nut, spilled three or null' iptai'til
of blood and put 11 head 011 his victim
that Vunld ho it credit to a cohgixw
ninil of twenty. youi's experience; hut
It is 1I0 Credit to our iMuip, and
Ittiokuf slltnthl lit (Undo to fell
strong nvonyhttf arm of tliu uHtr