t V. THli WEEKLY ORIiGON SCOUT. UNION. 'OUKT1X, SAT., JAN. 11. lSsfi. To Our Aitverilsrr. Wo desire, to mil the ntt( n'init of our ad vertising patrons to the fact that It is now fibout six mouth Mnce wo have, asked them for any coin, or the "sqnlvnlrtit," anil that their accounts will he made nut anil pro sniitcd.in a few dav, "at which time to trust they will he ria ly to pay up. Brief Bulletins. , The Golden Utile hotel at La Grnndc is for-siile. Mrs. Dr. Strange is veiling friends in linker City. Mbs Maggie Ilnwt 11 had been very 'pick during the week. Prof. Sotjor is engaged in teaching another writing school. Drop in at the Walla Walla Boer Depot and w loeialle. The La Grande post-oflice has been moved to the new town. The town of Joseph ban n finding Fchool'. W. A. Letlie is the boss Warbler. ' This notice is written nnd printed especially for you. l'ay at once your Cove drug store bill. Bcv, Shields, has organized a Pres byterian church in Joseph, With n membership of twelve. Honry.Binehnrt, Bogistor of the. La Grande land olnco. takes hold of the work like an old hand. A stage line has been established be tween Ontario, on the railroad, and Burns, in Harney Falley The Portland Weekly NoWs is among otlr exchange list, and is re plete with gooJ wholesome news. Messrs. Nunnn iv Keyte have bought the Heppner Times and moved the outfit to Lexington, the prospective - county seat of Morrow. S. O. F.wackhamor returned to Union to reside, yesterday. Mr. S. has been residing In La Grande for the past nine months. Married. At the lesidcnoo of L. J. Boothe,' Jan. 13, 1880, by A. C. Craig, Judge, Mr. Gun Hutchinson to Miss Mary C. Simpson, all of Union. A social danre Was given Thursday night at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Cook. A pleasant time was experienced by all who attended. Quite a number of parties are re plenishing their stock of ice in order that the parched tongue may be cooled during the heat of FlUnmef. H. U. Drake has purchased the entire stock of goods, at the old Brain- aid store, owned by Willis Skelf, Esq., ttiiu will hereafter carry on the trade. B. Eakin nnd Wife Went below on Thursday. He goes to attend the Supreme coiirt, and she to visit rela tives and friends, ill the Willamette valley. Married. At the residence of Horace Eaton, in Union. Jan. 13, 18tf, Mr. Frank S.Johnson to Miss Anna Jiuhn, both of Union. BeV. II. V. Bice, ofli ciating. .1. T. OtltlloUse spent a feW days in Union this week. We do not know Whether he doctored that famous document knoWn as the "Expert He port," or not. Ore taken from the forty-foot level in the Boyal Purple mine in the Wal lowa, is Vey.V rich iit filv r. The ledg. is being ciU at the rato of one and one half feet per day. Marriage licence granted tlliriilg the Week to D. D. Tttnler and Minnie Boss; Chailos GooduoUgh and Mary Henderson; F. S. Johnson nnd Annie kuhn; E. L, Satiuderrt iintl Mary Dement. Mrs. D. 1. ilcbaliicls nild Mis. Har lan Stowartnvill start next Wednesday lor VacnvillrtCal. to mako a visit to tt daughter of Mrs. McDallicl'e, who resides tjiore. Tlipy will be gone tibotlt ft mouth. A feW day:(tnC, the West bound passcltger train cable near meeting With an accident, While roiludiiig a nirve near Ililgnrd. A rail broke, but luckily the train passed ovei Without diniagoi ilaKi ll. Biucllnrt Was in Union n (In.V or tW'o ago. He goes toon to Portland, '1 'iicoimi alid Seattle in the i Interest of the AnUn-LUht mills of Eummerviile, the flollr Of Which is finding a ready sale. 1). V, Mel)aitiel, prC.tjdent Of the J'ine creek road commissioners) left for Portland, on Thursday l.tt'L on bu-iness connected with" tho" :o.ul. l)r. Strrtitgc accompanied hinli Thoy Will bo back in a feiv days, At the sheriffs fide, TilcsdaV last, 0f the pentennial Hotel, MrJ. II. Bullth bid ill the hotel property foi Mr. Hale, arid Bobbins A Benson bid ill the old hotel projierty, fronting on A street. Both bids Were purchased M (lie judgement ptlee. Shefltian Baily, Of tfio KcntUcky McUof Blofe, are fitting up tlio build ing oil (lie corner of Maju ailil 1? flfocts, for'lnoily Occupied by Jone Hro'h, and Will More into it in a few day?; It is a much bolter loerttion than the one (hey now occupy. Hume dastardly rillian attempted t lake tho life of Mr. i). II. Thomas, id itor of (he Pacific' I'harOs, publishwl a' ViiitMi GfovoJ Mi. Thoinati wasgoin; U) Hie depot 6il 6ntitnl.iv moiling last hr Ujo purpose of taking ,tho C:"0 Oik'tk traj1 for Ptmtl.iifd, When fonu Oth fifed three shots at him, two of fliciit Making slight Wounds. lit XMWa tt no rcasnif w'hv his lifo thouhl H(e.iJ.tei, 'Die villikit fKnl. l.w Wis hU ,u,l- j Porno moro of the Pine crook miiu ! h:.vi: heen told 1 it-1. i A.M.vehiin lcMrii irnn a biiM-ti-ss trip tw Li Grande, I la d City i end riummerville, yester 1 ty. Mrs. M. L. Brannin, forinerir of the Cove boarding house, h .sopeivd a like hotel at Burns, in Grant count v. Mr. F. S. Johnson and bndc re turned from SummervihV l ist evening. He reports Summervillo in good condi tion. It is probabl" tint th Portland Board of Trade will raise Jf.'i.OtX). if ne cessary, toward the construction of the Pine creek road. Will, now that's about the fi.e of it. The nation will be ntoni.-hed. Mi-s Cleveland has forbidden smoking in the hall. Good gill. Why, bnvs! Do you know -hat Ci lj's great woil 1 renowned circus is coining to Oregon next rummer? Factget your nickels togciher. We are in receipt of nn intcrestinc: communication from "Chris," of New Bridge, but. it came too 1 ite for this issue. It will appear in our next. Salem has an ordin in"o which pro hibits boys under 10 years of age from smoking cigarrettes. The marshal will en'orce the law. We think it a pity that the boys can't have any j Ions lire whatever. Senator Mitchell, of Oregon. 1ms in troduced bills to nppiopiiatc $1Ci0 000. for the improvement to the entrance of Ynquina Dav ; $100,003. for v im provement of Coos Bay; and !f7("0.030 for the completion of the Cascade locks'. Mr. E. L. Thorp l.itclv connee'ed with the S'andard, has assumed charge of th editorial and news de partment of tho East Portland Vindi cator. W. It. Sfruble retiring. The change will no doubt prove a beuelit to that paper. Put the average small boy out in tin' yard, with his little sling, and he wdl do moro damage than any i nimal of the same height and vitality in ex's tence. This is evidenced by the array o demolished windows in any house that happens to be vacant for a time. ' A German by the name of F. Hen mi. who was engaged in dtegimr a well for David Moomaw, at Baker City, the other day, was suddenly hurried alive, by the Walls cav.iug in on him. He was soon recovered from beneath the derbies, in an Uncoileious condi tion, but from last accounts it is thought the man will recover. Notwithstanding the "occasional blizzard" that comes around once iii a wbihi, to fait our heated broW wi'h its gentle hut somewhat chilling breath, our winter hns been tints far all that could be expected. So far no severe cold Weather or dee) sitow have been experienced, add the. Winter is ton far advanced to be very bad in tlio future. Thrre Will be a Gran 1 Ball given by the Fireman of this city Feb, 22, but wo have not been able to find out mudli abotit it. We hope nil interest will be taken in the matter, as w un dorstnnd the pfoceds are to go towards equijiing the lire company. Ve need better facilitier for extiilgtti hiitg (ires, and any measure to pioeiire assistance should be liberally encouraged by bur citizens. Qditc ah nc'llVity iii red estate throughout tile Statu, prevails?, and the .-igns of the tithes indicate that the coining season Will h.i one of UnnsUal activity. Immigration is tllrhillg in ' liift dih'htion in larger inluibcrs tliau ever befoFe, and with it Will cOino Cap ital, iiiteliigenje ail I indu.-try. Every portion of the State Will i'el'eive tin henelits consequent o sitcll an addi 'ion. and We shall prosper more than ever. Union coilitty W.l! draw hei share ttf the harvest, and We shall awakcii from our long sleep into a wide aw'ake and prosperous fdtttre. Pursuant to adjournment the Pino creed; road commissioners met in this city oit Monday the 1 1th, at deven o'clock A. M., a full boaid being pres ent: Tho object of the meeting being to Open the bid.6; ntld aW.bl the con tract tt litiild tile kti-Ju cwk biidge. The bids Were opened, Which Were as ,'olloWs: Lewis U. Whiles $iYbii.J); Hoval Rt diilut, .flUl OJ; T. M. Hugh .' C,l.,.'rlU0 00; 1). Reefe, $lfi20: M. F. Ilolbrook, .fl2.'iOO'J; Vairis it Haiiitn, !?lU7s").(KJ; Sh.iW fc McLttd, H2!lfi00; E. A. AVehfter, lTn.OO; k'ihbv A U.-t milder, i't(J0(J;J. W. K. .lohitK.n, lOJi.S.S. Bail. v, Jrlfi.dJ, O. M. K.llo'. L'2r.(lO0. W. It. .T.,h... on. Uf Uilioil, hiiilg the lowest bidder, was awarded tlie coittract, for tile sum of twJve hundred dollars, an I 1 lo his bhtitls, Wbit'li Wore duly approved y the hfvtil, fnii! i ns rod lil'n file required ctiiHtact. Alter i.llowiil sundry bills, thu boaid adjourned, subject to" the fall of the ehairiifail. Under the head of "Iticll Ktiikes" the Po'rtlaiul Siftiius say; "Oregon has as rich iauIch toward the South as my oil the coast. Itlt iH Isueil illus trated by yeard hi odtptft of tile precious metal. Why Would it ilot have becll wincr for the State to aj piopri.ite moiti'Y ill buil.ling iti.ai and dev. loi iui'' that sX'Ctilnl, tllail tb have wandered bfi into the Piilu Creek loutftry to sp. u l .10).(Wl.' " Such , in utttrHiice di nuto gn at i;rJoriiiice in the pari of tlu author. 'I iiu mii(ci if Piiii Creil: urn !iiorextou iv th.ul bote bf any sei-titm i tho Scuilieril p.ut of IhV State; I - natural Mlpjiy ,Joii(t3 for I hen niiiics uru in thoSute, m I (Hun ii b. !i. iit h to Ite tcupul rout the inviittincii'. AgJn, tlm unouilt men'iii. ' our coiiuuiO' ary is iffcf,0J in en "ss of the -pj io , priation. Piubal.ly dm ''SifluUn' was hort of iies, uif f bad u ujr j ria' .ioi het ii made lor ilrj Hon: lieu, j art ' of the State' nMesrl -f Ut hfifc V: ck, ' it Voull Ii. t.i '..v.f pn t...t ui t rVor l tlfv.' l:'tt. r -'w. -' vK...r..." 7f.. Vi"t f' to. Tl.f Jnnn.irv nnmttor itf the Wet Shore U' (land. Oregon.) h h work of nrt. It emitiitu si!ecn full mxo of illtPtratliis ftf Portland, which f j.- design ni d cxru- tion rank with the hest trt work prodiici-il I .in) where. A la "ge co'oicd isnpj-l mont cf the splundid high school recently com pleted nccompan'n the number. It i tiKMt nrtitiiully executed, nnd is of Itself well worth a year's sulwriptton. The number contains a des. rq t'on of Port hind and the UMtnl amount of choice mat tor nnd useful information nbout the Northwest. The publisher promises other colored slipp'omcuts during the year and n giMieral biiprnvement nnon even the pre- ..... ..f ...i t..t. I..,,.,.,... I vi.i i.i ii.iai it, t. i.iwi. ... .i ..Mi.i. , number i ample evidence. The peo 1 o' the No-thwest should feel proud of such n splrndid reprcentativo a the West Shore which riehlv ilcsurres tho hbcrnl supjiort it receive-. We are plcacd that the great im iirovnn tr bcinK mule indicate an enlarpe !iir snbscripti u INt and a eorcsponding in crense of benefit to the Northwest ft' Jin thi extension of it influin'v, l.rp itnnt Ilrctit'on. Land roninii.ioiicr Sparks has maile an important decision nireetins; th iliinis of the No-thcrn t'acillc railway compiny to a grant or land from a point on the Colum '.iiu V ver near I'orthind, Oregi n. and Tnco ma. on I'ugctsjound in Washington tcrrito ry. This decision affects the odd number ed sections of land eighty miles in width foi a distance of lOo miles, aggregating sonu -',500.000 acres, estimated to bo worth 2,.'00,O.)0. The claim of the railroad com pany to these lands bus long been dispute! by settlers, large numbers of whom are in occupation, claiming the right to enter tin ier the public land laws. The ease of Don ald McCrcs and .1. 0. Hock vs, the Northen pai I ie railway company brought out tin decision. Appeal will at once I c taken h the n l'-n I company, to the secretary o' the interior. Commissioner Sparks seem to be a prettv hard pill for railroad ninnop olis'D to swallow'. lie seems to be the righ' man in the riuht o'nee. (tl c I r I'llfn. Pile are. frequently preceded by a sense nf weight in the buck, loins nnd InWcr pari of the abdomen, causing the patient to sup pose he has some rtffe Hon of the kidneys or netghb ring organ . At times, symptoms ol ind'get!on are present, flatulency, uneasy ncs of the stotnach, cte. A Juolsttiro Ilk perspiration, producing a very disagreeable itching after getting warm, Is a common attendant. Illlnd, Hieedhig, and Itching I'des yield at once to the application of Dr. Ilosanko.s pill- Kcmedy, which acts dlrcctl) upon the pirts effected, absorbing the Tliniors, allaying thu Intense Itching, and effecthv,- a permanent cure. Pried, ,r0 cents. Addi'cfs, The l)r. lloaliko JleJicine C- in pany, I'lqnn, U. Hold by J. Ti Wright, L'llion, Orcgoin ttllfOI (111. Old. Mr. Chancy Akin, who resides on Trou' creek, ill the Wnllowa, met with a very se rious lU'i'ident it few we.-ks ago, lie w:e splitting ome stove wood, holding the stiel with oi C hand and striking witli the other when his foot slipped ntld till' nxe cairn down on his rist, nearly severing the hand His life was barely saved til! Dr. Cobbcouh be summoned from Alder, This accident renders him htilpless, both bodiiy and ti nanclitlly, anil what main's matter! worse his wife was stricko i with pi r ilysift of Mu right side, a few weeks before the accident Mr. Akin is an old resident, and well knowi. throughout the county. Mhl'ilctll At the r'esidenee of IM. Johns, near 15lsi City, Jan. Oth, mm, by Itevi (I. H. Davis Win. Ill) and atlil Miss Itosa Dodge, hot), of this place. TI t! ceremony was witnessed by a few per so-iil' frien i an.l relatives Who after p.irta king of ait elegilnt stip)cr, rejtrilred to Teni plar Hall where a dance wits In progress and triplet! it lively Until almost break o .lay. The wedtled roup'H iiiliucdiateli "'wetit til house-keeping" followed by tin best uislle's of a htgre clrck ilf friends. Idaho Democrat, fbti-i'6'Afi.l Hlnirn lln.iilury. General Unwind, of the department of thu Platte, received a dispatch from Port Itobiilsoii to the cllrct lllhl the stage was stopped and nibbed l)f tWOO. oil the hlth.. near Dawes City, In broad daylight. b 1 1 -veil hi 'ii iiiii.lked melt. The litbney was in gold i ill wa Intended Mr I he pajlniut of. troops, The cavalry at PortNiobra wa sent iliit, and telfgrams wlire Sent to Deull wood, Laraiuici .Sydney. Cheyenne nnd elsewhere". It U Hoiiii.-d the cannot es cajii?, lvU. 11 ( tit It. nil ill" liealth M Wealtlli AVedlth iltcnhs Ii'idcppn doiib i The Kuynutf Is l)n Ilos.mko's Cougtl ilud Diltlg Syrup, the best tJoiigh Syi'tip III Ihiiwoi'ld. Can"! Coughs, Colds, l'aln.s III tho ClleHti li oiicliltlftaud Primary Ctilinliint- tinii! (Jim dose gives relief 111 every cae; 'i'akciioothuri rrlcefX) cents and 1. SihnplH tt'eet Sold bv J. ft Wrlghtj L'nlon, Oregoii; , .i, p t'lii iisn ei Ail exchange trembli's with iiiprc!ltr,sion sihee It Im betll ilfCertnined by n (lerniiid cllcnil.il that "lirst-rnte brandy caiihl'hiude froill sahlllHt." ''We lire fiL-iidsi" jf siiys, 'of the tiiiiperaiiCc movement alid want It td sHiccccd, hut what chance will it have wilt ii a a. it. 1 1 iiu tuke it rip saw and fM Out .tiltl get drunk on a fencu mil !" A. HoiMfo Aillllo. Por dilthrprlsej jnn.h and a dcIf e td get sticll goils ut will give tlio trade satlMrifctlon, .1. I'. Wsifllt.- Hoi ;li-n-!.!ci. loSilii nil Tvnlitif.. -' n i " r r , t pr.iu.lfy ciistiui;'loiii Prims W edits uiul s.1,.0; saaf,dei n'-Ci diii) a. t.M-'.'f.iii.i4i it fill. VI. T4 I'. I.... .i-r.filln.7T. tatoti. H kIIs Dr. Ilo.inl' Cugll Had 1 was eminently satisfactory to tho pco Ldfig Syrup iircnix.' Its ili'j bust imh.IIcIiiu h of that district, alftl they aro loud oit tile umrkMt lor ooiljlip, cd sj cfotfp and in their praitets of his ability. lii.tf sKan' ila.'jfU . v ii do bm' cash. I'.V Be Win, IL l,ill, TuestlafV, at while Usrimuii.lei)t i mu liufi City as- " ""clock A. M. A t the conclurlbli bf mv suited hi u ver.licf of "fctillty aa tlw ccfoinonics, a large number of jjbr i'liiMlMt.w i.i.li. M.wit." loWug relative ami friends lollbwed ,-, - ! the ramaiiiH to their t.i.st ivuting lieu x'.r ian Wi.. in' C6i; cemetery. el V. Jf Paiipy (jih)Js, :m new Style of I WtMlut tho oVJr hn at Hid . . j . -. , .... ii.... .i.i t... .i. . j . .ii...... i.m Lj 'iua ... j nri..l itv call an l fooi. i i.; thent. Correspondence. N'or.Tit Pov.'nstt. Jan 8, IS5.0. Weather ccld 1 degrees below r.cro. Prof, t-'cott U toachiiij our village schoil. The young people arc having a round of social dances. .lames Welch is shipping several car loads of lumber to Shoshone, I. T. Our merchants, Kellog it Punch, md Got ham it Holhehilds, are doing a fair amount of butlness. Tallies Hutchinson is rclliug saw dust at ii0 ut? per wagon load, to resi dents of this lace, for putting up ice. K' Hog it Punch nre shipping sever dear loads of cord-wood from this ( l.tco to Baker City nnd other points urther cast. A geii'lcmnn from Portland bought ind shipped three, car loatls of fat cat le from this laco to tho Portland .naiket this week. Wileh's sash and door factory If 'urning out a largo lot of sash and lotus for the spring- trade, in Union and Baker counties. Mr. Stanford, an t.1.1 gcnlleiunn of 'bis l.ice, sustained some severe bruis s one day this wcik, by falling oil' a ladder, none of ti serious character, however. Gorham it Bolhchildsni'c building n 'arge tine Warehouse near the depot, (twill he, when coin) leted, the lines' mil ling of the kind in Eastern Oregon, uitsido'of Baker City. .1. W. Kim mil has charge of tho woik. The wife of N. S. Blank has been langerously ill for several weeks jvast, ind while the neighbors (mostly sin icrs) have been giving the family their ympathv and (substantial aid,) some if the stlf-styletl christians aro trying o have Mr. B. indicted for pulling the jxoutof the mud on Sunday. JlTDY. Whiskey Cukes, Jan.0, lSSrt. The past few days have been cold. The sleighing is very poor. Only 'our or live- inches of lightsilow. 01 1 settlers prophesying mild win 'er with very little snow. Well, brace lb, everybody, anil try ami sjtantl it. Itev, J. A. Huntdr and Wife celobra 'ed the thirty-third anniversary of their vedded life, by the reunion of all the nenibers of the family, at an oyster upper, on l)ec 2nd. Mr. P. G. Buford, lately from the W.llametto Valley, has bought a tract of land in Lost Prairie, and will proba- ly move thither in the spring, and en gage in stock raising. Mr. Buford hiiiks that is a flue stock coilntry. At tho tlallco at Dritlcn's on New V ear's night, two of tho participants .aine near going on the War path, ami ettling their differences a la John L. Sullivan, but through tho eloquence if the floor manager, tho pilgilistio ex jrcis.es Were indelinitely postponed. Chri.-tnias and NcW Years Was cele brated With the Usual number of dan es. Olio Christmas eve, another on Jbiistinas night, also oit NeW Year's ve and night, with two or three bo ween, niatlo things joyous for those vho delight to "tiip the light fantas, ic" till the "Wee siiia. hoUrs." Mr. S. W. Builnel invited a number if bis neighbors in tt) partake of iwdin UT) in cOittmeir.oratiou of his father's eveiity-lhird birth tlay. Mr. Bltnntl, -r., eamn on from Missouri last fall. Ve is halo and hearty for his years, iiid all ho wants is a chance at the leer add bear of Which ho had heard o nluch. This neighborhood now has two ly reihlis in Woi king order, each with a ;oOll attendance. This is a good bailee ftir Would-be orators, and, judg ing from some of the speeches, there are some Who may yet send their iiaiiies thundering down the ages with CiceiOand those other filloWs. Keep tryiilg, boys. "If at first yott doh't succeed," etc. Ajasi Corri, Jan. 13, 1S80. A quantity of lino ice is being stored at the Ascension school, for bUnltiler use. MisB Pcail Payilo mid Lbd l'nyne rellirned from a pleasatit Visit ill Pen dluton, Saturday. Sleighing has bceil very fair, to the joy of the young people, luiilow is j about worn out in the roatlti, Mr. and Mt'ri. J..T. McDbrinld, of h land City wero in tbthi tho first of. the week, at tho' bed sido of Mis. Ele, worlh. Prniiiechickeil shooting tjirough the suburbs of thu city, is very fashionable, and largo iuiliibcis 6f tlio tiothsomo Jiavo been sectfred. A large concourse of ybttilg . people "tripped tho light failtKrtlc" till a Into hour, at L. . Haggehy's iiiaiision, Mond.iy night. Prof. A. i. Hnckett jfos finished bin rchool neat Humtiicrvillij. Tho Pio fessor b iiiodl) of teaching ami tliscij lin, ; j o I 1 Dietl Suritlay evi. nbout 0 o'clock; ElL-if, bjoved Wife bf James Pulli, D.ceueftl Was a daughter of Jolill WaKtef. Fiin'eri.lsefifion was nreaclled "f j i i iitirMiay niiTiu, iu xuo uciuii Of lit inches or inor'.'.' Bin CitKKK, Jan. 11,1 SSd. Tho debating and literary cociety s'ill continues, and the "Jain 'stown Budget" furni-hes nmmfmen! for the old as w, 11 us tho young. Lively times durinc the hnlitlavs. The ball at Wright's hall on Christinas night, was well attended -IS numbers fold. On Now Year's day a turkey shooting at Mr. MeGnrvov'f, and at night a ball at the rchool house for the beuelit of thu .school. Tho supper was prepared by the ladies of tho school district, and tt) my it was good, its bald ly doing the case justice. Mr. Thomas Keating, of Lower Powder, met with a saitl loss on tin 8th iust. His bam. some GO tons o. hay, l horses, 1 mule, several sots ol harness, ami A saddles were destroyed by lire. The loss to Mr. Keating fall very heavily on him, as he is wintering a great many cat lb and horses. Tin tire is evidently the woik of an incen diary, nnd was discovered about 11 o'clock at night. No clue, so far, as tt who the guilty parlies are. A niowoi and rake wero pulled out from undei the burning hay. It is to be hoped the perpetrators of this fiendish crinu will bo speedily brought to justice. Vr.niTAS. SLP.KPLHnS NIUlITfi made miwahh by that terrible cough. Shlloh's Cure Is thf remedy for you. For sale by K, C. Oreig' Union 1. 1 trim) Kuelnty. The Literary was largely tit tended hist Monday night. iVith but few exceptions good order was utainta.ii etl. lie.'. Mr. Bice at'lctl as eliniriitiiii protein. The exercises were as fol lows! Doelumntioii , M. V. Davis; Song, Mles Mary and Tina Kenneth ami Mav Miller and Messrs. .1, M Carroll 'and P. B. Wilson; Hncitn tion. MU Mary Jeffries I Solo. T. II. Cooper; Select Beading, Hev. Mr. WaMm. "Shall Silver bo Deiuono li7.cd'' Was dist'usM'd on the alUnna tiveby II. l- Wilson and. I. It. Crite. on tilt! negatlvu by 'I'. Oliver and . I. Iliii'thsly. Decision rendered in fa vor of the negative. Quartette. Jolly .101111111111111,'' J. M. Carroll. T. It. Cooper, F. rj. Johnson 'iml P. B. Wilson. Tho following is the programme fin Jan. 1H, ISStit Com mittee on Music, J. M. Carroll. Miss Maggto Walker and P. 11. Wil son', Select Heading Geo. Beidle nian, Jiss Susie Joore and bVunk Johnson; Hecilalion ; I'M. O'uonnnr anil Hobt. Corey: Essav. J. M. Car roll it ii 1 H. l'hikhi; Debate Ques tion "Did tho Crusade, benefit Europe.' Lenders, Ci E. Dnvis ami t Ei Davis. WILL YOU SUKKHU with Dvsncpsjn and Liver Complaint? Shiloh's vitallzer is guaranteed to cure you. llnther Mtxt'di Tho following interesting letter wai receiVetl by Prank Bensdn,froin a gen tlematt who resides in Harney Valley, .4 few days ago, which for terse of dic tion, Is seldom equaled alid hover will bo surpassed : Union, December 2fJlh., lSSfi. 'The Cotlnty Treasurer. DliAu Sin: I am writing this lottei dated S'.lth. tlay of December' ami for warding it to you. I am tlesilcous to acknowledge the number of money which I shall pay you my tax for my real lailtl in di-ttriot No. -Kl in the town of Joseph Unilm Co. Oregon. 1 give i question lo ailsWer you hoW much will I pay my tax on my land containing 1C0 acres in tho vicinity of Joseph in you will collection the money from tin taxation of inc. I need you writting your letter to mo as sooll as this' lottei may reach you. 1 want to know tin number of money you will bate to. col loctioil from the taxation of me. 1 will pay y'tui immediately that you must writo a letter thine to know the number of money. Your information will a till less to -Camp I lame; Grant Coi Oregbn. Yotlrs Trtliy Prodi To tlio. Union coun- ty treasurer. Por litine back, side or chest, use filliloh's PorotM Plaster. Price ill ccilts. Fo'r sale at the driig store of 11. C, Creig, Union. Solid .Mul.li.Uti'n. Below wo giVo a list bf pdfsdils in tho county Willi pay tax'es on toil thou sand dollarsj aiid overt Baer it Church..... .$ilU)12.00 Dobbins Joint' 12,775.00 I'll, worth M. E. . . 1I(:i78.00 Katon A. E.. . 22, 1 1.1.00 Est. National Bank Unioti. . .-lojOO.OO Gangloir A. . I0.7HS.00 Jones J. A Holgarlh C. . . Jasper M SWaeklhiiuer ti. O. Snodgruss W. J, . Kennedy J. W.... Mltchclf Fred Mitchell Kranlt 21 ,f.()n. 00 ........ ll.SGO.OO 10,120.00 . :: 17,'Jilfi.OO lO.ttl'S.OO ..i...:. 10,67(1 00 ..!.,.. :.22,2.;iS 00 13.1) iU 00 Nodiilo Pretl . :.2!,(in( 00 Ogil. Improvement titi. . . : .lS.fiOUOO O. it. A N. CO :.2(52,b7S.OO Plfv; J. M . l.'l.ajfi.OO Pel kills KufiiS...:: Lll.f-OOoO Hillehart J. II LS.CUO.OO Sdlhers A, & 1)... ; . : . 17.0US.0U Witdo Thos 10,280.00 r'ltUl'l'i WHOOPINtl COPfllf. Hnil Jif.'i'ebltls hmiieiliiituly rulleh'd bvtjlilloll'j Curb. Viir sale by 11. C. Ordg. Unloil. IVll I Cl.erlj nilil Tnr. l2voryi"Jr knail s 1 He vlrtil-s of wlltl Chm-i fy ihlil Tur lis i fdlll'l alid tjtlrn for ini nffec tloni of t li- Tltrbat and jliiiigx, ccin'lbined with those ttvo liigretllcaiH tire a few ulinple, h'ealliig ibrHedlei In the t'olniioxltloil or )r. Jlosilnko'n ( ollgh uiul lulllg Kyrup making II jiUt the aitll'lt yoil slittllhl ulwayS hive hi I lie hollno for CougllK, I'ohN, Ct'oiip and lirotlchltf). Price fill t'fliU and Jl. IHampleil ht'c'! Sold I'y a. T. Wfllsht, IlnlUiit Uregoli: itlVyirl Jjyul rclijules iljo tile best wilY til.nY0FriiTiKh jViU'h Hjiiloh's Cure will &ivu Iniiuedliito relief. Prt-M 10c. WoltiidlP J'orHiloby it C UiMg Chloli County Court Proccclin. Enid of A. T. Neville Survey or do od and viewer- iippninted. Bond of I'L P. Crnicitni Survey or h-re I and viewers appointed. Bond of W. II. Winter Di-misscd l'oiitl off). II. Pay Viewers np po'ute'r to review and usm'ss damages, UiatlofJ. A. Titckei Laid over till next term. Ittmtl of A B, Courtney Laid over till next regular term. P tie creek road ordered opened on the survey, It.iaii uf Jacob Dovlnc L-iltl over till next regular term. I'oad of J. A. AVastorson Survey ordered and vlwer appointed. Bond of Henry Jiller Survey or leretl and viewers appointed. A new road district was formed from portions ot tli-titcts 17 and '.'.r. Uiatl of II. II. Brc.shui's Laid over till Feb. Oth. It qiorts of nnd supervisors from 20 INlriets were tiled ami approved. Supervisor were iippninted for tho following i n id district-: .1.1. IVeb er. 2; A. L. Kuton. H; L. It. Holm, s, 4; J. A. Wilson, fi; Luther Boo, A. Shaw, 7; .1. L. Woodell. H, V. (i . Utinte.', '.); John Blnnchhtid, 10; S. S. Holcotilb. 11', .1. W. Jin nek. 1.1; .la. Gllkhisoii. lfi; W. B, iliiidinan. 17; Win. Fraer. 18; J. It. Courtnew 10; F. A. Dawsoi. 20; I. W. Terwilllger. 21; S. S. Brooks, J.I; Stuvt) Connor, 2u' Win. Iieiiiiett, 27. Liquor licence granted lo S. A. Grav. of Cornucopia, for six mouths. Tlio scleiihut of j ml ires ami clerks undertint new regislrtitiu act , post poned till Folirllarv Htb. THAT HACK IXC. COIH5II can he so Hiieklv cured by Shiloh's Cure, We guar intee It. For sale bv It. C. Oreig, Union. High Valley, Winter has rot in again. Sleighing in gootl. . A matrimonial cpedetulc ban broken out in High valley. Tiic NeW Year's daitco at Hathi way's Was crowded beyond convenience. Politically, I am forcetl to tho con lu-ion that the silver ctailso in tho President's message, is a tttlnner to dio poor man's) Welfare. Father DoBoo, the Catholic priest, of Buker City, held services at our ehool house last Sunday, to a pretty "air congregation. Mr. and Sirs. Jo. H.isseU.s baby Was christened. Wade Shelton anil his bride was 'iTouaded by tho boys, quite lively. fter keeping them out iu tho rain Half an boilr, he let them In, and trca- ed to a plentiful supply of pio and .ako. Wo nfo told that there is a tlmo fof everything; but Sunday night dancing is certainly crowding tho thing a lit lo tot) far. The inocenco of the iuton ion abates nothing uf tho mischief of .ho example. Homo. SIIILOIf'H COUGH and Consiltiiptiort "itre. is sold by us on a guarantee. It curoJ .'onstiiiiption. For sale bv It. 0, tlreig. School Jteloij; The following is it correct result o( 'ho examination for tho telilt ending Deceiiihcr dth, Frosty district in lbd Covo. The fotlrtll ' arithmetic clasil passed examination io decimal tract' ;oiis with tliu following result.; Alice Harris OS Viola Wilson Ithotln Harris 7S Tho H arilbmetid class passed Taction. as follows ; Cora Harris 08 Fred Wilson Kdtlio Eckensloy 08 iltihn Itoger 83 to) 8.1 80 Frailkie Boothe 01 Primiuy inentnl pafsctl as follows: Etl ua Koger 00 Poail Kcigur 103 II. Eckersley 78 Tho third, fourth add fifth reading classes Woro all examined on tlio tlia critical niarks on letters, Words, analy is, patises, acceilt, empliasis and in1 lectibus, With tho following r'esdlt: Mav Wilson OS Bhoda llarris 08" Viola WlUil 100 CtlrnllarrlH 10J Fddio j.'kersley 08 .folln koger 7d Frpd Wilson ' 98 Frank Boqlho 0i) Etlila koger lid II. Eckerdey 80 Pearl Koger 00 Ul.iss id Physical and Political gong' raphy, jiassetl to p:tgo 00 With tho fol loiving result i Allio Hi)rris ldd Ulnv .Vilson 91 ViiJa Vil.-oii lOO Bhbdn HurrlslOJ Class iu Third Geography: Cola Iarris 10d Ed Eckersley 100 Fred Wiboil OS Juhtl Koger 00 Fnthkle BoUtha 0-1 'A" dn.ulMAii dlMfeB. Itllbdit Harris 03 May Wdsoll 0!l Vit l.t Wilson 100 Allio Harris lOJ f Miss Allio Harris is nlotio ill U. Hi lli'tory, mid praisetl With n titaudiKj of 100, Ml" 61'to.i.i.Nti cute. Ctlhi llitrris 100 Frank Bbotllo f 0 Etleio Eckertloy 100 Edil.i Roger 70 Freil W'ileoii Peail Hoger 7fl Johtl Koger 0(J H. Eekersloy M The siverago Btadditlg of all piijlll.l aboto OR aro nlact-U bli Bbll bf llbilbfi They nf-o as fellow's : . Allio llarris Oil Cbro IlnriU 3 Ed. Eckersley 00 Vlolr Wil.Urt 03 Bhbda Harnis 05 ofnnu siTuimsTs. Mi)y WiUnl 80 Fred Wil-oil 03 85 Frank Boothe f-0 John I.vgcr Etltin ICoger PeitilKo er 8vl IB Eg ken ley Ki Ellin Bootho 00 Tildeil Bbotlle I'Jtllt Blobrtt U.I Chai iv uioom bS O. AugiitUs Uf) hii Jack Harris 00 Vl Uiliv) FeiKl 01 K7 Evtt BJooiil ilosio Haniil lV(l.,WlltOU All names aro siinnrcrlcii Wlibfo uV; bntgo Is bciolV 70 per ceilf Ida h. U.lMl'ni:.b, . Tcmdur, , bATAHHU. CPUKB,, lienltli nhd ,fm brentli si.ctir.-il ltv Sliltob's Cutiirr l Ibjilt cdy Price tx) U'lln tim InJi!Wc iiw