The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, January 16, 1886, Image 1

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    The Oregon Scout.
NO, 20.
An independent weekly Journal, Issued ove y
Saturday by
Publishers and Proprietors.
A. K. .Tones, J
Editor. 1
J B. Ciiancev,
I I'oretuan.
One copy, ono year f 1 f.0
' " Six months 1 00
" " Threo nionllis T3
Invariably cash in advance
Kites of advertising mado known on appli
cation. Correspondence from all parts or the county
Address ail communications to A. K.Jones,
Editor Orc)ii h'cout, Tnion. Or.
liixliri Directory.
GnANn Kondk Vaiakv I.ODOit, No. r0, A. F.
and A. M. Meets on tho Bucond and fourth
Saturdays of each month.
O. F.Bell, W.M.
C. E. Davis, Secretary.
Union I.odok, No. D!. I. O. O. I Kegular
meetings on Friday cvenlnKS of each week at
their hall in Union. All brethren in good
standing- aro invited to attend. Hy order of
tho lodtre. ti. W. Lo.NQ, N. G.
G. A. TnoJirsoN, Secy.
Clmrcli Illreetorr.
jr. E. Ctiuncii Dlvino sorvlco every Sunday
nt II a. m and 7 p. in. Sunday school at J p.
in. Pmyer mcetintr every Thursday evcnliitf
at 0:30. Kkv. Anijeuson, Pastor.
1'itrsnvTr.iUAN Cmntcn lteffulnr church
services every Sabbath morniujr and cvonlntr.
Prayer' mcetfnfr oach week on Wednesday
evening, fc'abliath school every Sabbath at
ID a. in. Itov. II. Vkknon Kick, Pastor.
St. John's Enscor.r, Cin'ucii-Scrvico
every Sunday at 11 o'clock a. m.
Hew W. H. I'owei.i., Kcetor.
County Ofllccrg.
Jtidpo A. C. Craig
Sheriff A. I.. Saunders
Clerk 11. V. Wilson
Treasurer A. V. Honson
School Superintendent J. L. Hlndman
Surveyor E. Slraonls
Coioner E. II. Lewis
Geo. Acklcs ". Jno. Stanley
Stato Senator L. 1!. Klnehurt
F. T.Dick E. E.Taylor
City Ofliccrs.
Mayor D. D. Iloes
F. A. Pursol W. D. Ile.'dleman
J.S. Elliott Willis Skiff.
J. II. Eaton O. A. Thompson'
Ilecorder J. II. Thomson?
Marshal J. A.Dennen
Treasurer J. D. Carroll1
Street Commissioner L. Eaton
Depnrtnro of Trnluu.
Kemilar east bound trains leave at 0:30a.
in. West bound trains leave at i:'M p. ra.
Collecting and probato practico specialties
Olliee, two doors south of Postolllco, Union,
Attorney at Law aofl Notary Pale.
Office, ono door south of J. IJ. Eaton's etoro
Union, Ort-tfon.
Physician and Surgeon
Office, ono door south ot J. D. Eaton's storo,
Union, Oregon.
A. E. SCOTT, M. D.,
mysbcbaiv Am istoioeow.
lias permanently located at North Powder,
vherciie will answer all calls.
Union, .... Oregon,
fTiyeiciun nud (Surgeon,
Union, Oregon.
Office, Main f trcot, next door to Jones Bros.'
varloty store
li:sldcieo, Main ettcot, second houso south
of court house.
Cbronfcdlscusos a specialty.
KfW GounsGlIor at Law,
Union, Okegon.
Heal Estate Law and Probato Practico will
receive special uttontion.
Office ou A stioet, rear of Stato Land Oflice.
Attorney nt E.inv, Kcnl Estute
und Collecting Agent.
Land Ofllco Business a Specialty.
Oflico at Alder. Union Co., Oroon.
Will practice In Union, Baker, Grant,
Umatilla and Morrow Countieri, tlso in tlie
Supreme Court ol Oregon, tha. District,
Circuit and Supreme Courts of the United
Mining and Corporation business a spe
Ollico in Union, Oregon.
Pen Pictures of the T.iullos of tho Van
tlerMlt T'nmlly.
The death of William H. Vanderbilt
naturally brings the women of his fam
ily into prominence, especially his wid
ow and daughters and the wives of his
sons, the latter of whom now inherit
wealth that makes them more powerful
than the majority of the crowned heads
of Europe. Mrs. W. II. Vaiulerbilt, tho
widow, while not a small woman, is
still rather slight of ligure, has dark
hair, yet hardly tinged with gray,
dark hazel eyes, and a very sweet and
refined expression. Thoroughly do
mestic in her tastes and devoted to her
husband, children and grandchildren,
sho has never cared for society and it
has been only on account of her young
est daughter, Miss Lclia, now Mrs. Se
ward Webb, that she has entertained at
all during tho past five years. Shu is
exceedingly simple in her mode of life,
rising early, breakfasting with her fam
ily, and then devoting several hours to
her household duties, afterwards visiting
her grandchildren or having them
brought to see her. In the afternoon
she generally drives in the park, accom
panied by one of her daughters or her
son George, and after a quiot family
dinner, chats with her family and then
retirc3. Sho is very regular in her at
tendance at church and very faithful to
her church duties. One beautiful trait
of her character is her constancy to her
friends. Sho has an especial affection
for tho friends of her early married life,
and at the receptions sho has held dur
ing the winter cards have been as regu
larly sent to her old Statcn Island ac
quaintances many of them farmers
as to her more fashionable city friends.
Sho has always made it her duty to see
that her husband's relatives who were in
poor circumstances should be well re
membered on every festal occasion.
Her own immediate relatives aro all in
comfortable circumstances. While Mrs.
Vanderbilt's name docs not appear
prominently in tho list of managers of
the leading charities, yet she contributes
largely to them in a very quiet manner,
always accompanying such contributions
with the request that her name bo not
mentioned. While her circle of formal
acquaintances is necessarily a largo one,
yet comparatively few persons know
her intimately; but these speak of her
in tho highest terms as an exemplary
wife, mothdr and woman.
Mrs. Cornelius Vaiulerbilt, who will
now probably becomo tho head of tho
family, was Miss Alice Gwinn, a young
lady, who, with her sister, occupied a
prominent position in Cincinnati society
previous to her marriage. Mrs. Van
bilt is very petite, with rather pretty,
but not exactly handsome features. Sho
is also exceedingly domestic in her
tastes, and devoted to her family of boys,
but, until she went into mourning last
winter for a relative, was present at all
tho larger balls of tho winter season.
Unaffected and simple in manner, she
yet lias much quiet dignity. Sho has tho
best taste in dress of any of tho women
in the Vaiulerbilt family. Some of her
ball costumes worn in lato years woro
remarkably effectivo and handsome.
Sho enters into all her husband's charit
able work with the most hearty good
will. Her residence at tho corner of
Fifty-seventh street and Fifth avenue is
ono of tho most artistically decorated
houses in tho city, largely tho re
sult of Mrs. Vanderbilt's tasto and di
rection. A very different typo of a woman
from her mother-in-law and sister-in-
(aw, is Mrs. William K. Vaiulerbilt, the
vife of tho second son. She was mar
ried to Mr. Vaiulerbilt in 1875, and was
formerly Miss Alvah Smith, a daughter
of Mr. Smith, of Mobile, who lived with
his family many years in Paris. Sho and
her sisters, Miss Amide, Miss Jenny
now Mrs. Fernando Yznaga and Miss
Miinio Smith, now in Paris, wcro prom
inent belles in New York society. Sho
is tall and slight, neither blonde nor
brunette, her hair slightly grayish, al
though still a young woman. Sho is
gifted with very lino conversational
powers, being quick at repartee and sar
castic at times, which has had rather tho
tendency to mako her somewhat feared
In society, to which sho is devoted. Sho
felt her husband's financial reverses,
which made it necessary for her to re
tiro for a timo from thoir leading posi
tion, very keenly. Her intimacy with
Lady Mandoville, formerly Miss Consu
ola Yznaga, has been of long standing,
resulting in tho lattor's making her a
visit of a year lately, during which time,
nt Lady Mandevillo's suggestion, her fa
mous fancy dress ball was given. Mrs.
Vandcrbilt dresses chiefly in black,
which best adorns her face and figure.
Sho has threo children, is a good hostess,
and delights in entertaining. Sho is fond
of admiration, and is in fact a thorough
woman of tho world in every particular.
Mrs. Frederick W. Vanderbilt, tho
wife of tho third son, is tho youngest of
tho daughters-in-law. Sho w3 a Miss
Anthony, of Rhode Island, a relative ol
the lato Senator Anthony. She first
married a nephew of W. H. Vander
bilt's, Mr. Wm. Torrence, from whom
she obtained a divorce on the grounds
of desertion, after a brief wedded life of
six months, and a year after married
Mr. Frederick Vanderbilt, much against
the wishes of his father and mother,
who were not reconciled for some time
to the match. They, however, grew
to bo very fond of Mrs. Vanderbilt, and
three years ago, at tho completion of the
Fifth avenue palace, tho now dead mil
lionaire presented the young couple
with his former residence at Fifth avon
no and Fortieth street. Mrs. Frederick
Vanderbilt is fond of society, but her
husband's aversion to it does not per
mit her to go out to any extent.
The of Mr. Vanderbilt's daugh
ters is Mrs. Elliott F. Shepad, former
ly Miss Margaret Vanderbilt. Siio is
tall and dark and, while not handsome,
lias a very sweet face. She has a largo
family and inherits her mother's domes
tic tastes, going into society very little,
except to dinners, which her husband's
professional position makes necessary.
Sho dresses quietly and in good taste.
Mrs. Wm. D. Sloan, formerly Miss
Emily Vanderbilt, now tho wife of one
of the members of tho large carpet firm,
lives with her husband and family ic
the upper ono of the two Fifth avenue
palaces. Shewas married about twelvt
years ago and is very happy in hci
domestic relations, having several
young children to whom sho is very do
voted. Site is tall and frail-looking,
witli light hair, slightly reddish in tinge.
Mrs. Sloano's chief diversion is the
opera, and she may bo seen in her
father's box at the Metropolitan Opera
House almost every night of the sea
son. A brunctto and of medium height is
Mrs. Hamilton McK. Twombly, former
ly Miss Florence Vaiulerbilt, and tho
wife of Mr. Vanderbilt's favorite son-in-law.
By many persons she is consider
ed tho handsomest of the women
of the family. Sho was married in 1870
at St. Bartholomew's Church, and the
excitement her wedding created is not
yet forgotten. With her husband sho
occupies the house especially built for
her by her father at Fifth avenue and
Fifty-fourth street. A happy and devot
ed wife, sho inherits all tho domestic
traits of her family.
The youngest of tho daughters is Mrs.
Seward Webb, fonnorly M s Leila Van
derbilt, who was married t'irco years
ago after a romantic courtship. Her
husband, who was a young doctor, and
a son of the late Gen. James Webb, was
not looked upon with favor by Mr. Van
derbilt on his first suit for tho hand of
his daughter, and for a timo tho young
couple wero separated, but love, as
usual conquered, and Mr. Vanderbilt
lamented. They wero soon afterwards
niarreid and aro living very happily to
gether. Dr. Webb is now President of
the sleeping-car company connected
with the New York Central Road, and
has abandoned his profession. Mrs.
Webb is short and dark and rather
a pretty woman. Sho was very fond of
society before her marriage, but is not
now often seen at the larger entertain
ments of tlio season. New York World.
Tho Now Year.
She cometh forth In her vlrpl n whiteness,
This dainty, winsome, glail now Year;
She smiles in allher genial brightness,
And promises bountiful hope and chew.
Her robes' are wrought In somo fairy palace,
Fashioned by fingers as nimble as light,
And set with millions of shining jcwele,
Pearls, and diamonds as Pleiads bright.
Last night the Old Year, stern and hoary,
Breathed his last on her gentle breast;
She closed his eyes with her lily lingers,
And followed him out to his final rest.
At morn she rose in regal leauty
To reign as queen o'er all the land;
Her kingdom's a realm unbounded,
She rules it with a magic Maud.
All hall to thee, fair and lovely New Ycarl
Wo own thy charms, thy witching ower,
We feel the spell of thy wondrous presence
And do thee homage from this hour I
Velma Caldwell JMvllle, in St. LouU Maga
zine. A "Wide Difference.
"Father," said a young lady to her
paternal friend, "do you not think that
we, m a race, aro rapidly degenerat
ing?" "I do, indeed," replied her sire.
"In your opinion, do you think man
Is now what ho used to bo?" asked tho
"No, there is a great difference be
tween tho two, for ho used to bo a boy."
Religion in Chicago is graded in
prices. Fashionable religion U quoted
as active and in good demand by rich,
aristocratic invalids. Second-class re
ligion, with a sufficiency of pie-crust
morality, trimmed with an abundanco
of deception, Is excessively active, and
bring good prices. Tho wicked cry foi
it, if thoy havo no colatcrals to purchase
it with. First-class religion Is In de
mand. Faith, honesty, virtue nnd
honesty aro tho ouly colatcrals accepted
for it National Wctkiy.
How n Heroic Indian Hoy Snvort Ills
Own ami His Hrothers' Liven.
Tho following story of unparalleled
heroism on the part of three little In
dian children conies from a correspond
ent nt Tort Apache, A. T., who, writing
on November 21, tells of the exciting
life that is there led on account of tho
constant expectation of attack from the
dreadful Apache:
This is the homo of tho Apache a
homo which is indeed beautiful, with
its niultitudo of running streams, its
noble forests nnd gigantic mountains.
Its rivers arc stocked with the most de
licious of mountain trout, and its woods
aro alive with game, from tho doer to
tho wild turkey. It is indeed a country
worthy of the habitation of man; but
through tho depredations of tliese ruth
less Indians it is but a homo for tho wild
beast, and the savage, who is on a par
with the lowest of the animal creation.
Ovjr theso wilds, tho Apacho roams,
ready to scalp and to steal, with his
cunning black eyes over watchful for
the opportunity of directing him on the
camp of friend or foe, for tho Territory
has scattered over its extent main an
encampment of civilized Indians, who
raiso nourishing crops of barloy, as
well as possess horses and stock. Their
industry is of benefit, notalono to them
selves, but to tho Government, which
buys of them, at liberal prices, their
sheep and their cattle, besides all the
grain and hay thoy can bring.
If it wero not for tho Apache, Arizona
would bo covered with thriving colonies
and would attract to it an immigration
that would soon mako tho Territory im
mensely wealthy. But as it is now not
a day passes that news is not brought
into camp of sonio outrage, either on
tho encampment of white settlers or
friendly Indians, which serves to keep
tho various posts always on tho tip-too
of excitement.
Yesterday news was brought in our
camp that tho two men who wero herd
ing tho post's cattle some ten or twelve
miles distant had been attacked and
brutally killed by tho Indians. At oneo
the peaceful character of tho cam) was
changed. Tho ambulance and a strong
guard was ordered out and immediately
dispatched to tho scene of tho outrage.
The sad news was soon confirmed, for
when tho detail found tho bodies of tho
unfortunates one of tho men had no less
than seven bullets and tho other had
two. Carefully taking up tho bodies
tho soldiers wrapped about them their
blankets, and placing them in tho ambu
lance brought their corpses to tho post,
whero they wero put in tho dcadhouso
and buried on Thanksgiving Day. Tho
men wero oldtimcrs and had always
been prepared against sudden attack,
but it is supposed that thoy wero mur
dered when asleep.
hksi'kuati: riaiiTi;its.
Following eloso upon this intelligence
caino tho news that tho hostilos and
scouts wero engaged in hot battle some
few miles distant; and tho camp was
again a&tir with the sound of martial
preparation, and strong detachments
wero at present sent to tho assistance
of tho scouts. Prior to this an Indian
scout arrived in camp with a hostilo's
head dangling from his belt by tho hair.
He mado tho brief announcement that
there had been a hard fight m tho vicin
ity, in which six Indians had been killed.
Out of this light ho had secured this
head as a trophy of his victory. When
asked about tho light ho told the follow
ing story: It was on November HQ that
the hostilos attacked a cam) of peace
able Indinns, situated quite near Camp
Apacho. Thoro was no warning given
of attack. Tho poor Indians wero tot
ally unprepared, when suddenly like tho
bursting of a thundercloud tho Apaches
swarmed in upon thorn and commenced
an indiscriminato slaughter. Men, wo
men and children wero ruthlessly shot
down. Thoro was no mercy shown or
expected. Not till tho entire camp was
exterminated did tho Apaches pattso to
review tho dreadful work. From fifteen
to twenty women nnd as many men
weltered in thoir blood,, and did any of
them show the faintest symptoms of
life, thoy woro hacked and bowed at till
dcatli took them from out of the power
of thoir tormentors.
As tho Apaches turned to depart from
thoir work of devastation their atten
tion was attracted to threo children who
had escaped tho general massacre.
Their ages wcro 11, A and 2 years.
What should bo dono with them was tho
question that arose. It was their first
impulse to kill them, but kindlier coun
sels prevailed, and finally it was deter
mined to take tho children along. Tho
children woro well treated, and soon
began to evlnco a fondness for their
captors. But tho brutal instincts of tho
Apaches wero only for a timo dormant.
Soon murmurs wero hoard as to tho
foolishnoss of carrying about children
and impeding tho rapidity of travel with
wich incumbrances. Again woapons
were pointed at them, and again turned
aside by friendly interposition.
"Abandon them," was tho demand,
"and let them find their way home, or
where they wish to go. They can not
live long. Thev will soon become a
prey to wild beasts." And in the midst
of the lone wilderness these threeyoung
children were abandoned to, perhaps, a
still more cruel fate than death at tho
hands of an Apacho. Night was ap
proaching when the resolve was taken,
and so, without food or clothing, these
threo unfortunates wero left on the
desert to be preyed upon by wild beasts
or die of hunger. Cowering with fright
and cold the threo children huddled to
gether too young to know tho danger
to which they were exposed too young
to realize tho fiendish nature of tho
crime that had been committed against
them. But one thought was in their
minds, and that was to reach tho post
where the white man dwelt, and which
they knew was near their home, in tho
direction where tho sun sank at night.
AN' ACT Ol'' iir.itoisjr.
Ero they had dried their tears and
looked about them the band of Apaches
had disappeared. Before them, in tho
direction of home, arose a rampart of
mountains, with its bleak and dismal
gorges and caverns inhabited by bears
and wolves. Through tliese, past count
less dangers, lay the track which would
lead them to the camp of tho merciful
whito man. Then all tho bravery of
tho eldest boy canio to his aid. Ho
cheered his younger brothers with sooth
ing words, told them that there beyond
tho bleak mountains wero tho men who
would give tliem something to eat and
to drink, and let them play and bo mer
ry. His noblo example fortified the
little ones, and giving him their confi
dence they started for tho mountains.
For four or fit o miles tho two trotted
beside him, till at last, weary, hungry
and footsore, J.ho 2-year-old eliild throw
himself on tho eartli and said ho could
walk no more. Entreaties wero in
vain. He showed his blistered feet an.
answer which admitted of no reply.
Then, with tie aid his brother, tho
older boy managed to drag the tired
boy on his back, and pursued for a few
hundred yards his wearisome journoy.
Ho could wal: but a few yards at a
time. He, too, was hungry, weak and
footsore, and the rests ho had to mako
wero many. Still ho would not hesi
tate. Homo was beforo him home,
with all its comforts and happiness. Ho
would not let his eourago Hag, nor per
mit that of his younger brothers to fail.
When tho mountains wero reached,
tho threo took refuge in an abandoned
cave, and thoro passed tho night, to
await tho dawn of day. Again tho
journoy was undertaken under yet more
distressful circumstances. They ato
of tho wiltl berries that thoy found, and
breaking off tho tender twigs chewed
them to procure sonio nourishment. But
not oneo did determination desert tho
little hero, llo persuaded and threaten
ed, alternately carried and mado ins
little charges walk, until, after forty
eight hours of almost superhuman ex
ertion and forty-five miles of travel, tho
post was reached.
Oneo there, everything was dono to
mako tho littio ones forgot tho dangers
through which thoy had passed; food
was given them, thoir wounds wero
dressed nnd clothes supplied thorn. And
now no three happier children can bo
seen in all Arizona.
There is but ono feeling in tho post
regarding tlieso children, and that is
that tiie Government should take them
as its wards, educate them and train
them, for tho heroism which the)' havo
already shown gives the promise that
if turned in tho right direction thoro is
In all threo tho stuff of which heroes aro
made. San Francisco Call.
Slandering Publics Men.
Wo sco that old William 1). Kelloy
nnd Mr. Staurt Robson, tho comedian,
havo been renewing old acquaintance.
Robson was a pago in tiio Thirty-first
Congress and Kelloy was a member.
Kelloy used to send Robson with notes
to pretty girls in tho gallery tlioso days,
and as Robson (who was a precocious
child)had tho presence of mind to keop
verbatim ct literatim copios of many of
theso blllctsdoux', it is quite natural that
Kelloy should bo glad to meet him
again after this long lopso of years,
Mr. William II. Crane does not ligure
in this affair, for tho sitnplo reason
that whon Robson was earning 81 a day
at carrying notes for old Kelloy, Crano
was devoting tho most of his timo and
attention to tho business end of a nurs
ing bottlo. Chicago News.
"Don't bo a fool, my dear," romon
stratcd a husband to his wife, who was
letting her jaw swing loose in tho breeze
"I won't Mr, Jenkins, I won't," alio
answered; "pcoplo wouldn't know us
apart if I did."
Ho went right down town. Mcrcliant
A HpvIpw of the New Appolntiucnti
ly Stntps Slwws a l'nlr Ooo
urnplilcal Distribution.
A Washington correspondent ol
The LotticviUc Courier-Journal writes:
Since tho inauguration of President
Cleveland there have been 121 changes
in tho diplomatic nnd consular service,
and a review of tho list will show how
tliese appointments havo been appor
tioned among the states. Secretary
Bayard, who, of course, has selected
tho country's representations at foreign
courts, has made tho appointments
after careful consideration, and tho
charge of partiality mado against him
in recommending persons for appoint
ment is not sustained when tho facts
aro looked up. First, tho diplomatic:
service requires some special knowledge
of international law and diplomatic
etiquette; and although there are thou
sands of men who aro familiar with
International law, there arc few who
can associato this knowledge with tho
more difficult task of fathoming stato
sccrots and interpreting tho intriguo ol
sonio of tho foreign premiers in a deli
cate and statesmanliko way. Then, a
man's social standing must bo of tho
best, nnd it is essential that ho havo
sonio knowledge of tho country to
which ho is going, as well as of tho
one which ho represents. Tho course
of tho secretary lias been exemplary in
assigning diplomatic and consular offi
ces, recognizing, as ho has done, merit
and character as tho two chief essen
tials, as well as party allegiance. Mr.
Bayard has endeavorod to select tho
very bent men obtainable for tho for
eign service, and in this ho has been
eminently successful.
Tho facts seem to bear out this asser
tion. Out of the 121 appointments
Now York lias 20, tho most important
of which is tho Turkish mission, which
Sunset Cox socured, and which pays
$10,000. Tho second is tho Chilian
mission worth .? 10,000, and which Will
iam R. Roberta now fills. John E. W.
Thompson, who gets $5,000 as minister
resident and consul genoral at Hayti
and ehargo d'affaires at Santo Domin
go, is ono of tho best colored demo
crats in New York, and is especially
lilted for tho mission which of lato
years has been tilled by a colored man.
Theso aro tho only threo missions cred
ited to Now York, and tho other ap
pointments aro mado up of consul gen
erals, consuls, commercial agents, nnd
secretaries of legations. Tho three
ministers wero nppointod in recognition
of their fitness for the places, and there
is no doubt that the United States is
well represented at Constantinople, San
tiago, and llayti.
Tho other appointments credited to
Now York aro as follows : William L.
Aldon, as consul general nt Rome; G.
Steadman Williams, as commercial
agent at Nottingham; Jamc3 M. Rosso,
as consul at Threo Rivers; Henry Mc
Gilbort, as consul nt Trieste; Lewis G.
Reed, as consul at Barbadoes; Otto E.
Reimer, at Santiago do Cuba; James
Murray, as consul at St. John, N. B
Albert Louring, as consul at Bremen;
John M. Strong, us consul at Belleville;
Alex Bert rand, at St. Johns, Quebec;
Ferdinand F. Dupois, at Havre; Arthur
B, Wood, at Dundee; Alex II. Simploy,
at Auckland; James Wholan, at Fort
Erie; Thomas W. Hotchkiss, at Ottawa;
Augustus Jay, second secretary to lega
tion at Paris; Christian M. Seibert, sec
retary of legation at Santiago, and E.
II. Strobol secretary to legation at Mad
rid. Ohio comes next for tha first-class
missions, having secured tha Berlin le
gation for ox-Senator George II. Pen
dleton, and that at Romo for John B.
Stallo, n prominent Gorman democrat.
Tho former pays 17,600 nnd tho latter
$12,000. Besidos theso two, Ohio has
secured six othor positions.
Kentucky is represented by Charles
W. Iluck as minister to Peru; Boyd
Winchester, minister to Switzerland,
and Charles D. Jacob, minister to the
United States of Columbia. Besides
these, tho stato has ono consul general
and ono proininont consulate
Indiana has threo missions that to
China, filled by Cliarlcs Dcnby; to Swe
den and Norway, by Rufus Magco, and
to tho Argentine Republic, by Baylcss
W. Haima. In addition to theso tho
stato haa a consul general, a consul,
nnd a occrotary of legation.
Every stato In tho union might bo ta
ken and tho appointments therefrom
o.-tainincd, so far as tho diplomatic ser
vice was concerned, and it, would ba
found that oach had been treated with
exact justice. Then tako all tho ap
pointments mado by Mr. Bayard and
classify them by sections of country,
and it would bo found that tho goo
graphical proportions had boon ob
served. A too-ca!AV& tub-Inspector of police In Gua
dalajara, Mexico, hucg a woman up by Uu
thumbs In order to extort a coalWlon tnm
her. Iiystauders Interfered and relwwi Ut