o KNDEAVOB. A moaning crras the world rolls by, Through gloom of clou 1 nnd glory of sky Rings In my cars forever. And I know not ttlnt II profit? n man To plow nnd sow, nnd study nud plau, And reap ttie hnrTCSt never. "Abide, In truth abide," Spake a low voice nt my Mc, "Abide tlioti, nnd eudeavorl" And even tlioiuli, nfler care and toll, I should sco my linpot from n kindly soil, Though late, 3d blooming ever, rcrehanco the prize were not worth the pain, Pcrcliancc tills fretting and wasting of brain Wins lis true guerdon never. "Abide, In love abide," The tender voice replied, "Abide thou, and endeavor 1" "Strive, endeavor; It profits more To fitrlit and fall, than on Time's dull shore To sit nn ld'cr ever; For to him who ba'ci his arm to the strife, Firm nt his post In the battle of ll.'p, The victory fa'leth never. Therefore, In faith nblde," Tbc earnest voice still cr'cd, "Abide thou, nnd endeavor 1" Mates Sandorf. -BT- JULES VERNE. jurrnon ov "jourtNnr to this centre OF THE nAUTIt," "TIUP TO TUB MOON," "AIIODND THB WORLD IN EinjITX PATS, " " MIOIIAEIj BTnOOOl'F," "TWENTr THOUSAND LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA," ETO., KTO. (TBANBLATION COrVlliailTKD, 1833. CHAPTER VIH ATTEH THE SENTENCE. Baronny wns taken back to tho coll ho ocoupied nt llio bottom of nil olliptio corridor on tho second iloor of tho don jon. Snndorf nnd his two friends, dur ing tlio Inst hours of life Mint romninod to thom, were quartered in a largo cell on tho snmo lovel, exactly nt tlio end of tho major axis of the ellipse- which this corridor nindo. Tho secret was now known. Tho condemned wore to bo left togothor until their execution. This wns n consolation, oven a plonsuro for thom, when thoy found thcmsclvaa nlono nnd allowed to givo way to feel ings which thoy could not nt ilrst restrain. "My friends," Bnid Sandorf, "I am tho cause of your deaths I But 1 liavo nothing to ask your pardon for I Wo worked for tho independenuo of Ilun Rary 1 Our cnuso was just I It is our duty to defend her I It ia an honor to dio for hor 1" "Mathias,"snid Bathory, "wo thank you for having associated us with you in tho palriotio work whioh would havo beon the work of all your life" "As wo aro associated with you in icuth I" nddod Zathinnr. Then during a momentary silonco tho threo gazed round tho gloomy cell in whioh thoy wero to spend their lust hours. A nnrrow window some four or flvofeot high, out through tho thick wall of tho donjon, lot in a certain amount of light There wero three iron bedsteads, n few ohairs, a table nnd n slu If or two, on which wore a few articles of crockory. Zathmar nnd Bathory wero soon lost in thought. Sandorf began to walk up nnd down tho cell. Zathinnr was nlono in tho world, had no family ties and no near relations. There was only hia old norvant, Borik, o mourn for him. I It wns not bo with Bathory. His death would not only prove a blow to himself. Ho hnd a wife and son whom it would reach. That wife and child might ovou dio 1 And if thoy survived mm, now wero thoy to live? What was io bo the future of n penniless woman j nnd hor eight -yoiU'-Old child r unit Bnthory possessed any properly, how much of it would remain after a judg ment which directed it to bo coullscatod und Houtonood him to death ? As for Sandorf, nil his past lifo re turned to him I His wifo came to him I His little daughter camo- a child of two years old, now left to tho euro of tho iitownrd. And there wero his friends whom ho hnd led to ruin 1 Ho asked himself if ho hnd dono well, if ho had toot gono fart hor than his duty towards his country required ? Woul I Mint tho punishment had fallen on him nlono, and not upon those that wero innooeut I "No! no I I havo only dono my duty 1" ho slid to himsolf. "My couutry before nil. nnd above all!" At flvo o'clock a wardor entered tho coll, placed tho dinner on tho table, and wont out again without saying a word, fiundorf would havo likod to know in what fortress ho was kept a prisoner, but as tho President of tho court-martial had not thought tit to auswer tho ques tion it was quio certain that tho warder would not give tho information. Tho prisonors hardly touchod tho din ner which had been prepared for thom. Thoy passed tho rest of the day talking on various matters, in tho hope that their nbcutivo movement would one day yo resumed. Very often they returned to tho incidents of the trial. "Wo now know, "said Zathmar, "why wo havo boon ni rested, and how tha polico discovered us from that letter which Uiey camo across," Yes, liudinlas," nud Sandorf, "but into wIiom) liund did that message, which was one of tho last wo received, nt llrst fall, and who copied it ?" "Anil when it was copied," added Uathory, "how- did they read it without the grating V "Tlio gratiug must havo beeuBtolen," said Sandorf. "Stolon! nnd and by whom V askod Zuthnmr. "Tho day wo wero anebted it was still in tlio drawer on my desk, whonoo thu polios took it." This was indeed inexplicable. That the letter had been found on tho pigeon ; that it had boon con led boforo bolua sent to its destination ; Mini tho liouso whero tho person to whom it was r.d dressod had been discovered all Mint could bo explained. Hut that the crypt ographic despntch could havo beon deciphered without tho grating by which it had been formed was incomprehen sible. "And besides," continued Sandorf, "wo know that tho letter was read, nnd it could not havo been read without tho grating 1 It mus this letter which put the polico on our traces, nnd it was on it that the whole chargo was 1umhI." "It matters very little, after all," an swered Bathory. "On the conttary, it does matter," said Sandorf. "Wo havo been betray ed 1 And if Micro has been a traitor not to know" Sandorf suddenly stopped. Tho namo of Sarcany occurred to him ; but ho abandoned tho thought at onco without caring to communicate it t his com panions. Far into the night Sandorf and his companions continuo their conversation on nil that was uuintelligblo with re gard to these matters. In tho morning they wero awakened from sound sleep by tho entry of tho warder. It was tho morning of their last day nut one. llio execution wns Used to hike place in twenty-four hva from then. Bathory asked tho warder if ho might bo permitted to sco his family. Tho warder roplied that ho hnd no orders on tho subject. It was not likely that tho Government would consent to give tho prisoners tins last con solation, inasmuch as they had conducted tho affair throughout with tho greatest secrecy, and not even tho iiiiino of tho fortress which served thom as u prison had been revealed. "If we write letters, will thoy bo for warded ? asked Sandorf. I will bring you paper, pons nnd ink," roplied the wardor ; " nud I prom iso to give your lettors into tho Gov ernor's hands." Wo aro much obliged to you," said Sandorf. "If you do that, you do all you can 1 Jiow shall wo reward you 1 " lour thanks aro sullloient, gentle men, saw tho warder, who could not conceal hh emotion. Ho soon brought in tho writing mate rials. Tlio prisoners spent tlio greater part of tho day in making their last arrangements. Sandorf said all that a father's heart could prompt in his in structions regarding his baby girl, who would soon bo an orphan ; Bathory all that a husband and a father could think of in bidding a loving farewell to his wifo and son : Zathmar all that a master could say to nn old sorvanfc who remained his onlv friend. Hut during tlio day, although absorb ed in their writing, how many times did thoy stop to listen 1 How many times did thoy sook to discover if some distant noiso was not coming along tho corridors of tho donjon! How ninny limes did it seem to them ns though tho door of their coll hnd opened, nnd that they Avero to bp permitted ono last ombraco of wifo, son or daughter 1 That would havo been some consolation 1 Hut, in truth, tlio pittiless order deprived them of this last ndiou and spuied thom tho heart rending scone. Tho door did not open. Doubtless neither Mine. Uathory or her son, nor tho steward, Lendeck. to whoso eara Sandorf's daughter had been given, know no moro whero tho prisoners wero taken to after their arrest Minn Borik in his prison at Trieste. Doubtless nlso, neither of thom know of tho doom in storo for the conspirnt ra. Thus passed llio earlier hours of the day. Occasionally Sandsord and his friends would talk for a while. Oc casionally thoy would bo silent for somo tinio, nn-! Ih'n tho w hole of their lives Mould bo lived c vor again in their mem ories with nn intensity of impression quito supornntural. It wns not with tho past, as affecting tho past, that they wero entirely concerned ; tho recollec tions scorned all to shape themselves with a view to tho present. Was it thon. a prescience of that eternity which was about to open on them, of that incom prehensible ami ineomni'Misuralo state of things which is called tho infinite ? Uathory nnd Zathmiir nbaudouoil themselves without reserve to (heir rev eries, but Sandorf was invincibly domi nated by an idea whioh hadtakeu posses sion of him. Ho could not doubt but what there had been treachery in this mysterious alV.iir. Vor a man of his chiiraoter to die without punishing tha traitor, whosoever he win, without know ing oven who had betrayed him, was to dio twice over. Who hnd got hold of this message to which tho polico owed tho discovery of the conspiracy und-tho nrrost of tho conspirators? Who had rend it, who had gr en it up, who had sold it, perhaps? Pondering over this insoluble problem, Sandorf's excited brain became a prey to a sort of fover. And while his friends wrote on or re mained bileut and motionless, ho strodo uneasy ninj ngitated, pacing the floor of his cell like u wild beast bhut up in u cage. A phenomeon straugo but not unin telligible in accordance with acoustical law camo nt last to his nid nnd whisper ed tho bcorut ho had despaired of dis covering. Several times ho had stepped short as ho turned utthe angle which tho dividing , wall of the cell niado with the main wall of tho corridor, on to which tho different cells opened. In this angle, just whero the door was hinged, ho scorned to hear murmur of vo ces, distant and hardly ! recognizible. At llrst 1m paid no atton ,'Jiou to this, but suddenly n tmmo was I pronounced - his own- nud he listened I intently. At onco he detected an ac oustical plienonieiioi), suuh as is observ. able in tho interiors of galleries and domes or under vaults of ellipsoidal 1 form. Tho voice truvoling from ono point of the ellipse, after following tho contour of Mio walls without being per ceptible at nny intei mediate point, is plainly heard at tho other foous. Such is thu phenomenon met with iu tho crypts of tho Pantheon iu Paris, in tho interior of the dome of SU Peter's at Home, and iu the whisporiug gallery at SU Paul' in Loudon. Tho fuiutust word uttered nt ono focus of thcsoctirins is distinctly heard at tho focus opposite. There oould bo no doubt that tho two or moro po-sons w?io wero talking either in tho corridor or in a cell situated at tho end of tho diameter, tho vocal point of which was close to tho door of tho sell occupied by Sandorf. Uy a sign ho called his companions to him. The three stood listening. Fragments of phrases distinctly reach ?d their cars; phrases broken off and lying nwny us every now und then tho speaker moved from and towards tho point whoso position determined tho phenomenon. And these nro tho phrases thoy heard at different intervuls: " To-morrow nftcr tlio execution, you will bo free." "And then Count Sandorf's goods wo share " "Without mo you never would havo deciphered that message." "And without mo if I had not taken it from the pigeon you never would havo got hold of it ' Well, no one would suspect that tho police owe' "Even tho prisoners havo no sus picion." "Neither relatives nor friends aro coming to sco them." "To-morrow, Sarcany." "To-morrow, Silas Toronthal." Then tho voices wero silent, and tho sound of a door being shut was heard. " Sarcany ! Silas Toronthal !" ex claimed Sandorf. "That is whero it camo from 1" Ho looked at his friends, and was quito pale. His heart stopped beating in the grip of tho spasm. His eyes dilated, his neck stiffened, hia head sank back to his shoulders everything showed that his energetic nnturo was in tho grasp of terrible anger, pushed to its furthest extreme. "Thoso two! The scoundrels! Those two I" ho repented with a sort of a roar. Then ho corrected himself, looked round him, nnd strode across tho coIX "Esenpo! Escapo!" ho exclaim " Wo must escape I" And this man, who would havo walked bravely to death a few hours later, this man who had never even thought of making an effort for his life, this man hud now but ono thought to live, and live to punish those two traitors, Sarcany and Toronthal ! "Yes! To bo revenged ?" exclaimed Uathory and Zathmar. "To bo revenged? No 1 To do jus tice " All tho Count Sandorf was in thoso words. CHAPTER IX. TTIE DONJON 01' 1'ISINO. Tho fortress of Pisino is ono of tho most formidable buildings which arose in tho middle ages. It has a lino feudal aspect. It only wants tho knights in its vaulted halls and tho ladies in their long brocaded robes and pointed bonnets at its arched windows, and tho nrohers and crosnbowmen on its machicolations, its battlemouted galleries, at tho emtira sures of its niangmals, its portcullis and its drawbridgos. Tho stonework is still intact ; but tlio Governor with his Aus trian uniform, tho soldiers with their modern weapons, the warders and turn keys who no longer wear tho parti colored costume, half yellow and half red, of tho old days, strike a false note in Mm midst of all this magniiiceno of the past. It was from tho donjon of this fortress that Count Sandorf was endeavoring to escape during the last hours before his execution. A mad attempt, no doubt ; for tho piisonors did not oven know ;n what part of the donjon their prison lay, nor nny thing of the country across which they would havo to journey after their escape. And nerhnns it was fortunato that their ignorance was complete in the mat ter. Had they known more they might have recoiled before tho difficulties, to say nothing of tho impossibilities of such an enterprise. It is not that this province of Itria offers no favorable chances for an escape, for no matter what direction the fugi tives took thev would reach the sencoast t.wv Imtii's. It is not that tho streets of Pisino tiro so carefully gaurded that there is a risk of heing nrresteu nt tno ,.,.v tlvut. nfoii. Hut to eseano from tho fortress, and particularly from the don jon occupied uv tho prisoners, nan up to Mmn Ihwmi considered impossible. Even Mio idea had nover occurred to any ono. Tho situation ami exterior arrango moots of tho donjon iu tho fortress of Pisino wero us follows : The donjon occupies ono side of tho terrace with w!ii..li dm town hero ends. Lounina over the parapet of this terrace the eyo . . i i ... plunges mio a large, uuup nsu nmrrK.l sides, covered with thick entru- glements of creepers, nro cut down per- f I 1 XT. vll.i. ... m.ii.lin i .. tliA penuioumriv, n"uuii,i nm troll tin. in is not a hton to enable uuy ono to ascend or descund ; not a fenco to halt at ; not a prominence to seize .wii.i uniiii in niiv nart of it : nothiui! but tho unoerlain lines, smooth, rugged and irregular, wiiiou maiu uiu muiquo nin,MTO tit the rocks. In a word, it i'b an abyss which attracts, fasshiates and never gives oaolc nuyiuing uuii drops into it. flin nhvss rises ono of the side walls of tho donjon, pierced with a few windows giving liclit to the cells on tho different floors. Wero a prisoner to lean out of ono of these openings he would recoil with terror, lest vertigo drag him into tho void below. And if ho fell what would bo his fate? Hia lody would bo dashed to pieces on tho rocks at tho bottom, or it would 'bo-curTied nwny by tho torrent whoso current dur ing flood is irresistible, Tli ) ) Mi '"'nil iu it is (villtul in tho district. Through it runs a rivei known ns tho Foiba. This river iifldi its only outlet in a cavern which it has gradually cut out of tho rocks, and intc which it falls with tho impetuousity of o tide-race or a whirlpool. Whero docs it go us it passes under tho town ? No one knows. Whero does it reappear ? Nol ono knows of this cavern, or rather this canal, bored in tho schists nnd clnys no ono knows tho length, tho height oi the direction. Who can say what thous ands of nngles, what forests of pillars supporting tho enormous substructure of tho fortress and entire city its waters nro dashed against in their course ? Many bold explorers, when tho water lovel has boon neither too high nor too low, havo taken a light boat and endeavored to descend the Foiba through tho gloomy tunnel, but tho nrohes havo been too low and havo soon interposed nn impracticable obstacle. In fact, nothing is known of this subt 'irauean ri-cr. Perhaps it is lo3t in some still deeper cavern and enters tho Adriatic below the tide mark. Such, then, was tho Erico, of which Count Sandorf did not oven know tho existence ; and as tho only escapo was by thu window of his cell, which opened above tho Hrico, ho would be almost as certain to meet his death as if ho stood iu front of the firing party on tho morn ing of his execution. Zathmar nnd Hathory waited but for tho time to act, ready to remain behind, if necessary, and sacrifice themselves to help Count Sandorf, or ready to follow him if their flight would not hamper his. - , TO nr. CONTINUED. An Iiiterestiiiar Scheme They wero two traditional newspaper men. "Any nows?" asked ono. "No; tho city oilitor is out, and I am prospecting." "Prospoeting for what?" "A now overcoat. I'm goinjr to try tlio installment plan. Evor heard of that?" "Not in tho gents' furnishing lino," answered the surprised writer. "Well, 'tis a fact," continued tho other; "witliin a your thoro has been an important extension in tho system. Now wo havo sovoral institutions got ten up for just such a purpose. Going to one ono of thoso inst'lutioiis nud naming the article you desire, you nro asked, What have you got for refer ences? Whoro nro you employed? and nro you employed permanently ?" Af ter answering you nro asked to call again in a day or two. In tlio mean time your references aro investigated. Should thoy prove satisfactory, upon you culling again tho manager hands you an order and directs you to a store whoro tho article you desire is kept, there to c-'ioose for yourself. They make urrangenients with stores for any urt.olo in thu furnishing lino, mil receive as compensation n per centage on all goods sold, and tho only seetintv thoso instalment institutions have iU tho fact that you aro at work, anil that von funi'shed satisfactory references. It ninv ho thought that on account of this a much larger price would be charged than nt places where cash payments are tho rule. This, however, is not so. Thoy claim that their price will compare fovora uly with any house in tho city; in fuct. thuy point to this as tlio reason thoir traiio is constantly increasing. Occa sionally thoy meet with loss by tho lisliouesty of some individual innt they have furnished. 1 ho system is losliiiffd to become in tho iiiture of grout magnitude." "Kiglityou are, " said tlio nroinor scribbler; "guess I'll go alon loo. Ilostoti Globe. The Ivrotlliniriirn. In tho land ot the Hindoos, who are it very amiable and gentle people, there s in many houses a room called the krodhagaiu, or thu chamber of bud humor, which serves tho purposo of ho corner. "You had better xo into tho krod ngnra, my child," oborves the Hin doo mother, when btlle Torn ia dis- urlied iu mind, "and tlio ro remain until you feel as a blessed Hindoo child ought to feel." This apartment serves a still more mportant use in the family. It some times happuus iu those fur-off healhen anils, strange as it may seem to us iu a land when) oTcryono is always unii- iiblo nud good lompurcd, that tho mother herself is not in tho best hu mor; sometimes tho fathor is positive ly cross; sometimes a niothor-in-Iaw is ess amiable Ihnn usual, nnd occasion- nllv a graiidpaiont does not enjoy tho festive morn when the gruel is lumpy. Iu such caes the alllieted person . .1.1 t coos-, ot ins own accord, into mo uroii- hngara, and stays there until ho feels him elf in benign accord with all man- and, and In particularly good iniinor with his own family. loutlri l-w- jmiiton. A Suarirostloii to tlio I'reaalnrs. The secrotary of tho. New England Divorce Hoforni league makes tlio suggestion that on tho approaching Thanksgiving day ministers should preach on the family, tho divine laws by which its purity is guarded, tho dangers by which it Is menaced, and the precious interests involved In the bsuc. There Is a cortain appropriate ness of. tho theme to tho domestic chnnielor of the Thanksgiving observ ance. Wo tear that the growing in attention to church seivlcesou that day forbids the hope of gathering much of an audience tiny where to ro. celve the instruction und monition called for, but the subject is one on which there should bo :'llne upon Hue, precept upon precept," Uostun H'ufrA- man. THE AMERICAN GIKIi. How nn English Gentleman Views lior fi a Novel. Miss Baylor, in her very clever and entertaining novel, "On Hoth Sides," give3 us some finer spirited, pen pict ures, in which nho contrasts English and American character, and be it said to her credit, with entire fairness to both nationalities. Mr. lleathcote, and elegant and ac complished young Eimliohman, who having safely eluded tho wiles of the mntch making British matrons with eligible daughters, comes to America, and in a charming family of Haltimo reans, where ho is received with genu ine hospitality and allowed to ride, walk and talk ad libitum with the daughter of the house, finds himself on the other horn of tho dilemma. "Tho weight of excessive eligibility suddenjy slipped oil him (Mr. Heath cote), like the albatross from the neck of the ancient mariner, leaving him a thankful and happy man. In a week he had established himself firmly at Mr.Unscombo's declined to accompany his undo to Virginia, and definitely settled in his own mind that ho would take tho step matrimonial the step from tha sublime, well not always to bo ridiculous. With this resolution he naturally thought thatthegreatest obstacle to success bad been removed: but ho was soon disillusionized. Ho hnd already come to see that Ameri can girls wero very much in tho habit of being gracious to everybody, ar.d saying pretty and pleasant things, with no thought of nn hereafter; nlo that they did not live with St. George's, HanoverSquarc,or its American equiv alent.TrintyChurch.New York, stamp ed on tho mental retina. Miss Bas combe was 'very nice'to himself,but she was quite as nice to a dozen other men. It was quite clear that if there was to bo any wooing done, he would have to do it go every step of the way himself, with no assistance from Miss Bascombo. 'How on earth am I to show her that I care for her?' he thought. 'Other men send her dozens of bonnets, nnd box after box of ex pensive sweets, without end, nnd thoy come to see her continually and take her about every where, and are en tirely devoted to her. I wonder what fellows do over hero when they are serious? How do they mako them selves understood when they go on this way habitually? It is a most extraor dinary state of alinirs! Nothing seems to mean nnything here, it is worso than beiny in England, whero everything meaiw something. No, it isn't either. I vow that when I am at tho Clinton's, in Surrey, I scarcely dare oiiiv the girls so much ns a muthn, and if I ask the carroty one, Beatrice, the simplest question, she blushes and stammers as if I were proposing out of hand. But what am I to do? I can't sing and take to serenading Edith on moonlit nights with a guitar and a blue ribbon around my neck. I can't push her into tho river that I may pull her out again. 1 dare say there is nothing for it but to adopt tho American method enter with about fifty others for n sort of sentimental steeplechase, elbow or knock every other .fellow out of the way, in the running, work awfully hard to please the girl, and get in by half a length if ono wins at all. There is no leeling sure of her until ono is coming back from tho altar, evidently." To have even unintentionally drawn this soliloquy from a rather conceited young JMigiisiimnn, whose nttitiuio toward tlio gentler sex una Hitherto been, to say tho least, evasive, was no small triumph for MissBascombo,who had succeeded in bewildering and as tonishing Mr. lleathcote even more completely than Miss Bijou Brown bad done his sister, when she called a young man of her acquaintance "a erlectlY lovely leiiow," pronounced is noso "a dream," and finally ac knowledged to corresponding with twelve of his ilk, ai'dingthat she gen- rally read these letters to "Pepper," who laughed fit to kill himself over them." It is pleasant indeed to see the Amer ican girl placed uetore us in a proper light, in view of the many caricatures in both English and Americnn fiction, in which alio has played a prominent part. Miss Baylor places the English daisy, Ethel lleathcote, besii o ono of our own Americnn wild roses, and demonstrates quite clearly that, with all tho freedom that our social cus toms permit, the American girl is quite' as modest, ingenuous, womanly and true hearted as her English sister, whoso every action is hedged in by conventionalities, and whose every step is attended by a chaperon. Making: Dollars. On tho corner of Chestnut and Juni per Streets in Philadelphia is a square, rtzlv building with a bed or two of red ran in ins in irout, unu a unueu ates flag flying overheard. In tho centre of this minding, m an open courtyard, aro piled-upcrates covered with stout wire not, and guarded by men under arms. These crates contain partially re fined silver ore from Colorado, and the vuluo of each is about a thousand dollars. Some thirteen or fourteen thousand pounds of silver is melted every day, and comes out of tho grimy smelting room in glittering ingots. Theso lomt bars are held each in turn' under the topping machine, which ia a heavy steel shaft with a knio edge that smooths oil the ends of themetnlbars ns easily as if it were paring an applo. Tho ingots then nave thosnape, anu n good deal tho appearance, of a bar of white cream candy in the confec tioners' jnrs. Each ono is next put under rollers, like dough, nnd tlateneu out to tho thickness of a dollar. Tho precious dough is then heated and handed over to a gigantic cook made of revolving wheels nnd steel bars, who swiftly cuts it into tiny biscuit, two hundred nnd fifty in the minute. These little enkes afo seized by another machine which mills tho .edges, amUhep pass into n trough filled with ncid to wnsh them, and from that to a revolving tdb of unwdust. They 4 are now smooth bright discs of silver with milled edges. The press which makes them into coins is like a monstrous dumb, intel ligent creature. It is waited on by a pretty young girl who drops the discs into a long tube, from which thisdumb monster (who seems to bo thinking of something greater than its work) picks each one out with its claw-like lingers, places it between its lips, on one of which is a head of Liberty, and tho other nn eajdo. Tho mouth shuts on it with terrific force, and spits it forth, a dollar. Each dollar is weighed, and if too light or too heavy, is rejected, and sent, back to the melting furnace. The Government is a thrifty manu facturer; the fragments, wo may bo sure, aro carefully gathered up, that nothing is lost. Tho pieces out of which the coins are cut, and the silver filings from tho milling machine, all go back, of course, to bo melted over. The floors and walls of the mint nro covered with iron grating, through which tho scrapings and precious dust sift. These amount in value to thirty or forty thousand dollars a year. At certain intervals the grating itself is melted down, and yields its prey a the precious metal. Youth's Companion. The Blood Sucking- Farm Mort- A San Joaquin county, Cal., writes as follows to a local paper; '"I have lived in this locality twenty-one years. During this time I have farmed from ICO to 820 acres of splendid land, within seven miles of Lodi, When I came to this country I pre empted a quarter section. Twelvo years ago I bought the adjoining quar ter section, mortgaging tho whole for $10,000 to enable me to buy it. Out of the profits of my twenty years' farming I have supported my family, fenced my lands, built a good barn and stable, and paid i?iJ,5UU upon my house, which I built five years ngo at a cost' of $5,200. I raised ?2,700, balance on the house, on a joint noto which a neighbor helped me to make. 'This is what I have accomplished. It is an honest confession. Some havo done better mnny have failed to do aa well. "On the $10,000 mortgage I have paid 8 per cent, to a Stockton bank for the past eleven years. I was figuring up what this 'plaster' has cost me in that time. Just think of it. I have paid $00.05 interest per month on that confounded, blood-sucking mortgage. Adding t o the compounded interest I havo paid $9,000 interest for my foolishness in going in debt to buy that quarter section. Tho $2,700 I owe on the joint noto has cost mo in interest in tlio Inst four years, at 10 per cent., just exactly $1,500, count ing the broker's comniittsion. For tho glory of owning 320 acres of land, and for the comfort of living in a good house, I have paid $10,500 interest, nnd still I owe $12,700. I tell you. Mr. Editor, mortgages knock out more fnrmers financially than short crops and low prices. i am hfty-seven venrs old; grev hairs and fewer of 'em remind mo that I am sliding down life's decline. If I am not old enough to learn wisdom, I must always remain a blank tool. "I am tired ot this big ranch of mine. with its big debt, its big expense and its small net prohts. 1 in tired of slaving for kid-gloved money-lenders. Ono half of my farm is for sale. I'm going to unload I will sell 100 acres of as good land as there is in this valley, all well fenced and with other valuable improvements, for just tho amount of my debts. Anybody who will release me of two damnable iron clad, double-riveted promissory notes, together amounting to $12,700, can take that quarter section." He Toole Whiskey. Prom the liig Horn Sentinel. A nobby and snobbish milord of British extraction travelled from Big Horn with us and Abe Idelinan on tho stage coach early one week. Mil ord was excessively exclusive. lie wouldn't be sociable, and spoke to no one except the two ".lohn Henry" servants he had with him, and was altogether as unpleasant as hiss nob bishness could make him. At a din ner station there wero a lot of jolly cowbovs on a lark, and ono of them "treating" ovcrybody, asked tho En glishman to drink. Of course milord retuseit. 'ino cow boy displayed a djingerous-looking six hooter and very impressively insist ed on his drinking. "But 1 cawn t. you know; I don't drink, you know," was milord's repiy. air. uowooy brought tho muzlo in a dangerous proximity to tho knot in wich mil ord's brains wero supposed to lie hid den somewhere, and then ho said he'd drink he'd take soda water, you know. "Soda water nuthin', said Mr. Cowboy, "ion 11 take straight whis key." 'But, aw, this American whiskey, I cawn't swallow it, you know." "Well," said the cowbov. I ll mako a hole in the side of vour head so that wo can pour it in." nnd ho began to draw on milord, and milord said: "Aw, that'll do, I'll drink it." u lien the cowboy invited muoru s servants to drink, which horrihea lim. "Thev don't drink, you.knov," ho said. "Well, we'll 6eo whether they do or not," snid Mr. Cowboy. 1 ho chances nro you don t give em n 'hoportunity.' Come up here, you fellows, and guzzle;" nnd tho two John llenrvs. with n show of reluct- mice, but really glad to got a drink, came up, and the cowooy passeu a tumblerful of torchlight procession whiskey for milord, and tho 6ervauts loured for themselves. Then the cowboy made the John Henrys ciink glasses with milord, nnd ali drank, and there was great fun. Milord tried alter that to be very lol ly, and tho stimulant assisted him de- cidedly. nut in tnocoacn neieii uack into his exclusivoness, and retained it throughout, and has piobably, got it vet. i