The Oregon Scout. VOL. II. UNION, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 2, 1886. NO, 27. . THE OREGON SCOUT. An Independent weekly Journal, Issued eve y Snturdny by JONES & CHANCEY, l'ubllsliors und Proprietors. A. K. Jones, I ) Editor. ( II. Chanckv, I I'orciiuin, KaTKSOF Sl'USCmPTION: i-t f.0 l m Ono copy, ono year " Six months " " Threo months Invnrlntily cusli In mlvnnpo. If by nny chnnco Biib'crlptlous nro not nnld till end ot ynnr. two dollars will bo chiii-jred. lUtcsof advertising miulo known on nppli- Correspondence from all parts of the county Address nil communications to A. K. Jones, r.uiior urcRon ccoui, I'nion, Ur. IofIa;c Hlreetory. Grand Koniif. Vallkv Loom:. No. no. A. F. nnd A. M. Meets on tho second and fourth brttuninj-B of each month. O. F. Bem Y. M. C. 13. Davis, Secretary. Union Loikir, No. IRi. I. O. O. r Ilogulnr meetings on Friday overlings of ench woeknt their hall in Union. All brethren in good standing' aro invited to attend. Ity order of mo touge. s. v . IjONu, . u. G. A. Thompson, Socy. Cliurcli Directory. M. E. Cmllicii Divlno service every Sunday lit 11 n. in nml 7 ii. in. Sundnv school nt .1 n, in. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening uiu:,j. 11KV. ANUE11SON, 1'llBlUr. PitrsnvTEitiAN Ciimtoii Hctrular church services everv Subbath inorninir and evening, Prayer meeting each week on, Wednesday evening, ealiiiatn school every fcaiiiialh at 10 a. in. ltov. H. Vgknon Hick, Pastor, St. John's Episcopal Ciiuiicii Servico every Sunday nt 11 o clock a. in. Kkv. W. It. Powell, Hector. County Officers. Judge A. C. Craig Sheriff A. I.. Saunders Clerk It. v. Wilson Trensurcr A. F. Henson School Superintendent J. I.. Hlndman Surveyor E. Slmonls Coroner E. II. Lewis COMMIHSIONKIIK. Geo. Acklos J no. Stonier Stato Senator I.. II. Klnehart IlKl'KKSKNTATIVES. F.T.Dick E. E.Taylor City Officers. ilnyor D. B. Itoes (XllINClLMBN. S. A.Pursol W. D. neidleman J.S. Elliott , Willis Skiff .1. II. Eaton G. A. Thompson Hfcordcr J. 11. Thomson Marshal .- J. A.Dennoy Treusuror J. I). Carroll fetreot Commissioner L. Eaton Departure or TrntiiN. Itegulnr east bound trains loavo at 0:00 a m. West bound trains leave at 4:20 p. m. VUOFKSSIOXAL. J. R. CKITES, a'itokivky AT LAW. Collecting and urobate nractico sneclaltles Olllcc, two doors south of Postofllce, Union, uregon. It EAKIN, Attorney at Law and Notary Pale. Olllcc, ono door south of J, 11. Eaton's store Union, Oregon. I. N. CROMWELL, M. D., Physician and Surgeon Office, one door south ot J. 11. Eaton's store, Union, Oregon. A. E. SCOTT, M. D PHYSICIAN ANI .SUICCiKOIV, Has permanently located ut North Powder, where no will answer all calls. T. II. CRAWFORD, ATTOKNKV AT JLAW, Union, .... Oregon. D. Y. K. DEEKING, IMiyKli'Inn mttl Surffm, Union, Oregon. Oftlco, Main street, next door to Jones Dros.' variety store, Hcsldence, Main street, second houie south ot court houBu. Chronic (llsoiisos a specialty. Attorney and Connsellor at Law, UKIOK, OllEGON. Rail BstAte, Law and Probato PrtotiJo will rerriTC jpeclnl attention. Otllco on A street, rear of State Land Office. II. F. BURLEIGH, Attorney t, Itcul IMute ii ml OlUuitlny Agent. Land Oflicc BusinetS a Specialty. Office at Alder, Union Co., Oregon. J ESSE IIAHDESTr. J. W. SlIELTOr SHELTOK & HARDESTY, ATTOKNUYH AT I, AW. Will practice, in Union, linker, Grunt, Uinntillii nnd Morrow Counties, nlso in the Kuprcme Court ol Oregon, the Dintriet, Orcuit und tiupreme Courtu ol the United States. Mining and Corporation biuine a up iculty. i Olllcc in Union, Ou-jon. THE SHARON-HILL ROMANCE. Mlssi Hill's TMsnlny of Orlof on T.enrrt liisof fho Senator's 1'ntnl 111 lleSH. Senator Sharon's death has revived a great deal of tho interest that was formerly manifested in him, writes a San Francisco correspondent to The New Yorh Sun, and his protracted litigation with Sarah Althea Hill. When Miss Hill was informed of Mr. Sharon's approaching death she mani fested great sorrow, wringing her hands and storming tip and down tho room because she could not be with him. She lives comfortably in a houie by herself, and has been busy of late in preparing for her forthcoming appearance on the stage. Upon tho announcement of Sharon's fatal illness she soliloquized over the situation, and, with tears in her eyes, asked why it was that she, a dutiful wife, must be kept from the bed side of her husband when she know that she could give him better caro than any body else. She attributed all her sor rows to his family, and declared that if they were out of the way she would go to him and ellect a reconciliation. Her preparations for tho stage have been made on the most elaborate scale, and in utter deliancc of all precedents. In her arrangements everything has been subordinated to tho exhibition of herself as the claimant for the Sharon millions. Tho play in which site is to appear, "The Merchant of Venice," lias been rewritten in order to bring in a hundred or more local gags, and in ono or two places scones from tho famous divorce trial have been introduced. Be sides this she has determined to appear in tho red velvet dress which she wore at the wedding of Sharon's daughter to Sir Thomas Hesketh, of England a garment which was the gift of the sena tor himself. Most people are surprised at the amount of property which Sharon died possessed of. It had been supposed that his estate was pretty well run down, but it appears from the schedule which he placed on rticonl that he wiis worth $15,000,000 at least. The great country place of Belmont, which fell into his hands at tho time of tho failure and death of its original owner, Mr. Ralston, has been occupied of late by Frank Ncwland, son-in-law of Sharon. This place, about which so many mem ories cluster, was never enjoyed by Sharon as it was by Ralston. Sharon visited it occasionally and remained there a day or two at a time, but in the main ho was satisfied to live in his well furnished rooms in the city. His tastes were all simple, and even when ho was at Belmont over night ho invariablv slept in the plancst room in that spa cious mansion. Belmont is about twenty-live miles from this city on tho Southern Pacific road, and is perhaps ten miles from the ocean. 1 ho house is about half a mile from the railroad, and is surrounded by many dillerent varieties of trees, some of them covered with clinginir ivv and tropical vines. Although the architect ure of tho house is not imnosiiir. the mansion is of great size, with spacious entrances, and taken together with the magnificent landscape, it presents a very inviting appearance. Standing on i side hill, it is possible for guests on any or the floors to walk out of their rooms to graveled paths leading to tho porches, while on tho other side fine views of tho valley stretching away for many miles may bo obtained. Ralston furnished tho house without regard to expense. Wherever solid silver could bo used it was employed in the ornamentation, and from -top to bottom tho mansion is fairly lined with tho costliest mirrors. It stands to-day in about the saino condition that Ral ston left it in. In tho days of its origi nal owner Belmont was a place for the entertainment of distinguished visitors to tho coast. Hundreds of prominent mon of both hemispheres have partaken of its hospitality. Sinco it fell into Siiaron's possession only ono great fete has occurred there, and that on tho oc clusion of tho marriage of his daughter to Sir Thomas Hesketh. No money was spared to mako this entertainment as brilliant as any that over took place on tho coast At was at this ceremony that Sarah Athea HUH figured conspic uously. She had only a little while be fore formed tho acquaintance of Sharon and ho purchased an outfit for her. In tho splendid-decorated rooms in her brilliant attiro sho cut a pretty big llg- uro. hhe exacted liberal attention irom tho mabter of tho place, and, lKisidcs be ing introduced by him to many of tho most prominent people present, it was on his arm that sho leaned when sho went forward to congratulate tho groom and kiss tho brido. Many of Sharon's friends have felt little sympathy for him since it was discovered that Miss Hill was the ono that ho so persistently thrust upon their attention at the lies, keth wedding. On her part It was the triumph of her life, and it is not denied that the millionaire's honors for her on that evening have had a srood deal to do in giving plausibility to her claim tha sho was then his wife, as even his friends have not been willing to admit that he would parade a mistress at his own daughter's wedding. Before signing the deed of trut con veying all his property to his children Sharon extracted from his son and son in-law a most solemn promise that they would never in any manner compromUo with Miss Hill. Once ortwieo he relaps ed into unconsciousness, and his death w:is thought to be near. But on rely ing again he would once more deniani of his relatives a promise that they would not settle the suit which the wo man has brought against him. Possibilities in a Word. A gentleman who was away from homo was writing to his wife from the office of a hotel, when he paused a nio nicnt in his occupation and looked per plexed; then he touched tho arm of an other traveler sitting near him in timid, deprecating way. "Excuse me, sir," ho said courteous ly, "but I am puzzled how to spell a word 1 desire to write," and ho pro nounced it carefully. "Don't mention it," responded tho other with the heartiness of good-fel lowship. I rather Hatter mvself that spelling is my strong point. E-x-t-a-seo there! Glad to accommodate you." "Thank you," said tho gentleman who was writing the letter, "my wife is so particular that I am ashamed of my poor spelling, as it constantly annoys her. 1 can tackle ordinary words easy enough, but those duplcx-spring-back-action, doublo and twist throwers arc too much for me," and he resumed his letter with a relieved look. "Pardon me," remarked a gentle man who, had been dozing in his chair, "but I think there is a slight mistake in orthography here, 1 have always spelled that word c-x-t-a-c-y. " "Gentlemen," said a clerical-looking man coining forward, "I am a profes sor in a college and am positive that tho letter x is not in tho word at all. It is spelled 'e-c-s-t-a-c-y.' " "Say! ain't you fellers all wrong?" inquired a long-legged traveler, who had been listening earnestly to tho dis mission. "I teach spellin' scliule win tors, out in Arkansaw, and I've alius spelt that tharo word 'egghtazv.' Ef that don't spell it, what do it spell then?" The bewildered traveler concluded that perhaps it would bo as well to spell the word m his own way, and so wrote to his wife that no pen could describe his c-k-s-t-a-c-o on receiving a letter from her. All of which methods of spelling tho word differ from Mr. Noah Webster's. Dclroil Free Press. a. Hands Off. Tourist, spare that pie, Touch not a single piece, i It was not made to die Give it u new life's lease. 'Twas made by a woman's hand, . Ere Andre had been shot; On counter let it btand Thy teeth can bite U not. Oootlall'g Daily Suit. Boarder, spare that hen, Touch not a single bone, It dusted round his feet Vheu Adam was alone. And when fair Eve was muds It cackled In the mow; In youth It clucked to Cain Old Cain protects It now. SI. Loult, South and Wett. Traveler, spare that egg, And, brcakmau, leave the spotl Don't monkey with tho shell 'TIs the last one of the lot j Laid when the earth was new And Adam was a kid; Then, traveler, Just go slow, Sheol Is in it hid. Qttlncy Farmers Call Jectcr, spare that joke, 1 Ages ago 'twas born Ere the duwn ot light first broke, And earth had welcomed morn. Ne'er had the evening star Thrown back kiss of sun, Whcu In chaos vast, afar That Joke Its course had run. St J'aul Mrald. She was a "Weapon. "Did you notice whether that gentle man acknowledged my salutation as ho passed us,'' remarked a young lady to her companion. "No, ho did not," replied tho lady. It's a direct insult, and I will Hov er speak to him again," observed tho lady. "Nor I cither," replied her compan ion. "Any man who would take me for a weapon will havo occasion to re gret it." "Does ho consider mo one?" "I don't know that ho does; but I am compelled to regard you as ono under tho circumstances." "What kind of a weapon?" A cut-lass." National Weekly. Oh! For Holidays. ROGERS Wo aro again to tho front with tho ilneat assortment of DHUGQISTS' SUNDRIES and CHRISTMAS GOODS ovor scon in tho Valley. Evory porson buying ONE DOLIiAirs worth of Goods from us during tho month of Dooombor will ro coivo a ohonoo in tho following bsnutlful nnd valua-blo prosonte : 1st Prize Plnsli Celluloid Dressln-case. it n 411 " it tt 7tft " t. Large Wax Doll, over i feel lo. Ciear Staufl . leersclain Glar Holier. PIoIomI Albnm, Bronze aafl M. tt tt Large Scraj-Boot These Prizes will be drawn for on DECEMBER 31st, at SEVEN O'CLOCK.. Wo havo nn elegant stock of Christmas Cards, Celluloid Goods, Choice Perfumery, Dolls and Toys, Scrap Books, Photo Albums, Autograph Albums, Cups and Saucers. Our stock is too largo to mention everything, hut como nnd see for yourselves Grande Roude Drug Store, HIGGINSON & ROGERS, Props., La Grande, - - - - - Oregon. SANTA CLAUS' HEADQUARTERS JONES BROS. And Everybody is invited to cull mid examine, their complete und elegant assortment ol" CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Rare Chance for Holiday Shoppers. READ OUR OFFER : For every dollar's worth of goods bought of us during the month of December, our patrons will receive a ticket which will give them a chance to secure any or all of the following beautiful presents: DRAWING TO TAKE PLAGE DEC. 30, AT 7 O'CLOCK. 1st Prize. Elept Decoratel Tea Set, 44 pieces. 2d Prize. Large Photograph Alhnm. 3i Prize. Velvet Wall Met - " ' 4th Prize. Splendid Oil Painis, size 24x30 inches. - v- ' 5th Prize. Decorate! Toilet Set. . . ej 6th Prize. Large Parlor Lams. 7th Prize. Heavy Silver Plate! Pickle Dish. ;: 8th Prize. Walnut Paper Holder. . ? 9th Prize. Silver Plated Vase. 10th Prize. Large Scrap Alhnm. DO NOT MISS THIS OLPORTUNITY TO GET A VALUABLE ARTICLE FOR NOTHING. IIcbIUch our Iihiiiuiiho hhhoi tint-nt ot Hollduy GooiIh, wo keep conHtantly on hand tho Choicest Family Groceries, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Variety and Fancy Goods, Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. JONES BROS.; Cor. Main and C Sts., Union.