The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, December 19, 1885, Image 5

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I N'lOX. OKK!0. SAT., PKC. ID. tW.
Uriel" Bulletins.
riri'Jiicn meet next Momhy.
Prepare for the Christinas tree.
Loon Levy returned from his trip
to Portland, Thursday.
t Mr?. Decring returned horn her
vl.-it to thecaist, last Sunday.
Hity your Christinas goods of Hig
(jIiik)ii it Hoger.", La Crande.
The Oregoniiin ha puMbhed fac
limiliesof tins Mitelull 1 Iters-.
Born S unlay Dec. l'ith. to the
Wife of Al. Diek.-on, :i dutuhter.
Th? meetings of tie; Lilrrarv Pnclutv
tire getting to hj wry interesting.
A big thootin j much will take
1 hoe at Iligli wdljv elionl house on
I'litislliias day.
Ketnembor th" gran 1 lull' at YVri-giit
liros. hall, on New Years night, Jan.
1st IVm. See ad. next wjck
' .ii.mii iiiimes. .inn mv -iii.j.i i iiuoiiicii
The Ijoi ks of the Cove irw sloie i a "('"'I,M'''' ""d t hlret l-.ibiied mail-
lunvt lu. l.,t..i..,i i... i... i n li Mier. Pleading and deinuriei s w ei e
,, , . , 1 ' 'I Cj!itllo.l straight from thi! ..houhler. in
)u atonee an I.-eltlj your aceoun'. ... .io...,.i..M T'h. ,iiii ,..,
. ... . rapnl Mieces-ion. a ii.hiocm'
A irrn'ior oi m'er.'.stiu : cnuitnuni- j became o Iropieal tint the court
t-atioiH h iva b -en r.' "i'.-d this week
Hint lVj caUnot publish for want of
t puce.
I)r, Slrango, chief el -rk of the Heii
ite. h.ivinc eomjil.'ted hi l.ibor at
Mm eapiti,!, returned the foro part of
Hie wjik.
A ioeial party was given at the.
residence of Jolnl Dobbin 1 ist Pridav
'veiling in honor of Miss Minnie
tJohns-on. it was a j l.'a?ant aU'.,ir.
An 01 1 Poll4 Con -ert, w 11 li given
uy tho 1 ulii's of th Presbyterian
t'iulreh, in Wrights lull on New Yea-s
'.ve. Tliu j)rogram in j w.ll be gIVeii
he.vt wjek.
Horace Rttmi kill 1 hi pot bear
last TuetdaN. Th $ bear h id grown
tot) 1 irge, utl l wis al'ngetli t too
iiggre.!-ivi! ait 1 ovorbjarin.; in hi;
A gran 1 bill v. "11 In givoti at
AVrijb'. Hro.s hjll on Hi.' ev.min ' nf
.thi) lt msi: M ii. Iii In- tin it linn i
fetrim'lianl. Tickets im-lii ln mm,-
per L'.oO.
W. 11. M.'Comi is now coil klctiirt
h K'al H-tat.) I5ti-iii -ss, an 1 Mai
find Kmiloynieut Agency, on
Iho corner of First au.l Wa.-hiiigton
tstrcets, Por.l.ul 1.
The snow lias disappeared froni the
Vail, -y, an 1 wj Have had tlu mo.-t
tleligtful W.'ather during tit j liast
Veek. Think of h it ye frost bitten
Ueuiren.s of tlie b it,t.
Mr. Ii. H. Cran-, of tl-D find, of
Crail i Ilro's, tvatcluhaker.s of Mist
l'orilipl, his lueii iii this city for
levor.d (lays jist takiii; iii tin sitUi
tioil, tut 1 w.ll probably I.icato lie.iv.
.ImiiLM C3.illnw.iv, who receil'ly
Knight block 4 in Lwi.' addition, has
milt aii extdi.-ive addition lo the
uui.-o nii-l is llttnig it up uie.l.v.
These factn, taken" in eoipieclion with
liis phijeeted visit to Por.laii.l In u few
(lays, loo!..-! su.-picioU.
A Christmas tree aii.l entertain-
Jjieitl be given in the I'ro.-ty dis
friet on (.'Iiristtnas eve. Parties
tiMiuig u) aucu i tp.' nan at tin; (.;ove
jhal ('yeiiiilg t'an td-(i attend llie en
terliiin'm'ejit without iiieonveiiiehec,
'is the, prb'giviniine is fhort, and th
'xereifccs W.ll Ivgin' at il :2() o'cluek.
i Mr. C, eli lirnfiiiof tjiu doniniis
joiier.s elected to lui.l 1 th) vi'o:i road
froni this city to lIo;ein, iiiforniH lis
that eoifiiL'rabL' adli'ioni liiwibeen
1 i . , . f . . e ' . l . i .i . , ,i
.li.:. i;.. i .i i ii ... .. .
inline m uje inn I, an 1 Vol!'. W.ll
e pu-hed as rapidly in ,po-ibl ,
dtizen's tlirim.jliout tlio v.ill.'y , will
iaea eltan'jij to Mi'weribe th'or.l ,.
M irried. At tho residence of lior
'ieu liatbii, in this ritv on Vedu vdav
I'veUiij.,' last, Mr. MaVh.iil Yi'oodarl
and Miss FI ictie M ;ers. Kev. Pw.jl
pflleliiliug. A reception V is given
ihe young eon'i I , oii Thtirsd i.v eyeu
ng, at the rerl l- Un' of 1, , IT. Hip -hart,
H'liteh wi rttlcit led by a lare litlnib.'r
ii invited gtutts.
W. 'I'.. Wrk'.h! l(n., hid , o!im iih
nenso glass j i ite?, ilbout 3x7 feet iii'
ize. pttt i,i tlo froiit tf th.' luiik
puil lin';. i.viU greirl,- ttj h
ippenntHee. He i.k-6 having estou
Uve Jlrt.prnvain.'ii'j in.riu oij
jnsijle, wliielj when eouij 1 -ted,, w,ll
jiiabe it the hiast eoinvtt'ient mid tl.-Ifjint-
bank in tltj state, oupldo of
Porthnd. Sf.ftrt. OMrandcr an I
rj'.-Km arc doing the carpenter Work.
, Tin first m':c(Hg of tli. Pitp Crfelt
itoad f;oiiiinis..joif ttiok l.lace la-a
Moilla.N. L'Utiti 3 1 Wim. ik'cted
,liainii,i,uof .th - Iiturd, Coliin" Cath'p
el, .Supjrii!',en Iju. mil j, W.
grange uinpfoyed as .Secrebify. We
lijev It i th in'ciitioii of tlf itijird
3 Iut tli hu.l Hug of flu, t'iriru rcitd
li nrii, . .nil. I .i, it -Aitlt i 1...
.i wiin.ii. v, ii. m hi,- L'Ai;VpiUl
'f (ho Bagl j creek bridge, which' .is to
lat Iif iiitcparate contract, ami oii-
fctructud thfd winter if f ottibla.
i, Iviist Monilay ua Mr. Cort'tior . t,iH
pringn a 6f lumbi'r down tw
li, IJie tuT! mjii, a heT droppwl
W u mt f ...... ..i .i. i
I'lt'd oil' thj grde.
IJlf Maine slrni)
Jim t the In no. wouid thervfiv
leil in reeuit t...
i ' - - v
... -w 7 K lo gl t pi irirt.'U'it
ii Mltiom the harm ... 1 turn! : d
t lL,i U" lhnt?1 Ih-V.-'''
vt ft-. 6tHli'y o' n'.-uily ui
I'jMV.'SJ' '''' Iti'iirVt Ut ay, lit-
i'VV.'n. :ss. 'injfred, mid wle ii Mr
lli . 'aii,,u'(1 '"i1."!1' JUU be lit out '
L:i Chw.ulo "Laconics.
Di". lVlli. USS;.
Tilings i-r.thcr quiet on this -ddc
The oMV . t-'.U'J iff U collecting
tsi' ro-dtv.
W'mU -till progrcs-iiig on the ad'i-
n to the round house. 0
, ,
Suoilara-s store building i nlmttt
completed, and will be occupied about
.1. T. O tthoiio ln moved into the
I j. . I I f 1
building fiirmurly occupied by John
llailev. audi- waiting till the tlist of
.i ". i i in ...i .... i ...
ot (lie Laud olliee.
... '' " vvw
Tho. rather ha- not been seen on
the slice but once, since the tirst
tall of miow. It i hoped by the
people that there will be n Jhaw.
While tin! tri ll wa gnlng oi be
tween Tiv borne and Luld. in ju-ticc
Mihatfev 's court . the atlortie due.
I. ikci' and ('. 11 Finn, became very
ii lK-li warilied up and wrathv over
ihenbjeci. and one of them attempt
Oil to ciupha-'ie bi w on!- by doiibllng
up atiiagouit Willi a iillnoii ,
1 lie aryutneiii commeiieeii in earnc-i . rt i.-i.-t... ii .b.'s in o irtl .
The iille ot giaininar were tluown i No rclgnatiuns autotiis the students up ti
aidi'. th'uius were called bv ibei date,
ight nailnv. and the siibj-ct hiindle.4,
adiotinie, I nine die. find I he argument
brought to a cloe by the inlCi fei ence '
of the I and deputy sheiilf.
Taken altogi'liier it was Ma; livelie-i
and ino-t intt': esliilg east' Wis have
hitd on tint doeket lor some time.
Lioslinc Locals.
Doe. 11 , liSS.").
Wc arc to have ii Cllrl.siuias tiee.
8onie snow, but
good sleighing
not enough for
A Imtit and shun tore has becin
opened by V. 11. liugbec.
"Slcepv lhtteii'r" won tlia ktle
hore rat e by about I lilt t y leet.
lOveryboilv .should attend the grand
liall tin Christmas night .
U'.'V, Shield- will -oon niovo out to
hi- i-iiiehe a'i.1 I'ngige i.i farming.
Sileeuss lie with hiiil ,
Tom lb'd.aYk will -oou taki' hi de-
liai'luri' tor Wall. i Walla. His many
trletuU regret to hai. him go
Two of our voting inanicd men got
into a teriilllc encounter with each
tUher a f.'w (h'.vs ago. it i.i not yet
decided who i tho beat man.
Some of the voting town hoodlums
lire linking theilicl e- very tibnoxio i
bv uolng around and n:i'iiii'r throimh
window-at iiiiiht and anuovi'ig iicih-
bor. Tiiev oug'it to be ashamed of
themselves, but a tiiev are not. their
p.treut.s slnfuld eertaluly li y ami euu-
trid them in sotlie wav. yoiuu ot them
v 1 11 probably gel hurt Soon. C.
Tii'Jocusol Tattling'K.
Dee. lir)( lSSu.
lloitds in bii! t'oudilion for traveling;
Ill gone, ovving to war.u i
(treat thicks of Jiraii ie ehH;e.ns be
tween bcrci and Powdc.- river.
Last Fiid'iy eveuini;' a ditnet; was
giv.m al .Mri Frank Kii-ick's; Thief
Valley. (Jood itttciidaiico ami liuich
C.M.vl.v ei Tdnillusou. have built
it bit of siib'siaiitial sin dding for the
protection ot Ihe sheep at Halo &
8ifiith'.s raiiehe in Antelope.
T.i mc who liloio so loudly about
their fort It tide and physical cutihrance,
should lake ride- tu and from Tclbcas
et ami L'tiiiiu nlmbt now . It llil'y
could stand nature's ' 'blJicini" they
wdtild h ivo sdiuethiiig to blow libotll.
Joseph JoUitijs.
Tiis.-c will ll : d i n iilg hi tllU viiilcy
tltiriu.' the h dii) iv.
15. V. Naviii b-giiH .('hojl Ut li'ii
line, the ll.'.-t of next week,
A lite.'.iry so-iety is ril liildg at Al
der, and a skating rink at .Idseph,
M i icy ui ittujvt scl'ip tiuuli'iilv chie
t!fi 'ia'te.'. .Mot liuijii btislncsij in
:tuy lino.
M lit .l.iVistd'i i ptitling in .a Ptoek
of iro ids at .Wallowa, a new (oVu In
Low iv valley
. A three in'clf anow fell hfsJl tveek fo'l
hnved by a coh( smip twtl dugieol
lildyw pern sit u:ii: liuu.
Health is generally gdo 1 lu thi val
rxcupt it te',' case o'j' wlnmpi.i cotlgh
in the Ah lev a'ltlc'uuiit.
Striiige they emit tell ilin fcxnrl
ly.ti aluuit oiir go' I ipinis!ri;ii.( tin I j
not n Whit uiurf,'" but ' Klonxv' '
theili up (o suit lhetiii!lvL's.
A s-tt'iiierliiihi'i p ipar hni liuru Mr
t ulaiy-d lil ihe vjilley iim) silb y her,
egj-ee iii pay liiiuunl sitbscripMonft to
l.u ejipfudeil on t)ie. W.illoWil canyo'ii
ro'td, and ii u'fe.'ti ig of ili'j htihs'-ri-bo
Will be held tit, Alilei:, thi) ' .
hrt. , tif elect tl eofiiihltlee. of ,tlu:c tt,
sil'lieiivi-c tile, .wpVka'nd (puuii . the
iirmey A tnmt in ivc. No fiiore
Hilling with i: CoiMitv etihit. Ji,
iilg Vhifiii Cruihijfii
,..Simv,-'?gliU l'tVhl. No fx'tlfti-.
ttciu hl''.h-oitic dligglf riding golnj
ons-No. ttt-'tldiilg.s fur puyiytil duvi
tuist II. Milv U mi Wrkliig iif
uN tiling; 'J'lit! Litcfai-y ifu-l Ltibiit-
.,,, ,;if(,,.
- , - -
Jfoi J. Ij. 1). mud. ric.i, iHeil at
hs re, hfin'.e h JCiii in- city o (h
Hi'-V-t. Mrlluii. r
ti ri,nt.itH f j. .in Or.-co
ou ii up-
con at tli - li
I Ulir .Snelf'fe ly ,(., liiiih. ,iilli f..j? - h'. . o. j iu4 s,.,.t(u urn pr,'!.ii, Unulcccv, uucjfc,
Mr. (.onimr i riK.i U.II on L .r.M.u i-nttfbl . .fd , t ' . ' ..i
. iMlibl'f ".fi'iiiiUTrjii.niii. ...iim: ii ; .ui . ,....,,.,... ............. -.
I.. ! ?cJ- Xji a, ,il u.iov too.!!. -II. i'"-"."'
j Cove C1;:llhiM.
j !)-. U lfWI.
,TArjrct V''5 f"" tnrkovi
I wil' lie miput il.e'cvciits ttf I a -iatumf. In
1 'oao.
it. i'ntiK iuti;,
n'tc' two Vrks ff
J'"' l,taw fI"-"J ,,,IBP-
I luw,J'r-
1 . 'I'tiri'p uriv ww "lvcn ft um -litnn
A d mv, ?'rilny event! t. mid wtts . r :.5v
enjoyed !,y the liiutieroin pnrlb ipu t .
I Tim rlnnnim. liilfll' III Wrtl.lll'l lillll. .111
Momlnv evui'li:, tor tho benefit of Geo.
m i :i ....11 I... I ...!
... i ... .! . t. . .I... i f.. ..f iv...
. V . 11U IIUIUIV, 11.13 lll'il .Ill Hi 1 11 VII .11111
m(iC m.M. '
"',' ', .
r.orn.--To the wife of ( le. Pntiey. a
lH.uin-lnir,nii. Mother iul 1 y doing w.ll.
Kind friend are Mt l'iinrHe' bed .-Me,
but l.Is case is onidercd very ihittgeroux.
Iivers nf tin- rollor1" can now b d iUe
twice a i eel Veil"i'Ml,v and J'ntu l
Sunn of ottr cxjiei-.i are talking of com
pet ti : fur prfies uli'iml at Unluii, fhrist-
1 inns.
M"-is , r-dti i i'i : u'lrn't nrrlved frmn
. tie- I'iiic vallev mine-, Jinn, a . They had
no trouble in coming throlli'h with Viijfoti.
i which Mn'iik Weil for the n l.dness of Ue
cember in that region.
It is snid tlio be.ul innsto- nf the luiy'.
; vciioiil can give a graphic dMiTititio' of the
1 op'mlioii eneri"ncod mi i u tint.' II l'i'
1 A lute eopy . f the rorttntiil News eoji-
A littc eopv f tltf I'ortilitiil .News eoji-
t.i it d a !e; an enstern KcUileinan.
, nniin: eimiiiries nftcr bi brothe-. Ilotacc
Kitchen, seized to ,. u br.-n V.lh;d in r
niilmntl ace Meat ei this -i-t. M-. Kitch-
(,1MVlls in rV(. (ill last :i I, :ind is u v
w.,rkh at bii irule in jfonolula, g.nd-
wich I 1 uuR
Whiskey Ci'ook Coi'lcs.
S line rain and snow. ciitiinx bad road-.
The farm i r "-e lining ii insidera'le plow
iinr S.'i'din,,' in Htly p nt;i me 1 till spvinj:.
Mi. Taylor (irecn hn bought the Press
llailey place, near L hie.
Krotii the nilte'ier of '-ails 1 chiu; oiled ie
i 'be thn' "V it looks a tlioic-h there would
! ! mis tl -ruble feiirini: (' li nevt spring
I '! li country U liein rape I. imp (I ed.
I I'nele Fran; W latns i- v's'ti"" a rcla
1 I've who ve-nles in Nevada, lie V-ite
iliat lie doe.- not hi t: that country vc-
well, as there is nothing tlcre hut sag'
hr-ii-h and jaclv-mlihil. 1'ifi'le 1'rani.
thinks Wallowa l.s ahead nf anv place he
has struck yet.
.!i-s Klhi I'hI'Mp-: wc" to Walla Walla
1 ui"'iinr, i ll 1 retu ii 'd a sjiort time
inee t i a htl-n'ind. Tue ho'- v it i
too had lint these fellows f-oui W Ha Wal
la. .IiHcph ami Pni'Hi can't let n ir girl
aloll' i I'luv "e p-oiiie to s". thnt lloili
'mt native W.dskeyites get .1 iv inort' of
The ymt'i-r folk (r. 'd some ol lrv nne)
'rive o'g mized a lveeiim, and intend to
leeide fnllv and t'nally the luonientou
tuostions that have so. Jong called forth
the eloip ii ice of amliitioiw yoiimr Cln,
mil Weh-ters. T'te fplustl.ui decided n
"he last meeting wis a new one, to iv :
' Ite-olved tllat man wi l do lrnre 'tl tin
1 ive nf money tlnn fo-the love of women,"
The women' being Iti -tly on the money
iide, it was of course uccided that way.
IV t I l en'y : n I Tir.
VjVi fvbody kimws tlit! v'i'tti s of 'U Cher
ry an ! Tar as :i relief and ijiitc for any affeu
tlous of the Throat ami i,nu's, ciiuhine.l
with tlifie two higrcd'eat are a few s'iniM'.
healing reuied'ei iii the cniiipus'tloii or Ir,
ll i-anko'.s (,'niigii and I.uug ! m in iking
it just tlie artieie you .-hnidd always h ve III
the hrui-i! lor Ceti'.'h, t'uld. Ct'utp had
Price .'i'l cunts and 1. .Sample
bV-e. 3ol.l by .'. T. Wi'ght, t'nioii, dreg in;
. Co lo l'o. ki.wirz ,s r'oic, Cnien, foi
..11 kin Is of li tdi. C, nV, MirM's' an 1
liliy.s' Hr.'.-s Cod. ,ll. has jii.-t re
ceived th.;in, an 1 w.ll nil til 'in cheap
er th ui uv.T hai U'j tol I i.i thiseoit i v
Owiii ' lo ,-b much nf oiir tpae.
bcilK t.ilten up by tli j PreudeiP?! llles-s-ige
iv.- are mi d i : lo give our reudrri-,
Ihiswfck, the regiiLr, iibti.liuieiit ot
" San Ibrf." '1 lie i.ti)iy Ik
cimliuiU'd n.xt Weik.
lose Albenoii lias rettiriu'd .fioin
Ills tlip b.low. lie coil liided Uiiion is thi.; Iiest-j j.iOe litti r all
.ui I is opt liing tip a i-.rgt i' fttick o;
gi)d.-than i wr, Which bo iitb u Is to
f 11 at pi ices c.iiuiot be cbmpep d
In tetu,i of Ihe tt. n i l.fioii, the
Piei byteii..n Sunday w.ll huvi
niitt ion .ty exen ifi s by Uio cb.l In ll
mi Sunday Dee. LVtli, at 10 niloek,
.nil a clkctioii tor the minimi, uy
cuIIec. All ti e iii'-itud.
.A g ti id hall will lie given at Wrlghl
IhiAn.ui'a lull. 'Jove. o,ii CliritiiiitS live.
)ee. l'itli 1&3. Ticknts to tlnlicii $1.2.5;
t ekets iiielUdiaj?fii ipcr 5llotf. Slipper will
lib a TVoii ill tin: t.'ovc hiftl'l. The , ljct ol
iiiuie hai taieii adjured. UvUrybudJ' Is in
,T!ir.S'lal(! o'ripal .elio.ii, jt,t i'e.
which dill be opened J tu ; lib..
Will. 1 1.. HI i n Its, lie the lien l . tiud nio-l
liblv i .iiiilii 'led iii-I,liiii('i , ot the
k'im; oil the r.oafit. Prof. T,. li. Hoc
v . . ; i ! i . . , i ? . . .
yluveil yea. 'd cxp'e. ii-ma' hi' I'j'achiug.
M' p' Mn. IU,'.iio'.i h hImi a
Ndmiii and L,iu.c.liy graduate.
ion, ti, jorii''i uranii'iir. '.vii.i iris nan
Morn l hitii one thiius inil doll lis havo
been I'pL'iiiled ui ileAKi,. nppaniiu-,
etc; Jlnd no' paju'8 uid la: spaied to
have cliciyihing .ill pe.leel coiidili.n
bffiini tlio siiiwoi riiitiiuttei's. Per
Npus dtii-irous .of Hi i.itlgh n nor! coin Jo ciuiaoi do.netje'r than up
ply at thi cJecllcdt aco.d,
i' tii i, .d.ii,
Mm C'erbbi hai juu retuivod n. largfe
stocJf if Fancy Uoii.l.i, (mil nuw mUm .i
huts. J,.iu"lt)i iirehifiicd to cull ami luJU
ut tlioin.
i'itae frriueuily p'racodud ly a ftds?
of vlga Irf tho ipek, ,l(iti mid loworiurt
dt (fie itbjfouiuiii .the pitlwit to iiipr
lioio Ho ha .sonu affo Jlo'li ot 1 tie l;hhii or
!.-., .t.,1,,,. . iliea.v.O.itiii l In.
i5,... v ..t -in , i4.vlt
n,. mwj, alm,il. lb.
Tunis', luj,ir tiie .iiUi.h itulune, a...l
; n t t jWiu cure. PiicmV W-u-.
.n i. TV., j u li.jjk c m-
lu.ij,. P.nii 0.
,..! t i;. .i. i. v
I i i. o
hmr.dcr's D:iv at Cove,
MtT'lav. Dec. 7. r.n in'rrrFtin?
day ii' (Vvc, wi'h the irliuls and
mutiv i i the i'ieti of thi.- ( dui'ii'ion
1 1 f. U' ;. if b. l;ii the bir'lHbiv of Mr.
Hmhih. 1 (. Km nib. Die fotin hr of As-
n ll ii 'll Si In i 1 It Wis ttlv'iv. d !
1 1 n'li tl,;. ,( hi , 1 nnd L i, h'i u A cide-
I till ill i . i.tiu..ii ..i. ., .,f l,ia 1. i. , ,
.... ... - , l.llll ll., . .,. l ,,l mi. 1 ll.-
puri OM' "d act" in laying the founda
tion of this importnni, work of Chris
tian cdu.-alii ii.
Service wo- In 1.1 it 10:.'10 o'clock, in
Atcemion i hurch, with the adinini'
tratieii nf the In Iv coinnitiuion. nnd
an addivts bv Hi.-hop Munis, which
v.vgiv in full b.low.
A n in i rioting in. ideii in pounce
'ii n wi h 'he M-ivices of the day. w.n
he j it'iiug up on 'he w.ll of th,'
flitireha v. ty beatl iful p li hid bruit
til l t "in tin inoriaiii" lo Mr. French
h' fi tiiidi r of Aei ns-ion church. Tin
nl I t w ,? furniihid bv Mi.--. 'I In nun
Fn tii h, of Or u,'e. N .1., vi'i w of
Mr. Ficti h's 1 1 Icr lumber, and is a
Vi ry a; j k j li.itc mid betiU'i.i.l jiici
of oru .im n'. 1 br.o Woik.
In the i vi ning Mr. mi 1 Mrs. P w. ll
triiVc ii reception for Mr- two m'Ikm 1 at
'A-ciii ii u,'' tit which man v nf tlx
ei'ii n-of th ('"Ve w ie iim n. and
Mian il in the 1 aMireanl u'liyun u
of the ( nil: p o 1 . It Was tile ten' i
iniiP of 111..UV pieM ut that tlie k In 1 1
Woik new biing eariicd cunt Ihe Cove
hud wo u lit a great ini n vi nu nt id
rciidv ia 'li - uici,.l et liili'ii it. 'o ca
i m iniiig ot its oliii-i lu,,licr mill l..stin
ntsitoi' Mottiits' Atii)ri:?s.
Pt:it HriiTiii i:.'; : Tin lih wecenu
'o-day to a n i vice totm What peeiiliai
in its iii'ttre, vet it i.- cue in en irehu
uiony tvi'h the t i-in and iiiit o:
ho iluiiih. Her tyrtcin of Saint't
lays km ins b uiidcd it on a iiilur..l
M'h'inii lp of tlie human hear' ven
ration for what is f.(id, ilol I am'
'iii". (irali'ude for bi iielits thus ic
ceived nnd a do ire to j locive an'
pi rpeluate tnemol i. s Ihal may sliinii
late tell 'is to of eipi, 1 bcnilict nei
' Ward in ill. A Minii.r M iriimnti
liutlra'ol in the olucivaucc of on;
nation. 1 iinuiveiMiiies, our )irlh ila
..n l nlvi r mi I gi 1 h n w. ddin,.-. TIi.-m
peiiod- of ryt in Ihe great bat ie am!
slhlgjl'of iil'e, : lid if hVivil of in
t civil in 'he Hiins of alt cailicr d.iv
ule not r nly innoeen', lnit beiietici.,1
, ltd .-ccins lo teach niaiiy initntaii
I JIM lit".
'I hb woul 1 be a very cor woil 1 in
deed, if it had no "past, at i's back.
Fiom the pint w.- iiuy leant lttons o
lion 'slv nnd huniiiity. We i inn i'
he li' 1 mm of in. mi, lu w v.iin tim"
. hurt l.vt d an- his pioudi f t j.rctt lilion
and neb ie, nun's, and that onP
lt ii h and Virtue ltuvo i.iiy iLnient v.
t il liiraiK'e.
I think, lb ti, " have wi'li uvp
I topiie'v, iioiocd to obn'ive her
aitiitt..ll .'. oil the 7 h. day of Iheeni
her,, what we 1I1..II "Fouu hr.
D.iv," in uiiinorv of th; 1 ion. ptlrpo-i
ail I net of -'until 1 (i. l'r, ileli, U!ho I .ii
he l'r.-t fiuiiiibiiion of this woik o
ilui.-tiiin idueatiiui, which, wj tlll
is to c.iirv its I l.ttiiib dow.) to L.ti.-i
Mr. Flench was. b'tirii, iii tlie eily o
B..1 itimre, mi iht'Tiii. day of Decern
her. iSoi- ti t lifly years ajq to-day
He calilc to lids coint,, v 1 1 . 1 11 , In
w..y of Flirt 15. u'oii, as j have iinlu
riioilfumi hi.-1 Wii ..ccoiiii, incr. iy foi
he bcm'ht id his he. 1 li, iiicudin
after vitiilig lomu fib iris Inl Pugei
s'mmd, li) return lo, his home bv. w.n
of lh- LiiiinuH. At, WlIIi, h
met witli 1 bine per. oil fioin this Vl
1 -y, who deteribed i's beau ies .t.lid nd
I'.iii'ages to hiiu in ticli i li Wiii ti 1111
hiitllew..f i.ulticcd lo 1I1 lay his ji lu
11, V 'ii Pnget P I 1 1 1 1 f , 1. 11 1 iiinke 11 vi i
0 ibis j Lu; ;. Te rend: Vis ids per
niiiii lit ret.l irii ii' here, mid my im
1 it's ii'it is Unit, hi. fiiciils oil th,
-t.iui.d, 1( 011 tetlirpitl to the I.isl, an '
hat hu licver ( n.w that ptul. f tin Wlhli he i I
hoine: 'I bus . a lucre itlmimrs ban
-ii-y, ti in 1 tin Hit of his he. 1 h
I d to a lici.malii lit M l 1 iliciU ju 1
; la'e he dad bcftre.liVii- heard oi
. o, litt 1 do km V tile end nil I lull,
of the tttidci 'nkiiigs of oiir l.'.vs. I
is not liiy tit) loo to give in detail
her-, Ihe liiHtrv of ,Mr. Ft licli's life
whicli is better km. w.i to niaiiy of ytui
1 1.. 11 ii, is tn lile. lie came fimn 1 -it' j't'ctt ii cluniiiiii faiuily, o;
th- tdit si ei..l j bii'ji.n, all 1 ,w,is' lib
eii lly 1 ducatiil, uiid candidly trained
in die f'iiiirl'lij of whicli he ws a niein
iiirdibip hlsciiihet ycais, Tim pilu
. i; I ,s llllis. iuii0lit, ajid tlie (.hti.ti.ii)
ciiii hirft thtii. reipiirial lif him W;re io:
1 d I iiude iii r f(,rn(ittt il 1 in this il- w
( ttd'ry, hi, itiifiirpltt iti y, is ,10 t fcn
11 one 'i ll' re is n i.hd tiillln..
aylpg, ft,)-tr.o trtie of niiiti of tin
I ii 11 rs M).liiin eotitb'iy, ") ! vj I f
biir r. liioii jit tliu Mlittub," or "W
l lt tt i-ti I In Iojil' -biirlicy. i.cibra tin
1 l .iitf," Nil oiiJ Ibid.) h"f,t 0 i;id ,lhb
id Faliiti. 1 ll, I rent li. llyuadltf l( iv
iit-tttiino whiti 1 Vcrytliiilg nth
j.l' 1 loiili; lit a regtee tllat wo run
li..i ly np.lixi, ,Alloirw,,id .bhseiVaii
ls 01 n litoii rviu tinkiu vn utid Inn
j.'inil Ie, iiiid jut 110 iitiq .tvit; n.ty in
ii.urd i.liyihini iti him unbecoming 11
cli.itti.iti gt 11 I niuti. , 1 1 i n ,1 liaracUr
w.islbrbtid . on j riucij l. ilu li he
k.ncw uhd to.fy lite inuim baft br
w.H.iitid that ijiginii, tittUi, itislice
nnd htiilm iye tilu, iiuiio 011 01 lo tide
ol tlii) cinitiiiitiit mi the oilier, flow
much the Inability lna) have, thought
or acted OtheiiH, .tpxdu Jin diU'civilcl'
ii. )..n' 'Jo fvay Ood mid keep bid
C'lllll'l..llllltl' l'.H tV.IB til) Ol-dlglUioll lli-
1:11 liini. tVlictlnr li' dw U uti Icr, the
ii ing i.r itttti. g Ktni. 'Jo 1-t-lr.dn hia
li ot iK iii 1 ,l, tu kH J) liirf Imuun (mill
i! civ mi i iiiiiuuity, hii lnidy hi
. ii". r. ili-o, , !,lMy x.v cltutity, b
'ii- : iioSidv In ,tj irdtttl, and
i.-. nun uiid jit t lit i.ll bis dcj,iig4
r fbt. nun,. Jievei' t'luJit tni'il
u.i ti -r ih.-y W.i popnl r i.r
) ul..r, Wli' lurlln t-U ut n n.lii)
v 1 i l.ii,,, 1.1 iv 1. ti. r J ' iboul I
fnlhimfilf in a ininon'ty of vnc
V'i 11 weit' it fcr i.ll the licit ami lugb
cit intt rei Is nf life if tin wcie llie ie nil.', if the men who km w uml
1 Hi c in tnt b, light and duly, v. re
i.lw.iy. omict. n' wi'h.tluir b. liefnnd
1 lofei ii ii-. wlietlu r the l ii ul..r vcice
w, re for 1 r in.nin?l them.
Wc k i v in lei d to our n in w that
'hi.- i- the ca.e, all I inaiiv 11 time
we meet with oiroW and mortification,
when we bad every rciuon to h.ok for
a comistent ehiistian course, and an
exam 1. that ihould win o'hers to the
ways of Codliness. Set tniiuly with
this verv thought, that a nligious life
Was wi 11 inonglt in the Fast, but was
out of l ice in the We.-t, m w coiners
to this u tin 1 y thn w oil' ihe reilniiuts
of Mbcr and christian living which
"hey tln'dy 111 kinwl.-dcol fn in
h ir l oyle oil, and blli w.d the mill i
'tidelocvil. Stii li did not he whom
We i t limn im rate ti-day. None need
In- leitrainiilg mid lotceiing i tl 11 tt -
iices of Mich 1 lincii 1.'. iis these, more
ban Ihe giowiii. 'hc-e whine char
acli if mc in that J la-lie and forinatic
state, Which to readily ti.kcs i's im
1 ins, 11 bit and li ue fit m their daily
ui'iotindinis and intociation. To
t tt, my yi n 11 tr flit nds, it is nioit im
! ortatit and it. 1 lo 11 im mber that Ihe
j,-ii at mm Ui 11 of ne lit and U h nc in
human aelions, are mt dctumimd by 1
m ijOti'ies an I niiuoillies.that the op- t idi 'lie tide i f numbers is not
leccMiiuh' the tide of lighl, and du'y. 1
Vlid Vet, hi w bald il i In'picviul up- 1
ti yi.u 10 think o'heiwiM'? lb w ready :
s liie an-wer lo Mir n ninii'trailce ,
.guitiM an urn Vcn 1 ( Urte ill j-1:1 vt r or I
minor matters, "Why, they i.ll do it," 1
i'i iv iv, Ve miv, but tlnit does not; wiom;, or filly wisdoni. '
' he ti itiliid ami i.'giiimate cniueipii 11-
i of correct di ing Will be the mine,'
whether there be one 1 lb udcr or a I
n.llion, and to Ihe wiie man my.,
' I bun h limn! join in hand, the wick- ,
d t h, li not go iiupunb hi d." Nothing '
. cat icr than to go with the inui-i'tnle, j
o inn in the race, and mill
he way the wind I low. It, rcipiirc-
11 i'her char.icti r, intt lligi nee nnr any I
nent whatever lo hurndi with ii
iow.1, lo do as i.ll others do, lo repeal
ither men's M'li'iim n's, aild copy olh
r nu n's habits and imuiners. It is to
o Ihe oilier way that requires eliarae
er, 1 oilnige, mid m nietiines Ihe mera
ce of what inav appear Ihe nu st
heiiiheil and inviting thims of life.
.I'eincnilier, tin 11, the iionnly pioVcib,
I'll" dead lit h floats with Ihe current,
he living f'nli makes his way tip, mid
lei.inst it." Wuh yin( ttand, thi n,
Ii libcrali ly between light, and witing,
on eieiice 1 hinting one w.iv,
our attociatct niavbe ymir cln i t? li- j
d eonipniiious, are all inviting y ti to I
1 lluw with Iheiii the oilier Way, erjing I
'We are I he ina-oi ity, Colne wjlh it-,"
Iiiinenibi rsqcli exaiiij 1 s as lids he
ore lb, eott led with then 1 inn winks
if our Lonl and Master. "Wide if
he gale, and bioad is tlie Way that
I adcih lo destruction, aild ninny there
II Whicli gt) id thereat.; because,
traLht is the gate, and mniLiv is the
v.iy which l.'iidctii unto l.fe, and fi v
h.'re be (hat t.ild it,"
My liit-t actpiaiiltauee Willi lr.
'rciich, was in Ihe Minitmr of lfwO
1 cam.' lo (Jregtni Ihe year liefore, and
m ni..king 1 iiqiury as tu Ihe condition
'four hliich .in Ijds eattcrii part of
he Stale, 1 mill l.'aru of none Who
v. re nienibt rs here, but Airs. (Scilernl
teVeiis, in I.a liiali'le, and Air. Fn neb,
it I'orrest (!ove, as this lace Has then d. 1 ninde kiit.wtl tt) theic two
ny pill) ti.-e of vi: i'ing tliis part of the
ouiiiry, aild hi ldiii g tttch icivii.'es as
void I be conveilii lit ami detlral'le.
it r a h w ,davs speiit at ha (Jrande,
I Weill tb Uuioii by itage, where, up
ending to previous eirangeinciPs,
dr. 1'iciieh .lliet me and bibught nu
ll his farm wagniij to his home oii tie
ailche m w oeciq nd . by liis iu It. W,
Mr. I lali is French. J rt maided there
Wo or three, days, lle gttesti of Air.
ml Airs. Ilelmes mtd bnilized iuin of
In i-( chil hen, J'ht:iiue Alherl. Nti
ill lie f 1 vice was lui.l as thero Vvas
10 t iii,tuhie 1, lilu- aiiy ci tiglega
ioli tb tie colli 11 together for t licit a
, tii titer, .M.v vlt il ail cvideiit ) l -ai-ire
lo ji ii'. I'li iieh, and In AIKand .Mrs.
Milnics, but 11011 of litem Ventlircd tif
hink of iii, ha thing as t ii Hj iicoiiul
htiiel.1 in lids iptiet and out of-tlie-vay
place. All Ihey could hope for,
vas nn iinliii..! vitlt fibm the Hit Imp,
f the dntuuiids of Ills large jut Itdietiml
would i lli.w hilii Hi .get iicri;. 11s olteti
s that. Our firit 1 llbrts lolV.ud huil
iiilg ti church Iii the. v. lley, jv.u at
Li (ilallde, Iii which Air. French look
1 w.utn iiltereit. ,l'iit it .Was hot till
ifti I, mi 1 wlieii.wa iiad icelired
lie ii,'i vices of a permanent nliiiiona-
v, Jhu Jtt V. Dr. Ncvjtls, .1 lie
hblbiht Of 11 c)uiiei at thi; ,Jove, look
.ie .1.. (;.!; .ii :;i t.!., 1 '1 i..,i
. ii V ih finit' iliann iii liis liilnd.. 'I hat
In ie t Iliad 1 !e 11 chuicli lleii), was Ids
lint Mlggi'hlltiH, and ivhat yotl tee ilero
o-day Is tlie lei 111", nialnly, ttf his .t il'
oris afid Ids tiieiiiis. Oilivrn ImH 11
hiilid actconlitig to ,t licit,' iibilitVi, TUere
w re liben.1 e'tuUiibiijibiiH of tnoiiey,
ami gibu.iij fof tjlin clipfcii'tanry llie genet kits, gift of tlio owiier. qf
the ailjoUiiu ' eiotlirl. bi t at
biit at is w.ll
known I jiat hiif, for lint , eitbrtu
hb.r.ility ;f Mr. Fieilcli mid bljicr
iiictnbcrs nf his 1 Jiuily, , A,centlou
ciultchi Covp, romii dau iiad do ex
iiti iici, oveh (b.tlittf tlavi ., 1
Of Mha-'roilcli's liggHuV Iii liils wqiki
Ihejllfr, )h NeVitls. lhnJlrst hiUiqalii
ty Hi eiiarge id tliis liihl, tluis WiteR
ju Ihe jtarltll rfeghlcr: "Tdo ndiliitor
iti chiifgtf piltH en tiM onl lieru the fact
that tin liilluuHo and hearty sjnijnt
Illy, utll tile geliciniis uid of Mt
Ficli'b, luit, more than i.ll oibcr, lid
(nan iigijilcil's hiaiinehiucli ivoiii in the
;u". ii J t. 0
ii'J t. 0 in id! Fin let ii Orccon,
With Hint tliii naiiihHii -
tl-fgynuin Imv, at leiiKbneu a ninii'li.
ituidUie rfiiiifoH df i.ll hu,,itullj
jiolfie, the iUioi( of lii'arty J-injuit liy
in his uoik, iu d tile uiHuutiigcP of In
I. lllgll.t ( lililSll "
Air. l'r m 1i.'k uiiu prrAitiiui for Uio
jieiii.uii' utMipi orluf Ihu sprviccti here,
IJ l" .,,,.' nX J I f I . - ', . V , , 1 .1
by a liequrtt of i'5.0I)D. in his list wilj
and tcilHincut, is ei'!i nee of his, tin
nbatid iutiteit in this woik, i.nd 11,
(l.itn it) on tht' l.miug gratitude of tho
t hi ii i 1..11 1 o k- of the vicinity. Not
i nly is ii. a 1 i..itn ii on Ihcir griiiiittde,
but it thoul I be, nioriover, n slitu'lltiti
to Ihe l.lier.lity of the l.ving, who en.
,'oy the 11 1 tings he his made posiihb
lr" fin tu. Air. Fn lu ll
that his bequest would provide tho en
tiro tttpport of a minister here whiclj
it manifestly cannotdc and they who
appreciate its benefits (liotild be most
eariteit and faithful in furnishing their
ihnre tr ward that object.
The proviiions for tlie formation and
support of the Atceinion ichool, in
evidence of his intilligcnf nnd Will
gioiiuded conception of the inipor
lance of a clni-lian cducatien for tlu
i' ills of our ci tin'ry. He knew what a
hi fting ti clnisti 11 mother had been
to him, and he would di vote 11 gener
ills 1 hare of the woildly means of
Which Cod laid made him (he teni o
raiy itiW..r. to tn.iliiug the flit tiro
niol hers of thn l..ud, in the mine Codly
Wivs. If the 11 n'iineiit be true, that
"'I h" hand ihat lot ks the craill.'. rules
'he woil I." he t un ly could not havo
done a wiser and better thill-.', ami
wli. 11 the gn.nd p.. laces of i rauite nnd
marl 1 that ihe piottd million. ires of
our l.itid are now budding for their
1 wn giatitication and enjoyment, thall
be Ihe tceiics of ntin and decay, and
he 11 lines of their itijielors have fa
ded fiom the nu mory of than, the ex
am) 1 nf this modi'it churchmail, in
ihe w.l Is of Oregon 1 hull be as frcilt
and blight as it is to dav, and living
men lmig di Wn the track of time, Will
I oinl to bis Woik, and to his lib lory,
as the certain full lltm-nt of the in
i) iretl I'londM' of pio heey "He hath
ditjoted abroad, and given to tho
I I or, alid his lighti otiMiets rtinainetU
forever, his hoit.-e t hail be oxt.ked Willi
We limy, wi'h 1 loptiety, notice hcrc
that other instiiption, the Leihtott
Aearieliiy, which lias gii.wnotit of this,
in a t cine, and which could have IM
I leu iit iwisti lice if A.tknsion Sfttooti
Iiad tint gone licit Ve to break UiO
ginuiui alid repair t lie Way.
1 was not to fonVaid in ibis under
taking as toipe others ipeeially, art
betid mailer of Arci mibn ichor 1. and
icvei-iil of your 1 wn citizeiis. I was
fearful of the inentuid reti iniiibilityt
and of the disaster that toilictiinet)
conic, as vou my, i)f having "tnoiuany
iitdis in tlie lite." Hut there seemed
good K'nioiis fbr having these tVb
.-(Ik 1 Is in Die mine ileighbtirhtiod that
they Iniglit titslnin ami ttrcngtheit
each other. If Mteii thali provii to b.
the eate, Ihii little t'taintry hamlet, inaV
yet become n most ini) orliuit center of
crliica'ii n.d inlluiiice, and church iifei
widening year by year with ti. Work
that far "exceed the Lirgcsl
ihoughts of its fust foUiidef. justifying
il.-in laying that "Ho bnilded better1
lliau lie liiought,"
Ve pipeeeii now to tile terVico ol
the M ly .Ctilijinuiiioii, ivherein w.l
ipecii.liy "bl. is Cod's lioiy Napm f)l
all His ici vanls th parted tliis life id
His faith and feat, let,cepiiilg Him td
give us. grace to to fi How lllch' good
cxami ici, that tliem We nlay bO
partaker of His iiciivully kiligrhnn.
Oh! I.a us niit iose Ihe true import, of
Mich winds, ami i.lli.w them to full
fiom tliotlgh'icts and can less lips1.
III w can wo Id-is Clod for the. csnirt
I ks of "faitll" mid "fear," Unlets wd
olirtilves exeicisc the Mono ."faith"
atitl have the mum "fear." Lett WJ
Hie liimlliy altil ilitineaiiiiig Worrls)
tiled in thai fear mid faith, wj musl.
ittive to w,.lk, atlrl fraiiii) mid faihiod
otil' daily life after the path in of tbosc.
whi) U-..ikid nearchl to the Alastcr, and
tharctl l.irgeit in Ids. j die, lovilig, for'
givingi and long MiU'cHugf tpiiit. Do
iilg tliisiwj may witii t'oiiiistciiey tltyt
Oil I lnnv ll . soldiers, faitiiful true ami
III)). I 1 V , l
Fight, as the. Saints, whti ilob'y foUgllS
of lili! . ,
And win. will) them, the Vll't'or's croAtl
(iii I b!ct cuuudMsiim, fclliiwailip divine 1
Wc f ! I.- h riUfflle, tbev in glory "phtlie. ,
Vut, il l iiru one ill taee. for all lire thine'.
Fi rail the. fa'iiy who from tllclr l!ibt?
red, . ..
Who tlieu by faitll, buforc the wodil cor.'
Thy iiaii.u, O Jesus, bo forever blcaScd.
ChrintlliliA Ttic.
, A ;tiiccliiljg was JiOlll .last TticHtinJ?
I'VenliiL': iilltl it wih ilec ded to eclc
Untie Chi'isttllas lu tin! goid old ivay!
III having tl Chridtiii'ia lii't'iiind fes;
ll'vitlos 011 Idtli-tuiii. cVb. Coinniiti
I l'L' 8 vtire tlpjliilnled to curi'V tltit tlui
iirigrlniliuti ji till see ll.ti1 liVbrv thin)
i eopilileti'd ui. It creilitidill1 ibilillieri
Tlieie wilt be (iiusic, sliigliig tim
lltlMiny t'.'d'it Ik's then tui HlnlrlhUt
timl ol niacins lifter which; tl rtociu'.
jtutl biiskct Mtppi'i will lit' givgn.l
The sujiper vill pi;t"-ent soulD iiovel
jciitnie wdeit ant pH' t Hu' IH'opI")
mid nd doubt will crcltn niiich iitrrri
meiu tiud lie. highly i-njiiyetU. A itom
lltliu llntV be expected; iind nil slililib
ineiiitit: for It, Tlit ciiteil(iiniiit'iij;,
will hu jflvcn tit Viglit'i liMll, and i
com ihlti cat til' liplie tiiitl (iciilleiiie,e
Ivlll i.e theic lit l)ib nrtc.riioin tfi jg
ii'Ho iil' pi-i'i-i'lits, -..sinvUir then,
nil till) .irci.. r!tticliciitH , havn
jicnn ni'irlb. ivb'TOi'.V ; itvury . chilli li 1
Ihb Iblvli, ivlll tl'i'clv.ti t inocut o'
imuioklmi, Wis ore glad Mi pel) this
inovepitml, .iii'd truit that, uveryhndvr
.will Unite lu. hiuklin; It tuiisMi,',.i;oo
jluiiJ, fiji- .tho thlldron ut, lofiM, 0,14
Ijil (iunielon. .Olulstllliu ritiilltrt JUup
jiiico 11 Viwr, tuld lt 10 tlio bitfacofc
CiOIlt lit ll VullllKtlil' lift'.
1 .
1 n iillr indliny i el w.; tvv rtcs nail, Mity
1 IpiVft vpiiiai-i mould licrtit iliVii.ln JM'r)i
1 luniiuliolih Jti'oiinlii.v, till' 1itchjVo-il f(i
' .MUl'n , htad oft tt(Ctoi- blljs,: J,v ith).?
kocpliig In tliu liniifo A boUUi of l)j-. ,ljimf
; fto'H tdtijtli jbid l4liiBS)l), yttHliociiMi'f'i
lu.tiuitly, Mime fititiliiitiui,ci)aiCwUi
1 ami Olllll III 111.) DlllHt hi oit'o h'kIiU. Jhl?
itiitthori'tiicd) fur Kuril llmw l'rk Wufl
- . . ' . . 'V.
BiHliA,;iifree. hold by. I T WrO"t
Union, ( ir"i"