The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, December 12, 1885, Image 5

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    Try1 1 ' -wnw ' " aa&t
r " ' :
UNION. QKEGON'. SAT,, DKO. 12. lsi.
Uriel KuHottUK.
Gt your sleighs in running order,
Dr. Strange will lie homo alut the
first of noxt week.
I)r Bnsapko's Cough Syrup nt J. T.
"Wright's drug store.
The t-kittins rink i well attended
f very evening U is open.
The firt-t snow we have had this
font on ft. 11 on Tuesday
Iligginson it Holers' at L:i Grande,
is the J l.iee to buy holiday goods.
The large hotil at AleachaKi Station
was dent toyed by fire yesterday morn-
A grand mack tkatiu,g w
lie given at Wiight's h.dl on Christmas
Airs. Dave Stcil' took her departure
for her home in Kotehum, Idaho, the
fore part of the week.
There is o:i'em l.tted an 1 1 folk's
concert, to be lr 1 1 at the Prcsbytcrl
pn chureh,on NYw Year's eve.
Yesterday mornnig a Clunatnan
was run nvor bv th.' construction train
tttOro Dill, an linstuirly killed.
J. U. Smi'h returned from his vist
to En 1 in I, on list. 1 lis
many frieu Is are glad to see him.
Aminstnl company has been or
ganized at Piiy? creek, an 1 w'.llfurnish
amusement to the miners this winter.
Mrs. IVerinT, who has for several
pion'hs, been, visiting relatives in
the east, is expected home to-morrow.
Lou Bomill.ird and family vt'. re
turn to Butte Gijty, Montana, in a few
days, and will ttyake ttit thr future
Mrs. George filacer returned from
California last Thursday. George was
detained with some horses, but arrived
on Saturday.
The iiuartei.y meeting of th" AJ. E.
church will eommenee ii this city
to-day ut 2 o'clock i. m, Iiev. Iryir,
the presiding elder, w.ll lu in attcu
ilanee. The Governor has called : meeting
Of the Pine Creek Hood Commission
ers, to take p) ico to-day at 2 o'clock
p. M. at tlu. First National Bank, in
thin qity.
Dr. W. 15. Hitu'hart and .VT. B. Har
ris, of SmunieiviHe, caled (in us thjs
Week. Mr- Harris wil take i trip east
n a few days, anil will be absent
iibout it month,.
Mnrried.Taln Unio.n. Monday, Deo.
Tth, 1885, Bev. fJanmJ T. Barnes and
Mrs, II. C. Couth, both residents of
Hununerville precinct. The ceremony
T'.is performed by Kev. Watson
Wilbur D.ivishas shut d(,wn Jus saw
jnill in Pino v.A -y and will not re
fUtno work until next spiing, the
f now being to deep to work to advan
tage. Ho returned hopio Mondav
The Okcciok Scout has the largest
circulation of any paper in Union
county. Business men will ipake a
note of this, an 1 place their advertiso
litents wh.'rc they Will do tie most
Monday evening last, Mr, 0.
Goodall, while driving home in his
Wagon, was accidentally thiown out
and received some seveie injuries. A
tloctor was called, and at last accounts
the iuUerer was getting along a Jl right.
Jesse Alberson lias returned from
)iis trip below. He has concluded
that Union is the bet t place after nil,
and is opening up a larger stock of
goods than ever, which he intends to
nil at prices that cannot bo competed
W. T. Wright received a r lendid
organ l hi wek, which is to be used
in the hall. Any one desiring to buy
an organ cannot do belter than inter
view Air. Wright. He nils them
cheaper than they can be by any
one il.-e.
Wells Eari'o it Co. are now issuing
money orders of from on i to (If t v dol
lars, at cheaper rates than does the
poitofllces. The orders are good at
t.ny one of S.03J ofiL-es, and do not
require written api lieation. Money
rent in this way can be easily reclaim
ed thoul.l the orders beeonu lost. Al
together, it is ii great convenience
and will be highly appreciated.
The numerous nibscriptions to this
paper, constat) ly bung received from
llortioin of the county, are very
gratifying to the publishers', as it proves
that their cfiorts to give the piole. a
ruperior it. w paper, tire, an 1 will be
upirieiated. Al hougli wu have had
no canvasser ou', no less than three
hundred new ttibsciibcrs have been re
ceived during the past niuj weeks.
Two thieves confined in the tempo
rary county jail at Baker City, made
their escape last Sunday morning,, by
digging out ftoin under the foundation
with a couple of pie l.ttcs. They
were pursued by John Sally and cap
tured at Weatherby s station, an 1
brought back and lodged in the city
juil. When the iicv jail is.conil"
ted they w.ll not I'tnJ it to easy to es
cape. Bill Xyo, it seem?, has made rqino
invidious remarkri concerning the
pedigreu of Major Adams, of St. IM
n. The Major Will endeavor to
prove, next w.k in his pujier, the
Cuhinihiau. that Jin (Major Adams) is
"trump canl" aj that Bill Nye is
'"litlli oil two spot." Bill had
bolter think two or three times, before.
7w Uckloa un Oros'ouiau. WuVr
Local Events,
Meeting; of Snbscribcra to
Pino Crook Uotul.
i.pcTio.v of tiTv orFifi:ns,
l'rourr" of IVrltln School ntw
liiB TjiucSit Vy r.ruf- petrel.
Tim l:ti:j:.vuv tapciirrv,
Bursuant to rail, the mh?rnbcrs to
tluf Bine Creek Wagon Bond Fund,
met at the court house in tips cty,
last Tuesday evening.
The nycting wis calV-'d to onjer
and on motion D. F. Moore was i bet
ed chairman, -uid A. K, Jones, sccre
tarv. Moved and cartied that nil motoy
and work fubscrfbed Ity the citizens
be ii lied in constructing the road
fiom Union to the intersection of that
1 ortion of' the road tp be built by
the Suite,
Moved an 1 carcied that. three com
missioners be ik eted. W. "I". Cam U,
A. Levy, Dan. Biyll-man. J. II".
Smith and C. E. Davis were i laced
' in nomination. On motion nomina
tions clo.-ed.
The chairman appointed D. B. Bees
and A. L. Saunders ttlk-rs, and a
k.llot was taken resulting in the
il.'ction of W. T. Carn-W i. H. Smi:li
and C E. Dais, they haying received
the highest number of vote cast.
On motion the commissioners were
itiformed that it is the with of the sub
scribers that they conu.nene.) tie
construction of biidges, aiid any woik
that can now be done, at tjie eatliest
On motion the subscription list was
placed in the hands of- the eomm'jUce,
to. g as manv new subscribers
thereto as possible, and to cidlect
subscriptions and disburse the same
On motion the meeting adjourned.
Cily Kli'ftlu.i.
At the city cl'Ction Afondav
the following ollK'ers were dected:
Al.tyor, D. B. Bees; Councilnien. A
Levy, Dan. Beidleman, J. S. Elliot.
S. A. Pursi)!, J. B. Thompson and
John Kenedv; Becorder, M. F. Davis:
Marshal, E. E. Cites ; Treasurer, J. D.
YVl((ll.K Sclu.ol.
The writing school of I'rof. Setzei
has a large attendance. Those who
haye not yet attended, and desire t(
take lessons e:n commence at any
time, as tlio Drpf. will remain hen
several week, (lis charges are foi
If) lessons !$2.r.O. He w.jl teach every
evening of the week except Saturday
To the pupjl making the greate.t im
provement he will gpvc a line pen
ilrit wing worth $12. He will give one
hull hour's instruction eacji evening,
In pen drawing, iloprifhing, and let
tering, free of charge. The l'rof. will
' execute n)l orders for visiting cards at
I 2o cen'j a dozen, family records and
marriage certificates, at from $2 to
j $12 each. All kinds of work done wn
, short notice. We have seen sum pi ft
from his schuols pi La Grande and
Pendleton, of writing done by his
pupils before and after taking lessons,
and the dill'creneo was very great.
He nl o shewed us ii card on whjcli written the Ijord's prayer in such
a small space that jt coul 1 be covered
with a ten cent pjece, which is the
tine-it specimen of penmanship we
have ever seen. The Prof, should be
encouraged to stay here aip teach
our young peoj le all )tc can.
t'l.l.n Litciniy Society.
Tlie ntttn lance at the Literary Socipty
on list Monday tvniiiB was very gomi.
The exercises were 1 otter than iifiial. Un
i!e. the admission of iiienibors. Mr. and
Mrs. Watson and Mr. and Mr. Uice were
aiiin'ttcd, on in ition, ;ui ln.n iry mcinbe: s
The li'.o-itry exercises re n listed of a decla
mation, Miss Mir..' JnTries; remarks on
geology. M. 1'. Davis; souk F. S. Johnson ;
ilci In nation, T. Oliver; song. Misses A Hie
ami May Mil'or and Ida DavN; iL-hatc--lines:!
a, "Hi'xi Jeil that Hi plhal was a
grea'n .ea.Tal lit a Napoleon," wai de
bated on the ntllrniatfVJ by H. F. Wilsen
and M. F. I)i y'., in d the negative by T.
Dllvor an I J. M. Carroll, aid romarks on
either side by .It in -s I iter Jr., n id .1, B.
Fitldiiii, Tlie inllowing programme, for
i ii ct Monday eo iing was atraiiKcdt Com.
on iiiuio, B. F. W.Imiii. dun, Held!einai)
i n i Mrs. Itiee; '' t reading. Julius Levy.
F. H. Jolinson, Mn. C'ritii. and T. Oliver:
reeitation. Misse-i Ida Davis, May Miller,
and H. F. Wilson; question, "Itesohe 1 that
the hresi tit state o.' things was brought
bv evolution." Lialcrs, B. F. Wilson and
M. F. Dav's.
The two fitl Is to which there will
be a great rush of miners next spring
are Al.ttka and Pino creek. Some
very ilattetiiiL' reports caino from the
former section, but many experienced
miners who have vitited the mines of
Alaska havo returned with un favor-
nlil.i rci-nrts. Hnu-evcr. 11 boom is
bcin:i wotkeil up and theie will be j
hun.lreils 01 juospcciurH in mere in
the spring. As far as the report of
mines is concerned, the opposite of
the above is the fact of the Pine Creek
district. We have yet to hear thu first
unfavorable report from our new ficl 1,
When a man det ires to comj lain ubout
it, ull he ci. 11 say is that the prospects
uro good, but the question is whether
they w.ll hoi 1 out. The work being
doiw there this winter will demon
t rate. the purmaiiey of tit) mines, mil
the spring boom will be a fruitfuf one.
(Sage Briiih.
l.o k litre!
All nci-Honi knuwliiL' tlii-mst'lve Indebted
tot. Vincent, are requested to come fur-,
ward uiid pay up. BewnnUliN uecouuts ,
bctilcd by llic UiU. of December,
Jlo Dlui Miutlrnly V.l-I. Cintirglrj
Al 1th I rtoj. h,
aij r.isv a:. p::at:i.
Xnw Yor.K. Dec. S.-William H.
Vanderbilt is d(iul. Without a mo
ments warning the mc-sage came for
him, and he was no more. He arose
as usual, early to-day and hill his
morning conference wiijt his tons,
Corn hits and Win. K. Ho after
wards went devn to the studio of the
sculptor, Ward, and returned at 12:0
o'clock and took lunch. At 1 pMock
Hubert Garret, president, of the B..l.i
niore it 01io railroad c!.lid, 1151 I the
two magnates enuaged in an
animated conversation pver rajhoail
matters. Air. CJarret was tittin; on a
to'fa facing the million lire, who Jean, d
fonyard in bis arm chair, us was his
habit when thoroughly interested,
atjd was suddenly made aware of a
lialt indistinctness in Mr. Vander
bilt't fjieeidi that gn w ii)'o 1111 inartic
ulate sound. A.- he 1 micd 'over to
eatcli his w-irds Mr. VandetbiJ lclted
."inward, wi'hont wanpng, aipl 1 11
heavily on the lloor, on his face. Mr.
Gullet sprang to his feet, ar( I seizing
1 pillow- from the sofa, l iid it under
his frien I s head. He tjien ttnnion
cd Alts. Vanderbill and'Oiorge, youug
ett injp '
Such situ le restora'ives as at
hand .ul been hurriedly am lied, but
human aid was in vain. Mr. Vander
bilt. never spike nor moved after he
fell under the tu lib n ttn ke, and died
in a fey moments, without u struggle.
!'o nlj intents and purpose's he was
.lead yl instant he ftl on the lloor.
Dr. McLean pronouncd his death
'he ret ult of a sudden strike of par-
lysis, 'due to tjie bursting of a oo
vest 1 1 at the base of the brain, of the
kind that is absi luti ly fati.l at the
moment. He stated that Air. Vander
1 ilt's death was as p.ipiless as it was
Had Vanderbilt lived till .May 8th
next la. ould have been Cii years rl I.
tie born at. Staten 1 honie
'rti'4id on that date in the year 1821.
The nearness of time which he consid
ered critical gave him no concern,
however; he did not expect, neither
lid he fear death. It eimie to him, if
very swiftly, very gently. Ho did not
know itwen itseized him.
Sweet cider at Jones Bio's.
The State Nornii.j School at Wcpoq
Will ojien January dtli.
. E Hurts are being made to organ jzc
1 brass band in La Grande,
The sejioi 1 at Five Points is taught
by Alits Jessie Curtis, if La Grande.
An additipn to Baker City h is been
laid ofl' aipl the 1 lats 1. led, by J.J.
Cam ph. 11.
"Anion; the Breakers" wjl soon be
produced by the loci dramatic cum pa
My of New La Grande.
An jinniense assortment of winter
tnd Juiliijay goods at A Levy's. Drop
in and eamipe them.
Buy a dollar's vortlj of goods at
Jones Bro's. an 1 get u chance in the
Irawing lyhich is to take llace Dec.
Lost. A tilver mounted inccr
chaum jiipe. The finder wijl be suit
ildy rewarded by leaving the same at
this oll'iee.
The Blue Mountain University of
La Grande, will ptobably become tie
property of the Presbyterians, toon, as
negotiations are being made.
A grand hall w.l be given at
Wright Bro,s hull on the evening of
Jan. 1st 18SII, Alutio by (he Union
String Band. Tickets ini liding up
per f.2.f)Q.
The Episcopal, Methodist and
Baptist churches) of Baker City, ate
ach to liave a Christmas tree, an 1
peat preparations are hejttg mailt) for
.he enjoyineot of the holidays.
Go to the Union Bazaar fuj- nnylhing
vou dei ire ii the way of fancy g( oils,
notions, tinware, woodenwatc. glass
ware, etc. They are tilling at aston
ishingly low juices. See ad. in anoth
er ctlumti.
Go it Sinn i.t 11 Kit N.t'ndrrH.
Great apprihi in ion has been ft It in
'he west in respect to tlu scope of
Coinmistioncr Spatk's recent decision
to the efl'ect that lioniettead claimants
who have had tlm ht petit
of the jire-etnption l.iw cannot "com
mute, tlit ir homestead iluins. Aleni
bets of longri'ss have reci ived many
letters on the subject, i.ll indicating a
widet'ie:id fear that this iKeision wis
to be made letioaclive, which watll
have the fillet of upsetting ti l.-s to
many 1I..1111H winch hud pat ml by
purchase in'o the hands of third pur
lieH. Sinator Van Wyck, on behalf
of many of his constittt. nts, rccm ly
made inquiry of Gui.r. 1 Spaiks, in
lefert nco to the ni.itti r, tin I was in
formed that the decision w.ll, unless
reversed be liielwr mil Inn it . Im 11
1 !ilii (iif fllllli'ii unll.ii if t ..tit iillV.iirj I
,.1,111 .if. , 11114. u Hiiiuii Ul ...ill. uuuiiri
but that thu touiniistioner is not in
clined to go into the actions of his
predecessor, not intergcro with chims
which have already been secured, un
der former rulings of thu land office in
this respect, unless fruud h tlnwn 10
hnvo been perpetrated- in tecuriiig
tticli cluirns.
l'r .r Iriutaicnt t r CockV.
That tlie read'T mty fully utidorntatid wln'
cntis Itutcs a jjooU '.'ougli nnit Ltnig Syrup,
we will my Unit Tar mid Wild ' berry In ttio
Ii.tmIh of thu best remedies yet dUoovenul.
Th so IntfredleiiM with fcevoral otlietii untidily
a eflle.11 lotti, enter largely lu'o Dr. 11 nan
ko'n Cough and l.tnig .Syrup, tloiw making It
cn of thu most reliable now on tlio market.
Price, 60 cehti and $1.03. Sample frco. sold
by J. T. Wrlgbt, Uulou, Owjaa.
SQHt in by Our RoguJjiy
Thn Lrn'.lnc llrr.V' ltRn.l-rorqnil
' Zcntl"n'iSeclnl ftvei.t
Lostixe, Dec. 7tl(, ISSo.
SlLndtil weather for this timo of
Abut of tjic farpcrs are doinjj thei
full lowinjr;
Airs. Ev.i Erwin is having a. peat
residence erected hi our town.
Air-. Shi lis tchod at this jliee.
1 losed 1 i.-t Frday. She gives gen.'r..!
t'atisfactioi) as 11 teacher.
Sociabl -s aro given in all parts of
the country Vvcry week. Everybody
is having 11 good time.
A horse race will come off here
next Saturdav between "M -epv Butch
er" and "White Foot" f:0 a tjde.
Oiorge D. Woods will leave in a
few davs fpr the Will nnetto vi.ll
and Clifornja. Ho Wijl bo abtcnt
Hbout four month?.
The I nstiiv! Brass Baml las been
rcfirganized, v'i'h totiio new nienibers.
O. Com way, Chas. H. Binehiirt and
Stev.' Hiii' hart withdraws,' anil Ira
Benl. Henry pver and Jack. Johtj
son takes their j lace. Success to iu
A grand ball will be. given in the
j public hall at Lotine on Cliristmip
uiKin .Tiuie witi oe iiirnisiieu oy
Hie Hear, creik Stiimr Hand. Suppet
i'ill be )irepared by Mrs. Beard.
'I ickets including Flipper $2.
W. B.
limn Vali.kv, Dec. 8th, 1885.
Number 0110 sleighing in High
Flier Alorri.on left for (Jie Park, on
the hlh in-t., to assist in settling tonic
all absorbing questions of rt thei.logic
nl nature.
Tie shooting match coippHiiy have
made victims of six more turkeys, fotu
fat Jings and one beef. There will l
four bogs to shoot for next Salnidav,
the 12lb.
Ar. W. II. Minipck will start on the
rtb, for bis jiome in Alahaika county.
Iowa. Finapepil bp-inets calls him
away tojiner tlan v e.)C(;ed. Airs.
Al. .Minnick will ticconipanv him.
She goes to vis it her old jiome in
Alarjon county, Iowa.
A social dance was given at the
residence of Alex j(aBu(l", last Friday
evening, in Ionor of Air. and AIiv.
LaliuH's daughter, Airs. Sarah AJun
gcim, who is about to take her depai
turo fpr Montreal, Canada, to joit) her
Inisband, wlio has been very uipvdl
lor iwno tiipe.
Ilnywnrd Hand (Jrenadi'S are the bust.
Brums for rent. Enquire at this
Bpskowitz has just received a fine
line of ladies' dress gooijs.
Jos. W)igt is Killing cpok stqves at
a great reduction, on account of over
stock, Wll WILL YOU cough when Hhilob's
ruro will Rive immediate relief. I'rie.i 10c.
.We and $1. For .Sale l.y It. C. (irui. Union.
"lIACKAIETACIv"' t jaslititf and
fragrau) peittiiue j'ricc yfie. amlAOc.
For sale by B. C, Gicig, Unioii.
SIIILqil'S CUBE will immediately
relieve (Jioii)), Wiooping cough mid
Uronelnlis, For ie DV t. 0, Ureig.
TIIK ItlCV. (JKO, A. THAYKK, of llour
born, liid., savs : "Both nivsclf and wife
mvennr live to SI ILOIl'f? CO NlSU.M I'
ll O.N CUlti;." For sale bv It. C. fireig.
AHH YOF MADH miserable liy 1ik1IKcs
tlon I'oii-tiiiatiini, Di.llirss, ,on of Alipe
tite. Yellow Skin? HillohN Vitalizcr is 11
positive cure. For sale by It. C. (ireig,
eicjt boitleot Sliiloli'n Catarib Kenii!
dy, Price oUc. For sale by B, C. G .
FOR DY.SPKl' IA an I Live - Comiihlut,
you have a iii'lutd) guarantee on every bot
tle of Khiloji's Vllahcr. Jt Hover laiU to
euro. For sale by lb C. (irvlg, Union, Or(
j a jiosiilvii euro fur (Jalairh, Diph
theria , nui Canker Month. I'm' sale
by It, (J, 0'ieig, IJiihni, Uiegmi,
With a magnificent number of more
than twice the Usui.) amoiiiit of.letter
prets and engravings, the West Shore
tloses the volume for lSbfi, tlm ilev-i-iith
of its tuics. 'J he December
number is t hielly devoted to illustrat
ing and tletctihing Hie great Canadian
Pacific Biplway an I thu country
llitough which it passes, especially tlm
Pacific Coast Province of British Co
lumbia. The volume for Itittt. will
begin with a magnificent number on
the city of Portland, hllcd with in w
and artistic engravings, and accom
pattiid by a 1 irgu Hipplcnicnt in colors,
'1 ho West Shnto laui no counterpart
in the United States, and in its own
peculiar lit Id has m-wr had n lival
worthy uf the name, thu few cheap
imitators which have occationitlly
tprung upcoming caily toutief. It
detcrviiH thu tuccess it has achieved
by adhering to a high fctaudard of
merit, and us it is progressive in its
policy, impioviiig from month to
mouth, it is certain tu meet with
grtater bticcuts which wo heartily wish
it for thu future. Published at Port
land, Oregon, at $2 per milium.
IV r thu Lsillu.
Mr. furhlit bat Jinn received a lar;;o 1
.ock of Fancy 0ood, mid ucv tftylea of 1
' at.. LnditJ nrc invited to cull and look j
ut thiiu.
th.'t:" tlu i oifnty ll cor-t.,
a math::: rojt t:n.r;c-:io:;.
In. Scout OwinR to abpijcc nnil
private business fpr several days, 1
havo been unabu to retlcpin tiiy prom
ise to the public, tuoin;li thu coluiiiiis
of your paput. to jdmw up the eiior-
I molts erroi'r in thu report of oxper
1 1 1.1.1 1.... 1 ." .'' 1 .'..a
. un ii.iiisu , pint 1 sei- i.iii lujmurs- ii(iu
tboM! of lio Sciiiiuol, bnvu been well
entiu-liipiiid hv A(', ()ut)oucii mid h
vjc'tjno. f Mr, Uuthotiiu's eotpmii-
uii'iitiun tp the Sentinel U conspi"ioii
for niiytbiiig, it is he absetici of that
inag, tiliirr. utiaiitiy am ilogueiel.
for which that gentleman has tnide
hiniMilf tinlprioiis o tlm leaders of opr
county papurs, AJr. Oiiboise in hi
eoiiiiiitiiiiealiuii to (lie Seutinel. (U
teiipts to stde-traok Ibis instigation
bv r'aj-mg an tii Jo the fees eet
tain (((lleitils havo chargeil foi' eotiiily
work, which bp assumes to be illegal.
It i-not our ptirno-e, at thi- tiuie. to
.1! ". I.ll I
qivuri iniiii a course e nipt inappeo
i'.t I. ) . o'U fipiii-e 1 1 1 vn--1 i'ri : it n 1 i
.Mr, (Jnthouse's tepiirt, Tpesu tuti -tiU's
will, however. tj''cssaiiy cotjie
in for yliit!Ver eiiljeNin they may
niprit in I be r order, nor wojild we be
uniJerstoDil 111 acec)ing Air, Out
Iioiiso'n stiioiiient to thu charge,-
of any ofiieuil or uxptllciul, j'or tie
ioiixoii, lirxt, that Air. Oulhoti e's
rejjort. as wn shall be able to show
to tiny unii'judiceil tjiiiid, sljows hint
utterly iucninpcteut for the, work he
forced hinis'f on the people, (through
either tin jguoriint qr currupt ciittrt)
to pcifoiui; and secoti(ly. Air. On -hout!'s
report shows a vindictive at
tempt on hi" put to jiijiiu sniiie ol
our ofiicials and ex-ollielals, with
that iji-reirard for truth eharic
terixlic. of its author, they seeti to
liuve ineureil hi-; di-pli:iiire, and foe
that reapn oglt tq l)(t kiljud off jit
ai Iut7.iii'(i.
Al'. Outhqi-r'i excuse for tho mlg
lakes we pointed out in our former
commiinicatitm, is simply pitiable aiu
eo!il!,'in thu prevailing p.iiuiq i of
iucoiu(iideiiee. He seems jo think
troiii some information hi has recuived
fron Se.ipile, St. Louis jp- suicyliere
els; outsjde ihu re.cord (hat the debt
latemcit as shown by bis report i
sulstiintijilly cqrrect. Why did be
not (Jf cqtupetqiit to dq so) ascertain
how many wiirpiiits had beet) issued,
the number aii( atpouut ol each, ami
wlijub ot then) by utiu'icrs iul I. ecu
paii. ai(l tliijii! tl,il were sti uiiaid,
their agregnte iuiiunt uilj) iiifprosi
accruei heieiit instead of fioippjitr
iug through (bu recojds ail hriigug
fourth an e. p-u-r-t repqrt, llpit be
is miv couii:lod to ii(ini is npiru eon
spjcou. for jts errors and vindictive
attempts o kil pome jinagiipiry ene
my ('. tlupi for auyhiug oNe? He
offers his great birry aa an qlhcr ex
cuse for Ihu gross rron that have al
ready btic.n poiieil put. I)(H'.iihu ol
his rtsh (ogcl tbi'ougli, as he says, the
pcoplu are stil h.'ft to gqess at the
present comlitjoti (f our comity llmpi
co. This, ihcy coub) bayu dtie
without iaying A(f. Oiilhousu $75, Uti
lor tl.e privilege of doing.
Thu pwyc(irs covered by oiirfqnnor
commtpiicatiou , shoved Air. Out -hoii-u's
ri'pint in error on a. sum
iimotiutiiig in the aggregate, to $:),
IJ18.18. Thu-u few fittle u"roiH pnti
uiug tlirougb ibis brief period of timo.
are accounted for by thu fao. thip an
ex-ptu-r-t was in a lurry, lie dou
not taiy what lii- rush was. Jt might
have been to draw his pay, ami tbt
add i?7.0O.iO inure to thu illogal feu
he taks sg glil)y of yen be wants to
divert the iiiimU of tc people from
this iiio-i ojlraorilinary export job ot
bis. lie iicciiseti us of garbling his
report. Ill aitswor to this I will say,
if Mr, Oiiibiiuse will point nut any
inistilcmciil I have wll un
til 1 in Hi: to unci; ii 1 hiiye said by cer
tified copies from Ihu iciMiil, I will
proilii-jc imt to guis n it as Im has
done, As to I lie substantial balance
as he calls U , I pre-iiinn the only e i
sou lie has lor thinking hU teport shIi
slituti'illy eorrecl in the lace of tint er
rors already shown to exist, i the hiel
that tint blunders pity averaifu about
us many andtohuui as I trgu one .vill
as the other.
I find on DX'tmlmillon of Mr, Out
house's leport of clerk's fees from
1HM to 1 B8.r ho shows them lo be .'ill.
lH.'J.'i, while tin examiHtiiio i ol tnu
record ilisi' only i',:ltJ !9 Ihu
it will be seen that Mr. Outhouc, in
his great hurry has m idu a mlsiat.. of
$oT'.:i(i. on this one item for Ibis one
year, 11ml again his report of 188-1 In
1885 shows hheritf's lees to he i'l,
285. 5!1, while tin examination of tin
record will show sheriff's feus for that
vein-to bo $t.JH),l; thus In his
haste Mr. Outhouse has blundered
out another little mistake of only
$057.(15 only a small one you see.
Atld these to ihu mistakes heretofore
pointed out ami you will find him in
error in Urn small sum of $1,688.11),
and not a fifth of the work gone ovnr.
I think he hopes hit has guessed some
of it right, ami still, becati-e I do not
find it nil wiong, he t duks I am gar
bling Ids. report.
I fear, Air editor, I have already
drawn loo heavily on your ipaci'. I
havesomo rich specimens of this has
tily constructed exper Jul), but feel
iuipell'dtu withhold them for tmiuu
future cuuiiiicnlcntiuii.
Fout:cloi',,4 Day h Cpleur:;
tod til tho. Cove '
A Pafuior', St(jrlns,i and Having. Uap
nt sjnioinri vlllc,' ' '
irondiiy. Dec. 7, was 1111 intorcstin':
day at Cove, yith tjio rrhnols and
many of th" eiMzcus of this education
..1 cep'er. it. being te birth-day of Arr,
Samjj' 1 G. French, the fottu ler of As-ecu-ion
Schof I It observed by
both this tch( ( I and L i.uh'on Aeade.
my in coininetnoratiou :tf his "pintii
I un om and act" in laying tjie fouti la
ion" ol this important woik pf Chris
'inn eiluca'ioij.
Service Was Ii. 1 1 at H :3( o'llock, in
Aseensiun church, wjth the julminis
r.ilicn of t)ie In Iv comtniitiion, ant
in addrcts by Bishop Morris, which
we w.ll give in full next w 'el;.
An interesting incident in eou'iee
iop wi'h the services of th day, wu
he' ) titling up on the w..ll of th t
- hutch a yiry beau i f til pi lished brass
t ih t "in niemoriatn" to Air. Frepcl,
he foun ler of Ascension church. T1j
ablet f limit lied by Mrs. Thomas
French, of Or ttge, ij. widow of
Mr. Frencli's 1 1 ler bro'h 't. mil is a
very approptiate aijd heatitiful pieu.)
of ori)atneiital brass woik.
Ii) the (.veiijng AJr. aipl Afrs. Powell
ave a reception for the two schoi ).s at
'Ascension," at yhici npiny of tlpt
ilixciis of the Cne Were presen', and
hareil in lie j I 'asttro and enjoyment
if the young petq 1,-. It was tlie senti
ment of many present that ,m! n'bool
woik new lujng carried on at the Cove,
had wrought 11 great improvement al
ready in the tocial condition, to say
II thing of its other higjier 1111 1 jastji)!'
Kuinu.(H 1 lijo l.jinlj.
A Fanner's Mortgagu aipl Saying
H.iiik was orgaiji.ed ii Sipntncrvilla
on tie "jfji i'l1"''! W'tft 1 1o following
olljeetV: W. JJ. Hineliart, President;
I'hos. Wade, Vice President; N. B,"
Harris, C.ttijer; S. j. llrix.ks, J. It.
Hiiujiart, unit Pharris Wade, Direct
ors. 'Capital stock tfiO 033, subscribed,
!i:!U 030 paid. The Bank w.ll bu ope
d about tjie first of January.
Cll iKtllilll 'JJlff
We aro aiHhorized to notify tho peqj
1 1 that a incut jqg pf all tlpisu ititeres--"d,
is ci.ljet) to tp! jace ijt tlio Af.
E. ehurch, pn ip'xt Tpettjay eyening,
or tjie ptpposu pf tii):iiig arrange
meiti.' for 11 pliristnuis tree. All MiouM
interest tlcnpi Ives jn tjp? inatter tipd
ndeavfir tp miijiu it as stjocessful un
j ossible, tp)t a gppd Hup' iqay tie iiid(
tnd the hearts pf ti't iitljj oties glad
Idled, aspny a fjiristnias treu and
Christmas festivities can dp. This is
lot t tcx'tariai) at)derUikitig, and al)
interested in the matter of whatever
Icnpmiii ition soul 1 he present and
.id in thu prpparalioqs fpr lpivijj i
good time oq Uhristnpis.
(.m-i niu.,
AtS. V. MuFarrep's jewilry Btprc,
Saturday evening, Dec. ID. Tho great?
st nuiiber of articles uy ir itpjl.i led in
mo rallle, iq IJaioq Al are invitu:
ocalj aqd sect t articles tp hj thrown
or. Hjgiett t p-ow, ladies' fiqu gold
watc aipl cjiain; Imyest tjirow, choicu
of breakfast op pick!) castor; 20 takca
1 gen's' w.ttci ciann or locket; a
i.ipkin l ifig; id, a gepts' rolled gohl
watch clpiit) ; 38, a tuarf piu,; 110, a Ut
lies' gidd iilg; 3fi, a tut pf tleuvo hut
ons; US, a Miiall alarm cjoujc; -10,
1 gents' gold riilo'! 42, it i-earf pin or
.oil ir button ; -lo, a ladies' 1 icu pin,
I'w Jve chaijes to draw oit qf sixty,
July .f J. to try your luck.
Ci i f r IipeN.
BIo8 oro i'tiitPiitly jiracailoi by n scnsij
of weight In the back, loins ntpl lower part
of tlm a,litlin)cn, uiUHlng tlm pitlont to sup
posit lie in some affo tbm uf ti kidneys or
tiulglib ring orgntw, At tliiieti, syuiptotiHof
biilgitIon urn pi'ununt, .itti.'npy, uneasy
iiess of tho ktoiDuctt, etc, A iii'i'-stum llki
persp'ritlon. proiltimiivf , very dlhugrei'ahlq
itching ttftur gutthisf warm, Is a coinmnu
it'i'lldinit, lllinil, ISlnmlitig, and ltcli!nj;
I' lus yield nt oiiui) to tlio application of I)r,
llokimli'i,.' PJi! ltuiiiedy, wliloll nuts directly
lili'ill tint p:it effeetoil, al)norliliig tlx)
Tiiiaors, itlliiylng tliu hitenvti helling, and
I'ffi'utlni" n pcriii uimit cure. Prluj,&) cents,
VddreiM, Tho Dr. llosauUo Mu lluliui C 111
piay, Papi i, o, 8old by J, T, Wright,
L nloii, Orogon,
Kllvo who mtii ci K.
At the jewelry store of s). V, MoFarren
may bn suun n splendid display of silver
waro of the bust quality and styles, which
Iiiik Just been received. Also, ail assort
iiient of watches and clocks of varlotti
idtitU. Ho is si'llbr.' at very low lluro.. .
Go lo Botkowitz's store, Union, for
.11 kin Is of L (dies', Gents', Misses' an l
Boys' Dress Goods, llo has just ru
ceived them, an I will sill Hum cheap
er th in uvjr bisforj rol I in thiscoa..ii.y
NvtUo uf Ainl.ei;to:i tt 1'i.rjlmta Tim
hi r I.niul.
U. 8. Land Olllco, Lu Oriindc, Urositn.
Dec. 10.1.W.
Mtico Ii hereby given that, hi compli
ance wl li the provisions of the Act of liu .
u'ress approved June 3 187S, entitled "Atl
Act for the sale of Timber I. nidi In th
'ites of Oallf.irnl 1, Oregon, Novudn. and
Washbigtou T r itory,"
Jutusit It. Oinlr c
V li 1 e post-office mMi"ess U N'orth Po vder.
Union comitv, Oregon hm this day tiloi
lu tbb'oi'u'liisnpplli'atMii to purcbuso tba
ly NBb,u 1011 No. 7, .In Tow 11 .hip No. 7
Koiitb Itatigo N'o. as I'.WM. All iwrstwn
holding any ttdverno cbihn thereto arc re
quired to 1 r 'sent the snnio nt this olM.
wlth'n sl.xtv days from thu Drat ptibHcumi:
of thl nutlce.
dc!2-wia BoUtr