The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, December 05, 1885, Image 7

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Aiiniinl Report of the Ltentennnt Gen
eral Ulvcn to the rnwic.
Olilonlnn Hxirpipil tlmt llio Apnclie
Should bo Cni'turctl or Iixtomil-
Strenoth of Ilia Itruiilnr Army.
The annual report of tho lieutcnnnt Ren
ernl ot the tinny is nmilo public. It says:
othini; hns been demo in the division ol
the Atlnntic for tho protection ot tuo boci
bonrd by tho improvement, enlargement
or increase ot the amount ot our fortitiqu
tious, ho that many ot the hinro cities arc
fitill nt the mercy of tho ironclads of foreign
nations in (as of a rupturo of our . relit
tioiiB. it is hoped Unit the public neiitl
ment will before Inns prevail on congress
for liberal appropriations in this respect.
"Tho sincerity of tho lender of the Oakla
liomu colony," writ ih (iVnetiil Hioriilun,
"may well ba doubted, but they are bold
in their movements and carried their
Kchotuc to the vonjo of bloodshed. Tlio be
lief oxista that their intention was not
actual settlement, but to call theattenlioii
of congress to tho opening ot the Indian
Territory, and that money was subscribed
for tlicir purposo by interested corpora
tions." Continuing; tho general says: "I
am in hopes of an early settlement of tho
Apache dilliculty in such u manner as will
forever prevent a recurrence of thino In
dians. So long as C'rooU had control of
tho.Apnches, underagreeinent of tho secre
tary of war and secretary of tho interior,
matters went on very well in Arizona,
but whon contentions began under tho di
vided authority that existed a year ago
distrust and trouble arose. Tho Apaches
should all bo exterminated or captured,
and I have tho greatest confidence in
Gen. Crook's ability to accomplish this
purpose, though tho dilliculties are very
great. 1 beg tho peoplo in that section to
bear in mind that (Jen. Crook is tho best
man wo havo to deal with theso hostile In
dians and ho will accomplish in tho end
more than any man in tho army. I tako
great pleasure in commending Gen. Crook
,for the admirable disposition of his troops
and hfs Bteady perhorvcranco under dis
heartening circumstances. Gen. Howard,
commanding the Department of tho Platte,
in addition t,o furnishing troops to the de
partment of UioMissouii, for apprehended
difllcultics, hail und now has to providi
troops on account of the labor troubles in
Hock Springs, W'yo., and other points on
the Union Pacific railroad. When wo como
to estimate tho duties performed by thu
troops in tho division of tho Missouri, it
will bo seon that they bnvo been most
arduous and responsible, requiring a degreo
of activity far beyond anticipation and
oltcn occurring under trying disadvantages
in so far ns relates to manners ot field
transportation. The hiring of Held trans
portation in enses of emergency is expen
sive, unsatisfactory and vexations." Gen.
Sheridan adds: "1 cannot agreo with Gen.
Miles in his ideas regarding tho In
dian ternary, or in his conlidenca
in tho ability of tho Indian to
mako himself self-supporting in mo
shoTt a time. All our experience here
tofore does not warrant such conlidenca
and mich opinions should bo regarded as
individual rather than representative of
the army. Tho permanent control of tho
Indians is not desired by the army at
large." Tho status of the national guard,
ho says, should bo regulated by a general
law of congress, tho number of olllcers and
men to be lixed and unchangeable, except
as a change is necessitated at stated
periods iJy the growth of tho population.
Tho general government could then issue
them tho best arms and camp and garrison
uquipngo'nud exact a responsibility which
is not now required. General Sheridan re
ports that tho army consists of 12,12 1 1 olll
cers and 121.703 men. In conclusion, ho
says: "Tho discipline throughout tho army
is very good. 1 have no reecominendntion
to make except to increase tho number of
men in companies and to nild two mori
companies and two majors to each revet
ment of'infantry. I most heartily coincide
with t lie remarks or General Schotield on
the need of military legislation, ilis vinw
aro of such importance that I transmit
them bodily to my repoitns follows: 'There
is no need in military service of legislation.
Tho regulations established and subject
to change only by congress (should have
such a degreo of stability as to become a
basis of sound military system, which, up
to tho present time, hns not oisted in this
country. Although tho regulations have
undergone changes, tho most important
changeH involved in the command and gov
ernment of the army remain unsettled at
the present time. No commanding general,
from the highest to the lowest, can know
tho extent or limits of his authority, and
none eau havo any staff responsible to him
for tho faithful execution or his orders.
During tho last twenty-live years tho coun
try lias passed through three momentous
crisis, wherein theso unsettled questions
wero of vital importance to tho nation,
and their decision for tho occasion de
pended solely upon individual opinions.
Another such crisis may not be far distant,
when such a decision might not bo so for
tunato for tho country. Hence, while I
present tho necessity of a considerable in
crease of the army, I also suggest, as a
still greater necessity, that laws bo estab
lished by congress for the government and
regulation of tho military force."
Infor. Christmas, 18115, foil on Friday.
M. li li. Ausus IS, 3 SOS, full on Tues
day. J. W. Tlio water constitutes nearly It)
per cent, of tho whole,
II. H. The full name of tho minister to
Turkey is Samuel Suiiit an Cox.
Karnest llendor. Masssehusotts is tho
only state that has educational suffrage.
a S. Tho husband has tho right to soli
his personal property without his wifo'n
consent, but tho law will compel him to
suport her.
C. 11. You can mako a will bequeathing
your property to your children, but your
husband will, nevertheless, receive a sharo
of the estate if ho claims it uguinfet thu
tho will.
E. J. Mannyunk. Jumbo stood olovrn
feet at tho shoulder and could take down a
biscuit from a height of twontyfivo feel.
The Central Park obelisk arrived at New
York on July 120, 1SS1.
M, II. Myers. Thu reason why person
residing in tho District of Columbia cannot
vote at national elections is because it is
not ono of tho states of the Union and U
under tho immediato government of con
grtbs. T. T. Crouch. How far this government
will protect a naturalized citizen who was
liable to military duty boforo immigrating
has always been a troublesome question.
Innumerable disputes have iiriflon betweou
this country and Germany on the subject,
hy applying to tho Gorman consul you
van probably get a certificate ol protec
tion. J. K. Ma.nn.yunk. The first American
newspaper was issued at Hoston on Sopt
tembcr 25, 1000. It was printed by Kith
ard I'ierco and published by Jlenjamin
Harris, and was intended' to bo issued onto
a month, but was immediately suppressed
by the authorities. The only copy known
to bo iu existence is in tho State Paper
Oflico in London, and it is bonded Publio
Occurrences both Foreign ami Domestick.
The Boston News Letter, published ' by
John Cainpton, appeared in April 24,
1701, nnd continued to be Issued Vkkly
Ull 1770.
A flatter In Which tho lMililtc Should
Jluvo n Ileal ol Interest.
To tho renders of this paper:
Why docs the government spend so much
money nnd risk so many lives in trying to
enpturo tho counterfeiter?
"Suppose ho does counterfeit government
bonds nnd notes, surely tho government is
rich enough to stand any loss his act may
Hut tho individual citizen could ill afford
to be put to continual financial loss if such
desperadoes wero let go unwhipped of jus
tice. It is only tho valuable thing that is coun
terfeited; it is only in the light of purity and
virtue tlmt impurity and vico can bo
known. No ono in these days would coun
terfeit a Confederate bond or note.
Peoplo who commit fraud always do itby
simulating tho highest virtue; by preying on
tho cleanest reputation, by employing tho
fair nnme of virtue with which to give re-f-liectability
to vice.
Let us explain: Seven or eight years ngo,
so wo havo boon informed many timesin pub
lic prints, a New York state gentleman was
pronounced, ns ninny millions havo been
pronounced before, incurably sick of nn
extreme disorder, l'y suggestions which ho
beliovcd wero providential, ho was led to tho
use of a preparation which had been for
several years employed by a select few
physicians in Now York city and ono or
two other prominent places. Tho result
was that ho was cured, ho whom doctors
without number nnd of conceded ability
said was incurable. Having secured pos
session of the formula, aiisoi.utkly and
litnnvocAiiLV, ho determined to devote a
portion of his accumulated wealth to tho
manufacture and salo ot this remedy for
the benefit of the many who suffer ns he
Buffered, in npparcnt hopelessness. In less
than threo years, so tremendous becanio
tho demand for this remedy and so exalted
tho reputation, that ho was obliged for his
purposes to erect a laboratory and ware
house containing four nnd a quarter acres
of llooring and filled with tho most ap
proved chcmicnl and manufacturing do
vices. Probably there never was a remedy
that has won such a meritorious name,
such extraordinary sales and hns accom
plished so much good for tho raco.
Unprincipled parlies who flourish only
upon tho ruins of others, saw in this repu
tation and sale an opportunity to reap a
golden harvest, (not legitimately, not hon
orably) for which purposo thoy have mndo
imitations and substitutions of it in every
ecction of,tho country, and many druggists,
who can mako a larger profit on theso
imitation goods, often compromise their
honor by forcing a salo upon tho unposted
Yes, undoubtedly tho manufacturers
could well nfford to ignore such instances
of fraud so far as tho effect upon themselves
is concerned, for their remedies have a con
stant nnd unremitting sale, but they feel it
to bo their duty to warn tho public ngainst
such imitations nnd substitutions, non
secret and otherwise. Tho individual who
buys them and tho public who counte
nances their sale alone suffer in mind, body
and estate thereof.
Tlio authors of somo of theso fraudulent
practices havo been prosecuted and scut to
prison for their crimes, but thero is another
class who claim to know tho formula of
tliis remedy and ono Sunday school jour
nal, vo aro told, ban prostituted its high
nnd holy calling so far as to advertise that
for twenty-five cents it will send nil new
ibubseribers a transcript of tho Warner
formula! This formula, by tho way, must
bo a wonderfully kaleidoscopic nffair, for
there is hardly a month passes when somo
paper is not issued which pretends to give
the only correct formula!
Tho manufacturers inform us that they
would bo perfectly willing that tho publio
should know what tho truo formula of
Warner's safo cure is, (nono that have boon
published aro anything liko it), but oven if
every man, woman and child in the United
States wore as familiar with this formula
as with their A I, O's they could not com
pound tho remedy. Tho molhod of manu
facture is a secret. It is impobsiblo to ob
tain tho results that aro wrought by this
remedy if ono docs not havo tho porfectskill
acquired only by years of practieo for com
pounding nnd assimilating tho simple ele
ments which enter into its composition.
Tho learned Dr. Foster, tho honored head
of Clifton Springs sanitarium, onco said
that having roughly analyzed this remody
ho recognized that tho elements that com
pose it wero simplo but ho attributed tho
e-ccret of its power to tlio method of its
compounding, and this method no ono
knows except tho manufacturers and no
one can acquire it.
Our advice to our readers, therefore, can
not bo too strongly omphasized. As you
would prefer virtuo to vice, gold to dross,
physical happiness to physical misery, shun
tho imitator and refuso thoroby to lend
your aid financially to those who seek to
get, by trading upon another's reputation
und honesty, a salo for wares and goods
which on their merits nro fit only to bo re
jected as tho veriost refuse. You cun
neither afford to patronize such pooplo nor
can you afford to take their injurious com
pounds into your system. When you call
tor Warner's Safo Curo seo that tho wrap
per is black with white- loiters and that tho
wrapper nnd label bear nn imprint of an
iron ifo, tho trade mark, nnd that a eafo
is blown in tho back of tho bottle and that
n perfect lc promissory uoto stamp is over
the cork. You can't bo imposed on il you
obscrvo these cautious.
We have tho highest respect for tho rem
edy we havo mentioned and tho highest re
gard for tho manufacturers, and wo cannot
too highly commend thcirdignificd and con
siderate tone in relation to tlioso who
would traduce their fair fair name and ruin
the best interest of tho public in such mat
ters. p
The Irish hato to bo ruled over by a
loe'reign power; Knglanil, for example.
Ceutaix Mixiiuals, once forming a part
of almost evory medicine, aro now regarded
dangerous and unnecessary. Thoovilstlipy
produce nro worso than tho diseases thoy
wero supposed to cure. Dit. Wau:uu's
Calipoiinia Vinhoai; Uittbhs contains
nothing but tho juices ot plants and cur s
nil disorders ot tho liver, skin, kidneys,
digestive organs, and blood.
A weathercock Is nlnys vane.
"itoium ok couuuy."
Alk for "Hooch on Couchs." for coughs, eoldl,
tuv threat, lioaocccss. liocliea, Uc Liquid, ZiC
Tho great superiority of Dr. null's Cough
Syrup to all other cough remedies is attest
ed by thtimmensepopulnr demand for that
old-established remedy. Price 125 cents u
Ferdinand Ward now fully realizes that
"tho way ot the transgressor is Intnl.''
There Minll lu no Alp.
When Napoleon talked ot invading Italy
one of his olllcers snitl: "Rut, sire, remem
ber tho Alps." To nn onlinary man these
would have seeiuvd simply insurmountable,
but Napoleon responded eagerly: "There
shall bo no Alps." So the famous Simplou
pass was made. Disease, liko n mountain,
stnnds in the way of fame, fortuno nnd
honor to many who by Dr. Pierce's "Gol
den Medical Discovery" might bo healed
and so tho mountain would disappear. It
is specific for all blood, chronic lung and
liver diseases, such as consumption (which
is scrofula of the lungs), pimples, blotches,
eruptions, tumors, swellings, fever-sores
and kindred complaints.
Hell gate is busted open, but it doesn't
help tho sinner.
Dr. Pierce's "Favorite Prescription" is
everywhere acknowledged to be the stan
dard remedy for fetnnln complaints and
weakness. It is sold by druggists.
An open question Aro you going to let
mo in?
Ilcplse Not the liny of Small Thins.
Little things may help a man to rise a
bent pin in an easy chair for instance. Dr.
Pierce's "Pleasant Purgative Pellets" aro
small things, pleassnt to take, and they
curo sick-headaches, relieve torpid livers
and do wonders. Reins purely vcgctablo
they cannot harm anyone. All druggists.
Wonderful transformation: Give a dog a
plutc of soup and he becomes a lickcr.
Tun Ciui.tiKHN's IIiui.tii must not bo
neglected. Colds in tlio Head and snullles
bring on Catarrh and throat and lung af
fections. Kly's Cream ll.tlin cures at once.
It is perfectly safe and is easily applied
with tho linger. It also cures Catarrh and
Hay Fever, tho worst cases yielding to it
in a short time. Sold by druggists. 50
cents, Ely Bros., 0wego,N. Y.
Ciihonic G'ATAititu. Tho result of 2i
yenrs' Catarrh: the bridge, or division of
my nose, was nbout half gone. 1 obtained
a bottle ot Ely's Cream Halm; havo used
four bottles, applying it to tho affected
parts with a swab, which has about cured
up the nostri's. I had previously tried all
other remedies on tho market without per
manent relief. J. A. Wood, 90 N. High
Street, Columbus, Ohio.
I find Ely's Cream lfalmgood for Catarrh
rlf long standing. M. N. Lnsley, 10111 West
Chcstuut Street, Louisville, Ky.
Tlio best armor is to keep out of gun
shot. "ItOlKill ON CATAKIIH"
corrects offensive odors nt once. Complete euro of
omt chronic cases; ulni iincqtiullud us turj,iu (or
diphtheria, sore throat, foul breath. Wo.
The Youth's Companion.
In our homo tho day of its arrival is
known ns "Youth's Companion day." and
the only bad effect wo have ever known to
nriso from its coming is that all tho chil
dren, and tho older folks,, too, for that
matter, want it at tho samo time. Tlio
publishers aro out with a new announce
ment showing increased attractions for tho
now year. If 51.75 is sent now, it will pay
for the Companion to January, 1SS7.
Let 's see. Was thegoobo that saved Roiuo
a Michigander?
Do Not lin Discouraged
even if you hnve tried many remedies for
your Kidney disease or Liver complaint
without success, it is no reason why you
should think your disorder incurable. Tho
most intractable cases readily yield to the
potent virtues of Kidney-Wort. It is a
jmrely vegetable compound which acts on
tho Kidneys, Liver nnd Ilowels at the samo
lime and thus cleanses tho whole system.
Don't wait, but get a package to-day and
curo yourself.
Pil'lr is a Wi:i.i.-k.nown Fact! In the
Diamond Dyes more coloring is given than
in any known Dyes, and they give fasU-r
and more brilliant colors. Hie. at all drug
gists. They aro a great success. Wells,
Hichardson it Co., Iltirliugton, Vt.
The tallest chickens in tho east arc about
"I derived much bench, from tho Athlo
phoros you sent me for my rheumatism, it
relieved me or pain after taking tho second
dose." Win. nn Olden, of Euglo Hiver,
Mich., gives as his very satisfactory experi
ence with the great rheumatism uud neu
ralgia cure.
Think not ambition wise, because 'tis
Wo recommend Carter's Iron Pills to
overy woman who is weak, nervous and
discouraged; particularly those who have
thin, palo lips, cold hands and feet, nnd
who are without strength or ambition.
Theso nro tlio cases for which Carter's Iron
Pills aro specially prepared, and this class
cnuiiot use then) without benefit. Valuable
for men nlso. Iu metal boxes, at 50 cents.
Sold by druggists or sent by mail. Sco ad
vertisement elsewhere.
Do Shang-hui fowls lay China eggs?
If afflicted with Soro Eyes, uso Dr. Iiinnc
Thompson's Eyo Water. Druggists sell it.
Gov. Hill used to bo frail and sickly when
a boy. Ho has entirely recovered.
Originates In scrofulous taint In tho Mood. Hence
the proper method liy which to cure catarrh Is to
purify tlio blood. Its many ilkiinreeablc symptoms
and llio danger of developing Into bronchitis or that
tenlliiy fatal dlseato, consumption, are entirely re
moved by Hood's Sarsaparilla, which cures catarrh
by purifying tho blood, and also tones up the ryutem
and Kieatly Improves the general health of thoe
who I uko It.
"For many years, beginning mi far back I don't re
member when, I had the catarrh In my head. It con
sisted of an excessive flow from my nose, ringing and
burstlug noises In my tirs, and paluaon tho lop of my
head. Tho hawking and spilling were most exces
sive In the mornlns, when the back part of my
tonguo would bo thick with a white ftir, and there
would bo n bad taste In my mouth. Sly hearing was
atrectedlnmy left ear. Five years ago I began to use
Hood's Sursapartlla. I was helped right aivuyi but I
continued to use It till I felt myself cured. My gen
eral health has been good ever since tho cutarrhleft
inc." Mr.s. K. II. CAi-Lriixn, Lowell.
Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Bold by all druggists. Ill six for tt. Prepared
byC. I. IIOOIi 4. CO., Apothecaries, Lowell. Mass.
IOO Doses One Dollar.
caniuakohandeomaRUGS Infoar
Hours outor ruK7'uor uaycioxo.
fran.r.r patterns.
Head lUmp for
New J'reo Lists.
Wanted. Great
nn anrKKWINQ I
Machine or iij !
hand. Awondar. ,
fullnrantlon. It I
sri.m ATnaiiT. i
Annlr for trrltnrr. Nnwttlan.
No mnnTrwinlred.
ONO. O. HOITT A.GOMttfuuu,i'iiicitiu.
Wbeo I sst rura i uu nut instn tutrtij V up iiwm log
atlma and tnen havo tbsm retorn airittri. f mean arsdl.
cal enra. I bare Mad tli illisaM vt UTS, KI'ILEftsr
FALLING SICXNiSSSaW loutfatudf. Iwarrauipiy
remedy to caro tb worst ces liicusa cithers bar
failed Is do reason for uuunar receWlaf a car. Send at
cdc for a treatise and a Yr Hue tie ot in InfaUlU
recsedr. Clre Ezpnae and fust (Idle. Il Costa jwa
Bbttiluc for a trial, end I will cure you. .
tddrese lir. IL O. UOOT. Ill reurl St., Kw Tart.
W. N. U., OililJi.
2HQ 18.
Prom tho National Cnrittnlt
Tho Washington l'ost says: Wendmiro
tho stand taken by numerous eminent
physicians In changing the mode ot treat
ment ot roughs and colds, nnd publicly
endorsing Star Cough Curo because it
i ctlli .u-ii his, free from dangerous ingre
dients and without morphia or opium.
This excellent remedy costs but twenty-llvo
1 cents.
Cholera in this country only catches tho
four-footed hogs.
When Hoc Old Auo Iteulnl
I When does old age begin? At forty-five,
it is said, the amount of eoinbustian which
keeps tho furnace of tho human body iu
blrst commences to decrenseand diminishes
until three-scoro years and ton, more or
less, when tho tires nro drawn and tho
lllckeriiig ilanio dies out. That is tho
physiological way ot looking ut it. Hut
some men aro old before they art out of
; thoir teens, while others apparently never
grow old, though they live to bo centen-
i nrinni, The poet's wuy ol looking at it is
the btst:
"Call him not old ivfioso visionary brain
Holds o'er the psst its undivided reign.
For him iu vniu tho envious seasons roll
Who bearti eternal summer in his soul."
This at least seems to bo the way in
which David I.ittell, of Sumner, la., lookt
at life, for though now in his eightieth year
lie hits takon a new lease on life and is
apparently determined to hold on to il.
Athlophoros did it for him and ho ac
knowledges his debt to it in terms of en
thusiasm. Mr. I.ittell tells his own story:
"J was past soventy-seven and hail been
ntllicled it li rheumatism threo years and
eight months. I had lost one-third of my
weight and could not walk, but shufllcd
along with crutches. Sleep had do.settod
mo, my nerves wero all shattered, and thero
was no strength in my hands, wrists, knees
or feet. I could not sit down or gel up out
of n chair without help, and old such pain,
worse nt night than in tho day. There was
neither flcen nir rest, nnd tho outlook was
painful iu tne.oxlionie.
"Hut thanks be to God and Urothcr In
skip for sending mo a paper containing a
notice of the cures made by Athlophoros
und thanks bo to you tor sending me a
bottle. It appears to me tho hand of God
is in it all tho way, and if vou tlid not
hear nto shout why then I did not shout
loud enough, that is all. The medicine ar
rived one Saturday night after I had gono
to bed. In tho morning my son prepared
tuo a dose of two teaspoonfuls in milk. I
took it and felt it at once all over. After
that I took but ono tcaspoonful at a time
until I hud finished the bottle. How did it
act? Why, like a charm. On Monday
morning 1 rose, dressed, and walked out
into tho kitchen without crutches orcauo
and wished theni all a happy Now Year.
".My pain is all gone and I rest well. My
son, seeing such a great change in me,
wrote for ten bottles in order, as he says,
to make a permanent curo of it. It is all
more like a dream than reality. 1 havo
written to four of my friends who aro
alllicted with rheumatism about the great
medirino and 1 shall write to others, and
in this way try to pay tho debt of grati
tude. "Somo fourteen months ago," says A.
Ilayward, of Iturlington, la., "I was at
tacked witli iullnminutory rheumatism. I
tried a dozen different kinds of medicine
said to curo rheumatism, but to no pur
pone. Finally, 1 procured a bottle of
Athlophoros. After using tho bottle it did
mo so much good that 1 bought another,
but did not havo to uso moro than a third
of the second bottlo before I was entirely
cured. From that timo up to tho present
I hnvo never had anything liko rheumatic
paiiiM, nild 1 thank Althlophoros for tho
Thomas MrCue, Hush's block, Dubuque,
loiva, whoso wifo was cured by Athlophoros
of a terrible case of rheumatism, declares it
was "truly a miracle in my wife's case."
If you cannot get Atiiloimiouos of your
druggist, wo will send it express paid, on re
ceipt of regular price onodolhirpor bottle.
We prefer tlmt you buy it from your drug
gist, but if lichaHu't it, do not bo persuaded
to try something else, but order at onco
from us, as dim'ted. Atiiloimiouos Co.,
1112 Wall .Street, Now York.
IVrpotitnl Iotltin.
Thero is a clock at ISrussuls which conies
about as near being a perpetual motion
mnchiitu as can bo invented, for tho sun
does tho winding. A shall exposed to tho
polar rays an tip-draught of air
which nuts a fan iu motion. Tho fan actu
ates mechanism which raises tho weight of
tho clock until it reaches tho top, and then
juits a break on tho fan until tho weight
lias gone down a littlo, when tho fan is
again liberated and proceeds to act as bo
fore. As long as tho sun shines frequently
enough, and tho machinery does not wear
out, tho clock is practically a perpetual
motion muchinc.
Sonichody (Jot ITIorn Thau a Fair Show.
"I seo," said sho, looking up from tlio pa
per, "thut thero wore 120,000,000 buttons
mndo in this country last year."
"Indeedl" ho replied, "I wonder what thoy
wero mndo for?"
"For sowing on garments, I suppose."
"Well, somebody's got morn than their
shairo, I bcss, for thero h'aint been ono
towed on my garments for a year."
Sho resumed her rending and a deep
sllonco fell upon the household. lioiitou
Quick work. To do a thing quickly and
nt tho same timo thoroughly will unfailing
ly securo attention. This is said of Salva
tion Oil. tho great rheumatic remedy. Price
125 cents.
A poar is not always two of a kind.
Tlougti on l'aln" Liquid, ate. Quick cure. Neural,
pin, rheumatism, achns, p.ilns, iiralus, headache,
c amps, colic. "Hough uni'alu" fluster, lta.
llnHnril HaTion cTpreisfy for"farutiy oio. Only
lOld In bottles.Jlet and chcaiiiaiL
.ToBoph Cook is lecturing in Canada. Now
tho small-pox will havo to go.
'ionH Ifcad Tills
Unless you want a freo sample of Smith'
llilo Heans, tho great liver remedy, and a
beautiful card tnkon from real lifo.sontyou
freo of charge. Send us your iiamo and I'. 0.
address. .1. F. Smith & Co., St. Louis' Mo.
(Name this paper.)
Kvery shaver winks to razorjwnrd.
Okt Lyon's'llecl KtlfTmer applioi to your boots
and shoes before you run them uver.
Jny Oould ought always to bo in a gilded
frame of mind.
a months' treatment fur Wc 1'lso'i Itcmcdy for
Cutarru. bold by druggists.
Aro all tho Saratoga trunks carried on tho
trunk lines?
7hen Ttaby waa ilea, yrm care her Cm tort,
When she was Child, abo cried for Cuatoria,
When abe became. MUs, she clung to Castorla,
Vlhia the bad Children, she gare tbooi Castorla,
Is it proper to speak of a sausugo machine
as a homo for lost dogs?
ILE8. Itchlnc or Weedln. reliever! nnl
permanently cureo uy iuid i -""
i,t , (Irnnlna. 2 cents and CO
rents at Druirclsta or by mall. J, W. COLtt 4 CO.,
Vtov't, lllack Hirer rails, WU. ... -
Jf 1 11
Frto from Opiates, Umettcs anil l'oison.
XT Put'omtr Air rtLrn,
Tin: unit..,. A.Hx.nrn co.,n.itTij:onn, Jin.
Mm All
Cures Rhsti.-nallsm. Ncuralnla.
Pi 3 SI (lartsrlip, llroaarli,-, Tootharbc,
tit 1 I B Sprain,, llri l.... f If., rlf.
(all i ruin:, ru rv t iSii.
blall it DiiLiiulMS am,
THK Clli HITS A. XSit'tir, ill. in ITininir l.
If you wish a certain euro for nil RIooA
dlst-asfs. Nothing was over Invented thai will
olean-o tho lllood nml puilfv the System cqtml
to Hop nnd .11 ALT littler. It tones
up the Syafriu, puts now Illooil In your
ToliiH, restores your lout nppctlto ami
loop, nnd brings you perfect lienltli. It
never falls to glvo relief In nil coses of Kidney
or Liver Troulilcs, Itlllotiaue, Indl
Ceatlon, Constipation, Klek llenclnchra, IJya
pcpnln, Nervous disorders, anil nil l'ciunlo
floiunlnlnta ; when propel ly tnken It la n suro
curo. '1 liousanils have been boiiefltrtl by It
In this nit other Western Stntca. It Is tho boat
Combination of Vcirotnlilo remedies ot yet
discovered for the restoration to health of tho
We nir. anil Delilllt ntoil. Do not r-ot Mops)
nnd M.llr Itltti r confounded vrlth Infe
rior preparations of cliullar nnme. I prcscrlbo
Hons A Malt Hitters regularly In my practice.
Itobort Turner, M. D., Flat Koct, Mich. Tor sale
by all dnicclsl8.
GOODMiN DRUG CO,, VhoIesala Agents,
O.IIAllA, Mill.
of all kinds. Inoluillnir Poplar, Toneiies, Iteachcs,
Axle, etc. l'anry llnlsliliiK woods. Ill blue Timber,
l'lank, etc. '1 he only I'niiipletu assortment of son
Mined Hardwoods west of Chlnipi. Send for prices,
bpecliil Inducements on cur lots utrect from mills.
.Mention this paper.
S. W. Cor. Dili nml Diuichis, Oniiilui, Keli.
Nio's nomcdy for Catarrh Is the
nest, jiasieai to use, nnu i;neapesu
Alsn com! for Told In the Heai
ilenduclie, Hay Fever, Ac Ail cents.
t hue a iioaliivu r m jy lor tun above ulir.ft l7 h ue
tnoimnils of ran of tile wniat l.di.1 an I of InliT standing
bave lin currd. !ntfil, ei Mr-ini-1 my faith In I edr,CT,
lliat I lll (. li t TWO IKITTU -4 Kr.lX, tote h,r with a V.tb
UAIIU: TflKAH'l'. on lliln unyMlIT r. fllTe l'i.
trcm aud 1'. U. aJJicjl. Ull, T. A. bLUCl'M, 111 1'carl St., t).V.
Send one :e stamp fur latest llAltYI.ANI).
eiiiltwii'.V k t :i m I'm for hurst on: Mni.K Mrv it
end Iwm2c s aiiiiifiirliilet PANSY. IWiimkn.
cndlhi' .V n-l Willi'. AVVAKK
To II. l.OTIIIIOl'.V tl) . UiriniiklliiSt., Huston,
"Voitofisi I Holoot ltliicimliicM
IVa you," 3llfiaallv rtaacl Voting
li'rloiiclM usi.loa,tiwi&liit(;ly
rpc An active Man or Woman In erf rr
I U e county tu arllourKunda Salary 74.
1 irr Slonlh and l.XM'ii,cs l.iiiriifeiln ad-
rami' Cmitnatinzinitlit KIthkl I'nrlli'iitara
Ircc. UtandardSilvor-waroCo. Hoston, Mass.
BIG OFFERS' To introduce them,
v.o will CI VIC A WAV l,U rii'lf-Opcriilllil.'
Wuchliii; .Machines. If you wnnt uno send
us our name, I'. O. and cxtnesi otllco nt
once. Tim Niitliiiuil "., tfllcy St.,.N,Y.
KEEPEH oiri risoinctliliii! wondt-rlul in I'lcmluins,
Send your name and addre is on n tioilnl card for sumpln
copy and roil will Ih ip;lited. Jli'iition this paper uud
addles H. S. SMITH, Pul)., Oinului, Nob.
This most wonderful, and liamlsome
book of i bounces mailed foronlv toe.
Alls. Union l'uii. Co., Newark, N.J.
U Miiulo ijinteniH lire outilomi. I'reo clrvulnrs.
HUltitAY llll.l. CO., l'.O list aylh HU, Now York.
1 Rilrn rlt .
D1 'hnr yilniuri tlm.
VHMi,ttiiM MilelJe
nnillll Morphliio Ilitlilt CurnillnlO
llr lllm toyOiliiys. .Noimy till !urod.
VI 110111 III, J bTlil-lIKNS, I.cliuuou. Ohio.
Tumors and Ulcers cured without
pain nr knife. Write for pamphlet,
lir. 1'' II. duller. Milwaukee, Wis.
linilC STUUV. Kecuro n Iluslnsss education by
MUJnL mall, from l:i;i am's Coi.lkuk lluiIulo.N.Y.
New Scrap l'leturcs ami SO Taney raids (new)
mailed for I Oc. KfeSKX C'aiui Woiikh, lvoryton,l't.
tTiromo.floldHcrap. loop I'rlnire.&c.Cni'dsBclitpost
paid for 0c, C'omi.htcaiii Curd k, liartford.Coun
lOs! Now Hcrtiii IMcturcH nnd W Newt liroino
d VJ and (iold Scrap C urds sent post paid for 1 II eta,
A Clear Skin
only a part of beauty:
but it is a part. Every lady
may have it ; at least, what
looks like it. Magnolia
Balm both freshens and
i. urn
iNEGAit Bitters
In tlio Brent 111,, oil Pm lllcrnad Llfe-glvlDt:
1'rlm.lp.c; tt (lenii. l'i:r. ti . mM Tr nir ; a jierfect
Ken 'latornnit IiisiL'iriitjrof thosya'etn,
In Vlnctrnr asltti'r. Ihero i3 vitality but
no nlcohollc or mlnernl pol!on.
IHwnM'i ol" ilii Mtlii, of Mh.itever narao
or nature, nro literally tint; up anil carried out of
thosystcui In a short time by tuo useof the Hitters.
Vlitcsnr Klttors allays foverishuess. It re
lieves, ami In time cures ltfieumntUui, Neuralgia,
Clout, anil similar painful diseases.
Vlucsnr Hlttortt cures Constlpntlon and
prevents Diarrhira.
Ncvrr beforo lins a mcdlclno been com
pouiuled posBCMlns: tho power ot Vineiiau Bit
teiis to heal tlio pick.
Send Tor either of ovr vnluahlo refcrcneo
hooks for ladies, for farmer?, for merchants, our Treat Iso on lilsenses, or our Catechism
on Iuti'iuperanco and Tobacco. Ti'bk'h la'rt should
bo read by every child nnd youth In tho land.
Any two of tho nlxjro IhioIcs innllf d Xreo on
receipt of four cents for rcEistration fees. MrUonnld Oni" Co.. C."2 WasliSnctonKt., N.V-
Doctor. "Yea: yon aro bilious. Just cot a box ot
Wright' Indian Vegetable l'llli; they will cure you."
Billons Complaint nro caused by torpidity, con-'
ftetlon, or tho ulceration of the liver. -H
Tho eymtitoma aro dark, Rff'Tt yellow fiVIn, a
brown or whitish coat tu tho tongue, appcllto Irreg
ular, often a dry cough at lilcht.
The akin sometimes breaks out Into pimples and
ftOrc,andthowho!cBy(tcmIaout of order. W right'
Indian Vrnrtnlito rill nro ono of the very best
remedies known for any form of these troubles, and
will certainly relievo tho sufferer. Tbey are purely
vegetable, mada from the best drugs by competent
hand-, and give satlrfiictlon. They tiro Tery gentle
In Ihclr action, cau8iii!j nogrlplngorunpleaaantfiicl
Ing to the most delicate. Atrial will convince any
one troubled with biliousness that Wrllit'a I
dlan Vectnblo rill Is the medicine he needs.
A Spcclnllat for I'lavrn Venn I'aet,
Has treated Ilropsy and Its rompllentlons with tha
most wonderful success; uses vcuetnliln remedies,
entirely hnruilen. Itemoi es all symptoms of ilropsy
In eltrht to twenty days.
Cures patients pronounced hopeless by tho best of
From tho flrst dine the symptoms rapidly disappear,
and In ten days ut least two-thirds of thu symptoms
are removed.
Some, inav cry humbiic llhoitt knowing nnythlnc
about It. lteiuember Itdoes not ru vou anylhlut;
tu reallio the merlin of my trentment for yourself.
1 inn constantly citrine cases of lnn stiindlnii, ease
that have been lapped a number nt times, and tlm
patient declared unable to live n week, (live full
hlntory of ease. Nnme sex, how loni? ntllletod. how
badly swollen and here. Is bowel eiMtlve, have legs
bursled anddrliiped water. Send for freo pamphlet,
rimliilnlnn testimonials, tim'stlou. etc.
1 o iIuj m t rent iiieiil freo by iiiull.
llpllciisy ills potlilvely cured.
It order trial, seud'eents Iu htnmp lopnv postage.
W.Ioni's Avenue, Atliiiil.", Un.
Gold & Jewelled
Wiim nwnrded liy tho
Nutlomil Kledlcal
lho In tlio ehlcl CoiiMilllnir riiynlolun of
Iho reiilimly Medical llixlllllle',
Itbeliix HiolK'st Jlnllcnl Tienltie on Muiihujil, Ex
hausted Vitality, Nervous and I'h.vMcal Ueliillly.
rreuiature Decline In linn, tho I't nira of Youth, and
tho untold mlhorlea resultinir from InilUeretlons or
exoe.iK In early life, which tlm author has proved
may bo nllovluteil and po-liely cured. It la u
standard Medleul Work mi the above, anil In n trens.
uro to evoiy yinini: and iiilddlu-OKcil iiiiin. War
ranted as repicsenteil nr tho iiiouey refiiutleil In
every Instance I :) s einboshod iiuislln, full
Kllts l'U prescriptions lor nil diseases, l'rlco only
si, by inn II, sunled. post-paid. Illustrative anm.
l'll.'s. (I ci'iilH. Kend now. This work Is unlvcr.
anllv leeummeiiiled by tho pren, clcrity, pnrenta
and tenehers, anil every uno of Its more than a mil
Hun readers. Kvery man. vming or old, ihould ri'nd
this book, nnd every sufferer tdmulil consult tho
author. ''Ihero U u luilm In a Head) there la u
iihyalclnn there. Aildrea. . .
Jr.W.ll.l'ARKEIt, d Uulllnch ct..Dotton, Mosa.
AMI OTJlICltli riKt.Kl.MJ
Health. Strcnglli and
Knergy, ai-o mlvlsoil to
-end for "Tho Klectrlo
ltevlpw," a larfn Illustrat
ed Journal, published for
rieit tusinuuiion.
It treats on health, hy
giene, physical culture
uud meillcalaubects,and
Is n complcto rncyclo
nnerllnof Information for
sullrrlui? bumuulty ufTllct
ed Willi lontf standluir,
I chronic, nervous. exhaust
ing and painful discuses.
Vmititf imn nnd others
who suffer from nervous and physical debility, ex
hausted vitality, premature i! cell no, ota, nro
eseclally la-nollted by consulting Its contents.
Thousands of dollum aaviKl nervous debility sur
ferera and others by the atlvlcn lven. If In need
of medical aid nr counsel, read It beforo Investing
In medicine or appliance of any description, and
you will ajvt, time, ninnuy and disappointment.
AddnuHfor freneopy. Tlio Klectrlo Itt'vlew.
llCd Ilio.idwuy, Now York. Send now, tu )uuniay
notkee this iiollce ncrlii,
jiuiiH, nines, jioou. jiitieua. eic
S nt by mall, lull dlnctloru.
Xanufnrturers Ftvniied Ituir I'.ilti'rm on UurUp.
waroof liililnsemeiils Send for elreul ir.
A posit ro euro. No Knife.
NoTioser No lain. IV O.
l'uyav, llurahaliUiwa.Iona.
Did you Sup
pose Mustang Liniment only good
for horses? It is for inflamma
tlon of all flesh.