The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, December 05, 1885, Image 5

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. -
Bv't' Bulletin?,.
Tlic holidays pre at lmid,
Firemen meet iext Monday,
Charley Robins lias retired from th.u.
butcher business,
Mrs. Gilbert returned from her
visit to Island C(y.
J. II. Crites. visited Pendleton this
week on law business.
Hill Nyo, the great humorist, is now
lecturing in yariois towns in Oregon.
The Presbyterians are talking of
building a church in new La Grande.
Mr. J. D. Biles, of the 0.. R. ifc N.
Company, was in, the city during tle
Wells Fargo it Co. have moved
their oflleo from Obi to New La
Some rich placer mines have been
discovered on Conner creek in Baker
A largo freight warehouse wifl pooh
be built by Kuthuhild tz Co., of North
Are we to have a Chrjs,tinas tree?
If we are, it is about time to commence
A social dance wij given,, at uncle
Tom Beards refiulenco, last Wednes
day evening.
Mrs. H. 0, Emery ban been very
sick during te paM week, with neu
ralgia of the heart.
Pierce Mnhatley, Pat. Murray and
Louie Corbett of La Grande, paid
Vnion a visit yesterday.
Chas. MeClure. of Ladd canyon, has
erected a large sheep shed, about si
hundred feet in length.
The chances are that the PeMoss
family will visit us agajn. They ire
jiow in Umatilla county.
A large black-board was placed in
the public school building a few days
Ago by Wil.-on it Johnson.
Dont buy Christmas goods until you
have examined the stock soon to be
received nt Cove drug itore,
What has become of or Dramatic
Society? A few entertainments this
winter would be appreciated,
All the people of Sunimerville want,
to start a paper at that place, is the
udvent of u responsible printer.
.Johnson, tho barbci', received a
bran new chair by express, this week.
Jim. is doing a good bns'pcrfs.
Marion Davis being the only can
didate for the office of city Recorder,
ought to have no trouble in getting
Travel has about ceased to the Pine
week mines, The snow will prevent
any new discoveries being made this
All the snow sheds in Pyle canyon
that will be built t hie winter, have
been completed, and the workmen
Union is no doubt the best "show
town" in the State, considering the
population. We have a splendid thea
tre building hero.
By a card from Dr. Strange we
learn that the Governor has approved
tho bill appropriating $15,003 for the
Pine creek wagon road.
Tho best and cheapest assortment of
cutlery in the county, is at the tin
shop. Over 200 different kinds of
pocket aud butcher knives.
Mrs Ad. Edgar has fitted up rooms
adjacent to the Scout ofllce, whero
she can be found at all times by ladies
desiring work in her lino.
.1. M. Carroll, city marshal, left
Wednesday for Sparta on a business
trip. Marion Davis is acting as
marshal during his absence.
John T. Wright has just received a
fine assortment of razors, tooth brush
es, toilet articles, etc., which he will
sell at astonishingly low prices,
A grand ball will be given on
Christmas eve., at Wright it Duncan's
hall, Cove. Preparations are being
made jor mi unusually good time.
Rev. J. Mclvean has gone back to
his first" love the pulpit, lie is now
located at Shoshone, and iH preaching
in the M. E. church at that place.
A meeting of the Pine creek Road
, Commissioners will probably take
placo next Monday. The Governor
has been requested 'to call a meeting
at that time.
The members of the M. E. church
are making preparations for a concert,
and social entertainment, which will
be given.bometimo during the present
mouth. i
Prof. Seizor, the writing teacher has !
a large class at this place. Ho is a i
master of penmanship. His written !
notices, pofted along tho street, aro
perfect gems of art.
James Long was brought to this
citv from La Grande on Wednesday
Vast, and lodged in the county jaii. j
Jtie is charged with attempting to I
defraud his creditors. j
According to the changes, made by i
the recent IcgMuturo, circuit court 1
"ill bo hold in this county three times i
. year hereafter. The nuxt term
some time in February. '
A farmer's bank has been organized
In tin. city of Summerville, by J. II.
Binnhart, Dr. E. Rinehart, and N.
B. Harris. It will bo three or four j
wcclca before- they urn ready 'or busi
neai. 1
Many Matters,
- VI" -
Lctt'-r Front County Im
port J. T.
si;n.toi: iiinkiiakt in Kinir.XAiiEi.
yu .rttflo Cotifprijliis Ilr(;i anil C
le, ssnrt tlm City I.nw dm
ermine tliu Sauie,
.ij). Scout: -For the mistakes in my
report. I alope am to blame. Tho
original sheets are correct from these
the copy was made. I felt so certain
of the work being correct 1 neglected
to compare the copy with the original.
As soon as convenient I will do so,
and ascertain the extent of the mis
takes. We claim, however, this work
asJdone honestly aid efficiently, ami
ial the orders fhowq by the books
as unpaid, with interest on the same
added to the State debt, will amount
substantially to the reported debt. To
I ascertain this, was the main object of
the investigation, which has been
done. The fecund object to be ascer
tained was as to the honesty of our
officials. On that point tle tax-payers
. win form their own opinions.
I A copy of the papers, in the care of
. B.usheo vs Umatilla county, is pi the
t bauds oj Mr. Stanley or the County
I Court. Will you please examine anil
j report what question was at issie be
I tween Mr. Bushce and UmatilU coun
ty? TliCise papers will settle that
quest o beyond controversy.
When tax-payer gets througji we
propose to criticise him, We claim
that this report is uneolorcd by parti
san or personal feeling and shoe's on
its face at it was made p faiily and
honcsth. Over it, we do not propose
any extended controversy. We
not time o do sp. We would liks to
have your and tax-payers opinions of
some of those published bill.
hop'eyou will not expend al your criti
cism on inc. Be generous and just.
As a citizen and tax-payer, wc pro
pose to criticise some of Mick- charges,
We will wait till you and "Tax-payer"
get through with me, mid then then
ye will say a few thing!.
A serenade was given Hon. L. I?. Rine
hart, hist Friday evening, by the Union
Silver Cornet iJand. lei h token of apprecia
tion of tho valuable Servians rcn lcred by
him at (lie went legislature, hi getting the
appropriation for the Pine creek road, and
otJu'r work which he accomplished. Mr.
Rim-hart has nothing in his record while
thcie to be ashamed of- .something that
cannot be said, of all the members.
IuinuunilliiK A.nuj(l.
Tho marshal, on Thursday last, placed a.
hog or two in the pound. Jf any of our
readers are the proud ownerp of any of tiesc
noble. animal.--, and said aninnlshave failed
to come up to t'lojr nily refreshments, this
notice will serve a a pointer as to tlt'ir,
prohtttilo, whereabouts, Our city ollic.jals
aie certainly do'tig injustice to the sur
rounding farmers, whose cattle and Imgs
are liable at any tiiio to stray into tnwi
and get taken up, by not publishing noiiro
of such prnoceerihigs in the newspapers,
Notices written on two or throe- piece of
paper and tacked up somewhere, arc about
the same as no notices at all. A few months
ago a hug, belonging to one of our .subscri
bers, who lives about three miles out of
town, eainc in, was taken up and sold be
fore the owner knew anything about it.
He told us had the notice been published,
he would have seen it'nnri gladly paid (or
the same, as he valued the hog at fi&.OO.
When the property of our neighbor'' is
placed in jeopardy in this manner, they ex
pect nothing less than to be apprized of
the fact through tho proper channel!. Tlje
attention of the council is called to this
Ilaiigeil I y ViRilantot.
George II, Koaeh was hanged by
vigilantes Inst Monday evening, four
miles south of Adanis, in Umatilla
county, in trim vigilante style. IIo
whs forcibly taken from the olllcers
who were returning to Adams with
liim, on a warrant for hoiv-e stealing.
Keach was a inember of ouu of the
worst gangs of horse Ibieves in the
UMju l.ltciaiy Hociety.
The nttrndnnco at the Literary Society
last Monday evening was very good. The
exercises were very few. No music uai
rendered, no declamation?, no recitations
only an essay by M. V. Duvis, and a se
lect reading by Miss Mary Jeffries and J,
Lavy. Tho ouestion 4,W.n thu life of
Julius Cu.sar detrimental to tho Roman
people," was debated on the affirmative by
T. Oliver, and on the negative by W. It.
Johnson. The following question was
adopted for two weeks hence: "Was the
present state of things brought about by
evolution." with J M. Carroll and M, F.
Davis as leaders. Following is the pro
gramme for next Monday evening: Com.
on music, F. 3, Johnson, Mrs. It. II. Lloyd
and M. F. Davis; select reading, J. M. Car
roll, I'. . Wilson and It. II. Lloyd; reel
tation, MissS. Moore, Miss Mary JetTrics
and Lee Wilson; declamatioifi T. Oliver;
oration, M. F. Davis: csshv, W. R. John
son. (Question, "Resolved that Hannibal
was a greater general than Nupolcon."
leaders, II. F. Wilson and T. Oliver. ,
Ivtijiiile to llc.ilth.
Health Is wealth. Wealth means Indcpen-dene-.
The Keynote Is Dr. He-i-anko'i. Cough
and Luug tiyrnp, the best Cough .Syrup In
the world. Cures Cough-, Colds, l'aiiu In
the Cht, It uiichltl- aud Primary CoiiMinip
thin. One done glvo relief In every uae.
Takenoolhor. l'riccW cents and I. Samples
free. Sold by J, T. Wright, Union, Oregon.
WILL YOU with Dyspepsia
aud Liver Complaint? Klriloh's Vlmfizvr
in guaranteed to cure you.
Mhli'UXG CALUift
T,.i Tnkn Aiillnn la 0 M.itlrj, flf Cay
Mriti'thii; n Wngoii K. lj.
a ciianoi; run Lini:uvLwry,
A,s will be .seen by the notice below, a
meeting of thc-suliMTihers of tlo Pipe ertok
wqgon road, will be held it the court home
on next Tuculay evening, for t.o purpose
of fleeting conunUsloiuu, and r,ftting ev
erything in readiness to go to prk In a,
systematic mnnner. and without delay. .s
no one will be allowed to. ;ote at (he Heel
ing but subscriber", those ylio have not
yet put their names down kUnuld do so be.
fore the meeting. The list Is at Mayor
Rfcs's oltlee. Let every man, put his name
down for something. Hyoueannoi spare
ill cash, sub-cribe work, t is very neces
sary tlri end of the road should be
eoinpje.ed before work nompicuces on
other e;l. as then, accefs to this valley
will be easy, and all supples fortlie work
men wl'be drawn from bpre. No doubt
the Park ind High Valley people, who are
anxious (o put in work on the road, would
rather dp stp now than in tjl? spring. That
the arrangements may bo satisfactory to
all, let al Ltu in attendance.
To (Uo 8nlmerlb,T to Ihr t'ino Crcik
Yo,, and each of you are requested to
lnee at the court house, in Union, Oregon,
on Tuesday, lh,.c. 8, 188S., at 7 o'clock P. M.
to clrot a Hoard of Coiumivsionpr to col
lect the money subscribe), and expend the
same pi building the road from Union to
the crossing of Goose Creek.
D. It. Iters, 1). F. Moore, R. 0. Grkiii,
A. Lkvv, I. A. JkiMcowtT,, at((l others.
Mjss M. llallcr js tjie watcjpnakor,
of La Graide.
Another newspaper will epon be
started at Westoi;.
Tho Slar, Falcnp, 'Ml'1 Old Soldier
brands p' tobaccq at Jones Bro'e.
During the past year about thirty
post-oih;ceB have established jn
this State.
Tlie "Prohibition Star" js tho name
of a new temperance, paper just star
ted in Salutn,
Rather windy during thepqet week,
but otherwise the wl'uM,Pr 'l!lK uoe11
splendjd for i'm liu of year.
Buy a dollars W'h'th, of gopdH al
Jones Bro's aipi get a cjpincn to draw
a niagnilicent prize. Sue new ml.
If you waU ! squarp meal when at
North Powder, drpp in aii interview
"Pony Stevens," of tjie North Powder
Grain js imw being received at
Hinehart's ipijl iq Sqmmerville, Tjie
mill will be started jn two or thrt;e
Marrieri.irtAt tle residence of E. II.
Pratt, near Union, Dec. 2pl, 18N,
Mr. Win. IL Ilutcjiinspn apd Miss
Isabelle Asbury. Bev, J. 1. Wason
Beidleman t I)ixop. harness
makers, Union, Oregon, requests all
parties iqdebtod to tlp'ip to call and
settle by the first of December, as it
'takes money to make the marc go,"
Dr. Strange writes that ho will be
in his otliee next Monday (Dec, loth)
aipl will bo j leased to see his patjents
again. He will bring with him a new
stock of Dental material and tool.-
anri ipako oppratiops jp his lipe as
thorough and etisy as possible
Taylor Green, of Union, traded part
f his bund of sjieep for thu 1 (alley
place pear Lotjie ami the remainder
of tho hand to J. M. Mitchell for
horses. Mr1. Green will hereafter de
vote his attention to raising fine
American horseH, Wallowa Chieftain.
John Lavery. Win, Ham apd A. B.
Yantis leave to-day to look over the
prnproseri road to the mines, for the
purpose of putting it) a bid for the
work, or such a portion of it as they
may decide upon. They seem to be
a little previous, but, of course tiey
know their biiriuesH. Sage Brueh.
The Commissioner of the General
Land Otliee is making it rather warm
for the swamp land Kwindlera in this
State and California. Now if he
would hit the fraudulent road compa
nies one below the hdt and bring
them to time he would merit the
good will of tho people of Eastern
We desire to call the attention of
our readers, partieulaily those of the
Cove, Summerville. Indian Valley
aud Wi.llow.t to t lie advertisement of
Higginson it Rogers of La Grande,
which will bo found on our first page.
These gentlemen have the largest
display of holiday goods over seen in
this county, and offer extraordinary
inducements to purchasers, of the
same during tho mouth of December.
Holiday shoppers throughout tho
cotintv will find it to their advantage
to call on lligginson it Rogers during
the month, ami make purchases. They
ul.-o keep constantly on hand a large
stock of drugs and medicines.
l.o lc Ur.rel
All persons knowing tbemselTc Indebted
to C. Vincent, are requested to come for
ward and j iay up. He wants Iris accounts
settled by the 15th. of December.
Hlltuiwarc nncl Cl ck.
At the jewelry store of H. V. McFarrcn
may be seen a splendid display of silver
ware of the boat quality and styles, which
hatf just been received, Also, nil assort
ment of watches mid clocks of various
klmL. lie is selling at very low llgures.
lor Itreuidui,
J hereby announce myself as a can
didate for tho ollico of Recorder, at the
coming city t lection. ;
Dv Mail.
T:tMIiuH T'i'inn (lie
of Tolocsifsoi.
inn latest Viio.m mo cur.K.
Oritnln I'r pi I it rniil"A Victim t
bo I'm !(! With' tho "llai.
noon of ,li.ttlce."
covu iicu's. ani jiAvrr.Ni.NGk;,
Tei.ocaset, Dec. 1th, ISSa.
Another dance at Geo. Johnsons.
Well atteqded and iuich enjoyment.
Charley Hopghton anil the Bakor
ites report three deer and birds innu
merable, as tlm result of their weeks
The p. R. ,t N. Company are evi
dently roused up ijovv. Never was
such a week's woij put in on the
muW fences, as during tho last week.
Ed- Ahbv killed a fine elk in the
Clover creek mountains last Thursday.
It was not fat, but was in good condi
tion, dressing over four hundred
pound?. Another, which was wound
ed in H(o fore leg, pianaged io get
Last Friday evening Mr. Will. B.ik
eslce gave a party at his residence in
Antelope valley. Al'lunigh tjiere
were harriy enough l.uljes present, all
speak of having had a very good time,
dancing being kept up until 5 o'clock
in morning.
Ilia CrtKKK, Dec. 1st, IS85.
Mr. H. , Samnis expects to work
on hU ledge this winter.
P. II. Mijes s sinkiqg on his quart;
jedge. Ho has a spleipjid prospect.
Qilr schoo js progressjng finely,
and Mr. Willjams. tho teacher, is
givipg excellent satisfaction.
Every thing moving along quietly
in this locality, fanners busy plow
ing. Sevepd new settlers, who hayo
up land, are building houses.
Tjie Literary and debating socioty
is irj full blast. Mr. P. II. Miles is
prespljng officer, and Mr. Williams is
secretary. There is a good attendance
every Friday night.
Marpcd. Nov. 20th, lSS.r' by J. .
Dolby, J. P., Mr. Ralph Jamison and
Miss ,;ry Wrjght, both of the Cove.
Tip; groom is the son of Hon. Mr.
Jamison and tho bride js a sister of
lion. Dunham Wright. The marri
age ceremony took place at the resi
dence qf David Emile, and was
wjtnessod by some thirty persons.
They were wiirn,b congratulated by
those present, and many good and
cincere wibjies for tlu'ir welfare wij
follow the young couple. After the
eereniouy all adjourned to the dining
roonj, and sat down to the finest
dinner it has been my luck to partake
offiir tip-he. many years, jt wan
prepared by Mrs. Einle, Mrs. Georgo
Wright and Miss Elliot. I kjjow Mr.
Scout tfiat jt would have made your
mouth water, for you know it is sel
dom an editor gets h taste of good
tilings. Next time will let ypu kipiw
beforehand, or send you a generous
.-lice of the wedding cake.
La Grande, Dec. ( 1885.
Mud drying up.
Fair, windy weather.
Business tolerably good.
Excellent prospect for better titqes.
Work is being pushed rapidly at tjpi
machine shops.
Several new buildings going qp in
the second ward.
Mr. T, Collins and family, of IVJh
can, have moved to old La Grande.
Still talk of rushing all the bui-iip'K
portion of old La Grande to the second
Tho Grande Roiple Saloon is op
ening up again, and will soon bo in
full blast.
Tho Literary Socioty meets every
Friday night at tho B. M. University.
All are cordially invited to attend.
The song service, under the man
ageiiiout of Rev, Ivmeriy, at the B. M.
University, last Sabbath evening, was
a grand success.
After another investigation of the
celebrated Bums and Souier chain
case, Burns was bound over again,
and will have the harpoon of justice
darted into him at the next term of tho
Circuit Court.
Covi:, Dec. 2nd, 188
Jno. Shoemaker aud W. L. Forres
ter, returned from a trip to Alder,
tlii week.
Chas. Kiuzie, of Walla Walla, broth
er of H. L. Kiiuie the miller, is visit
ing relatives in Cove.
Tho Misses Foster gave a party to
their numerous young friends at their
home, Tuenlay evening,
II. J. Geer has been sending samples
of his hop crop East. They uro pro
nounced A No. 1 by experts.
Eugene Foster, of tlto firm of A. J.
Foster fc Son, went Thursday, to Port-
laud, to purchase a new supply of
Geo. May and family have moved
into the Hulick house, Georgo has
been sick for i.omo time and is not
William Pugli hhot a fine largo
coyote on tho river this week, thereby
benefiting the Micep owner, and him
stlf to a $3 bounty.
The "oldest inhabitant" nays, as is
the find three days of December so
will bo the winter. If such is tho easo
wo nro to bo particularly bluscd thin
Jnl.orrstlpp lcnn Concrmlnf; ,Snny
hi A()ii(dntnn;c,
THAT ,C5UANp: lt )NI)i: CAUllApi:.
lNjnn.AVP, Qf. . Dee. 2, J885,
The ClijnoKO must goj
The weather U deijghjful.
".. II. Mix, of Bakur City, b bore.
II. E, Grifllu has returned to Port
land. rK
ICR Gates, of Hnjon, pad Portr
land a Vuit last week,
A. P, Sharpsliion, of Pendleton,
is registered at tp ilolton Ifufls'c.
Scanvjy a dav passes hut goino of
(lie '(Jrantlo HouderV arp in this
W, 11. MeConias haritunc player
in hti Dispatch" Ilniss, Baud, of this
A great
ipiny pcopo arc tnlking of
tliq Uino crejpji nijiC8, ijpxl
going to
que Old friend pharlcs filler, is
again attending tho Borllaud'isiipsci
Mr. Hoc. Rogers am Joseph B,nkpi
of La Grande, urn both registered qt
tho Occidental hotel.
riijn. Mooi-p's cabbage, that wag on
cxhjbilpiu at the Mechiii'jc.s, yri'is
i thii(j lip-gqi than anv other tm px
hibjljon. Jfqsfl Bjqcl) rt"d Leon Levy nrrjved
in towq hist week, Mr. Bloeh is still
hirch Luou lias gone to Oregon
City, tq $uo (js girl.
Mjsn Koyadu Swaejjhamrr, of La
Grniido, in the city, visiting friend'
and relijvcs, and is stopping with
her unulp, L, O. Dodge.
iV. E. Mulhollan. of Union, re
ceived the prizo for thu best sustained
jjeutleimp) charai-tci', nt the skating
carnival, pi the Mechanic's PavjHjoi,
lugt Wcd.ii:s(uy evening,
Dr. Kipg's eyo gjasxps at Jpqes
Rpopis for rcqt, Eqquiro ivt tjiis
Boskowitz haw just received a fine
lino of ladies' tlrcss goods.
Best cigars in the city, just received
at Jones Bro's. Try them.
rf you do not wisj to bo dunpd, set
tle your account at Jones Bro's.
For lame lmek. side nr chest, use Shiloh's
Porous plaster. Price 5 cents. For sale at
thedriiK store of R. O, (Jreig, Union.
Excellent stereoscopje views at
Jones Bro's. Five cents each.
nronehltis immediately relieved by ,Slloh's
Cure. For sale by R. C. (irelg, Union.
Go to Jioskowitz'ft nm see jfie in
ducements he oilers j)oy, fpr cash.
SIIILOirS COUfJH and tloiisumptlon
Cure is sold by us on a uuanmtcc. It cures
Consumption. For sale hv I. 0, (irelg.
J. J,. Aberson wH pay tjie highest
market price, cas), for wlicat, oatsinpl
OATAIUIH CURI-D, liiinWinni) sweet
bru;ill secitnid, Ily Shjloh's Calip-fh Rome
eriy, Price 50 cents. Nasal lujcetor Free.
llpskowil? has jqst received a line
line of mens' overcoats, alsodqck lined
SLKBPWJSH NIGHTS, madn miserable
y lat tcrrflilo cough. Shilnfi s Corp U the
eiprdy for you. For sale by R, C. Grcig,
Boskowitsi 1h just received a fjpe
line of ladjos', nieqs', boys' and c))il
drons' Itoota apd shoei.
pi!eiy eurei) by Shiloh's Cure. 'e gqar
untnu it. FupsalubyR, C. Oreiu, Union.
All parties indebted to me aro re
quested to call and settle, either by
note or otherwise, by the 1st. of No
vember ncxt,T-J. L. AhiuiakiOf'.
SIULOIf'S VITAMER is what you
need for Constipation, Los of ApPu"te,
Dizziness, nnri all Myiiijitoiiis of Dyspepsia.
I'rjce in aiii 75 onnts jmr bottle. For sale
by R. 0. (Jroig, the druggist, Union, Or.
Go to Boskowita'w store, Union, for
all kinds of Ladies', Gents', Mioses' and
Boys' Dress floods. IIo Juih just re
ceived them, and will sell them cheap
er than ever before sold in this county
Grnnil Mailt)',
At S. V. McFarren's jewelry store,
Saturday evening, Dec. P.). The great
est number of articles ever included in
one raflle, in Union. All aro invited
to call and seo the articles to bo thrown
for. Highest throw, ladies' fine gold
watch and chain; lowest throw, ehoico
of breakfast or pickle castor; 20 takes
agents' watch charm or locket; 22, a
napkin ring; 2f, a gents' rolled gold
watch chain ; 28, a scarf pin ; !tt), a la
dies' gold ring ; '!, a set of sleeve but
tons ; IiB, a small alarm clock; -10,
agents' gold ring; -12, a scarf pin or
collar button ; 4&, a ladies' lace pin.
Twilve chances to draw out of sixty.
Only to try your luck.
Cure f jr I'llm.
Pilo rc frequently preceded by a senso
of weight In the back, loliu and lower part
of tho abdomen, causing the patient to sup
pose he has some affe tlon of the kidneys or
neighboring organs. At times, symptoms of
hidlgeitloii are present, llatulcnoy, uiieasy
nesN of tho stomach, etc. A moisture Ilk j
perspiration, producing a very disagreeable
I Itching after getting warm, Is u common
j attendant, llllml, Weeding, and Itching
Piles yield at once to the application of Dr.
i Itosanko.s Pile Remedy, which acts directly
upon Hie parts effected, absorbing tho
Tumors, allaying the Intense Itching, and
elfectlny a permanent cure. Prlce,60 cents.
Address, The Dr. Ilos.iuko Medicine Com
pany, PIqua, O. bold by J. T. Wrlidit,
1,'uluu, Oregon.
't.r th I.udlfN.
Mrs. Corhln lias Juit received u large
stock of Funcy OoodH, and now btylrs of
lisw, Ludiai are Invited to cull and look
At thuiu.
In Idaho,
Mooling of Caitlo Grow
er'w Cpnvcfition,
Tiupric in iviiijit
.1 Measure to h IntrniluiM'd In Con.
rcss (ir lnllrr of Citizen Sol
rlri -llitlposc) blatters.
Poise City, Noy. 2-1, 1885.
Ed. Spottj; Even in a country where
wo prepare fpr it by irrigation, a
droutji jins its disagreeable features.
Stockmen, are queasy. Our weather
prophets aro predicting a hard winter
iq ''buckurpp" jmiiance, iv "cow kill
er." The majority of stock raisers
here npike ijo provisions for such an
event, for tjiey siiy jt does qot happen
Dtteijer tpii mjoe jn every ten or fif
teen years. Tljis is jike following in
tje foptstens of the geniqs in Arkan
sas, and Ecepjs like very npor policy,
for when a regujar "froe-cni-np" does
come, lialf a herd aqd oftoq nipro, goes
We are still pressing forward and
jinprpvng the breed otoqr stock. Mr.
Join) Strode Ipiving received tiis week
two car loads (-if heipl) pf 0 dowuy
bulls. Wietier gilt-edge cattlo aro
better fitted to withstand tljo rigors of
a hard winter, yet remains to bo seen,
but one thing we have scejj demon
strated in tjieir favor or lit feast in
favor of Ayrshire nijd Alderneys
tl)ey will l:t(,P ill hettej- upmljtion on
Jess feed t)pin cattje from tl)o raqge.
TJjo fdajio Cattle Gifnyer's Asspcintion
metat Sjosi)qe pn Tqesday, 5"pv. 17f
aipi representatives from a)) tpi stpcU
assopjiions iq Idajip were jifcspp-t.
A grcaf apioqqt of business W'18 traqs,
aeteil. Delegates were elected to at
toqd t)e Natipqa Horse and Cattlo
Grower's Opqveqtion at St. Louis.
U. S. Ifarsjia) Dqbq(s pajpe in from
Rlaelcfpot oq the lit) jqst., Mffth two
large cnap)cs fq pf prjsoqers clov
en U. S. aipl eigit territorial. Seven
of the lot were MPnMf")H convicted of
unlawful cpJiabtatjoi. Tiat fs tho
way we propmo tp Heryp a io)yga
niists who live, as tliey ipive, ip open
deliaqco of die jawapd deccqcy.
T)o Jlpiird pf Ccpiqty Gqipinissjon
ers at tjiejr fast s.essjpq paid $011.25
rabbjt ea-boqqty. Tjiis calls for 18,
225 rabbits killed jn this county du
ring the last quarter; but as Ada is
the only county in the territory that
pays a bounty for rabbit caps wo are
beginning to suspect that a groat njany
are being pushed oq qs fron) neigh
boring enqqties apt eyeq frpip Oregon
and WWliingtnn Territory.
Tjie -'Railway Age" says that "tho
general belief prevails iq Portland, Or
egon, tmt the Chicago aqd Nort)i-wesr
tern system js to bo extended throqgh
to Wyoming, crossing tlm Cascade
nionqtaiqsat .Sfelfeqitie's Pass, striking
the Oregpq !(hd Ouiforqia at Ettgeno
City, 125 miles soutii of Portland, and
thence down to Wiatputto Valley to
the Columbia river." Tliis courso
woujd not bo inconsistent with the
plan foreshadowed ip these coiumns a
few weeks ago. We aqxjously await
developments iij this quarter, for it is
a matter pf vita) importance to our
section of the country, and astipit part
of Oregon through which 'llu r0iul
must neccssarially pass, abounds in
unsurpassed agricultural lands, it
would seem 1 le a matter pf ijo small
moment to ynqr thriving Statu.
It is siijd that a measure for the re
lief of those citizens of Idaho, Oregon
and Washington, who fought in tho
Nez Perce and Bannock Indian wars,
will ho introduced in Congress this
winter. Tie iquiisuru provides for tho
payment of volunteers for their servi
ces, and for horses and aims Jqst, also
to give all volunteers who were woun
ded or disabled, ()r to tho heirs of those
killed, tho benefit of the pension lawn
in tho sumo maniior as if they had
been mustered into the United States
service. Tho volunteers aro to receivo
one dollar per day. for aotual service,
The Scout has sqch a natural mag.
netism in its appearance that it is
often stolen from my table before I
can get a chance to read it. I sup
pose it is because I like it so well my
self, for
" I never loved a tree nor Ilowcr
But 'twas the first to fade away."
V. Eaiii,.
DUhoIutlm Notice.
Notice Is hereby given, that tho partner,
ship heretofore existing between C, F,
Robins ,t Co., In the butcher business, ha
been this day dissolved by mutual consent,
All parties Indebted to said llriu are iiotl.
tied to settle, by Jan. 1st., 1SMI, either with
cash or note. The business will he con-
tinned by Alta-und riant, Heuson,
0. V.. Roiii.vs,
A. M. Rknso:,
H, J. RlIMiO.V,
Union, Or. December 1st. IW'i,
Remaining uncalled for at tho Union post
olllcc, thu month ending Nov. HI, 1835,
Reatty J 0 lloyer Thomas
Collins Dan Collier A F
Cool: (! A Cox Charles
Chrisholm Win J Davis David J
Dnriga Hiram Francis Jav (card)
Fleetwood Miss A Ferguson J K
(iruvam W F llaunon 1)
Honan M F Hyatt N F
Afakln Mrs J C .Steward Arehellons
Wagner Mrs D Williams Miss Annie
Persons railing for above letters, will
please sav 'advertised."
(!co. F. Hall, P. M.. Union, Or,
A itellnble Article.
For enterprise, push and a deslro to get
such goods us will glvu the trade satisfaction,
J. T, Wright, the druggist, leads all coinpe
tltlon. IId i-ells Dr. llosauko's Cough and
Lung Kyrnp, hecnuse Iti the best medlcluo
on the market for cougha, colds, croup and
primary consuiuptiou. Price 00 conU and
il.VO, Samples freo.
llnyward Hand Grenades are the beat.